VENDOR NET TRANSMISSION COVER LETTER DATE: March 16, 2011 When using Vendor Net, you may submit your bid through one of the following options: U.S. mail, hand-delivery, fax or e-mail. Refer to “SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS”. Regardless of the option used, your bid must be received and time stamped in by Purchasing Services, 432 N. Lake Street, Rm. 104, Madison, WI 53706 , prior to 2:00 PM on the bid due date to be considered on time. Bids not so stamped shall be considered late. Late bids shall be rejected. If you have any questions concerning these instructions, please contact the University of WisconsinExtension Purchasing Services at (608) 262-0164. PURCHASING SERVICES University of Wisconsin-Extension 432 N Lake St, Room 104 Madison, WI 53706 1498 608/262-0164 (Fax) 608/262-0163 1 A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) RFP # EX 11-7102 AGENT: Agent at (608) 262-0164/ FAX: (608) 262-0163 E MAIL: If NO BID (check here) and return. UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN – Extension Computerized Registration and Customer Relationship Management System for: University of Wisconsin – Madison University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee And University of Wisconsin - Extension Issued by: STATE OF WISCONSIN UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION PURCHASING SERVICES Issue Date March 16, 2011 NO PUBLIC OPENING Proposals must be submitted by DUE DATE – April 11, 2011 No later than 2:00 p.m. CDT/CST NOTE TO PROPOSERS: PURCHASING SERVICES University of Wisconsin-Extension 432 N Lake St, Room 104 Madison, WI 53706 1498 608/262-0164 (Fax) 608/262-0163 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 GENERAL INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Introduction and background ................................................................................................................................ 5 1.2 Scope..................................................................................................................................................................... 5 1.3 Procuring and contracting agency ......................................................................................................................... 5 1.4 Definitions ............................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.5 Clarification and/or revisions to the specifications and requirements ................................................................... 6 1.6 Calendar of events ................................................................................................................................................. 6 1.7 Contract term and funding .................................................................................................................................... 6 1.8 VendorNet registration.......................................................................................................................................... 6 PREPARING AND SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................ 7 2.1 General instructions .............................................................................................................................................. 7 2.2 Incurring costs....................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.3 Submitting the proposal ........................................................................................................................................ 7 2.4 Proposal organization and format ......................................................................................................................... 8 2.5 Multiple proposals ................................................................................................................................................ 8 2.6 Demonstrations ..................................................................................................................................................... 8 2.7 Withdrawal of proposals ....................................................................................................................................... 8 PROPOSAL SELECTION AND AWARD PROCESS ........................................................................................................ 9 3.1 Preliminary evaluation .......................................................................................................................................... 9 3.2 Proposal scoring.................................................................................................................................................... 9 3.3 Evaluation criteria ................................................................................................................................................. 9 3.4 Right to reject proposals and negotiate contract terms .......................................................................................... 9 3.5 Award and final offers........................................................................................................................................... 9 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................................... 10 4.1 5.0 6.0 FUNCTIONAL AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................... 10 5.1 Functional requirements ...................................................................................................................................... 10 5.2 Reporting requirements ....................................................................................................................................... 10 5.4 Proposer references ............................................................................................................................................. 10 MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................... 10 6.1 7.0 8.0 9 .0 10.0 Mandatory requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 10 Maintenance and Support requirements .............................................................................................................. 10 DATA REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................................................................................. 10 7.1 Data Elements requirements................................................................................................................................ 10 7.2 Data Conversion requirements ............................................................................................................................ 10 COST PROPOSAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 10 9.1 General instructions on preparing cost proposals................................................................................................ 10 9.2 Format for submitting cost proposals .................................................................................................................. 10 9.3 Fixed price period ............................................................................................................................................... 10 SPECIAL CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS ..................................................................................................... 11 10.1 Payment requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 11 10.2 Prime contractor and minority business subcontractors ...................................................................................... 11 10.3 Executed contract to constitute entire agreement ................................................................................................ 11 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................... 11 3 Standard Terms and Conditions (Requests for Bids/Proposals) (DOA-3054) ............................................................... 12-15 11.0 REQUIRED FORMS .......................................................................................................................................................... 16 Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information (DOA-3027) ............................................................................. 17 Vendor Information (DOA-3477) ....................................................................................................................................... 18 Vendor Reference (DOA-3478) .......................................................................................................................................... 19 RFP Form (DOA-3261) ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Appendices Appendix A: Mandatory Requirements ............................................................................................................... 20 Appendix B: Functional Requirements ............................................................................................................... 21 Appendix C: Maintenance and Support Requirements ....................................................................................... 29 Appendix D: Cost Proposal Format .................................................................................................................... 30 Appendix E: Data Elements required .................................................................................................................. 31 Appendix F: Data Conversion Requirements ...................................................................................................... 36 Appendix G: Reporting Requirements .......................................................................................................... 38-71 4 1.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 Introduction and background The purpose of this document is to provide interested parties with information to enable them to prepare and submit a proposal for a Registration and Customer Relationship Management System for the Universities of Wisconsin Madison, Milwaukee and Extension. The results of this solicitation will be used to award a contract for the system. 1.2 Scope The University of Wisconsin-Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison and University of Wisconsin Milwaukee non-credit Continuing Education faculty and staff serve the Universities by: registering students for programs, scheduling facilities and equipment, providing name tags, tent cards and rosters, processing payments, collecting client demographic data, producing financial reports, providing information about programs, sending confirmation of enrollment to students, and producing student transcripts on request. The Continuing Education Departments’ faculty and staff require improved capabilities for marketing their programs and cost accounting applications to track revenue, expenses and overhead associated with their programming efforts. The purpose of the Request for Proposals (RFP) is to solicit proposals for a continuing education registration, student records and customer relationship management system that meets the operational needs of the Continuing Education departments and also provides marketing and program cost accounting capabilities. 1.3 Procuring and contracting agency This Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by the University of Wisconsin-Extension Purchasing Department which is the sole point of contact for the State of Wisconsin during the selection process. The person responsible for managing the procurement process is Rhonda Loger, Director of Purchasing. The contract resulting from this RFP will be administered by UW-Extension. The contract administrator will be Rhonda Loger. 1.4 Definitions The following definitions are used by the RFP. Agency means the University of Wisconsin-Extension. Proposer/vendor means a firm submitting a proposal in response to this RFP. State means State of Wisconsin. Contractor means proposer awarded the contract. UDDS means unit, division, department and sub-department. 5 1.5 Clarification and/or revisions to the specifications and requirements Any questions concerning this RFP must be submitted in writing via e-mail on or before March 25, 2011 to: Rhonda Loger Director of Purchasing University of Wisconsin-Extension Vendors are expected to raise any questions, exceptions or additions they have concerning the RFP DOCUMENT at this point in the RFP process. If a vendor discovers any significant ambiguity, error, conflict, discrepancy, omission or other deficiency in this RFP, the vendor should notify the above named individual of such error immediately and request modification or clarification of the RFP. In the event that it becomes necessary to provide additional clarifying data or information, or to revise any part of this RFP, revisions/amendments and/or supplements will be provided to all recipients of this initial RFP. Each proposal shall stipulate that it is predicated upon the requirements, terms and conditions of this RFP and any supplements or revisions thereof. Any contact with State employees concerning this RFP are prohibited, except as authorized by the RFP manager during the period from date of release of the RFP until the notice of intent to contract is released. 