Hedge Funds, Financial Markets and Nation-States Sheng Hong There have been various explanations forwarded about the East Asian financial crisis taken place since 1997, some of which were even fraught with intense sentimental smog, such as the allegation of “conspiracy” from social critics, or the invariable fallout of the “globalization” of social apologists. The purpose of this paper, however, is to retreat to the traditional economics in which an analysis will be carried out with its “down to earth”, classical economic approach. Such an approach will as a result give its own different verdict in respect of the Asian turmoil. The first is that all agents in the crisis are merely acting upon their own self-interests; the second is that the dynamic path and the result of these actions could be different. At one extreme, an action could be at the direct expense of others, or precisely, create negative externalities in economic terms; at the other, it could possibly reach the so-called “win-win” position, an optimal solution. As we will not only concern with the situation within a country, but also with the interaction among countries, it is necessary thus to distinguish these two circumstances where relevant actions are executed. The first is that within a nation-state, there is a society with a national government, whereas in the similar sense the phenomenon has not yet been found in the international sphere where all nations in the world are virtually living in the situation of not far from anarchy. The second is that people have the freedom to move from one place to another place, but they do not have the same freedom to do so among countries. That said, hence, the same action or policy executed would lead to different outcomes on national level and international level. Economic freedom the liberal economics emphasizes is the one under certain rules, which excludes such an action that might hurt others, so that the pursuance of self-interests will simultaneously enhance social welfare. Heretofore, these rules could be approximately realized only when there ais a government. As with discussions of international affairs, therefore, we should pay attention to the change of meaning of Freedom. Our purpose here is to try to come up with likely ways of establishing rules necessary whereby the mutual benefits would result, or the actions to hurt others may not only lead to an unfair distribution of wealth, but also decrease the global welfare (including that of ones who hurt others’ interests) by the damaging of ones to others and the retaliating of ones who were hurt together. For our analysis, we select hedge funds, financial markets and nation-states as the protagonists among many others in the crisis. What makes the selection intriguing is that the three of them not only are three kinds of different institutions, but also represent three groups of people. We will thus search for the possible answers to the financial crisis amidst the interaction between the institutions and the groups of people. 1. A Nation-State And A Monetary System A monetary system is a kind of institution, which as a public good is provided by a nation-state. A nation-state is no more than the specific embodiment of a government, a kind of institutional arrangement, in nowadays world, for governments respectively offers protections to peoples who are differentiated from each other by historical, cultural or biological factors. The intriguing issues raised so far have been: why a monetary system is a kind of public good that corresponds to the domain of a nation-state and what sort of factors prevents it from becoming universal? What kind of role does a government play in the operation of a monetary system? Long before, people started to realize the benefit of a currency with insufficient value, since 1 it could circumvent a plight where the growth of economy would be depressed by a short supply of precious metals. Once a currency of insufficient value comes into being, especially many of them, a tendency of “adverse selection” in which badies replace goodies would nonetheless ensue, which will invariably create the instability in a monetary system1. As the functions of a currency entail among other things the stabilization in its value, a government backed by force will with no choice but monopolize its issuing so as to guarantee the stable value. Along with a lengthy evolution of the currency that is ultimately settled upon the paper money, such a government action that enforces the credit of the money in circulation will be required even further. Once such a currency with insufficient value being accepted by people, the issuer of the currency can without doubt pocket the sure profits so induced, normally called seigniorage, which equals the difference between the face value of the currency and the producing cost. As the seigniorage is usually collected by the government of a nation, the wealth generated as such should be owned by the whole people of the nation. If, however, the government forwent the right of issuing to another nation, it would be tantamount to depriving its people enjoying what should belong to them. This is one of the important reasons why a nation-state has to issue its own currency. Another reason has to be the impossibility of free flow of population between countries. Suppose there were only one currency in circulation in the world with free flow of commodities and the capital. The money supply of one country would as a result be determined by its trade balance, surplus or deficit (Peter Lindert and Charles Kindleberger, 1985, p.360), which in turn would rely primarily upon the productivity of tradable good's sector. As such, some countries running trade surpluses would have more currency in circulation, whereas others with trade deficits would end up with the shortage of the money supply. If the imbalance in the productivity of trading nations remains, the situation with money supply will be here to stay for probably a long period, enough to check the growth of those economies with short supply of the currency. The free flow of money and capital would enlarge the difference of money supplies between nation-states, for the nature of capital makes it seeking for the profits in the flourishing regions or industries (Gottfried Haberler, 1963, pp.434-481). One of the relatively quicker adjustments to the situation is a free flow of population, namely migration. Yet in the present world, the proposition has been a bit out of the question. Consequently, a nation would be much better off to have its own currency up in operation. In abstractive terms, the target of money supply is to materialize all the transactions that would lead to the full employment of the resources available, including labor, mediated by the currency in circulation. To achieve such a target does not necessarily require a central government to issue the base money as much. Rather, it relies upon the financial markets that consist of two main categories in general: the equity market and the debt market (Frank J. Fabozzi and Franco Modigliani, 1998, p.11). With the complementary effect of the two, the financial markets as a whole will push the money supply to its limit in an economy, namely, to the last transaction that depends on the intermediary of money or the productive activity related to that transaction. As market participants realize that the debt instruments based on currency issued by government have their credits as high that they themselves can be used as means of payment, these instruments thus possess the functions of money as they continuously change hands in money and/or capital markets. In particular, the existence of banking system can expand the 1 In the long history of China, almost from the age of Spring and Auturm and War States to that of Republic of China, we may from time to time find the situation of coexistence of various currencies, of flooding of iligel minting, thus of bad currency’s driving out good one, and as the results, the confusion of menetary system and chaos of society. See Shi Yufu, 1984. 