Recruitment and Selection Policy - Student Intranet

Recruitment & Selection Policy
Recruitment & Selection
Recruitment & Selection Policy
1.0 Purpose
2.0 Operating Principles
2.1 Employees
2.2 Managers
2.3 Human Resources
2.4 Confirmation of Appointments
3.0 Recruitment & Selection Procedure
3.1 Vacancy Analysis
3.2 Job Analysis
3.3 Role Profile
3.4 Person Specification
3.5 Internal Recruitment
4.0 Authorisation to Recruit
4.1 Recruitment Requisition Form
4.2 The College Staffing Budget Review Group
5.0 Advertising
5.1 Principles of Advertising
6.0 Application Process
6.1 Application Forms
6.2 Information Pack
7.0 Shortlisting
7.1 Confidentiality
7.2 Method
8.0 Selection
8.1 Interview Preparation
8.2 Interview
9.0 Offers of Employment
10.0 References & Qualifications
10.1 Taking up References
10.2 Qualifications
11.0 Record Keeping
12.0 Feedback
13.0 Equality & Diversity
Appendix 1
Recruitment & Selection Flowchart
Recruitment & Selection Policy
January 2009 Draft
This policy is designed to assist at each stage of the recruitment process to:
improve management
eliminate unlawful discrimination in line with legislation and The Manchester College’s policy
improve the quality of The Manchester College's work
All those involved in the recruitment and selection process are working on behalf of The Manchester College
and must follow the procedures laid down in this policy.
The procedure aims to:
encourage you to think about the recruitment needs of The Manchester College
consider what abilities somebody will need in order to do a particular job
help assess whether or not candidates have the competence required to fulfil the role
In line with The Manchester College’s Human Resource Strategies, consideration will be given to filling
vacancies internally. This may include the use of succession planning strategies and provision of
development opportunities, consequently there may be instances when the whole range of the formal
Recruitment and Selection Policy is not appropriate. These may entail ring-fencing vacancies to certain
groups of the workforce.
Any breach of this procedure by an employee will be considered an act of misconduct and may lead to
disciplinary action. There may be instances where timescales may lead to exceptions, however, the broad
framework must be upheld and the HR Department must be aware of situations where full adherence may
not be possible.
Operating Principles
Employees are required, as a condition of service, to comply with The Manchester College policy on Equal
Opportunities in employment. This Code applies to everyone involved in the Recruitment & Selection
Line Managers
Line Managers are responsible for ensuring that the Recruitment & Selection policy is followed in their
department. This means taking the necessary steps to ensure that:
existing Managers and Supervisors have their own copy of the policy
all newly appointed Managers and Supervisors are issued with a copy of the policy
every employee has easy access to a copy of the policy
those likely to be involved in the recruitment & selection process are briefed on, and understand
the policy. Training will be given as necessary.
systems are set up to monitor adherence to the policy
complaints of breaches of the policy are fully investigated and necessary action is taken
individual Managers and the HR Department are clear about their specific roles and
responsibilities in ensuring the above
Human Resources
Human Resources are responsible for:
full participation where appropriate
keeping records and monitoring to ensure the policy is being followed
informing the relevant Manager where non-adherence is identified
administering the process
Supporting, briefing and advising staff
Recruitment & Selection Policy
January 2009 Draft
Recruitment & Selection Procedure
Vacancy Analysis
Following an initial workload analysis by Managers, it may be identified that a vacancy exists. This may be
due to resignation, retirement, re-organisation or additional work coming into the department. It is important
to carefully evaluate the need for the role.
Job Analysis
Before recruiting for a new or existing position, it is important to spend some time gathering information about
the nature of the job. The aim of a Job Analysis is to establish exactly what the responsibilities of the job are.
Consideration should be given to the purpose and content of the role as well as where it fits in to the
Organisational structure.
Role Profile
Every role must have a Role Profile which accurately reflects all elements of the role. If a Role Profile already
exists, it should be reviewed to ensure that it is accurate and up to date.
Person Specification
Any criterion contained in the person specification must be strictly relevant to the job.
The person specification must avoid criteria which are "preferred" or "desirable". All the items must be
essential requirements i.e. if a person was appointed to this job and did not have one of these requirements,
they would not be able to do the job.
All sections of the community are eligible to apply, restrictive requirements are contrary to The Manchester
College Equal Opportunities Policy, and may also be indirectly discriminatory and therefore unlawful.
All statements on a person specification should be measurable. It should be possible to determine whether a
candidate does or does not meet that requirement.
If qualifications are required, state the level required.
appointment stages.
