3.1 The offshore timing calibration system 3.1.1 The system architecture 3.1.2 The optical pulser 3.1.3 The fiber 3.1.4 The optical network 3.2 The Cable Calibration Station 3.2.1 The goal of the cable calibrations Station 3.2.2 The implementation 3.2.3 The measurements and performance 3.3 The onshore clock system 3.3.1 Introduction 3.3.2 The project 3.3.3 The implementation hardware 3.3.4 The implementation software 3.1.1 THE SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE The philosophy chosen to get the time offsets for each sensors is that to stimulate the OM by known optical signals at known time. As indicated in paragraph 1.2, a good signal candidate to stimulate the OMs is blue light pulse, in fact the water transparency is maximum for that wavelength, then the blue optical pulses got from OMs will be more numerous then other wavelengths. To measure the real arrival time of photons of these light pulses it is needed that the sources produce the pulses at the same time or a different but known time. In fact, if the pulsers have an offset each other, the time offsets measured at OMs will be affected from the differences of starting time of the pulses. Moreover, supposed that it is possible to line up the pulses starting, it does not guarantee that this alignment is preserved for the whole life of the detector. At contrary, we expect ourselves that the start time of light sources will drift sooner or later for the ageing of the devices but it is not known how this effect is sensitive related to the whole life of the apparatus. Then, to take into account the possible drifts of the light sources the strategy chosen is that to have few common sources where the signals are split to provide all the OMs. In this way the optical signals of a group of OMs are originated from the same light source. Consequently, if drifts are observed in the time offset, they will have to be the same for all the OMs connected to that source. Alternatively, the drifts are not originated from the pulser but from the PMT involved. Optical Module Optical fibre splitter Optical source FCM FCM electronics interface Figure XXX. Splitting principle of calibration signals at floor level. In figure XXX is schematized the principle of the common light sources. As the figure shows, the common sources are implemented at floor level. In fact, as described in previous chapter the synchronism is extracted at floor level. 3.1.2 THE OPTICAL PULSER The first step to follow this planning is to produce adapt optical signals. The only constraint met so far is the wavelength of the light source, the blue that has range from 400 to 500 nm. To get the other important time constraints it is better to refer to a typical signal of a single photoelectron given for a PMT. In figure XXX it is possible to see an example. 20 – 30 ns Figure XXX. Shot of a single photoelectron signal got from sensor. This signal is negative, it has an fall time of several ns and long tail. The duration is 20-30 ns. The multiphotoelectron signals have a bigger peak and are longer then it. The choice of the duration of light pulse, it has to compared with the duration of the single photoelectrons signal. In fact, if the duration of the light pulse is comparable with the output signal of PMT, then the time behaviour of the signals produced from calibration system will be different from the signals we aspect to get. Contrarily, if the duration of light pulses are well below that duration, the high performances of pulser are useless because the PMT is slower. Another primary feature requested to the light source is the highest time stability or the lowest standard deviation of threshold time. Because, obviously, the uncertainty of measured offsets will be directly affected from the jitter of the rising edge of the light pulses. The commercial blue light pulse sources available are laser and LED. The light pulses produced from laser have very tight shape, well defined wavelength and high levels of optical power. Unfortunately they are very expensive compared with LED. A quite good compromise it has obtained adopting a LED source drived by a selected circuit layout. The circuit adopted is shown in figure XXX. The schematic of this circuit was evolved from the circuit discussed in [5]. Moreover, especially care it was paid to the placement of components and designing of routing. After implementation a long characterization activity was done. LED Power R1 Start C2 R3 C1 Pulse Q2 R4 Q1 R2 Pulse Intensity Fig. XXX. Schematic of the pulser circuit. This circuit features a LED Agilent HLMP CB15, which was carefully selected to work as the source of the fast light pulses with a blue wavelength as we need. The peak wavelength is 470nm [datasheet] in figure XXX is shown the intensity spectrum vs wavelength. Figure XXX. Intensity spectrum of blue LED HLMP CB15. As it is possible to notice in figure XXX the focus of LED is not good enough, in fact, the angular displacement, where is comprised the 99% of the intensity, is inclusive between = -15° and + 15° (figure YYY). Therefore, to couple the pulser with the fiber it was introduced a commercial optical collimator Thorlabs F230FC-A to increase the optical power picked up by the fibre. Figure XXX and YYY. Angular dispersion of intensity LED HLMP CB15 on left side. On right side the same dispersion represented in space. In figure XXX a photograph of the chosen collimator is shown. To mate a robust and stable coupling between LED and fibre a special mechanic support was realized. A design view is provided in figure YYY. Figure XXX and YYY. Photograph of Thorlabs F230FC-A collimator on left side. Mechanical view of collimator and fibre support on the right side. In order to measure the fast and faint light pulses emitted by the pulser, fast photomultipliers Hamamatsu H6780 were used in the functionality tests (see figure XXX). 