2 money supply by a multiple of the injection of base money, as the system can repeatedly create deposits by making loans which then become new deposits except a portion of reserve ( John Commonce, 1983, Volume II, pp.1-86 ). In addition, the financial markets through the exchange of financial instruments constantly searches for and probes the boundaries of money supply. Under the ideal circumstances, an economic activity accomplished with an arrangement of the market for debt will be deemed efficient so long as the rate of return of an economic activity is not lower than the market interest rate which is at the level of so called natural interest rate that reflects the typical consumer’s time preference between current and future consumption. When the market rate is equal to the marginal productivity, hence, an equilibrium between the money supply and money demand that represents the economic activities in a society would be reached ( John Commonce, 1983, pp.248-58). In reality, however, economic activities are not as simple as they look like that, since the modern circuitous production mode prolongs the cycle and hence increases risks. Should such risks be too high, the debt market could not operate in its normal function, as unredeemable debts could not only destroy the market credit, but also lead to a contraction of money supply. In consequence, the market on one hand applies means of collateral to reduce risk. On the other hand, it pushes those financial transactions involving economic activities with too high risks to the equity market that, distinct from the debt market, does not have the redemptive problem so that it would not cause a contraction of money supply once an incident of loss occurred. In brief, the cost of capital would become prohibitively high and money supply would be constantly under a severe pressure if there were no existence of the debt market. On the other hand without the equity market, financing those economic activities with too high risks would either become next to the impossible, or the transaction of debt is riskier than normal, and leads to instability in the supply of money. An equity market is such an institutional arrangement that avoids the instability in the monetary system because of high risks, while finances those economic activities with high risks. The scales of the two markets, furthermore, are inter-related at a certain proper ratio that is determined by their relative prices. Therefore, there is a sensitive relation between the prices of the two markets. In the perspective of international economy, the monetary system of one nation can not be in the state of complete independence. The flow of commodities and capitals will invariably have impacts on the money supply of a nation. Given a certain monetary policy, a surplus or deficit in a trade balance will increase or reduce money supply directly in a country, and a loan from a foreign bank will be multiplied (such as the effect of a US dollar loan in Europe, see Peter Lindert and Charles Kindleberger, 1985, pp.443-8). Such a phenomenon will naturally tie a currency of one nation to those of others. The relative prices (i.e., the exchange rates) of currencies will fluctuate just like those of common commodities do. The level of exchange rate is related with the trade balance as well as with the level of the domestic money supply that can be judged by the real interest rate (i.e., the difference between nominal interest rate and inflation rate) of an economy. Hence, rates of interest and of exchange are sensitively related to each other if currencies may be convertible. As for the government of a nation-state, one of the public goods that it should provide is the effectiveness and stability of its monetary system. As the financial markets have a function of creating money and of probing the boundary of money supply, the government should foster the development of the markets, while recur to their force. To do so will lead to a higher efficiency of the monetary system, thus every one unit of currency may work with a larger multiplier. Insofar as international effects are concerned, moreover, uncertainty has been and will remain the dominant feature in the global economy. The external factors can sometimes propel the development of an economy (e.g., via trade surplus), and sometimes restrict it (e.g., 3 via capital flight), or even threaten the stability in the monetary system of a nation-state (e.g., via shocks of international hot money). A government in considering its monetary policy, therefore, must take into account the policies regarding the trade and exchange rate while keeping external factors in mind. The paradox a government faces has been that if the economy becomes wide-open, it will be subject to all sorts of external shocks that will not only induce instability to the internal markets, but also offset the effectiveness of domestic economic policies. However, if the government regulates its international economic affairs, for instance, with imposing a fixed rate on foreign exchange, its domestic macro-policy might meet a dilemma. For example, a government may usually raise the interest rate of the domestic currency when a trade deficit occurs, but the result is to reduce the money supply that has already been tight. Therefore, there is no a certain conclusion in the modern international economics about what kind of exchange rate policy should be adopted by a government (Peter Lindert and Charles Kindleberger, 1985, pp.406-431). Nevertheless, there is at least one point clear that the monetary system of a country is not only founded on the fiat currency, but also needed fine-tuning and protection through various policy mixes. 2. Financial Markets and Hedge Funds Rather than being dry in perception, the financial markets as a kind of institutions are vividly made up of a group of people whose pursuance of maximizing self-interests engender the function of the market in allocation of resources in society, and bestows upon it an indispensable status in the monetary system. In the modern period, the financial markets, through their innovations of financial instruments and organizations, such as the financial securitization and the emergence of stock exchange, continually lowers transaction costs that in turn enhances the efficiency of the monetary system. The benefits brought about by these innovations have been shared out within as well as without of the markets. Driven by their interests, the markets have been exhibiting the vigor in their continuous innovation. Such interests, however, are not always running in the same direction as that of society. The benefit of a stock exchange, for example, is closely related to the volume of the trade. In other words, the larger the volume, the higher the commission it obtains. As a result, there is enough incentive involved in the innovation as to increase the trade volume. Insofar as a society is concern, it is not always the case that the benefits