Technical reference for the 2007 Office release Microsoft Corporation Published: June 2007 Author: Office IT and Servers User Assistance ( Abstract This book provides technical reference information for the 2007 Microsoft Office system. This includes information about Setup properties and tools, file formats, changes in application functionality, multilingual features, Office Migration Planning Manager settings, messaging file types, and security settings. The audience for this book includes IT generalists, security specialists, IT operations, help desk, and deployment staff, network architects and planners, IT messaging administrators, and consultants. The content in this book is a copy of selected content in the 2007 Office Resource Kit technical library ( as of the publication date above. For the most current content, see the technical library on the Web. 1 The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information presented after the date of publication. This White Paper is for informational purposes only. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. Complying with all applicable copyright laws is the responsibility of the user. Without limiting the rights under copyright, no part of this document may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise), or for any purpose, without the express written permission of Microsoft Corporation. Microsoft may have patents, patent applications, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property rights covering subject matter in this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license agreement from Microsoft, the furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents, trademarks, copyrights, or other intellectual property. Unless otherwise noted, the example companies, organizations, products, domain names, e-mail addresses, logos, people, places and events depicted herein are fictitious, and no association with any real company, organization, product, domain name, email address, logo, person, place or event is intended or should be inferred. © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Microsoft, Access, Active Directory, Excel, Groove, InfoPath, Internet Explorer, OneNote, Outlook, PowerPoint, SharePoint, SQL Server, Visio, Windows, Windows Server, and Windows Vista are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners. 2 Contents I Setup reference .............................................................................................................. 11 Setup properties in the 2007 Office system ...................................................................... 12 Property quick reference ................................................................................................ 12 Available properties ....................................................................................................... 13 Replaced properties........................................................................................................ 14 Blocked Properties ......................................................................................................... 16 Setup command-line options for the 2007 Office system ................................................. 17 /admin ............................................................................................................................ 17 /adminfile [path] ............................................................................................................ 17 /config [path].................................................................................................................. 18 /modify [ProductID] ...................................................................................................... 18 /repair [ProductID] ......................................................................................................... 19 /uninstall [ProductID] .................................................................................................... 19 Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system........................................................................ 20 Config.xml Element Quick Reference ........................................................................... 20 How It Works................................................................................................................. 21 Config.xml File Format ................................................................................................. 22 Config.xml Element Reference...................................................................................... 23 Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system ..................................................... 45 Setup .............................................................................................................................. 47 Features .......................................................................................................................... 54 Additional content.......................................................................................................... 57 Outlook .......................................................................................................................... 66 II File format reference .................................................................................................... 75 Overview of the XML file formats in the 2007 Office system ......................................... 76 Benefits of the new XML file formats ........................................................................... 76 Structure of the new XML file formats ......................................................................... 77 XML file name extensions in the 2007 Office system ..................................................... 79 Compatibility mode in the 2007 Office system ................................................................ 84 Compatibility in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 ................................. 84 Compatibility checker .................................................................................................... 86 Feature refresh ............................................................................................................... 87 Features impacted by compatibility mode ..................................................................... 87 III Migration reference ..................................................................................................... 98 3 Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 ........................................ 99 Changes in the 2007 Office system ................................................................................ 100 Administrative installation images .............................................................................. 100 Clip Organizer: Autoimport ......................................................................................... 100 Document life cycle: Check in and check out ............................................................. 100 File Search ................................................................................................................... 101 Help: Detect and Repair… ........................................................................................... 101 Japanese IME: Editing style ........................................................................................ 101 Japanese IME: Register Entry...................................................................................... 101 Korean converters ........................................................................................................ 101 Matching feature states across versions ....................................................................... 102 MSI-only install ........................................................................................................... 102 Non-local installation source installations ................................................................... 102 Office Program Recovery ............................................................................................ 102 OWC11 ........................................................................................................................ 102 Proofing tools ............................................................................................................... 103 Registry: Messenger registry key ................................................................................ 103 Registry: Phone registry key ........................................................................................ 104 Save Workspace command .......................................................................................... 104 Setup.exe: Local Installation Source ........................................................................... 104 Setup.exe: Catalyst....................................................................................................... 104 Ststpkpl.exe .................................................................................................................. 104 Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 ........................................... 106 Digital signatures ......................................................................................................... 106 Document life cycle: Remove Hidden Data (RHD) add-in tool for Office 2003 ........ 106 Document life cycle: versioning .................................................................................. 107 IRM: Windows Rights Management Client ................................................................ 107 Send For Review .......................................................................................................... 107 Changes in Charting ........................................................................................................ 108 Charting Axes .............................................................................................................. 108 Chart Features .............................................................................................................. 108 Copy/Paste ................................................................................................................... 108 Excel 2007 ................................................................................................................... 109 Graph ........................................................................................................................... 109 Interaction .................................................................................................................... 110 Layout .......................................................................................................................... 111 Legend ......................................................................................................................... 111 Macros: Chart.Pictures................................................................................................. 111 Macros: XLM .............................................................................................................. 111 Programmability .......................................................................................................... 112 Visual ........................................................................................................................... 113 Visual ........................................................................................................................... 114 4 Changes in Access 2007 ................................................................................................. 116 Data Access Pages (DAPs) .......................................................................................... 116 Import RunCommand .................................................................................................. 116 Snapshot Viewer .......................................................................................................... 116 User interface: export and import formats ................................................................... 116 GUID-based URLs ...................................................................................................... 116 Live mode .................................................................................................................... 116 Changes in CMS 2007 .................................................................................................... 117 Publishing API ............................................................................................................. 117 Changes in Excel 2007.................................................................................................... 118 Analysis ToolPak (ATP): Function results .................................................................. 118 AutoOutline command ................................................................................................. 120 BIFF8 records .............................................................................................................. 121 Calculation: Multi-threaded calculation (MTC) .......................................................... 121 Charting: Chart Sheets ................................................................................................. 122 Charting: Copy / Paste ................................................................................................. 122 Charting: Integration .................................................................................................... 122 Charting: Interaction .................................................................................................... 123 Charting: Programmability .......................................................................................... 123 File Format ................................................................................................................... 124 Filtering ........................................................................................................................ 124 Functions: Subtotal ...................................................................................................... 125 HTML Round-Trip ...................................................................................................... 125 Natural Language Formulas (NLFs) ............................................................................ 126 PivotTable: Autoformat ............................................................................................... 126 PivotTable: Customizations ......................................................................................... 127 PivotTable: GetPivotData ............................................................................................ 127 PivotTable: Sorting ...................................................................................................... 127 PivotTable: Versions.................................................................................................... 127 Query Tables ................................................................................................................ 128 Shared Workbooks ....................................................................................................... 128 Styles ............................................................................................................................ 128 Tables: Insert row ........................................................................................................ 128 Templates ..................................................................................................................... 129 Trust Center: Data links ............................................................................................... 129 Trust Center: Macros ................................................................................................... 129 Trust Center ................................................................................................................. 129 Data Retrieval Services ................................................................................................ 130 Changes in InfoPath 2007 ............................................................................................... 132 InfoPath Tour ............................................................................................................... 132 Changes in Outlook 2007................................................................................................ 133 5 ACT! and Schedule Plus .............................................................................................. 133 Attachments ................................................................................................................. 133 Calendar ....................................................................................................................... 133 E-mail: Categories ....................................................................................................... 133 Forwarding out-of-date meeting requests .................................................................... 134 MAPI DLLs ................................................................................................................. 134 Non-delivery receipt .................................................................................................... 134 Personal Address Book ................................................................................................ 134 Reply in IRM e-mails .................................................................................................. 135 Scripting agent ............................................................................................................. 135 Security settings ........................................................................................................... 135 Show Views in Navigation Pane ................................................................................. 135 Changes in OneNote 2007 .............................................................................................. 136 Deleted Pages ............................................................................................................... 136 Ink Groups ................................................................................................................... 136 Page Header ................................................................................................................. 136 Changes in PowerPoint 2007 .......................................................................................... 137 Broadcast ..................................................................................................................... 137 Changes in Project 2007 ................................................................................................. 138 DBCleanup: Delete Resource Task Changes............................................................... 138 Earned Value recalculations ........................................................................................ 138 Filtering: Column headings ......................................................................................... 138 Outlook Tasks in Project Web Access timesheet ........................................................ 138 Project Center .............................................................................................................. 139 Quick Flags .................................................................................................................. 139 Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel COM Add-In ....................................................... 139 XML Reporting Wizard COM Add-In ........................................................................ 139 Status Reports .............................................................................................................. 140 VBA methods for editing custom fields ...................................................................... 140 Changes in Project Server 2007 ...................................................................................... 141 Authentication .............................................................................................................. 141 Project versions ............................................................................................................ 141 Project Web Access: Microsoft Software License Terms ........................................... 141 Project Web Access: MUI ........................................................................................... 141 Publish by Resource..................................................................................................... 141 Restore ......................................................................................................................... 142 Site links ...................................................................................................................... 142 Update tasks ................................................................................................................. 142 Changes in SharePoint Designer 2007 ............................................................................ 143 Design Time Control Support ...................................................................................... 143 Hover Buttons .............................................................................................................. 143 6 Navigation bars in Word 2007 ..................................................................................... 143 Table Eraser tool .......................................................................................................... 143 Changes in SharePoint Server 2007 ................................................................................ 144 Administration object model ....................................................................................... 144 Areas and Listings ....................................................................................................... 144 Controls on administrator pages .................................................................................. 144 Crawl schedules ........................................................................................................... 145 Portal Provisioning ...................................................................................................... 145 Query object model ...................................................................................................... 145 Search: Area Alerts ...................................................................................................... 145 Search: Automatic propagation ................................................................................... 145 Search: More Info link ................................................................................................. 146 Search: MySite Alerts .................................................................................................. 146 Search: TIFF filter ....................................................................................................... 146 Search: Web parts ........................................................................................................ 146 Shared Services ............................................................................................................ 146 Topology Management ................................................................................................ 147 Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Security Model ..................................................... 147 Changes in Visio 2007 .................................................................................................... 148 Entry points to NetMeeting and File Search ................................................................ 148 Menu changes .............................................................................................................. 148 Organization Chart themes .......................................................................................... 148 Styles user interface ..................................................................................................... 149 Visio SDK: Visual Studio 6.0 wizards and managed code tutorials ........................... 149 Changes in Word 2007.................................................................................................... 150 Autosummarize command ........................................................................................... 150 Blue background with white text ................................................................................. 150 Converter ..................................................................................................................... 150 Converters .................................................................................................................... 150 Diagram object model .................................................................................................. 151 Eastern European Font add-in...................................................................................... 151 File Search ................................................................................................................... 151 Fix broken text ............................................................................................................. 151 Font Text Effects ......................................................................................................... 151 Format themes.............................................................................................................. 151 Ietag.dll ........................................................................................................................ 152 Mail merge bar codes ................................................................................................... 152 Mergeable address lists ................................................................................................ 152 MODI ........................................................................................................................... 152 MSE ............................................................................................................................. 152 PAB support ................................................................................................................. 152 Save As Web Page option ............................................................................................ 153 7 Send to Routing Recipient ........................................................................................... 153 Set the width of a space like WordPerfect 5.x ............................................................. 153 Third-party OCX controls ............................................................................................ 153 Versioning .................................................................................................................... 153 Insert Web Components for Office XP........................................................................ 153 Web discussions........................................................................................................... 154 Wizards ........................................................................................................................ 154 WordPerfect navigation ............................................................................................... 154 Wpequ532.dll............................................................................................................... 154 IV International reference .............................................................................................. 155 Mixed language versions of the 2007 Office system ...................................................... 156 Applications unavailable in some languages ............................................................... 156 Language Interface Packs ............................................................................................ 157 Language identifiers in the 2007 Office system ............................................................. 160 Language identifiers .................................................................................................... 160 V Office Migration Planning Manager Reference ......................................................... 162 Introduction to OMPM ................................................................................................... 163 OMPM contents ........................................................................................................... 164 Installing OMPM ......................................................................................................... 164 OMPM requirements ................................................................................................... 164 How the OMPM File Scanner works ........................................................................... 167 Log and CAB files generated by the OMPM File Scanner ......................................... 167 Files scanned by the OMPM File Scanner................................................................... 169 Sample SMS deployment script for OMPM ................................................................... 171 Use IExpress 2.0 to create a distribution package for OMPM ....................................... 175 OMPM Reports filtering reference ................................................................................. 177 Schema for the OMPM database .................................................................................... 179 Schema for the OMPM File Scanner ........................................................................... 179 Schema for OMPM Compatibility Report data ........................................................... 183 Schema for Access data ............................................................................................... 186 VI Messaging reference ................................................................................................. 189 Attachment file types restricted by Outlook 2007 .......................................................... 190 VII Security reference .................................................................................................... 194 Security policies and settings in the 2007 Office system ............................................... 195 Trusted locations and trusted publishers settings ........................................................ 195 ActiveX control settings .............................................................................................. 200 8 Add-in settings ............................................................................................................. 210 VBA macro settings ..................................................................................................... 217 Document protection settings ...................................................................................... 226 External content settings .............................................................................................. 228 Internet Explorer feature control settings .................................................................... 230 Privacy options ............................................................................................................ 233 Block file format settings ............................................................................................. 237 9 I Setup reference 11 Setup properties in the 2007 Office system In previous versions of Office, you used Windows Installer properties to customize and control Office installation. In the 2007 Microsoft Office system, the Setup process is redesigned and most of these functions are replaced by options in the Office Customization Tool (OCT) or elements in the Config.xml file. Property quick reference The following table summarizes the recognized Windows Installer properties that you might have used in previous versions of Office. The table shows if the functionality of that property is blocked and replaced by options in the OCT or Config.xml, or if the property is available for use. More detail is provided in the sections below. Property ADDDEFAULT ADDLOCAL ADDSOURCE ADVERTISE ALLUSERS ARPAUTHORIZEDCDFPREFIX ARPCOMMENTS ARPCONTACTS ARPHELPLINK ARPHELPTELEPHONE ARPINSTALLLOCATION ARPNOMODIFY ARPNOREMOVE ARPNOREPAIR ARPPRODUCTICON ARPREADME ARPSIZE ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT ARPURLINFOABOUT ARPURLUPDATEINFO CCP_DRIVE COMPADDLOCAL COMPADDSOURCE Use in the 2007 Office release Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Blocked Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced Replaced 12 Property COMPANYNAME DISABLEROLLBACK EXECUTEACTION EXECUTEMODE FILEADDDEFAULT FILEADDLOCAL FILEADDSOURCE HIDEUPDATEUI INSTALLLEVEL INSTALLLOCATION LIMITUI LOGACTION MEDIAPACKAGEPATH NOCOMPANYNAME NOUSERNAME PIDKEY PRIMARYFOLDER PROMPTROLLBACKCOST REBOOTPROMPT REINSTALL REMOVE ROOTDRIVE SEQUENCE SETUP_REBOOT SOURCELIST TARGETDIR UNINSTALL USERNAME Use in the 2007 Office release Replaced Blocked Blocked Blocked Replaced Replaced Replaced Available Blocked Replaced Replaced Blocked Blocked Replaced Replaced Replaced Available Blocked Blocked Blocked Replaced Available Blocked Available Replaced Replaced Blocked Replaced Available properties The following properties can be used when you install the 2007 Office release: HIDEUPDATEUI--If set to True, hides the Check for Updates button on the completion dialog. This property is ignored if the completion dialog is not displayed. The default value is False. PRIMARYFOLDER--Designates a primary folder for the installation. ROOTDRIVE--Specifies the default drive for the destination folder of the installation. The value for this property must end with '\'. 13 SETUP_REBOOT--Determines how Setup restarts the computer after installation. AutoAlways--Always initiate a reboot. Do not prompt the user. Always--Always prompt for a reboot at the end of setup. IfNeeded--Prompt for a reboot at the end of setup if setup requires a reboot. (Default) AutoIfNeeded--Initiate a reboot if setup requires a reboot. Do not prompt the user. Never--Never initiate or prompt for a reboot. You set these properties in the Modify Setup properties page of the OCT, or the Setting element in the Config.xml file. Replaced properties A number of Windows Installer properties are replaced by options in the OCT or in the Config.xml file. Some properties are not applicable in the 2007 Office release because of Setup design changes in the 2007 version. All of these properties are blocked by Setup. That is, if you specify any of these properties in the OCT Modify Setup properties page, or with the Config.xml Setting element, Setup will end the installation. The following table lists blocked properties whose functions are replaced by options in the OCT or by elements in the Config.xml file. Property SOURCELIST COMPANYNAME INSTALLLOCATION TARGETDIR LIMITUI PIDKEY ARPAUTHORIZEDCDFPREFIX ARPCOMMENTS ARPCONTACTS ARPHELPLINK ARPHELPTELEPHONE Replacement OCT option Additional network sources Installation location and organization name Installation location and organization name Installation location and organization name Licensing and user interface Licensing and user interface None None None None None Replacement Config.xml element Display ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP 14 Property ARPINSTALLLOCATION ARPNOMODIFY ARPNOREMOVE ARPNOREPAIR ARPPRODUCTICON ARPREADME ARPSIZE ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT ARPURLINFOABOUT ARPURLUPDATEINFO CCP_DRIVE NOCOMPANYNAME NOUSERNAME USERNAME ADDDEFAULT ADDLOCAL ADDSOURCE ADVERTISE COMPADDLOCAL COMPADDSOURCE FILEADDDEFAULT FILEADDLOCAL FILEADDSOURCE REMOVE Replacement OCT option None None None None None None None None None None None None None None Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Set feature installation states Replacement Config.xml element ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP ARP None None OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE OPTIONSTATE 15 The following properties are replaced by Setup command-line options for the 2007 Office system: REINSTALL--Use the Setup /repair command-line option UNINSTALL--Use the Setup /uninstall command-line option Blocked Properties The following properties are no longer applicable in the 2007 Office release and are blocked. That is, if you specify these properties in the OCT Modify Setup properties page, or with the Config.xml Setting element, Setup will end the installation. ALLUSERS (all installations of the 2007 Office release are per-machine) DISABLEROLLBACK EXECUTEACTION EXECUTEMODE INSTALLLEVEL LOGACTION MEDIAPACKAGEPATH PROMPTROLLBACKCOST REBOOTPROMPT SEQUENCE See Also Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system Setup command-line options for the 2007 Office system 16 Setup command-line options for the 2007 Office system The Setup.exe command line is used for very few operations in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Setup recognizes the following command-line options. Note Although Setup recognizes only a few command-line options in the 2007 Office release, you can still make all the same modifications to the Office installation. Instead of using the command line, you use the Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system to set Setup properties and make other customizations. You can also edit the Config.xml file for the product you are installing. /admin Runs the Office Customization Tool to create a Setup customization file (MSP file). Example \\server\share\Office12\setup.exe /admin /adminfile [path] Applies the specified Setup customization file to the installation. You can specify a path to a specific customization file (MSP file) or to the folder where you store customization files. Note The /adminfile command-line option can be used only during initial installation of the product. The recommended location for customization files is the Updates folder at the root of the network installation point. When you store a customization file in this folder, you do not need to specify the file on the command line. Setup automatically finds the customization file that matches the product that is being installed and applies the file during the installation. If you store more than one customization file per product in the Updates folder, Setup applies all of the files to the installation. If you want to create unique configurations for different groups of users, you must store the customization files in a separate folder and specify the customization file you want on the command line. 17 Example \\server\share\Office12\setup.exe /adminfile \\server\share\MyUpdates\Engineering.msp where Office12 is the root of the network installation point. /config [path] Specifies the Config.xml file that Setup uses during the installation. By default, the Config.xml file that is stored in the core product folder directs Setup to install that product. For example, the Config.xml file in the Pro.WW folder installs Microsoft Office Professional 2007. You can edit Config.xml to make additional customizations to the installation, including specifying one or more language versions to install. Use /config on the Setup command line to point to the location of the default Config.xml file for a product or to point to a custom Config.xml file. Example \\server\share\Office12\setup.exe /config \\server\share\Office12\Pro.WW\Config.xml where Office12 is the root of the network installation point. Note You must use a fully qualified path. Setup does not recognize relative paths with /config. /modify [ProductID] Used with a modified Config.xml file to run Setup in maintenance mode and make changes to an existing Office installation, such as adding or removing languages. Look up the value of [ProductID]in the Setup.xml file for the product you want to modify. The Setup.xml file is located in the core product folder on the network installation point. In Setup.xml, [ProductID] is equal to the value of the Id attribute of the Setup element. For example: - <Setup Id="Pro" Type="Product" ProductCode="{30120000-0011-0000-0000-1000000FF1CE}"> Example \\server\share\Office12\setup.exe /modify Pro /config \\server\share\Office12\AddOutlookConfig.xml where Office12 is the root of the network installation point. 18 /repair [ProductID] Runs Setup to repair the specified product. Look up the value of [ProductID] in the Setup.xml file for the product you want to modify. Example \\server\share\Office12\setup.exe /repair Pro where Office12 is the root of the network installation point. /uninstall [ProductID] Removes the specified product from the user’s computer. Look up the value of [ProductID] in the Setup.xml file for the product you want to modify. You can use /uninstall on the command line with /config. Example \\server\share\Office12\setup.exe /uninstall Pro where Office12 is the root of the network installation point. Note In the 2007 Office release, you cannot use the Setup.exe command line to set Windows Installer properties, such as PIDKEY or DISPLAY. Setup does not pass these properties to Windows Installer. Instead, you make these customizations by using the Office Customization Tool or Config.xml. For a complete list of Setup properties, including blocked and unsupported properties, see Setup properties in the 2007 Office system. See Also Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system 19 Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system The primary tool you use to customize the installation of products in the 2007 Microsoft Office system is the Office Customization Tool (OCT). For more information about using the OCT to create a Setup customization file, see Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system. You use the Config.xml file to perform the following installation tasks: Specifying the path to the network installation point. Selecting which product to install. Customizing Setup options, such as logging and the location of the Setup customization file and software updates. Setting installation options, such as user and company name. Copying the local installation source (LIS) to the user's computer without installing Office. Adding or removing languages from the installation. The Config.xml is required to customize an installation that you deploy with Group Policy Software Installation. For more information, see Use Group Policy to deploy the 2007 Office system. Important Use a text editor, such as Notepad, to edit Config.xml. Do not use a generalpurpose XML editor, such as Microsoft Office Word 2007. Config.xml Element Quick Reference The following table contains a list of the elements in Config.xml. These elements can appear in any order, except for Configuration, which must be first, and elements such as Command, whose order in Config.xml affects how they are processed during installation. Element Configuration AddLanguage ARP CCP_DRIVE Command Description Top-level element Add a language to the installation Values that control the text and behavior of Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel for the product The fully qualified path to the folder that is searched by RMCCPSEARCH Run a command during installation 20 Element COMPANYNAME Display DistributionPoint INSTALLLOCATION LIS Logging MinOSRequirement OptionState RemoveLanguage Setting SetupUpdates SOURCELIST USERINITIALS USERNAME Description The name of the organization or company of the user on whose computer the product is being installed The level of UI that Setup displays to the user The fully qualified path to the network installation point from which the installation is to run The fully qualified path to the folder on the user's computer in which the product is installed Options for how the local installation source (LIS) is cached on the user's computer Options for the type of logging that Setup performs The minimum supported operating system for this product Options to specify how individual product features are to be handled during installation The 25-character volume license key Remove a language from the installation Values for Windows Installer properties The search path for Setup to use to find Setup customization files The location of one or more network installation points that contain the installation files for the product The initials of the user on whose computer the product is being installed The name of the user on whose computer the product is being installed How It Works Setup looks for a copy of Config.xml in the same folder as Setup.exe. If a copy is not found there, Setup uses the Config.xml file that resides in the core product folder for the product that you are installing (if there are multiple products in the network installation point, Setup waits until you specify which product to install before it looks for the copy of Config.xml). The copy of Config.xml residing in the product folder identifies the product through the Product attribute of the Configuration element. 