RE-THINKING THE MONSTROUS: VIOLENCE AND CRIMINALITY IN SOCIETY Conference Program Friday, July 1st 2:00 Registration Desk Opens (TBA) 2:30-3:45 Keynote Address (TBA) Chair: David Levente Palatinus (University of Ruzomberok) Niall Scott (University of Central Lancashire) – “TBA” 4:00-6:00 PANEL SESSION ONE A) Minority and Classification (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “To Die on Skid Row: Racial Violence and Monstrous Spaces in Native Canadian Fiction” – Kristina Aurylaitė (University of Bergen and Vytautas Magnus University) “The Monstrous in the House of Love: Violence, Recrimination and Faith Healing in John Dunne’s Purtock” – Jonathan Highfield (Rhode Island School of Design) “The Osage Murder Cases” – Delores J. Huff (California State University, Fresno) “Monstrosity Narratives and Criminal Case Studies: The Function of Monstrosity” – Joela Zeller (University of Chicago) B) Ancient and Modern (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “‘Just who is the monster here, anyway?’ Private and Public Heroism in Shrek ” – Christopher Ankersen & Andrew Ankersen (Independent Scholars) “Finding Conciliation in the Monstrous: A Comparative Approach to the Medieval Herzog Ernst and Spike Jonze’s Where the Wild Things Are” – Gabriela Antunes (Université de Strasbourg and Humboldt University Berlin) “The Monstrous Other: Fritz Lang’s Death and the Gothic Masters” – Silke Hoklas (Rostock University) “Grendel: A Foucauldian Reading” – Almudena Nido (University of Oviedo) C) Children (TBA) Chair: Keli Rowley (California State University, Northridge) “An Inexplicable Monstrosity: Gendered Offenses against Children in Wartime China, 1931-45” – Lily Chang (University of Oxford) “Guilty Victims and Murderous Saviors: Amélie Nothomb’s Re-assessment of Monstrosity”– Cecilia Gil (Newcastle University) “Fearing Delinquents in Munich: Moral Panics and Youth, 1942-48” – Martin Kalb (Northern Arizona University) 1 “‘Monstrous’ Children in Contemporary British Fiction”– Ulrike Tancke (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz) D) Banality of Evil? (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “‘Funny Games: Playing with Monsters” – Janna Houwen (Leiden University) “Uncanny Evidence: Revealing the Character of the Accused in Court” – Ben Livings (University of Sunderland) “The Truth about Monsters” – Lynda Ng (University of New South Wales) “Monsters and Narcissism: Cameron Crowe’s Vanilla Sky” – G. St. John Stott (Arab American University, Jenin) 6:00-6:30 Tea and Coffee (TBA) 6:30-8:30 PANEL SESSION TWO A) Frames and Forms (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “‘Coach Houses, Trains, and Stains: Monstrosity and Frame Narratives in Sade’s Justine and Buñuel’s That Obscure Object of Desire” – Regina Martin (Georgia Institute of Technology) “That’s what you get for being a murderer: Crime, Comedy, and Postmodernism in the Poetry of Luke Kennard” – Paul McDonald (University of Wolverhampton) “Richard Wright’s Empathetic Monster in Native Son” – Keli Rowley (California State University, Northridge) “Nightmares of Wonder: Nabokob’s Violent Demonology” – Paul Sheehan (Macquarie University) B) Gender Issues (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Between the Monstrous and the Ideal: Violence and Nonviolence in the Crafting of Latino Masculinities” – M. Cristina Alcade (University of Kentucky) “Mocking Monstrosity, Liberating Masculinity: Masculine/Monstrous Writing Gu Cheng’s Ying Er and in James Lasdun’s The Horned Man” – Po-hsi Chen (National Central University, Taiwan) “When Trans Translates into Tolerance – or Was It Monstrous? Transsexual and Transgender Identify in Liberal Humanist Discourse” – Randi Gressgård (University of Bergen) C) Re-thinking Frankenstein (TBA) Chair: Julie Nash (University of Massachusetts, Lowell) “Textual Monstrosity: Postmodernism Meets Frankenstein” – Randall Craig (University of Albany) “‘I am the monster’s mother’: Aesthetic Strategies of Monstrous Creation in Contemporary Monster Narratives” – Anya Heise-von der Lippe (Freie Universität Berlin) “Monstrous Flesh and How We Have Learned to Love It” – Călin D. Lupiţu (Jacobs University, Bremen) 2 “Monsters on the Dissection Table: Frankenstein and Nineteenth-Century Anatomy Theater” – Kristen Miller (University of Louisville) D) Early Modern (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “‘Sleeping in a Serpent's Bed': Selling Murder and Adultery in Arden of Faversham” – Christina Furtado (Fordham University) “‘Whose hand presents this gory spectacle?’ Monstrous Rulers on the Early Modern Stage and the Breakdown of the Law” – Susanne Gruß (Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg) “Benevolent Monsters in Thomas Otway’s The Soldiers’ Fortune” – Sarah Rasher (University of Connecticut, Storrs) “Protestantism and Monstrous Female Genitalia in Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queen ” – Amber H. True (Michigan State University) 6:00-8:00 Wine Reception and Buffet Dinner (White Rose Room?) Saturday, July 2nd 9.00-10.30 PANEL SESSION THREE A) Let the Right One In (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Let the Right One In!: Monstrosity, Violence, and Complicity in Matt Reeves ‘Let Me In’” – Simon Bacon (London Consortium) “De-familiarizaton of Violence and an Ethics of Hospitality: A Reading of John Ajvide Lindqvist’s Let the Right One In” – Sonjeong Cho (Seoul National University) “Mandy, Grab the Knife: Representations of Violence in Narratives of the New Female Monster-Hero” – Julie Miess (Humbolt University Berlin and Alpen-AdriaUniversity of Klagenfurt) B) Television (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Soft-Spoken Tyranny” The Obama Presidency, Right-Wing Paranoia and the New Alien Invasion Narrative in ABC’s Remake of V” – Steffen Hantke (Sogang University) “Humanized Monsters and Monstrous Humans: The Psychology of Terror and the Abnormal(s) in the TV Show Sanctuary” – Sabine Schmidt (Independent Scholar) “Monstrous Modifications: The Politics of Monstrosity in Critical Makeover Narratives” – Heike Steinhoff (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) C) Disability (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “The Monstrous in Veza Canetti’s Fiction”– Ylenia Forti (University of Udine) 3 “Monstrous Liberalism: Robert Frost’s Fear of Randolph Bourne”– Grzegorz Kosc (University of Warsaw) “The Socio-Medical Construction of Monstrous Disability” – Beate Ochsner (Universität Konstanz) D) Romania (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “From Lombroso’s Criminal Monster to Kraepelin’s Eugenics in Eastern Europe: Social, Racial and Bio-medical Controversies on Criminal Behavior in Romania, 1893-1943”– Octavian Buda (University of Medecine and Pharmacy Bucharest) “No Monster, Just a Tumor: Legal Medical Expertise in Romania at the End of the Nineteenth Century”– Corina Dobos (University College, London) “Common Sense and the Monstrous: Exclusion and Nation-building in Nineteenth Century Romania” – Andrei-Dan Sorescu (University of Bucharest) 10:30-11:00 Tea and Coffee (Percy Foyer) 11:00-12:15 Keynote Address (TBA) Chair: Ingrida Povidisa (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Margrit Schildrick (Queen’s University, Belfast) – “TBA” 12:15-1:15 Buffet Lunch (TBA) 1:15-2:45 PANEL SESSION FOUR A) Brains! And Other Human Delicacies (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Family Splatters: Rescuing Heteronormativity in the Zombie Apocalypse” – Kathryn Cady (Northern Illinois University) & Thomas Oates (Northern Illinois University) “Narcos, Necros, and Homos: On Queer Geographies and Phenomenologies in Film” – Daniel Sander (New York University) “Variations of Monstrosity in Peter Greenaway’s The Cook the Thief His Wife and Her Lover” – Zita Turi (Eötvös Loránd University) B) Serial Killers (TBA) Chair: David Schmid (University of Buffalo) “Integrating Criminologies: Monstrsotiy