go along with the volume. Exuberant growth of the credits or excess investments, for example, may break a delicate balance in an economy. From an economics’ viewpoint, only those transactions proved to go a long way towards improving the market efficiency can be acceptable, or they would not be much different from the Las Vegas’ zero-sum game: it is like a transaction, but has no function to increase efficiency. A competent government, therefore, would exercise a great caution as to the innovation of the financial markets. Ever since the 70s when the first financial futures contract came into being in Chicago Board of Trade with the purpose of increasing the volume of trade, the innovations of the financial markets thereafter have been centered around the financial instrument of Futures and Option, called “financial derivatives”. Nevertheless, these innovations have only been legalized after the intense investigation (i.e., public hearings and inquiries) conducted by American Securities Commission (Frank J. Fabozzi and Fanco Modigliani, 1998, p.306). One of the principal reasons for their legalization has been that these financial derivatives can serve as hedging exposure risks contained in financial transactions, and hence can be regarded as an improvement in the efficiency from the economics’ point of view. 4 However, things will start to take an about-turn when these financial derivatives intertwine with one kind of innovation in financial organizations – the rise of Hedge Fund, which has come alongside the financial derivatives. The original purpose of the fund, though, is to hedge the exposure risks in financial transactions, once in operation, some of them ( represented by Soros’ Quantum Fund )2 have gradually found the attributes of the derivatives previously unknown that can be used in their profit making. The first attribute (taking the option as an example) is that it can be used to leverage a larger transaction with a certain quantity of capital to influence the market prices, provided the transaction is large enough (see Figure 1)3. The second one is that as a buyer of an option contract has the right, but does not have the obligation, the buyer of the contract does not have to actually exercise it if the strike price on the date of delivery is not favorable (see Lawrance Galitz, 1998, pp.193-8). This kind of arrangement lowers the buyer’s risk while encourage people to invest more riskily (i.e., speculation). The third that actually makes it much easier for the hedge funds to speculate later on is that, the larger the deviation of the strike price of an option from the spot price of the object asset upon it the option bases, the lower the price of the option contract is (John C. Hull, 1997, p.161) . Figure 1 D S S’ P P’ Q Q’ The hedge funds may drive down the prices through increasing quantity of supply. To increase quantity of supply equals to move the supply curve from S to S’, then the quantity of transaction from Q to Q’, and the price therefore from P to P’. When a hedge fund has a firm grip of the attributes of the derivatives, its investment strategy will start to change. The original hedging portfolio begins to evolve to such a strategy that will obtain profits by manipulating prices of related financial markets through trading large transactions. In the previous section, we have pointed out that there exists a sensitive relationship between prices of different financial markets, which can also be expressed with mathematical formulas. The relationship between the price of the stock market and that of the money market, for example, is expressed as follows, Sm = (p / i ) Sb Where: Sm = market price of a stock; p = rate of profits; i = interest rate; Sb = book value of a stock. ( see David W. Pearce ed., 1988, pp. 545-6 ) In the same manner, the relationship between the price of the currency market and that of the money market can be formulated as, ef (1 + ia ) = es (1 + ib) There are a lot of types of hedge funds, most of them are still “traditional” (see Yi Gang, Zhao Xiao and Jiang Huiqin, 1999; Van hedge fund advisors international, 1999(a)). What are discussed here are those represented by George Soros’s Quantum Fund. 3 Along with the repetition of operations and accumulation of experience, people gradually realised that the financial derivatives could bring a new force for a trader. For instance, Nick Leeson, the famous rogue trader who was in charge for the closing down of Barings Bank, acknowledges that he intended to make the price moving towards the direction which he desired by trading a large quantity of futures (1996, p.144, p.198). Afterward, people clearly realise the impact of transactions of financial derivatives, and use the transactions as a one of means to make profit in the financial markets. 2 5 Where: ef = es = ia = ib = forward exchange rate; spot exchange rate; domestic interest rate; foreign interest rate ( quoted from Rao Yuqing, 1983, p.325)4 The knowledge about these relationships are regarded as a kind of public one and written into many textbooks in economics or finance. However people in the past view these relationships only as the results of interactions between markets. It is who the central bank of a country may use this kind of relationships, for instance, to influence prices in its stock markets, currency markets and others by adjusting the rediscount rate. What the hedge funds represented by Soros innovate, is that they assume that if price in one market (e.g., the currency market) was sharply changed for a short period, that of another market may be also changed correspondingly. With a proper portfolio of the investment, the hedge funds could possibly squeeze the profits out of various markets in which favorable price movements take place. Of course, the so called “beauty contest” effect after the social panic button being pressed could also be included in their strategy as it would further induce instability to the market prices. The financial derivatives have indeed been a centerpiece in the process of manipulating the markets. The kind of strategy, though not yet to be told openly, can possibly be seen in a few typical showcases. In May 1997, for example, the Thai currency, baht, was under attack by the hedge funds, in that they sold short the currency on hand and option in large quantity. On the other hand, they purchased beforehand the put option on baht at exchange rate before baht devaluated. The linchpin of the success in this investment combination is a devaluation of baht, and they made it. Another showcase is the attack on HK currency, but in a slightly different fashion as the target this time is stock prices with interest rate being the intermediary. First, the hedge funds purchased the put option in the stock market, and then sold the currency in large quantity in the spot. As the SAR government bent over backwards to protect the exchange peg, the interest rate sky-rocketed, and this in turn crashed the share prices in the stock market. The hedge funds succeeded again. As the investment strategy of the hedge funds changes, so is the role of the institution. It is thus about time in the aftermath of the financial “mayhem” for its activities to be put under a close scrutiny of whether being in line with the interests of society and up to of global welfare. In the perspective of economics, price manipulation will bring about inefficiency, since firstly, it distorts the market signal for the allocation of resources. Secondly, a large amplitude of price fluctuation in the