Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Equilibrium, Formation and Performances of the PROTO-SPHERA Experiment Presented by P. Micozzi PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 2 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Outline of the Talk 1) PROTO-SPHERA Equilibria 2) PROTO-SPHERA Formation Sequence: i) ST current ramp-up ii) formation time-scale & expected plasma performaces iii) eddy currents and their influence 3) Chandrasekhar-Kendall-Furth configurations inside PROTO-SPHERA PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 3 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione PROTO-SPHERA configuration Screw Pinch (SP, open field lines ending upon the electrodes) surrounded by a Spherical Torus (ST, closed field lines): SP and ST have a common magnetic separatrix Coupled equilibrium calculations performed in free boundary: • Spherical co-ordinates (r=radius, =colatitude, =azimuth) • Scalar flux function 2RA r • Force-Free Screw Pinch with p() & f() continuous at the ST-SP interface j may have jumps at the interface • ST-SP interface defined by the common separatrix • Ip and p inside the ST and the longitudinal Pinch current Ie are input, I Pinch inside the SP is an output M in (r) r -n M en (r) r n+1 sin P1n (cos ) n1 PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 4 • Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Input parameters for the PROTO-SPHERA Reference Equilibrium - Ie = 60 kA (i.e. BT0 = 0.08 T at R = 0.15 m) ; Ip = 180 kA (Ie/Ip = 1/3) ; p=0.22 2 2 2 2 - p() = pe = constant ; f () = (0Ie/2 ( /x ) inside SP 1.1 2 2 1.1 - p()pe+Cp(x) ; f () = (0Ie/2 +Cf(x) inside ST ST=22% PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 5 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Two important requirements to be fulfilled by the PROTO-SPHERA equilibria: 1) Tokamak-like safety factor profile of ST: q0~0.94, q95~2.6 at the edge 2) Strong jump of the surface averaged relaxation parameter <>=0< j • B /B2> between SP and ST Helicity Injection (~35 m-1 inside SP, ~10 m-1 inside ST) PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 6 • Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Simulation of a TS-3 equilibrium Ie = 40 kA; Ip = 50 kA (Ie/Ip = 4/5) ; p=0.6 (to match the measured plasma shape) 2 Same functional form of p() & f () as in PROTO-SPHERA of the SP (larger radial extension) - In comparison with the PROTO-SPHERA equilibria, TS-3 shows: PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 7 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione 1) Spheromak-like safety factor profile of ST: q0~0.62 and q95~0.95 at the edge essentially due to the lower elongation and to the higher aspect ratio 2) Almost flat profile of the surface averaged relaxation parameter <>=0< j • B /B2> essentially due to the weaker compression which lowers <> inside the SP Furthermore the presence of the SP plasma disks in PROTO-SPHERA increases the rigid stability of the configuration towards tilt & vertical shift PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 8 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Design philosophy of the poloidal coils Only 2 groups to simplify the power supplies: Group 'A' fast varying compression coils with thin Inconel case (≈200 s) Group 'B' fixed current coils for the shaping of the SP with thick metal case (≈2 ms) to stabilize the plasma disks near the electrodes Current density in the PF coils limited to jPF≤2 kA/cm2 (dT/dt < 2 ˚C/sec) simple water cooling system (due to the presence of hot electrodes) and high duty-cycle (1 shot every 5') PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 9 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Screw Pinch Formation • Filling pressure pH~10-3÷10-2 mbar • Cathode filaments heated to 2600 °C, current in group 'B' reaches I'B'=1875 A (no current in group 'A') • Breakdown of the Hydrogen gas with Ve~100 V on anode • Longitudinal arc current limited to Ie~8.5 kA • Pinch discharge kink stable (qPinch≥2, Pinch~2.6 m-1) • Low power required (<1 MW), plasma can be sustained for 1 s SP density control through gas puffing from the anode PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 10 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Spherical Torus Formation The formation of the ST is obtained by the kink destabilization of a screw pinch, through an increase of the longitudinal arc current, as demonstrated on the TS-3 experiment (University of Tokyo) Linear and non-linear phase of a kink unstable screw pinch, with longitudinal field BZ and 'toroidal' field B qPinch = 2 Pinch BZ/ LPinch B PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 11 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione ST Formation Procedure Field geometry at the ST formation is the same as in TS-3 (formation 100% successful) SP current pushed up to Ie=60 kA in ~500 s Screw Pinch goes kink unstable (qPinch«1) After ~100 s the group 'A' PF coils current starts to increase (up to I'A'=0.7 kA in ~1 ms) After a further delay of 100 s the ST starts to form (as in the TS-3 experiment), reaching Ip=120 kA in ~1 ms Success of the TS-3 formation scheme helped by the