21 You can also use the /config Setup command-line option to specify the location of the Config.xml file. For example: \\server\share\setup.exe /config \\server\share\Enterprise.WW\config.xml Note If you have also created a Setup customization file using the OCT, the customizations you define in Config.xml take precedence over those in the customization file. Config.xml File Format XML elements in Config.xml begin with < and end with />. The basic element format is: <element [attribute="value"] [attribute="value"] … /> For example: <Display Level="none" AcceptEula="Yes" /> Elements and attributes are case-sensitive. Attribute values must be enclosed in quotes (") and are not case-sensitive. An element definition can span multiple lines. Spaces, carriage returns, line feeds, and tab characters are ignored within an element definition. For example: <Display Level="none" AcceptEula="yes" /> Tip For long element definitions, place attributes on separate lines and use indentation to make the file easier to read. The Configuration element is a special case and is required. All other elements are contained within the Configuration element, and the element is closed with </Configuration>. For example: <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> <PIDKEY Value=”1234512345123451234512345” /> <Display Level="none" AcceptEula="Yes"/> </Configuration> Comments can be added anywhere and are delimited by "<!--" and "-->". For example: <!-- Install Office Enterprise 2007 --> 22 <Configuration Product="Enterprise" > <!-- Set the product key --> <PIDKEY Value=”1234512345123451234512345” /> <Display <!-- Turn off all Setup UI --> Level="none" <!-- Accept the EULA for the user --> AcceptEula="Yes" /> </Configuration> Each Office product folder contains a default Config.xml file, which consists of a Configuration element with the Product attribute set to the appropriate value for the product. A number of example elements enclosed in comments are included within the Configuration element. Remove the beginning and closing comment marks and enter the appropriate attribute values to activate these elements. For example, you can activate the PIDKEY element by changing this: <!-- <PIDKEY Value="BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789B" /> --> to this: <PIDKEY Value="1234567890123456789012345" /> Config.xml Element Reference The following conventions are used in the descriptions in this reference. bold normal italic x|y [x] Element or attribute name Text to be entered exactly as shown Placeholder for a value to be added Choose between multiple values Optional value Configuration Element Top-level element. This element is required, and all other elements must appear within this element. Syntax <Configuration [Product="productID"] > 23 ... </Configuration> Attributes Attribute Product Value productID Description The value of the ID attribute in the Setup element in the setup.xml file for the product that is being installed Remarks The Product attribute identifies the product affected by this Config.xml file. The productID is defined in the Setup.xml file located in the core folder for the product, in the ID attribute of the Setup element. The Product attribute is optional, unless you set the DisplayLevel attribute to "Basic" or "None". In this case, the Product attribute is required. If the product specified by the Product attribute does not exist in the network installation point, Setup ends the installation. Example The productID for Office Enterprise 2007 is located in Enterprise.WW\Setup.xml in the following line: <Setup Id="Enterprise" Type="Product" ... > You use this productID in Config.xml to specify Office Enterprise 2007 by entering the following: <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> ... </Configuration> 24 AddLanguage Element Adds the specified language to the installation. Syntax <AddLanguage Id="ll-cc" | "match" [ShellTransform="Yes"] /> Attributes Attribute Id Value ll-cc match ShellTransform Yes Description The language identifier. For a complete list of language tags, see Language identifiers in the 2007 Office system. Matches the language of the user's Windows user locale. Specifies the language for the shell user interface. If more than one AddLanguage element is specified, then one (and only one) must specify the ShellTransform element. Remarks The language must be available on the network installation point. You can have multiple AddLanguage and RemoveLanguage elements. If both RemoveLanguage and AddLanguage elements specify the same language, the AddLanguage element takes precedence and the language is installed. Note If more than one AddLanguage element is specified, then one (and only one) must specify the ShellTransform element or Setup ends the installation. Example <AddLanguage Id="en-us" ShellTransform="Yes" /> 25 ARP Element Specifies values that control the text and behavior of Add or Remove Programs in Control Panel for the product. Syntax <ARP attribute="value" [attribute="value"] ... /> Attributes Attribute ARPCOMMENTS Value text ARPCONTACT text ARPNOMODIFY Yes No (default) ARPNOREMOVE Yes No (default) ARPURLINFOABOUT URL ARPURLUPDATEINFO URL ARPHELPLINK URL ARPHELPTELEPHONE text Description Additional text. Can be up to 255 characters, though all characters might not display. List of technical support contacts. Prevents users from modifying the product installation by making the Change button unavailable. Allows user to modify the product installation. Prevents users from removing the product by making the Remove button unavailable. Allows users to remove the product. URL for the product's home page. URL for information about product updates. URL of a Web site from which users can receive technical support. Phone numbers for technical support. 26 CCP_DRIVE Element The fully qualified path to the folder that RMCCPSEARCH is to search. The RMCCPSEARCH action uses file signatures to validate that qualifying products are installed on a system before an upgrade installation is performed. Syntax <CCP_DRIVE Value="value" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value value Description The fully qualified path to the folder that is to be searched by RMCCPSEARCH Example <CCP_DRIVE Value="\\server\office2003" /> Command Element Specifies a command line to run. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is Add installations and run programs. Syntax <Command Path="path" [QuietArg="arguments"] [Args="args"] [ChainPosition="Before" | "After"(default)] [Wait="mseconds"] [QuietWait="mseconds"] [Execute="Install"(default) | "Uninstall"] [Platform="x86"(default) | "x64"] /> 27 Attributes You can specify double-quotation marks (") in the Path and Args attributes by specifying two double-quotation marks together (""). Attribute Path Value path QuietArg string Args string ChainPosition Before After (default) Wait mseconds QuietWait mseconds Execute Install (default) Uninstall Description Fully qualified path to the executable or MSI file. String of arguments to be appended to the command line when DisplayLevel=None. String of arguments to be passed to the executable. This command is executed before the primary product installation. This command is executed after the primary product installation. When you install with the DisplayLevel attribute set to "Full" or "Basic", this is the number of milliseconds to wait after you run the program before you continue the installation. The default is 0 (zero), which indicates no waiting. When you install with the DisplayLevel attribute set to "None", this is the number of milliseconds to wait after you run the program before you continue the installation. The default is 0 (zero), which indicates no waiting. Setup executes this command when the primary product is installed. Setup executes this command when the primary product is uninstalled. 28 Attribute Platform Value x86 (default) x64 Description Specifies that this program requires the Intel x86 platform. This command runs only if the computer on which the installation is run matches this platform requirement. Specifies that this program requires a 64-bit processor that supports the x64 extensions to the x86 architecture. This command runs only if the computer on which the installation is run matches this platform requirement. Remarks The command line can be specified for a chained installation or an executable that runs when this product is installed. If this is specified for a product in the 2007 Office release, you must specify a command line for Setup.exe rather than a single MSI file. For other products, you can specify an MSI file or an executable file (such as an EXE or BAT file). If there are two or more Command elements in the Config.xml file, they will run in the order in which they are specified in Config.xml. Tip If the product you are chaining requires a later operating system than the operating system required by the 2007 Office release, use the MinOSRequirement element to specify the minimum operating system required for this installation. Example <Command Path=”myscript.exe” Args=”/id ""123 abc"" /q”/> <Command Path="\\server\share\setup.exe /config \\server\share\Pro.WW\config.xml" 29 COMPANYNAME Element The name of the organization or company of the user on whose computer the product is being installed. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is the Organization name setting in Installation location and organization name. Syntax <COMPANYNAME Value="companyname" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value companyname Description The company or organization name Example <COMPANYNAME Value="Microsoft Corporation" /> Display Element The level of UI that Setup displays to the user. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is the Display level and license agreement settings in Licensing and user interface. Syntax <Display Level="None" | "Basic" | "Full"(default) CompletionNotice="Yes" | "No"(default) SuppressModal="Yes" | "No"(default) NoCancel="Yes" | "No"(default) AcceptEula="Yes" | "No"(default) /> 30 Attributes Attribute Level CompletionNotice Value None Basic Full (default) Yes No (default) SuppressModal Yes No (default) NoCancel Yes No (default) AcceptEULA Yes No (default) Description No Setup UI is displayed. Setup displays the Welcome screen, the Product Key (PIDKEY) page (if needed), the End-User License Agreement (EULA) page (if needed), a progress bar, and the completion notice (if allowed). Setup displays all UI to the user. Only applies if Level is set to "Basic" or "None": Setup displays the completion notice. Only applies if Level is set to "Basic": Setup does not display the completion notice. Only applies if Level is set to "Basic": Setup does not display error messages and other dialog boxes that might interrupt the installation. Only applies if Level is set to "Basic": Setup displays errors and other dialog boxes as needed. If Level is set to "Full" or "Basic", disable the cancel button (X in upper-right corner of the progress dialog). If Level is set to "Full" or "Basic", allow the user to cancel the installation from the progress bar. The End-User License Agreement is accepted on behalf of the user. Setup does not display the EULA page. If Level is not set to "None", Setup displays the EULA page. 31 Remarks If this element is not defined, the default settings are used. If an invalid value is specified, Setup ends the installation. If the Level attribute is set to "Basic" or "None" and you supply a product key using the element, Setup assumes that you also accept the license agreement on behalf of the user. In this case, regardless of how you set the AcceptEULA attribute, the user is not prompted for the license agreement either during installation or the first time an Office application runs. Note The Display element is used by Setup only if Setup finds the Config.xml file in the same folder as setup.exe, or if you specify the Config.xml file using the Setup /config command-line option. If Setup uses the Config.xml file in the product folder, then Setup uses the default display options. Example <Display Level=”basic” CompletionNotice=”yes” SupressModal=”no” AcceptEula=”yes” /> DistributionPoint Element Specifies the fully qualified path to the network installation point from which the installation is to run. Syntax <DistributionPoint Location="path" /> Attributes Attribute Location Value path Description The fully qualified path to the network installation point from which the installation is to run 32 Remarks If this is not specified, then Setup assumes that the Setup.exe file is located at the root of the network installation point. Note The DistributionPoint element is used by Setup only if Setup finds the Config.xml file in the same folder as setup.exe, or if you specify the Config.xml file using the Setup /config command-line option. If Setup uses the Config.xml file in the product folder, it ignores this element because the network installation point has already been found. Example <DistributionPoint Location="\\server1\office" /> INSTALLLOCATION Element Specifies the fully qualified path to the folder on the user's computer in which the product is installed. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is the Default installation path setting in Installation location and organization name. Syntax <INSTALLLOCATION Value="path" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value path Description The fully qualified path to the folder on the user's computer in which the product is installed. Remarks You can use system environment variables in the path. If this element is not specified, Office is installed in %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Office. 33 Example <INSTALLLOCATION VALUE=”%ProgramFiles%\MyApps” /> LIS Element Controls how the local installation source (LIS) is cached on the user's computer. Syntax <LIS [CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" | "RemoveCacheOnly"] /> Attributes Attribute CACHEACTION Value CacheOnly RemoveCacheOnly Description Setup copies the LIS to the user's computer, but does not install the product. If the cache is copied to the user's computer and Office is not installed, Setup removes the LIS from the user's computer but does not install or uninstall the product. Remarks By default, the LIS is created in the folder \MsoCache\All Users at the root of the drive into which Office is installed. Setup customization files and software updates in the Updates folder in the network installation point are also copied. If you specify , the drive designation in the path is used to determine on what drive the LIS is created. For example, if the path is E:\office\files, the LIS is created on drive E. Example <LIS CACHEACTION=”CacheOnly” /> Logging Element Specifies the type of logging that Setup performs. 34 Syntax <Logging Type="Off" | "Standard"(default) | "Verbose" Path="path" Template="filename.txt" /> Attributes Attribute Type Value Off Standard (default) Verbose Path path Template filename.txt Description Setup does no logging. Setup writes installation information to the log file. Setup writes all installation information to the log file. The fully qualified path to the folder used for the log file. You can use environment variables. Default is %temp%. The name of the log file. If you insert the string * anywhere in the file name, a unique log file is created for each installation performed by Setup.exe (see the explanation below). If * is not included and the file name specified already exists, log information is appended to the existing file. The .txt file extension must be included. The default template is SetupExe(*).log. 35 Remarks You can specify a * anywhere in the Template value. Setup inserts a string in that location with the following format: YYYYMMDDHHMMSSxxx where: 1. YYYY = Year 2. MM = Month 3. DD = Day 4. HH = Hour 5. MM = Minute 6. SS = Seconds 7. xxx = a unique string generated by Setup Note The Logging element is used by Setup only if Setup finds the Config.xml file in the same folder as setup.exe, or if you specify the Config.xml file using the Setup /config command-line option. If Setup uses the Config.xml file in the product folder, then Setup uses the default logging options. Example <Logging Type=”standard” Path=”%temp%” Template=”MyLog(*).txt” /> With this example, Setup creates a log file each time it installs the product. Setup uses unique file names such as the following: %temp%\MyLog(20060428110717CFC).txt %temp%\MyLog(20060429113143C70).txt MinOSRequirement Element Specifies the minimum supported operating system for this product. Syntax <MinOSRequirement VersionNT="version" WindowsBuild="number" ServicePackLevel="number" /> 36 Attributes Attribute VersionNT WindowsBuild ServicePackLevel Value version number number Description Windows NT version Windows build number Windows service pack number The following values can be used. System Windows XP Windows Server 2003 VersionNT 501 502 WindowsBuild 2600 3790 ServicePackLevel 2 or greater 0 or greater Remarks Setup will not proceed with the installation if the user's computer has an operating system with a version earlier than what is specified here (or the Office default if this element is not specified). You cannot specify a version of Microsoft Windows here that is earlier than the version required by the 2007 Office release. OptionState Element Specifies how specific product features are handled during installation. Important In most situations, it is recommended that you use the OCT to change the installation state of features. The equivalent option in the OCT is Set feature installation states. Syntax <OptionState Id="optionID" State="Absent" | "Advertise" | "Default" | "Local" [Children="force"] /> 37 Attributes Attribute Id Value optionID State Absent Advertise Default Local Children force Description An item that the user can choose to install. The feature is not installed. The feature is installed the first time it is used. The feature returns to its default installation state. The feature is installed on the user's computer. All child features of the feature are set to the specified state. Remarks A feature is an item that the user can choose to install. The Id value for a feature is defined in the Option element of the Setup.xml file in the core product folder. For a list of OptionState Id Values, see Config.xml File OptionState Id Values. For information about modifying the OptionState element in Config.xml, see the Modifying the Config.xml File OptionState element section in Use Group Policy Software Installation to deploy the 2007 Office system. Example <OptionState Id=”ExcelAddinFiles” State=”Absent” Children=”force” /> PIDKEY Element The 25-character volume license key. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is the Product key setting in Licensing and user interface. 38 Syntax <PIDKEY Value="25-character-key" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value 25-character-key Description The 25-character volume license key Remarks When the PIDKEY value is set, users are not required to enter a product key when they install Office. Example <PIDKEY Value="1234512345123451234512345" /> Note If the Level attribute of the Display element is set to "Basic" or "None" and you supply a product key using the PIDKEY element, Setup assumes that you also accept the license agreement on behalf of the user. In this case, regardless of how you set the AcceptEULA attribute of the Display element, the user is not prompted for the license agreement either during installation or the first time an Office application runs. RemoveLanguage Element Removes the specified language from the installation. Syntax <RemoveLanguage Id="ll-cc" /> Attributes Attribute Id Value ll-cc Description The language identifier. For a complete list of language tags, see Language identifiers in the 2007 Office system. 39 Remarks If the language is not installed on the user's computer, the RemoveLanguage element is ignored. You can have multiple AddLanguage and RemoveLanguage elements. If both RemoveLanguage and AddLanguage elements specify the same language, the AddLanguage element takes precedence and the language is installed. Example <RemoveLanguage Id="en-us" /> Setting Element Allows you to specify values for Windows Installer properties. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is Modify Setup properties. Syntax <Setting Id="name" Value="value" /> Attributes Attribute Id Value name Value value Description The name of the Windows Installer property The value to assign to the property Remarks Not all Windows Installer properties can be specified in the Setting element. If a blocked property is specified, Setup ends the installation process. If a supported property is specified, Setup passes the property directly to Windows Installer. For a complete list of Windows Installer properties, including an explanation of supported and blocked properties, see Setup properties in the 2007 Office system. Example <Setting Id="SETUP_REBOOT" Value="NEVER" /> 40 SetupUpdates Element Specifies a search path for Setup to use to find Setup customization files. Syntax <SetupUpdates [CheckForSUpdates="Yes"(default) | "No"] [SUpdateLocation="path-list"] /> Attributes Attribute CheckForSUpdates Value Yes (default) No SUpdateLocation path-list Description Setup uses the path list in SUpdateLocation to find Setup customization files. Setup does not search for Setup customization files using the path list in SUpdateLocation. A list of fully qualified paths to folders, separated by semicolons. Remarks Setup looks in all the specified folders for Setup customization files that were created for the product that is being installed, and applies them in alphabetical order by file name. If a Setup customization file was specified on the Setup command line, that file is applied first, followed by any files found in the folder specified by this element. Example <SetupUpdates CheckForSUpdates="Yes" SUpdateLocation="\\server1\office\updates;\\server2\corpdata\updates" /> 41 SOURCELIST Element Specifies the location of one or more network installation points that contain the installation files for the product. Tip The equivalent option in the OCT is Additional network sources. Syntax <SOURCELIST Value="semicolon-delimited-path-list" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value semicolon-delimited-pathlist Description A list, separated by semicolons, of one or more network installation points that contain the installation files for the product Remarks This list of sources is kept with the installed product and is used by Setup if the local installation source (LIS) on the user's computer is missing or corrupted. Example <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\office;\\server2\corpdata" /> USERINITIALS Element The initials of the user on whose computer the product is being installed. Syntax <USERINITIALS Value="value" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value value Description The user's initials 42 Example <USERINITIALS Value="JD" /> USERNAME Element The name of the user on whose computer the product is being installed. Syntax <USERNAME Value="value" /> Attributes Attribute Value Value value Description The user's name. Example <USERNAME Value="John Doe" /> Sample Config.xml file The following example shows a Config.xml file for a typical installation. The example uses the Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007 version of the product. <Configuration Product="Enterprise"> <!-- <Display Level="full" CompletionNotice="yes" SuppressModal="no" AcceptEula="no" /> --> <!-- <Logging Type="verbose" Path="%temp%" Template="Microsoft Office Enterprise Setup(*).txt" /> --> <!-- <PIDKEY Value="BCDFGHJKMPQRTVWXY2346789B" /> --> <!-- <USERNAME Value="Customer" /> --> <!-- <COMPANYNAME Value="MyCompany" /> --> 43 <!-- <INSTALLLOCATION Value="%programfiles%\Microsoft Office" /> --> <!-- <LIS CACHEACTION="CacheOnly" /> --> <!-- <SOURCELIST Value="\\server1\share\Office12;\\server2\share\Office12" /> --> <!-- <DistributionPoint Location="\\server\share\Office12" /> --> <!-- <OptionState Id="OptionID" State="absent" Children="force" /> --> <!-- <Setting Id="Setup_Reboot" Value="IfNeeded" /> --> <!-- <Command Path="msiexec.exe" Args="/i \\server\share\my.msi" QuietArg="/q" ChainPosition="after" Execute="install" /> --> </Configuration> See Also Streamlined customization model for the 2007 Office system Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system Setup properties in the 2007 Office system 44 Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Office system You use the Office Customization Tool (OCT) to customize an installation of the 2007 Microsoft Office system. You run the OCT by typing setup.exe /admin on the command line. When you run the OCT, you choose to create a new Setup customization file or open an existing file. If you are creating a new file, the OCT displays a list of the products available on the network installation point. You must select a single product that you want to customize. Note The 2007 Office release requires version 3.1 or later of Windows Installer on all computers running Office, including the computer you use to run the OCT. For more information about Windows Installer 3.1, including where to obtain it, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 893803. Using the OCT, you customize Office and save your customizations in a Setup customization file (MSP file). You place the file in the Updates folder on the network installation point. When you install Office, Setup looks for a Setup customization file in the Updates folder and applies the customizations. If you do not put the customization file in the Updates folder, you can use the Setup command-line option /adminfile to specify the fully-qualified path to the file; for example, setup.exe /adminfile \\server\share\mychanges\custom.msp. Note If you use a folder other than the Updates folder for your customization files, you can specify the folder's location in the config.xml file using the SUpdateLocation attribute of the SetupUpdates element. For more information, see Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system. You can also use a Setup customization file to change an existing installation. Because a Setup customization file is an expanded form of a Windows Installer MSP file, you apply the customization file to the user's computer just as you would a software update. The user's existing Office installation is updated with your customizations. For example, if you change the installation states of some features to Not Available and apply the resulting customization file to an existing installation of Office, those features are removed from the user's computer. Some options in the OCT are applicable only on a new installation of Office. These options are identified in the OCT and in the OCT Help file. For example, you can use the Default installation path option to specify the folder where Office is installed on the 45 user's computer; if a customization file is applied to an existing installation, however, the Default installation path option is ignored (you must uninstall and reinstall Office to change the installation location). Select Save on the File menu to save the Setup customization file before you exit the OCT. The OCT includes four sections: Setup, Features, Additional Content, and Outlook. Each section contains several pages of options. When you change an option on a page, the page name in the left pane changes to bold. If you open an existing Setup customization file, the bold page names indicate where options are customized. The following options are available in the OCT: Section Setup Page Installation location and organization name Additional network sources Licensing and user interface Remove previous installations Add installations and run programs Office security settings Modify Setup properties Features Modify user settings Set feature installation states Additional content Add files Remove files Add registry entries Remove registry entries Configure shortcuts Outlook Outlook profile Specify Exchange settings Add accounts Remove accounts and export settings Specify send receive groups 46 Setup Use the Setup section to specify the following: Default installation location Default organization name Additional network installation sources Product key End user license agreement Display level Previous versions of Office to remove Custom programs to run during installation Security settings Setup properties Installation location and organization name Specify a default organization name and installation location for all users whose installation includes this Setup customization file. Default installation path—This option specifies where Setup installs Office on the user's computer. You can use the predefined folder keyword [ProgramFilesFolder] to specify a path to standard folders in Microsoft Windows. The default path is [ProgramFilesFolder]\Microsoft Office. This option is recognized only when you first install Office on a user's computer. You cannot change the installation path without uninstalling and reinstalling Office. Organization name—This name appears in the About box (Help menu) and on the banner pages of Office applications. The name you specify is used as the default company name for all users whose installation includes this customization file. Additional network sources Specify additional servers that have a copy of the network installation point. Setup looks for servers in this list, in the order specified, if it is installing a feature on demand or repairing Office and the original network installation point is unavailable. Click Add to add a source to the list. To edit a path, select a server from the list and click Modify. To remove a server from this list, select the server and click Remove. To change the order of the list, select a server and click the Move arrows to move the server up or down in the list. Note The OCT does not verify the server path or attempt to connect to the server when you add it to the list. 47 Add/Modify Network Server Entry dialog box In the Add/Modify Network Server Entry dialog box, enter the path to a network server and click OK. You can use a UNC path or, if all users have access to the server with the same drive letter, you can use a drive letter in the path. The path can contain environment variables delimited by percent signs (%) if the variables are defined for all users. For example: z:\office \\server1\share\office_root %USERNAME%\office_root Licensing and user interface Enter the product key and accept the end user license agreement (EULA) on behalf of each user who installs Office with this Setup customization file. Set the user interface display level. These options are recognized by Setup only when you first install Office on a user's computer. Product key—Enter a valid 25-character Volume License Key. I accept the terms in the License Agreement—Select this check box to accept terms of your license agreement on behalf of the user. If Display Level is set to Basic or None and you supply a product key, Setup assumes that you also accept the license terms on behalf of the user. In this case, even if you do not select this check box, the user is not prompted to accept license terms either during installation or the first time an Office application runs. Display level—Select the user interface displayed to users during installation. The options are: Full - default—Setup runs interactively, displaying all of the user interface options and messages. Basic—Setup displays the Welcome screen, prompts for the product key and license terms (if needed), and displays a progress bar and completion notice. No other options are presented to the user None—Setup runs silently and displays no user interface. Completion notice—Select this check box if you want Setup to display a message to the user when installation is complete. Suppress modal—Select this check box if you do not want Setup to display error messages and other dialog boxes that might interrupt the installation. If you set Display level to Full, error messages and other dialog boxes display regardless of the state of this check box. No cancel—Select this check box if you want to disable the cancel button (the X in upper-right corner). This setting only applies when Display level is set to Full or Basic. 48 Note The preceding options are identical to the following settings in the Config.xml file: OCT option Product key I accept the terms in the License Agreement Display level Completion notice Suppress modal Config.xml setting PIDKEY element AcceptEula attribute of the Display element Level attribute of the Display element CompletionNotice attribute of the Display element SuppressModal attribute of the Display element Note If there are multiple products on the network installation point and you do not specify which product Setup is to install, Setup defaults to full display level when it prompts the user for a product, regardless of how you set Display level in the Setup customization file. You use the /config command-line option to specify which product to install. For more information, see Run Setup for the 2007 Office system on users' computers. Remove previous installations Specify previous versions of Microsoft Office applications to keep or remove. This option is only recognized by Setup when you first install Office on a user's computer. By default, Setup removes previous versions of Office applications. To keep an installed Office application, select Remove the following earlier versions of Microsoft Office applications, select the Office application that you do not want to remove, click Details, and clear the check box. Note Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 cannot coexist with previous versions of Outlook. If you choose to keep previous versions, do not install Office Outlook 2007. Add installations and run programs Run additional executable programs before or after the Office installation is complete. Setup runs command lines in the order listed in the tool and does not complete the installation until all command lines are executed. Click Add to add a program to the list. To modify a program, select the program and click Modify. To remove a program, select the program and click Remove. To change 49 the order of programs in the list, select a program and click the Move arrows to move the program up or down in the list. Note Do not add a program that requires the computer to restart, unless it is the last program in the list. If a custom program restarts the computer, the Office installation is completed, but custom programs that appear later in this list do not run. Add/Modify Program Entry dialog box When you add or modify a program entry, you enter the following information in the Add/Modify Program Entry dialog box, and click OK. Target—Enter the path and file name of the executable program. Arguments—Enter a string of command-line options; for example, /q /path c:\temp. Run this program after the Office product has been installed.—The program runs after the Office installation is complete. This is the recommended option. If the program does not terminate normally or if the program restarts the computer, the Office installation is not affected. However, programs further down the list do not run. Run this program before the Office product has been installed.—The program runs before the Office installation starts. If the program does not terminate normally or if it restarts the computer, Office is not installed, and programs further down the list do not run. In the Add/Modify Program Entry dialog box, you can include any of the following standard Windows folders in the path of the executable file. Folder [INSTALLLOCATION] [WindowsFolder] [SystemFolder] [ProgramFilesFolder] [CommonFilesFolder] [DesktopFolder] [StartMenuFolder] [ProgramMenuFolder] Description The folder in which Office is installed Windows folder Windows System32 folder Program Files folder Program Files\Common Files folder Windows Desktop folder Windows Start menu Windows Start\Programs menu Office security settings Customize the security settings for Office applications. 50 Note Security settings specified in a Setup customization file become the default settings on users' computers; however, users can change the settings after installation. Use Group Policy to help lock down security settings. For more information, see Deploying security settings for the Office 2007 system. Setting Trusted Publishers Trusted Locations Description Manage the list that identifies trusted sources for digitally signed macros, add-ins, Microsoft ActiveX controls, and other executable code used by Office applications. Office applications share a certificate-based trusted sources list with Internet Explorer. Click Add to add a digital certificate (CER file). Adding the default Microsoft CER files ensures that all add-ins and templates are installed on users' computers with Office applications. Manage the list that identifies locations from which any file can be opened without a check by the Trust Center security feature. Click Add to add a new location, enter the following information, and click OK: Application—Select the Office application that uses this location. This is supported by Microsoft Office Access 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft Office Visio 2007, and Microsoft Office Word 2007. Path—Enter the path of the trusted location. Enter a fully qualified path with drive letter or UNC path. The path can include environment variables. Subfolders of this location are also trusted—Select this check box to include subfolders as trusted locations. Description—Enter text to describe the purpose of the location. To remove a trusted location from this list, select the location and click Remove. Note When you specify one or more trusted locations here, the Trusted Locations list previously defined on the user’s computer is cleared and replaced by this list. 51 Setting Remove all Trusted Locations written by OCT during installation Default Security Settings Description Clears the Trusted Locations list on the user's computer. Use this check box to clear the Trusted Locations list on the user's computer without adding new locations. Set default security levels for add-ins, templates, and Office applications. You can set the following options for each Office application: Allow trusted locations options Allow trusted locations that are not on the user's computer Allow Trusted Locations on the User's machine only (application default) Disable all trusted locations. Only files signed by trusted publishers are trusted Application extensions warnings options Disable all application extensions Require that application extensions are signed by a trusted publisher Require that extensions are signed and silently disable unsigned extensions Enable all installed Application Add-ins (application default) VBA macro warnings options Disable all VBA macros Disable the Trust Bar warning for unsigned VBA macros (unsigned code is disabled) Disable all VBA macros with notification (application default) No security checks for VBA macros (not recommended, code in all documents can run) Add-ins and templates (Microsoft Office Project 2007 only) Trust all installed add-ins and templates Do not trust installed add-ins and templates Security level (Office Project 2007 only) Very High—Only macros installed in trusted locations are allowed to run. All other signed and unsigned macros are disabled High—Only signed macros from trusted sources are allowed to run. Unsigned macros are disabled. 52 Setting Unsafe ActiveX Initialization Description Medium—Users can choose whether to run potentially unsafe macros Low (not recommended)—Users are not protected from potentially unsafe macros Determine whether unsigned, and therefore potentially unsafe, ActiveX controls can initialize using persisted data, that is, data that is saved from one instance of the control to the next. The possible values are: <do not configure>—Setup does not modify the setting specified on the user's computer. New applications are installed with the default setting, which is Prompt user to use persisted data. Prompt user to use control defaults—The user is warned before an application initiates ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If the user trusts the source of the document, the control is initialized using its default settings. Prompt user to use persisted data—The user is warned before an application initiates ActiveX controls that might be unsafe. If the user trusts the source of the document, the control is initialized using persisted data. Do not prompt—All unsigned ActiveX controls run without prompting the user. This setting provides the least protection and is not recommended. Do not prompt and disable all controls—All unsigned ActiveX controls are disabled without prompting the user. Modify Setup properties Modify Setup properties that are applied during the Office installation. You can customize Setup properties only when you first install Office on a user's computer. Properties set in a customization file do not take effect if you apply the file to an existing installation. To add a property, click Add. To modify a property that you have added, select the property and click Modify. To remove a property that you have added, select the property and click Remove. 53 For more information about properties and their values, see Setup properties in the 2007 Office system. Add/Modify Property Value dialog box When you add or modify a Setup property, enter the following information in the Add/Modify Property Value dialog box and click OK: Setting Name Value Description The property name. Property names must be all uppercase. The value of the property. Features Use the Features section to configure user settings and to customize which Office features are installed. Modify user settings Set the default values of Office application settings for users who install Office with this customization file. To configure an option, expand the tree on the left, and click the user-interface element. Configurable settings associated with that element appear on the right. Double-click a setting, and select one of the following options: Setting Not Configured Enabled Disabled Description The setting remains as it is. The setting is modified based on your choices in the dialog box. The setting is disabled. Disabling an option may be different from not configuring the option. See the description of the specific option for more details. Click Show all settings to display all available user settings. Click Show configured settings only to display only those settings that you have configured. Select the Migrate user settings check box to preserve users' custom settings from a previous version of Office. If you modify user settings and also select this check box, Setup first applies the modified settings and then migrates the user's existing custom settings, overwriting any conflicting settings. 