financial market within the short period would induce instability to the monetary system, and could even lead to its total collapse. A theory of economics points out that a stable pricing system is more efficient than an unstable one (Peter Lindert and Charles Kindleberger, 1985, pp.554-8 ). And the collapse of monetary system may further lead to the damage of real economy. Indeed, it is hardly a mistake in the real world to match the manipulating behavior to that of monopolists in general, since the core rule of the typical monopoly is the same as to rig market prices by its sheer quantity so as to attain the profits so generated. The difference, however, is that as one of the financial institutions, hedge funds have the scale unmatchable to that of typical monopolistic monsters in the good's market, and the duration of manipulating transactions is much shorter. It might be for this difference that the hedge funds are still at large with less condemn and no restrictions imposed5. Nevertheless, there is one thing clear that the monopolistic behavior, be it in financial markets or in general, runs in counter to the 4 About the relationship between interest rate and exchange rate, Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld have discussed in detail in their work, International Economics: Theory and Policy ( 1998, pp.352-5 ) 5 In fact, there is a few economists, such as Pual Krugman, to have pointed the nature of market manipulation of the hedge funds, and to claim regulating it (1998). 6 rules of the market. 3. Mercantilism and International currency As we have talked about, the balance of trade can have an impact on the money supply of a country. Hence, a trade policy, to a certain extent, also has the function of a monetary policy. The truth could not go any further in the extreme case of existing only one currency in the world where a trade policy would be the sole monetary policy. In fact, we can from this perspective get hold of the long lasting mercantilism that has existed ever since the outset of the modern era. In the early period of the modern history, the current account of the trade between countries was settled by a precious metal, such as silver. Thus, it will not be wrong if only one currency is assumed in the world economy then. Under such circumstances, the regular trade surplus would be entailed if the money supply for sustaining the speed of the growth in a nation was maintained. This has in one way explained why the countries with rapid economic growth are those who have successfully exercised the notion of mercantilism. The trade policy of mercantilism, to a certain extent, can be regarded as the expansionary monetary policy. As being long pointed out by Keynes, mercantilism goes a long way towards the economic growth of a nation as it not only creates overseas markets for domestic products, but also increases domestic investment by reducing interest rate ( 1963, pp.285-6 ). The modern international economics also attests that under the fixed exchange rate, a trade surplus is tantamount to a direct increase in money supply (Peter Lindert and Charles Kindleberger, 1985, pp.360-1 ). Yet, to sustain the money supply is not a sole objective for adopting mercantile policy. In the world of being fraught with many different and vying nation-states, a free trade policy, though, will bring about an enhancement of the national welfare that mainly reflects from consumers’ surplus via lowering prices of commodities. Such welfare cannot be gathered together in a way that would form a so-called “state capacity”. Mercantilism could nonetheless do the job through currency based wealth (i.e., precious metals or foreign currencies) that can be controlled and mobilized by a central management, and thus has a strong implication in international political economy. In other words, such a wealth will affect in the power struggle among various vying nation-states6. In return, the state capacity is not only able to “promote” the trade and maintain the firmness of a currency, but also capable of protecting domestic industry and impairing that of rival countries, and thus locate the nation to the further advantageous position. Among the nations that have made their rises in succession from the early modern age onward, be it Spain, England, France, or U.S.A, Japan, and so-called four tigers of East Asia, are there no exceptions as to adopting mercantilism7. Suppose, however, that all nations in the world equipped themselves with mercantilism, then no sustained trade surplus would be available. Why the sort of policy can exist is that there have to be some countries who do not adopt the same, as they can in one way or another bear up their trade deficits for a long lasting period. Such a kind of countries are either those who were enforced to unilaterally curried out the free trade policy because of being defeated 6 Hence, the pursuit of mercantilists, as Keynes points out straight from the shoulder, is State interests and the relative growth in State capacity (Keynes, 1963, p.295). 7 About the history of the mercantilism in these countries, especially in Britain, see Chen Xiwen’s work, A Research on Britain’s Economic Reform and Policies in Sixteenth Century (1995, pp.156-83), Joseph A. Schumpeter’s work, History of Economic Analysis ( 1996, pp.500-52 ), W.W. Rostow, How It All Began: Origins of the Modern Economy ( 1997, pp.31-86), and L. S. Stavrianos’s work, Global Rift: The Third World Comes of Age (First Volume, pp.178-83 ), and so on. 7 or occupied, such as China, India8; or those who have status of so called “money hegemony”. The currency of a money hegemony had and has in time been accepted by its trading partners as the means of payment and storing value. With the shift in the form of money, there has been being an evolution in the form of international currency. In the early stage, the role of the international currency was assumed by a certain precious metal that had been incidentally found by some countries like Spain. As time went by, the role had increasingly been interwoven with a nation’s economic and military power. By the time of the rise of British Empire, the international currency in circulation had started to shake off the precious metal contained, as the British realized that the currency supply backed by the government decree could be multiplied so long as a certain proportion of precious metals was kept as reserves. Hence, for the first time in the evolvement of the international currency, the seigniorage was collected by British Sterling. Since the end of the WWII when U.S. became dominant in economic, political and military sphere, the role of the international currency has subsequently been settled upon the U.S. dollars. After the collapse of the Briton Woods system in the 70s when the dollar disconnected with the gold standard, and finally was supported only by the economic, political, and military power of the country, thus more seigniorage was collected for every dollar. Because of seigniorage, the currency hegemony could tolerate the trade deficit. In fact, it is the trade deficit that is the main way for the currency hegemony to issue the dollar to the world. A kind of equilibrium between mercantile countries and the “currency hegemony” has as a result temporarily reached. In the long run perspective, however, such equilibrium would hardly be sustained. On one hand, the mercantile policy can not be implemented for a long run, since it would at finally result inflation, increment of the cost of labor, and