1.6 Calendar of events Listed below are specific and estimated dates and times of actions related to this Request for Proposal (RFP). The actions with specific dates must be completed as indicated unless otherwise changed by the State. In the event that the State finds it necessary to change any of the specific dates and times in the calendar of events listed below, it will do so by issuing a supplement to this RFP. There may or may not be a formal notification issued for changes in the estimated dates and times. DATE March 16, 2011 March 25, 2011 March 29 , 2011 EVENT Date of issue of the RFP. Last day for submitting written inquires. Mail Notification to Vendors of Supplements or revisions to the RFP Proposals due from vendors. Demonstrations by invited vendors. Notification of intent to award sent to vendors. Contract start date. April 11, 2011 April 26, 2011 (estimate) May 23, 2011 (estimate) June 6, 2011 (estimate) 1.7 Contract term and funding The software license for the Registration System shall be effective on the date indicated on the purchase order or the contract execution date and shall be perpetual, with maintenance to be renewed annually as negotiated by the parties. Options for non-perpetual licenses may be presented as alternate cost proposals under the guidelines listed in Appendix D 6 1.8 VendorNet registration The State of Wisconsin’s purchasing information and vendor notification service is available to all businesses and organizations that want to sell to the State. Anyone may access VendorNet online at to get information on State purchasing practices and policies, goods and services that the State buys, and tips on selling to the State. Vendors may use the same Web site address for inclusion on the bidders list for goods and services that the organization wants to sell to the State. A subscription with notification guarantees the organization will receive an e-mail message each time a state agency, including any campus of the University of Wisconsin System, posts a request for bid or a request for proposal in their designated commodity/service area(s) with an estimated value over $25,000. Organizations without Internet access receive paper copies in the mail. Increasingly, State agencies also are using VendorNet to post simplified bids valued at $25,000 or less. Vendors also may receive e-mail notices of these simplified bid opportunities. 2.0 PREPARING AND SUBMITTING A PROPOSAL 2.1 General instructions The evaluation and selection of a contractor and the contract will be based on the information submitted in the vendor's proposal plus references and any required on-site visits or oral interviews. Failure to respond to each of the requirements in the RFP may be a basis for rejecting a response. Elaborate proposals (e.g., expensive artwork), beyond that sufficient to present a complete and effective proposal, are not necessary or desired. 2.2 Incurring costs The University of Wisconsin-Extension is not liable for any cost incurred by proposers in replying to this RFP. 2.3 Submitting the proposal Proposers must submit an original and nine copies of all materials required for acceptance of their proposal by April 11, 2011 2:00 p.m. CST to: Rhonda Loger Director of Purchasing University of Wisconsin-Extension 432 N. Lake Street, Room 104 Madison, Wisconsin 53706 Hard-copy proposals must be received in the above office by the specified time stated above. All proposals must be time-stamped as accepted by the Purchasing Office by the stated time. Non-stamped proposals will not be accepted. Receipt of a proposal by the State mail system does not constitute receipt of a proposal by the Purchasing Office for purposes of this RFP. The proposers may be asked to provide soft copies of their proposals during the evaluation period. To ensure confidentiality of the document, all proposals must be packaged and sealed and must have the following information on the outside of the package: —Proposer's name and address —Request for proposal title —Request for proposal number EX 11-7102 —Proposal due date April 11, 2011 7 An original plus nine copies of the Cost Proposal (Appendix D) must be sealed and submitted as a separate part of the proposal. The outside of the envelope must be clearly labeled with the words “Cost Proposal, RFP EX 11-7102, the name of the vendor and due date. The cost proposal is due to the addressee on the due date and time noted above. 2.4 Proposal organization and format Proposals should be typed and submitted on 8.5 by 11 inch paper bound securely. Proposals should be organized and presented in the order and by the number assigned in the RFP. Proposals must be organized with the following headings and subheadings. Each heading and subheading should be separated by tabs or otherwise clearly marked. The RFP sections that should be submitted or responded to are: 4.0 Mandatory Requirements (Appendix A) 5.1 Functional Requirements (Appendix B) 5.2 Reporting Requirements (Appendix G) 6.0 Maintenance and Support Requirements (Appendix C) 7.1 Data Elements Requirements (Appendix E) 7.2 Data Conversion Requirements (Appendix F) 8.0 Cost Proposal (Appendix D) separate envelope 11.0 Required forms Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information Vendor Information Vendor Reference RFP Form The vendor must submit its Cost Proposal on the form provided in Appendix D according to the instructions provided. Failure to provide any requested information in the prescribed format may result in disqualification of the proposal. No mention of the cost proposal may be made in the response to the technical requirements of this Request for Proposal. 2.5 Multiple proposals Multiple proposals from a vendor will be permissible; however, each proposal must conform fully to the requirements for proposal submission. Each proposal must be submitted separately and labeled as Proposal #1, Proposal #2, etc. on each page included in the response. Alternate acquisition plans do not constitute multiple proposals. 2.6 Demonstrations Top-scoring vendor(s) may be required to demonstrate the product offered at a UW System site. Failure of a vendor to demonstrate the product(s) it has proposed within the time required may result in rejection of that proposal. Failure of any product(s) to meet the UW-Extension’s specified requirements during the demonstration may result in rejection of the vendor's proposal. Successful demonstration of the vendor's product(s) does not constitute acceptance by the UW System. Any product(s) and/or service(s) furnished by the vendor for the purposes of this demonstration must be identical in every respect to those which will be furnished if a contract results. 2.7 Withdrawal of proposals Proposals shall be irrevocable until contract award unless the proposal is withdrawn. Proposers may withdraw a proposal in writing at any time up to the proposal closing date and time. To accomplish this, the written request must be signed by an authorized representative of the proposer and submitted to the RFP contract person identified in Section 1.5. If a previously submitted proposal is withdrawn before the 8 proposal due date and time, the proposer may submit another proposal at any time up to the proposal closing date and time. 3.0 PROPOSAL SELECTION AND AWARD PROCESS 3.1 Preliminary evaluation The proposals will be reviewed initially to determine if mandatory requirements are met. Failure to meet mandatory requirements listed in Appendix A will result in rejection of the proposal. In the event that all vendors do not meet one or more of the mandatory requirements, the State reserves the right to continue the evaluation of the proposals and to select the proposal which most closely meets the requirements specified in this RFP. 3.2 Proposal scoring Various costing methods and models are available to analyze the cost information and determine the lowest cost to the agency. The agency will select one method for scoring costs and will use it consistently throughout its analysis of all cost proposals. The selected method will be available after the proposal opening by calling the RFP contact person identified in Section 1.5. Accepted proposals will be reviewed by an evaluation committee and scored against the stated criteria. A proposer may not contact any member of an evaluation committee except at the State’s direction. The committee may review references, request interviews, and/or conduct on-site visits and use the results in scoring the proposals. Proposals from certified Minority Business Enterprises may have points weighted by a factor of 1.00 to 1.05 to provide up to a 5 percent preference to these businesses (Wis. Stats. 16.75(3m)). The evaluation committee's scoring will be tabulated and proposals ranked based on the numerical scores received. 3.3 Evaluation criteria The proposals will be scored using the following criteria: Description 3.4 Percent Functionality & Reporting Maintenance & Support Cost 45 30 25 Total: 100 Right to reject proposals and negotiate contract terms The State reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. The State may negotiate the terms of the contract, including the award amount, with the selected proposer prior to entering into a contract. If contract negotiations cannot be concluded successfully with the highest scoring proposer, the agency may negotiate a contract with the next highest scoring proposer. 3.5 Award and final offers The State will compile the final scores (technical and cost) for each proposal. The award will be granted in one of two ways. The award may be granted to the highest scoring responsive and responsible proposer. Alternatively, the highest scoring proposer or proposers may be requested to submit final and best offers. If final and best offers are requested by the State and submitted by the vendor, they will be evaluated against the stated criteria and scored and ranked by the evaluation committee. The award then will be granted to the highest scoring proposer. However, a proposer should not expect that the State will request a final and best offer. 9 4.0 MANDATORY REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Mandatory requirements The following requirements, listed in detail in Appendix A, are mandatory and the proposer must satisfy them. 4.1.1 Technical Requirements 4.1.2 5.0 Financial Stability FUNCTIONAL AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS 5.1 Functional Requirements (see Appendix B) 5.2 Reporting Requirements (see Appendix G) 5.3 Proposer references Proposers must include a list of all organizations with whom the proposer has done business similar to that required by this solicitation within the last three years. This information should be provided in the format listed on the Vendor Reference Form included with this RFP. For each organization, the proposer must include the name, title, address and telephone number of a contact person along with a brief description of the project or assignment which was the basis for the business relationship. The procuring agency will determine which, if any, references to contact to assess the quality of work performed and personnel assigned to the project. The results of any references will be provided to the evaluation committee and used in scoring the proposal. 6.0 MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 7.0 8.0 Maintenance and Support Requirements (see Appendix C) DATA REQUIREMENTS 7.1 Data Elements Required (see Appendix E) 7.2 Data Conversion Requirements (see Appendix F) COST PROPOSAL 8.1 General instructions on preparing cost proposals The cost proposal should be submitted in a separate envelope from the written proposal. The proposal will be scored using a standard quantitative calculation where the most points will be awarded to the proposal with the lowest cost. Various costing methods and models are available to analyze the cost information submitted to determine the lowest costs to the State. The State will select one method and use it consistently throughout its analysis. The cost methodology will be available at the time the proposals are due. 8.2 Format for submitting cost proposals Cost proposals should be submitted in the format specified in Appendix C. 8.3 Fixed price period All prices, costs and conditions outlined in the proposal shall remain fixed and valid for acceptance for 60 calendar days starting on the due date for proposals. 10 9.0 SPECIAL CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 9.1 Payments requirements The payment schedule and associated testing and acceptance schedule will be negotiated at the time of award. 9.2 Prime contractor and minority business subcontractors The prime contractor will be responsible for contract performance when subcontractors are used. However, when subcontractors are used, they must abide by all terms and conditions of the contract. If subcontractors are to be used, the proposer must clearly explain their participation. The State of Wisconsin is committed to the promotion of minority business in the state's purchasing program and a goal of placing 5% of its total purchasing dollars with certified minority businesses. Authority for this program is found in ss. 15.107(2), 16.75(4), 16.75(5) and 560.036(2), Wisconsin Statutes. The contracting agency is committed to the promotion of minority business in the state's purchasing program. The State of Wisconsin policy provides that minority-owned business enterprises certified by the Wisconsin Department of Commerce, Bureau of Minority Business Development should have the maximum opportunity to participate in the performance of its contracts. The supplier/contractor is strongly urged to use due diligence to further this policy by awarding subcontracts to minority-owned business enterprises or by using such enterprises to provide goods and services incidental to this agreement, with a goal of awarding at least 5% of the contract price to such enterprises. 