Qualifications will be checked at interview and
All Person Specifications should include the following statement ........ "If you require any aids or
adaptations to either our workplace or policies and practices, that may assist or enable you to
successfully carry out this role, please discuss these with us and we will make all reasonable effort
to accommodate your needs”.
Internal Recruitment
The Manchester College has human resources strategies in place which aim to:
Enhance career opportunities.
Provide development opportunities.
Minimise the effects of potential overstaffing/redundancy situations.
Make efficient use of the finite staffing budget resource.
There may be exceptional situations where Senior Management identify a potential candidate, or a limited
group of candidates, for positions prior to advertisement and offer them an interview on a ring fenced basis.
The rationale surrounding these decisions will be based upon consideration of succession planning, provision
of development opportunities, re-deployment/redundancy issues, long term sickness cover or the effective
use of existing staff.
The majority of internal recruitment will occur under the same procedures as external appointments i.e.
subject to satisfactory reference, qualification and probationary procedures.
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Authorisation to Recruit
Recruitment Requisition Form
The Recruitment Requisition Form should be completed and forwarded together with the Role Profile and person
specification to the HR Department who will discuss the timescales of the authorisation process with you.
The make-up of the panel will also need to be indicated, this is usually the Manager of the area, together with an
appropriate colleague, a member of the HR team can advise on the panel membership. The HR Manager may
request the Chair of the panel to allow an observer to be present for staff development purposes.
Recruitment Authorisation
Staffing requests need to be viewed against business need. The decision to recruit depends on: Financial viability.
 Global workloads - recruitment may not be appropriate if sections in other departments are not fully
 Strategic planning.
Segment Managers will review and approve any recruitment and selection requests. Notification of the outcome of
requests will be given formally after the meeting.
Principles of Advertising
The HR Department is responsible for the advertising of jobs and for controlling the recruitment advertising
HR will review the most appropriate and cost effective method of advertising.
Vacancies for all jobs will be advertised internally. If appropriate, they will be advertised externally at the same
time. Consideration will be given to the job and the internal situation (i.e. redeployment opportunities) before
deciding on external advertising. Internal advertisements will be circulated via "the College Intranet, and on site
notice boards.
"Word of mouth" recruitment is not permitted for any job within the Manchester College.
Proposed advertisements are to be prepared by the HR Department and approved by Managers.
Application Process
Candidates can apply for vacancies online via the College External Internet site or through completion of a paper
application form.
Application Forms
The Manchester College uses a standard application form for all types of posts.
An application form must always be completed for an advertised post. The Manchester College does not accept
Curriculum Vitaes instead of application forms, although a CV can be submitted as a supplement to an application
Information Pack
All candidates enquiring about a job must be receive the following information:
 Role Profile
 Person Specification
 Application Form
 Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form
 Any other additional information which the Panel feel is relevant to the job
The information contained on returned forms will be treated confidentially.
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Application forms and the proceedings of interviews are strictly confidential.
Panel members should treat all information on applicants, and their deliberations as strictly confidential.
The short-list of suitable applicants should be compiled from those applicants who meet the agreed minimum
An accurate person specification with clear agreement on which parts can be assessed from the application
form and well targeted advertising should narrow down the number of potential candidates who meet the
minimum requirements.
In cases where none of the applicants meet the minimum requirements, the job will be re-advertised. At this
stage the panel should review the content and method of advertising, the nature of the job and the Role
Profile, making any necessary improvements/amendments.
Interview Preparation
Candidates should be informed by letter/ email that they have been invited to interview. Adequate notice
should be given to allow the candidate to prepare.
The letter/ email should include the following information:
 Date and time of interview
 Names of the selection Panel Members
 Venue information including access details and directions
 Request to applicants to bring the ‘right to work’ in the UK documents.
The structure of the interview should be consistently applied with each Panel Member making and recording
their personal assessment after each interview. HR Department can assist the interview panel members to
plan the interview format.
Offers of Employment
Before any offer of employment is made the line manager must have had site of and checked the candidates
‘right to work in the UK’ documents. Guidance can be obtained from the HR Department on what documents
can be used for this process.
Verbal offers may be legally binding, it is therefore essential that offers are made "subject to contract".
The HR Department will confirm any offer of employment (subject to contract) in writing on receipt of all the
necessary documentation (e.g. application form, verified copy of right to work documentation & qualifications,
interview planner, etc)
"Subject to contract offers" will be conditional upon authenticating qualifications, satisfactory references and a
medical and where applicable CRB checks and security clearance being obtained.