5.5 cm Figure XXX. Compact PMT Hamamatsu H6780 adopted to test the optical pulser. These devices offer very appealing characteristics: they are compact, fast (rise-time less than 1 ns), quite stable (TTS < 0.28ns) and reliable; in addition, they are internally equipped with a HVsupply. The coupling of the photocathode to the fibre can be performed easily with a commercial adapter. An illustration of one of the pulser signals as viewed by the test PMT is shown in Figure XXX. Fig. XXX. Light pulse from the pulser as viewed with a test Hamamatsu H6780 PMT (yellow trace: trigger signal; blue trace: PMT output). The pulses detected by the PMT are characterized by: Table 1. Time performance of the LED pulser measured by H6780 Falling time ~ 2.5 ns FWHM < 7 ns Standard deviation of pulse time from trigger < 100 ps It should be noted that the FHWM of these optical signals is larger than for the current pulse flowing through the LED. The result of a simulation made with PSpice is shown in Figure XXX (calculated FWHM: about 1.6 ns), while in Figure 7 we show the measurement performed on the board (measured FWHM: about 2.8 ns). Figure XXX. Simulated current pulse flowing through the LED of the pulser board. Figure XXX. Current pulse flowing through the LED as measured on the pulser board (yellow trace: trigger; red trace: current pulse). In order to cope with the attenuation introduced by the cable and connectors we have developed a remote control to manage the pulse intensity of the LED by means of the regulation of the diode voltage. This voltage is set from two levels of regulations respectively for the coarse and fine tuning of the intensity of the light pulses. The regulation is realized by digital potentiometers. The chosen devices are X9C103S by Xicor [datasheet]. They are non volatile, the full range resistance is 10k0 and the range is divided in 100 steps. In figure XXX is shown the regulation part of circuit. As possible to notice the voltage ranges applied to the digital potentiometers (between Vh and Vl terminals) are different. The upper device is the course regulation where between Vh and Vl it is applied the full range of 5V, the lower device realizes the fine regulation where the range applied is 2.5V. The regulated outputs (Vw) supply an adder opamp that at the same time adapt the range to the needs of the analogic pulser circuit. The managing of these device is quite simple, it needs to chose the crescent/decrescent versus (UpD* pin) and send how many pulses we want to step up or down the output. The devices are sensitive to the falling edge. The choices of this kind of simple but effective control follows the criteria of high reliability due to the inaccessibility of site to repair or re-program the devices. Figure XXX. Intensity regulating section of pulser circuit layout. In Figure XXX it is possible to see a photograph of the board equipped with the pulser, digital circuit controller and fibre-collimator support. Fig. XXX. LED pulser complete of collimator and fibre coupling. 3.1.3 LE FIBRE Another critical aspect in the calibration strategy chosen is the fibre performance. It is known that optical fibres have a very low attenuation especially in range of distance of few hundred metres, as we have. Nevertheless, the common signals adopted for them are in near or far infrared, quite far from wavelengths we chosen. Then a long fibre characterization activity was performed to assure low optical power losses and low timing degradations of signals produced by optical pulser. The fibres examinated and their main features were resumed in the table 2: Table 2. Fibres examinated Fibre AFS 50/125 Cordis single window 850 nm BFH/L 200m GIF625 460HP Mode 50m core 125m cladding – multimode 50m core 125 cladding – multimode 200m core 230m cladding – multimode 62.5m core 125m cladding – multimode 9m core 125m cladding – monomode NA 0.22 0.22 0.37 0.27 0.13 BFH/L 200m is a large core fibre that is good because Numeric Aperture (NA) is the maximum value and more is the light picked up form LED. GIF625 is a graded index fibre where the different paths of photons are equalized with velocity and the intermodal dispersion in minimized. Cordis is a commercial low cost fibre, currently used in data transmission as Ethernet on fibre. AFS 50/125 and 460HP are specialized for visible wavelength, the first is multimode the second is monomode. Considering the advantages and the disadvantages of each of them, the choice was fallen on AFS 50/125 because the losses are minimized, the