54 Note When you click Enabled to view the options for a setting and click OK,,Previous Setting, or Next Setting, the status changes to Configured, even if you do not change the setting. Inadvertently configuring the setting with an empty hyperlink, path, or file name can cause errors. If you clicked Enabled and want to ignore your changes or avoid configuring the setting, click Cancel. You can also return a setting to the Not Configured state by double-clicking the setting, selecting Not Configured, and clicking OK. Set feature installation states Customize how Office features are installed on the user's computer. To change the installation state of a feature, click the feature and select the installation state. Some parent features consist of multiple child features. Click the plus sign (+) to the left of the parent feature to expand to view child features. When you change the installation state of a feature, the name of the feature and the names of all its child features (if any) display in bold font, indicating that Setup will apply these changes to the installation. Features that do not display in bold font are installed using the default installation state. To remove a change, select the feature and select the Reset option or click Reset Branch. The following feature installation states are typically available to users during Setup. Not all installation states are available for every feature. For example, if a feature contains a component that cannot be advertised, Installed on First Use is not included in the list of available installation states for that feature. State Run from My Computer Run All from My Computer Installed on First Use Description Setup copies files and writes registry entries and shortcuts associated with the feature to the user's hard disk. The application or feature runs locally. Same as Run from My Computer, except all child features that belong to the feature are also set to this state. Setup leaves components for the feature and its child features in the local installation source until the user attempts to use the feature for the first time, at which time the components are installed. This is also known as an advertised feature. 55 State Not Available Description The components for the feature and the child features that belong to this feature are not installed on the computer. The following options also are available for each feature. Option Hidden Locked Reset Description Setup does not display the feature in the feature tree during installation if Setup runs interactively. The feature is not hidden when Setup runs in maintenance mode after Office is installed. The symbol [H] is prepended to the feature name to indicate the feature is hidden. The installation state you choose for this feature cannot be changed by the user during installation or in maintenance mode after Office is installed. The symbol [L] is prepended to the feature name to indicate the feature is locked. The feature is returned to its default installation state. This is the same as selecting the feature and clicking the Reset Branch button. If you explicitly set a feature to its default state, the symbol [F] is prepended to the feature name to indicate that the feature will be forced into this state. This is useful if you are creating a Setup customization file to modify an existing Office installation. If you do not change the installation state of a feature, Setup does not change the feature on the user's computer. If you specify a change, including setting the feature to its default state, Setup ensures that the feature is set to that state on the user's computer. When you change the installation state of a feature, Setup might change the installation state of a parent or child feature to match the installation state. For example, if you set a parent feature to Installed on First Use, but set a child feature to Run from My Computer, Setup also changes the state of the parent feature to Run from My Computer. Setup does not display hidden features in the feature tree when users run Setup interactively. The feature is installed according to its defined installation state. Child features that belong to the hidden feature are also hidden. 56 Tip The best use of the Hide setting is to simplify the feature tree for users. For example, you might hide the Office Tools branch of the feature tree so that users do not have to decide which tools they need. Only the tools that you select are installed. If you set a feature to Not Available and hide the feature in the feature tree, users can still change the setting and install the feature by installing the parent feature or by running Setup in maintenance mode. For example, if you set the Name Smart Tag Plugin feature to Not Available and Hidden, users can still install the feature by setting the parent Smart Tags Plugins feature to Run All from My Computer. If you want to help prevent users from installing hidden features, select the Not Available, Hidden, and Locked installation state. In this case, the feature or application is not installed and is not available in maintenance mode. Users cannot install the feature by changing the state of the parent feature. The only way to reverse the Not Available, Hidden, and Locked installation state after Office is installed is to use the OCT to create a Setup customization file that is configured to change the installation state of the feature. You then apply the customization file to the user's computer. Additional content Use this section to add or remove custom files, registry entries, and shortcuts during the installation. Add files Add files to users' computers when Office is installed. To create a list of files to add to the user's computer during installation, click Add, select the file you want to add to the list, and click Add again. To change the destination path of a file, select the file in the Add custom files list and click Modify. To remove a file from the list, select the file and click Remove. You can use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple files at one time. When you add files to an Office installation, note the following: Files are copied into the Setup customization file when you save the customization file and exit the OCT. Large files increase the size of the customization file and the amount of time it takes to create the file. If you revise a file that is currently included in the customization file, you must open the customization file with the OCT, remove the file from the Add files list, add the revised version, and save the customization file. If the user removes, repairs, or reinstalls Office, the custom files are removed or reinstalled along with Office. Setup does not reinstall a custom file if the file has changed since installation. 57 File Destination Path dialog box In the Destination path on the user's computer dialog box, enter the folder where you want to install the file on users' computers, and click OK. You can select multiple files at one time by using the SHIFT and CTRL keys. These files will be associated with the same destination folder. You can use the following special folder names in the destination path: Folder [INSTALLLOCATION] [ROOTDRIVE] [ProgramFilesFolder] [CommonFilesFolder] [WindowsFolder] [SystemFolder] [PersonalFolder] [AppDataFolder] [NetHoodFolder] Description The folder in which Office is installed The local disk drive with the most free space Program Files folder Program Files\Common Files folder Windows folder Windows System32 folder The user's My Documents folder The user's Application Data folder The user's My Network Places folder Remove files Remove files from users' computers when Office is installed. To create a list of files to remove from the user's computer during installation, click Add. To modify the path or name of a file, select the file in the Remove files list and click Modify. To remove a file from the list, select the file and click Remove. You can use the SHIFT and CTRL keys to select multiple files at one time. Note Files listed in the Remove files list are removed from the user's computer before files listed in the Add files list are installed. Therefore, you can delete existing files on a user's computer and replace them with new versions. If the target file on a user's computer is renamed or modified, an added file with the same name does not replace it. 58 File Path dialog box In the File path dialog box, enter the path and file name of the file you want to add to the list of files to remove from the user's computer, and click OK. The path must begin with a drive letter, a UNC path, or one of the following special folders: Folder [INSTALLLOCATION] [ROOTDRIVE] [ProgramFilesFolder] [CommonFilesFolder] [WindowsFolder] [SystemFolder] [PersonalFolder] [AppDataFolder] [NetHoodFolder] Description The folder in which Office is installed The local disk drive with the most free space Program Files folder Program Files\Common Files folder Windows folder Windows System32 folder The user's My Documents folder The user's Application Data folder The user's My Network Places folder Add registry entries Add or modify registry entries on users' computers when Office is installed. To create a list of registry entries to add to users' computers, click Add. To change an entry in the list, select the entry and click Modify. To remove an entry from the list, select the entry and click Remove. Click Import to add a set of entries from a registry file (REG file). If an entry in the REG file duplicates an entry in the list, the OCT prompts you to choose whether to overwrite existing registry entries with entries in the REG file. Note Registry entries customized in this section might override settings customized elsewhere in the OCT. Use this section to customize options that cannot be set directly in the Office user interface and that are not configurable using other methods in the OCT. 59 Add/Modify Registry Entry dialog box In the Add/Modify Registry Entry dialog box, enter the following information for each registry entry and click OK: Setting Root Data type Key Create empty key Value name Value data Description Select the branch that contains the entries you want to add or modify. Settings are applied once per user (HKEY_CURRENT_USER) or once per computer (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE). You cannot add registry entries to the root of HKEY_USERS or HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE. Select a data type for the registry value. Enter the name of the subkey where the entry is stored. For example, Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common. Select this check box if the registry entry does not contain a value name or value data. Some settings are determined by the presence or absence of the registry entry. Enter a name for the new registry entry. If you include Value data but leave this field blank, the value is assigned the name <Default>. A key can have only one <Default> value name. Enter the data (value) to store in the new registry entry. The data must match the data type. Remove registry entries Remove registry entries from users' computers when Office is installed. To create a list of registry entries to remove from users' computers, click Add. To change an entry in the list, select the entry and click Modify. To remove an entry from the list, select the entry and click Remove. To create a list of registry entries to remove from users' computers, click Add and enter the following information for each registry entry. 60 Note If the user removes, repairs, or reinstalls Office, the custom registry entries are removed or reinstalled with Office. Delete/Modify Registry Entry dialog box In the Delete/Modify Registry Entry dialog box, enter the following information for each registry entry and click OK: Entry Root Key Value name Description Select the branch that contains the entries you want to remove. Enter the full name of the subkey where the entry is stored. For example, Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common. Enter the name of the registry entry that you want to remove. Leave this field blank to remove the entire subkey, including all of its value entries. Configure shortcuts Add shortcuts to files installed with 2007 Office release or files that are already on the user's computer. You can configure shortcuts only when you first install Office on a user's computer. This option is ignored if you apply the Setup customization file to an existing installation. Click Add to add a new shortcut. To modify a shortcut in the list, select the shortcut and click Modify. To remove a shortcut from the list, select the shortcut and click Remove. Shortcuts with Yes in the Installed column are configured during installation. Shortcuts with No in this column are configured if the corresponding product is later installed. Note If you add a shortcut to a custom application or file, that shortcut is not updated or removed if the user modifies, repairs, reinstalls, or removes Office. 61 Add/Modify Shortcut Entry dialog box In the Add/Modify Shortcut Entry dialog box, enter the following information for the shortcut you are creating or modifying and click OK: Setting Target Location Description Specify the application associated with the shortcut by selecting a predefined application keyword or by entering the name and path of the file to which the shortcut will point. If you select an application keyword, the OCT automatically enters information in the remaining boxes. The names in the list correspond to features that you select on the Set feature installation states page of the OCT, plus any custom files that you add to the installation on the Add files page. If you enter a name and path and the name or path contains a space, you must enclose the entire string in double quotation marks (""). You can add command-line options for the application by using the Arguments field below. Specify the folder in which the shortcut is created by selecting a predefined folder keyword or entering the name and path to the location of the shortcut. You can specify a subfolder by appending a backslash (\) followed by the subfolder name. For example, to install the Microsoft Office Word 2007 shortcut in the Microsoft Office subfolder in the Programs folder in the Start menu, select [ProgramMenuFolder] and append the subfolder name as follows: [ProgramMenuFolder]\Microsoft Office. 62 Setting Description You can use the following special folders for Location: Folder [StartMenuFolder] Description Windows Start menu [ProgramMenuFolder] Windows Start\Programs menu [StartupFolder] Startup folder in the Windows Start\Programs menu [DesktopFolder] Windows Desktop folder [INSTALLLOCATION] The folder in which Office is installed [FavoritesFolder] The user's Favorites folder [AppDataFolder] The user's Application Data folder [NetHoodFolder] The user's My Network Places folder Name Start in Arguments Enter any string to specify a name for the shortcut. Enter a path to specify the default starting folder for the application. If you leave this box blank, the default folder is set to the folder where the target file resides. If the path is not valid on a user's computer, the user sees an error message when the user tries to use the shortcut. Enter optional arguments to pass to the application on the command line. 63 Setting Shortcut key Description Enter an optional keyboard shortcut for the application or file. The syntax for the shortcut key is: [modifier+]VK_key where modifier is SHIFT, CTRL, ALT, or EXT, and VK_key is a virtual key name (see table below). The modifier is optional. You may specify more than one, in any order, separated by plus signs (+). If you use a modifier, it must precede the virtual key name. You must enter one virtual key name. Do not use spaces anywhere in the key definition. For example, CTRL+VK_F12 Some key combinations, such as CTRL+ALT+VK_DELETE, may be used by the system or other processes. These combinations must not be used to launch the application on the user’s computer. Virtual Key Name Key Code (Hex) VK_0 – VK_9 30-39 VK_A – VK_Z 415A VK_NUMPAD0 – 60-69 VK_NUMPAD9 Description Keys 0-9 Keys A-Z Keys 0-9 on the numeric keypad VK_F1 ... VK_F24 70-87 Function keys F1-F24 VK_LBUTTON 01 Left mouse button VK_RBUTTON 02 Right mouse button VK_CANCEL 03 Control-break processing VK_MBUTTON 04 Middle mouse button (three64 Setting Description VK_BACK 08 VK_CLEAR VK_RETURN VK_PAUSE VK_CAPITAL 0C 0D 13 14 VK_PRIOR VK_NEXT 21 22 VK_END VK_HOME VK_LEFT 23 24 25 VK_UP 26 VK_RIGHT 27 VK_DOWN 28 VK_SELECT VK_EXECUTE 29 2B VK_SNAPSHOT 2C VK_INSERT VK_DELETE VK_HELP VK_MULTIPLY VK_ADD VK_SEPARATOR VK_SUBTRACT VK_DECIMAL VK_DIVIDE VK_NUMLOCK 2D 2E 2F 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F 90 VK_SCROLL 91 button mouse) BACKSPACE key CLEAR key ENTER key PAUSE key CAPS LOCK key PAGE UP key PAGE DOWN key END key HOME key LEFT ARROW key UP ARROW key RIGHT ARROW key DOWN ARROW key SELECT key EXECUTE key PRINT SCREEN key INS key DEL key HELP key Multiply key Add key Separator key Subtract key Decimal key Divide key NUM LOCK key SCROLL LOCK key 65 Setting Run Change Icon Description Select the type of window in which the application or file should start (Normal window, Minimized, or Maximized). Select a different icon for the shortcut. Outlook Use the Outlook section to customize the default Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 profile and set Office Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Exchange 2007 options. Outlook Profile Customize a user's default Outlook profile, which is the set of values in the Windows registry that defines user-specific information. An Outlook profile can contain multiple email accounts. Users can have multiple Outlook profiles, but you can configure only one profile in the Setup customization file. Setting Use existing profile Modify profile New profile Description Use the profile already configured on the user’s computer, or prompt the user to create a profile the first time Outlook starts. Modify the default profile on the user’s computer, or define changes to profiles with a name you specify. If no default profile exists or there is no profile by the name that you specify, Outlook creates a profile based on the options you choose in the other Outlook sections of the OCT. Outlook uses the default profile name (custom12.prf) or uses the profile name you specify. Create a new profile on the user’s computer and make it the default profile. Existing profiles are not removed and remain available to users. You must enter a name in the Profile name box. This name appears in the E-mail Accounts dialog box in Outlook. Outlook creates the profile based on the options you choose in the other Outlook sections of the OCT. 66 Setting Apply PRF Description Import an Outlook profile file (PRF file) to define a new default profile. Selecting this option does not update the OCT with the settings in the PRF file. You can use any profile created for Office Outlook 2007. Enter a name and path for the profile in the Apply the following profile (PRF file) box. If you created a PRF file for a previous version of Outlook, you can import it to Office Outlook 2007 if the profile defines only MAPI services. If you install Office on locked-down computers where the users do not have administrative rights, users cannot configure their Outlook profile after Office is installed. Specify Exchange Settings Configure users' Microsoft Exchange settings in a new or modified Outlook profile. Exchange Server connection Configure an Exchange Server connection for new or existing profiles. Setting Do not configure an Exchange Server connection Configure an Exchange Server connection Description Prompt the user for profile and account information the first time Outlook starts, unless a profile already exists on the computer. Configure settings for a new Exchange Server connection or replace the settings in an existing Exchange Server connection. Enter the following information: User Name—Identify the user with a specific value or replaceable parameter. If you specify the default %USERNAME%, Outlook uses the user's exact logon name, rather than prompting the user with possible variations when Outlook starts. Exchange Server—Enter the name of 67 Setting Description an Exchange server that is likely to be available when users start Outlook. When a user starts Outlook for the first time, Outlook replaces this value with the user’s correct Exchange server. Provide only a literal server name in this text box; for example, Exch-2Srvr. Do not include backslashes (\\) or similar syntax. Overwrite existing Exchange settings if an Exchange connection exists— Select this option to replace an existing Exchange Server account in the user’s profile with this account. Cached Exchange Mode Use the following options to configure users' Outlook profiles to use a local copy of the Exchange mailbox. Option Do not configure Cached Exchange Mode Configure Cached Exchange Mode Description By default, Exchange mailboxes are accessible from the Exchange server, rather than being cached on users’ computers in an Offline Store file (OST file). Create an OST file or use an existing OST file. Users work with a local copy of their Exchange mailbox. If you select Use Cached Exchange Mode, you can configure Cached Exchange Mode for users with the following options: Download only headers—Download copies of headers only from users’ Exchange mailboxes. Download headers followed by the full item—Download copies of headers from users’ Exchange mailboxes and download copies of messages. Download full items—Download copies of full messages (headers and 68 Option Description message bodies) from users’ Exchange mailboxes. On slow connections, download only headers—When a slow network connection is detected, download copies of headers only from users’ Exchange mailboxes. Download shared non-mail folders— Download shared non-mail folders. Download Public Folder Favorites— Download the list of Public Folder Favorites. More Exchange Server Settings Configure Exchange Server offline use options and the Outlook Anywhere feature. For complete information on how to configure these settings, see Configure Cached Exchange Mode by using the Office Customization Tool in the 2007 Microsoft Office Resource Kit. Add Accounts Include new Outlook e-mail accounts in the user’s profile. Select the Do not customize Outlook profile and account information option if you do not want to add accounts to a new or modified Outlook profile. Select the Customize additional Outlook profile and account information option to specify new account information in a new or modified Outlook profile. The first time the user starts the application, Outlook creates a profile based on information you specify. Click Add to add a new account to the list. To modify an account in the list, select the account and click Modify. To remove an account from the list, select the account and click Remove. You can also specify the following: Deliver new mail to the following location—When you configure an Exchange server or add a Personal Folders file (PST file), select this option to specify a delivery location for new e-mail messages. The default location is the Exchange server, if one is configured; otherwise, the location defaults to the PST file on the user’s computer. Default e-mail account—Select the account that is the default e-mail account for users. 69 Add Account and Account Settings dialog box If you are adding a new account, select the type of account to add and click Next. In the <account type>Settings dialog box, set the options that are appropriate for the type of account you are adding or modifying, such as account name, user name, mail server, and e-mail address. Click More Settings for additional configuration options. Click Finish when you are done. To ensure that e-mail services do not overlap, Outlook might not allow you to add more than one new account for the same type of service. For example, Outlook verifies that all POP accounts have unique names. The following table shows how Outlook determines whether a new account of the same type as an existing account can be added to the Setup customization file. Account type Add duplicate account? POP3 IMAP Hotmail or HTTP PST Yes No No No Unicode PST No Outlook Address Book Personal Address Book LDAP Exchange Yes Yes No Yes Data used to determine whether conflict exists Account name Account name Account name File name and path to PST file File name and path to Unicode PST file Existence of account Existence of account Account name Existence of provider Remove Accounts and Export Settings Remove existing e-mail accounts or export settings to a PRF file. Under Remove the following accounts if they exist, select Lotus cc:Mail or Microsoft Mail to remove these accounts from users' computers when Outlook first starts. Click the Export Profile Settings button to save the Outlook profile settings you have defined in a PRF file. Tip An efficient way to create an Outlook PRF file is to use the OCT to make your selections and then export them to a PRF file, even if you are not using a Setup customization file when you deploy Office. You can edit the PRF file to make additional customizations that are not exposed in the OCT. For example, you can add an e-mail provider that is not listed in the OCT. 70 Specify Send/Receive Groups Define Send/Receive groups for Exchange accounts and folders, and specify the tasks that are performed on each group during a Send/Receive in Outlook. A Send/Receive group contains a collection of Outlook accounts and folders. You can specify different options for Send/Receive groups when Outlook is online and offline. Option Do not configure Send/Receive settings Configure Send/Receive settings Description Do not configure settings for Send/Receive groups. Outlook is configured with only the All Accounts group and its default settings. (If users have created additional groups, those groups migrate when users upgrade to Office Outlook 2007.) Configure settings for Send/Receive groups (Exchange accounts and folders only). Click New to create a new group of accounts and folders. Click New to create a new group of accounts and folders. Click Modify to specify or redefine options for a Send/Receive group. Click Rename to change the name of an existing Send/Receive group. Click Remove to remove an existing Send/Receive group. New Exchange Group dialog box Enter the name of the Exchange send/receive group you are creating in the New Group Name box and click OK. Modify Group dialog box When you modify a group, select from the following options in the Modify Group dialog box and click OK. 71 Select the following options under Select options for this Send/Receive group: Option Send mail items Description Send mail items from the Outbox when you execute a Send/Receive for this group. Receive mail items when you execute a Receive mail items Send/Receive for this group. Make folder home pages available offline Refresh the content in folder home pages when you execute a Send/Receive for this group. Synchronize forms when you execute a Synchronize forms Send/Receive for this group. Under Change folder options for this Send/Receive group, select a folder and provide the following information: Option Include this folder in Send/Receive Description Add this folder to the set of folders that are updated during a Send/Receive for this Send/Receive group, and select from the following options: Download headers only—Download only headers for this folder when you update by executing a Send/Receive for this Send/Receive group. Download complete item including attachments—Download entire e-mail messages (or other items) for this folder when you update by executing a Send/Receive for this Send/Receive group. Download only headers for items larger than—When items are larger than the specified size, download only the header for the item. This setting applies to only this folder when you update by executing a Send/Receive for this Send/Receive group. 72 Rename Exchange Group dialog box Enter the new name of the Exchange send/receive group in the New Group Name box and click OK. Modify Address Book Settings dialog box Configure the default way in which Outlook updates the offline address book. Select from the following options: Download changes since last Send/Receive—Outlook downloads only the changes that were made to the address book since the last Send/Receive. This generally takes less time to download than downloading the entire address book. Full Details—When the address book is downloaded, Outlook copies all of the details for each entry. No Details—When the address book is downloaded, Outlook copies only essential information, such as the name and email address for each entry. This takes less time to download, but address details are not included in the offline address book. Send/Receive settings for the selected group Specify settings for the Send/Receive group selected in the list. The name of the selected group appears in the option label. You can specify different settings for when Outlook is online or offline. Specify settings for the Send/Receive group selected in the list. The name of the selected group appears in the option label. You can specify different settings for when Outlook is online or offline. When Outlook is Online Include this group in Send/Receive—Execute a Send/Receive action on this group when the user clicks Send/Receive. Schedule an automatic Send/Receive every n minutes—Choose the interval between each Send/Receive action. Perform an automatic Send/Receive when exiting—Automatically execute a Send/Receive action for this group when the user exits Outlook. When Outlook is Offline Include this group in Send/Receive—Execute a Send/Receive action on this group when the user clicks Send/Receive. Schedule an automatic Send/Receive every n minutes—Choose the interval between each Send/Receive action. Exchange Address Book Download offline address book—Download the offline address book when the user clicks Send/Receive. 73 Click Address Book Settings to open the Modify Address Book Settings dialog box. You can select Download changes since last Send/Receive to download only updates to the address book since the last download. You can also choose to download Full Details or No Details. See Also Streamlined customization model for the 2007 Office system Config.xml file in the 2007 Office system Setup properties in the 2007 Office system 74 II File format reference 75 Overview of the XML file formats in the 2007 Office system The 2007 Microsoft Office system introduces new XML file formats that are robust and based on open standards. The new XML file formats enable rapid creation of documents from disparate data sources, accelerating document assembly, data mining, and content reuse. The formats simplify exchanging data between applications in the 2007 Office release and enterprise business systems. You can create a document in the new XML formats with any standard tool and technology—the 2007 Office release is not required. Users can improve productivity by publishing, searching, and reusing information more quickly and accurately in the environment they choose. The new XML formats are based on industry-standard XML and ZIP technologies, support full integration by any technology provider, and are available via a royalty-free license. The XML file format specification will be published and made available under the same royalty-free license that exists for the Microsoft Office 2003 Reference Schemas, and is openly offered and available for broad industry use. Benefits of the new XML file formats The new XML formats introduce a number of benefits for developers, IT professionals, and users. These benefits include: Compact file format. Documents are automatically compressed, up to 75 percent smaller. Improved damaged file recovery. Modular data storage enables files to open even if a component within the file, such as a chart or table, is damaged. Safer documents. Embedded code, such as OLE objects or Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) code, is stored in a separate section within the file so it is easily identified for special processing. IT Administrators can block the documents that contain unwanted macros or controls, making documents safer for users when they are opened. Easier integration. Developers have direct access to specific contents within the file, such as charts, comments, and document metadata. Transparency and improved information security. Documents can be shared confidentially because personally identifiable information and business-sensitive information, such as user names, comments, tracked changes, and file paths, are easily identified and removed. 76 Compatibility. By installing a simple update, users of Microsoft Office 2000, Microsoft Office XP, and Office 2003 editions can open, edit, and save documents in one of the new XML formats. Structure of the new XML file formats The basic structure of all XML formats in the 2007 Office release consists of five elements: Start part. The highest order part in the hierarchy. XML parts. Files or folders consisting of XML that comprise the content of the file. Non-XML parts. Parts that are not XML and generally are either images or OLE objects. Relationship part. A type of part that generally points to other parts to define the relational hierarchy of the part structure. ZIP package. Bundles parts into a single file. Start part The start part, an XML part that is a relationship part and could be considered the highest order part, determines the file type. For example, if the name of the core container is WordDoc, the file name extension is .docx. XML parts When an Office XML formatted file is saved in the 2007 Office release, the file is divided into a set of logical parts that describes the entire file. For Office Word 2007, dividing the file into these parts enables the file to be easily queried or modified outside of the original Office application. For example, it is easier for a developer to remove document properties from a file because the properties are placed in a single part, and the part can be deleted from within the document container by deleting the part. With WordprocessingML (provided as an optional XML file format in Microsoft Office 2003), removing comments involved parsing the entire file to find and remove the XML representing the contents of the comment. With the new file format, feature-related data is divided into parts. Comments, links, headers, footers, and other data are in separate parts that can be removed. You do not need to parse the entire Word document. Non-XML parts Non-XML parts are generally images and OLE objects. Any file type that uses binary content or does not use XML is identified as non-XML. A non-XML part is most commonly a file attached to or embedded within a document. The Office Word 2007 77 XML format schema documentation explains the literal relationship and schema hierarchy used by Word for files of this type. Relationship part A relationship part is an XML part that points to other parts and defines the relational hierarchy of the parts. Most high-level XML parts are relationship parts. XML parts that contain data and do not point to other parts are also referred to as primitives, and usually have a content type of application/xml. ZIP package Using a ZIP package provides the following benefits in all applications: Open standard. The ZIP compression algorithm is a well-defined open standard. Reduced file size. Files are generally smaller than an equivalent binary file. On average, Office Word 2007 files are 75% smaller than their binary counterparts, depending on the number of images. Increased robustness. Files are more robust and less sensitive to potential errors in the file. Previous files required the file to be completely intact to function correctly. Although use of a ZIP package means the file is binary, the WinFX application programmer interface (API) set provides native support for the package format in the System.IO.Packaging name space. This enables developers to create tools that process the format and work directly against the logical model (the parts) without having to consider expansion or compression of the package. 78 XML file name extensions in the 2007 Office system Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, and Microsoft Office Word 2007 have new file types and extensions based on the new XML file formats in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. The new file name extensions are based on the previous extensions, with the addition of a character to differentiate between macro-enabled and macro-free files. For example, a .docx extension indicates a macro-free file, and a .docm extension indicates a macro-enabled file. Note You can use the file name extensions for previous versions of Office applications (such as .xls, .ppt, and .doc) when you save files that will be used in earlier versions of Office. The following table lists the file name extensions used by the 2007 Office release applications. Application Office Word 2007 Office file type Office Word 2007 XML document Extension .docx Office Word 2007 Office Word 2007 .docm XML macro-enabled document Office Word 2007 Office Word 2007 XML template .dotx Description The default Office Word 2007 file format. Cannot store VBA macro code. Uses the same basic XML format as the Office Word 2007 XML document format, but can store VBA macro code. This file type is created when VBA macro code is present in the file. The default format for a Word template. Created when document styles and formatting are saved. Cannot store VBA macro code. 79 Application Office Word 2007 Office file type Extension Office Word 2007 .dotm XML macro-enabled template Office Excel 2007 Office Excel 2007 XML workbook Office Excel 2007 Office Excel 2007 .xlsm XML macro-enabled workbook .xlsx Description Stores macro code for use with other Word documents. Does not always contain macro code, but is configured to support macro code storage. Word documents created from a macroenabled template do not inherit the VBAProject part of the template. By default, documents are saved as .docx files even when they are created from a Office Word 2007 XML macro-enabled template. The default Office Excel 2007 file format. Cannot store VBA macro code or Microsoft Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm files in Excel 4.0). Uses the same basic XML format as the Office Excel 2007 XML Workbook, but can store VBA macro code. Users saving an Office Excel 2007 XML workbook that has VBA code or Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm files in Excel 4.0) are prompted to use this 80 Application Office file type Extension Office Excel 2007 Office Excel 2007 XML template .xltx Office Excel 2007 Office Excel 2007 .xltm XML macro-enabled template Office Excel 2007 Office Excel 2007 binary workbook (BIFF12) .xlsb Description file format. The default file format for an Excel template. Cannot store VBA macro code or Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm files in Excel 4.0). Can contain a VBAProject part or Excel 4.0 macro sheets (.xlm files in Excel 4.0). Workbooks created from this template inherit the VBAProject part or Excel 4.0 macro sheets that exist in the template. A fast load-and-save file format for users who need the fastest way possible to load a data file. Supports the use of VBA projects, Excel 4.0 macro sheets, and all the new features used in Office Excel 2007. However, this is not an XML file format, and therefore is not optimal for accessing and manipulating content without the use of Office Excel 2007 and the object model. Also, it does not use ZIP 81 Application Office file type Extension Office Excel 2007 Office Excel 2007 .xlam XML macro-enabled add-in Office PowerPoint 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 XML presentation .pptx Office PowerPoint 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 macro-enabled XML presentation .pptm Description compression and is subject to the same security concerns as the previous Excel BIFF8 binary file format. A supplemental program designed to run additional code. Excel add-ins use the new XML file format to store data. Excel XML add-ins support the use of VBA projects and Excel 4.0 macro sheets. The default PowerPoint XML format. Cannot contain a VBAProject part (the part that stores VBA macro code) or Action settings. The same basic XML format as the Office PowerPoint 2007 XML presentation format, but can store VBA macro code. Users saving a Office PowerPoint 2007 XML presentation file that contains VBA macro code are prompted to use this file type. 82 Application Office PowerPoint 2007 Office file type Office PowerPoint 2007 XML template Extension .potx Office PowerPoint 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 macro-enabled XML template .potm Office PowerPoint 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 macro-enabled XML add-in .ppam Office PowerPoint 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 XML show .ppsx Office PowerPoint 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 macro-enabled XML show .ppsm Description An XML-based PowerPoint template. Created when a presentation does not have a VBAProject and does not use Action settings. Users saving a Office PowerPoint 2007 XML template that contains VBA macro code are prompted to use this file type. Presentations created from this template do not inherit the VBA project or Action settings. An XML-based PowerPoint presentation designed to be executed as a supplemental program. All PowerPoint add-ins are macro-enabled. An XML-based PowerPoint autorunning slide show. Cannot contain a VBAProject part. An XML-based PowerPoint slide show file that contains a VBAProject part. Created when the auto-running slide show includes VBA macro code. 83 Compatibility mode in the 2007 Office system The 2007 Microsoft Office system contains a new feature, compatibility mode, to offset compatibility issues between the 2007 Office release and previous versions of Office. Compatibility mode ensures that content created in the 2007 Office release can be converted or downgraded to a form that can be used by previous versions of Office. For example, when a user selects "Insert SmartArt" in compatibility mode in Microsoft Office Word 2007, the diagramming tool from Office 2003 appears. This ensures that the diagram added to the file can be fully edited in Word 2003. When not in compatibility mode, the new SmartArt diagramming tool for the 2007 Office release appears, and the object that is created will not be fully editable in Word 2003. Compatibility mode helps users collaborate with those using previous versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. A file created in previous versions of Office, such as .doc, .xls, and .ppt, are fully functional in compatibility mode in the 2007 Office release. Compatibility mode ensures that the 2007 Office release can open and save files in from previous versions of Office without converting them to the new file formats in the 2007 Office release. In compatibility mode, some features of the 2007 Office release are limited in order to be consistent with the features in previous versions of Office. Compatibility mode is document-specific, and is automatically enabled when files from Office 2003 and earlier are edited in the 2007 Office release. Compatibility mode is available in Office Word 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Each program provides visual cues to alert users that they are in compatibility mode for a particular file. For example, the words "Compatibility Mode" are added to the program’s title bar. Enhanced ScreenTips provide additional detail for specific features that are enabled in compatibility mode. Users can also convert a document from compatibility mode to full functionality. By selecting Convert from the Office Start Button, users can convert the document to the 2007 Office release, and add content using the new features available in the 2007 Office release. Compatibility in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 Office Word 2007, Office Excel 2007, and Office PowerPoint 2007 use compatibility mode to control the exchange of content between each program and its earlier version. This ensures maximum quality for sharing content between different versions. The following sections explain the purpose of compatibility mode for each application, and which criteria are important for defining how exchanges take place. 