Curious George - Bates Drive School

Bates Drive School News
Find us at: 2G Bates Drive, Kareela, 2232. Ph: 95216049 Email:
Term 4
2nd November, 2012
Week 4
Dear Parents, Carers and Friends of Bates Drive
Warmest regards
Robyn Compton, Principal
The term has started with a hive of activities. The
Jack Hinton Walkathon was a great success. The
students participated with enthusiasm and energy.
The weather was fine so all in all it was a great
Green Tip
Swimming at school has commenced for a variety of
classes and groups. This is certainly a favourite
activity for many students.
The Bunnings BBQ was a great success with
approx. $1,200 being raised. Thank you to all of the
parents, friends and staff that supported the day.
The next BBQ at Bunnings Taren Point is on
Saturday 9th November. It would be much
appreciated if you could spare an hour or two on the
day to assist with the cooking and serving of the
sausage sandwiches and drinks.
Our last P&C meeting held on Monday 22nd
October, 2012 did not have enough people for a
quorum. Thankyou to Marisa, Voula and Andrea for
their attendance. The P&C meetings are there for
you to network with other parents and carers, have
a say in school matters, make decision about how
funds are allocated and spent and assist in
fundraising events. It would great to see more
parents and carers at these meetings. The next
meeting is on Monday 26th November, 2012.
Diane Curtis from Como-Jannali Rotary collected
the knitted squares from school that our community
has produced so far. All in all there were enough
squares to make 6 complete blankets. What a great
effort. It would be great if you could keep knitting
and send the squares into school.
I would like to draw your attention to a web site
that was recommended to me for all weighted
products. It is call
This person sells all types of weighted items.
Worth a look!!!
Can it be repaired?
Choosing long-lasting and easy to repair products.
Find out if the product can be easily and cheaply
maintained and repaired and how long it is likely to
last. Does it come with a guarantee? The length of
the guarantee is often an indication of the durability
of the product, how easy it is to repair and the
Term 4
Week 4
NSW Adolescent Vaccination
Program 2013
All year 7 students (male and female) will be
 Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping
cough) vaccine
o This is the adolescent booster
needed by all students at this age
 Hepatitis B vaccine
o As a catch-up vaccine for students,
this is not a booster. Children who
have already been vaccinated with
3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine do
not need any more doses (check
their Blue Book if you’re not sure)
 Chicken pox vaccine
o as a catch-up for students who
have not had chickenpox vaccine
or disease
 Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)
o This vaccine provides protection
against a virus which could lead to
disease in later years
Year 9 boys only will be offered
 Human Papillomavirus vaccine (HPV)
o This is a catch-up program that will
run for 2 years only (2013 and
o Girls in this year group were offered
vaccination when they were in year
7 and will not be offered
vaccination in year 9.
2nd November, 2012
Look out for consent forms
early in 2013!
Further information will be provided in Parent
Information Packs in 2013 and is also available in
many languages at:
A record of vaccination will be given to your child
at the time of each vaccination. Please keep
these for your records and provide a copy to your
local doctor.
Please note that these vaccinations are provided
free only while your child is in the above year
Boris Bates: A Scarecrow friend
Students from the Willy Wonkas and Curious
Georges came together to build a scarecrow for the
Miranda Community Garden competition, held in
Church Fete on 20th
We named him Boris, and
he had his photo taken all
resources and activities the
students have access to.
The ladies loved him so
much that he will be staying
with them at the Community Garden for all to enjoy!
The ladies also said how much they enjoyed getting
to know more about Bates Drive, through a social
story that was made for Boris.
The students from both classes loved coming
together to build the scarecrow, and making a joyful
mess with straw. If you ever want to go and say
hello – you are more than welcome!
Students cannot be vaccinated unless a
completed and signed consent form is returned to
the school.
Term 4
2nd November, 2012
Week 4
Willy Wonkas
Welcome back to Term 4! The Cliffords have had a
very physical start back to the Term. We have
begun our new Swimming program, taking place on
Wednesday and Thursday mornings. Riley and
Blayden have been jumping straight into the pool
with no hesitations, with Cruz, Luke, Byron and
Kobe following but proceeding with slightly more
The Cliffords also participated in the Jack Hinton
walkathon last week, with some students walking
more than 20 laps! Well done Clifford Class!
Last term saw the Cliffords finishing our unit of work
on Living Things with two super-fun activities, the
Teddy Bear’s Picnic and Animals on the Move.
Selected students from both the Clifford and
Snugglepot classes took a trip to the National Park
to further investigate living things with a bush walk
and a picnic with our teddies.
The Clifford class then got up-close and personal
with a range of farm animals that visited our school
with Animals on the Move! Everyone had a
wonderful time, patting the cow, rabbits and guinea
pigs and feeding the chickens and lambs as they
roamed about. Just fantastic!