optical power picked up was quite good and the degradation time performances were no sensitive for the working lengths. In figure XXX is shown the curve of attenuation vs wavelength of the chosen fibre. Figure XXX. Spectrum attenuation of AFS 50/125 fibre. Another critical aspect is the fibre termination. In fact, it is needed that the light is injected on photocathode of PMT without big optical power losses due to shadow of objects or reflections and also mechanically stable. Unlike the PMT chosen for apparatus shown in figure XXX is much less handy of H6780, then, several surveys and attempts on field were performed. The solution was found designing a new support where the edge of the fibre is properly oriented toward the sensitive part of the sensor. As Figure XXX shows, the light is injected from the backside of the photomultiplier with a specific angle to maximize the signal amplitude. Consequently, the light pulses can illuminate a wide spot on the photocatode given from a cone of 12.7° from the axis. 10° =12.7° Fig. XXX. Photo of photomultiplier complete of fibre support. 3.1.4 THE OPTICAL NETWORK As discussed at beginning of this chapter, the offshore time calibration strategy is that to send good quality of optical pulses to groups of OMs at same time. In figure XXX the groups of OMs were individuated as all OMs of each floor. That initial chosen was performed in natural way, due to the cabling arrangement discussed in 2.3. Nevertheless, it is essential extract an unique time offset matrix where the OMs offsets of each floors are consistent each other. For this it is necessary to link the offsets retrieved from pulsing of each floor together. A way to reach this goal is to extend the pulse splitting concept to multiple floors. To obtain the maximum number of OMs illuminated at once, the splitting scheme has to taking into account the amount of optical power the pulser can supply and the losses of cables along the dorsal, connectors, splitters, etc. The final scheme reflects a compromise between the maximum number of OMs to provide and a good optical signal quality at final level. The range between the light intensity minimum and maximum supplied from pulsers it was fixed to obtain the range 1 – 10 photoelectrons at OM levels. Where the pulsing to multiple photoelectrons allows to study the calibration at lower levels of TTS. To obtain the final scheme many simulations and tests were performed. A simulation system is was assembled to study the required devices and the ratio of the splitters. The system was composed by a PMT 10”, a power supply board to permit PMT to work in nominal conditions, a dark box to screen the environmental optical noise, a FEM board, PC to retrieve the data, an electrical pulser to trig the event, the oscilloscope and a reference optical pulser. Between the optical pulser and the PMT an variable attenuator was placed obtained from several splitter in succession, to simulate the presence of several losses declared from datasheet of cables and connectors. In figure XXX is shown part of the setup. Reference optical pulser Splitters chain Dark box Fig. XXX. Photo of setup up used to simulate the optical losses in the optical network. The devices chosen to split the optical signals are commercial splitters multimode 50/125 m for data transmission in 850 nm window [go4fibre]. They are build melting more edge of a optical fibres. In particular the kind of optical fibre adopted for the process is the Cording multimode fibre described in Table 2. The advantages of this solution are the availability and costless considering the prospective of km3. The final scheme is represented in figure XXX IV floor III floor II floor I floor 1x2 10/90 2x2 50/50 1x2 50/50 Hybrid connector Figure XXX. Final layout of the fibre network for minitower Following the scheme it is possible to noticed that lighting an intermediate floor there are illuminated all the OMs of the same floor, 2 OMs of the upper floor and 2 of the lower floor. In brief see table 3: Table 3. Floors pulsed from floor pulsing Floor pulsing I II III IV Floor pulsed I,II I,II,III II,III,IV III,IV The topics of the scheme are: Redundancy respect the “floor” configuration; Lighting bidirectionality along the mini-tower; The splitting configuration is the same for all floors. The groups of splitters are packed together to facilitate the integration operations and outride the deployments shocks and vibrations. A photograph of a splitting pack integrates in mechanical crate of FCM is shown in figure XXX. Figure XXX. Splitting pack integrated in FCM mechanical crate. 3.2 THE CABLE CALIBRATION STATION 3.2.1 THE GOAL OF THE CABLE CALIBRATIONS STATION The scheme described from figure XXX shows the different paths that the pulses have to follow starting from pulsers to each OMs. Because the pulses have different paths, there are associated different times to get there. Moreover, if the paths were so little to neglect the time to get them and the pulsers are synchronized, the different times registered from OMs give without further corrections, the offset required, because the pulses should arrive in the same time and in the same time when emitted. Unfortunately the time exploited to run over the fibre affects strongly the final offset because this term is added, or better subtract, to the time measurement from OMs of calibration signals. Then also the uncertainty of the knowledge of these terms contributes to the uncertainty of the final offset. In formula: offseti t peack ,i corri Where tpeack,i is the mean of the times where the signal pulses overcome a given threshold, instead corri is the correction of the time exploited from the pulses to run over the fibre. 