1 BARRIERS TO THE USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA F. J. Harman L. J. Stocker I. Walker M. Stirling Murdoch University Murdoch Western Australia 6150 JUNE 1991 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE NO. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 TABLES 4 FIGURES 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 8 ABSTRACT 9 SUMMARY 10 RECOMMENDATIONS 16 CHAPTERS 18 1. 18 PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND WORK PROGRAMME 1.1 2. 3. BARRIERS TO THE DIFFUSION OF RENEWABLE ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES 18 1.2 BARRIERS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 19 1.3 PROJECT OBJECTIVES 19 1.4 WORK PROGRAMME 20 LITERATURE REVIEW 22 2.1 INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVES 22 2.2 AUSTRALIAN STUDIES 24 RENEWABLE ENERGY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 27 3.1 SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 27 3.2 WIND AND SOLAR ELECTRICITY GENERATION 27 3 4. 5. 6. 7. ENERGY SURVEYS: OBJECTIVES, HYPOTHESES AND METHODS 30 4.1 INTRODUCTION 30 4.2 OBJECTIVES AND HYPOTHESES 30 4.3 METHODS 32 WATER HEATING SYSTEM SURVEYS: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 35 5.1 SURVEY OF MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS 35 5.2 SURVEY OF HOUSEHOLDERS 39 5.3 DISCUSSION 62 PASTORAL LEASE SURVEY: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 66 6.1 RESPONDENTS 66 6.2 ELECTRICITY GENERATION 68 6.3 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION 76 6.4 SEPARATE RENEWABLE EQUIPMENT 76 6.5 FUTURE RENEWABLE ELECTRICITY GENERATION 77 6.6 WATER HEATING 6.7 DISCUSSION 80 85 RENEWABLE ENERGY IN REMOTE ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES 89 7.1 REMOTE ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES 89 7.2 USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY 89 7.3 PROVISION OF ENERGY SERVICES 90 7.4 BARRIERS TO THE USE OF RENEWABLE ENERGY 91 4 8. 9. 10. PRIVATE COST COMPARISONS OF WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 93 8.1 METHODOLOGY 93 8.2 RESULTS 98 POLICY ANALYSIS 104 9.1 SOCIAL COSTS 104 9.2 SUBSIDIES 106 9.3 OTHER SECWA POLICIES 9.4 STATE GOVERNMENT HOUSING POLICIES 112 9.5 STATE GOVERNMENT INDUSTRY DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 113 111 CONCLUSIONS 115 10.1 WHAT THE SURVEYS SHOW 115 10.2 THE ANALYSIS OF PRIVATE COSTS 118 10.3 WHAT THE POLICY ANALYSIS SHOWS 118 10.4 BARRIERS AND THEIR REMOVAL 119 BIBLIOGRAPHY 121 APPENDICES 127 APPENDIX 1: SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS: SURVEY OF MANUFACTURERS AND SUPPLIERS APPENDIX 2: SURVEY OF ENERGY USAGE FOR WATER HEATING: SURVEY OF METROPOLITAN HOUSEHOLDS APPENDIX 3: ELECTRICITY SUPPLY AND USE: SURVEY OF PASTORAL LEASES APPENDIX 4: SECWA ELECTRICITY AND GAS TARIFFS 5 TABLES PAGE NO. 3.1 TELECOM APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOVOLTAICS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 5.1 PERCEIVED REASONS FOR PURCHASING SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 36 MAIN PERCEIVED BARRIERS TO PURCHASING SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM 37 5.3 CORRELATES OF CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM 45 5.4 MULTIPLE REGRESSIONS PREDICTING CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM FOR THE TOTAL SAMPLE AND FOR INSTALLERS ONLY 47 FACTORS INVOLVED IN DECISION TO PURCHASE SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS (SOLAR INSTALLERS ONLY) 48 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM (TOTAL SAMPLE) 50 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM (SOLAR OWNERS) 51 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM (NON SOLAR OWNERS) 52 5.9 CORRELATES OF INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM 53 5.10 CORRELATES OF INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM (COLLAPSED ANALYSIS) 54 CROSS-TABULATION OF CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM AND INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM 57 REASONS FOR NOT PURCHASING A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM (INSTALLERS ON NON-SOLAR SYSTEMS ONLY) 58 REASONS FOR CONSIDERING, BUT NOT BUYING, A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM (NON-SOLAR OWNERS, NON-INSTALLERS). 58 5.2 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.11 5.12 5.13 29 6 5.14 6.1 6.2 PERCEIVED REASONS WHY MORE PEOPLE DO NOT INSTALL SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 60 FACTORS INVOLVED IN CONSIDERING RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUIPMENT IN AN ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEM 81 THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT REASONS FOR NOT INCLUDING RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUIPMENT IN AN ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEM 81 6.3 THE MOST IMPORTANT ECONOMIC PRESSURES FACED IN MANAGING THE PROPERTY 82 6.4 PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED WITH SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 84 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM 86 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM (SOLAR OWNERS ONLY) 87 8.1 SECWA TEST DATA 94 8.2 SIMULATION DATA 95 8.3 COST COMPARISONS: BASE CASE 96 8.4 GAS TARIFF CHANGES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE SOLAR EQUIVALENCE 101 SOLAR STANDARD CAPITAL COST CHANGES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GAS COST EQUIVALENCE 101 SOLAR STANDARD EFFECTIVE LIFETIME CHANGES TO ACHIEVE GAS EQUIVALENCE 102 OFF-PEAK ELECTRICITY TARIFF REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE EQUIVALENCE WITH ELECTRICALLY BOOSTED SOLAR ON THE DOMESTIC TARIFF 102 DOMESTIC ELECTRICITY TARIFF REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICALLY BOOSTED SOLAR TO ACHIEVE GAS EQUIVALENCE 103 APPLICATION OF DAMAGE/AVOIDED DAMAGE COSTS TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA 105 6.5 6.6 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 9.1 7 FIGURES PAGE NO. 3.1 SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA 28 5.1 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS 40 5.2 DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS' GROSS HOUSEHOLD ANNUAL INCOME 41 5.3 DISTRIBUTION OF TYPES OF DWELLINGS 41 5.4 DISTRIBUTION OF OCCUPANCY TYPE 42 5.5 AVAILABILITY OF STREET GAS TO RESPONDENTS 42 5.6 AVAILABILITY OF GAS TO RESPONDENTS' HOMES 43 5.7 TYPES OF WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 5.8 PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS IN EACH INCOME BRACKET WHO REPORT HAVING A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM 46 IMPORTANCE OF FACTORS IN THE DECISION TO PURCHASE SOLAR 49 5.9 5.10 44 INTENDED NEXT PURCHASE RELATIVE TO EXISTING SYSTEMS 56 REASONS FOR NOT PURCHASING A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM (INSTALLERS OF NON SOLAR SYSTEMS ONLY) 56 5.12 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY BILLS 61 5.13 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF % OF ENERGY BILL BELIEVED TO BE SPENT ON WATER HEATING 61 5.11 6.1 DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS' STATUS 66 6.2 NUMBER OF ADULTS ON PROPERTIES 67 6.3 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ON PROPERTIES 67 8 6.4 TYPES OF ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEMS 68 6.5 HOMESTEAD GENERATOR SYSTEM VOLTAGE 69 6.6 TOTAL RATED CAPACITY OF HOMESTEAD GENERATORS 70 6.7 TOTAL RATED CAPACITY OF PORTABLE GENERATORS 70 6.8 AVERAGE LOADS OF NON-PORTABLE HOMESTEAD GENERATORS 71 PEAK LOADS OF NON-PORTABLE HOMESTEAD GENERATORS 71 6.10 ANNUAL FUEL COST OF ELECTRICITY GENERATION 72 6.11 ANNUAL OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE COST 73 6.12 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: SUMMER 74 6.13 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: AUTUMN 75 6.14 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: WINTER 75 6.15 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: SPRING 76 6.16 FUEL SOURCES AND USES OTHER THAN THE MAIN POWER GENERATION SYSTEM 77 APPLIANCES AND TOOLS POWERED BY THE HOMESTEAD ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEM 78 6.18 USE OF SEPARATE SOLAR AND WIND EQUIPMENT 79 6.19 RISE IN FUEL PRICES NECESSARY BEFORE RENEWABLE EQUIPMENT MIGHT BE INSTALLED 80 6.20 DISTRIBUTION OF CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM 83 6.21 DISTRIBUTION OF PREDICTED WATER HEATING SYSTEM 83 8.1 COST OF HOT WATER BY APPLIANCE TYPE: BASE CASE - 97 8.2 COST OF HOT WATER BY APPLIANCE TYPE: 12% INTEREST RATE 99 COST OF HOT WATER BY APPLIANCE TYPE: 7% INTEREST RATE 100 6.9 6.17 8.3 9 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project was funded by the Energy Research and Development Corporation and given infrastructure support by the Institute for Science and Technology Policy at Murdoch University. A concurrent project undertaken for the Renewable Energy Advisory Council of Western Australia shared some aspects of the analysis contained in this Report. The research team was assisted by an oversight committee consisting of Mr Matt Duxbury from SECWA, Mr Ken Hodgkin, Director of the Energy Policy and Planning Bureau, Mr Fred Barnes and Mr Tom Crawford, both formally of SECWA and now independent consultants. Assistance with additional information was also supplied by SECWA through the good offices of Mr Matt Duxbury. Research assistance for ten months of the project was provided by Dr Judy-Mary Seward. Professor Ian Lowe and Dr Elizabeth Harman provided constructive comments and assistance on aspects of the project. Members of the State Government's Renewable Energy Advisory Council made a substantial contribution to the questionnaire design and in the provision of information for the research team. The Australian Bureau of Statistics also provided technical assistance with questionnaire design. Mr Wal James at the Murdoch University Energy Research Institute (MUERI) and Dr John Barker at the Solar Energy Information Centre (SEIC) generously provided information for the project. A number of members of the solar energy appliance industry in Western Australia also gave assistance to the project. Particular thanks should be given to the Pastoralists and Graziers Association (PGA) for their support for the survey on electricity generation on pastoral leases. Homeswest provided detailed information on policies relating to government housing. Finally our sincere thanks go to Mrs Kaye Butherway, Mrs Jenny Longley and Mrs Jean Hassall for their generous support with secretarial and administrative assistance for this project. 10 ABSTRACT We investigated the role of non-technical barriers to the use of renewable energy technologies. Our study assessed the nature of public attitudes towards renewable energy in two areas: water heating in the metropolitan area, and energy supply and use on pastoral leases in Western Australia. We analysed the private costs of water heating systems in a way which may give guidance to manufacturers on improving the economics of solar water heating systems, and to policy makers for facilitating the use of solar water heating systems.We also outlined the policies currently in place in Western Australia which act as barriers to the greater use of renewable energy. The Report provides a number of recommendations which would overcome barriers to the wider use of renewable energy. 11 SUMMARY PROJECT OBJECTIVES This Report seeks to uncover the non-technical barriers to the widespread use of renewable energy technologies in Western Australia. To achieve this overall objective, the project first sought to discover whether there existed a range of attitudinal factors and perspectives on renewable energy held by consumers which might act to inhibit the use of solar energy technologies. Surveys of energy consumers were to be used in the project as the means of uncovering the existence of such attitudes. The surveys would, in particular, reveal information about the perceived costs and benefits of renewable energy appliances over other alternatives, the state of knowledge of consumers about renewable energy, and the characteristics of the people who use solar energy. The surveys also had the objective of providing descriptive material on how consumers actually use energy for water heating and electricity generation, and in particular how they use renewable energy equipment for these tasks. The second objective of the project was to examine the costs of competing water heating systems to assess the relative cost of solar water heating as perceived by consumers in the Perth metropolitan area. With information on the components of costs (capital and operation) it would then be possible to assess the conditions under which solar systems could be the lowest cost choice. This analysis would have implications for manufacturers with respect to the cost of solar equipment, and governments with respect to energy prices. The third objective was a detailed examination of government policies with respect to the pricing, use and delivery of energy in Western Australia which impact upon renewable energy. In this way an assessment could be made of the extent to which government policies act as barriers to renewable energy. MAIN FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Survey of Manufacturers and Suppliers Manufacturers and suppliers of solar water heating systems identified the two main barriers to their greater use as their cost compared to conventional systems and the absence of an incentive to use solar water heaters in rental accommodation. Additional barriers were perceived to include a lack of knowledge of solar water heating systems, unattractiveness of the systems, short term residence in homes, lack of access to finance, and restrictions on hot water availability. Survey of Householders The survey of householders provided a considerable volume of information on the 12 characteristics of people who have solar water heaters. In addition the strongest predictors that a solar system had been purchased emphasised home owners with larger families and who expect