9.3 Executed contract to constitute entire agreement In the event of contract award, the contents of this RFP (including all attachments), RFP addenda and revisions, and the proposal of the successful proposer, and additional terms agreed to, in writing, by the agency and the contractor shall become part of the contract. Failure of the successful proposer to accept these as a contractual agreement may result in cancellation of the award. The following priority for contract documents will be used if there are conflicts or disputes. Software License Agreement signed by the parties Official Purchase Orders and any corresponding Statements of Work Vendor's Proposal Dated April 11, 2011 (due date) State Request for Proposal Dated March 16, 2011 Standard Terms and Conditions 10.0 STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The State of Wisconsin reserves the right to incorporate standard State contract provisions into any contract negotiated with any proposal submitted responding to this RFP (Standard Terms and Conditions (DOA-3054)). Failure of the successful proposer to accept these obligations in a contractual agreement may result in cancellation of the award. 11 Wisconsin Department of Administration Chs. 16, 19, 51 DOA-3054 (R09/2004) Standard Terms And Conditions (Request For Bids / Proposals) 1.0 2.0 of the price increase, and shall be limited to fully documented cost increases to the contractor which are demonstrated to be industrywide. The conditions under which price increases may be granted shall be expressed in bid/proposal documents and contracts or agreements. SPECIFICATIONS: The specifications in this request are the minimum acceptable. When specific manufacturer and model numbers are used, they are to establish a design, type of construction, quality, functional capability and/or performance level desired. When alternates are bid/proposed, they must be identified by manufacturer, stock number, and such other information necessary to establish equivalency. The State of Wisconsin shall be the sole judge of equivalency. Bidders/proposers are cautioned to avoid bidding alternates to the specifications which may result in rejection of their bid/proposal. 6.3 DEVIATIONS AND EXCEPTIONS: Deviations and exceptions from original text, terms, conditions, or specifications shall be described fully, on the bidder's/proposer's letterhead, signed, and attached to the request. In the absence of such statement, the bid/proposal shall be accepted as in strict compliance with all terms, conditions, and specifications and the bidders/proposers shall be held liable. In determination of award, discounts for early payment will only be considered when all other conditions are equal and when payment terms allow at least fifteen (15) days, providing the discount terms are deemed favorable. All payment terms must allow the option of net thirty (30). 7.0 UNFAIR SALES ACT: Prices quoted to the State of Wisconsin are not governed by the Unfair Sales Act. 8.0 ACCEPTANCE-REJECTION: The State of Wisconsin reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids/proposals, to waive any technicality in any bid/proposal submitted, and to accept any part of a bid/proposal as deemed to be in the best interests of the State of Wisconsin. Bids/proposals MUST be date and time stamped by the soliciting purchasing office on or before the date and time that the bid/proposal is due. Bids/proposals date and time stamped in another office will be rejected. Receipt of a bid/proposal by the mail system does not constitute receipt of a bid/proposal by the purchasing office. 9.0 3.0 QUALITY: Unless otherwise indicated in the request, all material shall be first quality. Items which are used, demonstrators, obsolete, seconds, or which have been discontinued are unacceptable without prior written approval by the State of Wisconsin. 4.0 QUANTITIES: The quantities shown on this request are based on estimated needs. The state reserves the right to increase or decrease quantities to meet actual needs. 5.0 DELIVERY: Deliveries shall be F.O.B. destination freight prepaid and included unless otherwise specified. METHOD OF AWARD: Award shall be made to the lowest responsible, responsive bidder unless otherwise specified. 6.0 PRICING AND DISCOUNT: The State of Wisconsin qualifies for governmental discounts and its educational institutions also qualify for educational discounts. Unit prices shall reflect these discounts. 10.0 ORDERING: Purchase orders or releases via purchasing cards shall be placed directly to the contractor by an authorized agency. No other purchase orders are authorized. 6.1 Unit prices shown on the bid/proposal or contract shall be the price per unit of sale (e.g., gal., cs., doz., ea.) as stated on the request or contract. For any given item, the quantity multiplied by the unit price shall establish the extended price, the unit price shall govern in the bid/proposal evaluation and contract administration. 6.2 Prices established in continuing agreements and term contracts may be lowered due to general market conditions, but prices shall not be subject to increase for ninety (90) calendar days from the date of award. Any increase proposed shall be submitted to the contracting agency thirty (30) calendar days before the proposed effective date 11.0 PAYMENT TERMS AND INVOICING: The State of Wisconsin normally will pay properly submitted vendor invoices within thirty (30) days of receipt providing goods and/or services have been delivered, installed (if required), and accepted as specified. Invoices presented for payment must be submitted in accordance with instructions contained on the purchase order including reference to purchase order number and submittal to the correct address for processing. A good faith dispute creates an exception to prompt payment. 12 DOA-3054 overcharges as to goods, materials or services purchased in connection with this contract. 12.0 TAXES: The State of Wisconsin and its agencies are exempt from payment of all federal tax and Wisconsin state and local taxes on its purchases except Wisconsin excise taxes as described below. 17.0 ASSIGNMENT: No right or duty in whole or in part of the contractor under this contract may be assigned or delegated without the prior written consent of the State of Wisconsin. The State of Wisconsin, including all its agencies, is required to pay the Wisconsin excise or occupation tax on its purchase of beer, liquor, wine, cigarettes, tobacco products, motor vehicle fuel and general aviation fuel. However, it is exempt from payment of Wisconsin sales or use tax on its purchases. The State of Wisconsin may be subject to other states' taxes on its purchases in that state depending on the laws of that state. Contractors performing construction activities are required to pay state use tax on the cost of materials. 18.0 WORK CENTER CRITERIA: A work center must be certified under s. 16.752, Wis. Stats., and must ensure that when engaged in the production of materials, supplies or equipment or the performance of contractual services, not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of the total hours of direct labor are performed by severely handicapped individuals. 19.0 NONDISCRIMINATION / AFFIRMATIVE ACTION: In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, religion, color, handicap, sex, physical condition, developmental disability as defined in s. 51.01(5), Wis. Stats., sexual orientation as defined in s. 111.32(13m), Wis. Stats., or national origin. This provision shall include, but not be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. Except with respect to sexual orientation, the contractor further agrees to take affirmative action to ensure equal employment opportunities. 13.0 GUARANTEED DELIVERY: Failure of the contractor to adhere to delivery schedules as specified or to promptly replace rejected materials shall render the contractor liable for all costs in excess of the contract price when alternate procurement is necessary. Excess costs shall include the administrative costs. 14.0 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: These Standard Terms and Conditions shall apply to any contract or order awarded as a result of this request except where special requirements are stated elsewhere in the request; in such cases, the special requirements shall apply. Further, the writtencontract and/or order with referenced parts and attachments shall constitute the entire agreement and no other terms and conditions in any document, acceptance, or acknowledgment shall be effective or binding unless expressly agreed to in writing by the contracting authority. 19.1 Contracts estimated to be over twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) require the submission of a written affirmative action plan by the contractor. An exemption occurs from this requirement if the contractor has a workforce of less than twenty-five (25) employees. Within fifteen (15) working days after the contract is awarded, the contractor must submit the plan to the contracting state agency for approval. Instructions on preparing the plan and technical assistance regarding this clause are available from the contracting state agency. 15.0 APPLICABLE LAW AND COMPLIANCE: This contract shall be governed under the laws of the State of Wisconsin. The contractor shall at all times comply with and observe all federal and state laws, local laws, ordinances, and regulations which are in effect during the period of this contract and which in any manner affect the work or its conduct. The State of Wisconsin reserves the right to cancel this contract if the contractor fails to follow the requirements of s. 77.66, Wis. Stats., and related statutes regarding certification for collection of sales and use tax. The State of Wisconsin also reserves the right to cancel this contract with any federally debarred contractor or a contractor that is presently identified on the list of parties excluded from federal procurement and non-procurement contracts.. 19.2 The contractor agrees to post in conspicuous places, available for employees and applicants for employment, a notice to be provided by the contracting state agency that sets forth the provisions of the State of Wisconsin's nondiscrimination law. 16.0 ANTITRUST ASSIGNMENT: The contractor and the State of Wisconsin recognize that in actual economic practice, overcharges resulting from antitrust violations are in fact usually borne by the State of Wisconsin (purchaser). Therefore, the contractor hereby assigns to the State of Wisconsin any and all claims for such 19.3 Failure to comply with the conditions of this clause may result in the contractor's becoming declared an "ineligible" contractor, termination of the contract, or withholding of payment. 13 DOA-3054 failure of the contractor to comply with terms, conditions, and specifications of this contract. 20.0 PATENT INFRINGEMENT: The contractor selling to the State of Wisconsin the articles described herein guarantees the articles were manufactured or produced in accordance with applicable federal labor laws. Further, that the sale or use of the articles described herein will not infringe any United States patent. The contractor covenants that it will at its own expense defend every suit which shall be brought against the State of Wisconsin (provided that such contractor is promptly notified of such suit, and all papers therein are delivered to it) for any alleged infringement of any patent by reason of the sale or use of such articles, and agrees that it will pay all costs, damages, and profits recoverable in any such suit. 25.0 VENDOR TAX DELINQUENCY: Vendors who have a delinquent Wisconsin tax liability may have their payments offset by the State of Wisconsin. 26.0 PUBLIC RECORDS ACCESS: It is the intention of the state to maintain an open and public process in the solicitation, submission, review, and approval of procurement activities. Bid/proposal openings are public unless otherwise specified. Records may not be available for public inspection prior to issuance of the notice of intent to award or the award of the contract. 21.0 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS: All materials, equipment, and supplies provided to the State of Wisconsin must comply fully with all safety requirements as set forth by the Wisconsin Administrative Code and all applicable OSHA Standards. 27.0 PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: Any restrictions on the use of data contained within a request, must be clearly stated in the bid/proposal itself. Proprietary information submitted in response to a request will be handled in accordance with applicable State of Wisconsin procurement regulations and the Wisconsin public records law. Proprietary restrictions normally are not accepted. However, when accepted, it is the vendor's responsibility to defend the determination in the event of an appeal or litigation. 22.0 WARRANTY: Unless otherwise specifically stated by the bidder/proposer, equipment purchased as a result of this request shall be warranted against defects by the bidder/proposer for one (1) year from date of receipt. The equipment manufacturer's standard warranty shall apply as a minimum and must be honored by the contractor. 27.1 Data contained in a bid/proposal, all documentation provided therein, and innovations developed as a result of the contracted commodities or services cannot by copyrighted or patented. All data, documentation, and innovations become the property of the State of Wisconsin. 23.0 INSURANCE RESPONSIBILITY: The contractor performing services for the State of Wisconsin shall: 23.1 Maintain worker's compensation insurance as required by Wisconsin Statutes, for all employees engaged in the work. 27.2 Any material submitted by the vendor in response to this request that the vendor considers confidential and proprietary information and which qualifies as a trade secret, as provided in s. 19.36(5), Wis. Stats., or material which can be kept confidential under the Wisconsin public records law, must be identified on a Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information form (DOA-3027). Bidders/proposers may request the form if it is not part of the Request for Bid/Request for Proposal package. Bid/proposal prices cannot be held confidential. 