3.2.2 THE IMPLEMENTATION The way adopted to measure the different paths described is based on time measurement between start and stop signals. The device chosen to make that measurement is the Time to Digital Converter (TDC) SR620 by Stanford Research System, that has very performing feature. Some these are here summarised [http://www.thinksrs.com/products/SR620.htm]: 25 ps single-shot time resolution 11-digit frequency resolution GPIB and RS-232 interfaces It useful to underline the firsts two: “25 ps single-shot time resolution” because well under 1 ns as discussed in previous chapter and “11-digit frequency resolution” because it possible to achieve measurements of delay reasonably large or fibres very long. The figure XXX shows the front panel of SR620. Figure XXX. Front panel of SR620 Stanford Research System TDC As is explained in 3.1.4 the whole path of the light pulses comprises connectors, pieces of fibres more or less long and characterized by different reflective index, then it is necessary that the optical signal carrier chosen to perform the measurements is the same of calibration signals. The block scheme that represent the cable calibration station is shown in figure XXX. Discriminator negative pulse Pulses detector (H6780) pulse Fibre to calibrate pulse stop TDC SR620 result PC Reference fibre command pulse start start Interface setting Reference Pulser Figure XXX. Block scheme of cable calibration station. The measurements are executed for difference. Before there is a calibrations phase where only the reference fibre is connected from pulser to detector. In that phase it is measured the time between start and stop signals. In the second phase is inserted the fibre to calibrate. At this time, the time measured between the start and stop signals will include the time spent to pass through the fibre we want to calibrate. Then, the difference between the time measured in the last time and the time measured in calibration phase will give only the time spent to pass through the fibre to calibrate. In fact, the all other contributes as the response time of pulser or detector, the cables will be collected by the first phase. The Interface block is made up of a microcontroller PIC17C756 connected to PC by RS232. The controller is included in a multifunction board that include also some ADCs and DACs called UNIV1. The commands are sent from PC by MODBUS protocol [modicon modbus reference guide] thought a LabView control panel application (in LabView the applications are called VI, Virtual Instrument) that is able to set up the light intensity required managing the coarse and fine settings, retrieve the LED bias and send the trigger pulse. In figure XXX is shown the VI control panel of pulser manager. Figure XXX. VI control panel of pulser manager. The Interface board, also, fan out the starting command from PC to reference pulser, described in the previous paragraph of this chapter and to the TDC start connector. The start signal is in TTL standard lever accepted from TDC instrument, but not so for PMT signal get out from H6780. In fact, as seen in figure XXX the shapes of PMT signals are negative and out of common standards. To apply the stop signal to TDC, then, it was necessary implement a discriminator circuit to fix the time of pulse arrival for a given threshold. The device chosen for this application is ADCMP563 by Analog Device [www.analog.com/UploadedFiles/Data_Sheets/ADCMP563_564.pdf] configured in as a comparator. Finally, it was realized another VI application to manage and store the measurements done by TDC SR620. The TDC is connected by GPIB cable to PC. Figure XXX. VI panel able to manage and log the measurements of the cable calibration station. 3.2.3 THE MEASUREMENTS AND PERFORMANCE Due to cabling arrangement and integration, as discussed in chapter 2, the optical paths of calibration pulses are split in several contributes and the measurements performed by cable shore station are stored in a big database. In following part we want to represent the ending computation that report of the mean corrections to each path. To follow the table with the results it is better refer to the figure XXX. A0 B3 A1 Optical pulser B2 Figure XXX. Scheme of OMs tagging. The OMs in each floor are tagged from zero to three, moreover the tag contain the side where is placed, A side is on left and B side is on right. From figure XXX it is also possible to notice that A0 and B3 OMs look horizontally and A1 and B2 look down. In table 4 is illustrated the summary of the estimated values and the accuracy for each path of fibre network. The mean values are obtained adding each contribute that take part to the path and the