to remain in their house for another five years. Other characteristics such as income and age did not appear as significant predictors. High satisfaction was recorded by owners of solar and gas systems, less satisfaction with electric systems. The determinants of satisfaction related to the perceived percentage of the energy bill devoted to water heating, and the number of times the hot water supply had been exhausted. Breakdowns and service requirements did not feature as measures of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. With regard to any future system, a clear majority indicated a preference for a solar system, with the bulk of them preferring a gas booster. Only just over a quarter of the respondents opted for a gas system and 7% indicated they would purchase an electric system. Those opting for a future solar system were in general younger in age and living in a relatively young house with a relatively larger number of occupants than was the case for respondents expressing preferences for future gas and electric systems. Importantly, only a small proportion of current solar owners (5.6%) indicated that they would buy a non solar system. Half of the current gas system owners would switch to a solar system, and only 30% of those who currently have an electric system would buy another, with 48% of them indicating a switch to solar. When respondents who had actually installed their current water heating system were asked why they did not install a solar system, their responses reflected the perceptions of the solar water suppliers. In particular the initial cost, and other aspects of cost (working life, expected savings and expected maintenance) were the dominant reasons. Other survey questions reinforced this perception of cost rather than ignorance or lack of confidence in the technology. The results of the two surveys relating to solar water heaters clearly indicate that the solar technology does have a wide degree of public acceptance. The technology as such does not appear as a barrier. The dominant barrier is the perception of cost. As shown in Chapter 8 this perception is realistic in the current market for water heating equipment, and consumers appear to be behaving with individual economic rationality in their choice of water heating equipment. Answers to an additional question about power generation suggest that the majority of people are not willing pay more for electricity generated from renewable sources. Nevertheless 44% indicated they would be willing to pay, on average 6%, more. The clear commercial and policy implications which flow from this are that: • manufacturers and suppliers must find ways to reduce the initial capital outlay on solar water heaters if they wish to expand sales; • appeals to concerns such as the environment and greenhouse effects are unlikely to be effective in influencing water heater choice without a significant educational campaign; 13 • relatively young owner occupiers of houses in which they expect to stay for some time with a large family are the group most likely to purchase a solar water heater when their existing water heating system comes to the end of its useful life; • government policy with respect to electricity and gas tariffs could significantly influence the choice of water heating equipment by influencing the cost of the alternatives to solar water heaters. Pastoral Lease Survey The survey of pastoral leases provided a large amount of descriptive information on how electricity is generated and used on pastoral leases. It also provided information on water heating, in particular the use of solar water heating, on pastoral leases. Only 24 properties reported the use of wind power or photovoltaic systems as part of their main generation plant. A high degree of satisfaction was reported from properties using wind or solar equipment. The capital cost of wind or solar equipment was the dominant reason for not using it in electricity generation, but other important reasons were a lack of confidence in the performance of renewable energy components, a perception that there would be inadequate maintenance and service facilities, and a lack of familiarity with the equipment. Thus the survey reveals that, unlike the situation with solar water heaters in the metropolitan area, electricity generation with the use of wind power or photovoltaics is not an accepted technology for pastoral properties in Western Australia. In addition, the perceived costs of renewable systems are such that respondents indicated that fuel prices would have to rise considerably (almost 60%) before leaseholders would consider switching to renewable components. Only some 20% of respondents were aware that the Isolated Systems Subsidy offered by SECWA would cover generation equipment that incorporated renewable energy equipment, though having been informed by the survey, two-thirds of the respondents indicated that this would make it more likely that they would consider incorporating renewable equipment. Photovoltaic cells are also used for other purposes on pastoral leases, with 24% of respondents using them for electric fencing and 18% for water pumping. Thus small scale application of renewables is more widely accepted than for electricity generation in the homestead. The commercial and policy implications flowing from the information relating to electricity generation are: • the use of wind and solar equipment is seen as costly, unfamiliar, and lacking in aftersales support; 14 • perceptions about the initial capital outlay factor may be offset by greater familiarity with the technology and with the savings which may be made through the use of renewable generation equipment ; • information especially relating to performance and reliability is required to enable pastoral leaseholders the opportunity to assess the possibilities of using renewable energy components; • demonstrations of renewable equipment in remote areas could be an effective means of disseminating information; • some system of providing service and maintenance on a reliable basis would be required to overcome the perception that these are unavailable; • the Isolated Systems Subsidy should be made more visible and more specific to renewable systems; it should more accurately reflect the costs SECWA (and hence all other consumers) would incur if a grid connection were made instead of a stand alone system. Nearly one quarter of pastoral lease respondents used a solar water heating system with an electric booster. When asked what they would buy in future, more than half indicated they would purchase a solar system. Calcium deposition, a reflection of the water quality on pastoral leases, was seen as the major problem associated with solar water heaters, followed by lack of access to maintenance services, then leaks, then corrosion. Nevertheless satisfaction with solar water heaters was high with 52% of owners indicating that they were "very satisfied" with their system. The advent of cheaper, all plastic SWHS may further enhance their acceptability. Remote Aboriginal Communities Remote aboriginal communities are growin rapidly in number and in many cases their power needs can be well served by renewable energy systems. Barriers to the extensive use of these systems for aboriginal communities include lack of access to information about renewable systems, difficulties with maintenance and after-sales service, as well as an absence of a clear administrative structure with responsibility for the provision of energy services to remote communities. Thorough consultations are required with the communities to ensure that their particular needs are understood and met. Private Cost Comparisons of Water Heating Systems Detailed analysis of the costs of hot water from a range of water heating appliances supports the perceptions of consumers that in the context of the prevailing appliance costs and current electricity and gas tariffs, solar water heating is an expensive option relative to gas. Data were only available for electrically boosted solar systems, and the relatively new gas boosted systems were not included in the analysis. 15 Solar is less expensive than storage electric and instant electric systems for larger hot water requirements, where the consumer has the appliance for the full equipment life. Simulations carried out with the data show that solar could be made competitive with external instantaneous gas with gas tariff changes in the order of 30%, equivalent reductions in the capital cost of an installed solar unit or by at least doubling the effective lifetime of a solar unit. The provision and widespread use of an off-peak electricity tariff would pose a severe competitive pressure on solar heaters boosted with electricity at the normal domestic tariff. This pressure could be removed by either regulation to exclude water heating from the benefits of an off-peak tariff, or by increases in the current off-peak tariff in the order of 30%. One option not feasible is the reduction in electricity tariff for electricity used to boost a solar water heater, as the tariff would have to fall to less than zero. The commercial and policy implications of the analysis are that: • changes to capital costs of solar water systems are required to achieve greater market penetration; • change is also required to the effective lifetime of solar units, though this would be less effective than a reduction in initial capital outlays because of the fact that people perceive that they change their residences without taking their solar heater with them either physically, or in the form of a higher sale price for the residence; • changes to electricity and gas tariffs would also have an impact on the perceived costs and benefits of a solar water heater. Policy Analysis The generation of electricity and the use of natural gas involve the creation of significant external costs. Failure to internalise these external costs means that the prices faced by consumers for water heating and electricity generation equipment and electricity and gas do not fully reflect the real costs imposed on society by those choices. Furthermore because renewable energy use involves less external costs, the failure to internalise external costs constitutes a considerable bias against renewable technologies. A similar bias occurs through the provision of subsidies for electricity and gas consumption. These subsidies may be provided either directly to consumers or through the institutional framework in which electricity and gas are provided. The analysis of both forms of subsidy has shown them to be widespread, though it is difficult to be quantitative about the size of the subsidies. Once again the subsidy framework creates a bias against renewable energy systems 16 because the institutional framework within which renewable energy equipment is supplied does not significantly benefit from current subsidies, especially those delivered through state owned, centralised energy utilities such as SECWA. State government housing policies for welfare housing reflect the same position as that taken by private landlords. Solar water heaters add to capital costs while the benefits are taken by rental occupants. Homeswest instead sees itself as providing housing and would prefer to use its limited capital for the provision of housing rather than energy. By contrast the agency responsible for housing government employees, GEHA, has adopted a policy of solar water heaters on GEHA homes. A major reason for the difference in policy is that GEHA operates almost completely in areas outside the natural gas reticulation system. Industrial development policies in Western Australia give no comfort to renewable energy because the State government sees its industrial future in the energy intensive value adding minerals processing arena. Faced with already high costs for electricity and natural gas, the competitive position of Western Australia in the resource processing field is not seen to be strong. There is thus a perception that the use of renewable sources of energy does not assist with the overall thrust of industrial policy because of the even higher costs which would be involved. One exception would be the use of renewable energy for electricity generation in the remote areas of the State where generation costs with conventional diesel generators are already high, and where renewable energy is competitive. WORK PROGRAMME DESCRIPTION The work program consisted of a number of components. First, a literature review was undertaken to establish the context for subsequent steps. Second, an outline of the known use of renewable energy in Western Australia was prepared as a means of illustrating the low level of penetration of renewable energy, and indeed the actual decline in the use of solar water heating systems in new installations in the Perth metropolitan area. The third step involved contact with manufacturers and suppliers of solar equipment in Western Australia, particularly the solar water heating manufacturers and suppliers. This culminated in a formal survey to assess their views on consumer attitudes to solar water heaters. The fourth stage involved a survey of households in the metropolitan area. This survey provided descriptive material on the characteristics of households with solar water heaters as well as information on barriers to the greater use of solar water heaters. The fifth stage involved a focus on a completely different, and relatively newer technology 17 - the use of renewable energy equipment to generate electricity. A survey was carried out on pastoral leases in Western Australia to discover how pastoral leases generate electricity and for what purposes, and to what extent they use renewable energy equipment. At the same time the survey also examined water heating on pastoral leases. Based on energy use data from SECWA and cost data from industry, it was possible to carry out simulations directed towards removing the advantage of gas over solar systems. In this way it was possible to isolate the commercial and policy requirements necessary to reduce cost as a barrier to the use of solar water heating systems. An examination of government policies which may present barriers to renewable energy was undertaken. Particular emphasis was given to the policies of SECWA and the institutional framework within which SECWA operates. In addition government policies on the role of renewable energy in public housing and industrial development were assessed. POTENTIAL FOR SHORT TERM INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS The cost data, together with the attitudes of consumers as revealed in the surveys, indicate that manufacturers and suppliers of renewable energy equipment need to reduce costs and improve the actual and perceived capability, performance and reliability of their equipment. Reductions in costs may come from larger markets, new materials, or new production processes. Improving performance means dealing with the actual problems highlighted in the surveys. In addition there are a number of perceived problems to be overcome, largely in the area of electricity generation. Solution to these problems most likely involves a commitment to greater use of local demonstration projects, and an improvement in the provision of after sales service, including training in self-maintenance. 