the low interest rate (i.e., excess of capital)9. In consequence, competitiveness in the external sector would be weakened and the trade-induced stagnation would slowly wear the economy down. On the other hand, the indefinite tolerance of the mercantile behavior will create an uneven playing field that would in the long run weaken or even destroy the domestic industries of the “currency hegemony” country, and might make it decline, even it once had relatively strong economic strength. In the modern history, there are some countries that successfully carried out the policy of mercantilism, and achieve the position of superpower, including currency hegemony, such as Britain and United States, and there also are some countries that paid the costs of the mercantilism, and fell down, such as Spain. As for those countries who still keep a firm hold on the policy of mercantilism, therefore, it would be better off for them to opt gradually change their protectionist policy and make efforts to shift their currencies to be the international currencies. On the other hand, regarding those so called “currency hegemonies”, what they should do is to reduce the long-term trade deficits and find other way to issue their currencies to the world. After the WWII, the United States can be regarded as the country with the status of “currency hegemony”, whereas Japan and other Asian states can be seen as newly established mercantile countries whose rapid growth has indeed been heavily assisted by the U.S. economy, that is, the U.S. market that has endured constant trade deficits. In fact, the smog of the Cold War has reinforced the atmosphere where the U.S. in consideration of international political strategy had by and large countenanced the kind of mercantilism. What the States is For example, during 1864 to 1948, China had only 8 years’ trade surplus in the 85 years ( Lu Chuanding, 1985, table 4-14, table 5-1, table 6-1, table 7-10, table 7-11 ) 9 Keynes has said, it would have negative effects, decreasing of cost and increasing of interest rate in foreign countries as well as increasing of cost and decreasing of interest rate in home country, if the mercantilist policy would be carried out excessively ( 1963,p286 ) 8 8 worried, however, is that the speed with which these countries developed is too rapid. In order to avoid the situation where its domestic industries become a sort of sacrifice of the mercantile behavior, the United States has since pressed hard for the adoption of the free trade policy. Not only would such a policy benefit consumers of all nations, but also could benefit U.S. itself. On the other hand, the United States may not desire the reduction in the seigniorage because of that in trade deficit. Another way of issuing US dollars is to provide the U.S.-dollar loan to foreign countries. Therefore, the argument of “free flow of capital” implies the interest of the United States. In addition, from the pure currency point of view, there is an existence of the implicit imbalance within the balance between mercantilism and “currency hegemony”. The currency with the international status has unmatchable higher generality than others in the global transaction. Such a difference can be shown with an analogy in that a domestic currency possesses higher generality than a commodity, even though currency itself is a kind of commodity. As we can manipulate the prices of commodities with a kind of domestic currency, people can also rig the prices (e.g., exchange rate) of the national currencies by exploiting this property of an international currency to the full in their interests. Therefore, it is easy for us to find that it is the US dollar that is the materials used by the managers of hedge funds, such as Soros, to attack the monetary systems in Asian countries. 4. Attacks upon Nation-State by Hedge Funds Being maximizers of self-interests, the hedge funds’ managers would choose those nation-states with the most vulnerable monetary system the as best targets. Such nation-states thus possess their particular features. Firstly, the economies, especially the financial markets, of these counties are relatively small with scale. On one hand, therefore, the hedge funds could possibly achieve the maximum outcome, that is, the favorable movement of the market prices, with a certain amount of a currency. On the other, it could also minimize the costs associated with financing an attack, provided the target level of the price movement, that would usually be easier to be obtained in small economies, is given. Secondly, there is the existence of the problems with macro-fundamentals as well as balance of payments, such as inflation, trade deficits and so on. In other words, a strategic timing of an attack on a financial market should be chosen in this kind of period. Thirdly, fiscal problems in both governments and enterprises are prevailing in these economies, which are reflected on, for example, a diminishing return to the capital invested, too high the ratio of leverage, and their debts to be exposed to the risk of insolvency, and so forth. Finally, at tactics' level, the time of day to launch an attack is when the debts would be matured. Insofar as the Asian financial turmoil is concerned, the countries having been under the attack, in general, are those with similar characteristics. These economies and their money supplies are much smaller compared with that of U.S ( see Figure 2 ). As these nations ( except Singapore ) had reached the final stage of mercantilism, their domestic prices were rising, labor costs were creeping up, and trade deficits were emerging. In 1996, the proportion of trade deficits in the GDPs of Thailand, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea and Indonesia are respectively as 7.9%, 11.6%, 4.8%, 2.4%,7.4% and 3.1%10. Under the policy of mercantilism for a long time, the profit rate went down because of more and more severe competition in the world market; the ratio of assets-liability of firms in almost all these 10 Hong Kong is a very particular region. Until 1997, it was governed by Britain, so it could not carry out the mercantilism policy as an independent political entity did, it was a free port in surface. However, the way of its growing up is similar to that of other countries of East Asia. Therefore, Hong Kong may be regarded as a “final stage of mercantilism” region in 1996: the cost of labour went up, and trade deficit increased. 