The Big 6 Genetic Disorder Assignment Name: __________________________Disorder:______________________ Big 6 #1 Task Definition Imagine you are a genetics specialist who has been sent to a remote town where one of the inhabitants has a genetic condition. The townspeople are frightened by rumors that the sick person is a monster, instead of a human. Research the medical facts of the disorder then pretend that you have called a town meeting to put the town's fears to rest. Present you findings to the town. You must include the following in your speech: 1. What is the name of the genetic disorder? (include alternate names/abbreviations) 2. What causes the disorder? 3. Who does it affect and how many people does it affect? (race, age, gender, etc) 4. What are the major symptoms or signs of this disorder? 5. Is the disorder contagious? If no, how do people get it? 6. Is it curable (if no, what is the life expectancy)? 7. Pictures (on a poster; please make sure pictures are appropriate) 8. Sources: pictures must be sited too! Due Date: Big 6 #2 Information Seeking Strategies Brainstorm a list of sources you will need for background information. Consider using library books, scientific magazines, and experts on your disorder. Decide which will be the best to use because you can find them or have someone to help you find them. Big 6 #3 Location and Access Locate the sources for your background information. Ask your teacher or librarian for help to find the websites and books you will need. Helpful websites: Most disorders have a .org Foundation website (ex:, *Wikipedia is not considered a reliable source and may not be used. Big 6 #4 Use of Information Use the list of provided websites to answer the questions in the Task Definition. Make sure that you do not simply copy and paste information from a website because that is plagiarism! Any scientific terms that you put on your final product, you must be able to explain. You may also write down anything else that is interesting about your disorder that you would like to share. Big 6 #5 Synthesis Use your research to present your findings as stated in the Task Definition. You will give a 3 minute presentation of your research. With your presentation, you must have a small poster with at least 3 pictures (include picture sources). You must also hand in a typed final product to the teacher. Big 6 #6 Evaluation Your will be graded on your presentation as well as your research. You can earn a possible 30 points for this assignment based on the following: Requirement Identification of genetic disorder- including all names associated with disease Cause- provide details about the are of the chromosome or gene that is changed or defective Who is affected/how many are affected- details about race, age, gender, ethnicity, etc. of who might get this disease and about how many people in the world have it Symptoms- detailed list with explanation of the symptoms of this disease. How do people know they have it and/or how would a doctor diagnose it? Susceptibility- how do people get this disease. Is it contagious or is it genetic. If genetic, who in the family would be most likely to get the gene. If contagious, how is it spread Curability- provide details about a cure and/or treatment (be knowledgeable about the difference) and discuss the life expectancy of those who have the disease Pictures- provide pictures of people with the disease, any unique characteristics and pictures of the mutated chromosomes/genes if any Sources provided Presentation- knowledgeable about disease, did not read off poster Total ______/30 Excellent Average 2 1 Notprovided 0 3 1 0 3 1 0 5 2 0 5 2 0 4 2 0 3 1 0 2 3 1 2 0 1