18 RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Place SECWA on a fully commercial basis which would involve SECWA covering the full costs of electricity generation and gas supply and passing on those full costs to consumers. In this way consumers will face the real costs of energy supply and be in a position to better assess the alternatives including renewable sources. 2. External costs associated with the generation of electricity and the use of natural gas should be internalised so as to make the prices paid by consumers accurately reflect the costs imposed on society by the use of electricity and gas. 3. The above two recommendations may cause hardship to low income consumers, therefore policies which assist them should be maintained and financed from consolidated revenue. 4. Phase out the uniform tariff policy in the non-interconnected system, in the first instance by removing it for industrial and commercial consumers and subsequently for domestic consumers. To ease the burden on domestic consumers, the ongoing value of the uniform tariff policy could be replaced by a contribution to the purchase of renewable energy technologies. 5. Within the interconnected system, as local distribution networks require replacement, the first evaluation should consider whether stand alone renewable systems could economically replace the grid delivery system. 6. Provide an equivalent risk offset for stand alone renewable equipment as is currently provided by public provision of conventional energy. This could be in the form of either an interest rate subsidy or a capital cost subsidy. 7. Any policy associated with cogeneration and purchase of power from small producers, including renewable sources should reflect the capital costs as well as fuel costs avoided by SECWA. 8. Provide a vehicle for the systematic dissemination of information for potential users of renewable energy which would serve to offset concerns about the reliability, performance and maintenance of renewable energy systems. This could be achieved by the upgrading of the Renewable Energy Advisory Council to a statutory authority with legislative responsibilities and adequate resources to overcome existing attitudinal and institutional barriers to renewable energy. 9. In the design of off-peak electricity tariffs, ensure that the off-peak tariff is either not conducive to a switch to electric water heating, or that the use of the off-peak tariff is regulated to prohibit its use for water heating. 10. The declining block tariff for domestic gas consumption should be replaced by a flat rate tariff, with a daily supply charge directed towards recovering the fixed costs of gas transmission and distribution. The gas tariff should be designed to reflect the long 19 run costs of gas supply, and alternative uses for the gas. The gas tariff should also be set in a context free from institutional imperatives associated with "take or pay" supply contracts from gas producers. 11. A single agency should be made responsible for power supply for aboriginal communities. This agency should have the responsibility for providing information on renewable energy systems to aboriginal communities, arranging the supply of equipment to communities, as well as the provision of maintenance, and maintenance training. This agency should be one which has close consultative links with aboriginal communities. 20 CHAPTER 1 PROJECT OBJECTIVES AND WORK PROGRAMME 1.1 Barriers to the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies Despite the fact that Western Australia has a high degree of solar insolation (Lowe, et al, 1984) and available sources of wind energy (SECWA, 1990), the use of renewable energy technologies that take advantage of these opportunities has been limited. The aim of this project is to determine the nature and extent of the non-technical barriers that stand in the way of an increased role for renewable energy. Technical barriers may be defined as the inability of a technology to deliver a desired service at any reasonable cost relative to alternative technologies. It would be expected that any new technology may have a number of technical features associated with it which would limit its take up by consumers. For the purpose of this study, however, these technical factors as barriers to energy supply and use choices are not considered. Nontechnical barriers are those associated with (a) attitudes resulting from a lack of information and experience with the technology, (b) distortions in the market prices of technologies resulting from market failure through an inability to internalise external costs and the provision of subsidies, and (c) the operation of institutional factors and government policies which discriminate against one technology in favour of another. The first focus of this study is on the attitudinal factors which potential users may have towards renewable energy technologies. In particular, consumers may have concerns about, for example, the cost, reliability and long term operational aspects of renewable energy equipment. Individuals do not necessarily receive complete information about new technology and the opportunities available for that technology. A further attitudinal barrier may be, for example, the image people have of themselves as energy consumers. On the one hand, it is possible that certain groups in society may willingly embrace renewable energy out of their sense of responsibility and an interest in technological innovation. On the other hand, there may be other groups reluctant to take on new technologies for fear of being different, of taking chances in a world in which they are not accustomed to taking chances. In addition people have views on the risks they are prepared to assume and may take the view that unacceptable risks are associated with renewable energy relative to conventional sources. Also, people may feel that resale values of their houses and the overall perception of their street image may be adversely affected by solar energy appliances on their roofs. The second focus relates to the perceived costs of renewable energy. Renewable energy equipment, despite having a free source of energy in the form of solar insolation or wind, generally has a substantial up-front capital cost and small on-going costs, whereas for conventional technologies the reverse is true. This capital outlay required may constitute a barrier to the use of renewable energy, so that, despite the fact that one technology may be preferable to another on overall cost grounds, if it involves a financing decision by 21 consumers, there may be a different outcome. Another cost related barrier is the inability of the pricing system to take account of external costs, such as environmental damage, in determining the relative prices of competing energy sources. In the market place the consumer faces choices largely based on the private costs of producing the differing technologies and the costs incurred by consumers themselves. Because of the existence of negative externalities in the production and consumption of energy using technologies, consumers to date are not required to take into account the full range of costs associated with the energy supply decisions. What they are not required to consider are the external costs associated with environmental and health impacts that are consequential upon their decision making. Hence consumers face a distorted set of prices which biases them against renewable energy appliances. Detailed analysis of this whole question of choice in the face of negative externalities has been carried out by Stocker et al. (1990). The third major focus is on the range of policy institutions and regulations which may influence behaviour and attitudes towards renewable appliances. Examples include Government policies with respect to the pricing of competitive energy sources, public ownership of energy utilities, and the regulation of the use of renewable energy equipment. 1.2 Barriers in Western Australia The focus of our study is on the non-technical barriers to renewable energy in Western Australia. In addition to the attitudinal aspects discussed above, a special characteristic of Western Australia is the development of a social policy towards electricity delivery in Western Australia. The history of the post World War II period has been one in which a government authority, The State Energy Commission of Western Australia (SECWA), has increasingly asserted its control over all sources of electricity and gas supply in Western Australia. Whereas previously country towns supplied their own electricity from their own generation systems, these systems were progressively taken over by SECWA as part of a policy of statewide rural electrification. The responsibility for electricity services was removed from individuals and communities to a single government agency. In this way, electricity supply became a state rather than a local community concern. Other barriers to renewable energy specific to Western Australia arise from the set of State Government policies currently in place including those operated through SECWA and other Government agencies. SECWA carries out policies with respect to the pricing of energy and the sources of fuels for electricity generation and the choice of generating technology. SECWA is also the dominant supplier of natural gas which is the major conventional alternative to coal for electricity generation and solar for water heating. In other areas of Government operations, policy is directed towards the use of energy in housing supplied by Government either in the Homeswest (welfare) context or in housing supplied for Government employees under the Government Employees Housing Authority (GEHA) scheme. In addition policy towards renewable energy is relevant in the provision of power to aboriginal communities and in industry development. 1.3 Project Objectives The first objective for the project involved an assessment of industry and consumer 22 attitudes towards renewable energy using surveys. These surveys sought to test the perceived costs and benefits of renewable energy appliances over other sources of energy, the state of knowledge of consumers about renewable energy appliances, the characteristics of the people who actually made use of renewable energy appliances as well as general overall attitudes towards renewable energy within the community. The second objective was to assess the costs of competing water heating systems to determine the conditions under which solar water heating systems would be the lowest cost choice. The third objective of the project was a detailed examination of government policies with respect to the pricing, use and delivery of energy in Western Australia which impact upon renewable energy. The policies under review included the following: • the treatment of external costs in electricity generation; • the Uniform Tariff Policy; • the Contributary Extension Scheme (CES); • the Isolated Systems Subsidy (ISS); • buy-back policies from private energy suppliers; • the structure of SECWA costs; • industrial development policy in Western Australia; • the Government's set of housing policies; 1.4 Work Programme The work program consisted of a number of components. First, a literature review was undertaken to establish the context for subsequent steps. Second, an outline of the known use of renewable energy in Western Australia was prepared as a means of illustrating the low level of penetration of renewable energy, and indeed the actual decline in the use of solar water heating systems in new installations in the Perth metropolitan area. The third step involved contact with manufacturers and suppliers of solar equipment in Western Australia, particularly the solar water heating manufacturers and suppliers. This culminated in a formal survey to assess their views on consumer attitudes to solar water heaters. 