
Name:_________________________________________________ Period:________ Date:_____________
Chapters 4.1 and 4.2: DNA - Molecule of Life & Cell Growth Through Cell Division
Test Review
1. Draw and label the three parts of a DNA nucleotide?
2. What parts of the DNA make up the backbone or sides of the ladder? ______________________
3. What parts of DNA make up the steps of the ladder? ____________________________________
4. What is the structure of DNA? _____________________________________________________
5. What do the letters in “DNA” stand for? ______________________________________________
6. Where is DNA found in eukaryotic cells? _____________________________________________
7. Where is DNA found in prokaryotic cells? _____________________________________________
8. Write the complementary strand of DNA for CCTGAGTAC? ______________________________
9. What enzyme uncoils/unwinds/unzips DNA when it is replicated? __________________________
10. What types of bonds are found between the nitrogen bases? _____________________________
11. What enzyme attaches nucleotides during replication? __________________________________
12. What is the base pairing rule for the nitrogen bases? ____________________________________
13. Who was credited with determining the structure of DNA? ________________________________
14. What biomolecule is DNA made of? ________________________________________________
15. What is the purpose of DNA replication? _____________________________________________
16. When during the cell cycle is the DNA replicated? ______________________________________
17. Cancer is a disorder in which the cells have lost their ability to control what? _________________
18. What is the function of the spindle fibers during mitosis? _________________________________
19. What is a stem cell? _____________________________________________________________
20. What is differentiation? ___________________________________________________________
21. What are carcinogens? ___________________________________________________________
30. What happens during interphase? __________________________________________________
31. What happens during prophase? ___________________________________________________
32. What happens during metaphase? __________________________________________________
33. What happens during anaphase? ___________________________________________________
34. What happens during telophase? ___________________________________________________
35. What happens during cytokinesis? __________________________________________________
36. After mitosis, each daughter cell will have how many chromosomes? _______________________
37. What happens during transcription? _________________________________________________
38. What happens during translation? __________________________________________________
Directions: Label the diagram below with the following choices:
Phosphate group
Base pair
Hydrogen bond
Nitrogenous base