9 countries was plummeted to a dangerously low level, since most of them adopted the debt financing strategy during the period of rapid growth when the market risk was relatively small with imitating and learning tactics; and firms had no sense about financial risk under a fixed or peg exchange-rate system, thus did not hedge their foreign debts. Figure 2 GDPs and M1s of East Asian countries ( 1996, taking those of U.S. as 100%) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Thailand Hong Kong GDP 0.025 0.021 0.014 M1 0.033 0.06 0.017 Philipins South Korea Indonisia U.S.A. 0.013 0.011 0.066 0.031 1 0.018 0.01 0.049 0.026 1 Malaysia Singapore Besides the foregoing, under the pressure of the “liberalization of capital”, those countries have abruptly and disorderly opened up their capital markets. The inflow of foreign loans on one hand made the domestic monetary policy lose efficacy and lead to a inflation, on the other hand increased a large quantity of reckless short term debts (such as the situation in Thailand, see Kirida Bhaopichitr, 1999) All of these made Thailand and other southeast Asian countries, since the beginning of 1997, the best targets of the hedge funds. In fact, it can be argued that the massive problems associated with these economies would have been dealt with by their governments, the markets, or both, but by and large with soft handed approaches, even if without the attack by the hedge funds. These approaches, for 10 example, could take the form of fiscal, trade, exchange rate or tariff adjustments, so that they would lead to an alignment between the macro-fundamentals and the trade balance. Nonetheless, on one hand, the governments have lost their measures of policies for their opening the financial markets at improper time. On the other hand, the hedge funds would prefer the sharpness of price-fluctuation rather than a moderate price-adjustment. They launched attacks. The key step of the attacks is to affect the price by selling a large quantity of financial products in a financial market (e.g., currency market), which results the price to be sharply changed to the direction the funds expect. It would consequently bear off two possible approaches by the government of an attacked country, one is to protect the current fixed exchange regime, resulting in the hick of market interest rate and a subsequent fall in the price of the stock market; the other is to float the exchange rate after a futile attempt to protect it, causing a large depreciation of domestic currency. If the hedge funds could foresee either of the outcomes, profits would be within reach. However, both outcomes will on the other hand bring damage to the real economies of the countries under the attack. Firstly, the victory of the hedge funds is based on the cost of loss of firms and even governmental agencies. They would go bankruptcies in the term of finance because of the losses. Secondly, the prices of the financial markets (exchange rate, interest rate, and prices of stocks) are the important parameters of the businesses of the firms and other economic organizations. Once these parameters were sharply changed, the structures of assets and liabilities of economic organizations were thrown into confusion, some of them could not survive in term of finance even if they were healthy in the term of technology. For instance, a large depreciation of domestic currency equals a sharp increment of foreign debt, which would result the insolvency; the rise of interest rate cause the financial cost of a firm to go up; and a fall of stock prices may shrink the asset of the firm which hold stock to be its asset. Once some firms and financial organizations could not repay their debts at term, other debts at once become matured debts. They have to go bankruptcies. A bankruptcy means the default of debts and leads to other bankruptcies of the creditors with poor financial condition. Chain reaction occurs. A large number of bankruptcies worsen the crisis in two respects. In the respect of real economy, the bankruptcy of firms means disintegration of the production factors that have once been put together, discontinuity of the process of the production or service, and the reduction of social output. In the respect of monetary term, the bankruptcies of firms, especially of financial institutions, discharge of liability, and the destruction of credit by default of debts, may lead to a deflation in the whole society, for most of money is constitute of debts. On the other hand, a great deal of capital flight under the condition of the depreciation of the domestic currency furthers the deflation, since foreign currency has been a part of money supply under the condition of free flow of capital. The damaged real economy may in return affect the deteriorated financial markets. The accretion of losses and bankruptcies of firms may directly lead to the fall of stock prices; the weakening of domestic economy may further the depreciation of the domestic currency. And the more disadvantaged prices of the financial markets again worsen the business circumstances of enterprises. The deflation reduces the total demand of the country, thus strikes the real economy again. Along the process of a positive feedback of worse and worse, an economy rapidly goes down to the bottom. At an extreme, the collapse of monetary system and real economy may result political and social crisis, even lead to the government of a country (even a big country such as Russia) going bankruptcy11. Keynes said, “To destroy its monetary system is the most excellent and most efficient way, if one want to overthrow a current social fundamental. This process can stimulate all potentialities of destroying economic orders, and to do so in a way that no one can diagnose it.” This economist who know the secret of monetary system very 11 11 It is obvious for us that the prices of the financial markets would continuously change towards the direction the hedge funds expect only when the disturbance of those prices causes the damage to the real economy and the monetary system. Therefore, the more grievous the destruction to the economy of country under attack is, the more advantage to the hedge funds who launch the attack. As the result, there would be redistribution between the hedge funds and the state-nations. In the term of fairness, what the hedge funds gain is next to monopolistic profit if we regard their behavior is similar to that of monopoly. As what the circle of economics acknowledges, the monopolistic profit is made as an unfair redistribution. The reason the mainstream economics has less condemn to the kind of profit is that not only it is not easy to be aware of the monopolistic feature of the manipulation by the hedge funds, but also their transactions seem to be accord with convention of the market. In a market, prices either rise or fall, economic agents either win or lose. Why people are willing to tolerate loss is that they deem in general a market not only provides equal opportunities to all agents, but also is an efficient mechanism to allocate resources, as long as there is no any to manipulate prices. However, once prices are manipulated, not only the opportunities for people to the game are not equal, but also the markets themselves, including monetary system, are destroyed, so is the efficiency of the markets. Therefore, the gain of the hedge funds by manipulating prices is a kind of unfair income, which costs a larger damage of losers and the losing efficacy of the monetary system and economic mechanism: a net loss of global welfare. Following the analysis above, we may deduce that some monetary transactions may lead to a consequence of hurting fairness as well as damaging efficiency, although those transactions seem to be fair in the surface. Fernand Braudel once pointed out that “the money is a measure of exploit others both in home and abroad "(1992, p.522). We may discover that the transactions of money can become a means of plunder, if we notice that the significant difference between currencies, and different ways to trade currencies. As discussed above, US dollar as an international currency may be the means of manipulating the prices of other currencies. Recurring to financial derivatives, advanced information technology, and modern credit system, the hedge funds may obtain money at much cheaper cost. With such a cheaper currency, one may rob the currency with higher cost from general residents and firms just like making staggering profits by manipulating in a particular commodity with a general currency12. 