23 The fourth stage involved a survey of households in the metropolitan area. This survey provided descriptive material on the characteristics of households with solar water heaters as well as information on barriers to the greater use of solar water heaters. The fifth stage involved a focus on a completely different, and relatively newer technology - the use of renewable equipment to generate electricity from wind and solar power. To pursue this the research area shifted to pastoral leases in Western Australia. With only a small number of exceptions, pastoral leases are outside the SECWA South West interconnected grid and other local area grids. Pastoral leases, because of their isolation generate their own electricity. The survey of pastoral leases was directed towards discovering how pastoral leases did generate electricity and for what purposes, as well as their use of renewable equipment for electricity generation. At the same time the survey also examined water heating on pastoral leases and the barriers which may exist in that particular environment. The surveys showed that cost was an important barrier. To analyse this cost question in greater detail data on the energy requirements of a range of water heating appliances were obtained from SECWA. When these data were combined with appliance cost and installation data and the 1990/91 electricity and gas tariffs it was possible to provide estimates of the cost of hot water on a cents/litre basis for a number of appliances over a range of volume drawdowns. The cost data demonstrated the disadvantages faced by solar water heaters, particularly relative to natural gas systems. Using the cost data it was possible to carry out simulations directed towards removing the advantage of gas over solar systems. In this way it was possible to isolate the commercial and policy requirements necessary to reduce cost as a barrier to the use of solar water heating systems. During the process of survey design implementation and analysis, an examination of government policies which may present barriers to renewable energy was undertaken. Particular emphasis was given to the policies of SECWA and the institutional framework within which SECWA operates. In addition government policies on the role of renewable energy in public housing and industrial development were assessed. Finally some recommendations on the removal of barriers to renewable energy were developed. 24 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 International Perspectives Australia is not unique in having an energy supply system that is dominated by fossil fuels. Nor is it unique in having experienced a cyclical pattern of high interest in renewable energy followed by periods of withdrawal. Both in Australia and globally, this pattern can in part be correlated with movements in oil and other fossil fuel prices. The lower price of oil is one of the major factors responsible for the downturn in renewable energy use in the mid-eighties after their rapid diffusion in the seventies. For the future, Nola and Sioshansi (1990) suggest that despite current low oil prices, a strong interest in renewable energy does make sense. This is because in the wake of severe oil spills and growing concern about environmental protection and air quality, especially in cities, renewable energy can contribute strongly to the amelioration of these problems. Social attitudes have been another barrier to use of renewable energy worldwide. In 1981 soon after the peak of the 1979/80 oil crisis, the Solar Energy Research Institute of the United States commissioned two interview-based surveys of home owners, seeking to discover the attitudes to solar energy. In general, there was considerable support amongst home owners for the use of solar energy (SERI, 1981). They strongly preferred solar energy over other energy options and yet two-thirds had not actually considered investing in solar equipment for their own homes. With respect to the image of solar energy, it was perceived as being used not just by fringe groups and iconoclasts but by economy-minded people, scientific types, upper income people and environmentalists as well as do-ityourselfers. Further use of solar water heating systems may have been inhibited by lack of knowledge of renewable energy. There was wide-spread ignorance of solar incentive schemes and an ignorance of solar technology in general. Public concern which amounted to barriers to the use of solar energy included the concern over inadequate warranty coverage for solar energy equipment, the initial cost of solar energy equipment, its operating reliability, and the dependability and reliability of solar firms. The most important barriers were associated with the initial system purchase. A second set of barriers which were not quite as important was that associated with issues arising from living with solar energy systems such as their safety. A third group of barriers relating to the aesthetics of solar energy systems and the lifestyle issues arising from the use were seen to be less important again. In this survey, perceived advantages included making savings over the long term, reducing energy bills and protecting against inflation. Social attitudes aside, government policy will also influence the diffusion of renewable energy. The relevant policies are both industry development policy and energy policy. A number of countries have developed policies to promote renewable energy or at least to offset disadvantages of, for example, high capital cost of installation. These fall into the 25 categories of consumer incentives (e.g. loans), and producer incentives (e.g. rebates, tax incentives, buy-back and industry subsidies). A number of countries have instituted a variety of incentive schemes predominantly to promote the use of solar hot water heating and to a much lesser extent renewable energy power generation. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, France, Greece, Portugal, Germany, Austria and India all have incentive schemes in the form of soft loans to promote solar hot water heating usage. Holland offers a 40% subsidy on solar water heating systems to promote their purchase. A typical soft loan involves a low deposit or no deposit together with eight years or more to pay off that initial loan at a low interest rate of 5 or so percent. In two other countries, Papua New Guinea and Cyprus, it is compulsory for new home builders to install solar water heating systems in their homes. With respect to power generation from renewable sources two states are outstanding in their success due to policy and financial incentives. These are Denmark and California. Denmark has consistently followed a policy of promoting wind energy use in the local market through the provision of consumer incentives (Duxbury, 1990). Despite the fact that the initial rebate of 30% of total installed costs offered by the Government to owners of wind generators was reduced by 1990 to around 10% for private houses and completely removed for commercial farms, the Danish wind industry is still active for two reasons. Firstly the utility has to buy surplus generated power at a price equal to its selling price and secondly units used by the owner avoid the substantial taxes normally applied to the use of electrical energy (Duxbury, 1990). The Danish export market within the EEC is also supported by several policies of the EEC. Firstly there is a development and demonstration programme which funds RD & D to the value of 50% and through this scheme a good deal of funds have been made available for wind energy research in particular. There is also a European Regional Development Fund which aims to promote the development of indiginous energy sources and usually provides funding from between 55 and 70% for feasibility or environmental impact studies. Thirdly the Integrated Mediterranean programme aims to improve the socio economic structures in the southern regions of Europe. This scheme has also been used to get wind generation off the ground e.g. in Greece (Duxbury, 1990). There is a range of other markets outside the EEC most of which contain sites in isolated areas with high avoided fuel costs. The wind power industry in California has expanded as a result of a multiplicity of policy and financial incentives as well as favourable environmental and social factors including: • the Standard Offer 4 contract devised to provide pricing certainty for independent producers and thereby assisting them to obtain project financing; • a 15% Federal Tax Credit; • a 25% State Tax Credit; • the Fuel Diversity Policy of the Californian Energy Commission which proposed that wind energy provide 10% of the State's electricity supply by the year 2000; 26 • the role of the Californian Public Utility Commission in gaining the active support of the utilities for using conservation and alternative energy in the State's energy supply mix; • a good wind resource; • cheap land; • a wealthy State with a strong entrepreneurial spirit; Although not all of these incentives are currently in place in their original form, they proved to be sufficiently powerful to establish a wind energy industry in California which is probably the best in the world (Duxbury, 1990). By comparison to Denmark and California, however, most other countries have offered few incentives for the uptake of renewable energy. The existence of external costs in the form of environmental and social impacts which are not included in the price of energy has also meant that renewable energy is not perceived as a commercially viable source. Both Germany and the United States are now looking closely at ways in which energy utilities can begin internalising the cost of environmental and social damage and these processes are likely to have a strong influence on removing the financial barriers to the use of renewable energy. 2.2 Australian Studies In many respects Australia is in a favourable situation with regard to renewable energy. Australia, however, is also well endowed with low cost non-renewable energy sources and therefore the development of renewables in this country is placed in a very competitive environment. 2.2.1 Social Attitudes to Renewable Energy The Victorian Solar Energy Council (now the Renewable Energy Authority of Victoria) commissioned a report which surveyed attitudes of the Victorian public to solar energy (VSEC, 1983). The main results of their inquiry were that firstly, very little is known about solar energy. Secondly, negative attitudes exist towards the reliability, the aesthetics, the maintenance, the installation costs, the suitability of the climate, the low competitive fuel prices and the lack of technical knowledge. Thirdly, conservation of natural resources did not appear to be an important issue among the surveyed public. Fourthly, respondents spontaneously mentioned the notion of a pay-back period as being relevant to their considerations and a period of five years appeared to be an acceptable time frame. Kinsman (1984) surveyed owners of domestic solar water heating systems in Melbourne. The results showed that owners believed that their systems had performed better than expected prior to purchase, and that the majority of owners would purchase solar systems 27 again. A significant proportion of owners had problems with their systems, including burst panels due to freezing conditions, leaks, and lack of quality control, but these problems were described for the most part as minor or insignificant. About half the respondents indicated that they purchased a solar water heating system with the objective of saving money in the long term, while a much smaller proportion (16%) had hoped for a saving in the short term. Around half the respondents had actually experienced a reasonable reduction in their electricity outlays. In Queensland the usage of renewable energy particularly in power generation systems took off in the early 1980's as a result of the industrial disputes which led to disruptions, sometimes severe, in the supply of electricity. A survey of over 20 stand-alone renewable energy systems was made by Berrill and Fries (1984) in which they sought information on the type and use of those systems as well as the attitudes of the users with respect to their lifestyles and to the State owned electricity supply authority. Most users reported satisfaction with their system and well over two-thirds experienced a positive change in lifestyle as a result of it. This was associated with a sense of satisfaction at being independent from the grid and independent of the associated unreliability with the delivery of power during the period of industrial disputation. A number of technical problems were reported in the survey, and there was also a feeling that insufficient information was supplied about renewable energy by manufacturers. Most respondents indicated that visitors to their homes had difficulty believing that the systems could provide electrical power, a comment that indicates a lack of available information to the public on renewable energy technologies. Also all the respondents felt that insufficient government money was spend on renewable energy research and information dissemination. Also associated with the period of industrial disputation in Queensland was a rise in the interest in, and use of, solar water heating systems. Lowe et al. (1984) noted that there was a pronounced difference in fuel prices between the Australian states and suggested that the differences in fuel prices might account for the variation in sales of solar water heating systems observed amongst the states. However, it was also indicated that the patterns of sales could not be explained simply in terms of fuel price differences. Two important reasons given were firstly, a concern for the use of non-renewable resources and secondly a desire to be independent of the centralised electricity system. Lowe et al. also point to regional variations in the relative importance of these factors throughout Australia. Concern about the use of non-renewable fuels was lowest in Queensland and Western Australia and highest in Victoria. Concern about the security of hot water supply was very high in New South Wales where there had been supply disruptions in the early 80's and was also very high in Queensland. Nearly two-thirds of all purchasers of solar water heating systems gave security of supply as a principle reason for using solar water heating systems. In a telephone survey of 452 new householders in Queensland, some interesting factors came to light in terms of the reasons for the adoption or rejection of solar water heating systems (Foster, 1990a). The reasons cited for not taking the solar option were given as being firstly, the high initial cost, the most common reason cited by respondents, secondly that solar water heating systems are not considered effective over their lifetime and thirdly, that solar water heating systems provided a limited hot water supply and needed boosting. Reasons such as the aesthetics, bad reports from friends and a range of other factors were 28 of almost no importance. Reasons for adopting solar water heating systems were given as firstly, the potential to reduce power bills, secondly, the potential to conserve energy and fossil fuels and thirdly, that people had previously owned and used solar systems and were happy with them. Issues relating to appliance maintenance, the reduction of pollution and the Greenhouse effect, and the recommendation of friends were of less importance. In obtaining information that influences a decision, the most important source was personal contact, and far more important than the media as a source of information (Foster, 1990a). 