Willy Wonkas Chocolate Factory
The home of chocolate-y treats
We workers move smoothly to the beat!
I, Willy Wonka (John) would like to inform you of
the magic and
(learning) that
taking place in
To end Term
3, the Oompa
(students) had
a great time celebrating the annual ‘Talk like a
Pirate Day’, where all the factories came together
for a fun Chocolate Hunt (Treasure Hunt) and
general pirate shenanigans. As well as this we had
a great time getting up close and personal with
some farm animals, as some Factory Therapy.
The Chores (Unit of Work) have been endless and
the workers seem to be tiring – so hopefully they will
pick back up and prepare themselves for the end of
year madness! We have gotten our ‘spook on’ for
Halloween; decking the
factory out in scary items;
with some scary edibles
being created with Mrs
Beauregard (Jan).
As a reward for hard
work, the Wonkas have
been enjoying some R&R
in the pool; on those hot
spring days.
Gangnam style has hit the
production line floor as a
favourite working tune –
the Oompa Loompas
(students) have been brushing up on their ‘pop
culture’ understanding and busting some serious
Halfway through Term 4 already?! Where has this
year gone… the Factory won’t be slowing down –
it’s full steam ahead until the last sounding bell!
Well back to the production floor…
Until the next [and final] memo
Until next time,
Leah, Kirstie & The Clifford Boys.
Term 4
2nd November, 2012
Week 4
We are looking forward to another busy term.
Thank you for supporting ‘Loud’ shirt day and our
Jack Hinton school walkathon.
The Snugglepot’s enjoyed painting our ‘Loud’ shirts
bright colours and decorating them with cut out
flowers. The walkathon was fun with Harrison and
Amna completing the most laps. With a combined
effort they walked 20 laps.
This term we will be learning all about celebrations
around the world. The last few weeks we have
been busy making Halloween art and craft. We have
been creating pumpkins, scary witches, bats, frogs
and spiders.
During our cooking sessions we made chocolate
spiders with red eyes. Later in the term we will be
exploring Christmas around the world.
With the warmer weather, the Snugglepots combine
with the Clifford’s each Thursday to participate in a
swimming program. Tayson and Angelina’s
independent swimming skills have continued to
Other physical activites that the Snugglpots also like
are K-6 sports groups, bike riding, using the sensory
room and the playground equipment.
The Matildas have raced through the last few weeks
of Term 4, creating LOTS of artworks for our unit of
work ‘Celebrations’. We made loud shirts for Loud
Shirt Day, Halloween craft and we are about to start
our Christmas craft!
The Matildas also wanted to say a big ‘Thank You’
to the Animal Farm that came and visited on the
second last day of term; we all enjoyed ourselves
very much!
The class has enjoyed cooking some new things
this term, like raisin toast and Arnott’s biscuits with
jam and honey – YUM! The whole class participated
really well in the Jack Hinton Walkathon, each
student doing between 10 and 20 laps each!
Swimming is also back on, with every student
absolutely loving being back in the water. We’re
looking forward to a busy end of term, celebrating
the last two birthdays of students in the class in
week 6.
Shinead and Maree
Annemarie and Narelle
Term 4
2nd November, 2012
Week 4
Curious George
Curious George tells all!
Curious George have
had a wonderful few
weeks at school- having
fun and learning. We had
a lovely visit from the
farm animals to coincide
with the Unit of Work‘Living and Non-Living
Things’. Whilst some
were initially a little
hesitant to pat the
eventually settled in and were very gentle with them.
Curious George joined with the Willy Wonkas to
make a scarecrow
for the Miranda
Garden. A book
was made to show
all the fun activities
we do at the
school. Thank you
to the group for
our book certificate. We have been busy in class
constructing sentences about our day. Everyone is
working at their own pace to write the sentence,
trace the words, attach the matching visuals and
then practise reading them. We have many more
activities to do before the end of term, so stay
This term sees Jenny stepping into the shoes of
Tim, as he heads off around Australia. I know the
class will miss his energy and enthusiasm!
Each week the students participate in a very active
program, with the treadmill still getting a workout,
we have introduced an exercise bike to keep the
cue down! In addition, we have ball games on
Tuesday afternoons, sport, swimming and cooking.
Anthea turned 13 this term and Michael celebrated
his 11th birthday this week, with the students helping
them celebrate their special
We got involved in Loud Shirt
Day by tie dying our own tshirts, which turned out really
Jenny, Jenny and Carmen
Chris, Cassie & Carmen
Big Friendly Giants (BFG)
We enjoyed our visit from Animals On The Move at
the end of last term, we held, patted and fed a
variety of very cute baby farm animals. The visit
fitted well within our Unit of Work topic of Living
Things. Last term we also celebrated Pirate Day,
our class participated in a variety of pirate related
activities in our room and in the afternoon we
followed the numbers on a treasure hunt!