compression coils flux swing PROTO-SPHERA Workshop TS-3 PROTO-SPHERA PROTO-SPHERA provides a loop voltage Vloop~10 V, for about 1 ms enough to push up Ip to 120 kA in ~1 ms Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 12 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Formation sequence starts at 250 s after the ST formation (Ip=30 kA=Ie/2 ) Equilibrium parameter are: aspect ratio A= 1.80, elongation = 2.17, safety factor at the edge q95= 3.4, paramagnetic effect BT/BT0= 1.20, toroidal pinch current IPinch = 179 kA Relaxation parameter in the SP is PinchRsph=6 and its volume average in the ST is STRsph>Vol~2.45(Rsph=0.35 m) PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 13 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Fast phase of the formation sequence lasts 1000 s after the ST formation (Ip= 120 kA = 2•Ie) Equilibrium parameter are: aspect ratio A= 1.32, elongation = 2.16, safety factor at the edge q95= 2.8, paramagnetic effect BT/BT0= 2.10, toroidal pinch current IPinch = 310 kA Relax. parameter in the SP is PinchRsph=10.5 and its volume average in the ST is STRsph>Vol~3.85 PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 14 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Formation ends (Ip= 240 kA = 4•Ie) after the ST formation Helicity Injection is required Equilibrium parameter are: aspect ratio A= 1.21, an elongation = 2.35, safety factor at the edge q95= 2.8, paramagnetic effect BT/BT0= 3.10, toroidal pinch current IPinch = 407 kA Relax. parameter in the SP is PinchRsph=14 and its volume average in the ST is STRsph>Vol~4.2 PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 15 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione PROTO-SPHERA performances at Ip=180 kA • The case chosen for evaluating the plasma performances of the ST of PROTO-SPHERA is intermediate between the time slice at 1.0 ms (Ip=120 kA) and the one at 10 ms (Ip=240 kA) • This choice is due to the fact that it is a high current case (Ip=180 kA), but still ideal MHD stable with a large beta value (ST=22%) • Density of the ST chosen in order to match ST (below the Greenwald limit of PROTO-SPHERA, <nG> = 3.0•1020 m-3) • E evaluated from the semi-empirical Lackner-Gottardi L-mode plateau-scaling • Total power for helicity injection taken as PHI=4•PSToh, (PSToh=IpVloop = equivalent ohmic power to sustaining the ST and comes from the Spitzer conductivity). It is assumed that half of this power is dissipated inside the ST, therefore P =2•PSToh is used in the E scaling • E and <Te> calculated iteratively by adjusting Vloop in PSToh With <ne>=0.5•1020 m-3 & Zeff=2 <T>=140 eV (Vloop=0.8 V, PHI=580 kW, ELG~1.6 ms) Alfvén time is Aaxis=Raxis/vA~0.55 s; resistive time R =0a2/~69 ms The Lundquist number of PROTO-SPHERA is S=R /A~1.2•105 PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 16 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione TS-3 Lundquist number • The time-scale connecting the sequence of PROTO-SPHERA equilibrium calculation is derived scaling up the time-scale obtained in the TS-3 flux-core spheromak experiment • The analyzed TS-3 equilibrium (Ie=40 kA, Ip=50 kA) is the same shown previously With <ne>=0.55•1020 m-3 & Zeff=2 (density limit <nG>=1.8•1020 m-3) <T>=55 eV (Vloop=2.5 V, PHI=500 kW, ELG~0.27 ms) Alfvén time is Aaxis=Raxis/vA~0.75 s; resistive time R =0a2/~6.5 ms The Lundquist number of TS-3 is S=R /A~9•103 PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 17 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Formation time-scale • Magnetic reconnections are required to form the ST from the screw pinch, therefore the time for the formation of PROTO-SPHERA must be extrapolated from the experimental results of the TS-3 flux-core spheromak by using the reconnection time-scale • TS-3 needed 80 s to reach a ratio Ip/Ie=50 kA/40 kA. The Sweet-Parker reconnection theory predicts that the reconnection rate scales like S1/2 • This prescription for the formation time form=1.12•S1/2A, applied to TS-3, gives the measured time form=80 s • The time-scale for the formation of PROTO-SPHERA can be calculated applying the prescription form=1.12•S1/2A =210 s in order to reach the same ratio Ip/Ie=5/4 (Ip=75 kA) • Therefore a minimum resistive MHD time-scale of 350 s is required to reach Ip=120 kA • However the effect of the eddy currents over all the passive components inside the vacuum vessel introduces a further 650 s delay, therefore an overall time-scale of 1 ms is required for achieving Ip=120 kA PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 18 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Eddy Currents Effect on the Formation Scenario • Effect of the eddy currents on the PROTO-SPHERA formation scenario evaluated by the code ANSYS • Active/passive elements included in the model are axisymmetric and continuous • ST and SP plasma shapes fixed for all the formation sequence • All plasma current values at the various time slices provided by the equilibrium code PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 19 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione • Waveforms of the PF coil currents imposed (ideal power supplies) • Induced currents