84 Excel In Office Excel 2007, compatibility mode prevents new features in Office Excel 2007 from being saved to a file that will be edited in a previous version of Excel. For example, previous versions of Excel support a maximum of 65,536 rows in a worksheet. Office Excel 2007 removes this limitation. Upon opening a worksheet with 100,000 rows of data, previous versions of Excel must truncate rows beyond 65,536. To minimize disruption to users who are collaborating between different versions of Excel, new features like this in Office Excel 2007 are limited in compatibility mode. In this case, while working in compatibility mode, users cannot add more than 65,536 rows to an Excel workbook. PowerPoint In Office PowerPoint 2007, compatibility mode disables functionality that cannot be rendered with an adequate level of visual fidelity or editability in previous versions of PowerPoint. This ensures a consistent presentation experience across different versions of PowerPoint. Office PowerPoint 2007 can add many new effects and attributes to content that are not supported in previous releases. For example, Office PowerPoint 2007 provides text effects for shadows, reflections, bevels, and other effects. Because previous versions of PowerPoint cannot render this content, Office PowerPoint 2007 represents these effects as images in compatibility mode. With the new feature refresh technology in 2007 Office release, even though these effects are saved as images in compatibility mode, they are once again treated as the original text effects when re-opened in Office PowerPoint 2007. For more information, Feature Refresh later in this topic. Word In Office Word 2007, compatibility mode primarily ensures visual fidelity between different versions. Some features in Office Word 2007 are grayed out and not available in compatibility mode, to prevent the addition of content that is not compatible with previous versions of Word. While working in Office Word 2007, if a user attempts to paste content that is not supported by previous versions (for example, a chart, diagram, equation, or citation created in Office Word 2007), compatibility mode downgrades the content to a form that is recognizable by previous versions. 85 Enabling compatibility mode Compatibility mode is enabled in the following situations: Action in the 2007 Office release Open a file saved in file formats used by previous versions. Convert a file from 2007 Office release to a previous version using Save As. Set the application default to save using the file formats from previous versions of Office. Create a new document based on a .dot template (available in previous versions of Office). Excel 2007 PowerPoint 2007 Word 2007 X X X X X X X X X X Compatibility checker Office Word 2007, Office Excel 2007, and Office PowerPoint 2007 contain a compatibility checker to detect any features that are not recognized by previous versions. This helps users who need to share documents between different versions of Office. For example, if a user attempts to save an Office Excel 2007 file that contains 800,000 rows to the .xls format, the compatibility checker will prompt the user with a warning that data will be lost. The compatibility checker displays a list of any content in the document that may not appear the same or be fully editable when the current new file format (for example, .pptx) is saved to a previous file (in this case, .ppt). The compatibility checker is launched either when a user downgrades a file by saving one of the new file formats to a previous file format, or when the user clicks Compatibility Checker on the Office Button Finish menu. 86 Feature refresh The feature refresh technology in the 2007 Office release provides the next step in compatibility between the 2007 Office release and previous versions of Office. It allows features that have been altered by compatibility mode to be made available again when a file is re-opened in Office Word 2007, Office Excel 2007, or Office PowerPoint 2007. For example, a chart that was created in Office Word 2007 and that is altered by compatibility mode to be an uneditable image in a previous version of Word will be fully editable again when re-opened in Office Word 2007. Important Not all content can be refreshed in the 2007 Office release after it has been downgraded to a previous version. For a list of features that are affected by compatibility mode, with notes on those that can be refreshed when re-opened in the 2007 Office release, see Features impacted by compatibility mode, below. Features impacted by compatibility mode The following tables show the features in Office Word 2007, Office Excel 2007, and Office PowerPoint 2007 that are impacted by compatibility mode. Word 2007 Name Description Math Equation building is new to Office Word 2007. Themes Themes are new to Office Word 2007. Colors (Theme Chunk) Themes are new to Office Word 2007. Compatibility Mode Behavior Equations are represented as non-editable images. These images are refreshed when the document is converted. The Equations UI is disabled in compatibility mode. Themes are permanently converted to styles. The Themes UI is disabled in compatibility mode. Themes are permanently converted to styles. The Themes UI is disabled in compatibility mode. 87 Name Description Font (Theme Chunk) Themes are new to Office Word 2007. Effects (Theme Chunk) Themes are new to Office Word 2007. Content Controls Content controls are new to Office Word 2007. Tracked Moves Tracked moves are new to Office Word 2007. Major/Minor Fonts Major/minor fonts are new to Office Word 2007. Relative Text Boxes The ability to set the position of a text box relative to some part of a document. Relative text boxes are new to Office Word 2007. Margin tabs are new to Office Word 2007. Margin Tabs Bibliography New to Office Word 2007. Citations New to Office Word 2007. Placeholder text New to Office Word 2007.. Compatibility Mode Behavior Themes are permanently converted to styles. The Themes UI is disabled in compatibility mode. Themes are permanently converted to styles. The Themes UI is disabled in compatibility mode. Content controls are permanently converted to static text. The Content Controls UI is disabled in compatibility mode. Tracked moves are permanently converted to "Insert" and "Delete." Major and minor fonts are permanently converted to static formatting. Relative positioning of text boxes is permanently converted to absolute positioning. Margin tabs are permanently converted to absolutely defined tabs. Bibiliographies are permanently converted to static text. Citations are permanently converted to static text. Placeholder text is permanently converted to static text. 88 Name Description Office Art 2007 Office Art engine is improved upon in the 2007 Office release. SmartArt Diagram Some diagrams are new to the 2007 Office release. Custom XML Data store New to the Open XML Formats, custom-defined XML information can be stored as a separate component within the Open XML Formats, to help organizations include content from their own data sources, using their own languages. Vertical text box alignment of center or bottom are new to Office Word 2007. Vertical Text Box Alignment Compatibility Mode Behavior All Office Art 2007 objects are converted to Office 97– 2003 objects. These objects are refreshed when the document is converted. When a user selects SmartArt in Office Word 2007, the Diagram Gallery from Word 2003 appears. Diagrams in the 2007 Office release are converted to noneditable images. When the document is converted, these images are refreshed to 2007 Office release again. When a user selects SmartArt in Office Word 2007, the Diagram Gallery from Word 2003 appears. The XML data store is removed during conversion, and XML data and content within XML bindings are permanently converted to text. Vertical text box alignment of center or bottom is permanently converted to top vertical text box alignment. 89 Name Description Office Charts Charts can now exist as native objects in Office Word 2007. ActiveX Active X controls can be added to Word documents to deliver enhanced functionality. Compatibility Mode Behavior Office charts are converted to Excel OLE objects. These objects are refreshed when the document is converted back to 2007 full functionality mode. When a user selects Charts in Office Word 2007, the Diagram Gallery from Word 2003 appears. Disabled ActiveX controls are converted to their image representation when saved to a downlevel file type or opened in a downlevel application verison through the converter. Excel 2007 Name Description Sheet exceeds limit for cross- Excel 2000–2003 allows up sheet array formulas. to 65,472 cross-sheet array formulas. Excel 2007 removes this limitation. Cell with a formula that Excel 2000–2003 allows up exceeds internal length limit to 1800 bytes in BIFF8 internal representation. Excel 2007 allows up to 16,384 bytes. Cell with a formula that Excel 2000–2003 allows up exceeds nesting level limit to 7 levels of nesting. Excel 2007 allows up to 255 levels of nesting. Cell with a formula that Excel 2000–2003 allows up exceeds limit for arguments to 30 arguments. Excel 2007 in a function allows up to 255 arguments. Compatibility Mode Behavior Formulas over the Excel 2000–2003 limit return #VALUE. Formulas over the Excel 2000–2003 limit return #VALUE. Formulas over the Excel 2000–2003 limit return #VALUE. Formulas over the Excel 2000–2003 limit return #VALUE. 90 Name Description Compatibility Mode Behavior Cell formula contains more Excel 2000–2003 allows up Formulas over the Excel than 40 operands. to 40 operands. Excel 2007 2000–2003 limit return allows up to 1024 operands. #VALUE. PivotTable with only Excel 2000–2003 hides Pivot saved as static data. intermediate levels hidden levels all the way up to the top. Excel 2007 allows hiding just an intermediate level. Workbook contains cells Excel 2000–2003 grid size Data outside the the Excel with data outside 256 x is 256 x 65,536. Excel 2007 2000–2003 grid size is 65,536. grid size is 18,278 x truncated. 1,048,576. Cell with more than 3 Excel 2000–2003 allows 3 Conditions exceeding the conditional formats conditions per cell. Excel Excel 2000–2003 limit are 2007 allows 20 conditions not displayed. per cell. Cell with a data bar, color Excel 2000–2003 has no Unsupported conditions are scale, or icon set condition data bar, color scale, or icon not displayed. type. set conditions. Excel 2007 has these conditions. Cell with a condition where Excel 2000–2003 always Stop after first true StopIfTrue=False stops after a condition is condition. true. Excel 2007 does not stop when StopIfTrue = False. Cell with a conditional Excel 2000–2003 does not Condition is not evaluated. expression that references allow cross-sheet cell another sheet references in conditional expressions. Excel 2007 allows this. Cell with a Top10 or Excel 2000–2003 has no Condition is evaluated as if AboveAverage rule where option to perform multiple CalcFor = AllValues. CalcFor =! AllValues calculations per Pivot “block.” Excel 2007 offers these options. Workbook contains more Excel 2000–2003 allows up Unique formats exceeding than 4050 unique cell to 4050 unique cell the Excel 2000–2003 limit formats. formats/styles. Excel 2007 are not persisted. Note: This check looks at the allows up to 64k unique cell 91 Name Description whole workbook, not just the formats/styles. formats used in the 256 x 65,536 range. List contains a Total Row Excel 2000–2003 Total with a custom formula. Rows must contain one of a list of predefined functions. Excel 2007 Total Rows allow user-defined formulas. PivotTable field contains Excel 2000–2003 allows up more than 32,500 unique to 32,500 unique items in a items. Pivot field. Excel 2007 increases this limit to 1,048,576. PivotTable item has string Excel 2000–2003 allows length greater than 255 item string length (MDX characters. name in OLAP) up to 255 characters. Excel 2007 increases this limit to 32,767. Refedit contains more than Excel 2000–2003 refedits 255 characters. allow up to 255 characters. Excel 2007 refedits allow between 2k and 8k characters. Cell with an array formula Excel 2000–2003 does not that references an entire allow column references column (returns #NUM). Excel 2007 allows column references. Sort state with more than 3 Excel 2000–2003 only sort levels supports 3 sort levels. Excel 2007 supports 64 sort levels. User has a custom list sort. Excel 2000–2003 only supports one custom list filter on the first column only. Excel 2007 supports many custom list sorts on any column. Compatibility Mode Behavior List saved as static data. Pivot saved as static data. Pivot saved as static data. In some cases, refedit works but user cannot see whole formula. In other cases, the feature does not work. Formulas evaluate to #NUM. Sort state will be lost. Sort state will be lost. 92 Name Description User has a sort state that uses Excel 2000–2003 only formatting. allows sorting on values. Excel 2007 also allows sorting on cell background color, cell foreground color, and cell icons. User has a dynamic filter Excel 2000–2003 only applied. supports value filters. Excel 2007 supports dynamic filters for items such as “today” and “last month.” User has a filter that filters by Excel 2000–2003 only formatting. supports value filters. Excel 2007 supports filtering by cell background color, cell foreground color, and cell icon. User selects multiple items Excel 2000–2003 only from the autofilter listview. supports filtering by 2 conditions. Excel 2007 allows the user to check multiple items from a list view control, which creates multiple sort conditions. Compatibility Mode Behavior Sort state will be lost. Filters will not be viewable, but the filtered rows will remain hidden. Filters will not be viewable, but the filtered rows will remain hidden. Filters will not be viewable, but the filtered rows will remain hidden. PowerPoint Name Description Strikethrough, Double Strikethrough, and Text Underline Strikethrough, Double Strikethrough text formatting Compatibility Mode Behavior Converted to a picture. Since these features were not available in previous versions, any text containing this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same 93 Name Text Warping Character Spacing Columns Description Compatibility Mode Behavior in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for strikerthrough, double strikethrough, and text underline is disabled in compatibility mode. The ability to morph the Converted to a picture. shape of a character or a run Since this feature was not of text to a specified shape. available in previous versions, any text containing this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. The ability to either Character spacing on text condense or expand the will not display in Office space that appears between 2003. consecutive characters. The ability to have text Converted to a picture. reflow into multiple Since this feature was not columns within a single text available in previous body. versions, any text organized into columns is converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for columns is disabled in 94 Name Description Shadow The ability to add a dropshadow effect to a shape or object in the presentation. Soft shadows create the illusion of depth. Presets Gallery Bevel Gallery See Bevel Gallery. The ability to add depth to a Converted to a picture. The shape using 3D Effects. Bevel Gallery is introduced into PowerPoint for the first time with this release. Any shapes using a Bevel Effect are converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. The ability to add a Converted to a picture. perspective effect that Since this feature was not makes an object appear to available in previous be tilted or rotated in 3versions, any object using dimensional space. this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and 3D Rotation Compatibility Mode Behavior compatibility mode. New soft shadows will be converted into an equivalent hard-edged shadow when the presentation is opened in a prior release of PowerPoint. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. 95 Name Description Soft Edges The ability to add a soft edges effect that gradually fades the boundaries of a graphic outward. This is a new effect in the 2007 Office release. Glow The ability to add a glow effect that adds a vibrant colored edge to graphics. This is a new effect in the 2007 Office release. Reflection The ability to add a mirror reflection of an object. This is a new effect in Office 2007. Compatibility Mode Behavior text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. Converted to a picture. Since this feature was not available in previous versions, any object using this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a previous version. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. Converted to a picture. Since this feature was not available in previous versions, any object using this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. Converted to a picture. Since this feature was not available in previous versions, any object using this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a 96 Name Description Text Direction The ability to lay out characters in a languagespecific configuration, such as vertically stacked. Compatibility Mode Behavior prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. Converted to a picture. Since this feature was not available in previous versions, any text using this type of formatting is converted into a static picture when opened in a prior release. This ensures that the file looks the same in both releases, so that no intended meaning is lost in conversion. The UI for shape styles, 3D effects, and text effects is disabled in compatibility mode. 97 III Migration reference 98 Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Many features have been changed, removed, or replaced in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Click the topics below for more information. Note Review the following additional topics if you are deploying Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, or Microsoft Office Word 2007: Changes in Charting, Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007, and Changes in the 2007 Office system. Changes in Access 2007 Changes in Charting Changes in CMS 2007 Changes in Excel 2007 Changes in InfoPath 2007 Changes in OneNote 2007 Changes in Outlook 2007 Changes in PowerPoint 2007 Changes in Project 2007 Changes in Project Server 2007 Changes in SharePoint Designer 2007 Changes in SharePoint Server 2007 Changes in the 2007 Office system Changes in Visio 2007 Changes in Word 2007 Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 99 Changes in the 2007 Office system This topic lists changes that affect every program in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Information about individual programs appears in separate topics. For a list of programs and their associated topics, see Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003. Administrative installation images Description: Administrative installation images are replaced by a required local installation source. Reason for change: Administrative installation images were difficult to sustain. Requiring a local installation source prevents source resiliency problems when the 2007 Office release is updated Clip Organizer: Autoimport Description: When Clip Organizer runs for the first time, it no longer calls the Autoimport dialog box. Users can still click Autoimport on the File menu. Reason for change: Users must no longer decide if they should import all of their pictures into Clip Organizer. Migration path: Users click Add clips to the organizer on the File menu, and click Automatically. Document life cycle: Check in and check out Description: In Office 2003, check out occurred on the server when the user checked out files from a client. Check out occurs locally as the default behavior in 2007 Microsoft Office system, so the user edits the file offline. The user checks in the file to the server from the local copy. New functionality also enables users to use Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 to perform check-in. The first time a user checks out a file from the client, a message informs the user that the file will be checked out locally. The message provides a link to the folder where the file is checked out, with the option to change the folder. The prompt enables the user to check out the file on the server. The check out behavior is the same as it was in Office 2003, except for changes in the dialog boxes. Migration path: The previous method of checking out files is still accessible and usable, but with changes in the dialog boxes. 100 File Search Description:File search is removed from the user interface in several programs. Users no longer click File Search on the File menu to open the File Search task pane. Users do not access this feature from the Tools menu in the File Open dialog box. Users now use the search capability in Windows XP, or use MSN Desktop Search. Reason for change: This feature was rarely used. Native operating system search functionality and MSN Desktop Search provide more functionality. The search feature in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 and in the 2007 Office release enables users to search email more quickly than the File Search feature. Migration path: In 2007 Office release, users can search more quickly in Office Outlook 2007 as a replacement for searching e-mail, and can use the operating system’s native search functionality or MSN Desktop Search to find other types of files. Help: Detect and Repair… Description: The Detect and Repair… option on the Help menu is no longer available in the 2007 Office release, and has been replaced by Repair. Reason for change:Repair is now more robust and integrated. Migration path: Users can use Repair through the Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs for Office products, or Customer Watson Setup Diagnostics. Japanese IME: Editing style Description:Standard Input and Natural Input editing styles are merged into Standard Input. The functionality remains the same. Reason for change: The two editing styles confused users. Japanese IME: Register Entry Description: The Register Entry feature is removed from Japanese IME. Reason for change: This feature had very low usage. Users experience improved IME conversion without this functionality. Korean converters Description: Korean converters, including GS32.CNV, HANA32.CNV, and TGWP32.CNF, are removed. Reason for change: This was a low-use or no-use feature. 101 Matching feature states across versions Description: The 2007 Office release no longer matches feature states across versions during installation. For example, Microsoft Office Word 2007 templates that are not part of the typical installation for the 2007 Office release are not automatically installed. MSI-only install Description: It is impossible to install 2007 Office release without running setup.exe. More than just the .msi file is required to complete an installation. For more information, see Evaluating the new Setup architecture. Non-local installation source installations Description: The 2007 Office release is installed only from a local installation source. It is no longer installed from an uncompressed network source or from an administrative image. For more information, see Evaluating the new Setup architecture. Office Program Recovery Description: The Microsoft Office Application Recovery program is no longer installed. The 2007 Office release now automatically detects programs that are not responding, and provides document recovery and Software Quality Metrics (SQM) when the user attempts to close a program that is not responding. Reason for change: Very few users were aware of the document recovery tool, and consequently the tool was seldom used. Document recovery now occurs automatically. OWC11 Description: OWC11 is removed from the 2007 Office release and now ships only with Microsoft Office Project 2007. The DataFinder functionality in OWC11 is also removed. This affects solutions that use the spreadsheet, chart, pivot table, and data source control functionality of OWC11 in a Web page or client program that requires installation of this ActiveX control on the user's computer. The user experience varies depending upon the host container of the OWC11 ActiveX control. For Web pages, users might see a broken icon or a notification that OWC is required. For client programs, users might receive a runtime error or other notification. In these situations, users download OWC11 from the Microsoft Download Center. The notification message generated by Office programs provides a link to the download location for OWC11. Neither Microsoft Office Excel 2007 nor SharePoint Designer 2007 now generate Web pages that use OWC. 102 Reason for change: New technologies such as Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 with Excel server side capabilities and the new charting component in the 2007 Office release replace some features of OWC11. Migration path: When the 2007 Office release is installed, previous versions of Office are removed by default. This prevents software conflicts and ensures that you have the latest versions of shared components. As a result, OWC installed with previous versions of Office is removed. If you have documents or solutions that depend on OWC, these solutions do not function properly if the correct version of OWC is not installed on the client machine. There are three primary courses of action: 1. Install the correct version of OWC on the appropriate client computers. The installation can be performed in the following ways: If there is wide usage of OWC throughout your corporation, OWC can be chained into the installation of the 2007 Office release using the Office Customization Tool. You can obtain the necessary version of OWC (OWC10 or OWC11) from the Microsoft Download Center at Office XP Tool: Web Components (for OWC10) or Office 2003 Add-in: Office Web Components (for OWC11). If there is small or localized use of OWC in your corporation, you could allow users to download OWC from the Microsoft Download Center on an as-needed basis. If OWC is not found on the client computer when the Web page displays, pages authored with Excel 2003, FrontPage 2003, and Access 2003 that require OWC display a link to the OWC download location. For custom solutions that use OWC, follow this same process of checking for OWC and displaying a download link if OWC is not installed. 2. Migrate OWC-based documents and solutions to a comparable technology, such as Excel Services. This option largely depends on the importance of the documents or solutions, the length of time they will be in service, and the degree to which OWC solves your business issues. 3. Discontinue the use of documents or solutions if they are no longer needed. Proofing tools Description: The Spelling Options user interface is changed in all programs. The object model also contains changes. Reason for change: Users now see the same Spelling Options user interface in all Office programs, instead of a different user interface in each program. Registry: Messenger registry key Description: Support for the Messenger registry key for the Persona menu at HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Common\PersonaMenu is removed. Customers always see Send an Instant Message if they are running an Instant Messenger program. 103 Reason for change: The default is to have this registry key turned on, so customers do not notice a difference. Registry: Phone registry key Description: Support for the Phone registry key in the Persona menu located at HKCU or HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0\PersonaMenu and HKCU\software\policies\microsoft\office\12.0\PersonaMenu is removed. Customers always see the call menu item on the Persona menu. Reason for change: The default is to have this registry key turned on, so customers do not notice a difference. Save Workspace command Description: The Save Workspace command is located on the Tools menu instead of on the File menu. Users can use the Save As file type from the File menu or the tool in the tool well to access this feature. Setup.exe: Local Installation Source Description: The 2007 Office release installs only from a Local Installation Source, not from an uncompressed network source or from an Admin Image. Setup.exe is required for all installations of the 2007 Office release. Direct MSI execution is not supported. As a result of the requirement for local caching, policy-elevated installations are not possible. Setup.exe: Catalyst Description:Setup.exe supports fully qualified paths for chained executable files. Reason for change: This change makes chaining more robust. Migration path: Replace all relative paths with fully qualified paths. Ststpkpl.exe Description:Ststpkpl.exe is no longer downloaded for the 2007 Office release. The following functionalities are no longer available: PivotView Web Part, Spreadsheet Web Part, QuickQuote Web Part, WebClipper Web Part, Great Plains DSP, Great Plains solutions, SQL DSP, InfoPath templates, Rich Issues List. Reason for change: OWC, which represents the main set of Web parts in this download, is deprecated. In addition, the Great Plains solutions are superseded by offerings from Microsoft Business Solutions. 104 Migration path: There is no migration path for OWC. For Great Plains solutions, use the Microsoft Business Solutions Center. For the QuickQuote Web Part, use the MSNBC quote Web part. 105 Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 This topic lists changes in Microsoft Office Word 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 from Office 2003. These changes are common to all three applications. For more information about additional changes in each application, see Changes in Word 2007, Changes in Excel 2007, and Changes in PowerPoint 2007. Digital signatures Description: The digital signature feature has the following changes: The signature format in the 2007 Microsoft Office system is XMLDSig. The digital signature entry point is moved from Tools, Options, Security, Digital Signatures to File, Finalize Document, Signatures. Invalid signatures are no longer automatically removed. The object model is extended to support the new model and to support existing solutions. Third parties can create their own signing providers. Users can access the previous functionality through a more visible and intuitive route. Reason for change: The digital signatures feature is more visible and intuitive. Users can view when signature verification is performed, and who has signed the document. Third parties can create custom signing solutions. Document life cycle: Remove Hidden Data (RHD) addin tool for Office 2003 Description: Document Inspector replaces the Remove Hidden Data (RHD) tool. The entry point and user interface are different. The new user interface enables multiple inspectors to run, which gives the user more granular control of the document-cleaning process. Reason for change: This change provides RHD functionality in the 2007 Office release. Users do not have to download the RHD tool separately. The feature is more discoverable. Migration path: Install the 2007 Office release. 106 Document life cycle: versioning Description: Minor versioning is included in the 2007 Office release. Previous versioning could only be enabled or disabled. Versioning numbers can now be represented by decimals to represent minor versioning; for example, 2.2 in addition to 2. Reason for change: This change creates the same versioning functionality in the 2007 Office release that exists in Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Migration path: Install the 2007 Office release. IRM: Windows Rights Management Client Description: The 2007 Office release no longer supports Windows Rights Management Client v. 1.0. The 2007 Office release requires Windows Rights Management Client SP1. Users who have the previous Windows Rights Management client installed are prompted to install the new client version. Users do not notice a change with the new client version. Reason for change: Security fixes in the 2007 Office release are incompatible with the previous Windows Rights Management Client. Migration path: Users with the previous client version are prompted to upgrade to the new version, which is available as a download from the Microsoft Download Center at Microsoft Windows Rights Management Services Client with Service Pack 1. Send For Review Description: The user-interface entry points for the Send For Review feature, accessible at File, Send To, Mail Recipient (For Review), are removed. The object-model entry points remain. Reason for change: The Send For Review feature is superseded by document life cycle (DLC). DLC provides a more robust workflow. Migration path: Customers can continue to use the object model for Send For Review, but they must eventually migrate to the DLC workflow offering. The Send For Review feature uses client-only programs. Customers can write an add-in to utilize this feature's object model while they migrate to a Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 environment. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system 107 Changes in Charting This topic lists the changes in Charting from Microsoft Office 2003 to 2007 Microsoft Office system. Charting Axes Description: The default tick-mark position is outside the axis. In previous versions, it was inside the axis for East Asian languages, but outside the axis for all other languages. Reason for change: The new behavior is more consistent, and matches what East Asian customers prefer. Migration path: Set the tick-mark position to inside the axis. Chart Features Description: Some chart features have been removed from 2007 Microsoft Office system. Charts that used these features look different in 2007 Office release. Code that accesses the object model properties might not work in the same way. The removed features include: 2-D walls and gridlines on 3-D charts, Excel-specific shape properties on shapes in charts, and locked form controls that do not size with charts. Reason for change: This change results in charts that are more robust for the future addition of features. Copy/Paste Description: If a user copies a chart from Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 or Microsoft Office Word 2007 and pastes the chart into a program other than Office PowerPoint 2007, Office Word 2007, or Microsoft Office Excel 2007, the chart is pasted as a picture. If the chart is copied from Office Excel 2007, this is not an issue. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and must be hosted in an OfficeArt program. With Office Excel 2007, users can copy and paste the entire file from Office Excel 2007 into another program. This is not possible with Office PowerPoint 2007 and Office Word 2007. Migration path: Paste the chart into Office Excel 2007, and copy the chart from Office Excel 2007 into the other program. 108 Excel 2007 Description: Charting in 2007 Office release requires Office Excel 2007 to be advertised. If Office Excel 2007 is not advertised, the Insert Chart button is disabled. The Show Data and Data Source buttons in the Chart contextual experience are disabled. Users who do not have Office Excel 2007 cannot create a new chart or edit data in an existing chart. In most cases, users can change formatting on existing charts. Microsoft Graph still exists, but the entry points are removed. Reason for change: Integrating charting by using Office Excel 2007 provides a consistent charting experience across 2007 Office release. Integrated charting is a native feature of Office PowerPoint 2007 and Office Word 2007, but the data for the chart resides in Office Excel 2007. Migration path: Charts opened in Office PowerPoint 2007 or Office Word 2007 with Office Excel 2007 installed are automatically upgraded. If Office Excel 2007 is not installed, the charts are not upgraded. To enable charting, switch from stand-alone Office PowerPoint 2007 or Office Word 2007 to 2007 Office release. Graph Description: The data for a graph in Office PowerPoint 2007 or Office Word 2007 is stored in Office Excel 2007, rather than in the graph datasheet. Reason for change: Charts are now consistent across Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, and Office Word 2007. Migration path: Data for charts can be edited in Office Excel 2007. Graph Description: A graph in Office PowerPoint 2007 or Office Word 2007 that does not contain data does not show its title or legend. In Office 2003, the title or legend still shows. Reason for change: Charts are now consistent between Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, and Office Word 2007. Graph Description: Graphs no longer import Lotus 1-2-3 format files. Reason for change: Customer feedback indicates that few users were using this feature. All support for Lotus 1-2-3 format files is also removed from Office Excel 2007. 109 Integration Description: When a 3-D chart is ungrouped, the entire plot area continues to exist as a single group. Reason for change: Charts are now drawn in realistic 3-D, and it is not possible to ungroup a realistic 3-D drawing into a set of 2-D shapes. Migration path: Users often ungrouped charts to apply features that existed in OfficeArt, but not in Chart. Many of those features can now be applied directly in Chart. Alternatively, you can use Microsoft Graph. Interaction Description: The user interface for charts is redesigned. Reason for change: Charts are integrated with OfficeArt, so as much as possible the user interface is consistent with OfficeArt. The user interface for Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, and Office Word 2007 changed, and charts changed to match the user interface. Migration path: See Help for mapping of previous topics to new topics. You may need to rewrite macros that used Dialog.Show for some chart dialogs. Interaction Description: The user interface for charts is redesigned. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, so that the user interface is as consistent as possible with OfficeArt. Migration path: See Help for mapping of previous topics to new topics. Interaction Description: Charts no longer automatically come to the front when they are selected. Reason for change: This new behavior is consistent with the rest of OfficeArt. Interaction Description: There is no user interface for pattern fills, such as cross hatch and checkerboard. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and this feature is removed from OfficeArt. Migration path: Use shading or a gradient instead. 110 Interaction Description: Charts on worksheets cannot be emailed as pictures. Migration path: Copy and paste a picture of the chart into an e-mail message. Interaction Description: Charts on worksheets cannot be published as Web pages. Migration path: Use chart sheets, or use the Chart.Export method in the object model. Layout Description: Resizing a chart that contains shapes works differently than it did in Office 2003. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and it was not possible to re-implement the Office 2003 behavior for charts. Legend Description: Series within charts that have not been assigned names show the series names in the legend as "Series1," "Series2," and so forth. Reason for change: Charts used different texts for series names in varying places on the chart and in the user interface. These texts are now consistent. Migration path: Set the names of series if they appear in the legend or elsewhere on the chart. Macros: Chart.Pictures Description: Macros using the Chart.Pictures collection might not run. Reason for change: This feature is redundant with the Chart.Shapes collection. Migration path: Use the Chart.Shapes collection instead. Macros: XLM Description: XLM macros are no longer supported. Reason for change: XLM is deprecated, but not yet removed. Migration path: Rewrite XLM macros in VBA. 111 Programmability Description: Charts provide new formatting objects based on OfficeArt. The previous formatting objects and properties are hidden and deprecated. Hidden and deprecated objects and properties include the Border, Caption, Characters, Fill, Font, HorizontalAlignment, Interior, Orientation, ReadingOrder, Shadow, and VerticalAlignment properties, the ChartFillFormat and ChartColorFormat objects, Chart 3-D properties, and more. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, so the object model also has changed to match OfficeArt. Migration path: To access the formatting features, switch to the new objects and methods. The objects and methods that are listed are still available, but might be removed in a future version. Programmability Description: In Excel 2003, some properties in the object model returned a null value when the value of the setting for a collection of objects was mixed. In Office Excel 2007, the properties return the value of the setting for the default for the collection. For example, if there is a mixture of automatic and custom data labels, DataLabels.AutoText returns a value of false. If there is a mixture of fonts in a legend, Legend.Font.Name returns the name of the font for new legend entries. Reason for change: This change makes the object model more internally consistent. Code does not have to be written to handle null return values. Migration path: Change macros that use this property to detect mixed cases. Programmability Description: Chart properties other than Chart.ChartGroups that return ChartGroups are deprecated. Reason for change: These properties were rarely used. Migration path: Change macros to use Chart.ChartGroups. Loop through the ChartGroups to find the correct chart type. Programmability Description: Beginning with Excel 97, the VBA object model for shapes from Excel 5.0 was hidden. This object model is no longer supported for shapes on charts. Reason for change: This feature was previously hidden. Migration path: Use the shape object model that became available with Excel 97. 112 Visual Description: Pattern fills on 3-D charts are drawn on the surface of the 3-D chart. In previous versions, these fills were drawn without regard for the angle of the surface to the screen. Reason for change: Charts are now drawn in realistic 3-D, and it is not possible to draw this optical illusion. Migration path: The pattern fills can be replaced with other types of fills, or the chart can be changed to a 2-D chart type. Visual Description: 3-D charts have appropriate lighting and shading, and colors might not precisely match previous versions. Reason for change: Charts are now drawn in realistic 3-D. Visual Description: In previous versions, data labels could show legend keys. This feature is no longer supported. Reason for change: It was not possible to implement this feature for 2007 Office release. Visual Description: Charts that have the scale on the value (y) axis set to Automatic might have changed scales in 2007 Office release. Reason for change: Charts now use OfficeArt text, and information about text size and wrapping is used to identify the axis scaling. Migration path: Set the scaling to a fixed value. Visual Description: The defaults for chart colors and other formatting are changed in Office Excel 2007. Charts that are opened from Excel 2003 files are not changed. Reason for change: The formatting defaults for charts in Office Excel 2007 are established in relation to the document's theme and to the style of the individual chart. This change results in visually attractive charts that match the rest of the document, and does not require extensive formatting changes. Migration path: Macros that create charts now produce different results. In most cases, the new chart constitutes a preferred result. In some cases where a precise appearance is desired, the macro must be modified to achieve that precise appearance. 