1 Papers published and presented by Professor Hassan I. Ghaznawi SOME OBSERVATIONS ON INTESTINAL PARASITES IN HAJJIS VISITING SAUDI ARABIA, DURING 1983 (1403)H PILGRIMAGE By M.A.SIDDIQUE and H.I. GHAZNAWI Department of Parasitology and Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, and Ministry of Health, Western Region, Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT (1985) Some 28.76% (109/379) of faecal samples contained parasites. Both direct smear and simple sedimentation technique were used. Prevalence rate in both sexes was not about the same (20%). Although majority of Hajjis belonged to 50-74 years age group but a relatively larger percentage (32.4%) was found infected in 25-49 years than in 50-74 years age group (26.9%). About 16 species of intestinal parasites were found (11 pathogenic), seven species of protozoa and 9 of helminths. Entamoeba coli, Trichuris trichiura, Asoaris lumbricoides and hookworms were of frequent occurrence. Although patients of 17 nationalities were included, the majority were Egyptians and Indonesians. 28.2% (62/220) of Egyptians and 43.2% (19/44) of Indonesians were infected. 2 A SEROPARASITOLOGICAL STUDY OF SOME LATENT PARASITIC INFECTIONS AMONG PILGRIMS 1405h (1985G) BY HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI, M. AYMAN SAFI, EBTISSAM A. OMAR, MOHAMED S. ARAFA AND MOHAMED MOSELHI Departments of Community Medicine, Parasitology and Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia ABSTRACT (1986) A seroparasitological study was carried out for the first time on some pilgrims in Saudi Arabia coming from various ecological regions, viz Middle East and Mediterranean, Arabian Peninsula, Indian subcontinent, Tropical and Subtropical Africa and South East Asia. They were investigated for subclinical infections of malaria, toxoplasmosis and visceral leishmaniasis. Results showed a high infection rate for each of the three parasites particularly toxoplasmosis. Recommendations were set up to alleviate their potential danger as hidden sources of infection in the Holy places. 3 Primary Health Care Dr. Hassan Ghaznawi (1986) FILLING THE GAPS IN SAUDI ARABIA’S HEALTH SERVICES This article outlines the strides taken by Saudi Arabia since 1980 towards providing primary health care for the entire population. Basic facilities have been introduced in accessible locations, more personnel have been trained and retrained, and considerable attention has been given to the education of the public in health matters. Before 1951 there was no adequate tradition of health care in Saudi Arabia, and not even a Ministry of Health. During the next 30 years or so the major objective of the Ministry of Health was to establish hospitals, dispensaries and other curative facilities. Due to an acute shortage of qualified personnel there was a great dependence on expatriates to formulate plans and objectives. Much emphasis was put on founding sophisticated medical institutions for the provision of secondary and tertiary care. By 1980 there were enough institutions of this kind to cover most of the population. 4 HEAT STROKE AND HEAT EXHAUSTION IN PILGRIMS PERFORMING THE HAJJ (ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE) IN SAUDI ARABAI HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI, BSc, MB, BS, MPH, DrPH; MOHAMMAD A. IBRAHIM, BSc, MD, MPH & TM, DrPH ABSTRACT (1987) خالفا ألهميتها لدى.ال تعتبر ضربة الشمس واال نهاك الحراري من المشكالت الشائعة بين المواطنين السعوديين وقد تزامن.الحجاج القادمين من بقاع أخرى من العالم خالل موسم الحج الذي يتغير وفقا لسنة التقويم القمري موسم الحج في السنوات األخيرة مع شهري يوليو وأغسطس (تموز وآب) من أشهر الصيف إذ وصل متوسط ارتاع إن نقص االحتراس وطرق الوقاية هو السبب.) درجة فرنهية031( درجة مئوية54الحرارة في فترة الحج إلى ويعزي جزء من ازدياد عدد حاالت.الرئيسي وراء كثرة حاالت ضربة الشمس واالنهاك الحراري في صفوف الحجاج م إلى نظام التبليغ االلزامي الذي ادخلته0828 حالة في سنة0008 إلى0820 حالة في سنة842 المسجلة من تقدم حكومة المملكة العربية السعودية أفضل الخدمات الصحية الممكنة مجانا.م0828 وزارة الصحة في سنة وحدة من وحدات35 سري اًر باإلضافة إلى5334 م ما مجموعه0824 حيث توفر بحلول عام،لجميع الحجاج كما يجري أيضا تخطيط.((مكة المكرمة)) لتبريد الجسم الجاهزة لخدمة الحجاج في عرفات ومنى ومكة المكرمة .