Ancient Egypt Projects

Name ______________________
Ancient Egypt Projects
You must choose a total of 5 project points from each section. You should have a total of 25 points all
together. You may choose 5 extra project point activities for extra credit.
1 pt
___ Define the following words:
pharaoh, papyrus, embalm, ancient,
pyramid, sarcophagus, hieroglyphics
___ Make flash cards with pictures
___ Complete the word Search
___ Create an afterlife check-
"Egyptian Gods & Goddesses"
list of 10 things you would
___ Create a crossword puzzles
bring into your after life and
with clues for the following words:
tell why you would bring them.
of the following vocabulary words
papyrus, embalm, ancient, pyramid,
___ Create a hieroglyphic
pharaoh, papyrus, sarcophagus,
sarcophagus, hieroglyphics, Pharaoh
crossword puzzle. Develop
hieroglyphics, embalm, ancient pyramid
___ Define the following words:
symbols for at least 15 of 26
___ Pyramid write the following
vocabulary words: pharaoh, papyrus,
Book of the Dead, canopic jar, amulet,
letters of the alphabet. Clues
scarab, delta, cartouche
must be in hieroglyphic format
embalm, ancient, pyramid, sarcophagus,
and can be translated into
English. Minimum of 8 clues.
Must use vocabulary words.
Maps/Time Line
___ Create a map of upper and lower
___ Create a map of Ancient Egypt.
___ Compare and
Egypt. Label the following cities: Giza,
includes six major cites, and 7 major
contrast 3 maps of
Cairo, Thebes, Karnak, and Memphis
land marks (ex. Pyramids, temples)
ancient Egypt. Write a
___ Color and label the attached map
___ Create a geographical map with
paragraph of the
with the following geographical features:
at least 10 major features. Must be
things alike and one
Nile delta, Nile River, Red Sea, Nubian desert
colorful and have a legend
of the differences
Arabian desert, fertile crescent, Libyan desert,
___ Create a time line with at least 8
___ Create a time line
Upper and Lower Egypt.
dates. Include the rise and fall
of Ancient Egypt with
___ Fill in the blanks on the provided timeline.
of ancient Egypt, and 2 events from
___ Create a map of the inside of a pyramid.
each time period (Old, Middle
pictures. Include 3
events from the Old
label important parts of the structure and and New)
middle and New
make it colorful!
2 pt
___ Draw a detailed picture o f
___ Create a pyramid pop-up
___ Make Egyptian Bread
three of the Egyptian gods/
book. Tell in the book what they
and bring it into class. If you
goddesses. (DO NOT USE
were used for, what you would
MARKERS!) (must be approved
find inside and how they were built.
Mrs. Hilton first)
___ Create one of the crowns that
choose this, a letter will be sent home.
home, for parents to sign agreeing
to help you with this project.
___ Design a set of Canopic
the pharaohs would have worn. You
jars. Then explain what each
must be able to put the crown on
___ Make Egyptian sun dried bricks.
would be used for.
your own head. it must resemble one
clumpy. Then put the mixture in a
___ With the provided clay,
that a pharaoh would have worn.
provided shoe box and set outside
create a cartouche for your
___ Draw a cartoon strip to explain
own coffin.
how to mummify a body.
Mix dirt, straw and water until it is
to dry .
___ Read the article “Egyptian Religion” and write a paragraph summarizing what you read. (You can find the article on Mrs.
Hilton’s webpage under the Egypt section)
___ Read the article “ Egyptian Government” and write a paragraph summarizing what you read. (You can find the article on
Mrs. Hilton’s webpage under the Egypt section)
___ Read the article “The Rosetta Stone and Hieroglyphics” and write a paragraph summarizing what you read.
___ Read “ Ancient Civilizations: Ancient Egypt” and create and “Important page about it.
___ Read “Egypt History 101” and complete the assigned quiz that goes with it.
___ Read “ Who Built the Pyramids?” and write a letter to a 5th grader telling them about who built the pyramids.
___Read “ ________________” and write a book review for either recommending this book or not, minimum of one page typed.
___ Read “____________” and write an important page about Ancient Egypt from the book you read, one page typed.
___ Read “____________________” and write a 3 paragraph summary of what you read.
___ Pretend you are a farmer in ancient Egypt. Describe what a normal day in your life would include. Tell about who you would
interact with and the type of work you would have to do. Half page typed
___ Make a Venn diagram of the differences between the Egyptian Civilization and the Mesopotamian Civilization. Based on
what you have listed, create a symbol to represent each civilization.
___ Describe how government worked in ancient Egypt. Include who would hold the most power and how it would effect other
people in the society. Half page typed
___ All ancient civilizations started out in areas nearby a river. Explain why this is true and how it affected the life for those who
lived there. Give specific details. One page typed
___ Choose five pharaohs from Egyptian history. Write one quote for each of the five pharaohs you have chosen. Write a
quote that the pharaoh MAY have been heard saying.
___ Explain the social classes of Ancient Egypt and tell what it was like for a person who lived in each social class. Give
specific details. One page typed
___ With a partner write a script about the decision-making duties of the pharaoh. The pharaoh's most important task was to
establish truth, order and justice throughout the land. In ancient Egypt, pharaoh's word was law. Write out a detailed description
of the case that was “presented” before a pharaoh and the decision that he made.
Case ideas: (These are only ideas -- feel free to think up your own cases)
A slave has attempted to escape from a cruel master
A servant refuses to do as commanded
Someone is overheard questioning one of the pharaoh's decisions
A farmers wants to be excused from work on the pharaoh's pyramid
A wealthy lord kills your servant with his chariot.
___ Choose one pharaoh from the Ancient Egyptian time period. Write an essay detailing the life of the pharaoh. Did they
marry? Whom did they marry? Did they have children? Tell about how and when they became pharaoh. Describe some of the
significant events that occurred during their years of reign. How did they impact Egyptian civilization?