5. Several Possible Consequences and International Political Economics Now, we start to base our thinking on the larger picture, that is, the global community with different nation-states as individual units of this enlarged society. Our first set of questions asked thus is, what will be the consequence for the community if the hedge funds are on the loose, continuing its manipulation as well as speculation in financial markets? Under such circumstances, how many options are there for the global community, or a nation-state for that matter? And what impact will each of the options result in? The second set of questions is what the total global welfare and what kind of redistribution among different nation-states will eventuate under the different options? The last is, whether or not it is likely under the present international political setting for the world community to agree upon a scenario as to maximize the global welfare? As with the first set of questions, there would be about 4 options for the global community or a nation state: 1) adopting a hands-off approach; 2) setting up rigorous regulations, such as well had revealed the whole process discussed above. 12 A story that Fernand Braudel tells may help us to understand the kind of practice of making money with money: In 17 century, Portuguese discovered a kind of money called “cinbo” made of shells, “Portuguese considered thoughtfully: they controlled the “field of manufacturing money”, that is the fishing ground of producing cinbo around Loanda in 1650. This kind of money devalued 90% from 1575 to 1650 (translated from Chinese version, 1992, p.525). 12 returning to fixed exchange regime with a strict restriction on capital or even currency flow, for the transnational financial activities, and banning all transactions with derivatives; 3) opting tit-for-tat strategies, namely a government intervention in the currency market by counter buying or selling domestic currency; 4) applying an targeted approach with policy instruments, that is, restricting the behavior of price rigging in financial markets while ensuring the normal flow of currencies and capitals. In concern of the first option, the result would spell the eventual collapse of the global financial markets and great economic depression. It would be more and more resources entering into the field of financial speculation, because of the success of hedge funds13. Meanwhile, however, this tendency may reduce the possibility of success to manipulate prices of markets, since it may lower the degree of certainty of the investment strategies. The main reason why hedge funds can succeed is that its expectation bears high degree of certainty when the number of them in actual price rigging is small. The players, therefore, are more capable of “foreseeing” a subsequent price movement. With the number increasing, however, the degree of certainty would decrease as the strategies applied by various hedge funds can exert offsetting or reinforcing effect in the same market. Even they operate in different markets, one sure operation in one market by one hedge fund could possibly create an uncertain outcome for another since prices of different markets are inextricably related. This makes the hedge funds harder and harder to be profitable14 with higher and higher risk, and may lead to the fall of the hedge fund itself who engages the manipulation (e.g. the failure of Long Term Capital Management in U.S.). When some hedge funds go bankruptcies, those commercial banks as their creditors may go downfall because of huge loss. Then the crisis in the financial market combined with “credit crunch” will in turn eat into the real economies, especially that of the United States, in which most of hedge funds are originated and developed. Together with crisis of East Asia, Russia and Latin Americas, the collapse of American economy may at last lead to another great depression of the world. Regarding the second or third option, they are indeed a kind of reaction to the behavior of the hedge funds. The main difference, in general, is that the former is rather passive whereas the latter is with a more active approach. The second option, though greatly insulating an economy from the possible external shocks and enhancing the effectiveness of domestic policy instruments, will cut off the normal flow of capital, that will in turn reduce the degree of efficiency in allocation of international financial resources. Furthermore, the global financial system and the international specialization would be disintegrated if more and more countries adopt such a policy. As for the third, it could immediately leave a government, or financial institutions for the matter, to a higher degree of risk expose, and what is more, would aggravate the financial and economic crisis caused by the manipulation of hedge funds. Comparing to the first three, the last option is much more positive, as it on one hand regulates certain financial activities so as to restrain or eliminate the behavior of market manipulation and thus prevent the global financial system from moving toward systemic breakdown. On the other hand, it ensures a healthy flow of global capital and currencies that will in turn enhance the efficiency of allocation of global financial resources. Coming to the second set of questions, in terms of the total global welfare, the first and the third option would unfortunately bring the worst result to the world community, since the 13 Data support this judgement. Statistic by Van Hedge Fund Advisors International (Nashville) in U.S. shows that from 4th Quarter of 1993 to 3rd Quarter of 1998, the returns of the top ten of hedge funds in U.S. is higher by 14.4% than those of mutual funds, and those of top 10% of hedge funds is higher by 38% than those of mutual funds (Van Hedge Fund Advisors International). 14 Also Data and information show that the performance of the hedge funds has been getting worse and worse since 1998. See Van Hedge Fund Advisors International,1999b;CCTV,1999。 13 systemic breakdown so induced in both financial and real economy will directly forgo part of the global output, thus constitute a net loss to the welfare. About the second option, which by and large blocks the free flow of global capital and thus checks the enhancement of allocating efficiency, it could be anything but ideal. To the increment of the global welfare, the fourth option, by rather adequately dealing with the disadvantageous fallout of the free flow of the global capital, becomes the only contributor among all. As with the issue of redistribution among different nation-states, the first option is in favor of financially developed western countries, especially United States with the status of “currency hegemony”, and prejudiced against newly industrialized countries or regions. This is because, firstly, the hectic activities of hedge funds in speculation and the increment of trade volume brought about by the derivatives will yield great benefits to the financial sector. Secondly, the profits obtained by the hedge funds’ manipulation in external financial markets will ultimately end up in their native countries. Thirdly, the gain of hedge funds through attacking mercantile nation-states (e.g., most of East Asian countries) represents, to a certain extent, the redistribution of the wealth achieved by the mercantile policy in the form of foreign currency reserve back to the countries with the status of “currency hegemony," thus alleviates the acuteness of problem in their trade deficits. Fourthly, the continuing instability in the international