standard deviation of the path is obtained from geometrical mean of each standard deviations. To read correctly the table 4 it is needed to start from a floor pulser and end to the specific OM and floor. As it is described in the previous paragraph not all the paths are available. For example the delay introduced by the fibre network from floor 1 pulser to OM A0 of floor 1 is 136.62 ns with standard deviation of 110 ps. The delay from floor 2 pulser to OM B3 of floor 3 is 461.2 ns, standard deviation of 380 ps. Table 4. Summary of the delay introduced by fibre for all the paths Floor 1 pulser lighting on Floor 2 pulser lighting on Floor 3 pulser lighting on Floor 4 pulser lighting on OMs of floor 1 OMs of floor 2 OMs of floor 3 OMs of floor 4 Standard deviation (ns) OM Mean (ns) 136,62 0,11 A0 A1 131,79 0,10 B2 103,65 B3 104,84 OM Mean (ns) A0 Standard deviation (ns) OM 133,36 0,30 A0 A1 133,15 0,22 0,12 B2 104,38 0,11 B3 106,9 OMs of floor 2 Standard deviation (ns) OM Mean (ns) 136,27 0,51 A0 135,29 0,21 A1 136,07 0,12 A1 136,44 0,22 0,22 B2 103,66 0,16 B2 104,79 0,14 0,18 B3 109,36 0,17 B3 107,23 0,19 OMs of floor 1 Mean (ns) OMs of floor 2 Standard deviation (ns) OMs of floor 3 A0 490,54 0,27 A0 496,13 0,26 A0 487,91 0,24 A0 482,64 0,56 B3 464,17 0,36 B3 461,46 0,23 B3 461,56 0,31 B3 456,05 0,32 OMs of floor 3 OMs of floor 4 A0 488,42 0,60 A0 483,82 0,29 B3 461,2 0,38 B3 456,16 0,24 As it possible to notice from the table 4 the accuracy has some good values and some values are not very well. That is due to a poor accuracy for few contributes. For example the OM A0 of floor 3 has a big standard deviation if the path start from floor 3, floor 2 or floor 4 pulser. It means that in the last part of the fibre path the measurements have a poor accuracy but that affect also other paths. 3.3 THE ONSHORE CLOCK SYSTEM 3.3.1 INTRODUCTION From point of view of timing alignment, inside each OM there is a clock that run and restart continuously measuring the time each time there is an over threshold event on photocatode. Nerveless, the clocks are not in free running but they are synchronized by FCM main boards in each floor. In turn, the FCM main boards receive data and clock from the symmetric FCM onshore boards, as described in the previous chapter. The onshore synchronization is an important issue, in fact, if the floors are not synchronized together the arrival time for PMTs of different floors is not comparable each other. Only synchronization can guarantee that time offsets calculated once do not change for little time intervals. Part of this these work was dedicated to realize the item indicated. Another need that it was raised associated to this purpose is the transmission of the absolute time. In fact, to compare operations or results done in different parts of the apparatus is comfortable refer to an unique time flow. For example the environmental parameters like temperature, pressure or humidity are tagged with a time data when they are performed. Also, to archive the events received from OMs is necessary to refer an unique time flow. Nerveless, it needs to pay attention to not confuse with the requirements that need for the relative time measurements. In fact, the relative time requirements are more strict than those of absolute time. That because the relative time is the tagged time of the physical events and it needs the maximum time accuracy to get the particles tracks. As specified before, in the FEM boards that counter is restarted each 500 s. That counter has to be precise well under 1 ns as previously required. Indeed, absolute time refer to data management and slow control operations. The minimum unite of absolute time chosen is the duration of data frame packet used for the synchronous protocol between the onshore and offshore FCM mains boards, as is specified in previous chapter, that time is 125 s. Another concept that it is needed to clarify is that the absolute time is related to a local place. It is quite obvious that if we need to transmit a time flow to a far place, the far place receive the time flow later than the transmitter. Then, the far place will be always a way back respect to the transmitter. How much it will be the difference it depends on the distance between transmitter and receiver and the velocity of the vector information. For the case of light pulses into the fibre support the light velocity is about 2 105 km/s, then for 25 km of the distance from shore to the apparatus the offset will be about 125 s. After that, whatever clock of the apparatus will be a way back 125 s (at least) respect to the shore. The same concept it is possible to extend to the time offsets of timing calibration. In fact, the time offsets are relative times between two any OMs but it is possible also to express them respect to a common reference and if the common reference change, it will change also the offset matrix. Nerveless, the common reference of offsets matrix is not a crucial item because in any case the relative difference between each couple of OMs will be unchanged. 