23.2 Maintain commercial liability, bodily injury and property damage insurance against any claim(s) which might occur in carrying out this agreement/contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) liability for bodily injury and property damage including products liability and completed operations. Provide motor vehicle insurance for all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles that are used in carrying out this contract. Minimum coverage shall be one million dollars ($1,000,000) per occurrence combined single limit for automobile liability and property damage. 23.3 The state reserves the right to require higher or lower limits where warranted. 24.0 CANCELLATION: The State of Wisconsin reserves the right to cancel any contract in whole or in part without penalty due to nonappropriation of funds or for 14 DOA-3054 28.0 DISCLOSURE: If a state public official (s. 19.42, Wis. Stats.), a member of a state public official's immediate family, or any organization in which a state public official or a member of the official's immediate family owns or controls a ten percent (10%) interest, is a party to this agreement, and if this agreement involves payment of more than three thousand dollars ($3,000) within a twelve (12) month period, this contract is voidable by the state unless appropriate disclosure is made according to s. 19.45(6), Wis. Stats., before signing the contract. Disclosure must be made to the State of Wisconsin Ethics Board, 44 East Mifflin Street, Suite 601, Madison, Wisconsin 53703 (Telephone 608266-8123). 32.0 HOLD HARMLESS: The contractor will indemnify and save harmless the State of Wisconsin and all of its officers, agents and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character brought for or on account of any injuries or damages received by any persons or property resulting from the operations of the contractor, or of any of its contractors, in prosecuting work under this agreement. 33.0 FOREIGN CORPORATION: A foreign corporation (any corporation other than a Wisconsin corporation) which becomes a party to this Agreement is required to conform to all the requirements of Chapter 180, Wis. Stats., relating to a foreign corporation and must possess a certificate of authority from the Wisconsin Department of Financial Institutions, unless the corporation is transacting business in interstate commerce or is otherwise exempt from the requirement of obtaining a certificate of authority. Any foreign corporation which desires to apply for a certificate of authority should contact the Department of Financial Institutions, Division of Corporation, P. O. Box 7846, Madison, WI 53707-7846; telephone (608) 261-7577. State classified and former employees and certain University of Wisconsin faculty/staff are subject to separate disclosure requirements, s. 16.417, Wis. Stats. 29.0 RECYCLED MATERIALS: The State of Wisconsin is required to purchase products incorporating recycled materials whenever technically and economically feasible. Bidders are encouraged to bid products with recycled content which meet specifications. 34.0 WORK CENTER PROGRAM: The successful bidder/proposer shall agree to implement processes that allow the State agencies, including the University of Wisconsin System, to satisfy the State's obligation to purchase goods and services produced by work centers certified under the State Use Law, s.16.752, Wis. Stat. This shall result in requiring the successful bidder/proposer to include products provided by work centers in its catalog for State agencies and campuses or to block the sale of comparable items to State agencies and campuses. 30.0 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: If any item(s) on an order(s) resulting from this award(s) is a hazardous chemical, as defined under 29CFR 1910.1200, provide one (1) copy of a Material Safety Data Sheet for each item with the shipped container(s) and one (1) copy with the invoice(s). 31.0 PROMOTIONAL ADVERTISING / NEWS RELEASES: Reference to or use of the State of Wisconsin, any of its departments, agencies or other subunits, or any state official or employee for commercial promotion is prohibited. News releases pertaining to this procurement shall not be made without prior approval of the State of Wisconsin. Release of broadcast e-mails pertaining to this procurement shall not be made without prior written authorization of the contracting agency. 15 11.0 REQUIRED FORMS The following forms must be completed and submitted with the proposal in accordance with the instructions given in Section 2.4. Blank forms are attached. Designation of Confidential and Proprietary Information (DOA-3027) Vendor Information (DOA-3477) Vendor Reference (DOA-3478) RFP Form (DOA-3261) 16 STATE OF WISCONSIN DOA-3027 N(R01/98) DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIAL AND PROPRIETARY INFORMATION The attached material submitted in response to Proposal # EX 11-7102 includes proprietary and confidential information which qualifies as a trade secret, as provided in s. 19.36(5), Wis. Stats., or is otherwise material that can be kept confidential under the Wisconsin Open Records Law. As such, we ask that certain pages, as indicated below, of this bid/proposal response be treated as confidential material and not be released without our written approval. Prices always become public information when bids/proposals are opened, and therefore cannot be kept confidential. Other information cannot be kept confidential unless it is a trade secret. Trade secret is defined in s. 134.90(1)(c), Wis. Stats. as follows: "Trade secret" means information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique or process to which all of the following apply: 1. The information derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to, and not being readily ascertainable by proper means by, other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use. 2. The information is the subject of efforts to maintain its secrecy that are reasonable under the circumstances. We request that the following pages not be released Section Page # Topic _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ IN THE EVENT THE DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY OF THIS INFORMATION IS CHALLENGED, THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY AGREES TO PROVIDE LEGAL COUNSEL OR OTHER NECESSARY ASSISTANCE TO DEFEND THE DESIGNATION OF CONFIDENTIALITY AND AGREES TO HOLD THE STATE HARMLESS FOR ANY COSTS OR DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE STATE'S AGREEING TO WITHHOLD THE MATERIALS. Failure to include this form in the bid/proposal response may mean that all information provided as part of the bid/proposal response will be open to examination and copying. The state considers other markings of confidential in the bid/proposal document to be insufficient. The undersigned agrees to hold the state harmless for any damages arising out of the release of any materials unless they are specifically identified above. Company Name ___________________________________________ Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ Signature Authorized Representative ___________________________________________ Type or Print Date ___________________________________________ This document can be made available in accessible formats to qualified individuals with disabilities. 17 STATE OF WISCONSIN DOA-3477 (R05/98) Bid / Proposal # EX 11-7102 Commodity / Service VENDOR INFORMATION 1. BIDDING / PROPOSING COMPANY NAME FEIN Phone ( ) Toll Free Phone FAX ( ) E-Mail Address ( ) Address City 2. State Zip + 4 Name the person to contact for questions concerning this bid / proposal. Name Title Phone ( ) Toll Free Phone FAX ( ) E-Mail Address ( ) Address City 3. State Zip + 4 Any vendor awarded over $25,000 on this contract must submit affirmative action information to the department. Please name the Personnel / Human Resource and Development or other person responsible for affirmative action in the company to contact about this plan. Name Title Phone ( ) Toll Free Phone FAX ( ) E-Mail Address ( ) Address City 4. State Zip + 4 Mailing address to which state purchase orders are mailed and person the department may contact concerning orders and billings. Name Title Phone ( ) Toll Free Phone FAX ( ) E-Mail Address ( ) Address City 5. State Zip + 4 CEO / President Name This document can be made available in accessible formats to qualified individuals with disabilities. 18 STATE OF WISCONSIN Bid / Proposal # EX 11-7102 DOA-3478 (R12/96) VENDOR REFERENCE FOR VENDOR: Provide company name, address, contact person, telephone number, and appropriate information on the product(s) and/or service(s) used for four (4) or more installations with requirements similar to those included in this solicitation document. If vendor is proposing any arrangement involving a third party, the named references should also be involved in a similar arrangement. Company Name Address (include Zip + 4) Contact Person Phone No. Product(s) and/or Service(s) Used Company Name Address (include Zip + 4) Contact Person Phone No. Product(s) and/or Service(s) Used Company Name Address (include Zip + 4) Contact Person Phone No Product(s) and/or Service(s) Used Company Name Address (include Zip + 4) Contact Person Phone No. Product(s) and/or Service(s) Used This document can be made available in accessible formats to qualified individuals with disabilities. 19 Appendix A: Mandatory Requirements A. Technical Requirements – Proposer must indicate whether the proposed system meets the following requirements. A1. System must be 100% web-based and compatible with a Microsoft Windows environment. A2. System access must be limited according to user level, with field level security where appropriate A3. System must be accessible by Macintosh users. A4. Client workstation configuration must be within desktop industry standards A5. System must be able to support multiple divisions as a single institution A6. B. A5.1 Individual divisions shall not access or view facilities or data of another division without permission A5.2 Institutional office shall be able to access summaries of data or facilities of all divisions either through queries or standardized/customized reports System must permit a minimum of 75 concurrent users of the core system across all of UW-Extension, UW-Madison and UW-Milwaukee. Financial Stability The proposer must be financially stable as solely determined by the University. The information below comprising the proposer's financial capacity report will be used to determine the financial stability and capability of the prospective vendor. The following information which should be included: Sources of financing (shareholders, venture capital, etc.) Bank references Last two annual reports and all quarterly reports since the last annual report Identify the Parent Corporation and any subsidiaries Other Data as outlined below: Category Formula Current Ratio Profit Margin Debt Ratio Return on Assets Current Assets/Current Liabilities Net Income/Net Sales Total Debt/Assets Net Income/Average Total Assets 20 Appendix B: Functional, Requirements Describe how the proposed system meets the following Functional requirements: 1. Security & Access 1.1. Provide security measures to prevent unauthorized access to student, program/course, reporting, financial or any other sensitive information including credit card data. 1.2. Provide open access to course offerings, course profiles, instructor profiles and/or any other nonsensitive information that may be of interest to the public. 1.4 System user logins to be efficiently monitored, including varying permission/access levels. 1.5 System must be able to encrypt sensitive data and run effectively between sites with firewalls. 1.6 System must meet all compliance requirements related to PCI Data Security Standards and FERPA. (Must not store credit card information on database.) 2. Registration, Student and Program/Course 2.1. Provide ability to add, change, delete and display registration information (student/course assignment) from a variety of sources including telephone, mail, fax, voice mail, e-mail and Internet. 2.1.1. At the time of registration, system should provide the ability to capture information about “source” and “awareness” (see 4.3). 2.2. Provide ability to add, change, delete and display student information, including name, address, title, telephone number, e-mail, billing address, fax number, demographics and fee adjustments 2.3. Application must allow Web-based, real-time registrations and credit card payments 2.4. Provide ability for various web registration templates based on program specifics. 2.5. Provide confirmation page with complete registration information available to print after submission of registration, which should include a text area that could be populated with program specific information. 2.5.1. 2.5.2. 2.6. 2.7. Provide ability to send confirmation notices via e-mail. Provide ability to produce a printed confirmation for a “workshop” or “sub-session” within a program/course with pertinent information for that event, i.e., location, time, etc. which may differ from the main course. Provide ability to add, change, delete and display program/course information. Include multiple options for fees and/or workshops and set capacity limits. System should be able to handle nonconsecutive course meeting dates for a program. Provide ability to add, change, delete and display instructor information. 21 2.8. Provide for local and remote printing of rosters, name tags, tent cards, certificates and other reports needed by registration office staff, instructors and various departmental personnel. Must be flexible and customizable, for example; being able to add various (departmental or company) logos to these items. 2.9. Provide ability to add, change, delete and display breakout sessions or workshops for a program/course as well as multiple site programs. 2.10. Provide ability to maintain counts for separate events and separate fees within a program. Produce rosters/lists of each including set limits. 