and Everyday Life Violence In Contemporary Television Fiction (regarding Dexter)” – Patricia Trapero-Llobero (University of the Balearic Islands) “The Monsters We Need, the Monsters We Feed: Serial Killers in Caleb Carr and Stieg Larsson” – Thomas W. Kniesche (Brown University) “The Ambiguous Fascination of the Monster: The Strange Case of Vincenzo Verzeni, ‘The Strangler of Women’” – Emilia Musumeci (University of Catania) 4 C) 9/11 (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Uncovering the Monstrous: The Islamist ‘Gefährder’ and Other Offenders without Offense” – Andrea Kretschmann (Bielefeld University) “Disillusioned in Capitalist Faith: The Birth of Monsters in John Updike’s Terrorist and Laila Lalami’s Secret Son” – Chi-sum Garfield Lau (Hong Kong Baptist University and Open University of Hong Kong) “Exploring Freud’s Death Drive: Witnessing the Falling Man” – Sandra Singer (University of Guelph) D) Supernatural (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Nazi Monsters: Toward a Supernatural History of Violence and Criminality in the Second World War, 1942-45” – Eric Kurlander (Stetson University) “Monstrosity as Aspirational Experience in Contemporary Popular Paranormal Fiction for Women” – Nickianne Mooddy (Liverpool John Moores University) “Female Monstrosity: ‘The Antichrist’ (2009) by Lars von Trier” – Virginia Spyratou (University of Athens) 3:00-4:30 PANEL SESSION FIVE A) Horror (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Complexity and Ambiguity: An Examination of the Monster and the Monstrous within Contemporary ‘Neo-nasty’ Horror Films” – Shaun Kimber (Bournemouth “Women from Hell: Female Monsters in Turkish Horror Film” – Yusuf Gürhan Topçu (Erciyes Üniversitesi) “The Monster in Me: Spectators and Protagonists Confront the Amoral Self in Modern Horror Cinema” – Christian Vittrup (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel) B) Syfy (TBA) Chair: Peter Becker (Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology, Vienna) “Heroic Monstrosity: Posthumanity and Violence” – Elana Gomel (Tel-Aviv University) “Untitled” – F. Gul Kocsoy (Firat University) “Wells’s Time Machine: Violence Continues” – Murat Ogutcu (Hacettepe University) C) Women (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Bill’s Monstrous Wife: On Taratino’s Kill Bill and the Question of Gender” – Stephanie Badziong (University of Cologne) “The Monsters of the Desert: Female Genital Mutilation in Waris Dirie’s Desert Flower” – Oya Bayiltmiş (Hacettepe University) “You’re a Pretty Good Man, Eva: Violent Women in the Arizona, Nevada, and New Mexico Courts and Prisons, 1890-1930” – Donna Crail-Rugotzke (College of Southern Nevada) 5 4:45-6:00 7:30 Keynote Address (TBA) Chair: Malcah Effron (Community College of Baltimore County) David Schmid (University of Buffalo) – “Monsters for a Neoliberal Age” Conference Dinner (only for delegates who have pre-booked/ pre-ordered) Sunday, July 3rd 9:00-11:00 PANEL SESSION SIX A) Pedophilia (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “‘That Creature Forfeits His Rights!’: Metaphor and the Dehumanization of Sexual Criminals” – Cyd Cipolla (Emory University) “Beyond Redemption: ‘Sexual Predators’ as the Modern Day Monster” – Rebecca Houghton (University of Hamburg) & Grace Krause (University of Hamburg) “‘Prominent Sinners and Ordinary Monsters in Polish Media Discourse” – Urszula Jarecka (Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw) Incorporeal Monsters: The Internet Child Pornographer and the Development of Virtual Ontology” – Karin Sellberg (University of Edinburgh) & Kamilla Aghtan (University of Edinburgh) B) Eighteenth Century (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “The Ethics and Aesthetics of Monstrosity in Kleist’s Penthesilea” – Maria Carone (University of Wisconsin, Madison) “‘Chimerical Non-descripts’: Monsters and Monstrosity in Print Satire, 1790-1800” – Christopher Machell (University of Northumbria) “A