3.3.2 THE PROJECT Some requirements are already discussed and some are not yet explicated. It is possible to summarize the functionalities demanded to timing shore station in list: • • • • • • • Recovery clock from GPS receiver Data and time recovery UTC data flow sent to FCMs onshore in synchronous protocol Clock Fan-out toward FCMs onshore Format the clock and time flow signals to be acceptable to FCM on shore boards Go-and-Back time measurements FCM onshore/offshore by TDC Network Time Protocol (NTP) server The first requirement refers to the possibility to compare physical events as muon or neutrino tracks with other experiments around the world as, for instance, those listed in the first chapter. The data manager has to able to tag the physical events with Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) time flow. Then, the absolute time also has to be sourced from an Global Position System (GPS) device. To be reproducible and scalable with KM3 project it was chosen a commercial device GPS receiver. The device chosen is XLi from Symmetricomm [Symmetricomm] because it has very appealing features, some of these are listed here: 1 Pulse Per Second (PPS) Output Rate Output 1/10/100 PPS, 1/10/100 kPPS, 1/5/10 MPPS Code Output (IRIG-A, B, and NASA 36) Code Input (AM or DC: IRIG-A, B, and NASA 36) RS-232/422 Serial I/O Port Standard Network Port (10 Base-T) GPS Time and Frequency Reference Card (+/-30 ns RMS) Time Interval - Event Time Output (TIET) Frequency Measurement Input Programmable Pulse Output (PPO) NTP server Most of listed features will be recall later but it is useful to point out that the accuracy of GPS receiver, declared to +/-30 ns RMS. It means that the error on PPS signal got from GPS is well under the absolute time unit of 125 s. That accuracy has to compared with absolute time accuracy required for apparatus that usually is declared less then 1ms. The second requirement refers to extraction of data and time from GPS receiver to be sent to each FCM onshore boards. The XLi supports several code outputs: IRIG (Inter Range Instrumentation Group) and NASA[symmetricomm]. The code chosen for retrieve the current data and time is IRIG B because it is based on 1s frame. In figure XXX it is shown the protocol of the code. Figure XXX. IRIG B protocol frame. The frame protocol is composed by 100 pulses. The rising edges start each 10 ms, in this way they divide the second in 100 equal parts, then counting the rising edge it is possible to know the current part of frame. The starting and the ending of the frame is marked with a pulse 8 ms long (marker), each 10 pulses there is a marker, so it is possible to distinguish the starting of frame because there are two consecutive markers. Between two markers 8 ms long there are pulses that represent bits: a short pulse (2ms) represents 0, a medium pulse (5ms) represents 1. Between the first and second marker there is information of the seconds in Binary Code Decimal (BCD) code. Between the second and third marker there is the minute, between the third and forth there is the hour. Because the day of year in BCD code need two blocks, that information is split between the forth and fifth and between the fifth and sixth marker. The next three blocks not are defined and finally the last two blocks contain the current number of the second of the year in standard binary code. As it is possible to notice the code does not contain the current year, so it will be repeated at the same every year. The third requirement listed refers to the transmission data protocol agreed to be read from FCM onshore board. A scheme of the protocol is shown in figure XXX. Data absolute time UTC start sec. min hous days frames since 01/01/2006 Acoustic absolute time sec since 01/01/2006 Idle Idle Idle Idle … Idle stop 500 bit = 1/8000 seconds Figure XXX. Absolute timing data protocol, transmitted from onshore timing station to FCMs onshore boards This protocol is characterized by: • • • • • 8b/10b code (revealing error, scrambling 0/1, byte function embedded) Time upgraded each 125 s Data (event and SC) absolute time Acoustic data absolute time More functions and information are possible to add Adopting the same frequency of transmission clock of 4 MHz and the minimum unite of absolute time of 125 s, it derives a synchronous protocol of 500 bit framed. To assure a revealing error function, each byte is encoded by 8b/10b encoding. Adopting 8b/10b code there are also defined some standard byte function as start and stop frame and idle. Because the 8b/10b codes each byte by 10 bits, the frame useful to transmit the data are reduced to 48 bytes (excluded start and stop words). All the bytes are binary standard with Most Significant Bit (MSB) on most left part. As the figure XXX represents the first bytes reflect the IRIG B protocol: the first byte contains the current second, the second byte contains the minute, the third contains the hour, the forth and fifth contain the day of the year. The following six bytes contain the number of data frame or the current absolute time expressed in 125 s unit. As pointed out before, the IRIG B does not contain the year information, so it was necessary to fix a zero data from which it is possible to count the absolute time. The zero data chosen is midnight of January 1th of 2006. The six byte are enough to count