Some students in the BFGs have begun swimming
as a sports activity, and the rest of the BFGs will join
them as the weather heats up. We all love the water
and it will be great to practise our swimming skills
that we learned earlier this year.
Melanie, Linda and the BFG’s
Firstly a big welcome back to Carolyn, it is really
great to have you back. Wow hasn’t the year flown
by. Everyone in HSCJ has returned from holidays
ready for a term of celebrations. We have the Jack
Hinton walk-a-thon, Halloween, Graduation and
then Christmas! We have spent the first couple of
weeks this term preparing craft items for all of these
celebrations. Streamers for the walk-a-thon,
pumpkins for Halloween photos for the Graduation
and Christmas craft for our room. Our weekly
Community access program and social get together
with HSK has continued and the students love the
sausages and interaction. We look forward to a
productive and exciting last term.
Julia, Carolyn and Kerry
Term 4
2nd November, 2012
Week 4
Hi everybody!
We are almost halfway through Term 4 already- can
you believe it? Even though we already have the
end of the year in our sights HSM has been putting
in long hours getting lots of work done. We have
been focusing on our writing and story construction
skills, working together and individually to write
short stories. Everyone has been having a blast
deciding what will happen next in our story about
The Game. It seems that our boys are keen soccer
fans! We have also continued our history work on
Aboriginal art and music with everyone joining in our
class sensory story about The Rainbow Serpent.
We all had a turn at playing the tapping sticks and
didgeridoo….although everyone was more than a
little concerned about Mel’s questionable didgeridoo
We got our scare on when we visited the primary
classes all dressed up for Halloween and demanded
a ‘trick-or-treat’ and were very excited with our haul
of lollies to divide up!
It’s such a busy and exciting time of year with lots of
exciting things coming up so stay tuned!
Mel & Karen
Keltie and Charmaine
We are officially in our last term of 2012 and time is
flying. HSK has been working hard on maths,
money books, matching activities and Halloween
themed art and craft making a haunted house mural
for the window.
We have also been baking Halloween treats in our
cooking class to celebrate the occasion making
monster cookies, worm cupcakes and chocolate
We have started swimming with HSA on Monday
and Tuesday mornings, celebrated Loud Shirt Day
and participated in the Jack Hinton Walk-a-thon
where HSK did an excellent job of leading by
example for the younger students in the school.
Coming up next: High School Halloween party, Blue
Light Disco and before we know it, Christmas
festivities. A lot of fun times ahead, stay tuned for
the next entry!
As part of our work in the KLA of HSIE Life
Skills and Citizenship and Society Life Skills,
the students in HSV organised a Halloween
Party for the High School students. We
researched the origins of Halloween and
associated traditions via the internet and
Google. We downloaded a lot of Halloween
images and researched how to carve a Halloween
Jack o Lantern. Vanessa and Gabby then
carefully carved out the pumpkin to make our
very own “Jack o Lantern.” We sent out
invitations to the High School classes inviting
Term 4
Week 4
them to join us on October the 31st and to
wear Halloween mufti clothing or fancy dress.
We made some yummy Halloween treats: Body
part Biscuits, Swamp Jelly, Monster
Mash(green mashed potato) and Halloween
cupcakes and lots of lollies. We set up
activities such as “Things Box”, Halloween
Makeup , Halloween Tattoos and Halloween
Balloons. We watched lots of Halloween clips via
You Tube and we finished the day with a
Pumpkin Pinata. We all had a great time!
Happy Halloween!
Max, Nadia, Casey, Trent, Jarrod
Vanessa, Julia, Gabby, Joanne
2nd November, 2012
Kirrawee friends
This term we welcomed some new ‘friends’, plus the
return of some ‘old’ friends.
On our first outing we went to Audley in the Royal
National Park where we purchased some
refreshments from the café and then walked along
the river and over the bridge. We saw lots of wildlife
including ducks and pelicans.
Last week we visited the Tanken, Nihongo
Japanese centre situated in the grounds of Kirrawee
High School. We were introduced to Japanese
customs, games, musical instruments and music.
Everyone enjoyed the experience.
Lots of outings and activities are planned for the
remainder of the term, culminating in a Christmas
party at Bates Drive.
Jan and Charmaine
Term 4
2nd November, 2012
Week 4
Thursday 8th Nov
Tuesday 13th Nov
Café Club
Monday 26th Nov
P & C Meeting 7pm
Tuesday 27th Nov
School Leavers Function
Wednesday 5th Dec End of Year Assembly
Thursday 13th Dec Clinic
Wednesday 19th Dec School Holidays commence for students
Thursday and Friday – Professional Learning Days – staff
Friday 20th Dec - Holidays commence for staff.
Term 4
Week 4
2nd November, 2012
Term 4
Week 4
2nd November, 2012
Term 4
Week 4
2nd November, 2012