2.2.2 Policy barriers to renewable energy Foster (1990b) suggests that public and private sector policies, as well as economic performance, shape consumer perceptions and are key determinants of solar water heating system uptake around the States of Australia. In particular, he claims that private sector policies in the Northern Territory, Western Australia and South Australia, have had an overall positive effect on solar water heating system sales, compared with policies in the other states largely because of the higher levels of solar promotion undertaken in these states. In the arena of public policy he isolates a range of positive policy areas including energy supply policies, electricity tariff structures, solar research and development, solar demonstration projects, financial incentives for solar system purchase, public information and education on solar technologies, consumer protection in the form of solar access laws, and financial concessions for conventional energy sources. This study, however, does not appear to take into account several policies associated with SECWA and the Western Australian Government which would serve to function as barriers to the use of renewable energy in Western Australia. Diesendorf (1987) and Blakers and Diesendorf (1985) have argued that the main impediments to the expansion of renewable energy industries and the development of associated technologies into large scale commercially viable industries are no longer technical impediments but rather they are imbedded in our existing institutions. These institutional barriers they identify as including the following: • subsidies for conventional sources of energy which flow to both energy suppliers and energy consumers; • low and inappropriate funding for renewable energy technologies; research, development and demonstration of • reluctance of electricity utilities to offer fair buy-back rates for privately owned wind generated electricity supplied to their grids; • failure to give economic recognition to the environmental and resource conserving advantages of renewable energy, and a failure to internalise environmental costs; • bias in the availability of finance for renewable energy companies. In a document published by the Appropriate Technology Development Group, Western 29 Australia, (APACE, 1985) several institutional barriers to wind energy were identified: • import duties on the components of renewable energy equipment; • rural electricity tariffs whereby urban electricity consumers subsidise rural consumers; • government subsidies for grid connections in rural areas; • grid connected electricity consumers paying the associated capital costs over a period of time through electricity tariffs, whereas private renewable energy equipment requires an up front capital outlay; • publicly owned utilities receiving government guarantees for their borrowings, paying few taxes and not having a rate of return requirement - advantages not given to private investors; • the advantages associated with environmentally friendly electricity generation not being reflected in any form of economic reward; • legal barriers in the form of restrictions on the sale of electricity by private power producers; • land use planning regulations set by local governments. Blakers, Crawford, Diesendorf, Hill and Outhred (1991) identified further institutional barriers to the establishment of a wind industry in Australia as being: • relatively low discount rates set by energy supply utilities compared to small private producers; • inattention to the concept of least cost energy planning; • failure to recognise the benefits of modular systems; • narrow charters of energy supply utilities; • inadequate education and extension services. 30 CHAPTER 3 RENEWABLE ENERGY IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA 3.1 Solar Water Heating Systems The percentage of private dwellings in Western Australia with a solar water heating system rose from a low 4.8% in 1976 to 24.5% in 1985/86 (Foster 1990b). While these statistics would appear to give a favourable picture of the market penetration of solar water heating systems, a very different picture emerges from SECWA data relating to the installation of water heating systems in new residences over the period 1980 to 1988. Figure 3.1 shows that as a percentage of new installations, solar accounted for 19.70% in 1980, 11.36% in 1988 with peak years in 1983 and 1984 at 26.27% of new installations. No later data are available from SECWA because the policy of SECWA inspection of the wiring of all new residences (the source of the data) has been discontinued. What the latter data clearly demonstrate is the impact of SECWA's gas promotion policy following the arrival of North West Shelf natural gas in the Perth area and the associated contractual terms under which SECWA acquired the gas. These matters are fully discussed in Chapter 8. Outside the metropolitan area the early enthusiasm for solar water heaters has been dampened by poor results resulting from inappropriate roof mounting, high maintenance costs due to poor water quality, physical damage to collectors and the low capacity of older units. In addition long standing government policies have acted to inhibit the use of solar water heating systems in remote areas. Despite the downturn in the local market, some manufacturers have had considerable success in export markets. This in part reflects the high technical standards to which Australian manufacturers conform. 3.2 Wind and Solar Electricity Generation 3.2.1 Wind power The most significant application of wind power for electricity generation in Australia to date is the SECWA wind farm at Esperance with a total installed capacity of 0.36 MW. Electricity generated at the wind farm is supplied into the local area grid, and acts basically as a fuel-saver for the conventional diesel generators used to supply the Esperance area. The Western Australian Water Authority water treatment plant at Woodman Point uses a wind turbine (60 kW) to generate a small part of its electricity requirements. They also have a wind turbine at Denham to supply energy to a water desalination plant. 31 SECWA has carried out trials with wind turbines on Rottnest Island (55 kW). Two turbines of 60 and 30 kW have been installed at South Fremantle, owned by SECWA and Westwind (a commercial wind turbine manufacturer) respectively. Westwind also has a turbine at Kelmscott (11 kW). In addition, there are a number of wind turbines in the remote areas, as revealed in the survey of pastoral leases undertaken for this project (see Chapter 6). 3.2.2 Solar power There are around 40 Solar Packs in Western Australia. These are shipping containers equipped with refrigeration, lighting, television, battery charging and communications facilities, and powered by photovoltaic cells. They are primarily used by remote aboriginal communities. These are further discussed in Chapter 7. FIGURE 3.1 SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM INSTALLATIONS IN THE METROPOLITAN AREA % Market share - new residences 70 solar gas electricity 60 50 40 30 20 10 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 Source: SECWA Photovoltaic cells are used in a variety of other remote applications such as on pastoral leases where they power electric fencing, remote lighting and water pumping. In addition, Telecom Australia uses photovoltaic cells throughout Western Australia. The 32 four main applications are: • Analog and digital microwave repeaters; • Optic fibre regenerators; • Digital radio concentrator system (DRCS) repeaters and customers; • Customer end of single channel radio telephone services. A total of around 260 kW of photovoltaic capacity is installed by Telecom in Western Australia. Table 3.1 sets out the installed capacities of the above applications in the State. The most extensive use of photovoltaic cells for microwave repeaters is for the trunk route from Karratha - South Hedland - Derby - Kununurra - Wyndham. Forty four of the forty five repeaters involved are solar powered, the exception being the repeater closest to Karratha which is mains powered. Terminals in the towns are also powered from the mains. Optic fibre regenerators use photovoltaic power when they are located away from established mains power distribution in rural or remote areas. All DRCS repeaters in the 13 DRCS systems in Western Australia and most of the associated DRCS customer radios for rural and remote customers are solar powered. The majority (around 80%) of radiotelephone services for rural and remote customers are solar powered. TABLE 3.1 TELECOME APPLICATIONS OF PHOTOVOLTAICS IN WESTERN AUSTRALIA System Type Number of Sites Typical Installed Power Use (W) Photovoltaic Capacity (W) Microwave repeaters 60 80-100 800 Optic fibre regenerators 15 NA 1200 DRCS repeaters 130 55 500 DRCS customers 390 8 80 SC radiotelephone 500 4 40 Source: Telecom, pers. comm. 33 CHAPTER 4 ENERGY SURVEYS: OBJECTIVES, HYPOTHESES, AND METHODS. 4.1 Introduction Three different surveys were conducted to examine some of the major non-technical barriers to the diffusion of renewable energy technologies, with a special focus on the adoption of solar water heating systems (SWHS). The first survey was of manufacturers and suppliers of solar systems in Perth; the second was of a random sample of householders in the Perth metropolitan area; and the third was of pastoral lease holders in Western Australia. As well as using different populations, the three surveys had different objectives. 4.2 Objectives and Hypotheses A common objective of each survey was to discover the major non-technical barriers to greater diffusion of renewable energy technologies. We expected, though, that the three populations being surveyed would have their own unique perspective on such barriers. 4.2.1 Survey of manufacturers and suppliers. Since there are not many manufacturers and suppliers of SWHS in Perth, all were included in a questionnaire survey. The objective of the survey was to obtain from manufacturers and suppliers: • their perceptions of the reasons why people buy SWHS; • their perceptions of the reasons why some people consider buying a SWHS but, in the end, do not do so; • their perceptions of the reasons why some people do not ever consider buying a SWHS; • information about how they attempt to overcome these barriers; • their perceptions of the roles of architects, builders, and the state government in encouraging or impeding the greater adoption of SWHS; • any background information they may have about general characteristics of the people who buy SWHS and about the performance of, and satisfaction with, the systems they install. Since there are no published studies of manufacturers and suppliers of solar water heating 34 systems, this survey was largely exploratory and descriptive, and we had no formal hypotheses to test with the data from the survey. However, we did expect clear patterns of responses to be evident. We expected respondents would provide a small number of reasons why they thought people either did not consider buying a SWHS, or if they did, why they did not actually buy one; for example, costs, aesthetic values, ignorance, and apathy. We expected we would be able to determine the perceived relative importance of these reasons. We also expected respondents would indicate lack of support for SWHS, and the solar industry generally, from architects, builders, and the state government. 4.2.2 Survey of householders. In this survey we drew a random sample of 500 from the residential population of metropolitan Perth. Members of the sample received a mailed questionnaire, containing a range of questions about various demographic, behavioural, attitudinal, and perceptual characteristics. The objective of this survey was to: • find variables which predict current ownership of a SWHS; • assess satisfaction with current water heating system; • find variables which predict intention to buy a SWHS; • assess the reasons why those without a SWHS do not have one; • assess respondents' perceptions of the reasons why more people do not install a SWHS; • assess the accuracy of respondents' knowledge of their expenditure on energy for water heating; • conclude from the above analyses what the major barriers are to more widespread adoption of SWHS. Based on previous research and on responses to the survey of manufacturers and suppliers, we hypothesized that: • ownership of SWHS would depend on home ownership (owning or buying versus renting), income, home type (house versus non-house), and availability of gas; • satisfaction with current water heating system would be no lower for those with a SWHS than for those with different systems; • intention to buy a SWHS would depend on a) satisfaction with current system (for those already with a SWHS), and b) the same variables we hypothesized would predict current ownership of SWHS; • for those who do not currently have a SWHS, the primary self-reported reasons for not having one would involve cost (initial outlay and expected payback period), aesthetic 35 value of a SWHS, and lack of knowledge or, understanding of, or faith in, technology; • respondents would not have an accurate knowledge of the percentage of their SECWA bill attributable to water heating, and that those respondents who do not have a SWHS would not have an accurate knowledge of likely savings if they were to install a SWHS. 4.2.3 Survey of pastoral lease holders. This survey contacted by mail each of the 546 pastoral leases in Western Australia. The questionnaire specifically focused on energy production and consumption and on the use of renewable technologies on properties. There were also questions designed to determine use of, and problems with, SWHS. As with the survey of manufacturers and suppliers, this survey was largely exploratory and descriptive. Our main objective was to ascertain: • how power is generated for homesteads; • operating costs of homesteads' power systems; • patterns of energy consumption on homesteads; • how solar and wind power are used; • knowledge of, and attitudes to, the Isolated Systems Subsidy; • reasons for not having renewable components in the main power supply; • use of, and intention to buy, different water heating systems. We expected to gain a picture of the power needs of homesteads, how those needs are currently met, what role solar and wind power currently plays, whether the Isolated Systems Subsidy has affected the use of renewable components in power generation systems, and what role solar and wind power generating systems might play in the future. We also expected to determine the patterns of use of different water heating systems. 