Revolutionary Monster: The Duc d’Orléans in the Pamphlets” – Rebecca Sopchik (Columbia University) “A Monstrous and Guilty Conscious Life as Reflected in Lord Byron’s Manfred” – İmren Yelmiş (Hacettepe University) C) Autobiography (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “‘die Zeitungen machten uns zu entsprungenern Monstern’: Rewriting the Monstrous in Women’s Post-terrorist Narratives” – Clare Bielby (University of Hull) “Once a Monster, Always a Monster: Kody Scott’s Rhetorical Confusion” – D. Quentin Miller (Suffolk University) “Addiction and the Monstrous Self” – Patricia E. O’Connor (Georgetown University) “The Monstrous and Its Inversion in Two Contemporary Memoirs of Prostitution” – Cansu Özge Özmen Pushkin (Namik Kemal University) 6 D) Mythic and Real (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Animality in Discourses of Monstrosity: The Windigo In Joseph Boyden’s Three Day Road” – Melanie Frederiksen (University of Manitoba) “‘Monsters and Prodigal Sons: Borders, Identity, and Change in the Discourse on Wolves in the American West” – Ginna Husting (Boise State University) & Mary Frances Casper (Boise State University) “The Werewolf in Script and Crypt: Fathers and Sons in The Wolfman (2010) and The Wolfman (1941)” – Uwe Schwagmeier (University of Oldenburg) 11:00-11:30 Tea and Coffee (TBA) 11:30-1:30 PANEL SESSION SEVEN A) Theory (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Encountering Monsters at the Boundaries of Culture: Excess, Transgression and the Limit-Experience” – Elaine Campbell (Newcastle University) “How to Create Musical Monsters: From Mythical Creatures to Surgical Procedure” – Luminita Florea (Independent Scholar) “Originary Monstrosity: The Primordial, Corporeal Incarceration of the BodyModifier” – Will Johncock (The University of New South Wales) “Monstrous Deeds, Monstrous Actors?” – Andreas Prokop (University of Hamburg) B) Nineteenth-Century (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “The Monster and the Wretch: Inmate Suicide and the End of the Gallows” – Richard Bell (University of Maryland, College Park) “Re-thinking Crime in Early Nineteenth-century France in Light of the Monstrous” – Anne-Emmanuelle Demartini (Université Paris-Diderot-Paris 7) “Monsters, Monstrosities, and the Reinvention of Drives” – Jan Niklas Howe (Freie Universität Berlin) “The Story of Hetty Sorrel: The Female Monstrous in George Eliot’s Adam Bede” – Nazan Yildiz (Hacettepe University) “Violent Heroes and Civilized Monsters: Reading Dracula and The Beetle in Light of Kristeva’s Theories” – Susanne Zhanial (Vienna University) C) Robots (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “What Do Anomalies in HRI Teach Us about the Fundamental Features of Being Human” – Katarzyna Bajka (Jagiellonian University, Kraków) “Confluence of Art and Technology: Issues of Identity and (Dis)embodiment” – Misty-Dawn MacMillan (University of Toronto) “Monsters and Neurotechnology: Popular Imagination and Reality” – Shivadatta Prabhu (Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences) 7 “‘To Be Required to Validate Your Own Identity’: The Human, the Android, and the Monstrous in Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?” – Josh Toth (Grant MacEwan University) D) Journalism (TBA) Chair: TBA (TBA) “Picturing the Whitechapel Murders: Phantoms of Neglect in the City of Dreadful Delight” – Mazy E. Hayes (Ohio University) “Monster or Man? Rapists in Contemporary British and American Press Coverage” – Shannon O’Hara (University of St Andrews) “Monsters in a Cage: Convicts Sentenced to Death under Media Scrutiny in France in the Twentieth Century” – Nicolas Picard (Université Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne) 1:30-2:30 Buffet Lunch (TBA) 2:30-4:00 Keynote Address (TBA) Chair: Ingrida Povidisa (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) Peter Becker (Institute for the Sociology of Law and Criminology, Vienna) – “TBA” 4:00 Close of Conference 8