determined iteratively (current waveforms of the PF coils kept constant). As a first guess, the time sequence described by the "ideal" equilibria has been used: Ip=30 kA (t=t0+250 s); Ip=60 kA (t=t0+500 s); Ip=120 kA (t=t0+1 ms); Ip=240 kA (t=t0+10 ms) • Resulting eddy currents fed back into equilibrium code: Process iterated until plasma currents & passive element currents convergence (few %) • The result of this procedure is that the formation scenario is compatible with the eddy current of the PROTO-SPHERA device: Ip=15 kA (t=t0+250 s); Ip=50 kA (t=t0+500 s); Ip=120 kA (t=t0+1 ms); Ip=240 kA (t=t0+10 ms) PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 20 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione • At t=t0+500 s a comparison between the "ideal" and the "effective" equilibria (with the same currents in the poloidal field coils) shows negligible differences • At the end of the fast rise (t=t0+1 ms, Ip=120 kA) a similar comparison shows that the eddy current effects are weak enough to allow for obtaining the same plasma current as in the "ideal" case PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 21 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione In conclusion, the eddy current analysis provides the following results: 1) The rise of the ST toroidal current is slightly delayed. This effect could be probably minimized with an earlier discharge of the capacitor bank feeding the PF coils of "Group A". 2) It is not possible to rise Ip up to the maximum value of 240 kA in a time shorter than 10 ms. This is essentially due to the eddy currents induced in the PF coils with thick metal cases. If a faster rise is applied, the screw pinch would not fit the electrodes. This effect implies that, after the first ms, the ST current must raise up to Ip=240 kA quite slowly (~10 ms), relying upon an effective helicity injection. PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 22 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Chandrasekhar-Kendall-Furth Configuration inside PROTO-SPHERA? The load assembly of PROTO-SPHERA could host a CKF configuration with limited changes inside the machine The aim of this experiment is to prove that such magnetic configuration can be obtained through the destabilization of a screw pinch and then it can survive as long as the inductive drive of the "compression coils" is present PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 23 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Required modifications of the PF coils • removal of the PF2 & PF3.1 "divertor coils" • removal of the PF6.2 "focalizing coils" • displacement of the PF6.1 "focalizing coils" near the PF1 "compression coils" • each poloidal field coil fed independently (6 feeders instead of 2). PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 24 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Breakdown requires some modifications of the electrodes • slightly shorter distance between the electrodes: 1.54 m instead of 1.63 m • larger vertical thickness of the electrodes: Z=12 cm instead of Z=5.4 cm The total current flowing at the start-up inside the PF coils would be IPF= I =234 kA. Comparing the signs and magnitudes of the currents flowing inside the PF coils at the start-up with those of the final configuration, it turns out that the sudden variation of these currents could provide approximately enough magnetic flux to the plasma as to induce the full toroidal plasma current of the final configuration. N PF i 1 i PF PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Ie=8.5 kA Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 25 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Final CKF equilibrium • Free-boundary equilibrium calculations assuming for the poloidal spheromak current the value Ie=60 kA (same of the longitudinal SP current of PROTO-SPHERA): the total toroidal current in the main spherical torus would be Ip=327 kA (larger than in the case of PROTO-SPHERA, which has Ip=120÷240 kA flowing inside the ST) • The configuration is calculated to be ideal MHD stable at ST=50% PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002 26 Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione Conclusions 1) PROTO-SPHERA Equilibria: • • The flux-core spheromak magnetic configuration is designed in order to obtain a tokamak-like q profile inside ST (spherical torus-like transport & stability) and a gradient of the <> parameter between SP and ST (helicity injection) A comparison with TS-3 equilibria (simulated with the same assumptions) shows that these two requirements were not fulfilled in TS-3 2) PROTO-SPHERA Formation Sequence: • • • • The PF coils design is as simple as possible (only two feeders) The formation time-scale has been extrapolated from TS-3 in the framework of the resistive MHD (Sweet-Parker reconnection theory) The expected performances are coherent with an hot plasma regime (S~1•105) The formation sequence is compatible with the eddy currents (only small delay) 3) Chandrasekhar-Kendall-Furth configurations inside PROTO-SPHERA: • Minor changes of the load assembly could allow for a "proof of principle" PROTO-SPHERA Workshop Frascati, 18-19/03/2002