Part 3: Odyssey Multiple choice

Odyssey Multiple choice
1. Odysseus wandered the seas for ten years because he
A) his country lost the Trojan war
B) he was searching for his father
C) he had offended the god Poseidon
D) he had betrayed his country
2. Odysseus’ son was
A) Achilles
B) Eumaeus
C) Hercules
D) Telemachus
3. The wife of Odysseus was
A) Aphrodite
B) Penelope
C) Eurycleia
D) Athena
4.The goddess who befriended and helped Odysseus was
A) Athena
B) Poseidon
C) Aphrodite
5.Anyone who followed the customs of the Lotus Eaters
A) wanted only to go home
B) was able to foretell the future
C) was transformed into a Cyclops
D) never wanted to go home
6. Odysseus told the Cyclops that his own name was
A) Norman
B) Ithaca
C) Nohbdy
D) Antinous
7. After the Cyclops was blinded, Odysseus and his men escaped by
A) another Cyclops’ help
B) hiding under the bellies of sheep
C) crawling outside to safety
D) receiving assistance from Aphrodite
8. Scylla had
A) many heads
B) eight pairs of arms
C) eyes that drew sailors to doom
D) the ability to turn men to stone
9. Chaybdis was
A) frightening but harmless
B) a whirlpool
C) less dangerous than Scylla
D) an epic hero
10. When Odysseus told his men of Circe’s warning of the Sirens, they
A) threatened to desert him
B) laughed at his words
C) helped tie him to the mast
D) didn’t believe him
11. Odysseus put wax in the ears of his men so
A) they wouldn’t laugh at his singing
B) they wouldn’t be charmed by the sirens
C) they wouldn’t hear his plans for the Trojan horse
D) they wouldn’t hear Circe’s predictions
12. Telemachus was to remove
A) the weapons from the hall
B) the swineherd
C) the servant woman
D) the beggar
13. Odysseus competed in a contest in which the suitors were to
A) string a bow
B) shoot an arrow through axe handles
C) both a and b
14. Odysseus proved to his wife that he was truly her husband when he
A) showed her the scar on his foot
B) recalled the name of his dog
C) whispered his nickname for her
D) revealed how he built his bed
15. Which description does not fit Odysseus?
A) shy
B) cunning
C) strong
D) self- reliant
16. Odysseus’ method of outwitting the Cyclops displays his
A) trickiness
B) thirst for revenge
C) ability to take risks
D) all of the above
17. The suitors show that they are
A) greedy
B) considerate
C) modest
D) god fearing
18. Odysseus has been away from home for
A) 10 years
B) 15 years
C) 17 years
D)20 years
19. The writer of the Odyssey is
B) Antinous
C) Homer
D) Plutrarch
20.How does Athena’s ability to disguise Odysseus influence the plot?
A) the people in his country treat him with sympathy
B) He is able to sneak up on the traitors
C) his swineherd is unable to help him upon his return
D) His dog dies from the surprise of seeing him.
21. Which of the following best identifies the Odysseus that we meet in this story?
A) he is the captain of a ruthless pirate fleet
B) he is the outcast leader and hates all human beings
C) he is the leader of a homeward bound Greek fleet
D) he is the luckless son of Poseidon and a nymph
22. Odysseus first wishes to kill the sleeping Cyclops with his sword. Why doesn’t he do
A) the Cyclops almost never sleeps
B) he is protected by magic from swords
C) Odysseus is afraid to attack him
D) with the Cyclops dead, no one will be able to open the door
23. Odysseus enters his home dressed as a beggar in order to
A) find out who is still loyal
B) count the number of suitors
C) amuse the suitors
D) see if anyone still recognizes him
24. The effect of the Lotus plant on Odysseus’ men is most similar to the effect of
C) chocolate
D) addictive drugs
25.Why do Odysseus and his men enter Polyphemus’ cave?
A) to kill Polyphemus
B) to capture Polyphemus
C) to find food and shelter
D) to satisfy Odysseus’ curiosity bout Polyphemus
26. By informing the Cyclops of his true name and the fact that he and his men have
escaped, Odysseus
A) pleases his men
B) impresses his men
C) endangers his men
D) shortens his journey home
27. Odysseus’ men are afraid of the wolves and lions they meet outside Circe’s house
because the animals
A) are so tame
B) are so beautiful
C) are so ferocious
D) can speak like people
28. The danger of the Sirens is associated with their
A) beauty
B) voices
D) physical strength
29. All of the following help Odysseus in the battle against the suitors EXCEPT
A) Zeus
B) Telemachus
C) Penelope
D) the servants
30. The suitors look down on Odysseus when he first appears because they think he
A) is an old beggar
B) is no longer in favor with the gods
C) is too tired from the journey to harm them
D) was wrong to leave Penelope alone for so long
Essay: Choose two of the following. Complete answers should fill at least half a page
(100 words).
1. Through Odysseus’ many adventures, many epic hero qualities are uncovered. Choose
one heroic quality that you believe to be the most important to Odysseus’ survival.
Describe the quality and cite examples to prove that he possesses this quality.
2. Should Penelope have taken Odysseus back, if she were to know everything that we
know about Odysseus as readers? Should she forgive him for all of his failings? Give
specifics from the story as to why you do/do not believe that he should be able to come
home and live with her.
3. One of Odysseus’ weaknesses is that he wants revenge, which gets him into trouble.
These opportunities, however, often show him at his most clever and courageous. Choose
two episodes and give specifics to show that this is the case.
4. Select one theme from the Odyssey. Discuss how the theme is developed- where and
when it is discussed, and how it fits in with the action of the story. Be sure to include
specifics from the poem.