4.3 Methods 4.3.1 Survey of manufacturers and suppliers A total of 19 manufacturers and suppliers of SWHS were listed in the most recent Perth Yellow Pages telephone directory. These were each mailed a questionnaire and a replypaid envelope. The response rate was almost 74% (14 replies from 19). Prior to mailing the questionnaire, detailed discussions about content and wording were held with a number of people active in the field of solar energy. The final questionnaire contained 14 36 questions, most of which were open-ended. A copy of the questionnaire is presented in Appendix 1. 4.3.2 Survey of householders A random sample of 500 names and addresses was drawn from the most recent Perth White Pages telephone directory, using a table of random numbers to select entries. Although the phone book is not an ideal listing of the population from which to draw a completely representative sample, it is adequate for present purposes. Pragmatic considerations prevented us from using better sampling techniques. A discussion of possible sample biases is given later. Detailed discussions were held with various people active in the solar energy area about question content and wording. A draft questionnaire was pilot tested on a small convenience sample (n = 9), to check clarity, ease of completing, and time taken to complete the questionnaire. This led to rewording and reformulating parts of the questionnaire, which is contained in Appendix 2, along with other material associated with this survey. The final questionnaire was mailed, along with an introductory letter and a reply-paid envelope, in November 1990 to the 500 members of the sample. Questionnaires returned (n = 25) due to an unknown address or to the addressee being unknown at the address were mailed to another randomly selected name. Two weeks after the initial mailing a reminder letter was mailed to all 500 potential respondents. Usable returns were received from 321 respondents, giving an overall response rate of 64.2%. This is satisfactory, given the method used to conduct the survey and the length of the questionnaire. However, it is important to examine the sample to see if and how it differs from the general population, and to consider what possible biases may exist in the data set. First, the sample was drawn from the phone book. Almost all households in Perth have a telephone (approximately 94% of the Perth population), and the percentage of unlisted numbers is small (less than 1%). It seems extremely unlikely, then, that any large or serious biases in the sample would have arisen because of the incompleteness of the population listing. Second, the response rate was 64.2%. This may pose problems to the sample's representativeness if there are systematic, important energy-related differences between responders and non-responders. The literature suggests few such differences in energyrelated behaviours (Hirst and Goeltz, 1984; Stirling, 1990). It is, in principle, impossible in the present survey to know what the characteristics of the non-responders are. To check for sampling biases due to the response rate, every fifth person in the original listing of the sample of 500 was contacted by phone and asked six brief questions. Only 73 of the 100 people were able to be contacted, despite making four call backs during evenings and on weekends. Of these 73, 56 (76.7%) remembered receiving the 37 questionnaire, and 49 (67.1%) claimed they had completed and returned it. Of those who did not return the questionnaire, most said they could not remember receiving it. One said they forgot about it, and one said it (the survey) would not achieve anything. None of the reasons concerned that person's views about solar energy or energy conservation. People were asked their income, what sort of water heating system they have, and what their attitudes were to each of energy conservation and solar energy (these two questions were responded to on a five-point Likert scale, from 1 = strongly against, to 5 = strongly in favour). Comparisons were made on these variables between those who said they had returned the questionnaire and those who had not. There were no significant differences between the two groups on attitude to energy conservation (means = 4.47 and 4.63, respectively), or on attitude to solar energy (means = 4.51 and 4.75, respectively), but there was a significant difference on income, with responders reporting a higher income than non-responders (t = 2.13, p = .041). Across all 73 respondents, 26.4% had a solar water heating system, 45.8% had a gas system, and 27.8% had an electric system. There was no significant difference between the two groups on system type (chi square = 1.82, p = .40). Finally, we can compare the sample with the population on variables for which we have data on both. The sex ratio in the sample is 57:43, while that in the Perth population was 51:49 in the 1986 Census. Thus, the sample over-represents males. This is most likely due to an anomaly in the population listing, wherein a number of households with more than one adult member have only one directory listing under a male's initial. This is only a problem if there are systematic sex differences in the variables we are measuring. The literature suggests that women may be more "environmentally concerned" than are men, ------------------------------------1 All p-values reported in this chapter and the next are two-tailed probabilities. but the evidence is equivocal and weak. In a 1980 review, Van Liere and Dunlap found seven studies which reported 18 different correlations between sex and various measures of environmental concern (including measures of attitudes to specific energy use and development issues). Six of these correlations showed men were more environmentally concerned than women, and 13 showed women were more concerned. The size of the correlations was small, though. In absolute terms, the average correlation was only 0.8, meaning that, on average, sex accounts for less than one percent (0.64%) of the variance in environmental concern. More recently, in her review of the literature on sex differences in environmental concern, Stirling (1990) found that across many different populations and measures, 13 studies showed women were more environmentally concerned than men, five found no difference, and two found men were more environmentally concerned than women. From the reviews of Van Liere and Dunlap (1980) and Stirling (1990), it appears that the oversampling of men in this survey will have negligible effect on our energy-related measures. The mean age of the sample was 47 years, while that of the Perth population in the 1986 Census was 33 years. The median income of the sample was in the $30 - 40,000 pa bracket; for the WA population the mean was $29,700 in the 1986 Census. Finally, 29% of the sample reported having a solar water heating system, 44% a gas system, and 23% 38 an electric system. The corresponding figures for the Perth population are 26.3%, 32.1%, and 35.5% (National Energy Survey, 1985-86; ABS 8212.0). Thus, from all the above, we know that the sample over-represents males, and is older than the Perth population, but in all other respects matches known population characteristics reasonably well. The phone check on possible differences between responders and non-responders further confirms that the sample is reasonably free from sampling biases. 4.3.3 Survey of pastoral lease holders. A complete listing of all 550 pastoral lease holders in Western Australia was obtained from the Western Australian Department of Agriculture. Each was mailed a questionnaire, with an introductory letter, and a cover letter from the Pastoralists and Graziers Association (PGA) expressing strong support for the survey and requesting the cooperation of the recipients. Prior to mailing, the questionnaire was circulated for comments and contributions among various experts in solar energy and rural energy problems. The PGA was also consulted about the questionnaire and about particular problems facing pastoralists in their production and consumption of energy. Assistance with questionnaire design was also provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Appendix 3 contains all materials relating to this survey. Twenty five surveys were returned after the initial mailing. These were not readdressed, as the initial mailing had exhausted the population listing, and there were no replacement addresses. A reminder letter was mailed two weeks after the survey had been mailed. Of the 525 surveys that had been delivered, replies were received from 258, giving an overall response rate of 49.2%. This was better than expected for this population, as surveys conducted by the PGA typically produce response rates of only around 30% 39 CHAPTER 5 WATER HEATING SYSTEM SURVEYS: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 5.1 Survey of Manufacturers and Suppliers. Eleven suppliers and three manufacturers replied to the survey. Since there were no noticeable differences between responses from the two groups, responses have been grouped together. Presentation of results from this survey follows the objectives listed in Section 4.2.1. 5.1.1 Perceptions of the reasons why people buy SWHS. Respondents rated the importance of each of nine different perceived reasons for people buying a SWHS (1 = not at all important, 2 = fairly important, 3 = important), and were also asked to provide any other reasons we had not listed. Table 5.1 provides the ratings given by respondents, the mean rating, and the percentage of respondents indicating each reason is "important". Reasons for purchase are listed in descending order of importance. Saving money in the long-term, reducing power bills now, and protecting against rising costs, were clearly perceived to be the most important reasons for people buying a SWHS. Conserving natural resources and increasing the resale value of the home were both thought to be fairly important reasons, and the remaining four reasons were thought to be negligibly important. Thus, financial considerations were seen by manufacturers and suppliers to be the primary reason why people buy SWHS. Other factors listed by respondents also referred to costs (e.g., "people believe the booster costs too much to operate"), although one supplier mentioned new-product resistance to a new gas-assisted solar system, and one manufacturer stated that referrals from others are very important. 5.1.2 Perceptions of barriers to purchase. Respondents were asked to rate the perceived importance of fourteen different barriers to purchase among those people who seek information about SWHS. Table 5.2 summarizes these responses. Ironically, the cost of a solar system compared to conventional sources was seen as the most important barrier, even though energy bill savings were also seen to be the most important reason why people do purchase a SWHS. Obtaining credit to cover the cost of the initial installation was not thought to be a major barrier. 40 Two "structural" barriers were rated as relatively important - people who are renting rather than owning or buying their own home, and people who have been in their own home only a short while. Renters are unlikely to make any capital outlays for their residence, while other data (see section 5.1.6) highlight the fact that most SWHS are installed as retrofits rather than in new constructions. Presumably, people are not likely to retrofit their water heating system soon after moving into their home. TABLE 5.1 PERCEIVED REASONS FOR PEOPLE PURCHASING SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Importance rating Reason not at all fairly importan importan importan t t t mean rating % responding important Saving money in the long term 0 0 14 3.00 100.00 Reducing power bills now 0 1 13 2.93 92.86 Protecting against rising costs 2 5 7 2.36 50.00 Conserving natural resources 2 9 3 2.07 21.43 Increasing resale value of home 6 7 1 1.64 7.14 Increasing independence from the grid 9 4 1 1.43 7.14 Easing the energy shortage 9 5 0 1.36 0.00 Increasing status, prestige, self-esteem 11 2 1 1.29 7.14 Reducing need for more large power plants 11 3 0 1.21 0.00 "Lack of knowledge" is perceived to be a relatively important barrier. Presumably this refers to a general lack of knowledge about solar systems, and perhaps even to anything about household water heating and energy consumption, since specific concerns 41 (restrictions to the availability of hot water, inconvenience in having to turn on the booster, cost of maintenance, concern about warranty, and concern about service availability) are rated as relatively unimportant. Perhaps "lack of knowledge" may represent a general antipathy toward solar energy in a segment of the population. The other relatively important perceived barrier is "unattractive addition to house". This factor is probably even more important in the group of people who do not even inquire about SWHS. One manufacturer mentioned that some councils' regulations do not allow solar collectors on the front of a house. To pursue this further, we spoke to a representative from each of 25 shire councils in and around Perth. One council has a special planning code governing SWHS installations in one development site. SWHS may only be installed in this area if they are concealed from the street and parks, the top of the water heater does not go above the roof line, the water heater is parallel to the roof plane, and they are painted to match the roof of the house. These conditions were placed by the developers of the estate, which they consider to be "high status". Another council requires planning permission to install a SWHS, and "offence to neighbour" is one criterion considered. So far, no applications have been denied. One further council requires that SWHS lie flat and not at a reverse pitch. None of the other councils has any planning requirements for SWHS installations. 