2.11. Provide ability to display alternate program/course information as sub-function of registration. 2.12. Provide wait-list ability for merging prospective students into available and active programs/courses. 2.12.1. Provide ability to display in date-received or alphabetic order. 2.12.2. Provide wait list letter to student and ability to print a “wait list” roster. 2.13. Provide ability to limit field lengths, for example – company name is limited to a certain field length for specific documents and the field should reflect that limitation 2.14. Provide ability to search by student, last name, first name and system will display reasonable options to select from in order to build on existing record and reduce duplicates. 2.15. Provide ability for multiple users to register students to the same program/course at the same time. 2.16. Provide ability to mass transfer all registrants and financial information from one program/course to another or from one workshop or sub-session to another. 2.17. Provide the ability to mass cancel “Cancelled Program.” This should include the following: 2.17.1. Refund specific to type of payment. 2.17.2. Immediate e-mail notification to participant which should include alternate course information, refund options (including rescheduling the course, apply for a different course or cash refund). 2.18. Provide the ability to enter multiple registrations per company per program and the ability to make changes to each participant. This should include the ability to register students to be named at a later date. 2.19. Provide the ability to enter the same registrant to multiple program offerings. 2.20. Provide the ability to transfer registrants from one program to another, including financial records. 22 2.21. Provide the ability to enter multiple addresses per registrant (minimum of 3) through the web registration form, i.e. confirming address, billing address and company address (roster), with one listed as the default address. In addition, provide ability to enter 2nd e-mail address for billing. 2.22. Provide ability to distribute confirmation notices/invoices to appropriate student address (fax. Email, letters) with the ability to add custom logo to confirmations by department/program. 2.22.1. Provide automatic e-mail confirmation when appropriate. 2.23. Provide ability to add, change, delete and review registrations using telephone or Internet access. 2.24. Provide a process to maintain data integrity. 2.24.1. Provide ability to identify potential duplicate entries/individuals/companies before and after creating new records. 2.24.2. Provide a process for merging duplicate individual/companies (where each separate record’s course information is merged into the new record as well). 2.25. Include various data search options by fiscal year, UDDS, program, fund, date, program title or account criteria. 2.26. Provide a method for handling international students (collection of money, telephone number, fax number, e-mail and other addresses). 2.27. Provide ability to record enrollments for sessions that are not registered directly through the registrations department. 2.28. Provide ability to combine duplicate person and company records. 2.29. Provide ability to enter a range of CEU’s per program or sub-session and calculate total CEU’s earned per student. 2.30. Provide ability to adjust or change CEU’s per student. 2.31. Provide ability to visually flag delinquent accounts (individuals and companies). 2.32. Provide ability to visually flag “special program comments.” 2.33. Provide ability to set up program data specific to a department (i.e., SBDC) 2.34. Provide ability to collect student data specific to a department (i.e., SBDC federal reporting requirements). 2.35. Provide ability to collect demographic data, i.e., race, ethnicity, birth date, veteran’s status, occupation, gender, marital status (?), handicapped (?) or possibly additional fields as required. 23 3. Financial 3.1. Record and track collection or non-collection of student fees. 3.2. Create billing information for students or companies. 3.3. Create billing and other various financial transactions resulting from the collection of student fees and recording of expenses. 3.4. Produce daily and monthly financial reports (see Appendix F). 3.5. Include a flexible date range format to generate reports. 3.6. Provide totaling and “roll up” capabilities for selected reports. 3.7. Reports available by UDDS, department, fiscal year, program, fund, monthly accounting period or account criteria utilizing identified field criteria. 3.8. Create an Outstanding Accounts Receivable report by UDDS. 3.9. Provide for credit card verification and security when entering real-time student registrations. 3.10. Provide for three digit tax rates for county, city or other taxable entities. 3.11. Provide ability to export financial data. 3.12. Maintain internal/external financial data protection. 3.13. Provide ability to produce daily deposit report per registration specialist to include checks, credit card, and cash payment entries. 4. Marketing 4.1. Provide for segmentation of records by zip code, title, business sector (SIC) and size of company. 4.2. Allow selection of mail lists sort able by various criteria including professional and personal interest areas and the above segmentation criteria. 4.3. Allow tracking and campaign marketing of mail lists and mail list effectiveness on a program basis including the utilization of “source” and “awareness” information as applicable based on the campaign. 4.4. 4.5. Provide a hierarchical “layered” interest code structure at the departmental level. Web-based registration information should be incorporated into department Web site with ability to capture specific marketing information. 4.6. Provide a Web-based survey/evaluation component. 4.7. Provide ability to attach “value added” options to a given program offering alternative. 24 4.8. Provide ability to market a wide range of organizational contacts. 4.9. Provide ability to relate customers to various interest items. 4.10. Provide registration trend analysis and program history. 4.11. Provide a database of mailing lists selectable by program, list and/or date and ability to export data. 4.12. Provide ability to import data from purchased lists or existing mail marketing systems. 4.13. Provide ability to accumulate information and report on the conversion rate – the rate of orders to site visits. **This last item is not required but would be considered a plus in the evaluation. 4.14. Provide ability to manage marketing campaign coordinating multiple sources, materials and messages as well as responses across multiple marketing vehicles. 5. Student Records 5.1. Provide ability to add, change, delete and review student records (i.e. names, addresses, demographics, CEUs, grades, dates and credits). 5.2. Provide ability to track certificate program components and participants and ability to export that data. 5.3. Provide ability to produce transcripts on demand (Course type (i.e. “Continuing Educ” for non-credit classes), Title of course/program, end date, CEU’s awarded and grade). 5.4. Provide ability to interface with existing UW-Extension Students Records system. 5.5. Provide ability to combine duplicate and/or multiple records for an individual student. 6. Application Interface (data import/export) 6.1. Provide reporting ability or means to export data to meet the Continuing Education Extension reporting requirements. 6.2. Provide ability to produce required outputs to support registration office operational needs. 6.3. Provide ability to generate mail/e-mail campaigns. 6.4. Provide easy access to data extraction. 6.5. Provide flexible report generation to respond to “core” required and ad hoc requests for information available in multiple formats. 6.6. Provide survey based pre/post-event data gathering for tracking/marketing purposes. 25 6.7. Provide ability to use queries involving “wild card” searches. Results include data within given selection criteria. 6.8. Provide ability to report registration history annually, quarterly by fiscal year and UDDS. 6.9. Provide ability to collect and store all data required for registration, marketing, financial and department level requirements. 6.10. Provide list generated for various counts requested. 6.11. Provide ability to combine customer/company information to create a “marketing profile.” 6.12. Provide custom identified fields consistent with current database and record formats. 6.13. Provide for expansion of data to respond to new Board of Regents or Legislative requirements. 6.14. Provide a four digit year format (CCYY). 6.15. Convert existing data to formats compatible with proposed software. 6.16. Provide the ability to automatically derive the city and state when the zip code is entered. 6.17. Provide an interface to academic department cost accounting systems to eliminate redundant entry. 6.18. Provide a data element that will suppress inclusion of an individual on a class roster or mailing if so requested by the individual. 6.19. Provide an operator identifier and date of last update for each record type for audit purposes. 6.20. Provide a data element that is individual’s “nickname” as an option on name tags. 6.21. Provide a seven position extension number with each telephone number. 6.22. Provide ability to interface to external systems (e.g. Address Standardization). 6.23. Provide ability to cross-reference data sources originating from personal, financial, course, and company information. 6.24. Provide ability to extract person-related data involving name, address, contact, title, affiliation, order number, departmental code, session number and student number fields. 6.25. Person selection criteria options generated from session number, UDDS, registration ID, order number and/or student number fields. 6.26. Provide ability to extract session-related data involving name, address, contact info, title, affiliation, order number, departmental code, session number, session dates, registration status and student number fields. 6.27. Provide ability to extract course-related information involving registered course(s) taken by a person (historical) based on a given registration date range. 26 6.28. Provide an effective data filtering mechanism during generated lists/queries (e.g. duplicate records). 6.29. Provide ability to extract financial activity based on person, company, or course-related information, including balance due and original registration fee amounts. 6.30. Provide totaling capabilities for generated lists/queries involving counts and preferred financial data (such as revenues) based on selected search criteria. 6.31. Provide ability to code participants by interest criteria. 6.32. Provide ability to extract information on the number of enrollees per company, by date range. 6.33. Provide ability to collect optional demographic information. 6.34. Provide ability to code by profession and SIC code. 6.35. Provide reports that list all participants attending a given program (by owner code), including program history. 6.36. Provide easy access to session rosters on-line, allowing variations in the ways the data can be sorted. 6.37. Provide a report breakdown of all participants and their degrees, no shows, fees, etc. A program closeout-type report. 6.38. Provide ability to vary fields displayed on a roster list. One report may have name information while another variation may include address and contact information. 6.39. Provide a report by UDDS of the number of registrants, including totals for those registered, cancelled, instructors and guests. If the program cancels, provide a total of registrants, cancellations and guests. Specify by a data range. 6.40. Allow data entered to be “normalized” with correct address information and searchable by address. 6.41. Provide for external systems to import data from multiple linked/related tables via an open standards based protocol (ODBC, XML, Web services, etc) in common formats (text, CSV, excel, access, xbase). 6.42. Provide ability for external systems to import data related to registration from multiple linked/related tables via an open standards protocol (ODBC, XML, Web services, etc.). 7. Customer Self Service Component (this area is not required but would be considered a plus in the evaluation) 7.1. Provide ability for student to modify, at their discretion, all Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data. 7.2. Provide ability for student to designate their preferred method of communication; i.e. e-mail, company address, home address, etc. 27 7.3. Provide the ability for the student to access their course attendance and record history. This would not be for their official transcripts but for information purposes only. 7.4. Provide ability of student to opt-in or opt-out for the cross-marketing. 28 Appendix C: Maintenance and Support Requirements Describe how the system meets the following System Maintenance & Support requirements: 1. 2. System Maintenance 1.1 Describe the typical system maintenance required and frequency of maintenance tasks 1.2 Indicate approximate amount of IT staff support time needed to maintain system on an annual basis 1.3 Any customization of application must not be lost when taking advantage of future upgrades to the application. System Support 2.1 Describe the various types of system support that are available, hours of support and any limits on who may contact proposer. 2.2 Describe any provision, either through system functionality or HELP, that allows problems resolved for one campus to be shared with the others. 