113 Visual Description: The default chart size in Office Excel 2007 has changed. Reason for change: The layout defaults in Office Excel 2007 vary, depending on the chart. Migration path: Charts can be resized to any preferred size. Visual Description: Text on charts might wrap differently than in earlier versions. In rare cases, the change in text wrapping might cause text to overlap on charts where text did not overlap before. In other cases, text that was cut off and marked with an ellipsis (...) might not be cut off. Reason for change: Customer feedback indicated that text should appear identically on the screen to text on the printed page. Customers also wanted text in charts to show no change when the charts are moved from one program to another in the 2007 Office release. Charts now use OfficeArt text, which is consistent between screen and printer and across programs. Migration path: Charts are drawn in 2007 Office release to match Office 2003 versions as closely as possible. Macros that rely on chart layout being precise to the pixel might produce slightly different results than before. Visual Description: Cylinder and cone charts with borders look different. Earlier versions of Excel drew the silhouettes of cylinders and cones, and their circular edges. Cone or cylinder charts that have only a border and no fill might disappear entirely. Reason for change: Charts are now drawn in realistic 3-D, and it is no longer possible to draw silhouettes of rounded shapes. Visual Description: Charts no longer support either raster fonts or printer fonts. Charts still support TrueType fonts and Postscript fonts. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and it was not possible to re-implement support for raster and printer fonts. Customers rarely used raster and printer fonts. Migration path: Change files so that they use TrueType fonts. Files that are configured with raster or printer fonts will be drawn using a TrueType font that is a close approximation. 114 Visual Description: 3-D stacked or 100% stacked area charts that have negative values look different in Office Excel 2007. Reason for change: The new behavior is more consistent with other stacked chart types. Migration path: Replace the negative numbers with positive numbers to replicate Excel 2003 behavior. Visual Description: Pie and doughnut charts do not display data labels for #N/A values. Visual Description: There is no way to set the invert if there is a negative color on solid fills. Migration path: Charts from previous versions still open correctly. See Also Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 Changes in Excel 2007 Changes in Word 2007 Changes in PowerPoint 2007 115 Changes in Access 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office Access 2007 from Office 2003. Data Access Pages (DAPs) Description:Microsoft Office Access 2007 no longer supports designing or opening Data Access Pages (DAPs). You can only use Internet Explorer to open DAPs. Reason for change: DAPs are built on ActiveX technology, and they are not always easy to extend. This change provides a cleaner user interface. Import RunCommand Description: The DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdImport object model call and the Import RunCommand macro are no longer supported. An error message appears when this object model call or the macro RunCommand call is made. They have been replaced by more specific ImportAttach commands. Snapshot Viewer Description: The Snapshot Viewer is no longer included in Office Access 2007. Migration path: You can still download the Snapshot Viewer from Office Online. User interface: export and import formats Description: The user interface for exporting files to ASP and IDC/HTX is removed. The user interface for importing from Lotus 1-2-3/DOS (*.wj*) and Exchange is removed. You can still use the object model to import or export those file formats. GUID-based URLs Description: GUID-based (unique ID-based) URLs are no longer available. Use hierarchical (or "friendly") URLs instead. Live mode Description: An anonymous user can no longer view the site in Live Mode. The user views the site according to his or her permissions on the site. To see a more restricted view, the user must log in as a user who has those permissions. 116 Changes in CMS 2007 Publishing API Description: The entire CMS 2002 Publishing API has been cut and replaced by a new Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 API. 117 Changes in Excel 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 from Microsoft Office 2003. For changes that affect Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office Word 2007, and Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, see Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007. Analysis ToolPak (ATP): Function results Description: The built-in functions in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 that replace the ATP functions might yield slightly different, but equally correct, results in some cases. These differences are detailed below. Because they now use the internal routines of other built-in functions to calculate trigonometric operations, the following functions may return slightly different, but equally correct, answers for the following inputs: BESSELI BESSELJ BESSELK BESSELY IMEXP IMCOS IMPOWER IMSIN IMSQRT Functions that return imaginary numbers now use the same rules to employ scientific notation as those used in the rest of Office Excel 2007. For example, the formula =IMSUM({"3.23+1.02i";"-1";"-i"}) returns 2.23+0.02i instead of 2.23+2E-002i. This change affects the following functions: IMAGINARY IMARGUMENT IMCONJUGATE IMCOS IMDIV IMEXP IMLN IMLOG2 IMLOG10 IMPOWER IMPRODUCT 118 IMREAL IMSIN IMSQRT IMSUB IMSUM The ERF and ERFC functions now use the internal calculations for gamma, which might result in a change in the fifteenth decimal place. Functions that calculate exponents now use internal routines, and might return slightly different results in the last decimal place. This change affects the following functions: BIN2DEC BIN2HEX BIN2OCT CUMIPMT CUMPRINC DURATION EFFECT HEX2BIN HEX2DEC HEX2OCT IMPOWER MDURATION NOMINAL OCT2BIN OCT2DEC OCT2HEX ODDFPRICE ODDFYIELD PRICE SERIESSUM TBILLEQ TBILLPRICE TBILLYIELD WEEKNUM XIRR XNPV YIELD For example, the formula =EFFECT(0.055,199) now returns one less decimal place in the result. The CONVERT function now uses 3.785412 as the conversion factor between liters and gallons and 0.9463529 as the conversion factor between liters and quarts. The 119 EDATE function returns a #NUM error when the months parameter is greater than 1e21. The following functions return a #NUM error when the basis parameter is very large: ACCRINT ACCRINTM AMORDEGRC AMORLINC COUPDAYBS COUPDAYS COUPDAYSNC COUPNCD COUPNUM COUPPCD DISC DURATION INTRATE MDURATION ODDFPRICE ODDFYIELD ODDLPRICE ODDLYIELD PRICE PRICEDISC PRICEMAT RECEIVED YEARFRAC YIELD YIELDDISC YIELDMAT The MULTINOMIAL function ignores numbers that are passed in as text values. This change fixes the problem of the function returning incorrect results when a number other than the first number is passed in as text. The ERF and ERFC functions return 1 and 0, respectively, for parameters above 1. This change fixes the problem of the functions returning a #NUM error for parameters above 27. AutoOutline command Description: The AutoOutline command in Office Excel 2007 has been moved to the tool well. Reason for change: This command was used infrequently. The subtotal feature is the better choice. 120 BIFF8 records Description: Some features that could be saved in the Excel 97-2003 file format cannot be saved in the new Office Excel 2007 file formats. The mail envelope header (the information in the To, Cc, and Subject lines that appears when the Send To feature is used) is not saved. While the Send To feature continues to work in Office Excel 2007, this information is not saved with the workbook. If you close the workbook, the information is lost. Macintosh-specific records cannot be saved in the new file format. Macintosh Excel saves a few Macintosh-specific records into the BIFF8 format, but these records are not used by Office Excel 2007, and Office Excel 2007 cannot save them into the new format. A user of Office Excel 2007 will not notice a change. Calculation: Multi-threaded calculation (MTC) Description: Multi-threaded calculation (MTC) makes it possible for Office Excel 2007 to automatically divide formula evaluation and computation tasks into multiple calculation engines that are distributed among multiple processors. This arrangement reduces the amount of time needed to calculate workbook models, because multiple calculations can be performed simultaneously. By default, MTC is turned on, and it is set to create as many calculation engines as there are processors on the computer. When multiple processors are available, Office Excel 2007 creates a calculation engine for each processor on the computer. Office Excel 2007 distributes the calculation tasks across the available engines to be serviced by the multiple processors. You can manually specify the number of calculation engines that Office Excel 2007 creates, regardless of how many processors are on the computer. Even if all of your workbooks calculate quickly, you can keep the default MTC settings without adversely affecting those workbooks. You can also keep the default MTC settings if you only have a single processor on your computer, though in this case MTC is not used. Migration path: Most users will not encounter issues in this area. In some cases, they might see that their workbooks calculate faster. In the case where a workbook opens on a computer that has a different number of processors than the computer on which it was saved, additional calculation time is incurred while Office Excel 2007 ensures that each formula is distributed across the appropriate number of calculation engines. This issue is virtually unnoticeable with workbook models of small or medium complexity. This issue is more noticeable with large workbook models that require longer times to calculate. It is best to use these intensive calculation workbooks on computers that have the same number of processors. For example, if you have a four-processor computer dedicated to servicing a calculation-intensive workbook, then a four-processor computer should be the primary computer for working with that workbook. 121 Charting: Chart Sheets Description: When a user presses F11 when a chart is active, a new blank chart appears. In previous versions, this same action sometimes inserted a chart with the same data as the first one. Reason for change: The new behavior is more consistent. Migration path: Set the source data on the resulting chart. Charting: Chart Sheets Description: The Printed Chart Size option has been removed from the Chart tab in the Page Setup dialog box. The PageSetup.ChartSize property is hidden and has no functionality. The new behavior matches the Custom setting in Excel 2003. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and it was not possible to reimplement this command for charts. Macros that use the PageSetup.ChartSize property can resize the chart. Charting: Copy / Paste Description: The Paste Special dialog box no longer performs its former special behavior for charts. Reason for change: There are now direct commands for the former Paste Special options. Migration path: Instead of the Formats option in this dialog box, use the Format Painter feature. Instead of the Formulas option in this dialog box, use the Formulas choice on the Paste drop-down menu. Charting: Integration Description: If a file saved in HTML format in a previous version of Excel is opened in Office Excel 2007, the chart might not look the same as it did in an earlier version. Reason for change: Customer feedback indicated that few users were using HTML format. Migration path: Open the file in an earlier version of Excel, and save the file as a binary file. Alternatively, adjust the layout of the chart in Office Excel 2007. Charting: Interaction Description: The Chart Window command has been removed from the View menu. The Chart.ShowWindow property is hidden, and has no functionality. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and it was not possible to reimplement this command for charts. Macros that use the Chart.ShowWindow property 122 can show another window on the sheet and scroll within that window to show only the chart. Charting: Interaction Description: In Office 2003, a user could select multiple charts and change the chart type for all of the selected charts simultaneously. This behavior is no longer available in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. Reason for change: Charts are now integrated with OfficeArt, and it was not possible to reimplement this command for charts. Migration path: Change the chart type for each chart individually. Alternatively, save one chart as a template, and apply the template to the other charts. Charting: Programmability Description: Charts are not allowed on dialog sheets. Reason for change: It was not possible to implement this feature for the 2007 Office release. Charting: Programmability Description: Macros that were converted from XLM might have retained the XLM constants for certain parameters. These constants are no longer supported, and the documented constants should be the only constants used. Reason for change: XLM conversion documentation states these values should no longer be used. Migration path: Change VBA calls that use numeric values for enumerations to those that use appropriately named constants. Charting: Programmability Description: XLM macros that showed chart dialogs are no longer supported. Reason for change: XLM is deprecated, but not yet removed. Migration path: Rewrite the XLM macro in VBA. Charting: Programmability Description: Setting properties that make references (such as Series.Name or Series.Values) to invalid references will be treated as an invalid reference, rather than causing a run-time error. 123 Reason for change: It was not possible to implement this feature for the 2007 Office release. Charting: Programmability Description: The Creator property now causes a runtime error. Reason for change: This Macintosh-only method is not supported on Windows. Migration path: Use the xlCreatorCode constant instead. File Format Description: The introduction of a default XML format for Office Excel 2007, part of the new XML file formats, is one of the key innovations for Office Excel 2007. This format is the new default file format for Office Excel 2007. Office Excel 2007 uses the following file extensions: *.xlsx, *.xlsm, *.xlsb, *.xltx, *.xltm, and *.xlam. Reason for change: This change provides improvements in: data interoperability, document assembly, document interrogation, accessing data in documents, robustness, file size, transparency, and security features. Migration path: Office Excel 2007 enables you to open and work with workbooks created in earlier versions of Excel. When you save your work, Office Excel 2007 provides the option to upgrade the workbook to the new XML format. However, Office Excel 2007 does not provide the option to upgrade the workbook if the Excel 97-2003 workbook format is set as the default format. Office Excel 2007 provides the option to upgrade the format while one workbook is open. If the workbook is referenced by other workbooks, it is important to upgrade all of the related workbooks at the same time. If a user using an earlier version of Excel opens a workbook that references a workbook saved in the new XML format, the references will fail to update using the Update Links feature. Earlier versions of Excel cannot update links to workbooks saved in the new XML format. Filtering Description: In Excel 2003, macros checked the AutoFilterMode property if the selection was in a list (table) to determine whether Autofilters was turned on in that list. In Office Excel 2007, the AutoFilterMode property works in connection with worksheet AutoFilters, and does not work in connection with AutoFilters that are part of a table. Office Excel 2007 gives each table its own AutoFilter object, which in turn uses tables to enable multiple AutoFilters in each worksheet. Migration path: Code in an Excel 2003 workbook that has macros that check the AutoFilterMode property in a list might not work correctly. This issue does not affect a document or macro that was created in a version earlier than Excel 2003. Instead of 124 checking the AutoFilterMode property, the macro should be changed to check the table’s AutoFilter object. Functions: Subtotal Description: The location of subtotals and grand totals when the Subtotal feature is invoked is updated to address issues of user expectations and backward compatibility. Users who use the Subtotal feature might find that the location of their subtotals is different than it was in versions earlier than Excel 2000, but otherwise the feature works as expected. Calculations are correct, and the correct subtotals and grand totals are created. Only the location has changed. HTML Round-Trip Description: The Save As HTML feature is used to create HTML files viewed in a Web browser that does not require Excel to view the file. When a user updates the contents of the file, he or she most likely opens the .xls file, edits the file, and resaves it as HTML. Most users do not open those HTML files for further editing in Excel. Office Excel 2007 no longer stores Excel-only feature information in HTML file formats. Office Excel 2007 continues to use the Save As HTML feature to publish workbooks viewed in a Web browser. In earlier versions of Excel, the Save As HTML feature saved HTML tags to view in the browser. It also saved a set of Excel-specific tags that were not viewed in the browser in the HTML file. Although the Web browser does not use these Excel-specific tags, the Excel program uses the tags when it opens the HTML file to preserve the features that were used when the file was saved. Office Excel 2007 no longer saves these Excelspecific feature tags in HTML files, and consequently these tags do not exist in the HTML file. The overall result is that HTML files cannot be used by Office Excel 2007 to preserve feature information. Instead, HTML files are used by Office Excel 2007 to publish static HTML views of a workbook. For example, if a workbook contains pivot tables, formulas, and charts, and the workbook is saved as HTML, the following occurs: A view of the pivot table is saved in the HTML file, but the pivot table is not saved. Calculated results of the formulas and cell formatting are saved in the HTML file, but the formulas are not saved. A picture of the chart is saved in the HTML file, but the chart feature is not saved. If the HTML file is opened using any version of Excel, you see: Cells that look similar to a pivot table, but the pivot table is no longer active Numbers in cells, but no formulas A picture of a chart, but no ability to work with the picture as a chart feature 125 Office Excel 2007 can still open HTML files, and can still open Excel-specific features that are contained in HTML files. However, to make and save changes to the file while preserving all of the features in that file, you must save the file in a format that supports Excel features. The best format for this is the new XML file format. Reason for change: Most users use Save As HTML to publish HTML for a browser to render, not to open the file again in Excel. Migration path: Excel workbooks can be published as HTML. You should use the workbook (.xls, .xlsx) as your main copy. Always open the main copy, make changes, save the main copy, and save as HTML. There are no Excel-specific features saved into the HTML file. HTML workbooks can open HTML workbooks. However, to ensure all the Excel features in the file work properly, you should use the new XML format (.xlsx) to save a copy of the workbook and use that copy as your main copy. This change will not force most users to change the way they work. Instead, this change reflects the way the majority of users use the Save As HTML feature. Natural Language Formulas (NLFs) Description: The Natural Language Formulas (NLFs) feature allowed users to use the labels of columns and rows on a worksheet to refer to the cells within those columns without explicitly defining them as names. This little-used feature was turned off by default beginning with Excel 2000, and is removed from Office Excel 2007. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature. Migration path: When a workbook that contains NLFs is opened in Office Excel 2007 (or upgraded to the Office Excel 2007 file format), the user is alerted by the program that NLFs are not supported, and that the NLFs will be converted to static cell references if the user continues the operation. If the user chooses to continue, NLFs in the workbook are converted to static cell references. Code that uses NLFs through the object model is not changed and must be updated by the user. Workbook solutions that have cell references based on NLFs (range labels) are broken by this change. All object model code that uses NLFs must be updated by either the user or the developer. PivotTable: Autoformat Description: The control button used to launch AutoFormat for a pivot table is available only from the command well. Reason for change: Pivot Table Styles is an improvement over AutoFormat. Users can create their own styles. Unlike AutoFormat, Pivot Table Styles does not change the pivot table layout. This is an improvement for customers. Pivot Table Styles is consistent with the Table Styles feature in Word and PowerPoint. 126 PivotTable: Customizations Description: Office Excel 2007 OLAP PivotTables track customizations of items, even when those items are temporarily not visible in the PivotTable. This is true for item formatting and item label customization. In Excel 2003, custom labels and formatting that were applied to an item were lost when the parent field was collapsed. Expanding the parent level again brought back the data source label, not the customized label, and the custom formatting was lost. In Office Excel 2007, the custom formatting information is retained, and is reapplied after each collapse/expand operation. Customized labels are stored even when the field is removed from the PivotTable, and are reapplied if the field is re-added to the PivotTable later. PivotTable: GetPivotData Description: The default reference in Office Excel 2007 is the new structured reference, instead of GetPivotData in Excel 2003. The user can return this to GetPivotData in an options dialog box. PivotTable: Sorting Description: In Office Excel 2007, PivotTables support AutoSort scoped to a specific row or column of values. In Excel 2003, AutoSort could only be applied based on the values in the grand total row or column. The new sorting options are available for any PivotTable version in Office Excel 2007. PivotTable: Versions Description: Each PivotTable has a distinct version property (PivotTable.Version). This version property controls behaviors in maintaining compatibility with earlier versions of Excel. The PivotTable version property can be read using the object model. In an Office Excel 2007 workbook that contains PivotTables created in an earlier version of Excel, the version property of the PivotTables does not change. Earlier-version PivotTables do not support the following new features: label filtering; value filtering (except for top 10 filters, which are supported); hiding intermediate hierarchy levels in OLAP data sources; and manual exclusive filtering. Migration path: If it is necessary to author the same PivotTable collaboratively in both Office Excel 2007 and earlier versions of Excel, users should not save the workbook in an Office Excel 2007 file format. PivotTables in Office Excel 2007 cannot be made interactive in previous versions of Excel, and Office Excel 2007 does not downgrade the PivotTable version when previous version file formats are saved. 127 Query Tables Description: Query Tables are now merged with the List feature, which is now called Tables. Reason for change: Improves functionality and provides a more consistent user experience. Shared Workbooks Description: Shared Workbooks, a feature since Excel 95, enable multiple users to work on the same copy of a workbook. The shared workbook manages all changes so that the copies can eventually be merged. In Excel 2003, this feature is only supported in the BIFF8 file format. However, not all Excel features are supported in Shared Workbooks. Office Excel 2007 supports Shared Workbooks in the BIFF12 (XLSB) format and the XML12 (XLSX) format. Migration path: When you open a shared workbook in Office Excel 2007 and save it in the new file format, you must resolve all of the changes and remove the revision history as part of the save process. If you do not resolve the changes but do retain the revision history, or if users are using earlier versions of Excel to edit the workbook, leave the workbook in the earlier format. Styles Description: Office Excel 2007 has new cell styles and a new feature for Table and Pivot Table styles. For workbooks that are created in Office Excel 2007, the default Normal style is top-aligned and uses the theme’s Minor Font. This change does not affect existing workbooks that open in Office Excel 2007. Tables: Insert row Description: The List feature in Excel 2003 had a special row at the bottom to add new records to the list. This special row is removed in Office Excel 2007. Despite this change, adding new records to a table in Office Excel 2007 is still easy. In most cases, you can type just below a table to incorporate the typed material into the table as a new row. However, this incorporation does not always occur, particularly if there is already data or another object just below the table. The more reliable way to add data to a table is to use the ENTER and TAB keys when the active selection is in the last data row of the table. You can also drag the resize handle at the bottom-right corner of the table to add more rows. Migration path: Developers who have written code using the ListObject object in Excel 2003 might need to make adjustments if that code uses ListObject.InsertRowRange. In Excel 2003, InsertRowRange returned a range object that represented the Insert Row, if it 128 was visible. In Office Excel 2007, InsertRowRange typically returns Nothing, the VBA equivalent of a nonexistent object. However, there are cases in which InsertRowRange is still valid. If a list is empty—for example, if all data rows are deleted—Office Excel 2007 still displays one empty row, so it is easy to add data to the table. The table is technically empty, so the visible row is identified as the Insert Row. Templates Description: The available set of templates in Office Excel 2007 has changed. Reason for change: The new templates use new features available in Excel 2007, and they provide a more modern look for users. Migration path: The templates in previous versions of Excel are still available as downloads from Office Online. Trust Center: Data links Description: In Excel 2003, the Refresh on open and Periodic refresh options both prompted during the opening of the workbook. In Office Excel 2007, all connections are disabled by default, and there are no modal prompts for Refresh on open and Periodic refresh. Instead, Office Excel 2007 displays the trust bar. Clicking the trust bar displays the enable/disable options for the connections in that workbook. Migration path: This change primarily addresses a user education issue that relates to the trust bar. Placing a workbook in a trusted location enables the workbook to automatically refresh without prompts. Trust Center: Macros Description: In Excel 2003, if you had nothing but comments and declaration statements in your Excel VBA code, Excel retained the comments and statements and saved them to the file. Office Excel 2007 no longer saves VBA code that includes nothing but comments and declaration statements. Word 2003 and PowerPoint 2003 both had the same behavior. Migration path: Excel VBA code that is attached to a workbook and that contains nothing but comments and declaration statements is neither loaded nor saved with the file. Very few workbooks are affected by this change. Users can work around this issue by adding a subroutine or function to the Excel VBA code. Trust Center Description: The trust center is a new component of the 2007 Office release that hosts the security settings for the programs in the 2007 Office release in one central location. 129 The trust center also provides a trust bar that replaces the former security warnings that displayed when workbooks opened. By default, all potentially dangerous content in a workbook is now blocked without warnings displayed. Security decisions are no longer necessary when a workbook opens. If content is blocked, the trust bar appears in the program window in Office Excel 2007, notifying the user that content is blocked. The user can click the bar to access the option of unblocking the blocked content. In Excel 2003, if a user loaded a document that contained potentially harmful content, a warning displayed that allowed the user to enable or disable the potentially harmful content. In Office Excel 2007, all potentially harmful content is disabled by default, and Excel displays a trust bar that signifies that some content has been disabled. The trust bar is similar to Internet Explorer’s popup blocker bar. Clicking the trust bar displays a dialog box with all of the disabled content and options for enabling or disabling that content. Migration path: This change primarily addresses a user-education issue. Excel no longer uses prompts to ask security questions when a workbook opens. Instead, a trust bar displays and informs the user that some content has been blocked due to security restrictions. Clicking the trust bar identifies the content that was blocked and the reason it was blocked, and provides the user with the option of unblocking the blocked content. Data Retrieval Services Description: Data Retrieval Services (DRS) has been removed in the 2007 Office release. There are two parts of DRS. The first part consists of features in previous versions of Excel, FrontPage, and OWC that allow the creation of connections to DRS sources. These features include a user interface for creating the connections and the ability to execute the connections (retrieve data). The second half consists of server-side adapters that retrieve data from a specific data source, such as SQL Server, and return that data to Excel (for example) using the DRS protocol. The DRS features in previous versions of Excel, FrontPage, and OWC cannot connect to a data source unless there is a DRS adapter available. Office 2003 shipped the following DRS adapters. DRS adapters function only when they are installed on a SharePoint server. WSS Adapter—exposes WSS data via the DRS protocol. Shipped with WSS. OLEDB Adapter—exposes data from OLEDB sources via the DRS protocol. Shipped with WSS. SQL Adapter—exposes data from MS SQL Server via the DRS protocol. Shipped as part of the Office 2003 Add-in: Web Parts and Components add-on pack (Ststpkpl.msi). Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) adapter—exposes data from Great Plains and Solomon via the DRS protocol. Reason for change: DRS is addressed in other products. 130 Migration path: For the general DRS entry point, SQL and WSS data is available through other means that also existed in Excel 2003. See Also Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 131 Changes in InfoPath 2007 InfoPath Tour Description: The InfoPath Tour has been removed. Reason for change: The content was obsolete, and it was confusing to some customers. 132 Changes in Outlook 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 from Office 2003. ACT! and Schedule Plus Description: ACT! and Schedule Plus import are no longer supported. Reason for change: The technology is no longer used or has other supported import mechanisms. Migration path: Use a previous version of Outlook to import the data into a .pst file for Schedule Plus import. Use that .pst file in Office Outlook 2007. Attachments Description: The Attachments feature has a new user interface and enhanced functionality. Reason for change: Customers can now preview attachments. Calendar Description: The Calendar feature has the following changes in Office Outlook 2007: The Week view is replaced by a new Week view. The Free/Busy bar does not show on Calendar items if the item is Busy. The Meeting icon is removed from Calendar items. The default detail level of the Month view is changed. Reason for change: This change simplifies the Calendar user interface and allows more text to appear on Calendar items. E-mail: Categories Description: In previous versions of Outlook, categories could arrive on incoming mail and were automatically reapplied on replies and forwards to categorized mail. Categories are no longer assigned to incoming mail, and are not automatically reassigned to replies and forwards. Reason for change: The new Colored Categories feature makes categories visually louder. Most users do not want to receive categorized mail, which they perceive as spam. 133 Forwarding out-of-date meeting requests Description: In earlier versions of Outlook, the user could forward an out-of-date meeting request. If a user tries to forward an out-of-date meeting request in Office Outlook 2007, Office Outlook 2007 automatically sends the most recent copy of the meeting. Reason for change: Customers no longer miss meetings because of out-of-date meeting requests. Migration path:Office Outlook 2007 automatically forwards the most recent meeting request. MAPI DLLs Description: The user interface and functionality for MAPI DLLs are separated. The functional DLL is installed into a language-agnostic folder under OfficeVer. This change has no effect on end users. ISVs must use LoadLibrary and the default search path to load the Outlook MAPI Provider. If they do not, the ISV is broken. Reason for change: This change results in smaller Language Interface Pack (LIP) downloads. Migration path: Use LoadLibrary and the default search path to load the Outlook MAPI Provider. Non-delivery receipt Description: When a mailbox is full, submission fails on the client side instead of on the server side. The recipient still receives a message stating that their mailbox is over the message limit. Reason for change: This change was made in response to customer feedback. Personal Address Book Description: The Personal Address Book, an ANSI address book that is part of Outlook 96, is removed. The Personal Address Book was replaced by Outlook Contacts in Outlook 97. Personal Address Book entries were stored in the local computer files with the extension .pab. Office Outlook 2007 does not support .pab files. During configuration, all contacts in the Personal Address Book are migrated to the default Outlook Contacts folder. Customers can choose to move their contacts to a different folder, or to cancel the migration and import the .pab file later. The .pab file continues to exist in the file system, but the Personal Address Book is not accessible from Outlook. Customers cannot re-add the Personal Address Book, because Outlook does not provide this as an option in the E-mail Accounts configuration. Reason for change: Outlook Contacts provides more functionality than .pab files. 134 Migration path:Office Outlook 2007 migrates the .pab file during configuration. Reply in IRM e-mails Description: Replies to protected e-mails in the 2007 Microsoft Office system contain the original text. The replier can add comments, but cannot extract the original content. When the user replies to a Do Not Forward e-mail message, the original content is preceded by a yellow bar that tells the user what actions can be performed. Users can still view and respond to all protected e-mail they have received from earlier versions of Outlook. Reason for change: Customers asked for this change to be able to provide feedback to protected e-mail. Migration path: Install Office 2003 SP2 or the 2007 Office release. Scripting agent Description: Using Outlook to administer Exchange Server scripts is possible only by downloading the Scrptxtn.dll file from the Microsoft Download Center. Reason for change: Most customers do not use this feature. Migration path: Download and install Scrptxtn.dll from the Microsoft Download Center. Security settings Description: Security settings from Tools, Options are moved into the Trust Center. Reason for change: This change creates a more consistent environment by aggregating security settings in a single location. Show Views in Navigation Pane Description: The View, Arrange By, Show Views in Navigation Pane feature is moved to View, Navigation Pane, Show Views. Reason for change: This change creates a more consistent experience and increases usability. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system 135 Changes in OneNote 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 from Office 2003. Deleted Pages Description: The Deleted Pages feature is removed. When you delete a page in Office OneNote 2007, it is placed in the Deleted Pages folder. Reason for change: Most users did not use this feature to restore deleted pages. Ink Groups Description: The Show Ink Groups feature on the Tools menu is removed. Entry points to the feature are also removed. Office OneNote 2007 no longer shows users the structure it identifies for their ink as they write. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature with only moderate satisfaction. Removing the feature simplifies the user interface. The feature is also no longer needed due to the more intelligent and context-aware parsing engine. Page Header Description: The title area in Office OneNote 2007 is removed. Reason for change: The title area was not commonly used. Migration path: This change is made automatically during upgrade. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system 136 Changes in PowerPoint 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 from Office 2003. Broadcast Description: The Broadcast feature is removed from Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. Reason for change: This feature was rarely used. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 137 Changes in Project 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office Project 2007 from Microsoft Office 2003. DBCleanup: Delete Resource Task Changes Description: The ability to delete Resource Task Changes from the DBCleanup page is removed. The functionality now appears in Publish. Earned Value recalculations Description: If customers update their project plans using the new server-side update, Earned Value (EV) field values are not recalculated until the project is opened and saved from the Project client. Reason for change: The EV feature had very low usage. With the new server-side update process, the focus is placed on higher-usage features for server-side update. EV recalculations are still updated using a client-side save, as they were in earlier versions. Migration path: The behavior of EV recalculations remains the same. Customers who use EV open, save, and publish project plans as they did in earlier versions. Filtering: Column headings Description: ActiveX grids that are migrated to DHTML grids no longer have filtering on column headings. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature. Reliance on the ActiveX Control is decreased. The DHTML grid requires no download and is more secure. Outlook Tasks in Project Web Access timesheet Description: Outlook tasks do not display in the Microsoft Office Project Web Access (PWA) timesheet in Microsoft Office Project 2007. Reason for change: Customer feedback indicated that customers want to use Outlook as their single point of entry for task and calendar information. The 2007 Microsoft Office system includes improvements for viewing Outlook and Office Project Web Access tasks in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Migration path: All tasks still reside in Outlook. To get a unified view of Outlook and Office Project Web Access tasks, the user installs the Outlook Integration add-in and synchronizes to Project Server. 138 Project Center Description: Redundant fields are removed from Project Center. Reason for change: The user interface is simplified. Quick Flags Description: Quick Flags are replaced by task flags and categories. If in the past a user flagged an item to show that the item was important or that it belonged to a particular group, the user should now mark the item with a category color of their choice. If they formerly used flags to show when they planned to perform tasks, they should now use task flags. Reason for change: By flagging a task, a user enters an item in the overall task management system. This enables the user to see their tasks in the To-Do Bar, in the task well, and in the task module. By categorizing items, the user can easily scan their Inbox for the items, the same way that they may formerly have scanned their Inbox for flagged items. The user can also find their categorized items in category search folders. These changes enable integration with the Time Management System and allow users to name their colors. Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel COM Add-In Description: The Analyze Timescaled Data in Excel COM Add-In is removed from the 2007 Office system. Reason for change: The functionality of the add-in is replaced by the new Advanced Desktop Reporting system, which uses Excel and Visio to analyze Project data. This change provides a more robust reporting feature set. Migration path: Users can access the true reporting functionality of the new Advanced Desktop Reporting system from the new Report menu in Project. XML Reporting Wizard COM Add-In Description: The XML Reporting Wizard COM Add-In is removed from Project 2007. Reason for change: The functionality of the add-in is replaced by the new Advanced Desktop Reporting system, which uses Microsoft Office Excel 2007 and Microsoft Office Visio 2007 to analyze Office Project 2007 data. This change provides a more robust reporting feature set. Migration path: Users can access the true reporting functionality of the new Advanced Desktop Reporting system from the new Report menu in Office Project 2007. 139 Status Reports Description: The ability to delete Miscellaneous and Archive Status Reports responses is removed. Users should send a request to the administrator to manage responses clean-up. Reason for change: This enables administrators to have more control over what is deleted. VBA methods for editing custom fields Description: Users can no longer edit enterprise custom field definitions by using VBA or the Project object model. Macros that were written for earlier versions of Project will no longer work. Reason for change:Office Project 2007 supports server-side management of custom fields and calendars. Changes to enterprise custom fields and calendars no longer require a round-trip through Project 2000 or Project 2003 to take effect. Migration path: Macros must be rewritten as calls to PSI. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system Changes in Project Server 2007 140 Changes in Project Server 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 from Microsoft Office 2003. Authentication Description: Project Server authentication is replaced by Forms authentication. This requires setting up a forms virtual server. Users will not be able to set up the equivalent of Project Server authentication without a forms virtual server. Reason for change: This enables users to authenticate against any data store that supports Forms authentication, not just Office Project Server 2007. Migration path: Users of Project Server authentication will be migrated during the upgrade to Office Project Server 2007. Administrators can use the PJFormsAuthUpgrade tool to add users to a membership store. Project versions Description: The creation of Project versions codes and the ability to save multiple versions of a project with the same name is removed. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature, and this change, along with the new alternate routes to obtaining version functionality, provides greater simplicity for customers. Project Web Access: Microsoft Software License Terms Description: Users must no longer accept the Microsoft Software License Terms when first using Office Project Web Access. Project Web Access: MUI Description: Some pieces of Office Project Web Access might not plug in at run-time. Publish by Resource Description: Publishing new and changed assignments for a selected group of resources is removed. Reason for change: This was a low-use and low-awareness feature. This change simplifies the user interface and decreases functional complexity. 141 Restore Description: A command line tool that restored project-level data from a restored copy of the Project Server database is removed. Migration path: Backup and restore now occurs from a user interface that is supplemented with a new command line tool, stsadm.exe, which enables automation outside the user interface. Site links Description: The code that supports the up to <site> link in Project workspaces is removed. Reason for change: The architecture has changed, so the Web pages now fall back on the root site to support this feature. Migration path: Upgrade removes the SharePoint site URL. Update tasks Description: Updating tasks from Office Project Server 2007 to Microsoft Office Project 2007 is changed from client/server to all server-side. Customers can update project plans based on data submitted using Office Project Web Access. In Project 2003, customers could move updates from Project Server into Project Professional, view or modify the updates, and then decide whether to save the changes. In Office Project 2007, users can preview their changes in Office Project Web Access, but in Web client preview they have fewer tools to use in examining the results than they had in the Project 2003 Professional preview. Reason for change: This change was based on customer feedback. Customers wanted the ability to update projects by working on the server only. This change significantly improves the performance of the update process. It also enables customers to create custom business processes to automate the update process. Migration path: As part of the migration process, customers must update all project plans before the data migration process begins. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system Changes in Project 2007 142 Changes in SharePoint Designer 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 from FrontPage 2003. Design Time Control Support Description: Design Time Control (DTC) support is removed from the product. Design Time Controls inserted into a page are treated like regular mark-up. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature. Hover Buttons Description: Hover buttons are removed from Office SharePoint Designer 2007. Reason for change: Prevents confusion between hover buttons and interactive buttons. Navigation bars in Word 2007 Description: Navigation bars in Microsoft Office Word 2007 documents are no longer available. Reason for change:Office Word 2007 no longer supports navigation bars in documents, so this feature is no longer available in Office SharePoint Designer 2007. This was a lowuse feature. Table Eraser tool Description: The table eraser tool in the Table toolbar is removed. Reason for change:Office SharePoint Designer 2007 includes a new set of table tools. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system 143 Changes in SharePoint Server 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 from SharePoint Server 2.0. Administration object model Description: The Administration object model is replaced. Reason for change: The new object model is more complete. Migration path: Developers must write new code. Areas and Listings Description: The object model, user interface, and architecture of areas and listings have changed. Areas now use Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Web architecture, so the URLs of sites change. Bucket webs are removed during upgrade. In a clean installation, the user gets portal Webs that are named just like new Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Webs. SharePoint Services 2.0 listings do not exist in Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. A new summary links feature displays links on a page. To preserve data and functionality, upgrading moves listings to an Office SharePoint Server 2007 list and uses the content-by-query (CBQ) Web part to display the items on a page. It is recommended that users manually move upgraded data to summary links, because this is the new feature for displaying, sorting, and grouping links on a page. Migration path: During upgrade, areas are automatically moved to Webs and bucket Web URLs are removed. Favorites and other externally saved links must be changed. Upgrading automatically moves listings to an Office SharePoint Server 2007 list and a CBQ Web Part. It is recommended that users manually move the data to the summary links feature to receive all of the benefits of easy in-page link editing. To do this, users must add a summary links Web part or control to the page, and then manually copy links from the upgraded list to the summary links Web part. Controls on administrator pages Description: The controls that were located on administrator pages are replaced with new controls. Migration path: SharePoint Services 2.0 pages that users have customized continue to work, but might have new or deprecated controls. Users can remove deprecated controls from the page. New controls are provided automatically. 144 Crawl schedules Description: Crawl schedules could previously be created and maintained in their own list. Crawl schedules are now completely associated with content sources. You cannot define a crawl schedule outside of a content source. Users no longer have a page on which to manage their crawl schedules. Instead, they must specify crawl schedules on the content source page. Reason for change: This change reduces the confusion caused by creating content sources in one location and linking the sources to schedules in another location. Portal Provisioning Description: The user interface and object model for the provisioning feature are changed. The area creation user interface is replaced by the WSS Web creation user interface. Migration path: If users have customized SharePoint Services 2.0 provisioning, their code continues to work after upgrade. However, it is recommended that users rework the code to use the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 object model. Query object model Description: The Query object model is replaced. Reason for change: The new object model is more complete. Migration path: Developers must write new code. Search: Area Alerts Description: The Area Alerts feature is removed. Migration path: Users now subscribe to list alerts. To simulate the SharePoint Services 2.0 experience, users can subscribe to all lists within the area. Search: Automatic propagation Description: In SharePoint Server 2003, index propagation could be set up to execute as soon as a crawl was complete. Users are no longer able to set up index propagation in this way. The new continuous propagation feature is used in those scenarios in which users previously used automatic propagation. There is a change in the Administrator user interface for Search. Reason for change: Continuous propagation improves functionality for the entire search system. The scenarios that were previously covered by automatic propagation are now covered by continuous propagation. Continuous propagation dramatically improves the real-time availability of indexed content in search results. 145 Migration path: The upgrade process migrates users who are currently using automatic propagation to continuous propagation. Search: More Info link Description: In earlier versions, there was a More Info link in search results. The link led to a page that showed name/value pairs for properties and enabled users to pivot on the author name. This link and page are no longer available. Search: MySite Alerts Description: The Alerts Web part is removed from MySite. Manage Alerts now happens at the site level instead of rolling up to MySite. Search: TIFF filter Description: In earlier versions, there was a filter for TIFF formatted files. TIFF files were translated into text with optical character recognition (OCR) software when the files were crawled, and the text was indexed. This feature is removed. Search: Web parts Description: Search Web parts are deprecated. They continue to work in SPS v. 3.0, but not in later versions. Reason for change: The user interface is improved. Migration path: Use new Web parts. Shared Services Description: In SharePoint Server 2003, each portal that was created had its own set of resource-intensive, high-value services. This condition severely restricted scale, so a feature was introduced that allowed all portals located within a single farm to share the same set of services. A second introduced feature allowed all portals located within a remote SharePoint Server 2003 farm to also consume services from a parent farm. In both cases, the change was a substantial and a one-way switch: if the shared services option was chosen, all portals in the affected farms had to participate in the shared services; and once service sharing was turned on, there was no way to turn it off again. In the 2007 Microsoft Office system, the ability to share services turns on by default. It is flexible so that more than one set of services is available within and between farms, and portals move easily between sets of shared services. 146 Reason for change: This change improves scale, performance, and farm usability. SharePoint Server 2003 was restricted to 15 portals per farm. Users can now host many more sites on a single set of hardware. Service level administration can now be delegated to power users. Users can configure their systems to reflect the system's current state. For example, they can move Web programs between sets of shared services to reflect organizational and political changes. Migration path: Auto migrated as part of the server upgrades collection. Topology Management Description: The Topology Management user interface is replaced by a new management feature. Reason for change: The inclusion of four additional products in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 requires a new method to manage the services on servers for ease of use. With the new feature, users can uniformly manage all services and servers for the Office Server products. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Security Model Description: The previous security model objects (SPRole, SPList.PermissionsMask, and others) are marked obsolete to encourage use of the new, role-based security model. There is a new user interface for list-level permissions. Developers receive warnings if they try to use the obsolete objects in their code. Reason for change: This change provides scalable security and a more consistent, rolebased security model on all scopes: Web, list, folder, and item. Migration path: Users must rewrite custom code. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 performs migration of existing security settings during upgrade. An attempt to compile outdated code generates an error message. 147 Changes in Visio 2007 This topic lists changes in Microsoft Office Visio 2007 from Visio 2003. Entry points to NetMeeting and File Search Description: Entry points to NetMeeting and File Search are removed. Reason for change: These features are replaced by LiveMeeting and Office Search. Menu changes Description: Several menus are changed in Office Visio 2007, resulting in the elimination of the following entry points for commands: The View sub-menu is removed from shape RMA. The Shape sub-menu is removed from page RMA. Special on the Format menu is hidden, except in developer mode. Custom Properties Set is removed from the Tools menu. Reason for change: These changes provide a more streamlined user interface that makes it easier for users to access important features. Migration path: Items accessed through RMA are still available from top-level menus. Items hidden from menus can be made available by enabling developer mode. Users must choose different entry points for the commands. Organization Chart themes Description: The Organization Chart themes feature is removed. Customers no longer see the Organization Chart theme combination box in the Org Chart Options dialog (accessible from the Options tab under Organization Chart) with its Classic and Contemporary options. This feature is replaced by the product-wide themes feature, located on the Format menu. Reason for change: The new Themes feature provides additional functionality. Migration path: Customers can select Format, Theme or click the Theme toolbar icon to access the new Theme task pane. 148 Styles user interface Description: The Styles user interface is hidden by default in Office Visio 2007. The changes are as follows: The Style and Define Styles commands appear on the Format menu only when the user is in developer mode (Tools, Options, Advanced tab). The Line Style and Fill Style buttons on the Format Shape toolbar are set to hidden, and they do not appear on the toolbar by default. The Text Style button on the Format Text toolbar is set to hidden, and it is not enabled by default. Users can continue to access Styles in the Drawing Explorer window. Reason for change: The Styles feature has not been heavily used. The Themes feature supersedes the Styles feature for most users. Shape developers can still access it. Migration path: Users have several ways to access the previous Styles feature. They can turn on developer mode in the Tools, Options, Advanced tab and access Styles on the Format menu. They can access Styles in Drawing Explorer. They can add the Style buttons to the Format Shape and Format Text toolbars. Visio SDK: Visual Studio 6.0 wizards and managed code tutorials Description: Visual Studio 6.0 Wizards and managed code tutorials are removed from the Visio SDK. Reason for change: The new focus is on .NET technologies. Migration path: To use the former wizards and tutorials, customers can download the previous and the new Visio SDKs. 149 Changes in Word 2007 This topic lists the changes in Microsoft Office Word 2007 from Microsoft Office 2003. Autosummarize command Description: The Autosummarize control is removed from the user interface, but is still available in the command well. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature. Migration path: Use this feature from the command well. Blue background with white text Description: The option to have a blue background with white text is removed. Reason for change: This feature, included in previous versions of Word to emulate legacy versions of WordPerfect, is no longer used. Converter Description: The converter mswrd832.cnv is removed from Office Word 2007. Reason for change: The new converter provided in Office Word 2007 has improved functionality. Converter Description: The converter wrd6er32.cnv is removed from Office Word 2007. Reason for change: This converter saved Word 97-2003 files as RTF with a .doc extension so the files could be read by Word 95. Migration path: To create documents that can be read by Word 95, save the documents as RTF files. Download the Office Converter Pack to enable Word 95 to open these files. Converters Description: Outdated Korean-specific converters (GSR32.CNV, HANA32.CNV, TGWP32.CNV) are removed. Reason for change: These converters supported three word processing programs that are no longer in use. 150 Diagram object model Description: The diagram object model is removed. Reason for change: For more information, see Changes in Charting. Eastern European Font add-in Description: The Eastern European Font Fix-up add-in is removed, and is available in the 2007 Microsoft Office system as a download. Reason for change: The add-in is no longer needed. There have been no code-page dependencies for more than five years. This add-in is only useful for files with fontmapping issues that were created on previous systems. Migration path: Download the utility from the Microsoft Download Center. File Search Description: The File Search feature is removed. Reason for change: This is a low-use feature that is redundant with other search mechanisms. Fix broken text Description: The ability to open Word 6.0 documents and fix broken text (that is, to turn 8-bit characters into 16-bit characters) is removed. Reason for change: This is a low-use feature for a legacy issue. Migration path: This tool will remain available online. Font Text Effects Description: The Text Effects dialog box is removed. Reason for change: The functionality that was available in this dialog box is no longer useful in current site design. Migration path: This feature is no longer accessible. Users can remove text formatting through a variety of methods, including the Remove Formatting option. Format themes Description: The Format Themes dialog for choosing HTML/CSS themes is removed. Reason for change: The new Themes architecture replaces this feature. Migration path: Use the new Themes architecture. 151 Ietag.dll Description: The ietag.dll browser helper object (BHO) is removed. The ietag.dll provides OOUI/Action Menu functionality when a document with recognized smart tags opens within Internet Explorer. Reason for change: With changes in Word Mail, this feature is no longer necessary. Mail merge bar codes Description: The bar code functionality is removed. Users can no longer insert a bar code into a mail merge. Mergeable address lists Description: Mergeable address lists are removed from Office Word 2007. Reason for change: This was a low-use feature. Migration path: The mergeable address lists from Word 2003 are still available on Office Online. MODI Description: The Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) tool set and code dependencies on MODI are removed. Reason for change: This technology is replaced with XPS. Migration path: Online fax vendors or others who rely on MODI technology can either download MODI or update their applications to use the new XPS technology. MSE Description: Microsoft Script Editor (MSE) is removed. Documents that contain scripts and that are upgraded to the new file formats lose the scripts without warning. Reason for change: The removal of this low-use feature increases security. PAB support Description: The Personal Address Book (PAB) converter is removed from Word. Users can no longer use a PAB file as a source for mail merge documents. Reason for change: This feature is replaced by Contacts in Outlook. Migration path: Users should use Contacts instead of PAB files. 152 Save As Web Page option Description: The File, Save As Web Page option is removed. Saving as a Web page is now performed using the Save As button on the File menu. Reason for change: The Save As dialog box provides a more convenient way to access this functionality. Migration path: Click File, click Save As, and choose Web page from the options. Send to Routing Recipient Description: The Send to Routing Recipient feature is removed. Reason for change: Removal of this low-use feature from the user interface improves the user experience. Set the width of a space like WordPerfect 5.x Description: The WordPerfect compatibility option Set the width of a space like WordPerfect 5.x is removed. Reason for change: This feature is no longer necessary. Third-party OCX controls Description: Third-party tools are removed from the Web Tools toolbar. Customers can no longer use the Web Tools toolbar to insert movies, sound, or scrolling text (marquees). Reason for change: These controls are disabled because of security updates. Versioning Description: The versioning feature is removed. Reason for change: This feature is replaced by document life cycle (DLC) functionality in the 2007 Office release. Migration path: Organizations that used the versioning feature can use the Version Extraction Tool (VET) in the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) to extract versions of a document into multiple files. For more information, see Migrate Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files to the 2007 Office system. Insert Web Components for Office XP Description: The Insert Web Components for Office XP functionality is removed. Reason for change: This is a low-use feature. 153 Web discussions Description: Entry points to Web discussions are removed. Reason for change: Web discussions entry points are removed from Windows SharePoint Services 3.0. Wizards Description: The following wizards are removed: Agenda wizard Envelope wizard Fax wizard Letter wizard Memo wizard Pleading wizard Resume wizard Reason for change: These wizards are replaced by more modern templates available on Office Online. Migration path: Use the templates on Office Online. WordPerfect navigation Description: WordPerfect navigation functionality is removed, including Help for WordPerfect users and navigation keys that match WordPerfect. Reason for change: This is legacy functionality that has very low usage. Wpequ532.dll Description: Wpequ532.dll, which was used to render equations when WordPerfect 5.0 and 6.0 files were opened in Word, is removed. Reason for change: This change increases security by removing legacy code that is no longer used. Migration path: Wpequ532.dll is available in the Office Converter Pack. See Also Differences between the 2007 Office system and Office 2003 Changes in the 2007 Office system Changes in Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 154 IV International reference 155 Mixed language versions of the 2007 Office system Not every product in the 2007 Microsoft Office system system is available in every language. In a few scenarios, this results in an installation of Office that includes applications or user interface elements in more than one language. Applications unavailable in some languages In a subset of available language versions, an individual application in the 2007 Office release is installed only in English. In other language versions, certain applications are not available at all. When you deploy any of the following language versions of the 2007 Office release, if Microsoft Groove 2007 is part of the suite you are deploying, it is installed in English: Arabic Chinese - Traditional Chinese - Simple Chinese - Hong Kong Hebrew Hindi Korean Thai The Hindi language version also installs Microsoft Office Access 2007 in English. Microsoft Office Project 2007, Microsoft Office Visio 2007, and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 are available in a subset of languages, as shown in the following table. Language Project 2007 Visio 2007 Arabic Brazilian Chinese - Hong Kong Chinese - Simple Chinese - Traditional Czech Danish Dutch English Finnish yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes SharePoint Designer 2007 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes 156 Language Project 2007 Visio 2007 French German Greek Hebrew Hungarian Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Portuguese (European) Russian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes SharePoint Designer 2007 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes no yes yes yes yes yes yes Language Interface Packs For some languages, Microsoft localizes only some 2007 Office release applications and releases them as Language Interface Packs. Users must first install a full language version of Office, and then they can install the LIP. They work in their preferred language in the following applications and features: Microsoft Office Word 2007 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Shared Office features The rest of the applications appear in the primary Office installation language. The following table lists the recommended base language for each LIP language. LIP language Afrikaans Albanian Amharic Armenian Recommended base language English English English English 157 LIP language Assamese Azeri Basque Bengali - Bangladesh Bengali - India Bosnian - Cyrillic Bosnian - Latin Byelorussian Filipino Galician Georgian Gujarati Hausa Igbo Icelandic Indonesian Bahasa Inuktitut Irish - Gaelic isiXhosa isiZulu Kannada Kazakh Khmer Ki'che Kinyarwanda Kyrgyz Kiswahili Konkani Lao Luxembourgish Macedonian (FYROM) Malay Malay - Brunei Malayalam Maltese Maori Marathi Nepali Recommended base language English or Hindi English or Russian Spanish or French English English or Hindi Serbian Latin, English, or Croatian Serbian Latin, English, or Croatian Russian English Spanish English English or Hindi English English English English English English English English English or Hindi Russian or English English Spanish English or French Russian English English or Hindi English or Thai German, English, or French English English English English or Hindi English English English or Hindi English or Hindi 158 LIP language Norwegian - Nynorsk Oriya Pashto Persian Punjabi Quechua Setswana Sesotho sa Leboa Sinhalese Tamil Tatar Telugu Urdu Uzbek - Latin Vietnamese Welsh Wolof Yoruba Recommended base language Norwegian English or Hindi English English English or Hindi Spanish English English English English or Hindi Russian English or Hindi English English or Russian English English French English See Also Deploy multiple language versions of the 2007 Office system 159 Language identifiers in the 2007 Office system The 2007 Microsoft Office system is available in many languages. In an international setting, you can deploy multiple language versions of Office in a single installation process. Setup combines a language-neutral core product with one or more languagespecific packages to create a complete product. On the source media, language-specific packages are organized into separate folders. Each folder name has a language tag appended to it, in the form ll-cc, that identifies the language and culture. For example, U.S. English language folders are identified by the folder name extension en-us. The language tags help you identify the folders you need to copy to your network installation point. The language folders included in a fully localized version of a 2007 Office release product are the same language folders included in the Single Language Pack (SLP) for a particular language. For example, the same folder is used in the Arabic language version of Microsoft Office Standard 2007, the Arabic language version of Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, and the Arabic SLP. Language identifiers The 2007 Office release offers localized versions in all the languages listed in the following table. Folders for the language-specific components are identified by the language tag shown in the table. The Windows operating system uses locale identifiers (LCIDs) to identify languages in the Windows registry. Note In addition to the fully localized languages listed here, Office provides language interface packs (LIPs), which contain a subset of language-specific components and are designed to be installed with a logical parent language. Elements that are not localized in the LIP language appear in the parent language. Language Geographic area Arabic Bulgarian Chinese (Simplified) Saudi Arabia Bulgaria People's Republic of China Hong Kong SAR Taiwanese Croatia Chinese Chinese Croatian Language tag (llcc) ar-sa bg-bg zh-cn LCID zh-hk zh-tw hr-hr 3076 1028 1050 1025 1026 2052 160 Language Geographic area Czech Danish Dutch English Estonian Finnish French German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Italian Japanese Kazakh Korean Latvian Lithuanian Norwegian (Bokmål) Polish Portuguese Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian (Latin) Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Czech Republic Denmark Netherlands United States Estonia Finland France Germany Greece Israel India Hungary Italy Japan Kazakhstan Korea Latvia Lithuania Norway Poland Brazil Portugal Romania Russia Serbia Slovakia Slovenia Spain Sweden Thailand Turkey Ukrainian Language tag (llcc) cs-cz da-dk nl-nl en-us et-ee fi-fi fr-fr de-de el-gr he-il hi-in hu-hu it-it ja-jp kk-kh ko-kr lv-lv lt-lt nb-no pl-pl pt-br pt-pt ro-ro ru-ru sr-sp-latn sk-sk sl-si es-es sv-se th-th tr-tr uk-ua LCID 1029 1030 1043 1033 1061 1035 1036 1031 1032 1037 1081 1038 1040 1041 1087 1042 1062 1063 1044 1045 1046 2070 1048 1049 2074 1051 1060 3082 1053 1054 1055 1058 See Also Simplified design for multiple languages in the 2007 Office system Deploy multiple language versions of the 2007 Office system 161 V Office Migration Planning Manager Reference 162 Introduction to OMPM The Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) is a collection of tools that enables you to prepare for migration to the Microsoft 2007 Office system. OMPM checks for, and reports on, file properties to help you analyze your environment. You can download OMPM from 2007 Microsoft Office System Migration Guidance: Microsoft Office Migration Planning Manager ( For the most part, documents created in Office 2003 and earlier open and behave the same way in the 2007 Office release. However, there might be instances where files require manual intervention or analysis to ensure consistent behavior. For example, a custom solution built in Microsoft Excel 2003 might require modification because it relies on legacy Office features that are no longer supported in Excel 2007. OMPM includes the following features: The OMPM File Scanner (offscan.exe), a command-line tool that scans files for conversion issues. You can easily deploy this tool using an automated software deployment technology, such as SMS, or a login script. The OMPM File Scanner stores the scan results in XML log files on each computer that it scans. The OMPM File Scanner performs two types of scans: A light scan that quickly identifies the Office documents on a user’s computer or network file system. A deep scan that you can perform on Office documents to gather document properties that provide indicators of potential conversion issues. A set of utilities that automate the creation of a new database (either SQL Server 2000, SQL Server 2005, or SQL Express) and import the XML log files generated by the OMPM File Scanner. A Microsoft Access 2007–based reporting solution that provides different reports for your analysis and enables you to define file sets for automated processing. The Office File Converter (OFC) that allows you to convert specific files to the new 2007 Office release file formats in bulk. The Version Extraction Tool (VET) that allows you to extract saved versions of a file in Word 2003 (or earlier) to different files. 163 OMPM contents OMPM is contained in a self-extracting executable file, MigrationPlanningManager.exe. OMPM Components are contained in redistributable subfolders: Scan: The folder containing the OMPM File Scanner. Report: The folder containing OMPM Reports. To export file lists from OMPM Reports, the database folder and related components must also be available. Database: The folder containing scripts to provision and populate the OMPM database. Tools: The folder containing tools such as the Office File Converter and Version Extraction Tool. Installing OMPM To install OMPM, type the following at a command prompt: MigrationPlanningManager /extract:c:\ompm For help with OMPM, type the following at a command prompt: MigrationPlanningManager /? OMPM requirements The following lists the requirements for running OMPM, both for the client systems that it scans and the administrator system from which it runs. Client system requirements The OMPM File Scanner requires the following programs on the computers that it scans: Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 SP4, Windows XP SP2, or Windows 2003 SP1 Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher The following system components must exist on all computers running the OMPM File Scanner. If these files do not exist, install the files with a separate distribution job before you run the OMPM File Scanner. Data Access Objects 3.5 or higher (dao350.dll/dao360.dll). These files are included in Microsoft Access 97, Microsoft Windows 98, Microsoft Windows NT® 4.0 Option Pack, and Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4. Microsoft Scripting Runtime (sccrun.dll). This file is included in Microsoft Access 2000, Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5, and Microsoft Windows Scripting Host. Visual C Runtime (msvcrt.dll). Kernel32.dll. 164 Msjet40.dll. Crypt32.dll. Ole32.dll. Oleaut32.dll. User32.dll. Advapi.dll. Msvcrt.dll. All computers that contain files to convert are required by the Office File Converter (OFC) to install the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. For more information, see Deploying the Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack. The Version Extraction Tool (VET) requires installation of Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86) ( and Microsoft Word 2003. Administrator system requirements The administrator running OMPM requires the following: Computer and operating system A computer running Windows XP SP2 or Windows Server 2003 to use the database provisioning and data import tools in OMPM. Optional: A computer running Windows XP to create a self-extracting package with IExpress 2.0. Note Use IExpress 2.0 to create a self-extracting package. Do not use a selfinstalling package. Database software SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server 2005 (recommended). SQL Server 2005 is recommended for enterprises working with large amounts of data. SQL Server 2005 provides enhanced database management and reports. The database should have a minimum of 4 GB available free disk space. Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition. This free, redistributable version of SQL Server 2005 is ideal for client applications that require an embedded database. You can use SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, instead of SQL Server 2005, for smaller-scale data collection. The database should have a minimum of 2 GB available free disk space. SQL Server 2005 Express Edition is available as a free download at SQL Server 2005 Express Edition ( 165 Database tools and utilities Both SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2005 Express Edition include several command line utilities, such as Osql.exe and Bcp.exe. These must be available on the client computer from which the provisioning and import tools are run. SQLXML 3.0 SP3. SQLXML enables XML support for your SQL Server 2005 database. This module allows XML files that are collected by the OMPM File Scanner to be imported efficiently into a database server. SQLXML is a free download available at SQLXML 3.0 Service Pack 3 (SP3) ( Note We recommend using the English editions of SQL Server 2005 or SQL Server 2005 Express Edition to use OMPM. While there are no known issues involving international editions, only the English edition is supported for these tools at this time. File share A file share is required to stage the XML log files collected by the OMPM File Scanner before the log files are imported into the database. The file share should have a minimum of 1 GB available space. Any account that is operating the import scripts requires read/write/create access to the file share. Note For performance reasons, it is optimal to have the import tools, log file share, and database on the same server. If this is not possible, the log file share and the database server should be on the same subnet to reduce network traffic. Other OMPM Reports requires the installation of Microsoft Access 2007 on the client computer from which the data will be examined. To export file lists from OMPM Reports, SQL Server Express or SQL Server and SQLXML 3.0 SP3 must be installed on the computer that runs OMPM Reports. To perform a deep scan with the OMPM File Scanner, Access 2002 or later must also be installed on the computer that runs the OMPM File Scanner. Note Other than the requirement listed above, the OMPM File Scanner does not require the installation of any version of Office on any computer it scans. For scanning document storage systems such as Microsoft SharePoint Services, the OMPM File Scanner requires the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) interface. For more information about WebDAV, see About WebDAV (IIS 6.0) ( This is the only version of WebDAV that is supported for OMPM. 166 Note Use either the Windows Vista WebDAV client or a third-party WebDAV client for document libraries that are SSL-enabled. If you use the WebDAV client from previous versions of Windows, the scan of the document library fails. How the OMPM File Scanner works The OMPM File Scanner gathers information about the computer and recursively scans the designated path for Office files. The OMPM File Scanner then records the results in an XML log file to the designated destination path. The OMPM File Scanner performs the following tasks in a single scan: Scans the computer for Office files within the folder structure defined by the SourcePath specified in the configuration file offscan.ini. Scans the computer for properties such as operating system, memory, and language ID. Scans for file property information such as file name, path, size, format, created date, modified date, and file owner. If this is a deep scan, scans for compatibility issues. Writes an XML log file to the destination path for each file that contains compatibility issues. Adds the XML log files to a series of CAB files for later transfer to a SQL Server. Logs failures to the XML log files. Note The OMPM File Scanner does not change file properties, except possibly Last Accessed Date. Note The OMPM File Scanner does not transmit data to Microsoft Corporation. Log and CAB files generated by the OMPM File Scanner On each computer that it scans, the OMPM File Scanner writes an XML log file to the destination folder that you specified in the accompanying offscan.ini file. This initial log file contains both scan and computer details. After this, the OMPM File Scanner creates an XML log file for each additional Office file that it scans. The filename for each log file is in the form of a GUID, with a prefix indicating the type of log file. 167 The OMPM File Scanner creates four unique types of log files to record properties about the computer scanned, file scanned, scan summary, and errors. The following table shows a typical set of log files. File Name Scan_{40D1300A-F0BE-4D68-ADBF36C78EE030A1}.xml File_{F575D370-1E7A-486E-9FC64BB83C7770DD}.xml Sum_{75C5A590-A789-4B16-A2EBE3934BCB01B1}.xml Err_{61CF0E6F-71E1-4878-9E9FC1D35EBA3506}.xml Description Scan log (one per scan) File properties log (one per unique file scanned) Summary log Error log (one per unique error occurrence) The individual log files are compressed into CAB files to make transport to the SQL Server database more efficient. To maximize disk space on the computer that is scanned, after OMPM File Scanner writes 10,000 log files, adds the log files to a CAB file, and then deletes the log files. Each CAB file contains up to 10,000 log files. When a CAB file reaches 10,000 log files, OMPM File Scanner creates a new CAB file for the next 10,000 files. CAB files use the file name from the ScanID GUID, with an index number appended. Three CAB files generated on the same computer might generate names such as the following: Computer1 {2FA87EDF-4393-4BCF-8829-8776F82DEDD5} Computer1 {2FA87EDF-4393-4BCF-8829-8776F82DEDD5} Computer1 {2FA87EDF-4393-4BCF-8829-8776F82DEDD5} Creating CAB files can be detrimental to performance if log files are saved across a network. Use the setting CABlogs=1 in the Offscan.ini file to disable the creation of CAB files. 168 Files scanned by the OMPM File Scanner The following table shows the file types that are scanned by the OMPM File Scanner, along with file types that are included in the light scan only. Microsoft Office program Access Excel PowerPoint Light and deep scan file types .mdb .mde .mdz .adp .ade .mdt .mda .accda .accdb .accdr .accdu .accde .accdt .accdc .xls .xlt .xla .xlm .xlw .htm .html .mhtml .mht Light scan only .xlc .wk1 .wk3 .wk4 .wj1 .wj2 .wj3 .fj3 .fmt .fm3 .all .wks .wq1 .dbf .ppt .pot .pps .ppa 169 Microsoft Office program Project Publisher Visio Word Light and deep scan file types .mpp .mpt .pub .vsd, .vss .vst .vdx .vtx .vsx .doc .dot .wiz Light scan only Files from Microsoft Office Outlook, Microsoft Office FrontPage, Microsoft Office OneNote, and Microsoft Office InfoPath are not included in either the light or deep scan. Note The OMPM File Scanner does not scan documents that are password-protected or IRM-protected. In addition, the OMPM File Scanner does not scan embedded objects within documents, but does report that the document contains embedded objects. 170 Sample SMS deployment script for OMPM You can use a script similar to the following that calls these files from the central file share. You can deploy the script with SMS. '************************************************************************************* ' File Name: OffScan.vbs ' Version: 1.0 ' Purpose: Executes offscan.exe and generate the MIF message based on output of offscan.exe '************************************************************************************* Option Explicit ''On Error Resume Next Dim oFso, oWsh, g_strRoot, g_SourcePath, g_optFile, g_intReturnCode '------------------- Creating Objects ------------------------------Set oFso = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oWsh = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") '------------- Get the Parent Folder ------------------------------- g_strRoot = oFso.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName) g_optFile = oWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%\offscan_output.txt") g_SourcePath = oFso.BuildPath(g_strRoot,"bits\offscan.exe") If oFso.FileExists(g_optFile) Then oFso.DeleteFile g_optFile End If g_intReturnCode= oWsh.Run("%comspec% /c " & g_SourcePath & " >> " & g_optFile,0,True) '// Remove this if network copy is not requried CopycabfiletoNetworkLocation 171 Quit() '**************************************************************************************** ************************ 'Sub Name : GenerateMIFMessage() 'Purpose: Generates the MIF message '**************************************************************************************** ************************ Sub GenerateMIFMessage() 'On Error Resume Next Dim l_varGetFile,l_strReadFile,l_strLine, l_oMIFGen, l_strMifMessage If oFso.FileExists(g_optFile) Then Set l_varGetFile = oFso.GetFile(g_optFile) Set l_strReadFile = l_varGetFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2) Do While l_strReadFile.AtEndofStream = False l_strLine = l_strReadFile.ReadLine If Not Trim(l_strLine) = "" Then If Instr(lcase(l_strLine),"total time") or Instr(lcase(l_strLine),"total number") Then If Trim(l_strMifMessage) = "" Then l_strMifMessage = g_intReturnCode & ":" & l_strLine Else l_strMifMessage = l_strMifMessage & ";" & l_strLine End If End If If Instr(lcase(l_strLine),"error:") Then If Trim(l_strMifMessage) = "" Then l_strMifMessage = g_intReturnCode & ":" & Split(Split(l_strLine,".")(0),":")(1) Else l_strMifMessage = l_strMifMessage & ";" & Split(Split(l_strLine,".")