42 TABLE 5.2 MAIN PERCEIVED BARRIERS TO PURCHASING SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Importance rating Reason not at all fairly importan importan importan t t t mean rating % responding important Cost compared to conventional sources 0 3 11 2.79 78.75 Rent and do not own 3 1 10 2.50 71.43 Lack of knowledge 3 5 6 2.21 42.86 Unattractive for house 5 3 6 2.07 42.86 Short term of residence 3 8 3 2.00 21.43 Loan for initial cost 6 5 3 1.79 21.43 Restrictions to hot water availability * 7 3 3 1.69 23.08 Inconvenience of having to turn on booster 7 6 1 1.57 7.14 Cost of maintenance 11 2 1 1.29 7.14 Concern about warranty 10 4 0 1.29 0.00 Fear of the unknown 11 3 0 1.21 0.00 No effect on resale value of house 11 3 0 1.21 0.00 Concern about service 12 2 0 1.14 0.00 Prospect of declining cost in near future 13 1 0 1.07 0.00 * One supplier did not respond to this item. 43 5.1.3 Perceptions of barriers to considering a SWHS. From responses to this open-ended question, two factors emerged as the major perceived reasons for why some people do not ever even inquire about purchasing a SWHS - cost and ignorance. Eleven of the fourteen manufacturers and suppliers cited cost as the major reason, in one form or another. Some stated that SWHS are simply "too expensive" for some people, while others qualified their statement (e.g., "doubt that the investment will be recovered", "perception that the cost involved means deferral of other, more useful, more pleasurable, or more pressing purchases", and "cost of initial outlay against natural gas or off-peak electric water heaters"). Likewise, comments about ignorance among the public (made by half the respondents) ranged from general to more specific or qualified (e.g., from "lack of knowledge" and "ignorance of the benefits (environmental and economic)" to "people's lack of knowledge about the cost of their hot water" and "the vast majority of potential solar water heating system users lack the ability and motivation to correctly assess their requirements and resist impulse decisions"). Other reasons mentioned by respondents include appearance (by one person), social influence (by one person who wrote that a major barrier is "friends who complain about electric boosting costs in winter"), and people's conservatism (by two people, who wrote that people tend to stick with the water heating system they currently have). Five respondents specifically cited gas as the heating system which many people find cheaper or more convenient than solar. 5.1.4 Attempts to overcome perceived barriers. Given that most manufacturers and suppliers see cost as by far the biggest barrier to the more widespread adoption of SWHS, it is not surprising that most manufacturers and suppliers gear most of their efforts to changing people's views of the costs of SWHS. Only two mentioned directly the use of advertising in breaking down barriers, and one of these said the company also uses physical displays at shopping centres. One supplier mentioned that it is hard to get the proper information across in media advertising, and that the main chance to overcome barriers comes after personal contact has been made by an interested party. Presumably the tactics reported by most respondents refer more specifically to interpersonal strategies, rather than to broader advertising campaigns. The most commonly cited strategy (by 8 respondents) was to address directly the cost factor. Although the responses did not describe how this was done, reference was made to "the gas-assisted solar's ability to cut energy bills", "cost savings over the long term compared with other hot water systems", and "running costs over the long term are less and maintenance is minimal". Almost all of these responses mentioned long term savings and payback periods; only one mentioned short term paybacks. One supplier stated they attempt to overcome barriers by organising finance for customers. One supplier stated they are attempting to design a better looking and a more cost effective heater, and one manufacturer mentioned that they are promoting a new design which improves efficiency. Finally, one supplier wrote "regrettably, our marketing strategies do not address these barriers". 44 5.1.5 Perceptions of the roles of architects, builders, and the state government. Only two respondents said that architects and builders do not have an important role to play in the uptake of SWHS. All respondents supply updated information to architects. Respondents' views of architects and builders were strong and consistent: architects oppose SWHS on aesthetic grounds; builders are concerned only with using the cheapest possible materials and with maximising their own returns. The concerns of architects and builders obstruct more widespread adoption of SWHS. There seems to be little or no cooperation between the solar industry on the one hand, and architects and builders on the other. All respondents thought the government has an important role to play in the renewable energy industry, but that it is not currently fulfilling that role. Three factors were commonly reported as important things the government should do, but currently does not: provide financial assistance or financial incentives (e.g., tax concessions); lead by example by installing SWHS in government buildings; and generally promoting renewable rather than non-renewable energies (especially gas). Only three respondents indicated that the government is a customer; one said it is a low volume customer; one has a contract in the Northern Territory and used to fit GEHA houses with SWHS before the introduction of North West Shelf gas; and the third reported that Homeswest is starting to use SWHS again and that Aboriginal communities are using SWHS. 5.1.6 Background information about SWHS adoptors. No respondent had, or reported to us, demographic information about their customers. Responses were on a much more general level. Of the suppliers, one reported "they [customers] own their own home and are environmentally conscious", and another said they "have used this type of information in the past and found it difficult to analyse sales trends based on it. None of the information has aided in stemming the downward trend in sales associated with the building industry downturn". None of the suppliers volunteered any other information. Two of the three manufacturers supplied demographic information. One said their customers had "middle of the range" salaries (around $60,000 pa), did not live in high status suburbs, were in the 25-45 years age bracket, and were second or third home owners rather than first home owners. The other manufacturer essentially concurred: customers are home owners, 90% of them are "family people", and are not in the "high income" bracket. Five suppliers and two manufacturers had data about the proportion of installations which were retrofits. Two suppliers said 90% of their installations were retrofits, one said 75%, and two said 50%. One manufacturer said 60-70% of their systems were retrofit installations. The other did not have data for his company, but did report that there were 47,000 water heating systems sold in WA last year, that 70% of all systems sold were replacements, and that 11% of new installations in WA were solar. 45 Few respondents said any of their customers express dissatisfaction with their system after installation. Of the complaints that were provided, most concerned problems due to faulty installation. Three respondents mentioned problems with booster use (two concerned cost, one improper use). One mentioned that some customers have to make slight lifestyle changes. 5.2 Survey of Householders. Three hundred and twenty one usable responses were received from a possible 500 sample members. Due to missing responses to some questions, the analyses reported below will not always be based on n = 321. 5.2.1 Description of sample. There were more males than females in the sample (56.7% male, 40.5% female, 2.8% did not answer), and the average age was just over 46 years (SD = 15.07). Three quarters of the sample said they had grown up mainly in an urban place (75.1% urban, 22.7% rural, 0.9% both). Both the mean and the median income gross household annual were in the $30,000 - $40,000 pa bracket (see Figures 5.1 and 5.2). FIGURE 5.1 31-40 41-50 53 73 44 40 18 Frequency 60 52 80 75 AGE DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS 3 20 0 21-30 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 Respondents' Age As can be seen in Figures 5.3 and 5.4, the majority of the sample lived in a house (83.8% house, 1.6% flat, 9.0% unit, 0.6% townhouse, 4.7% duplex, 0.3% did not answer), and 46 most were buying or owned the place where they lived (83.4% buying or owning, 13.4% renting, 1.2% other, and 1.6% did not answer). Mean length of occupancy in current dwelling was 8.9 years (SD = 9.86), and most people expected to be living in the same place in five years time (from 1 = extremely unlikely to 5 = extremely likely, the mean was 3.76 and the SD was 1.30). For more than half the sample (57.3%) their present water heating system was already installed when they moved into their home (42.4% had it installed, and 0.3% did not answer). Most people reported gas was available in the street (84.7%), and nearly two thirds (63.6%) had gas available in the home. FIGURE 5.2 DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS' GROSS HOUSEHOLD ANNUAL INCOME 57 67 80 47 48 18 19 50-60 60-70 23 40 27 Frequency 60 20 0 <10,000 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 Annual Income >70,000 47 FIGURE 5.3 Frequency 300 269 DISTRIBUTION OF TYPES OF DWELLINGS 200 2 5 15 29 100 0 house flat unit townhouse duplex Type of Dwelling FIGURE 5.4 DISTRIBUTION OF OCCUPANCY TYPE 117 100 1 1 2 43 Frequency 152 200 bus/home lodging parents 0 renting buying own Occupancy Type 48 FIGURE 5.5 Frequency 300 272 AVAILABILITY OF STREET GAS TO RESPONDENTS 200 2 19 28 100 0 yes no don't know missing Street Gas Availability FIGURE 5.6. AVAILABILITY OF GAS TO RESPONDENTS' HOMES 204 300 108 Frequency 200 9 100 0 yes no Home Gas Availability don't know 49 5.2.2 Current water heating system. Across the entire sample, 29.0% reported having a solar water heating system, 26.2% an instantaneous gas system, 17.8% a gas storage system, 11.5% an instantaneous electric system, 11.8% an electric storage system, 1.9% a wood system, and 0.6% some other system, while 1.2% did not respond to the question (see Figure 5.7). Those with a wood system or an "other" system, and those not responding, are excluded from the following analyses. Table 5.3 depicts a breakdown of ownership of different water heating systems by the variables sex, age of the respondent, income, number of people living in the home, number of years lived in the home, likelihood the respondent will still be living in the same home in five years' time (1 = extremely unlikely, 5 = extremely likely), the socioeconomic status (SES) of the suburb1 (ABS, 1986), whether or not the respondent owns the home (buying or owning versus renting), age of home, type of home (house versus other), whether or not the respondent had the system installed, whether gas is supplied to the street, and whether gas is supplied to the home. 1 The SES index was developed by the ABS as an index for each suburb, based on information gleaned from the last Census. The index has a mean of 50 and a standard deviation of 8. FIGURE 5.7 85 100 92 TYPES OF WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 37 38 elec. stor. 40 elec. inst. 57 60 2 4 other missing wood gas stor. 0 gas inst. 6 20 solar Frequency 80 50 There was a number of statistically significant differences on these variables across the five water heating system types. The proportion of males to females was higher for solar systems than for other systems (chi square = 13.13, p < .05)). Males were more likely than females to report having a solar water heating system. Solar owners were more likely to report living in a house than in any other kind of dwelling (chi square = 34.88, p < .001). The mean age of the dwelling varied significantly across system types (F = 7.47, p < .001): people with an instantaneous gas system lived in older homes than did people with any other sort of system. People with a solar system and people with a gas storage system reported significantly larger households than did people with other systems (F = 7.22, p < .001). Likelihood the respondent would still be living in the same home in five years time varied significantly across system types (F = 3.40, p = .001): people with a solar system were significantly more likely to be living in the same place than people with either an electric storage or an electric instantaneous system. People with gas supplied either to the street or to the house were significantly more likely to report having a gas system than were people without access to reticulated gas (chi square = 13.41, p < .01 and chi square = 107.53, p < .001, respectively). People with gas storage systems had significantly newer systems than people with any other kind of system, and all other systems were equivalently old (F = 7.89, p < .001). When system type is broken down by the same variables, but only using data from those who installed their current system, a similar pattern of results emerges. However, the differences for home type, number of people in the household, and likelihood of still living in the same home in five years are no longer statistically significant, and the strength of differences for some variables is different. The sex difference in solar ownership is stronger. Although age of home for instantaneous gas owners is still significantly higher than for solar and gas storage owners, it is no longer significantly higher than for owners of either kind of electric system. The relationship between system type and gas availability was the same as that for the total sample, but not as strong (the respective chi squares are 11.92, p < .05, and 57.27, p < .001). 