29 Appendix D Cost Proposal Pricing Limited Funding When possible, vendors should price the listed alternates and service/support separately and not include them in the price of their core product, unless the alternates are an inseparable part of the core product. Limited funding may cause the university to purchase only the core product and purchase alternates at a later time as funds become available. Option 1 Price (Customer Hosted) Core product (Describe specifically the functionality contained in the core product using the RFP specification numbers as a guide) Software License (minimum of 75 concurrent users): _______________ Equipment (if required): _______________ Training (up to 20 individuals at two regional sites): _______________ Service and Support: Maintenance/Support Year 1 (if not included in License):________________ Maintenance/Support Year 2: ________________ Maintenance/Support Year 3: ________________ Maintenance/Support Years 4-10: ________________ Hourly rate for on-site support if not included: 30 ________________ Option 2: Price (Vendor hosted) Core product (Describe specifically the functionality contained in the core product using the RFP specification numbers as a guide) Software License (minimum of 75 concurrent users): _______________ Equipment (if required): _______________ Training (up to 20 individuals at two regional sites): _______________ Service and Support: Maintenance/Support Year 1 (if not included in License):________________ Maintenance/Support Year 2: ________________ Maintenance/Support Year 3: ________________ Maintenance/Support Years 4-10: ________________ Annual Hosting/Support per Year: ________________ Hourly rate for on-site support if not included: ________________ Additional Alternates: (These will not be considered in the award, but may be provided for informational purposes.). Please describe. ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 31 Appendix E Required data, conversion and system initialization 1. Describe how the system meets the following Data Element requirements: In addition to the base information for student, program event, company and registration fees, this area details the data elements that are required within the data structure. Field Name Unit code Fiscal year UDDS Program number Program status code Program title Program start date Program end date Location City County Conted_units Instruction_hours Program type Curricular code Credits Type_delivery Last_modified-dttm Wait_count P_comment X_comment Student id number Student name Name prefix Name suffix Home street address Second address line Home city Home state Data Required for Transcripts Description Code for registration unit managing the registration for the program Fiscal year in which program was held Code that defines the unit, division, department and sub-department for the University Unique 4 character field assigned by the academic department responsible for the program Indicates the stage of the program Title of the program Starting date of the program Ending date of the program Name of the building in which the program was held. City where the program was held. Standard 2-char code in which the program was held Lowest number of continuing education units (CEU) awarded for completion of the program Total number of contact hours for program Code for type of program Curricular code/department The number of credits associated with the course. How the instruction was delivered The last date-time this record was changed. From orig_expp: it is not a wait_count it is SR on the EPGM screen (a student enrollment count) Comment about the program Code for extra comment. See x_comments table for code definitions Unique student id Name of student: format is Last comma First space MI Dr., Ms, Mr, etc Jr, Sr., etc Home address for billing Additional home address line, if needed Home city Home state: standard two character abbreviation 32 Home zip code Home telephone Sex Dob Heritage_code Current status indicator Last_modified_dttm Student comment Email_addr Person_id Unit_code Fiscal_year Udds Program_number Active indicator Start_dt_sa End_dt_sa Person type Doctor_lawyer Ceus Grade County Credit number Last_modified_dttm Company name Reg_no X_comment Home zip code: 5 digit plus 4 digit add on Home telephone number Male or female Date of birth Standard UW code for racial background: 1=Black, 2=Asian/Pacific Islander, 3=American Indian, 4=Hispanic,5=White, Blank=other or unknown Indicates current status of customer record. The last date-time this record was accessed. Format is YYMMDD-HHSS-GGG Comment about student Email address Student’s ID number Code for the registration unit managing the registration Fiscal year in which the program was held Unit (1), Div (2), Dept (2), subdept (2) Unique 4 chars assigned by the academic department responsible for the program Student’s status in this program (from the assignment record) Starting date of the program Ending date of the program Person’s role in this program Used on grade report…for reporting to AMA credits, CLEW credits and Certification. Valid: A, B, blank Number of continuing education units earned by the person attending this course (from the assignment record) The grade the person received in the program (from the assignment record) Code for county (or state, if not a Wisconsin location) in which student lived at the time they were enrolled in the program. The number of credits associated with the course (from the assignment record) The last date/time this record was changed. (YYMMDDHHSSGG) Name of the company where person works (from the assignment record) 3270 field assigned on creation of EXSA record. 8000 numbers are the actual student records (i.e., for SR count). Code for comment. 33 Field Name First name Middle name Last name Maiden name ID number Home address Business address Home phone Business phone Preferred e-mail Gender Date of birth Ethnicity Race Primary company Primary job title College name Major name Degree year Degree type Occupation CEU’s Veteran status Business ownership SBA client? Field Name Cosponsor Category Unit history Global Student Data Required Description (including city, state, zip and country) (including city, state, zip and country) Male/female Hispanic or Latino / not Hispanic and not Latino American Indian/Alaskan Native; Asian/Asian American; Black/African American; Native Hawaiian/other Pacific Islander; White Current only Current only Example: Agriculture and Life Sciences, Allied Health, Business, Education, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Human Ecology, Law, Letters and Science, Medical School, Nursing, Pharmacy, Veterinary Medicine Bachelor’s, master’s doctorate, certificate or professional Yes/no SBDC data required Description 34 Training topic Program format Number of SCORE volunteers assisting Number of other volunteers assisting Portion of fee allotted to SBA Portion of fee allotted to SBDC Portion of fee allotted to SCORE Portion of fee allotted to cosponsor Audience code Date Contact date Action Type of action: one time, initial, follow-on, follow-on rel, admin closure, change clt info, change cns info. Type Type of business (from 1062 form): retail, service, wholesale, manufacturing, construction, other. Own Business ownership options: male, female, joint (default joint). Client SBA client (from 1062 form): borrower, applicant, 8 (a) client, surety bond, coc, 8 (a) & borrower, 8 (a) & surety bond, none. Area Area of counseling provided (from 1062 form): bus start-up/acquisition, sources of capital, marketing/sales, government procurement, accounting & records, financial analysis/cost control, inventory control, engineering r&d, personnel, computer systems, international trade Business liq/sale, other Continuing Education Program Data Requirements Description Field Name Program title Program begin date Program end date Program fee Program ID County program was offered in UDDS of the offering academic dept Contact hours for one student attending the entire program Strategic plan challenges addressed by this program Program status (active, canceled, completed, closed) 35 Instructor name Instructor affiliation Total enrollment Type of delivery Total CEU’s Student Data Requirements Student name Student ID number Student address CEU’s Gender Birth Date Race/Ethnicity Occupation 36 Appendix F Required data conversion and system initialization 1. Describe how the system meets the following Data conversion requirements: Convert limited set of data to formats compatible with proposed software. This set of data should include student profile information: name, address, city, state, zip code, telephone, email address, and interest code. 37 Appendix G Reporting Requirements Describe how the system meets the following Reporting requirements In addition to the attached reports listed below, there will be a need to be able to produce ad-hoc reports by UDDS, department, fiscal year, program, fund, monthly accounting period and session within given date parameters. And the application should be able to handle multiple concurrent report requests. Attached are required outputs for registration and financial management: 1. Confirmation and Invoice a. Registration Confirmation – Acknowledge to address or Confirm to address b. Order Confirmation - Billing address 2. Completion Report – (basic example provided) should be customizable by department 3. Attendance Certificate 4. Tent Card 5. Refund Request and letters generated – separate reports for Cash & Checks or Credit Card a. Cash and checks b. Credit cards c. Letter 1 d. Letter 2 6. Program Summary – by program or by department 7. Accounts Receivable Aging Report (currently called Summary Aged Trial Balance) 8. Detail Financial Report 9. Name Tags 10. Roster 11. Grade Report 12. Closing Report 13. Daily Deposit Summary 14. Detail Daily Deposit a. by taker b detail 15. Wait-list Roster 16. Transcript 38 Attached are required outputs for Continuing Education Extension reporting: 17. Fiscal Year Enrollment and Program Counts 18. Program Summary by Institution and Discipline a. By category 1 b. By category 1 & 2 19. Program Detail by Institution and Department a. By category 1 b. By category 1 & 2 20. Demographic Summary a. By campus and program area b. By campus 21. Non-Credit Enrollments by Gender and Heritage 22. Registrations a. by Campus and Program Area b. by Campus 39 (1a) Confirmation Report This report is used to transmit the logistical and detail information regarding the program the customer (registrant) was registered for. This is and information report only and no action require by the customer or Registration staff. Also used for the customer the review information for accuracy. Include information financial information only. 40 (1b) Confirmation Report This report is used to transmit financial information to the customer (Buyer or Billing contact). Contains order based information and detail billing/balance information and a remittance stub portion to be returned to cashiers office. 41 (2) Completion Report University of Wisconsin - Extension LOGO Grants this Completion Report to Prefix Firstname MI Lastname, Suffix, credentials Program Name Begin date – End date X-Satisfactory (attendance requirement only) CEU*EARNED: 1.2 A congratulation and explanation statement goes here and needs to be customizable by partition. A lot more text will fit in this area for additional lines. Name of registrar Name of department Address of department Address city, state zip Generic official certificate identifying registrant’s status and awarded CEUs in a program. Departments may give customized certificate with same information in a branded format for the department. 42 University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering The Department of Engineering Professional Development proudly presents this award for educational achievement to First_Name MI.NAME Last, Suffix for successful completion of (3) Attendance certificate Long_Title Start_Date, Start_Date - End_Date (Will need a generic certificate) EN T 43 (4) Tent Card Name tents are used to display and identify registrants/resources in a program while at their seats. These are typically displayed on the table where the customer is seated. 44 August 01, Tuesday, 2006 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN 09: 05am - EXTENSION Page: CHECKS AND CASH REFUND REQUEST 1 User: PFG FOR 07/12/06 Fiscal Year 07 FND ACCT R. CD ORDER# REFUND TO Company Info Pay YR UDDS PGM# PAY Type 132 0000 9160 890432 L.P. JOHNSON (NET OF TAX) !L.P. JOHNSON ADJ 07 A865300 4033 ADJ L.P. JOHNSON CKP CKP 2703 COUNTRY CLUB RD ADJ ADJ RFD RFD ! YVONNE NELSON CKP 07 A930180 SR01 CKP ! YVONNE NELSON YVONNE L. NELSON CKC CKC C/O C/O ADJ ADJ RFD RFD 1101 DELBEAN ST ADJ ADJ VIROQUA, WI 54665 RFD RFD !L.P JOHNSON . 