File - Miss Sperlazza School Counselor

Lesson Plan
School Counselor: Plain Local Elementary School Counselors
Date: October 2013
Activity: Identifying and Preventing Bullying Behavior
Grade(s): All students in grades 3-5
ASCA Student Standards (Domain/Standard/Competencies):
PS: A1.6 Distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
PS: A1.8 Understand the need for self-control and how to practice it.
PS: A1.4 Understand change is a part of growth.
PS: A1.1 Develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy person.
PS: A2.3 Recognize, accept, respect and appreciate individual differences.
PS: A2.1 Recognize that everyone has rights and responsibilities.
Learning Objective(s):
1. Students will be presented with the topic of bullying and understand and identify types of bullying
2. Once identified, students will be able to reflect on their behavior and alter their actions if necessary
and prevent bullying behavior in the future.
3. Students will complete a pre and post assessment to demonstrate what they have learned about
bullying using true and false questionnaire and bullying behavior survey.
Poster board
VPU and appropriate hook-up
What is Bullying PowerPoint Presentation
Bullying True/False pre-assessment
I Didn’t Know I was a Bully bound books
Bullying Tic-Tac-Toe Board sheet
Bullying Tic-Tac-Toe playing cards
Behavior Survey
Folder to hold activity sheets for future lessons
Bullying Word Search
Bullying Crossword Puzzle
Hidden Bullying Message
I Don’t Want to be a Bully Rap
 Welcome: Introduce ourselves to the students and state purpose of the lesson: to introduce and
discuss bullying behavior. Students will reflect on their behavior and make any necessary
changes to such behavior. This is a proactive lesson to help prevent bullying behavior.
Pre-Assessment: Students will individually complete a true/false questionnaire on bullying.
Once completed, students will share answers as a class giving a thumbs up for answers they
believe are true and thumbs down for those they believe are false.
Bullying Behavior Activity:
 Bullying Behavior Chart: Student volunteers will share what they believe makes a person a bully.
Record responses on poster board using markers.
 I Didn’t Know I Was A Bully: Students will receive a copy of the book. Each student will read
aloud one page of the book. Reflect on bullying behavior presented in the book as a class and
add any additional words to the Bullying Behavior Chart. Inform the students they may color
this book.
 PowerPoint Presentation: Present short PowerPoint presentation to share what bullying is and
bullying behavior they can identify.
Bullying Behavior Tic-Tac-Toe:
 Tic-Tac-Toe: Students will work with a partner playing a Tic-Tac-Toe game based on bullying
behaviors. Once the activity is completed, students will clean up.
o Instructions:
1. Students will decide who will be the first player (based on birthdays,
rock/paper/scissors, etc). They will take cards from the bag and place them face
2. They will draw the first card and read the scenario. After discussing the question
and agree that the answer is correct, the player who drew the card will place an “X”
or “O” on the board.
3. The other player will then take a turn. If the players do not agree, raise their hands
and have teacher help discuss and determine correct answer.
4. First one to get Tic-Tac-Toe wins. They may play this as many times as they are able
to in the time given.
 Sum It All Up: Review key concepts of the lesson and ask students if they plan or working
towards changing their behavior where necessary so that they are not expressing bullying
 Behavior Survey: Students individually complete this survey that will NOT be shared with the
class (remind students of this). The counselor will read this for evaluation.
 Fun Folders: Distribute and review folders to keep from one lesson to the next and walk through
activities included within that they are to complete before the next lesson. These include:
Bullying Crossword Puzzle, Bullying Word Search, Hidden Bullying Message, I Don’t Want To Be A
Bully Rap.
Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?
Process Data:
 All 4th grade students participated in the “Identifying and Preventing Bullying Behavior” guidance
Perception Data:
 Based upon the completion of pre and post assessments, Bullying Pre-Assessment and Behavior
Survey, within the lesson as well as informal assessments such as class discussion and partner
activities. Students will also complete a survey after completing the final five guidance lessons
on Bullying throughout the school year in which we may obtain data based upon. Thus,
perception data will be gathered in the following areas: competency achievement, knowledge
gained and attitudes/beliefs.
Outcome Data:
 Proof this program has (or has not) positively impacted 4th grade students’ ability to utilize the
knowledge, attitudes and skills to effect: attendance, behavior and/or academic achievement
once the lesson and unit are complete.
Follow Up:
 The 4th grade students will participate in a series of five Anti-Bullying guidance lessons within
this unit throughout the remainder of the school year in which we will develop the concept,
participate in activities and explore areas within to ensure success for all students. Small groups
and individual counseling on this topic will also be provided as needed.