(0),":")(1) End If 172 End If End If Loop Set l_strReadFile = Nothing Set l_varGetFile = Nothing Else l_strMifMessage="Output file NOT found" End If Set l_oMIFGen = WScript.CreateObject("ISMIFCOM.InstallStatusMIF") l_oMIFGen.Create "OffScan.MIF", "Microsoft", "Office File Scanner", "1.0", "ENU", 1, l_strMifMessage, 1 End Sub '************************************************************************************* ' Sub Name: Quit ' Purpose: Exit '************************************************************************************* Sub Quit() 'On Error Resume Next GenerateMIFMessage() Set oWsh = Nothing Set oFso = Nothing Wscript.Quit(0) End Sub '************************************************************************************* 'Sub Name : CopycabfiletoNetworkLocation() 'Purpose: Copy the cab file to specified common folder '************************************************************************************* 173 Sub CopycabfiletoNetworkLocation() 'On Error Resume Next Dim l_strDemoFolder, l_strFile, l_oFileCollection Dim l_offSacnIniPath, l_SourceFolder, l_destinationFolder l_offSacnIniPath="bits\offscan.ini" l_SourceFolder="%temp%\offscan" '%temp%\offscan - this shold be same as in offscan.ini file. '//--------------- Specify the Share name (share name should end with "\" )------------------l_destinationFolder= "\\server\sharename\" l_offSacnIniPath = oFso.BuildPath(g_strRoot,l_offSacnIniPath) If oFso.FileExists(l_offSacnIniPath) Then l_SourceFolder = oWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(l_SourceFolder) Set l_strDemoFolder = oFso.GetFolder(l_SourceFolder) Set l_oFileCollection = l_strDemoFolder.Files For Each l_strFile in l_oFileCollection oFso.CopyFile l_strFile,l_destinationFolder Next Set l_oFileCollection = Nothing Set l_strDemoFolder = Nothing End If If oFso.FileExists(g_optFile) Then oFso.CopyFile g_optFile,l_destinationFolder End If End Sub 174 Use IExpress 2.0 to create a distribution package for OMPM This topic shows how to create a distribution package for OMPM with IExpress 2.0. To create a distribution package for OMPM Office File Scanner with IExpress 2.0 1. Edit offscan.ini with the appropriate variables for your environment, as described in Distribute OMPM Office File Scanner. 2. On a computer running Windows XP, click Start, click Run, enter iexpress, and click OK. This starts the IExpress Wizard. 3. On the Welcome to IExpress 2.0 page, select Create new Self Extraction Directive file and click Next. 4. On the Package purpose page, select Extract files and run an installation command and click Next. 5. On the Package title page, type a title for your package and click Next. 6. On the Confirmation prompt page, select No prompt and click Next. 7. On the License agreement page, select Do not display a license and click Next. 8. On the Packaged files page, click Add and select the following files from the directory in which you copied them: OFFSCAN.EXE ACCSCAN.DLL OFFSCAN.INI MSVBVM50.DLL SYSTEM.MDW 9. When you finish adding files, click Next. 10. On the Install Program to Launch page, in the Install Program box, type c:\ompm\offscan.exe. In the Post Install Command box, enter the command you want to use to copy .cab files from the scanned computer to the location where you want to store all .cab files. For example, to copy the .cab files from c:\scan\logs to the logs directory on the computer Server1, enter copy c:\scan\logs\*.* \\Server1\logs. Click Next. 11. On the Show window page, select Hidden and click Next. 12. On the Finished message page, select No message and click Next. 13. On the Package Name and Options page, enter the path and filename that you want for this distribution package. Select the options that you want and click Next. 14. On the Configure restart page, select No restart and click Next. 15. On the Save Self Extraction Directive page, select Save Self Extraction Directive (SED) file:, edit the path and name of the file, and click Next. 175 16. On the Create package page, click Next. When the package has been created, click Finish to exit. 176 OMPM Reports filtering reference The following table describes the filtering criteria that you can select on the 2007 Office Release Compatibility page in OMPM Reports. Field Scanner Run Issue Type Select Issues of Specified Type Select Resolved Issues and Actions Max Issue Level File Format File Extension Modified Before Modified After File Access Min Size (KB) Description A list of all run descriptions and their IDs. Filters to all files that were scanned in that scanner run. Note: The data displayed for each file is from the latest scanner run. Filters by type of issue, including Access Error, Scanner Error, Tool Error, and Upgrade Issue. Filters to all files that have that issue. Shows unresolved issues filtered to the specified issue type. Shows issues that have been resolved by user actions, such as converting the file. Filters by the maximum issue level found in a file, including Red, Yellow, and Green. For example, if a file has a red issue and a green issue, it is filtered with a red issue. Filters by file format. You can select individual programs, or you can select Excel/PowerPoint/Word to select all files that can be converted to the new .xml file formats in the 2007 Office release. Filters by file extension. Shows files with a last modified date that is before the date specified. Shows files with a last modified date that is after the date specified. Filters by the file access that the scanner had to each file. For example, if the file is on a drive that is read only for the scanner, the file is listed as read only. Shows files that are the file size specified or bigger. 177 Field Domain Computer Name Path Begins With Name Begins With System Folders Selected Filter SQL Description Filters by domain; the string must be an exact match. Filters by computer name; the string must be an exact match. Shows files where the long path name begins with the characters specified. Shows files where the file name begins with the characters specified. Shows files from the selected system folders. The system folder <undefined> filters to files not found in system folders. This is a read-only field showing the most recently applied SQL clause. Click the Customize SQL button to edit the SQL clause. Click Clear SQL Filter to return to editing the filter in the form view. Advanced: When customizing SQL, you can insert filter criteria by using a field in the form view and clicking Add Selected Criteria to insert those criteria into the SQL query. After you have applied a filter, the Scanned Files and Created Files windows contain the first 1,000 files that were returned. You can sort or filter by any column by using data sheet column headers, but the results will be only for those 1,000 files. For example, if you sort by File Name, OMPM Reports returns the same 1,000 files sorted by File Name. To sort or filter on all of the files in that scanner run, click Open in a new window at the bottom of the Scanned Files or Created Files window. 178 Schema for the OMPM database The schema for the OMPM database has three parts: The schema for the OMPM File Scanner, which includes all tables that have the prefix "os" in their name. The schema for OMPM Compatibility Report data, which includes all tables that have the prefix "om" in their name. The schema for Access data, which includes all tables that begin with "Access." Schema for the OMPM File Scanner Output from the OMPM File Scanner populates the OMPM File Scanner schema. All tables in the OMPM File Scanner schema start with the prefix "os." The tables in the OMPM File Scanner schema fall into two categories: Scan data File data OMPM File Scanner schema: scan data The scan data tables in the OMPM File Scanner schema include all information related to output from the OMPM File Scanner, except for file data. ScanID is the primary key. The following table provides descriptions for each table for scan data in the OMPM File Scanner schema. Table osScan Description Descriptive information for a scan that will run, including the RunID Fields ScanID RunID Description DestinationPath ScanMyDocuments ScanDesktop DeepScan ComputerName UserName DNS OS LCID PhysicalMemory ScanDAO 179 Table Description osScanSummary Scan results osScanIncludedFolder Source location for the included folders in a scan search instance Source location for the excluded folders in a scan search instance Drive mappings discovered by a scan instance Types of scanner failures osScanExcludedFolder osScanMappedDrive osErrorText osError Errors by type, per scan instance Fields AccessScan DisableConvDialog MaxCopyFileSize TempPath ScanID StartDateTime EndDateTime NumFilesScanned NumLogFiles Recoveries ScanID FolderPath ScanID FolderPath ScanID DriveLetter DrivePath ErrorID ErrorDescription osErrorID ScanID ScanFileID ErrorID ErrorInfo OMPM File Scanner schema: file data The file data tables in the OMPM File Scanner schema include file-related information that is discovered by the OMPM File Scanner during a scan. ScanFileID is the primary key. 180 The following table provides descriptions for each table for file data in the OMPM File Scanner schema. Table osScanFile Description File information gathered during a light scan by the OMPM File Scanner osFileFormat The types of files found by the OMPM File Scanner Information gathered during a deep scan by the OMPM File Scanner for potential Word issues Information gathered during a deep scan by the OMPM File Scanner for files that contain VBA macros osWordProperty osVBAProperty Fields ScanFileID ScanID FileName FilePath ShortFilePath FileSize FileExtension FileFormatID CreatedDate ModifiedDate FileOwner IsReadOnly HashCode CSIDL FileFormatID Description ScanFileID HaveVersions ScanFileID CertIssuedBy CertIssuedTo CertSerialNum CertValidFrom CertValidTo SigTimeStampSigningTime SigTimeStampSignerName 181 Table osPowerPointProperty Description Information gathered during a deep scan by the OMPM File Scanner for potential PowerPoint issues osExcelProperty Information gathered during a deep scan by the OMPM File Scanner for potential Excel issues osExcelPropertyLinked Information gathered during a deep scan by the OMPM File Scanner for Excel files that contain linked cells Fields ScanFileID hasSendForReviewData hasEmbeddings hasVBA hasMicrosoftScriptEditorData hasPresentationBroadcastData hasDocumentRoutingSlip hasPublishandSubscribeData hasLargeNumberofOLEObjects ScanFileID FileOpenNotSupported FileSaveNotSupported WorkspaceFile HTMLSaved OWC9 OWC10 OWC11 FileFormat LastSavedVersion EmbeddedDocs WSSLinkedList MSERedcords ErrorChecking AccessDBConnection SharedWorkBook LinkedContent Charts OfficeArtShapes ELFEnabled StandardList ATP RelationalPivot OLAPPivot CondFormat ScanFileID Link 182 Schema for OMPM Compatibility Report data Output from the Office File Converter and Version Extraction Tool, along with queries against scanned data from the OMPM File Scanner, populate the OMPM Compatibility Report data schema. All tables in the OMPM Compatibility Report data schema start with the prefix "om." The tables in the OMPM Compatibility Report data schema fall into two categories: Tools, actions, and issues data File location data OMPM Compatibility Report data schema: tools, actions, and issues data The tools, actions, and issues tables in the OMPM Compatibility Report data schema include information about the OMPM tool used, the actions that the administrator performed for a file, and the issues identified by the deep scan function of the OMPM File Scanner. The following table provides descriptions for each table for tools, actions, and issues data in the OMPM Compatibility Report data schema. Table omIssue Description Issues found by OMPM File Scanner, Office File Converter, or Version Extraction Tool. omIssueLevel omIssueType Pre-defined issue levels (red, yellow, and green). Pre-defined issue categories. omFileIssue Maps issues to files. omToolIssue Maps issues to tools. Fields IssueId Title Description HelpURL IssueLevelId IssueTypeId IssueLevelId Description IssueTypeId Description IsPromoted FileId IssueId IssueDate IsResolved ToolId IssueId 183 Table omTool omAction omActionFile omActionIssue omAccessRatings omAccessIssue omCSIDL omFilter omFileCategory Description Tool definitions. Fields ToolId Title Description HelpURL Version Action taken for a file, including whether the FileId file was modified. ToolId ActionDate ActionOptions FileModifiedDate Files that were created by an action, such as a FileId .docx file created by the Office File Converter. ToolId ActionDate FileCategoryId Name Path ComputerName Domain Issue that was found or resolved by a tool in FileId OMPM. ToolId ActionDate IssueId IsResolved PostStatus PostDate Pre-defined ratings for Access issues. FileID RatingId Conversion and other issues that were found in FileID Access files during the scan. IssueId The system folder identifier for a file. For more CSIDL information about CSIDL values, see CSIDL Name ( Compatibility report filters saved from OMPM FilterId Reports. Name SQLText Advanced The action name (for example, "Upgrade") that FileCategoryId created a file in the omActionFile table. Description 184 OMPM Compatibility Report data schema: file location data The following table provides descriptions for file location data tables in the OMPM Compatibility Report data schema. FileID is the primary key. Table omFile Description File information, including location and modifiers for actions that change the state of the file. omFileScanFile Maps entries in omAccessIssue from the corresponding omFile entry to osScanFile, which specifies the FileID needed to get details from the Access tables. Fields FileId LastScanFileId Name Path ShortPath Extension FileFormatId Size CreatedDate ModifiedDate Owner UserContent ComputerName DNS HashCode CSIDL MaxIssueLevel IsReadOnly FileId ScanFileId 185 Schema for Access data The following table provides descriptions for each Access table in the OMPM database schema. Table AccessVersionsProperties Description Contains information about the version properties in an Access file. AccessSystemFiles Contains information about Access system files. AccessSampleFiles Contains information about Access sample files. AccessReservedWords Contains information about reserved words in an Access file. AccessSettings Contains information about the settings of an Access file. AccessQueriesTypeLookupProperties Contains information about lookup properties for query types in an Access file. AccessIssuesProperties Contains information about issue properties for an Access file. AccessBackupTokens Contains information about backup tokens for an Access file. Fields VersionCode Version Name Name Name SettingName DateValue TypeID TypeFriendlyName IssueId IssueText UserIntervention IssueType UserInterventionPriority Name 186 Table AccessDatabasesRatingProperties AccessFieldTypeLookupProperties AccessForms AccessReferences AccessMacros AccessQueries AccessTables AccessModules Description Contains information about database rating properties for an Access file. Contains information about lookup properties for field types in an Access file. Contains information about forms in an Access file. Contains information about references in an Access file. Contains information about macros in an Access file. Contains information about queries in an Access file. Contains information about tables in an Access file. Contains information about modules in an Access file. Fields RatingID Rating FieldType FieldTypeFriendlyName FileID FormName FileID ReferenceName GUID FullPath IsBroken Kind Major Minor FileID MacroName FileID QueryName SQL Connect Type FileID TableName RecordCount Connect FileID ModuleName 187 Table AccessReports AccessFields AccessProperties Description Contains information about reports in an Access file. Contains information about fields in an Access file. Contains information about properties in an Access file. Fields FileID ReportName FileID TableName FieldName FieldType FileID ScanID TableCount QueryCount FormCount ReportCount MacroCount ModuleCount ReferenceCount CollatingOrder Version ReplicaID DesignMasterID ANSIQueryMODE AccessVersion Build ProjVer StartupForm NoConvertDialog DatabaseOwner IsCompiled IsSample IsBackup IsOld IsSystem See Also Technical Reference: Office Migration Planning Manager Assessing your environment with the Office Migration Planning Manager Migrating to the 2007 Office system 188 VI Messaging reference 189 Attachment file types restricted by Outlook 2007 There is restricted access to some attachments in items (such as e-mail messages or appointments) in Microsoft Office Outlook 2007. Files with specific file types can be categorized as Level 1 (the user cannot view the file) or Level 2 (the user can open the file after saving it to disk). Note This topic is for Outlook administrators. To learn more about why some Outlook attachments are blocked, see Blocked attachments: The Outlook feature you love to hate. Or learn how to share files with restricted file types by reading Blocked attachments in Outlook. By default, Outlook classifies a number of file type extensions as Level 1 and blocks files with those extensions from being received by users. As an administrator, you can use Group Policy to manage how a file type is categorized for e-mail attachment blocking. For example, you can change a file type categorization from Level 1 to Level 2 or create a list of Level 2 file types. Note There are no Level 2 file types by default. You can find links to more information about customizing attachment settings in Outlook in the See Also section, which is visible when you are connected to the Internet. The following table lists Level 1 file types that are blocked under a default installation of Outlook. File type .ade .adp .app .asp .bas .bat .cer .chm .cmd .com .cpl File description Access Project Extension (Microsoft) Access Project (Microsoft) Executable Application Active Server Page BASIC Source Code Batch Processing Internet Security Certificate File Compiled HTML Help DOS CP/M Command File, Command File for Windows NT Command Windows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft) 190 File type .crt .csh .der .exe .fxp .hlp .hta .inf .ins .isp .its .js .jse .ksh .lnk .mad .maf .mag .mam .maq .mar .mas .mat .mau .mav .maw .mda .mdb .mde .mdt .mdw .mdz .msc File description Certificate File csh Script DER Encoded X509 Certificate File Executable File FoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft) Windows Help File Hypertext Application Information or Setup File IIS Internet Communications Settings (Microsoft) IIS Internet Service Provider Settings (Microsoft) Internet Document Set, International Translation JavaScript Source Code JScript Encoded Script File UNIX Shell Script Windows Shortcut File Access Module Shortcut (Microsoft) Access (Microsoft) Access Diagram Shortcut (Microsoft) Access Macro Shortcut (Microsoft) Access Query Shortcut (Microsoft) Access Report Shortcut (Microsoft) Access Stored Procedures (Microsoft) Access Table Shortcut (Microsoft) Media Attachment Unit Access View Shortcut (Microsoft) Access Data Access Page (Microsoft) Access Add-in (Microsoft), MDA Access 2 Workgroup (Microsoft) Access Application (Microsoft), MDB Access Database (Microsoft) Access MDE Database File (Microsoft) Access Add-in Data (Microsoft) Access Workgroup Information (Microsoft) Access Wizard Template (Microsoft) Microsoft Management Console Snap-in 191 File type .msh .msh1 .msh2 .mshxml .msh1xml .msh2xml .msi .msp .mst .ops .pcd .pif .plg .prf .prg .ps1 .ps1xml .ps2 .ps2xml .psc1 .psc2 .pst .reg .scf .scr .sct .shb .shs .tmp .url .vb .vbe .vbs File description Control File (Microsoft) Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows Installer File (Microsoft) Windows Installer Patch Windows SDK Setup Transform Script Office Profile Settings File Visual Test (Microsoft) Windows Program Information File (Microsoft) Developer Studio Build Log Outlook Profile file Program File Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell Windows PowerShell MS Exchange Address Book File, Outlook Personal Folder File (Microsoft) Registration Information/Key for W95/98, Registry Data File Windows Explorer Command Windows Screen Saver Windows Script Component, Foxpro Screen (Microsoft) Windows Shortcut into a Document Shell Scrap Object File Temporary File/Folder Internet Location VBScript File or Any VisualBasic Source VBScript Encoded Script File VBScript Script File, Visual Basic for 192 File type .vsmacros .vsw .ws .wsc .wsf .wsh .xnk File description Applications Script Visual Studio .NET Binary-based Macro Project (Microsoft) Visio Workspace File (Microsoft) Windows Script File Windows Script Component Windows Script File Windows Script Host Settings File Exchange Public Folder Shortcut See Also Customize attachment settings in Outlook 2007 193 VII Security reference 194 Security policies and settings in the 2007 Office system This section provides technical reference information for the security settings and privacy options in the 2007 Microsoft Office system. You can use this information to determine: What a setting does. What the default configuration is for a setting. Which tool to use to configure a setting. Where to find the setting in the Office Customization Tool (OCT) or the Group Policy Object Editor. Note To use Group Policy to manage the 2007 Office release, you must load the Office 2007 Administrative Templates (that is, .adm files) into the Group Policy Object Editor. The following security settings and privacy options are discussed in this section: Trusted locations and trusted publishers settings ActiveX control settings Add-in settings Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro settings Document protection settings External content settings Internet Explorer feature control settings Privacy options Block file format settings Trusted locations and trusted publishers settings Trusted locations and trusted publishers settings enable you to specify trusted sources of active content, such as ActiveX controls and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macros. 195 Trusted locations settings You can configure trusted locations settings for the following applications: Microsoft Office Access 2007, Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Microsoft Office Visio 2007, and Microsoft Office Word 2007. There are two types of trusted locations settings: global settings, which apply to all applications; and applicationspecific settings, which can be configured separately for each application. Global trusted locations settings Global trusted locations settings apply to Office Access 2007, Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, Office Visio 2007, and Office Word 2007. The settings are described in the following table. Setting name Allow mix of policy and user locations Default configuration A mix of policy and user locations is allowed. Trusted Location #1 Trusted Location #2 Trusted Location #n Trusted locations are not specified (see note). Description By default, a computer can have trusted locations that are created by users through the graphical user interface and trusted locations that are created by administrators through Group Policy or the OCT. Disabling this setting prevents users from creating trusted locations through the graphical user interface and disables all trusted locations that are created by users through the graphical user interface and all trusted locations that are created by administrators through the OCT. This setting enables you to specify trusted locations globally for Office Access 2007, Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, Office Visio 2007, and Office Word 2007. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy; you 196 Setting name Default configuration Remove all trusted locations written by the OCT during installation This setting is not selected. Description cannot configure global trusted locations through the OCT. If you select this setting, all trusted locations that are specified by the OCT are deleted. This setting can be configured only on the Office security settings page of the OCT. You cannot configure this setting through Group Policy. Note Several trusted locations are specified by default during installation. These default trusted locations do not appear in the OCT or in the Group Policy Object Editor. For more information about default trusted locations, see "Default trusted location settings" in Evaluate default security settings and privacy options for the 2007 Office system. You can find the Allow mix of policy and user locations setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings/Trust Center You can find the Trusted Location #1…#n settings and the Allow mix of policy and user locations setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings/Trust Center 197 Application-specific trusted locations settings Application-specific trusted locations settings must be configured separately for Office Access 2007, Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, Office Visio 2007, and Office Word 2007. The settings are described in the following table. Setting name Allow Trusted Locations not on the computer Default configuration Trusted locations that are not on the computer are not allowed. Disable all trusted locations Trusted locations are enabled. Description By default, trusted locations that are network shares are disabled, but users can still select the Allow Trusted Locations on my network check box in the Trust Center graphical user interface. If this setting is set to Disabled and a user attempts to designate a network share as a trusted location, a warning informs the user that the current security settings do not allow the creation of trusted locations with remote paths or network paths. If an administrator designates a network share as a trusted location through Group Policy or by using the OCT and this setting is Disabled, the trusted location is disabled and is not recognized by an application. Enabling this setting disables all trusted locations, including trusted locations that are: Created by default during setup. Created by users through the graphical user interface. 198 Setting name Default configuration Trusted Location #1 Trusted Location #2 Trusted Location #n Trusted locations are not specified (see Note). Description Deployed through Group Policy. Enabling this setting also prevents users from configuring trusted locations settings in the Trust Center. This setting allows you to specify trusted locations separately for Office Access 2007, Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, Office Visio 2007, and Office Word 2007. You can configure this setting through the OCT and through Group Policy. Note Several trusted locations are specified by default during installation. These default trusted locations do not appear in the OCT or in the Group Policy Object Editor. For more information about default trusted locations, see "Default trusted location settings" in Evaluate default security settings and privacy options for the 2007 Office system. You can find these settings at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center You can find these settings at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center/Trusted Locations 199 Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center Trusted publishers settings There is one setting for configuring trusted publishers. This setting enables you to add a publisher's digital certificate to the Trusted Publishers list and can be configured only in the OCT. The Office 2007 Administrative Templates do not provide a setting for adding publishers to the Trusted Publishers list. You can find the trusted publishers setting on the Office security settings page in the OCT, under Add the following digital certificates to the Trusted Publishers list. By default, there are no publishers on the Trusted Publishers list. The following applications use the Trusted Publishers list: Office Access 2007 Office Excel 2007 Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 Microsoft Office Outlook 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 Office Visio 2007 Office Word 2007 ActiveX control settings You can use the ActiveX control settings to disable ActiveX controls and change the way ActiveX controls are initialized. Settings for disabling ActiveX controls You can disable ActiveX controls by configuring the Disable All ActiveX setting, which exists in the OCT and in the Group Policy Object Editor. This setting modifies a registry entry named DisableAllActiveX. The 2007 Office release evaluates this registry entry to determine whether to disable ActiveX controls when a user opens a file that contains ActiveX controls. When this registry entry has a value of 1, ActiveX controls are disabled. When this registry entry has a value of 0, ActiveX controls are enabled. This setting applies only to the 2007 Office release and does not apply to earlier versions of Office. Note ActiveX controls cannot be disabled in files that are saved in trusted locations. When a file is opened from a trusted location, all active content in the file is initialized and allowed to run without notification, even if DisableAllActiveX is set to 1. When you use the OCT to disable ActiveX controls, the DisableAllActiveX registry entry is written to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Office/Common/Security 200 When you use the Group Policy Object Editor to disable ActiveX controls, the DisableAllActiveX registry entry is written to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/Common/Security There is one setting for disabling ActiveX controls. This setting is described in the following table. Setting name Disable All ActiveX Default configuration Disabled Description When you enable this setting, all ActiveX controls are disabled and will not initialize when a user opens a file that contains ActiveX controls. Also, when you enable this setting, users are not notified that ActiveX controls are disabled. This setting can be configured in the OCT and with the Group Policy Object Editor. This setting applies only to applications in the 2007 Office release. This setting does not disable ActiveX controls in files that are opened by earlier versions of Office. You can find the Disable All ActiveX setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings You can also find the DisableAllActiveX setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings Note You can also disable ActiveX controls by configuring ActiveX control initialization settings. These settings are discussed in the following section. Settings for changing the way ActiveX controls are initialized You can change the way ActiveX controls are initialized by configuring the Unsafe ActiveX initialization setting in the OCT or by configuring the ActiveX Control 201 Initialization setting in Group Policy. Both settings modify a registry entry named UFIControls. The 2007 Office release and earlier versions of Office evaluate this registry entry to determine how to initialize ActiveX controls. There are six possible values for the UFIControls registry entry. The values are described in the following table. UFIControls value Loads SFI controls in safe mode? 1 No 2 Yes Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present Initializes SFI and UFI controls with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, the controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Users are not notified that ActiveX controls are enabled. Initializes SFI and UFI controls with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, the controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Users are not notified that ActiveX controls are enabled. Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present ActiveX controls are initialized the same way that they are when a VBA project is present. ActiveX controls are initialized the same way that they are when a VBA project is present. 202 UFIControls value Loads SFI controls in safe mode? 3 No 4 Yes Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present Prompts users to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, with persisted values) and UFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present If the file contains only SFI controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, SFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Users are not prompted to enable SFI controls. If the file contains UFI controls, users are prompted to enable or disable controls. If user enables controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions and UFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Prompts users to If the file contains enable or disable only SFI controls, controls. If the user SFI controls are enables controls, SFI initialized with controls are minimal restrictions initialized with (that is, persisted minimal restrictions values). If persisted 203 UFIControls value Loads SFI controls in safe mode? 5 No Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present (that is, with persisted values) and UFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present values are not available, SFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Users are not prompted to enable SFI controls. If the file contains UFI controls, users are prompted to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions and UFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Prompts users to If the file contains enable or disable only SFI controls, controls. If the user SFI controls are enables controls, SFI initialized with and UFI controls are minimal restrictions initialized with (that is, persisted minimal restrictions values). If persisted (that is, with values are not persisted values). If available, SFI persisted values are controls are not available, initialized with controls are default values by initialized with using the InitNew default values by method. Users are 204 UFIControls value Loads SFI controls in safe mode? 6 Yes Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present using the InitNew method. Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present not prompted to enable SFI controls. If the file contains UFI controls, users are prompted to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI and UFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Prompts users to If the file contains enable or disable only SFI controls, controls. If the user SFI controls are enables controls, SFI initialized with and UFI controls are minimal restrictions initialized with (that is, persisted minimal restrictions values). If persisted (that is, with values are not persisted values). If available, SFI persisted values are controls are not available, initialized with controls are default values by initialized with using the InitNew default values by method. Users are using the InitNew not prompted to method. enable SFI controls. If the file contains UFI controls, users 205 UFIControls value Loads SFI controls in safe mode? Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present are prompted to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI and UFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. When you configure the Unsafe ActiveX initialization setting in the OCT, the UFIControls registry entry is written to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Office/12.0/Common/Security When you configure the ActiveX Control Initialization setting through Group Policy, the UFIControls registry entry is written to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/Common/Security The following table describes the Unsafe ActiveX initialization settings that are in the OCT. You can find the Unsafe ActiveX initialization setting on the Office security settings page of the OCT. Setting <do not configure> Prompt user to use control defaults Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present This is the default setting. Initialization behavior is the same as Prompt user to use persisted data. Prompts users to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI controls are initialized with Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present This is the default setting. Initialization behavior is the same as Prompt user to use persisted data. If the file contains only SFI controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted 206 Setting Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present minimal restrictions (that is, with persisted values) and UFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. SFI controls are initialized in safe mode. Prompt user to use persisted Prompts users to enable or data disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI and UFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, with persisted values). If persisted values are not available, controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. SFI controls are initialized in safe mode. Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present values). If persisted values are not available, SFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. SFI controls are initialized in safe mode. Users are not prompted to enable SFI controls. If the file contains UFI controls, users are prompted to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions and UFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. SFI controls are initialized in safe mode. If the file contains only SFI controls, SFI controls are initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, SFI controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. SFI controls are initialized in safe mode. Users are not prompted to enable SFI controls. If the file contains UFI controls, users are prompted to enable or disable controls. If the user enables controls, SFI and UFI controls are 207 Setting Do not prompt Do not prompt and disable all controls Initialization behavior when a VBA project is present Initialization behavior when no VBA project is present initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values are not available, controls are initialized with default values by using the InitNew method. Initializes SFI and UFI SFI and UFI controls are controls with minimal initialized with minimal restrictions (that is, persisted restrictions (that is, persisted values). If persisted values values). If persisted values are not available, the are not available, the controls are initialized with controls are initialized with default values by using the default values by using the InitNew method. Users are InitNew method. Users are not notified that ActiveX not notified that ActiveX controls are enabled. SFI controls are enabled. SFI controls are not loaded in controls are not loaded in safe mode. safe mode. All ActiveX controls are All ActiveX controls are disabled and will not disabled and will not initialize when a user opens initialize when a user opens a file that contains ActiveX a file that contains ActiveX controls. Users are not controls. Users are not notified that ActiveX notified that ActiveX controls are disabled. This controls are disabled. This setting applies only to setting applies only to applications in the 2007 applications in the 2007 Office release. This setting Office release. This setting does not disable ActiveX does not disable ActiveX controls in files that are controls in files that are opened by earlier versions opened by earlier versions of Office. of Office. You can find the ActiveX Control Initialization setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings 208 You can configure the ActiveX Control Initialization setting with a value from 1 to 6. These values correspond to the values of the UFIControls registry entry that are described in a previous table. The following table shows how the OCT, Group Policy, and Trust Center settings correspond to the values of the UFIControls and DisableAllActiveX registry entries. Registry values UFIControls=1 DisableAllActiveX=0 Group Policy settings ActiveX Control Initialization: Enabled ActiveX Control Initialization dropdown box: 1 UFIControls=2 DisableAllActiveX=0 ActiveX Control Initialization: Enabled ActiveX Control Initialization dropdown box: 2 UFIControls=3 DisableAllActiveX=0 ActiveX Control Initialization: Enabled ActiveX Control Initialization dropdown box: 3 OCT settings Trust Center settings Unsafe ActiveX Enable all controls initialization without restriction dropdown box: Do and without not prompt prompting (not recommended; potentially dangerous controls can run) Safe mode checkbox (not selected) Cannot be Enable all controls configured in the without restriction OCT. and without prompting (not recommended; potentially dangerous controls can run) Safe mode checkbox (selected) Cannot be Prompt me before configured in the enabling Unsafe for OCT. Initialization (UFI) controls with additional restrictions and Safe for Initialization (SFI) controls with minimal restrictions Safe mode checkbox (not selected) 209 Registry values UFIControls=4 DisableAllActiveX=0 UFIControls=5 DisableAllActiveX=0 UFIControls=6 DisableAllActiveX=0 DisableAllActiveX=1 Group Policy settings ActiveX Control Initialization: Enabled ActiveX Control Initialization dropdown box: 4 ActiveX Control Initialization: Enabled ActiveX Control Initialization dropdown box: 5 ActiveX Control Initialization: Enabled ActiveX Control Initialization dropdown box: 6 Disable All ActiveX: Enabled Disable All ActiveX checkbox (selected) OCT settings Trust Center settings Unsafe ActiveX Prompt me before initialization enabling Unsafe for dropdown box: Initialization (UFI) Prompt user to use controls with control defaults additional restrictions and Safe for Initialization (SFI) controls with minimal restrictions Safe mode checkbox (selected) Cannot be Prompt me before configured in the enabling all controls OCT. with minimal restrictions Safe mode checkbox (not selected) Unsafe ActiveX Prompt me before initialization enabling all controls dropdown box: with minimal Prompt user to use restrictions persisted data Safe mode checkbox (selected) Unsafe ActiveX Disable all controls initialization without notification dropdown box: Do Safe mode checkbox not prompt and (unavailable) disable all controls Add-in settings There are three main types of security settings for add-ins: Settings for disabling add-ins. Settings for requiring that add-ins are signed by a trusted publisher. Settings for disabling notifications for unsigned add-ins. 210 Settings for disabling add-ins You can disable add-ins by configuring the Disable all application add-ins setting, which exists in the OCT and the Group Policy Object Editor, or by configuring the Application add-ins warnings options setting, which exists only in the OCT. Neither of these settings are global; both settings must be configured on a per-application basis for the following applications: Office Access 2007 Office Excel 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Publisher 2007 Office Visio 2007 Office Word 2007 The settings are described in the following table. Setting name Disable all application addins Default configuration Disabled Description When you enable this setting, all add-ins are disabled and users are not notified that add-ins are disabled. This setting can be configured in the OCT and in the Group Policy Object Editor. You must configure this setting on a perapplication basis. This setting does not exist for Office Publisher 2007. To disable add-ins in Office Publisher 2007, you must use the Application add-ins warnings options setting. 