2703 COUNTRY CLUB RD INCOME 0.00 TAX REFUND (9990) 0.00 AMOUNT 50.00 ROCKFORD, IL 61103 ROCKFORD, IL 61103 136 0000 9150 868281 YVONNE NELSON HOLLY NELSON 1101 DELBEAN ST HOLLY NELSON -65.00 0.00 65.00 -65.00 0.00 115.00 VIROQUA, WI 54665 (5) Refund Request (a) Cash & Checks 45 July 31, 2006 1 Page: User: UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN - EXTENSION CREDIT CARDS REFUND REQUEST FOR 07/12/06 Monday, 11:01am Fiscal Year 07 FND ACCT R. CD ORDER# REFUND TO Company Info Pay YR UDDS PFG PGM# PAY ROZANNE SANDRI-GOLDIN TAX REFUND (NET OF TAX) (9990) Type 128 0000 9300 858637 INCOME 07 T413400 7002 VS UNIVERSITY OF CA-IRV VS UNIVERSITY OF CA-IRV ROZANNE M. SANDRI-GOLDIN CAN CAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE SCHOOL OF MEDICINE RFD RFD -120.00 0.00 AMOUNT 120.00 MEDICAL SCIENCES I, B240 MEDICAL SCIENCES I, B240 IRVINE, IRVINE, CA 92697-4025 CA 92697-4025 132 0000 9160 892789 SHEVANTHI HETTIARACHCHI ! SHEVANTHI HETTIARAC MC 07 A868100 2506 MC ! SHEVANTHI HETTIARAC SHEVANTHI N. HETTIARACHCH CAN CAN 6390 EVEREST DR 6390 EVEREST DR RFD RFD -100.00 0.00 100.00 -220.00 0.00 220.00 MADISON, WI 53719 MADISON, WI 53719 (5) Refund Request (b) Credit Cards 46 (5) Refund Request (c) Letter 1 July 31, 2006 L.P. JOHNSON 2703 COUNTRY CLUB RD ROCKFORD, IL 61103 RE: Enclosed Check Enclosed please find a payment due you as a refund for the following session: REDUCED FEE $50.00 07/06/06 - 07/08/06 W07A8653004033:16Z 890432 50.00 Questions on this refund may be directed to UWEX Cashier Services at 608262-1798 or 608-262-8973 between 7:45 and 4:00 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, UWEX Cashier Services Department 47 (5) Refund Request (d) Letter 2 July 31, 2006 YVONNE L. NELSON C/O HOLLY NELSON 1101 DELBEAN ST VIROQUA, WI 54665 RE: Enclosed Check Enclosed please find a payment due you as a refund for the following session: SENIOR SUMMER MUSIC CLINIC 06/25/06 - 07/01/06 W07A930180SR01 868281 65.00 Questions on this refund may be directed to UWEX Cashier Services at 608262-1798 or 608-262-8973 between 7:45 and 4:00 Monday through Friday. Sincerely, UWEX Cashier Services Department 48 Header ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Page of Pages date time stamp PROGRAM SUMMARY REPORT FY: Department: Account: Fund: Program: Project: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Body Program/ Program Title/ Status Dates Uniqe Total Can Wait Instr Paid Billed Total Rev Sess/Prod Session Title/Product Title Reg Reg ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prgm # title of Program here Active start dt – ## ## ## ## ## $0,000.00 $0,000.00 $0,000.00 end dt Sess title of Session here Sess title of Session here Sess title of Session here Prod title of Product here start dt – end dt start dt – end dt start dt – end dt Active ## ## N/A N/A N/A ## ## N/A N/A N/A ## ## N/A N/A N/A $0,000.00 $0,000.00 $0,000.00 ## ## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sub Prgm # title of Sub-Program here Sess title of Session here Sess title of Session here Active Dates Gen ## start dt – end dt start dt – end dt ## ## ## $0,000.00 $0,000.00 $0,000.00 ## ## N/A N/A N/A ## ## N/A N/A N/A Roll up Program Grand totals ## $00,000.00 $00,000.00 $00,000.0 (6) Program Summary Report is used to determine the success of a program and gives counts and summary revenue totals. 49 Header ____________________________________________________________________________________ Page of Pages Date time ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AGING REPORT As Of mm/dd/ccyy Department #: Order # Body Name (cont ID)/Prg # --Remaining balance due-1-30 31-60 61-90 91-120 121+ Date 0 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lastname, firstname MI(###) #### Program short number #### Program short number mm/dd/ccyy mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Lastname, firstname MI(###) #### Program short number mm/dd/ccyy 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Grand total for DeptXYZ $0,000.00 0.00 0.00 Org name here (Org ###) ##### Lastname, firstname MI (###) Program short number ### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number ####### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number ##### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number Org name here(Org ###) ##### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number Org name here(Org ###) #### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number #### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number #### Lastname, firstname MI(###) Program short number 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (7) Accounts Receivable Aging Report Purpose is to identify AR and the category of time they are aged by. Typically in 30 day increments. Informational about overall picture of department or school and allow for any required follow-ups.. 50 (8) Detail Financial Report Financial Transaction Detail Transaction Date(s): mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy ID Fiscal year Department Account Date #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### Type Pay Method Payment Check Payment Check Account Distribution Payment Credit Card Payment Check Account Distribution Payment Check Payment Credit Card Payment Credit Card Net Payment Payment Credit Card Payment Check Account Distribution Account Distribution Net Payment Amount $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $0,000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 . $0,000.00 A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Payment Check $000.00 Payment Check $000.00 Account $000.00 Distribution #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Account $000.00 Distribution #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Account $000.00 Distribution #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Payment Cash $000.00 #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Payment Check $000.00 Net Payment $0,000.00 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date time stamp page of pages 51 University of Wisconsin University of Wisconsin JAMES L EHLERS, APNP WANDA M. MARSHALL, ARNP BLANK CHilDREN'S HOSPITAL DES MOINES, IA UW-WHITEWA TER ElKHORN, WI JEFFREY W. MUELLER, PA-C TEST REGISTRATION, R.N. GUNDERSON lUTHERAN CLINIC WHITEHAll, WI UW HOSPITAL & CLINICS MADISON, WI (9) NAME TAGS Name tags are used to display on custom identify registrants/resources in a program. Name Tags/Badges PFG 52 W06A8653004030 SPORTS MEDICINE SYMPOSIUM (10) Roster The roster is a listing of participants in a program. This may/will include registrants and resources. 53 (11) Grade Report The Grade report is used to transmit completed registrations CEUs (or other credits) awarded at the end of a program. This may include a grade for those programs that generate grades for completion of the program. May be used to communicate adjustments to CEUs or grades by individual departments. 54 Header ___________________________________________________________________________________ Page of Pages date time stamp PROGRAM CLOSING REPORT Program Name Program Number Dates General Program Resource (program director) Location Registrations: Resource: Cancelled/Transfer outs: Totals: Offering/s Unit Price Count Revenue -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Program A Offering A $00.00 ## $000.00 Offering W $00.00 ## $000.00 Offering B $00.00 ## $000.00 Offering A $00.00 ## $000.00 Product C Offering C $00.00 ## $000.00 Offering D $00.00 ## $000.00 Product B Offering E $00.00 ## $000.00 Offering F $00.00 ## $000.00 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Total Revenue: $0,000.00 Total Revenue Paid Balance Due: $0,000.00 $000.00 Purpose of report is to bill department/s and convey totals for a program/s after close. (12) Closing Report This is a final summary of the enrollments + cancellations + staff + no shows + revenue paid + accounts receivable 55 Financial Transaction Summary Transaction Date(s): mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy Fiscal year Department Account Transaction Type Amount . Fiscal CCYY ######1 A######-###-#-#### Net Distribution Net Payment Net total for Financial Account $0,000.00 $0,000.00 ____________ $00,000.00 A######-###-#-#### Net Distribution Net Payment Net total for Financial Account Net total for Dept $0,000.00 $0,000.00 ____________ $00,000.00 $00,000.00 Fiscal CCYY ######2 A######-###-#-#### Net Distribution Net Payment Net total for Financial Account Net total for Dept Net total for FY $0,000.00 $0,000.00 ____________ $00,000.00 $00,000.00 $00,000.00 Grand Total Net total of all Fin Accounts $000,000.00 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Date time stamp page of pages Report used by staff to make adjustments/entries of monies and funding sources into SFS. (13) Daily Deposit Summary (Used by the cashier’s office only) 56 (14a) Daily Deposit Summary by Taker Used to balance each day & to prepare deposit for cashier Used to balance at the end of a cycle the monies/charges taken in and the monies applied to orders. 57 Financial Transaction Detail Transaction Date(s): mm/dd/yy – mm/dd/yy ID Fiscal year Department Account Date #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy #### #### #### YYYY YYYY YYYY ###### ###### ###### Type Pay Method Payment Payment Check Account Distribution Payment Credit Card Payment Check Account Distribution Payment Check Payment Credit Card Payment Credit Card Net Payment Payment Credit Card Payment Check Account Distribution Account Distribution Net Payment Amount Check $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $0,000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 $000.00 . $0,000.00 A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Payment Check $000.00 Payment Check $000.00 Account $000.00 Distribution #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Account $000.00 Distribution #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Account $000.00 Distribution #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Payment Cash $000.00 #### YYYY ###### A######-###-#-#### mm/dd/yy Payment Check $000.00 Net Payment $0,000.00 ______________________________________________________________________________________ Date time stamp page of pages Detail list of individual transaction that occur in a time period. Used to investigate reconciliation issues discovered during reconciliation. (14b) Detail Daily Deposit Daily Batch 58 This report is used to determine potential registrants who were unable to register typically do to program limits. As registrants cancel a cancel and open seats contacts on wait list are contacted to determine if interest in registration based on the order of entry onto the wait list typically. Marketing may also use this to determine if a program has an audience for additional programs or expanding the current program. (15) Wait List Roster (a) Primary report 59 UW Extension UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-EXTENSION OFFICE OF STUDENT RECORDS 702 Langdon Street Madison, Wisconsin 53706 TEST, NAME XXXX TEST STREET (16) Transcript OFFICIAL TRANSCRIPT 08/11/2006 TEST CITY, WI COURSE VALUE END DATE COURSE TITLE Semester Continuing H.S. Credits Ed. Unit Credits GRADE - A371 MOVEMENT EXPLORATIONS DANCE 12/07/98 0.6 X CONTINUING EDUC HOMEOWNERSHIP EDUC.&COUNSELING TRAINING 10/21/05 3.1 X An official report to communicate programs/CEUs for a contact, that they have completed. 60 - Transcript definitions on reverse side. 13:50 Tuesday, November 18, 2003 MXTRS265/XTRS0265 (1) FISCAL 2002 ENROLLMENT AND PROGRAM COUNTS PROGRAM DISCIPLINE NUMBER ENROLLED OF CONTACT HOURS INSTRUCTIONAL HOURS 61 3 o o ADULT DEVELOPMENT 920 51 428 6,624 ALLIED HEALTH & THERAPEUTIC SCIENCE 829 41 497 8,446 ARCHITECTURE & URBAN PLAN 144 21 39 3 10,651 529 5,855 119,299 BUSINESS & MANAGEMENT 2,981 277 2,634 31,130 BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY 1,171 62 615 11,740 BUSINESS OUTREACH 8,837 422 3,581 72,693 CHILD & YOUTH CARE LRNG CTR 420 15 2,842 57,912 CONSUMER AFFAIRS 761 17 13 283 CONT LEGAL EDUCATION 2,566 38 263 21,070 CONT MEDICAL EDUCATION 6,198 48 523 66,661 CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION 1,964 41 83 5,377 776 33 265 2,649 EDUCATION 14,233 218 2,175 138,411 ENG PROFESSIONAL DEV 15,621 415 10,123 1,480 91 1,442 24,637 456 45 806 8,363 GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS 1,867 80 679 14,431 HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES 4,343 85 646 43,220 JASON 7,435 66 2,546 26,432 42,892 1,986 23,910 439,387 1,118 28 710 18,30.1 3 1 o o 4,794 233 4,509 273 20 264 ADMINISTRATION ARTS DEVELOPMENT & FINE ARTS CRIMINAL JUSTICE ENGINEERING ENGLISH SECOND LANGUAGE LIBERAL STUDIES LIBRARY & INFORMATION STD LIBRARY SCIENCE MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE NATURAL RESOURCES 61 I NUMBER PROGRAMS 1 763 (17) Fiscal Year Enrollment and Program Counts 1,482,847 95,319 3,568 MXTRSF96 10/17/05 -- XTRSF96B (1) PAGE 1 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-REPORT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS (CATEGORY 1 ONLY) JULY 1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2005 SUMMARY BY INSTITUTION PROGRAM DISCIPLINE INSTITUTION UW COLLEGES UW EAU CLAIRE UW EXTENSION # OF PROGRAMS 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /BARABOO 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /BARRON 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /FOND DU LAC 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /FOX VALLEY 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /MANITOWOC 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /MARATHON 54 LIBERALSTUDIES / MARINETTE 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /MARSHFIELD 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /RICHLAND CENTER 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /ROCK 54 LIBERALSTUDIES /SHEBOYGAN 54 LIBERALSTUDIES / WASHINGTON 54 LIBERAL STUDIES / WAUKESHA 06 16 24 52 54 FOR 06 16 50 54 78 22,123 1,695 567 990 451 4,924 INSTITUTION TOTAL 95 9 21 20 187 -----332 WORKERS 102 6 BUSINESS OUTREACH EDUCATION GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS LIBERAL STUDIES CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION INSTITUTION TOTAL UW LA CROSSE 06 16 52 54 --------- 1,211 INSTITUTION TOTAL UW GREEN BAY ------ 925 714 2,066 1,946 1,975 3,409 2,492 1,761 2,383 562 2,193 934 763 INSTITUTION TOTAL BUSINESS OUTREACH EDUCATION NURSING HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES LIBERAL STUDIES 56 SCHOOL 92 SBDC 68 65 117 145 91 204 55 120 90 16 86 48 106 INSTRUCTIONAL ENROLLMENT HOURS BUSINESS OUTREACH EDUCATION HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES LIBERAL STUDIES -----108 48 20 20 17 16 ------ --------- 14,183 944 88 189 91 3,985 --------- 8,627 5,296 3,073 716 2,004 62 7,667 3,727 22,826 37,909 19,001 38,311 114,889 6,750 30,253 9,860 30,345 6,240 8,692 --------- 336,470 13,852 3,646 7,650 2,010 81,376 --------108,534 3,789 2,066 67,296 1,832 --------69,128 842 160 669 638 1,276 576 129 374 106 99 8,639 698 12,155 2,656 9,360 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 121 3,585 1,284 33,508 