References & Qualifications
Taking up References
All applicants will be asked to provide the names and addresses of two referees; one should be the present
or most recent employer. Where the current or most recent employer is not given as a referee, the Panel
should question the reasons why at interview.
References are usually obtained after final interviews and only for the applicant the Panel wish to appoint.
The reference should be obtained by a written request which is directed to the post applied for. Referees
should not be contacted without the candidate’s consent. Only nominated referees may be asked for a
reference. Other information, oral or written, must not be obtained or considered.
Recruitment & Selection Policy
January 2009 Draft
On occasions when an applicant is only able to produce an open reference (usually addressed "to whom it
may concern") these may be accepted in some circumstances.
The Manchester College operates an open reference system, therefore references must be disclosed to the
applicant on request.
If the HR Department is not satisfied with a reference for any reason, it will be brought to the attention of the
other members of the Panel. The Panel is not to change the selection to another candidate on the basis of
the reference alone but, in appropriate cases, may use the reference to either confirm the appointment or
refer the matter back to the Panel.
If a reference is unsatisfactory, the following action must be taken:
If there are ambiguities in the reference, the referee should be contacted by the HR Department
to clarify the matter. The details of any conversation with a referee are to be recorded and made
available to the applicant on request.
A further interview should be arranged with the applicant - with no fewer than two members of
the Panel present. The area of concern should be discussed with the applicant. On completion
of this interview, the Panel must decide either:
 to confirm the appointment;
 ask the applicant to provide another reference
 withdraw the offer of employment if the Panel considers that the unsatisfactory reference
is factually correct and at variance with the information provided by the candidate.
Qualifications should normally be checked at interview. Where this is not possible, offers of employment
should be made subject to authentication of certificates.
CRB and Security Clearance
Some posts require the holder to have a CRB check, for safeguarding purposes, and / or security clearance
to work at the specific establishment or environment. This should be explained to the applicant at the
interview, and the line manager should liaise with the HR Department to ensure these processes are followed
with the successful applicant.
Accurate record-keeping and storage are an essential part of the recruitment & selection procedure in order
 assist the HR Department in monitoring and improving adherence to The Manchester College
 provide accurate feedback to applicants
 encourage all concerned to remain objective
 ensure accurate and objective investigation can take place effectively if complaints of
discrimination are made, with full feedback given to the complainant as soon as possible
 ensure The Manchester College can respond accurately in cases where complainants invoke
their statutory rights under the Race Relations Act, the Sex Discrimination Act, and Disability
Discrimination Act
Four documents are key, if these objectives are to be achieved:
 the application form
 the short-listing record form
 the interview assessment forms, including notes taken at interview
 the monitoring form
Documents should be stored confidentially in line with the following timeframes:
Application forms of non-short listed candidates
Application forms of short-listed candidates
Short-listing record forms (of all panel members)
6 months
9 months
9 months
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Interview assessment forms (of all panel members)
Monitoring forms
January 2009 Draft
9 months
1 year
These records can be held electronically or in paper format. All documents, which are to be destroyed, must
be done so in a way that ensures that confidentiality is maintained.
Feedback should always be given to external candidates when requested. Positive feedback should be
provided to internal candidates in order to assist their development within The Manchester College.
All enquiries should be directed to a "lead" person relative to the particular interview. Careful though should
be given to any feedback provided and it should be constructive and factual. Chance remarks given off the
cuff by any member of the interviewing panel is not permitted.
Equality & Diversity
All employees have a duty to treat colleagues and customers of The Manchester College with equal respect.
The Manchester College’s Equality and Diversity values are integrated into every aspect of the College’s
recruitment and selection policy. The College’s approach to Equality and Diversity ensures that all applicants
are treated fairly and transparently at every stage of the process. In valuing diversity we must treat all
individuals fairly, and ensure opportunities are open to all.
Avoiding discriminatory practice is not only our legal responsibility but is in the interest of The Manchester
College as an organisation to create a diverse and productive environment in which everybody feels valued,
their talents are fully utilised and organisational goals are met.
No applicant will be treated less favorably than another because of their gender, marital status, sexual
orientation, racial group, religious belief, disability or age. Discrimination during any stage of the recruitment &
selection process will not be accepted.
Often discrimination happens not because anyone deliberately intended to discriminate but because "things
have always been done this way" and "this way" could be indirectly discriminatory.
Recruitment & Selection Policy
Appendix 1
Stages of Recruitment Flowchart
Before Advertising
skills of current
information to be
sent to
Agree proposed
advert & media
Plan Interviews
Interview, confirm
approval to Offer
Feedback to
Assessing Applicants
Make Offer
& inform
Follow Up
Take up
references / check
Store papers for
record keeping