211 Setting name Application add-ins warnings options Default configuration Enable all installed application add-ins (application default) Description When you set this setting to Disable all application extensions, all add-ins are disabled and users are not notified that add-ins are disabled. This setting can be configured only in the OCT. You must configure this setting on a per-application basis. You can find the Disable all application add-ins setting at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Disable all application add-ins setting at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Application add-ins warnings options settings on the Office security settings page of the OCT, under Default security settings. Settings for requiring that add-ins are signed by a trusted publisher You can require that add-ins are signed by a trusted publisher by configuring the Require that application add-ins are signed by trusted publisher setting, which exists in the OCT and the Group Policy Object Editor, or by configuring the Application add-ins 212 warnings options setting, which exists only in the OCT. Neither of these settings is global; both settings must be configured on a per-application basis for the following applications: Office Access 2007 Office Excel 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Publisher 2007 Office Visio 2007 Office Word 2007 The settings are described in the following table. Setting name Require that application add-ins are signed by trusted publisher Default configuration Disabled Application add-ins warnings options Enable all installed application add-ins (application default) Description When you enable this setting, add-ins that are signed by a publisher that is on the trusted publishers list will run without notification. Unsigned addins and add-ins that are signed by a publisher that is not on the trusted publishers list are disabled, but users are prompted to enable or disable the add-ins. This setting can be configured in the OCT and with the Group Policy Object Editor. You must configure this setting on a per-application basis. When you set this setting to Require that application extensions are signed by trusted publisher, add-ins that are signed by a publisher that is on the trusted publishers list will run without notification. Unsigned add-ins and addins that are signed by a publisher that is not on the trusted publishers list are 213 Setting name Default configuration Description disabled, but users are prompted to enable or disable the add-ins. This setting can be configured only in the OCT. You must configure this setting on a per-application basis. You can find the Require that application add-ins are signed by trusted publisher setting at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Require that application add-ins are signed by trusted publisher setting at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Application add-ins warnings options settings on the Office security settings page of the OCT, under Default security settings. Settings for disabling notifications for unsigned add-ins You can disable notifications for unsigned add-ins by configuring the Disable trust bar notifications for unsigned application add-ins setting, which exists in the OCT and the Group Policy Object Editor, or by configuring the Application add-ins warnings 214 options setting, which exists only in the OCT. Neither of these settings is global; both settings must be configured on a per-application basis for the following applications: Office Access 2007 Office Excel 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Publisher 2007 Office Visio 2007 Office Word 2007 The settings are described in the following table. Setting name Disable trust bar notification for unsigned application add-ins Default configuration Disabled Description This setting must be used in conjunction with the Require that application add-ins are signed by trusted publisher setting. When you enable the Disable trust bar notification for unsigned application add-ins setting, signed add-ins that are not trusted are disabled, but users are prompted to enable or disable the add-ins. Unsigned add-ins are also disabled, but users are not notified and they are not prompted to enable or disable the unsigned addins. This setting can be configured in the OCT and in the Group Policy Object Editor. You must configure this setting on a perapplication basis. 215 Setting name Application add-ins warnings options Default configuration Enable all installed application add-ins (application default) Description When you set this setting to Require that extensions are signed, and silently disable unsigned extensions, signed add-ins that are not trusted are disabled, but users are prompted to enable or disable the add-ins. Unsigned add-ins are also disabled, but users are not notified and they are not prompted to enable or disable the unsigned addins. This setting can be configured only in the OCT. You must configure this setting on a per-application basis. You can find the Disable trust bar notification for unsigned application add-ins setting at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Disable trust bar notification for unsigned application add-ins setting at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Application add-ins warnings options settings on the Office security settings page of the OCT, under Default security settings. 216 VBA macro settings Macro security settings enable you to change the way macros behave and the way users are notified about macros. There are four main types of security settings for macros: Settings for changing the default behavior of macros. Settings for changing VBA. Settings for changing macro behavior in applications that are started programmatically through Automation. Settings for preventing virus-scanning programs from scanning encrypted macros. Settings for changing the default behavior of macros You can change the default behavior of macros by configuring the VBA macro warning settings setting in Group Policy, or the VBA macro warnings options setting in the OCT. These settings must be configured on a per-application basis, and can be configured only for the following applications: Office Access 2007 Office Excel 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Publisher 2007 Office Visio 2007 Office Word 2007 Note You can also change the default macro security settings for Office Outlook 2007. See the Office Outlook 2007 security documentation for more information. The VBA macro warning settings and VBA macro warnings options settings modify a registry entry named VBAWarnings. Each application evaluates this registry to determine how to run macros. There are four possible values for the VBAWarnings registry entry. The values are described in the following table. VBAWarnings value 1 2 3 Description Untrusted and trusted macros are allowed to run without notification. All untrusted macros are disabled, but users are notified about untrusted macros and can enable or disable untrusted macros. Trusted macros are allowed to run without notification. This is the default setting. Unsigned macros are disabled without notification. Users are notified about signed macros and can enable or disable signed macros. Trusted macros are allowed to run without notification. 217 VBAWarnings value 4 Description Untrusted macros are disabled and users are not notified that untrusted macros are disabled. In addition, users cannot use the Message Bar or any other dialog to enable untrusted macros. Trusted macros are allowed to run without notification. When you configure the VBA macro warnings options setting in the OCT, the VBAWarnings registry entry is written to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Office/12.0/program name/Security Where program name can be any of the following: Access Excel PowerPoint Publisher Visio Word When you configure the VBA macro warning settings setting through Group Policy, the VBAWarnings registry entry is written to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Policies/Microsoft/Office/12.0/program name/Security Where program name can be any of the following: Access Excel PowerPoint Publisher Visio Word The following table shows how the OCT, Group Policy, and Trust Center settings correspond to the values of the VBAWarnings registry entry. Registry values VBAWarnings=1 VBA macro warning settings (Group Policy) Enabled No security checks for macros (not recommended, code in all documents can run) VBA macro warnings options (OCT) No security checks for VBA macros (not recommended, code in all documents can run) Macro settings (Trust Center) Enable all macros (not recommended; potentially dangerous code can run) 218 Registry values VBAWarnings=2 VBAWarnings=3 VBAWarnings=4 VBA macro warning settings (Group Policy) Enabled Trust Bar warning for all macros Enabled Trust Bar warning for digitally signed macros only (unsigned macros will be disabled) Enabled No warnings for all macros, but disable all macros VBA macro warnings options (OCT) Disable all VBA macros with notification (application default) Disable Trust Bar warning for unsigned VBA macros (unsigned code will be disabled) Disable all VBA macros Macro settings (Trust Center) Disable all macros with notification Disable all macros except digitally signed macros Disable all macros without notification You can find the VBA macro warnings options setting on the Office security settings page of the OCT, under Default security settings. You can find the VBA macro warning settings setting at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Access 2007/Application Settings/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center Settings for changing VBA VBA security settings enable you to change the way that VBA behaves. There are three main types of VBA security settings: Settings for trusting programmatic access to VBA projects. Settings for disabling VBA. Settings for configuring VBA in Office Visio 2007. 219 Settings for trusting programmatic access to VBA projects There is one setting that enables you to control access to VBA projects. This setting can be configured only on a per-application basis for the following applications: Office Excel 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Word 2007 The setting is described in the following table. Setting name Trust access to Visual Basic project Default configuration Automation clients do not have programmatic access to VBA projects. Description When you enable this setting, Automation clients have programmatic access to VBA projects and can use the VBA object model. When you disable this setting, Automation clients do not have programmatic access to VBA projects. This setting can be configured in the OCT and in the Group Policy Object Editor. You can find the Trust access to Visual Basic project setting at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center You can find the Trust access to Visual Basic project setting at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center 220 Settings for disabling VBA There is one setting that enables you to disable VBA. This setting can be configured only on a global basis and applies to the following applications: Office Excel 2007 Office Outlook 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Publisher 2007 Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 Office Word 2007 The setting is described in the following table. Setting name Disable VBA for Office applications Default configuration VBA is enabled if it is installed. Description When you enable this setting, VBA will not function and users will not be able to run macros and other programmatic content. This setting can be configured in the OCT and in the Group Policy Object Editor. You can find the Disable VBA for Office applications setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings You can find the Disable VBA for Office applications setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings 221 Settings for configuring VBA in Office Visio 2007 There are three settings that enable you to change the way VBA behaves in Office Visio 2007. These settings are described in the following table. Setting name Enable Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Load Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications projects from text Enable Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications project creation Default configuration VBA is enabled. Description Enabling this setting allows VBA to run. Disabling this setting prevents VBA from running, which can prevent some drawing types from having full functionality in Office Visio 2007. VBA projects are not loaded Enabling this setting allows from text. Office Visio 2007 to compile VBA projects when you open a file. This enables you to use VBA projects that are saved in earlier Office Visio 2007 file formats. The compiled VBA projects are not saved. Disabling this setting prevents VBA projects from being loaded from text. Users are allowed to create Enabling this setting allows VBA projects. users to create VBA projects. Disabling this setting prevents users from creating VBA projects in files that do not already have a VBA project. You can find these settings at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Macro Security You can find these settings at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Visio 2007/Tools|Options/Security/Macro Security 222 Settings for changing macro behavior in applications that are started programmatically through Automation There are two types of Automation security settings: global settings and applicationspecific settings. Global Automation security settings You can change the way macros run in applications that are started programmatically through Automation by configuring the Automation security setting. This setting is global in scope and applies to the following applications: Office Excel 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Word 2007 This setting has three possible configuration states. Each configuration state is described in the following table. Configuration state Enabled Disable macros by default Enabled Macros enabled (default) Enabled Use application macro security level Description Macros are disabled in the 2007 Office release applications that start programmatically through Automation. Users are not notified that macros are disabled and users are not prompted to enable macros. Macros are enabled and run without notification. Macros run according to the security settings of the application that is started programmatically through Automation. You can find this setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings You can find this setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings 223 Application-specific Automation security settings You can change the way macros run in Office Publisher 2007 when Office Publisher 2007 is started programmatically through Automation. To do this, you use the Publisher automation security level setting. This setting can be configured only through Group Policy and has three possible configuration states. Each configuration state is described in the following table. Configuration state Enabled Low (enabled) Enabled By UI (prompted) Enabled High (disabled) Description Macros are enabled and run without notification in instances of Office Publisher 2007 that are started programmatically through Automation. This is the default configuration state. Users are prompted whether to enable or disable macros in instances of Office Publisher 2007 that are started programmatically through Automation. Macros are disabled in instances of Office Publisher 2007 that are started programmatically through Automation. Users are not notified that macros are disabled and users are not prompted to enable macros. You can find the Publisher automation security level setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Publisher 2007/Security 224 Settings for preventing virus-scanning programs from scanning encrypted macros The three settings for preventing virus-scanning programs from scanning encrypted macros are described in the following table. Setting name Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Excel Open XML workbooks Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft PowerPoint Open XML presentations Determine whether to force encrypted macros to be scanned in Microsoft Word Open XML documents Default configuration Encrypted macros are scanned by your virusscanning program when you open an encrypted workbook that contains macros. Description Encrypted macros are not scanned by your virusscanning program when you enable this setting, which means that encrypted macros will run according to the macro security settings that you have configured. This setting applies only to Office Excel 2007. Encrypted macros are Encrypted macros are not scanned by your virusscanned by your virusscanning program when you scanning program when open an encrypted you enable this setting, presentation that contains which means that encrypted macros. macros will run according to the macro security settings that you have configured. This setting applies only to Office PowerPoint 2007. Encrypted macros are Encrypted macros are not scanned by your virusscanned by your virusscanning program when you scanning program when open an encrypted document you enable this setting, that contains macros. which means that encrypted macros will run according to the macro security settings that you have configured. This setting applies only to Office Word 2007. 225 You can find these settings at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center You can find these settings at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Excel Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security/Trust Center Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security/Trust Center Document protection settings Document protection settings enable you to change the way files and text are encrypted with the password protection feature. There are two types of document protection settings: global settings, which apply to Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, and Office Word 2007; and application-specific settings, which apply only to Microsoft Office OneNote 2007. Global document protection settings The two global document protection settings are described in the following table. Setting name Encryption type for password protected Office open XML files Encryption type for password protected Office 97-2003 files Default configuration On Microsoft Windows XP operating systems, the default is Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider (Prototype), AES-128, 128bit. On Windows Vista operating systems, the default is Microsoft Enhanced RSA and AES Cryptographic Provider, AES-128, 128-bit. Office 97/2000 Compatible encryption method, which is a proprietary encryption method. Description Enables you to specify the encryption type for Office Open XML Formats files that are encrypted. Enables you to specify the encryption type for Office 97-2003 format files that are encrypted. 226 You can find these settings at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings You can find these settings at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings Application-specific document protection settings By default, Office OneNote 2007 uses a Triple Data Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm with a 192-bit key length. You cannot change the cryptographic algorithm or the key length that Office OneNote 2007 uses to encrypt notes. The four applicationspecific encryption settings for Office OneNote 2007 are described in the following table. Setting name Disallows add-ons access to password protected sections Default configuration Add-ins can access sections of text that have been unlocked by a user. Description Enabling this setting prevents add-ins from accessing sections of text that have been unlocked by a user. Disable password protected Encrypted sections of text When you enable this sections are not disabled (that is, setting, users cannot: users can use the password Encrypt new and existing protection feature to lock sections of text. and unlock sections of text Disable encryption on an and change password encrypted section of text. settings). Change the password that is used to encrypt a section of text. When this setting is enabled, users can still enter a password to access sections of text that are encrypted. Lock password protected Encrypted sections of text Enabling this setting ensures sections as soon as I remain unlocked for a period that encrypted sections of navigate away from them of time after a user navigates text become locked as soon away from the unlocked text. as a user navigates away from the text. Lock password protected Encrypted sections of text You can change the number sections after user hasn't remain unlocked for 10 of minutes that unlocked worked on them for a time minutes after a user sections remain unlocked by 227 Setting name Default configuration navigates away from the unlocked text or a user stops editing the unlocked text. Description enabling this setting and choosing a new time in Time interval (minutes) to lock password protected sections. If you do not want unlocked sections of text to automatically lock after a user unlocks them, you can disable this setting or you can enable this setting and clear the Check to lock sections checkbox. In either case, be sure that you do not enable the Lock password protected sections as soon as I navigate away from them setting. Doing so causes unlocked sections to lock as soon as a user navigates away from the sections, regardless of how you have configured the Lock password protected sections after user hasn't worked on them for a time setting. You can find these settings at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office OneNote 2007/Tools|Options/Password You can find these settings at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office OneNote 2007/Tools|Options/Password External content settings External content settings enable you to change the way hyperlink warnings appear and to change the behavior of linked images in Office PowerPoint 2007. 228 Hyperlink warnings settings You can disable hyperlink warnings by using the setting that is described in the following table. Setting name Disable hyperlink warnings Default configuration By default, users are notified about unsafe hyperlinks. In addition, unsafe hyperlinks are disabled until they are enabled by a user. Description Enabling this setting suppresses hyperlink warnings for the following: Hyperlinks that use unsafe protocols, such as msn, nntp, mms, outlook, and stssync. Hyperlinks from a remote file to the local computer. This setting applies only to the following applications: Office Access 2007 Office Excel 2007 Office InfoPath 2007 Office OneNote 2007 Office Outlook 2007 Microsoft Office Project 2007 Office PowerPoint 2007 Office Publisher 2007 Office Visio 2007 Office Word 2007 You can find this setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office System 2007/Security Settings You can find this setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office System 2007/Security Settings 229 Linked images settings You can enable the automatic downloading of images in Office PowerPoint 2007 by using the setting that is described in the following table. Setting name Unblock automatic download of linked images Default configuration By default, images that are saved on an external computer do not display in slides. Description Enabling this setting allows linked images on external Web sites to download and appear in slides. You can find this setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security You can find this setting at the following location in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security Internet Explorer feature control settings Internet Explorer feature control settings enable you to mitigate threats that can occur when an application programmatically uses Internet Explorer functionality. You can configure 15 feature control settings in the 2007 Office release. The 15 feature control settings restrict a wide range of Internet Explorer functionality. The settings are described in the following table. Internet Explorer feature control setting Add-on Management Bind to object Block pop-ups Description Prevents add-ons disabled by the user or Group Policy from running or installing. Performs additional safety checks when ActiveX controls are initialized. Specifically, prevents the control from being created if the kill bit is set in the registry. Also checks the security settings for the zone of the URL in which the control is instantiated to determine whether the control can be safely initialized. Enables Internet Explorer's default pop-up blocker. 230 Internet Explorer feature control setting Consistent Mime Handling Disable user name and password Information Bar Local Machine Zone Lockdown Security Mime Sniffing Safety Feature Navigate URL Object Caching Protection Protection from Zone Elevation Restrict ActiveX Install Restrict File Download Description Checks the following when a file is downloaded: File extension Content Type and Content Disposition in the HTTP header File signature bits Files with inconsistent information may be renamed to a safer file extension. Files that remain mismatched may be blocked from running on the user's system. Invalidates URL syntax that may include a username and password, such as http://username:password@server/. Shows the default Internet Explorer Information Bar when file download or code installation is restricted. Applies Local Machine Zone settings to all local content. Checks the signature bits of downloaded files to determine the file's type and render the type properly. Blocks navigation to any page with a badly formed URL. Blocks access to objects instantiated and cached from a different security context than the current page. Prevents navigation to a page in the Trusted Sites or My Computer zone if the current page is not already in that zone. Allows applications to opt in to blocking new ActiveX controls and prevents installation of updates for ActiveX controls that are not already installed. Prevents file downloads that are not initiated by the user. 231 Internet Explorer feature control setting Saved from URL Scripted Window Security Restrictions Description Evaluates the saved from URL information for files on a Universal Naming Convention (UNC) share. This feature increases security on UNC paths, but at a performance cost. Forces pop-up windows to remain in the viewable desktop area, display a status bar, and not draw their borders outside the viewable area of the screen. Ensures that browser windows cannot overlay important information in their parent windows, or in system dialogs. By default, Microsoft Office Groove 2007 (Groove.exe), Office Outlook 2007 (Outlook.exe), and Microsoft Office SharePoint Designer 2007 (Spdesign.exe) are opted in to all 15 feature control settings. Office InfoPath 2007 (Infopath.exe) is also opted in to all 15 feature control settings and the following three Office InfoPath 2007 components: Document Information Panel, Workflow forms, and third-party hosting. Internet Explorer feature control settings for all applications except Office InfoPath 2007 can be found at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system (machine)/Security Settings/IE Settings Internet Explorer feature control settings for all applications except Office InfoPath 2007 can be found at the following location in the Group Policy Object Editor: Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office 2007 system (machine)/Security Settings/IE Settings Office InfoPath 2007 is a special case and cannot be configured by using the standard Internet Explorer feature control settings. Instead, you use the Windows Internet Explorer Feature Control Opt-In setting to configure Internet Explorer feature control settings for Office InfoPath 2007. This setting can be configured as follows: None. Opts out Infopath.exe and its associated components (Document Information Panel, Workflow forms, and third-party hosting) from all 15 Internet Explorer feature control settings. Infopath.exe, Document Information Panel, and Workflow forms. Opts-in everything except the third-party hosting component to all 15 Internet Explorer feature control settings. Infopath.exe, Document Information Panel, Workflow forms, and third-party hosting. This is the default setting. Infopath.exe and all three associated components are opted in to all 15 Internet Explorer feature control settings. 232 You can find the Windows Internet Explorer Feature Control Opt-In setting at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (machine)/Security You can find the Windows Internet Explorer Feature Control Opt-In setting at the following location in the Group Policy Object Editor: Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007 (machine)/Security Privacy options Privacy options help you protect personal and private information. You can configure four main categories of privacy options in the 2007 Office release. The options can be configured in the OCT and through Group Policy. The four categories of privacy options are discussed below. Document Inspector options There is one Document Inspector option, which is described in the following table. Option name Document Inspector Default configuration All Inspector modules are enabled. Description You can disable the Inspector modules that are used by Document Inspector by enabling this option and adding the CLSID for an Inspector to the list of disabled Inspector modules. You can find the CLSID for an Inspector module by looking at the registry entries that are listed under the following registry keys: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Office/12.0/Excel/Document Inspectors HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Office/12.0/PowerPoint/Document Inspectors HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Software/Microsoft/Office/12.0/Word/Document Inspectors Note You cannot disable the Inspector module for Comments, Revisions, Versions, and Annotations, or the Inspector module for Document Properties and Personal Information. That is, there is no CLSID for these Inspector modules. 233 You can find the Document Inspector option at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system (machine)/Miscellaneous You can find the Document Inspector option at the following location in the Group Policy Object Editor: Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office 2007 system (machine)/Miscellaneous Metadata protection options Metadata protection options are described in the following table. Option name Protect document metadata for rights managed Office Open XML files Default configuration Metadata is not protected in rights-managed Office Open XML Formats files. Description Enabling this option encrypts metadata, such as author name, hyperlink references, and number of words, in Office Open XML Formats files that are restricted using IRM. Protect document metadata Metadata is protected in Disabling this option for password protected files encrypted Office Open XML prevents metadata, such as Formats files. author name, hyperlink references, and number of words, from being encrypted in Office Open XML Formats files that are encrypted. You can find these options at the following location on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings You can find these options at the following location in the Group Policy Object Editor: User Configuration/Administrative Templates/Microsoft Office 2007 system/Security Settings 234 Office privacy options Office privacy options are described in the following table. Option name Enable Customer Experience Improvement Program Default configuration This option is not enabled (that is, users are not enrolled in the Customer Experience Improvement Program). Automatically receive small This option is not enabled updates to improve (that is, users do not reliability automatically receive small updates to improve reliability). Online content options Searches Microsoft Office Online for Help content when a computer is connected to the Internet. Description Enabling this option opts users in to the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP), which can reveal the IP address of a user's computer to Microsoft. Enabling this option allows a small file to be downloaded that enables Microsoft to provide users with help if they experience an abnormal number of program errors. Enabling this option can also reveal the IP address of a user's computer to Microsoft. Enabling this option and choosing the Never show online content or entry points setting prevents the Help system from accessing Office Online. It also prevents the Help system from displaying links to content that is on Office Online and prevents the Help system from downloading updated Help content. Enabling this option and choosing the Search only offline content whenever available setting forces the Help system to search only offline Help files, even when a computer is 235 Option name Default configuration Description connected to the Internet. Enabling this option and choosing the Search online content whenever available setting enables the Help system to search Office Online for updated Help when a computer is connected to the Internet. This is the default setting. Note: This option is disabled by default in the French, German, and Italian versions of the 2007 Office release. You can find these options at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Privacy/Trust Center Microsoft Office 2007 system/Tools|Options|General|Services Options/Online Content You can also find these options at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office 2007 system/Privacy/Trust Center Microsoft Office 2007 system/Tools|Options|General|Services Options/Online Content 236 Application-specific privacy options Application-specific privacy options are described in the following table. Option name Make hidden markup visible Default state Hidden markup is not visible. Description Enabling this option displays all tracked changes before users open or save documents. Can be configured only for Office PowerPoint 2007 and Office Word 2007. Warn before printing, No warning is displayed Enabling this option warns saving, or sending a file that when a user prints or saves a about tracked changes contains tracked changes or file that contains tracked (revisions) and comments comments changes or comments. before users print, send, or save a document. Can be configured only for Office Word 2007. Store random number to A random number is not Enabling this option improve merge accuracy stored to improve merge improves the accuracy of accuracy. merging tracked changes by multiple authors. Can be configured only for Office Word 2007. You can find these options at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security You can find these options at the following locations in User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/PowerPoint Options/Security Microsoft Office Word 2007/Word Options/Security Block file format settings Block file format settings enable you to prevent users from opening or saving various file types and file formats. There are two types of block file format settings: block open settings and block save settings. You can configure block file format settings in the OCT and through Group Policy; however, you can configure only a single block open setting in the OCT and the majority of the settings can be configured only through Group Policy. 237 In addition, you can configure block file format settings only for the following applications: Office Excel 2007, Office PowerPoint 2007, and Office Word 2007. The following table provides a description of each block open setting for Office Excel 2007. Setting name Block opening of pre-release versions of the file formats new to Excel 2007 Block opening of Open XML file types Block opening of Binary 12 file types Block opening of Binary file types Block opening of HTML and XMLSS file types Block opening of XML file types Block opening of DIF and SYLK file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the opening of pre-release (beta) versions of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .xlsb, .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, and .xlam files. You can configure this setting in the OCT and through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .xlsx, .slxm, .xltx, .xltm, and .xlam files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office 2007 binary format files, such as .xlsb files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of binary format files, such as .xls, .xla, .xlt, .xlm, .xlw, and .xlb files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of HTML and XML file types, such as .mht, .mhtml, .htm, .html, .xml, and .xmlss files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of XML file types, such as .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of DIF and SYLK file types, such as .dif and .slk files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. 238 Setting name Block opening of Text file types Block opening of XLL file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the opening of text file types, such as .txt, .csv, and .prn files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of XLL file types, such as .xll files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. The following table provides a description of each block open setting for Office PowerPoint 2007. Setting name Block opening of pre-release versions of the file formats new to PowerPoint 2007 Block opening of Open XML file types Block opening of Binary file types Block opening of HTML file types Block opening of Outlines Description Enabling this setting prevents the opening of pre-release (beta) versions of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm, .ppsx, and .ppsm files. You can configure this setting in the OCT and through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm, .ppsx, .ppsm, .ppam, .thmx, and .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office binary file types, such as .ppt, .pot, .pps, and .ppa files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of HTML file types, such as .htm, .html, .mht, and .mhtml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of files as outlines, such as .rtf, .txt, .doc, .wpd, .docx, .docm, and .wps files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. 239 Setting name Block opening of Converters Description Enabling this setting prevents the opening of files that have a format that is previous to the PowerPoint 97 format, such as .ppt, .pot, .pps, and .ppa files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. The following table provides a description of each block open setting for Office Word 2007. Setting name Block opening of pre-release versions of the file formats new to Word 2007 Block opening of Open XML file types Block opening of Binary file types Block opening of HTML file types Block opening of Word 2003 XML file types Block opening of RTF file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the opening of pre-release (beta) versions of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .docx, .docm, .dotx, and .dotm files. You can configure this setting in the OCT and through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm, and .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office binary file types, such as .doc and .dot files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of HTML file types, such as .htm, .html, .mht, and .mhtml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of Office 2003 XML file types, such as .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of RTF file types, such as .rtf files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. 240 Setting name Block open Converters Block opening of Text file types Block opening of Internal file types Block opening of files before version Description Enabling this setting prevents the opening of files through external converters, such as those for WordPerfect, that are installed with the 2007 Office release. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of TXT file types, such as .txt files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the opening of pre-release binary format files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting enables you to prevent file formats that are older than a specific Office release from opening. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. The following table provides a description of each block save setting for Office Excel 2007. Setting name Block saving of Open XML file types Block saving of Binary 12 file types Block saving of Binary file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .xlsx, .xlsm, .xltx, .xltm, and .xlam files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office 2007 binary file types, such as .xlsb files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office binary file types, such as .xls, .xla, .xlt, .xlm, .xlw, and .xlb files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. 241 Setting name Block saving of HTML and XMLSS file types Block saving of XML file types Block saving of DIF and SYLK file types Block saving of Text file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the saving of HTML and XML files types, such as .mht, .mhtml, .htm, .html, .xml, and .xmlss files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of XML file types, such as .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of DIF and SYLK file types, such as .dif and .slk files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of text file types, such as .txt, .csv, and .prn files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. The following table provides a description of each block save setting for Office PowerPoint 2007. Setting name Block saving of Open XML file types Block saving of Binary file types Block saving of HTML file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .pptx, .pptm, .potx, .potm, .ppsx, .ppsm, .ppam, .thmx, and .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office binary file types, such as .ppt, .pot, .pps, and .ppa files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of HTML file types, such as .htm, .html, .mht, and .mhtml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. 242 Setting name Block saving of outlines Block saving of GraphicFilters Description Enabling this setting prevents the saving of files as outlines, such .rtf, .txt, .doc, .wpd, .docx, .docm, and .wps files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of graphic file types, such as .jpg, .png, .tif, .bmp, .wmf, and .emf files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. The following table provides a description of each block save setting for Office Word 2007. Setting name Block saving of Open XML file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office Open XML Formats files, such as .docx, .dotx, .docm, .dotm, and .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Block saving of Binary file types Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office binary file types, such as .doc and .dot files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Block saving of HTML file types Enabling this setting prevents the saving of HTML file types, such as .htm, .html, .mht, and .mhtml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Block saving of Word 2003 XML file types Enabling this setting prevents the saving of Office 2003 XML format files, such as .xml files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Block saving of RTF file types Enabling this setting prevents the saving of RTF file formats, such as .rtf files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. 243 Setting name Block saving of converters Block saving of Text file types Description Enabling this setting prevents the saving of files through converters, such as the WordPerfect converter that is included in the 2007 Office release. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. Enabling this setting prevents the saving of TXT file types, such as .txt files. You can configure this setting only through Group Policy. By default, users cannot open files that have been saved in a format previous to the Word 6.0 format. Files that have been saved using a beta version of Word 6.0 are considered to be previous to the Word 6.0 format and cannot be opened by default. You can find these settings at the following locations on the Modify user settings page of the OCT: Microsoft Office Excel 2007/Block file formats Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/Block file formats Microsoft Office Word 2007/Block file formats You can find these settings at the following locations in the User Configuration/Administrative Templates node of the Group Policy Object Editor: Microsoft Office Word 2007/Block file formats Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007/Block file formats Microsoft Office Word 2007/Block file formats See Also Evaluate default security settings and privacy options for the 2007 Office system 244