تدابير وقائية واجراءات نوعية كافية لتأمين مواسم حج افضل واسلم في المستقبل Heat stroke and heat exhaustion are not common problems among Saudi Arabians. They are, however, of significance in pilgrims from other parts of the world during Hajj season, which varies according to the lunar calendar year. In recent years, Hajj has coincided with the summer months of July and August. The temperatures during Hajj reach an average high of 54°C (130°F). Lack of protection and precautionary measures is the primary reason for the high number heat-stroke and heat-exhaustion cases among the pilgrims, reported cases of which increased from 258 in 1981 to 1,119 in 1982, due partly to the mandatory reporting system introduced by the Ministry of Health in 1982. The government of Saudi Arabia provides the best possible health services free of charge to all pilgrims. By 1985, there was a total of 4,635 hospital beds and 64 Makkah Al-Mukarramah Body Cooling Units commissioned in the cities of Arafat, Mina and Makkah. In addition, adequate preventive and educational measures are being promulgated to provide better and safer Hajj seasons in the future. 5 HEALTH HAZARDS AND RISK FACTORS IN 1406H HAJJ SEASON Dr. Hassan I. Ghaznawi, Mohamed H. Khalil (1988) The Hajj Season is characterized by the presence of a large number of people from different countries in Makkah creating a high degree of overcrowding which is favorable for the spread of communicable diseases. The study aims at investigating health hazards and the possible risk factors during the 1406H. (1986 ) Hajj season. All cases of communicable diseases admitted to the hospitals in Makkah, Arafat and Mena during the period 15/11 to 15/12 H. as well as all deaths reported during that period were included in the study. Special forms were designed to collect information on the cases and deaths. The study revealed that gastroenteritis was the leading cause of morbidity with highest incidence among Egyptians and Syrian pilgrims. Older age groups seemed to be more affected by this condition. Pneumonia was the second leading cause among pilgrims with highest incidence among Jordanians and a very high casefertility rate (43.8%) in the age group 50+ years. The leading cause of death was sun stroke contributing 28.3% of the total deaths among pilgrims. Also old persons and females were at higher risk of death due to asphyxia or crushing due to overcrowding during Al-Rajm ritual. يتميز موسم الحج بوجود عدد كبير من الناس من دول مختلفة في وقت واحد في مكة المكرمة مما قد يساعد على انتشار ويهدف هذا البحث إلى دراسة المخاطر الصحية والعوامل المساعدة لحدوثها خالل موسم حج.بعض األمراض السارية م) وقد شملت الدراسة جميع حاالت األمراض السارية المنومة في مستشفيات مكة وعرفات ومنى وكذلك0823( هـ0513 هـ وقد تم تصميم استمارات خاصة لجمع البيانات عن المرضى08/04 إلى00/04 جميع الوفيات المبلغة خالل الفترة وقد بينت الدراسة أن النزالت المعوية هي اكثر األمراض انتشا ار خاصة بين الحجاج المصريين والسوريين وان.والوفيات كما ان االلتهاب الرئوي المرض الثاني من حيث معدل االصابة بين الحجاج.فئات العمر المتقدمة اكثر تعرضا لإلصابة بها وكان السبب الرئيسي للوفاة. %5332 سنة فأكثر والذي بلغ41 والذي تميز بارتفاع معدل وفيات االصابة في فئة العمر وقد بينت الدراسة ان كبار السن واالناث اكثر. من جملة الوفيات%8233 بين الحجاج هو ضربة الشمس والتي سببت .عرضة للوفاة بسبب االسفكسيا والسحق الناتجين عن االزدحام اثناء رجم الجمرات 6 ANEMIA IN PREGNANCY IN JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA AN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL STUDY By HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI, EMAD E. EID AND MOHAMED M. HUSSEIN From Department of Community Medicine, King Abdel-Aziz University and Maternal and Child Health and Statistics Sections, Department of Preventive Medicine Western Region (1988) INTRODUCTION Anemia is the commonest medical disorder to occur in pregnant women (Dewhurst, 1981). Iron deficiency is by far the commonest cause of anemia and the commonest nutritional disorder. The second common cause of nutritional anemia is folate deficiency (W.H.O., 1975; Letsky, 1984). High illiteracy and high fertility deplete body stores of nutrients while poverty will lead to the intake of some kind of foods which reduce iron absorption as stated by Philpot 1982. A reduction in concentration of circulating Hb is a relatively late development in iron deficiency. This is preceded by a depletion of iron stores and then a reduction in serum iron before there is any detectable change in Hb level. However, measurement of Hb is the simplest non invasive practical test at our disposal (Letsky, 1984). According to the standards led by WHO, (1972), anemia of pregnancy is present when the Hb concentration is less than 11 gm/dl. A level of 10 gm/dl has