LAFAYETTE COUNTY C-1 FCCLA OFFICER PACKET Lafayette County C-1 FCCLA Officer Policies & Procedures: To choose our officers for next year we will be holding elections similar to how Regional and State elections are held so you can prepare yourself for running for one of these types of offices in the future. You will need to: 1. Complete the application and turn it in by the due date. 2. Prepare a 1 minute speech about the theme “FCCLA…American Idol Style!” to present. This speech should not be a campaign speech for yourself. It should be a speech promoting FCCLA as a whole. You MAY NOT say “Vote for me...” or anything like this in your speech. 3. Memorize the creed and be prepared to say it aloud. 4. Familiarize yourself with the possible fact and situational questions and answers you may be asked. You will draw one fact and one situational question from the hat and then answer them for the group. Officers are required to: 1. Attend the following functions: -Installations Banquet (Incoming & Outgoing) -All regularly scheduled chapter meetings unless prior Advisor approval is given -As many activities throughout the year you can. If you can’t make it you need prior Advisor approval. -Officer meetings (during the summer and the school year) as needed 2. Encouraged to attend all other meetings, special committees. Your office should be a priority for you even if the activity is not scheduled ahead of time. Flexibility and a positive attitude will make you much more successful in office. During school, officers should maintain at least a C average and miss no more than 6 days per semester. 3. Reason for removal of office shall be: -Missing more than three required events (refer to policy #1) -Failure to perform duties of office -Displays conduct unbecoming of an officer/against school policy according to the handbook -Moving from Lafayette County C-1 School District -Insubordination 4. The procedure for removal will be: FCCLA Executive council will ask for the officer’s resignation. A secret ballot vote (majority) will be taken by the FCCLA Executive Council to accept the resignation. If no resignation is submitted, the Executive Counsil will take the necessary action to remove the officer without resignation. 5. If the office of President should become vacant after the annual election, the Vice president shall serve as President. If any other office becomes vacant other officers shall assume the duties, unless a special election is called by the Executive Council. Officer Application Directions: Type answers, print completed application, hand in to Mrs. B First and Last Name ___________________________________________ Current Grade ____ Your Cell Phone _________________________Email your REGULARLY check _____________________ 1. Are you signed up AND receiving REMIND101 alerts? Y or N 2. What office(s) do you prefer? 3. Will you serve in another office if not elected to preferred office? Y or N 4. How many points have you earned this year on the chart? 5. Did you meet the requirement for going on the spring field trip? Y or N 6. What is your assessment of your involvement in FCCLA this year based on your point score? 7. Give 2 examples of how you have demonstrated your leadership abilities in FCCLA this year. 8. Give 2 examples of how you have demonstrated that you can be depended on to fulfill your obligations in FCCLA as an officer. 9. What are two things you really like about our chapter and why? 10. Describe one idea you would like to do to make our chapter better next year? 11. What else would you like to share about your officer qualifications or potential that could help us in our selection? Parental Authorization for Office As an officer you will be required to attend chapter and officer meetings, and other functions that are appropriate for your office. At times it will be necessary for officers to participate in meetings on school days, at early hours, be away from home, participate in fundraisers and incur some expense. Therefore, your parents should understand this and give their support to you becoming an officer. __________________________ Officer Signature Date ____________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature Date FCCLA CREED TO BE MEMORIZED We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values. For we are the builders of homes, homes for America's future, homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair, homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams. We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America. We face the future with warm courage and high hope. FCCLA Fact Sheet You will be asked one fact question from this sheet and one situational question. An example of a situational question would be “If you saw another FCCLA member cyber bullying another student on Facebook, how would you handle the situation?” 1. FCCLA – Stands for Family Career and Community Leaders of America 2. The organization was founded in 1945 3. The name was changed from FHA to FCCLA in 1999 4. Since the foundation of the organization there have been over 9 million members 5. Purposes: 1. To provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life. 2. To strengthen the function of the family as a unit of society. 3. To encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community. 4. To encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony. 5. To promote greater understanding between youth and adults. 6. To provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities. 7. To prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today’s society. 8. To promote family and consumer sciences and related occupations. 6. Mission Statement: To promote personal growth and leadership development through family and consumer science education. Focusing on the family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through--Character development, Creative and Critical Thinking Interpersonal Communication, Practical knowledge, and Career Preparation 7. Tagline: “FCCLA: The Ultimate Leadership Experience” 8. MO is in the “Central” FCCLA National Region 9. Our chapter is in “Region 12” for Missouri 10. To join FCCLA you must currently be enrolled in or have taken a FACS class and pays dues 11. FACS stands for Family and Consumer Science’s 12. The Planning Process is a simple 5 step method to help members plan chapter activities 13. The Program of Work is a list of chapter plans for the year 14. The colors are red and white. Red symbolizes strength, courage, determination and white symbolizes sincerity of purpose and integrity of action. 15. The flower is the rose because it gives joy through its beauty and fragrance and a desire for beauty in everyday life