monetary system resulting from the attack by hedge funds will inevitably persuade more and more people in other countries to adopt U.S. dollar as a means of transaction and storing value. Such a so-called “Dollarization”15 will implicitly broaden the seigniorage base for the U.S. government. Although the second and the third option lessen the benefits accrued to the countries with the status of “currency hegemony” while reduce the damage to other countries, they would also cost the inefficiency of capital allocation and increment of financial risks. Hence, it will be the fourth option that is much fairer in terms of the redistribution, especially in the long run, even though it is not as favorable as with the first option to those financially developed countries immediately. To say so reflects the truth that by restraining the price rigging activities in financial markets, it will bring the stability into the international monetary system, which will no doubt benefit all. However, in the perspective of international political economy, it is more than difficult to have the fourth option implemented, even though it is the best choice on hand. This is because, firstly, there is an intense competition for the international capital and financial transactions among financial centers and among different nation-states. Regulations or restrictions of any sort on capital flow in one country will be more than likely to reduce the competitive edge over its rivals. Hence, it would be a rather futile attempt to regulate one way or another in a single country or region, or out of unanimity, since the competition will grossly weaken the efficacy of the very regulation16. Even those countries or regions having implemented some About Dollarization, see Stephen Fedora’s article, To lose or to dollarize, ( January 19, 1999 ); Reuters, Dollarization splits Latin Americans, ( January 31, 1999); Discussion and Research on it, see Steve H. Hanke and Kurt Schuler, A Dollarization Blueprint for Argentina, ( March 11, 1999 );Zhang Yuyan, Dollarization: reality, theories and implications of policies (1999). 15 16 In fact, from very beginning, there is the restriction on the quantities of the transaction of financial derivatives. In the United States, the Exchanges regulate the largest quantities of option contracts one investor holds. For instance, the quota of Digital Equipment Co.’s share is 8000 contracts when contracting (John Hull, 1997, p.149). Once crisis coming, many of the Exchanges impose automatically regulations on the derivatives transactions. For example, after the failure of Long Term Management, some countries and some financial institutions put some restrictions on derivatives transactions one after another. London Mental Exchange declared new order of transaction, preventing hedge funds and other speculators manipulate the markets by selling short. Japan revised its Security Transaction Law, forbidding beating down the prices of stocks by selling short. Before then, Hong Kong 14 kinds of regulations may loose the restrictions again because of competition between them, as in the case of rivalry between Hong Kong SAR and Singapore (Chen Dingyuan, 1998). Secondly, in an international society without a world government, a unanimous action of the global community entails vigorous participation of heavy weights – large countries with economic as well as political power. It is a bit unfortunate, however, that most of these countries are likely to be direct or indirect beneficiaries of manipulating activities of hedge funds. Hence, we can not expect, at least in the short run, that there is any incentive for them to carry out such a heavy duty of implementing the Option 4, that is to be united together for regulating financial manipulation. 6. Conclusion (1) Until today, almost all so-called “economic freedom” can be approximately realized only when there is a government. Therefore, in the international area we can not guarantee an economic activity, even being called “freedom”, is really one that lead to both efficiency and fairness, the true meaning of freedom, since there is no a world government in the international circumstance. (2) An efficient and stable monetary system is a kind of public goods, to which the government of any nation-state has responsibility to provide it and protect it carefully with institutional arrangements and policies. (3) Without a world government, the dream of free trade has never been realized in the world. The balance of international trade is not that of free trade but that between the mercantile countries and the “currency hegemony”. (4) The core strategy of the hedge funds is to manipulate the prices in the financial markets, which is a behavior similar to that of monopoly. Therefore, those managers of hedge funds represented by Soros are not the heroes of free market but its destroyers. (5) The gain of the hedge funds through financial speculation costs more losses of the people in the countries attacked, even including that of the collapse of the monetary system and the real economy. This results net loss of world welfare, including the damage of global financial system and real economy. Therefore, the behavior of manipulation by hedge funds is a kind of crime to those countries attacked and the world, which is like a behavior to kill an elephant for ivories. (6) Two factors facilitate the hedge funds’ manipulating behavior. One is the introduction of financial derivatives, which makes a quit large quantity of transaction reality; another is the status of “currency hegemony” for US dollar which is used as a weapon to attack those nation-states with much weaker currencies. (7) The solution to avoid the perspective of great depression in the world is to regulate the manipulating behavior by an international organization, which needs the unanimity of most countries, especially those dominant countries in the world. However, those countries have benefit from the result of financial speculation at least in short term, so we can not expect such a solution mentioned above to be carried out soon. (8) As to East Asian countries including China, this financial crisis tells us that, (a) the “East announced a series of regulations on short sale of stocks and holding quantities of futures, for purpose of guaranteeing fair play of transactions and restricting manipulations. The regulations also include the demand of disclosure of information to big traders, and the ceiling of loans provided by the commercial banks to hedge funds, and so no (Zhou Shuchun, 1998). However, once the crisis is over, those regulations may loose gradually. 15 Asia’s miracle” after WWII is just a particular case in the history of modern economic development; (b) the situation of monetary system and of financial institutions may in return affects the real economy heavily; (c) there is neither free trade nor free flow of capital with fairness in the world, because of absence of world government. The precondition of achieving economic freedom in the global level is a fair order of international economy. To form the order needs the participation of all countries including East Asian countries. References Chen Dingyuan, Two tigers strive with, one would be hurt: on fighting of futures indexes between Singapore and Hong Kong, Saying, Dec. 1, 1998; reprinted in Hong Kong Fax, Dec. 28, 1998; Chen Xiwen, Britain’s Economic Reform and Policies in Sixteenth Century, Press of Capital’s Normal University, 1995; David W. 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