been suggested by Paintin (1962) since many woman in developing countries with Hb level around 10gm/dl are apparently healthy and symptom free. Rates of 10% or less are now common in U.K. (Allaire and Campagna, 1961). In USA it was 15% in 1961. In Egypt a prevalence rates of 75% ( Mohi El Din, 1954) and 90% (Abdou et al., 1965) were reported. Adverse effects of anemia on both maternal and perinatal health have been widely reported for decades (Adams and Gurung, 1977). Its effects in reducing economic production have recently come to light as stated by Edgerton et al., (1979). The aim of this study is to assess the prevalence of anemia in pregnancy in Jeddah and the effect of some biological and socioeconomic factors on its prevalence. 7 AN IMMUNOSEROLOGICAL STUDY AMONG BLOOD DONORS OF MAKKAH REGION, SAUDI ARABIA BY M. AYMAN SAFI, HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI, MOHAMED S. ARAFA and MOHAMED MOSELHI Departments of Microbiology, Community Medicine and Parasitology, Faculty of Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia Abstract (1989) Blood services are inevitable and life saving. Therefore all measures should be taken to guarantee that the donated blood is pathogen free. The present study intends to throw some light on the prevalence of infectious and parasitic disease among blood donors, whether Saudi or expatriates residing in the Makkah region (Makkah and Jeddah cities). Results of this work indicate that hepatitis B is one of the most important problems involved in blood services in this region. On the contrary sexually transmitted diseases like syphilis and AIDS do not comprise a real health problem so far. However, periodic checkup and intensive health education are of utmost importance. Hydatidosis does not constitute a real problem as dogs are mostly avoided in this region. 8 FEEDING PATTERNS AND GROWTH OF INFANTS IN JEDDAH By HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI, EMAD E. EID AND MOHAMED HUSSEIN From Department of Community Medicine King Abdulaziz University And Maternal & Child Health & Medical Statistics Sections Department of Preventive Medicine Makkah Al-Mukarramah Region, Ministry of Health INTRODUCTION (1990) As long as a satisfactory growth rate is maintained, there is little disagreement that exclusive breast feeding is the preferred mode of feeding for healthy babies (Sosa et al., 1976). Because many factors affect the age when breast milk alone becomes inadequate to meet the nutritional requirements for satisfactory growth, this age varies between populations and between individuals within a population (Underwood & Hofvander, 1982). A significant decline in the incidence and duration of breast feeding was reported in both developed and developing countries. However, the declining trend was halted or reversed in many developed countries as stated by Hirschman and Butler (1981) while there is no evidence of any reversal or upward trend in the developing countries (WHO, 1981). 9 RELATIONSHIP OF PREGNANCY WASTAGE AND INFANT LOSS TO FERTILIY BEHAVIOR IN SAUDI ARABIA By HASSAN GHAZNAWI, EMAD EL DIN EID, MOHAMMED HUSEEIN, MONA MORTADA AND SAMI KAAKI From Department of Community Medicine, King Abd El Aziz University Preventive Department Western Region Department of Family Health High Institute of Public Health, Alexandria University – Egypt 1990 INTRODUCTION Pregnancy wastage and child mortality are major high fertility determinants in developing countries (Omran, 1974; Eid et al., 1988 and Abd El Moniem et al., 1986). Omran (1974) analyzed data collection from 14 maternity centers which revealed that perinatal mortality described a J-shaped relationship with both maternal age and parity. Omran and Standley (1981) gave a full review of recent studies in this respect. Carbera (1980) in China reported that neonatal and postneonatal and total infant mortality were lowest for maternal ages 20-34, highest for ages under 20 years & 35 years and over. Stoekel and Choudhery (1971) found that postneonatal mortality were high for young mothers (under 20) and highest for mothers aged 35-39 years. Ayeni and Oduntin (1978) reported that infant mortality has a j-shaped pattern of risk with maternal age. El Sherbini et al., (1981) reported a J-shaped relation to pregnancy wastage and maternal age. Higher social class decreased number of pregnancy wastage. Eid et al., (1986,a) reported that the percent of women who were ever users or current users of birth