44 972 686 842 3,009 374 162 395 563 5,496 5,020 10,466 30,382 --------51,363 14 62 31 69 ------ INSTITUTION TOTAL --------- 423 983 1,221 1,853 836 2,523 1,569 631 918 217 1,255 389 1,366 CONTACT HOURS 158 --------- 5,509 --------- 1,494 (18) Program Summary by Institution and Discipline (a.) by category 1 MXTRSF96-XTRSF96B (I-INTERNAL USE) 10/17/05 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-REPORT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS (INCLUDES CATEGORIES 1 & 2) JULY 1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2005 SUMMARY BY INSTITUTION INSTITUTION UW COLLEGES 54 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 RA RB RC RD RE RF RG PROGRAM DISCIPLINE # OF PROGRAMS LIBERAL STUDIES UWC CE PROG-RICHLAND CTR UWC CE PROG-MARSHFIELD UWC CE PROG-MANITOWOC UWC CE PROG-FOND DU LAC-CT UWC CE PROG-BARABOO UWC CE PROG-FOX VALLEY UWC CE PROG-WAUKESHA UWC CE PROG-WAUKESHA UWC CE PROG-SHEBOYGAN UWC CE PROG-ROCK UWC CE PROG-WASHINGTON UWC CE PROG-BARRON UWC CE-PROG-MARATHON 1,211 22 40 4 57 23 4 11 1 4 2 7 13 1 -----1,400 INSTITUTION TOTAL UW EAU CLAIRE 06 16 24 52 54 BUSINESS OUTREACH EDUCATION NURSING HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES LIBERAL STUDIES 95 9 21 20 187 ------ INSTITUTION TOTAL UW EXTENSION 56 SCHOOL 92 SBDC FOR WORKERS 22,123 439 738 65 1,226 275 33 149 9 55 28 100 239 9 ---"T----- 25,488 1,695 567 990 451 4,924 --------- INSTRUCTIONAL HOURS 14,183 290 302 123 416 203 49 60 6 194 8 37 520 80 --------- CONTACT HOURS 336,470 11,867 5,670 3,396 12,701 2,590 397 844 54 2,586 112 602 9,560 720 --------- 387,568 16,470 944 88 189 91 3,985 --------- 13,852 3,646 7,650 2,010 81,376 --------- 332 8,627 5,296 108,534 102 6 3,073 716 2,004 62 67,296 1,832 ------ INSTITUTION TOTAL ENROLLMENT PAGE 1 108 --------- 3,789 --------- 2,066 --------- 69,128 (18) Program Summary by Institution and Discipline (a.) by category 1 & 2 63 96 -- XTRSF96B (2) 10/17/05 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-REPORT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS PAGE 1 (CATEGORY 1 ONLY) JULY 1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2005 BY INSTITUTION INSTITUTION UW BARABOO PROGRAM DISCIPLINE 54 LIBERAL STUDIES (18) Program Detail by Institution and Department (a.) by category 1 , UDDS EVENT SUBEVENT PROGRAM TITLE R15-0830 FY4 0413013 MORE MEDICAL SPANISH FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSION 14 SAUK FY5 FY5 FY5 0500002 0501001 0501003 8 SAUK 5 SAUK 15 SAUK FY5 0501004 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 0501007 0501008 0501010 0502001 .0502002 0502003 0502004 FY5 0502005 FY5 0502006 HOPE HOUSE CONFERENCE CEU'S THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: DEVELOPING A HOLISTI BEGINNING SPANISH BEGINNING SPANISH II WEAVING WITH A HANDLOOM HOLIDAY CARD MAKING DRAWING FROM LIFE: HOW TO DRAW WHAT YOU SEE EMAIL & INTERNET BASICS QUICKBOOKS ESSENTIALS PUTTING QUICKBOOKS TO WORK DO-IT-YOURSELF PAYROLL WITH QUICKBOOKS INTRODUCTORY WINDOWS MORE WINDOWS FY5 0502007 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT WORD 12 SAUK FY5 0502008 MORE MICROSOFT WORD 13 SAUK FY5 0502009 PUTTING MICROSOFT WORD TO WORK 13 SAUK FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 0502010 0502011 0502012 0502013 0502014 10 8 11 9 16 FY5 0502015 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5-1 FY5-1 FY5-2 FY5-2 0502016 0502017 0503001 0503002 0503004 0504001 0504002 0505001 0505002 0506001 0506002 0508001 0508003 0511001 0511004 0512001 0512002 FY5-2 0512003 FY5-2 0512004 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT ACCESS MORE MICROSOFT ACCESS INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT PUBLISHER MORE MICROSOFT PUBLISHER INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT EXCEL MORE MICROSOFT EXCEL PUTTING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO WORK WINDOWS PROTECTION & MAINTENANCE BIPOLAR DISORDER IN YOUTH SPANISH FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS EARLY CHILDHOOD CONFERENCE KEEPING YOUNG TALENT IN OUR BUSINESSES AND COM QUILTS OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD AVOCA PRAIRIE NATURE HIKE RIVER MUSEUM & THE MATHIAS HAM HOUSE ED2GO 1-800-IFORGET SPRING GREEN ELDERHOSTEL FALL AMTRAK ELDERHOSTEL SPANISH TOO SAY CHEESE! HOW TO TAKE GREAT PHOTOS E-MAIL BASICS ALL AROUND THE INTERNET INTRODUCTORY WINDOWS MORE WINDOWS 64 ENRLMNT COUNTY 14 SAUK 10 4 14 15 15 15 14 SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK 6 SAUK 9 SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK 10 SAUK 10 13 9 10 29 16 28 15 16 11 3 41 24 5 7 7 6 SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK 7 SAUK 4 SAUK MXTRS~96 10/17/05 INSTITUTION UW BARABOO -- XTRSF96B (2) PAGE 2 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-REPORT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS (CATEGORY 1 ONLY) JULY 1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2005 BY INSTITUTION PROGRAM DISCIPLINE SUB EVENT PROGRAM TITLE R15-0830 FY5-2 0512018 INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT ACCESS FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 0512019 0512020 0512021 0512022 FY5-3 0513004 FY5-3 0513 005 FY5-4 0514001 FY5-4 FY5-4 FY5-5 FY5-5 FY5-5 FY5-6 FY5-7 FY5-7 FY5-7 FY5-9 0514003 0514004 0515002 0515003 0515004 0516001 0517001 0517002 0517004 0519001 MORE MICROSOFT ACCESS QUICKBOOKS ESSENTIALS PUTTING QUICKBOOKS TO WORK DO-IT-YOURSELF PAYROLL WITH QUICKBOOKS MAKE & TAKE CURRICULAR ADAPTATIONS FOR SPECIAL THE ART OF STORYTELLING FOUNDING BROTHERS BOOK DISCUSSION AND DOCUMENT COVERING WISCONSIN WITH QUILTS: A WISCONSIN Q DEVASTATION IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: PEOPLE OF HA PHANTOM OF THE OPERA MAZO BOTTOMS HIKE PEWIT'S NEST HIKE ED2GO ONLINE COURSES UDDS 54 LIBERAL STUDIES EVENT COLLEGE FOR KIDS COLLEGE FOR KIDS - BARABOO REEDS BURG BLOOMS DAY CELEBRATION HERBAL ALLIES FOR THE BODY SYSTEMS ENRLMN T 8 6 14 12 7 SAUK SA UK SAUK SAUK 2 SAUK 9 SAUK 8 SAUK 12 11 35 16 16 16 72 52 2 41 ------- DEPT. TOTAL # OF PROGRAMS 68 925 DISCIPLINE TOTAL # OF PROGRAMS 68 925 CAMPUS. TOTAL # OF PROGRAMS 68 925 (18) Program Detail by Institution and Department (a.) by category 1 (continued) 65 COUNT Y SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK _ MXTRBF96-XTRSF96B (2-INTERNAL USE) 10/17/05 PAGE 1 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-REPORT OF CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAMS (INCLUDES CATEGORIES 1 & 2) JULY 1, 2004 - JUNE 30, 2005 BY INSTITUTION INSTITUTION UW COLLEGES PROGRAM DISCIPLINE 54 LIBERAL STUDIES (18) Program Detail by Institution and Department (a.) by category 1 & 2 UDDS EVENT R15-0830 FY4 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5 FY5-1 FY5-1 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 FY5-2 SUB EVENT 66 0413013 0500002 0501001 0501003 0501004 0501007 0501008 0501010 0502001 0502002 0502003 0502004 0502005 0502006 0502007 0502008 0502009 0502010 0502011 0502012 0502013 0502014 0502015 0502016 0502017 0503001 0503002 0503004 0504001 0504002 0505001 0505002 0506001 0506002 0508001 0508003 0511001 0511004 0512001 0512002 0512003 0512004 0512005 0512006 0512007 0512008 0512009 0512010 0512013 0512016 PROGRAM TITLE MORE MEDICAL SPANISH FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSION HOPE HOUSE CONFERENCE CEU'S THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS: DEVELOPING A HOLISTI BEGINNING SPANISH BEGINNING SPANISH II WEAVING WITH A HANDLOOM HOLIDAY CARD MAKING DRAWING FROM LIFE: HOW TO DRAW WHAT YOU SEE EMAIL & INTERNET BASICS QUICKBOOKS ESSENTIALS PUTTING QUICKBOOKS TO WORK DO-IT-YOURSELF PAYROLL WITH QUICKBOOKS INTRODUCTORY WINDOWS MORE WINDOWS INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT WORD MORE MICROSOFT WORD PUTTING MICROSOFT WORD TO WORK INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT ACCESS MORE MICROSOFT ACCESS INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOFT PUBLISHER MORE MICROSOFT PUBLISHER INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT EXCEL MORE MICROSOFT EXCEL PUTTING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO WORK WINDOWS PROTECTION & MAINTENANCE BIPOLAR DISORDER IN YOUTH SPANISH FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS EARLY CHILDHOOD CONFERENCE KEEPING YOUNG TALENT IN OUR BUSINESSES AND COM QUILTS OF THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD AVOCA PRAIRIE NATURE HIKE RIVER MUSEUM & THE MATHIAS HAM HOUSE ED2GO 11 1-800-IFORGET 3 SPRING GREEN ELDERHOSTEL FALL AMTRAK ELDERHOSTEL SPANISH TOO SAY CHEESE! HOW TO TAKE GREAT PHOTOS E-MAIL BASICS ALL AROUND THE INTERNET INTRODUCTORY WINDOWS MORE WINDOWS INTRODUCTION TO MICROSOF~ WORD MORE MICROSOFT WORD PUTTING MICROSOFT WORD TO WORK INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT EXCEL MORE MICROSOFT EXCEL PUTTING MICROSOFT EXCEL TO WORK INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT POWERPOINT INTRODUCTORY MICROSOFT PUBLISHER ENRLMNT 14 8 5 15 14 10 4 14 15 15 15 14 6 9 12 13 13 10 8 11 9 16 10 10 13 9 10 29 16 28 15 16 41 24 5 7 7 6 7 4 10 8 5 10 9 8 9 6 COUNTY SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK SAUK UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-CONTINUING EDUCATION UNDUPLICATED COUNT BY CAMPUS AND PROGRAM AREA (DOES NOT INCLUDE SUMMARY OR CATEGORY 2 PROGRAMS) JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2003 ~. 13:25 Tuesday, November 18, 2003 MXTRS450/XTRS0451 CAMPUS=UW EAU CLAIRE AREA=BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY ------------ The FREQ Procedure Table of GENDER by RACE_ETH GENDER RACE_ETH Frequency | Percent | HISP/LAT|WH/OTH |X-UNKNWN| Total --------- --+------------------------------+ FEMALE MALE UNKNWN Total | 0 | 1 12 13 0.00 | | 1. 59 19.05 20.63 + ---------+--------+--------+ | 20 | 0 | 0 20 | 31.75 | 0.00 | 0.00 31.75 +----------+--------+ ----- -| 0 | 1 | 29 | 30 | 0.00 | 1.59 | 46.03 | 47.62 ---+ ------- + ------- + 33 1 63 29 52.38 1. 59 100.00 46.03 Table of GENDER by AGE GENDER ! AGE Frequency| Percent |B-18_34 |C-35_49 |D-50_64 |F-UNKNWN| Total ----+--------+ FEMALE | 6 | 5 | 2 | 0 | 13 | 9.52 | 7.94 | 3.17 | 0.00 | 20.63 ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ MALE | 6 | 7 | 7 | 0 | 20 | 9.52 | 11.11 | 11.11 | 0.00 | 31.75 ---+--------+ UNKNWN | 1 | 0 | 0 | 29 | 30 | 1. 59 | 0.00 I 0.00 | 46.03 | 47.62 -------+--------+ Total 13 12 9 29 63 20.63 19.05 14.29 46.03 100.00 67 (20) Demographic Summary (a) by campus and program area UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-CONTINUING EDUCATION TOTAL ENROLLMENT BY CAMPUS (UNDUPLICATED) (DOES NOT INCLUDE SUMMARY OR CATEGORY 2 PROGRAMS) JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2003 11:57 Tuesday, November 18, 2003 2 MXTRS450/XTRS0450-B ------------ CAMPUS=UW CLAIRE ------ EAU The FREQ Procedure Table of GENDER by RACE_ETH GENDER RACE_ETH Frequency| Percent | AFRAMER | AMEIND | ASIAN FEMALE MALE UNKNWN | | | HISP/LAT|WH/OTH | X UNKNWN | I 6 | 10 | 22 | 1431 | 1025 | | 11| 0.27 | 0.15 | 0.25 | 0.54 I 35.36 | 25.33 | ----+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ 4 | 1 | 6 | 7 | 438 | 338 | 0.10 | 0.02 | 0.15 | 0.17 | 10.82 | 8.35 | -----+--------+--------+--------+--------+ | 0 | | 18.48 0.77 14 | 794 19.62 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.00 | 0.05 | 0.35 | 18.06 | ---------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ Total 15 8 16 31 1883 2094 0.40 2 61.90 748 0.20 0 | 2505 731 | 0.37 1 | Total 46.53 51. 74 4047 100.00 Table of GENDER by AGE GENDER AGE Frequency Percent |A-UNDR18|B-18_34 |C-35_49 |D-50_64 |E-OVER65|F-UNKNWN| Total -------+--------+--------+ FEMALE | 194 | 379 | 673 | 349 | 319 | 591 | 2505 4.79 | 9.36 | 16.63 | 8.62 | 7.88 | 14.60 | 61. 90 -----+ MALE | 156 | 188 | 163 | 103 | 90 | 94 | 794 3.85 | 4.65 | 4.03 | 2.55 | 2.22 | 2.32 | 19.62 ----+--------+--------+--------+--------+--------+ UNKNWN | o | 1 | 12 | 4 | 1 | 730 | 748 0.00 | 0.02 | 0.30 | 0.10 | 0.02 | 18.04 | 18.48 ------+ Total 350 568 848 456 410 1415 4047 8.65 14.04 20.95 11. 27 10.13 34.96 100.00 68 (20) Demographic Summary (b) by campus 11/18/03 GENDER MALE FEMALE UNKNOWN PAGE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-CONTINUING EDUCATION FISCAL YEAR JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2003 NON-CREDIT ENROLLMENTS (DOES NOT INCLUDE CATEGORY 2 PROGRAMS) MXTRS385/XTRS0385 ENROLLMENTS % HERITAGE 21,005 12.50 BLACK 39,717 107,420 23.62 63.88 ASIAN INDIAN HISPANIC WHITE UNKNOWN ENROLLMENTS % 1,203 0.72 1,240 623 943 40,150 123.983 0.74 0.38 0.56 23.88 73.74 (21) Non-credit Enrollments by Gender and Heritage 69 1 11/18L03 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-CONTINUING EDUCATION TOTAL REGISTRATIONS BY CAMPUS AND PROGRAM AREA (NO CATEGORY 2 PROGRAMS) FISCAL JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2003 MXTRS455/XTRS0455-C LIBERAL STUDIES UW BARABOO GENDER MALE FEMALE UNKNOWN COUNT 0 0 1,835 1,835 % 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 RACE_ETH COUNT AFRAMER ASIAN AMEIND HISP/LAT WH/OTH UNKNOWN 0 0 0 0 0 1,835 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 % 1,835 100.00 AGE UNDER18 18-34 35-49 50-64 OVER65 UNKNOWN COUNT 0 0 0 0 0 1,835 ------1,835 (22) Registrations (a) by campus and program area 70 % 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 100.00 100.00 11/18/03 UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-CONTINUING EDUCATION TOTAL REGISTRATIONS BY CAMPUS (NO CATEGORY 2 PROGRAMS) FISCAL JULY 1, 2002 - JUNE 30, 2003 MXTRS455/XTRS0455-B UW COLLEGES GENDER COUNT % RACE_ETH MALE FEMALE UNKNOWN 2,582 3,726 10,552 15.32 22.10 62.58 AFRAMER ASIAN AMEIND HISP/LAT WH/OTH UNKNOWN 16,860 100.00 COUNT 14 72 9 54 4,510 12,201 -----16,860 % 0.08 0.42 0.06 0.32 26.74 72.36 -----99.98 AGE UNDER18 18-34 35-49 50-64 OVER65 UNKNOWN COUNT % 3,666 300 900 659 190 11,145 ---16,860 21.74 1.78 5.34 3.90 1.12 66.10 99.98 (22) Registrations (b) by campus 71