more the 1115 years! The last 4 meaning bytes contain the same information of absolute time but in seconds unit. Those are useful for acoustic positioning boards that tag the measurements in that format. The last part of frame constituted by 33 bytes are without of meaning and they are free for more applications. The forth and fifth requirements, listed in YYY page, refer to the signal adaptation with receive parts of FCM onshore boards. As mentioned before, the clock frequency required is 4 MHz and the electrical format chosen is LVDS, because that format guarantee a better noise immunity also for cable of some metres. Moreover, it was applied the ground decoupling to avoid ground loops. The following requirement request to the Clock Onshore Station is the go-and-back time measurements. As clarified in 3.3.1 the absolute time refers to local position, then, it can be useful to know how much is the temporal distance from the shore to each floors or more important monitoring eventually problems can occurs on synchronization between the floors. Moreover, that information may confirm the inter-floors offshore timing calibration, if the accuracy is enough. For this application a signal of start frame and one of arrival frame are available from each FCM onshore board. Then, the duty of the shore station is to address the proper start and stop signal to TDC time by time for all floors, managing the TDC, logging and storing the measurements. The last requirement is the distribution of synchronism signals over Ethernet to other PCs of shore station. This is an useful item that allow to synchronize the computers clocks to share jobs, applications or results knowing those are time aliened. This synchronization is realized by a server that uses the protocol NTP to send time packets on port 123 of UDP (User Datagram Protocol) [http://www.ntp.org/]. The accuracy of this mechanism is quite lower respect the others accuracy described because it involves long distances and processor activities but enough to the data management. 3.3.3 THE IMPLEMENTATION HARDWARE The block scheme of functionalities involved in the clock onshore station is shown in figure XXX. Antenna GPS GPIB XLi – GPS Symmetricom IRIG B RS232 PC Cronos Clock 10MHz Startx TDC SR620 Stopx Interface board SCSI cable Crate PXI FPGA 4 x LVDS 4 x LVDS Dati 4MHz Clock 4MHz Figure XXX. Block scheme of clock onshore station As mentioned before Symmetricom XLi realizes the GPS receiver, the GPS signals come from a GPS Antenna installed on the roof of shore station. XLi supply IRIG B and clock to the device that manages the clock fan out and the absolute timing transmission. An Interface board is able to collect the cables and different connectors and it multiplexes start and stop signals to provide with TDC. The PC manage all the devices as it will be clear later. Some of blocks are known because discussed previously. Here we want to describe the device that realize of the clock fan out and the transmission of the absolute timing data protocol. The choice was addressed to reconfigurable logic devices, in particular FPGAs because the operations to need to implement are fixed in time. Nerveless, the reconfigurable choice it was also necessary due to split the function implementation and testing. Moreover, the possibility to re-use the same hardware to different project as KM3. The FPGA chosen it was Virtex II Pro – Xilinx, installed in a National Instrument development board NI – PXI 7811. An advantageous of the Virtex II pro device is the availability of Rocket I/Os [www.virtex.com]. These are special I/Os where the jitter is very well controlled (40-50 ps) because of using special care to the routing, often they are used to distribute the clock. In figure XXX it is shown the mechanical view of NI board. Figure XXX. Mechanical view of NI – PXI 7811R. In front of the board are available four connectors where are split the 160 I/Os. The main features of this board are summarized in table 3: Table 4. Main features of NI PXI – 7811R Bus Digital I/O FPGA I/O formats PXI 160 Virtex II pro – 1M gates TTL input, LVTTL, LVCMOS input/output PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) is a modular instrumentation platform originally introduced in 1997 by National Instruments. PXI is designed for measurement and automation applications that require high-performance and a rugged industrial form-factor. It uses PCI-based technology and an industry standard governed by the PXI Systems Alliance (PXISA) [http://www.pxisa.org/] to ensure standards compliance and system interoperability. PXI is based on CompactPCI, and it offers all of the benefits of the PCI architecture including performance and industry adoption. An industry consortium defines hardware, electrical, software, power and cooling requirements, leaving nothing to chance. Then PXI adds integrated timing and synchronization that is used to route synchronization clocks, and triggers internally. In table 5, it is listed the signals that are distributed on PXI backplane. Table 5. Backplane signals of PXI divided from original specification System Signals PXI CompactPCI PCI PXI_BRSV PXI_CLK10 PXI_CLK10_IN