control were significantly higher among women without child loss that among women with child loss. 10 SOCIOECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING THE PREVALENCE OF OBESITY AMONG FEMALE PATIENTS ATTENDING PRIMARY HEALTH CENTRES IN JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA RUFAIDA H. KHASHOGGI, KHALID A. MADANI, HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI, and MAJDI A. ALI Department of Nutrition, Home Economics, king Abdulaziz University, Jeddah and Directorate of Health Affairs, Ministry of Health, Jeddah Region, Saudi Arabia (1994) A sample of 852 Saudi women who attended the primary health care centers in Jeddah seeking medical care were examined. Obesity was defined as a value for the body mass index (kg/m2) ≥ 25.0. The prevalence of obesity in the exampled sample was high (64.3%). Obesity was significantly related to age, marital status, parity, level of education, level of work, women’s income levels, who is the householder and the number of servants. There was no significant association between obesity and the following factors: being the only or youngest daughter, inhabitant’s number, number of cars, time spent watching television, eating while watching television, number of times per week inviting or being invited to meals, householder’s income, and his education or work. Multiple regression analysis indicated that five variables were significant predictors: age, marital status, number of servants, giving birth, and parity. Knowledge of the social factors associated with obesity will help to identify high risk groups. Those most vulnerable to the development of obesity, should then be the focus of a vigorous preventive program. 11 SURVEILLANCE FOR DENGUE FEVER IN JEDDAH Hassan I. Ghaznawi, Taha O. Al-Khateeb, Naeema Akbar, Huda Afifi and Nasser Alhamdan INTRODUCTION 1997 Dengue fever is an acute self-limited illness characterized by diphasic fever, headache, arthralgia, myalgia, rash, lymphadenopathy and leucopenia. Dengue haemorrhagic fever is a severe form of classic dengue, manifested by thrombocytopenia and haemococentration. In severe cases, circulatory failure and shock (dengue shock syndrome) result from immune enhancement due to reinfection with a different serotype. Dengue fever is caused by the mosquitoborne dengue virus. The primary vector is Aedes aegypti; A. albopictus is a second potential vector. Dengue virus is an enveloped RNA virus classified in the flavivirus genus (formerly called group B arbovirus) of the Togaviridae family. Despite the occurrence of dengue fever in some countries bordering the Red Sea during the last ten years, such as Sudan, Senegal, Djibouti and Yemen, its appearance in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia was not expected as the geographical characteristics of Jeddah City (e.g. low rainfall of < 60mm/year) are not suitable for the natural breeding of the vector. 12 LARGE GATHERING: A MANAGEABLE THREAT Dr. Hassan I. Ghaznawi Abstract (1997) The world is getting smaller and travel time is becoming shorter due to the ever improving means of transportation. These factors and others has led to the that certain unwanted passengers namely bacteria and viruses moves faster from one country to the other. These passengers never did believe in geographical nor political boundaries. The number of international travelers is increasing dramatically every year. This mass movement unless controlled poses a dangerous health threat to various parts of the world. Large gatherings mainly occur during vacation seasons. However, the largest congregation in the world takes place on Makkah during the annual pilgrimage. The Saudi health authorities are entrusted with providing optimal preventive and curative health services to the pilgrims. International health regulations were developed in order to provide healthy environment. This paper aims at elucidating the methods adopted by the Saudi health authorities during this event. It will also outline the measures which could form the basis upon which various health authorities can rely in coping with large gatherings such as the Annual Pilgrimage to Makkah. 