Close Reading, Hamlet: Act III
Scene 1
1.What instruction is Ophelia given at the beginning of the act?
2. Explain Polonius’ statement: “Tis too much proved, that with devotion’s visage
and pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself.”
3. Copy the line where we see Claudius admit his guilt.
4. Explain at least three examples of figurative language in the “To be” speech.
5. What are Hamlet’s reasons for telling Ophelia to go to a convent?
6. Paraphrase Hamlet’s remarks on page 66 (Lines 144-152)
7. Identify and explain at least 2 figures of speech in Ophelia’s speech (beginning
Line 153)
Scene 2
8. List the complaints Hamlet has about plays and actors – Pages 68 & 69.
9 Give two examples of Hamlet’s rudeness during the performance.
10. Explain Hamlet’s “pipe” metaphor in lines
11. What does Gertrude mean when she says, “The lady doth protest too much,
12. What do you think Ophelia means when she says that Hamlet “is better than a
13. To what purpose does Hamlet use the metaphor of a pipe (wind instrument)?
- begins on line 271.
14. What do you think Hamlet really means when he says to Ronsencrantz, “I lack
advancement.”? Line 347.
15. How is Hamlet’s soliloquy at the end of the scene different from his others?
Scene 4
16. Explain 2 of the 4 allusions in lines 54-89 and give two examples of figurative
17. What does Hamlet mean in lines 179-180?