PXI_LBL[0:12] PXI_LBR[0:12] PXI_STAR[0:12] PXI_TRIG[0:7] BD_SEL# BRSV CLK[0:6] DEG# ENUM# FAL# GA0-GA4 GNT#[0:6] HEALTHY# INTP INTS IPMB_PWR IPMB_SCL IPMB_SDA PRST# REQ#[0:6] RSV SYSEN# SMB_ALERT# SMB_SCL SMB_SDA UNC ACK64# AD[0:63] C/BE[0:7]# CLKDEVSEL# FRAME# GND GNT# IDSEL INTA# INTB# INTC# INTD# IRDY# LOCK# M66EN PAR PAR64 PERR# REQ# REQ64# RST# SERR# STOP# TCK TDI TDO TMS TRDY# TRST# V(I/O) 3.3 V 5V +12 V -12 V The crate chosen to house the FPGA board is NI PXI-1042Q also from National Instruments because in that crate the signal PXI_CLK10_IN, indicated in table 5, is accessible from connector on the back side of the crate as is shown in red circle in figure XXX. This crate can house seven PXI multi-user boards like PXI – 7811R. Figure XXX. Backside mechanical view of NI – PXI 1042Q crate. The last block of the scheme in figure XXX to need to describe is the interface board. A photograph of this board is shown in figure XXX. FCMs - Start and Stop NI FPGA board - SCSI cable 68 pin XLi IRIG B FCMs - Clock and data with LVDS driver FCMs - Clock and data without LVDS driver Figure XXX. Interface board. The board is realized to adapt different connectors, electrical formats and house the asynchronous multiplexer. It is possible to chose if the LVDS format of clocks and data is implemented directly on FPGA chip or inside the board by a fast LVTTL-LVDS driver. The RJ45 connectors visible in figure XXX contain a transformer for ground decoupling. They are commonly used for fast Ethernet data communication. A photograph of the timing shore station is shown in figure XXX. TDC SR 620 Symmetricom XLi NI PXI crate + 7811R FPGA board GPS Antenna PC Cronos Figure XXX. Photograph of timing shore station. 3.3.4 THE IMPLEMENTATION SOFTWARE Another advantageous of the NI – PXI 7811R board regards the easy programming. In fact, LabView has realized an optional part that permit the project implementing graphically as “LabView sytle”. This option part is called LabView FPGA Module. In spite of the high level language it is possible to manage the I/Os, the trigger events, hardware counters, etc. up to hardware details. It is also possible to include HDL (Hardware Description Language) functions. LabView FPGA Module uses specialized functions to implement the hardware, two function panels are shown in figure XXX and YYY. Figure XXX and YYY. Master panel on the left side, I/O functions panel on the right side. Because LabView FPGA Module uses only specialized functions, the VI FPGA program has to be separated from other VIs. This kind of VI is called FPGA VI. The figure XXX shows the FPGA VI front panel implemented to obtain the function needed. Figure XXX. Front panel of FPGA VI that realize the hardware functions requested to the timing shore station As the figure XXX illustrates, while the FPGA run, there are shown the fields of absolute timing, also the panel include the managing of multiplexing of start and stop signals, the clocks switching and an useful reference pulser manager. To share the several functions implemented the last LabView versions integrate a project approach. In figure XXX is shown the project tree of the software implemented. In the project are shared also the hardware (see FPGA Target in figure), the clocks, I/Os, FIFOs and other resources available. Figure XXX. LabView project tree panel of software implemented. To merge FPGA VI functions and ordinary VI LabView FPGA Module adds to the ordinary VIs some interface functions. As the figure XXX shows the panel has functions to open, close, call, read and write, etc. an FPGA VI. In this way the speed of VI executing (on PC processor) is adapted to the operations developed from FPGA. In other words, these functions can open a window on the part of PC memory that receive results and transmit parameters to FPGA. Figure XXX. Functions panel of Host VI where LabView FPGA module is installed. The VI that call an FPGA VI is called Host VI and is able to use all the functions available to ordinary VI as file, string, graphical function that were not available to FPGA VI. In figure XXX is shown the main console developed to manage the several functions requested to timing shore station. Offshore time calibration FPGA Monitoring/management On shore time calibration Satellite signal GPS locking Go and Back time measurements TDC Management Figure XXX. Main console of timing shore station. The main console includes several functions: the FPGA monitoring and management and onhore timing calibration are obtained calling the FPGA VI, the TDC interface realizes the automatic multiplexing and logging of the go and back time measurements, the offshore time calibration function will be explicated in the next chapter. The last function to describe is the satellite signal GPS locking. It is an useful function that monitoring the alarms of GPS receiver in particular the GPS locking. If the receiver does not receive enough strong signals from unless three satellites, it will raise an unlock alarm. The VI periodically query the XLi by RS232 port. In case of unlock alarm the console sends a warning to the Data Manager (DM) of the shore station. In that situation the data got from apparatus are potentially misaligned with UTC.