13 THE PILGRIMAGE TO MAKKAH: A UNIQUE CHALLENGE Professor Hassan I. Ghaznawi, King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia 2002 Saudi Arabia as the inheritor of the Islamic holy cities (Makkah and Madinah) plays host annually to more than two million Moslems. They converge to Makkah to perform at least once in a lifetime the Hajj as prescribed in the Quran. The sheer force of this concentrated gathering of pilgrims from all over the world makes it an awesome responsibility to the Saudi authorities. The Hajj is a fertile area for a propagation of infectious and communicable disease. Therefore, it is imperative that the Saudi health authorities should enforce vigilant procedures to prevent the entry of these diseases and also cope with such problems as they occur. In addition, pilgrims face a number of other heath problems ranging from mere sore throat to heat strokes. This paper intended to give an overview of the health problems, the pilgrims may confront during the Hajj. It will also elucidate the various measures which the Saudi authorities in general and the health authorities in particular adopt to safeguard the pilgrims during the Hajj. It will outline the various programs and efforts the health authorities have to exert to prevent the entry of communicable diseases into the country and the management of the various health facilities in the area which provides adequate health services to the largest congregation of people in the world. We will prove that the pilgrimage to Makkah is a Unique Challenge. 14 THE HAJJ “A HOLY RITUAL AND A HEALTH NIGHTMARE” DR. HASSAN I. GHAZNAWI M.D., Dr. P. H. 2004 The Hajj is the largest congregation of people in the world. It is a very strenuous experience especially for the old and feeble pilgrims. It is a fertile area for the propagation of communicable diseases. Heat exhaustion and sunstroke are but another cause of mortality and morbidity. This paper is intended to give a detailed discussion of the Hajj ritual and all the health problems encountered. It will also show that there are other major incidents, which have and will occur during Hajj. They are not related to health problems. However, the health services are the end sufferers of any disasters occurring during the Hajj. All the necessary steps, which are adopted by the Saudi authorities, are discussed. Certain procedures could be adopted which might minimize the problems occurring during the Hajj thus reducing the health nightmare of this Holy Ritual. 15 PREVALENCE AND INTENSITY OF DENTAL CARIES AMONG SCHOOL STUDENTS IN JEDDAH CITY Ali H. Hassan, Hala Amer, Adel Moussa and Hassan Ghaznawi ABSTRACT (2005) This survey was conducted on school children of the various educational stages in Jeddah city. The aim was to detect the caries experience of school pupils. A stratified random sample was taken from the various administrative districts of Jeddah. Stratification by age, educational stage and gender was done and random samples were drawn from the school lists of various stages. A total sample of 2400 students were surveyed, half males and half females, equally withdrawn from private and public schools of the various educational levels. The results revealed a low caries experience 2.5 among 9-12 year old group, and moderate (DMFT=3.46 and 4.31) among 13-15 and 16-18 year old groups respectively. The trend was therefore not decreasing. Females and governmental schools had higher DMFT levels in intermediate and high schools. Educational, preventive and therapeutic school dental programs are recommended. 16 Religious gathering and the health threat By Prof. Hassan I. Ghaznawi, M.d. Dr. P. H King Abdul Aziz University Jeddah, Saudi Arabia (2006) The annual pilgrimage to Makkah is the largest congregation of people in the world. It is a fertile area for the propagation of communicable diseases. This mass gathering unless controlled poses a dangerous health threat not only to Saudi Arabia but also to the countries from which the pilgrims come from and the countries they transit on their return journey. Meningococcal meningitis outbreak during the 1987 pilgrimage has exposed the Saudi authorities to a new form of communicable disease. It has necessitated the adoption of new measures both locally and internationally in order to combat such outbreaks. Although the Saudi health authorities are entrusted with providing optimal preventive and curative health services to the pilgrims, WHO and health authorities of other countries are also involved. This paper aims at elucidating the methods adopted by the Saudi health authorities during this event. It will also outline the measures to be adopted by various countries during such large religious gathering and the vaccine strategies for travelers and their drawbacks.