51 TABLE 5.3 CORRELATES OF CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM gas ALL RESPONDENTS n Sex prop. (= males/total) Mean age of respondent (yrs) Mdn income bracket ($'000s pa) Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood of staying (1 - 5) Socioeconomic status Buy/rent (= own or buy/total) Mean home age (years) Home type (= house/total) Installed (= installed/total) Street gas (= yes/total) Home gas (= yes/total) solar 92 .74 46.90 30-40 3.16 11.10 4.08 53.53 .92 18.24 .97 .56 .82 .50 INSTALLERS ONLY n Sex prop (= males/total) Mean age of respondent (yrs) Mdn income bracket ($'000s pa) Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood of staying (1 - 5) Socioeconomic status Buy/rent (= own or buy/total) Mean home age (years) Home type (= house/total) Street gas (= yes/total) Home gas (= yes/total) solar 51 .84 49.29 30-40 3.17 15.94 3.83 53.11 .96 22.32 1.00 .78 .49 electric inst stor inst stor 85 57 37 38 .51 .56 .47 .58 44.50 45.21 48.95 48.95 30-40 30-40 30-40 30-40 2.61 3.24 2.44 2.16 8.18 5.93 10.00 7.32 3.76 3.80 3.35 3.34 52.71 54.58 54.18 55.04 .74 .96 .78 .95 29.76 15.46 19.78 14.24 .77 .93 .73 .61 .35 .58 .22 .21 .98 .95 .91 .90 .98 .93 .23 .36 gas electric inst stor inst stor 30 33 8 8 .50 .55 .38 .75 47.21 44.00 53.88 56.38 30-40 40-50 30-40 20-30 2.71 3.09 2.25 2.37 14.66 7.24 20.13 12.13 3.74 3.70 3.13 3.30 51.81 55.26 53.75 53.96 .83 1.00 1.00 1.00 34.48 17.24 25.86 21.38 .90 .97 1.00 1.00 1.00 .97 .88 .88 1.00 .94 .13 .25 Median income did not vary significantly across system types: the median income for owners of all systems was in the $30 - 40,000 pa bracket. The lack of relationship between income and solar ownership is clearer when we examine the proportion of people in each income bracket who own a solar system (see Figure 5.8). 52 FIGURE 5.8 PERCENTAGE OF RESPONDENTS IN EACH INCOME BRACKET WHO REPORT HAVING A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM 50 Total Sample Installers Only % With Solar 40 30 20 10 <$10,000 10-20 20-30 30-40 40-50 50-60 60-70 >$70,000 Annual Income Multiple regression analyses were run, for all respondents and separately for installers only, predicting system ownership (solar versus other) from sex, age, whether the respondent is buying or owns versus renting the home, the socioeconomic status of the suburb, the type of home (house versus other), income, number of people living in the home, number of years lived in the home, the likelihood the respondent will still be living in the home in five years' time, availability of street gas, and availability of gas to the home. Due to large numbers of randomly spread missing data, a mean substitution procedure was used. The results of these two regressions are presented in Table 5.4. The twelve predictor variables together accounted for 16.5% of the variance in system ownership (solar versus other) in the total sample (p < .001), and for 11.6% in the sample of installers (p = .04). In the total sample, the type of home (house versus other) and the likelihood the respondent would still be in the home in five years' time both had significant positive beta weights, indicating that house dwellers and those more likely to be residing in the home in five years were more likely to have a solar water heating system. Sex, availability of gas in the home (but not in the street), and age of home all had significant negative beta weights, indicating that females, those with gas available in their home, and those with older homes, were less likely to report having a solar water heating system. The number of people living in the home and the number of years lived in the home both had almost significant positive beta weights (p = .07 and .08, respectively), indicating that the more people who lived in the home and the longer people have lived in the home, the more likely they were to report having a solar water heating system. For the sample of installers, the likelihood the respondent would still be living in the 53 home in five years had a significant positive beta weight, and income had a significant negative beta weight. Thus, those likely to be residing in the same home were more likely to report having a SWHS, and wealthier respondents were less likely to report having a SWHS. Solar owners who purchased their system were also asked to indicate which of a range of sources of information were important to them in making the decision to install solar. The three most often listed important sources were, in order, a solar company, a friend, and television. They were also asked to rate a number of listed reasons for purchasing a solar water heating system in terms of how important each reason was to them in making their decision (1 = not at all important, 2 = fairly important, 3 = important). The most important reasons were "saving money in the long term", "reducing power bills now", and "protecting against rising costs". Table 5.5 and Figure 5.9 summarise the results from these two questions. 54 TABLE 5.4 MULTIPLE REGRESSIONS PREDICTING CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM FOR THE TOTAL SAMPLE AND FOR INSTALLERS ONLY TOTAL SAMPLE dependent variable: water heating system (solar = 2; other = 1) predictor variable Sex (males = 1; females = 2) Age Buy/rent (buy/own = 2; other = 1) Suburb's SES rating Age of home (years) Type of home (house = 2; other = 1) Income Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood will be in home in 5 yrs Street gas (yes = 2; no = 1) Home gas (yes = 2; no = 1) beta weight -.199 -.065 -.024 -.018 -.140 .177 .064 .108 .115 .127 -.029 -.144 prob. .000 .315 .691 .747 .020 .004 .303 .071 .081 .026 .640 .023 R square = .165 (F = 5.075, p < .001) INSTALLERS ONLY dependent variable: water heating system (solar = 2; other = 1) predictor variable Sex (males = 1; females = 2) Age Buy/rent (buy/own = 2; other = 1) Suburb's SES rating Age of home (years) Type of home (house = 2; other = 1) Income Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood will be in home in 5 yrs Street gas (yes = 2, no = 1) Home gas (yes = 2, no = 1) R square = .116 (F = 1.869, p = .041) beta weight -.057 -.064 .034 .045 -.029 .058 -.272 .093 .124 .185 -.151 -.085 prob. .523 .570 .728 .608 .782 .535 .011 .327 .277 .036 .125 .401 55 TABLE 5.5 FACTORS INVOLVED IN DECISION TO PURCHASE SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS (SOLAR INSTALLERS ONLY). What were the most important sources of information to you in making the decision to purchase a solar water heating system? Source Solar company Friend Television Newspaper advertisement Solar Energy Information Centre Plumber SECWA School/university/college Department store Other % yes 44 35 33 22 13 13 9 6 2 22 Note: Percentages do not sum to 100, since respondents could indicate more than one source Rated importance of factors in making the decision to puchase solar (1 = not al all important, 2 = fairly important, 3 = important). Reason Saving money over the long term Reducing power bills now Protecting against rising costs Protecting the environment Conserving natural resources Easing the energy shortage Reducing need for more large power plants Increasing independence from the grid Increasing resale value of home Increasing status, prestige, self-esteem mean 2.71 2.65 2.44 2.41 2.39 2.27 2.22 2.14 1.91 1.15 percent responding 1 2 3 4 20 76 3 22 72 11 35 64 7 46 48 9 43 48 16 42 42 17 44 39 26 33 40 38 33 29 92 0 8 56 FIGURE 5.9 1.15 Mean 2 1.91 2.14 2.22 fewer power plants 2.39 conserve resources 2.27 2.41 protect environment ease energy shortage 2.44 2.65 reduce power bills inflation protection 2.71 3 save money IMPORTANCE OF FACTORS IN THE DECISION TO PURCHASE SOLAR increase status increase home value 0 independence grid 1 5.2.3 Satisfaction with current water heating system. Respondents were asked to rate their satisfaction with their current water heating system, on a scale from 1 = very dissatisfied to 5 = very satisfied. Responses to this item were analysed across systems, and were used as the dependent variable in regression analyses to find the predictors of satisfaction. For all respondents, satisfaction varied significantly across system types (F = 6.56, p < .001). Owners of instantaneous electric systems (mean = 3.70) were significantly less satisfied with their system than were owners of solar (4.43), gas storage (4.45), or gas instantaneous (4.38) systems, but not significantly less than owners of electric storage systems (4.02). Satisfaction with electric storage systems was not significantly lower than satisfaction with solar, gas storage, or gas instantaneous systems. Across all systems, satisfaction correlated significantly with age of respondent (r = .12, p = .038), with likelihood the respondent will still be living in the home in five years (r = .19, p = .001), with how often the respondent reports running out of hot water (r = -.28, p < .001), and with respondents' perception of how much of their energy bill goes towards heating water (r = -.33, p < .001). Satisfaction was almost significantly correlated with sex of respondent (r = -.10, p = .067), and with number of years lived in the home (r = .10, p = .072). A regression analysis was performed to predict satisfaction from respondents' sex, age, 57 whether they are buying or owning versus renting their own home, the age of the home, the type of home (house versus other), income, number of people in the home, number of years lived in the home, likelihood of still being in the home in five years, size of last energy bill, perceived percentage of energy bill devoted to water heating, age of water heating system, whether the respondent installed the system or not, how often the respondent reports runnning out of hot water, the number of times the water heating system has broken down in its lifetime, and the number of times the system has been serviced or maintained in the last five years. The sixteen predictor variables together accounted for 18.3% of the variance in the variable satisfaction. Only two had significant beta weights, though: the number of times the respondent reports running out of hot water and the perceived percentage of last energy bill devoted to water heating both had significant negative beta weights. The results of this regression analysis are presented in Table 5.6. TABLE 5.6 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM(TOTAL SAMPLE) Dependent variable: satisfaction with current water heating system (1 = very dissatisfied through 5 = very satisfied) Predictor variables Sex (males = 1; females = 2) Age Buy/rent (buy/own = 2; other = 1) Age of home (years) Type of home (house = 2; other = 1) Income Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood will be in home in 5 yrs Size of last bill % last bill on water heating Age of system System installed (1 = no; 2 = yes) Run out of hot water (1 = never; 3 = often) Number of services Number of breakdowns beta weight -.058 .089 .018 -.073 .000 .023 .088 .008 .093 .018 -.211 -.032 .066 -.297 .061 -.033 prob. .293 .163 .770 .221 .995 .708 .175 .912 .115 .773 .000 .598 .309 .000 .274 .539 R square = .183 (F = 4.26, p < .001) When these analyses are repeated for solar owners only, we find that satisfaction correlated significantly with number of times the respondent runs out of hot water (r = .50, p < .001), and with perceived percentage of energy bill devoted to water heating (r = 58 -.64, p < .001). The correlation between satisfaction and likelihood of still residing in the same home in five years was almost significant (r = .18, p = .084). In the regression analysis, the same sixteen predictor variables accounted for 44.9% of the variance in satisfaction. The perceived percentage of last energy bill devoted to water heating and the number of times the respondent reports running out of hot water both had significant beta weights, while that for number of system breakages approached significance. The results of this regression analysis are presented in Table 5.7. TABLE 5.7 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM (SOLAR OWNERS) Dependent variable: satisfaction with current water heating system (1 = very dissatisfied through 5 = very satisfied) Predictor variable Sex (males = 1; females = 2) Age Buy/rent (buy/own = 2; other = 1) Age of home (years) Type of home (house = 2; other = 1) Income Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood will be in home in 5 yrs Size of last bill % last bill on water heating Age of system System installed (1 = no; 2 = yes) Run out of hot water (1 = never; 3 = often) Number of services Number of breakdowns beta weight -.075 .102 .101 .024 -.004 .154 -.087 -.123 -.040 -.119 -.420 .020 .047 -.363 -.007 .153 prob. .455 .401 .423 .837 .964 .256 .401 .425 .723 .263 .001 .863 .718 .001 .952 .098 R square = .449 (F = 3.818, p = .000) For non-solar owners, satisfaction was significantly correlated with age of respondent (r = .15, p = .023), likelihood of staying five years (r = .17, p = .009), perceived percentage of energy bill devoted to water heating (r = -.21, p = .017), and with number of times respondents run out of hot water (r = -.18, p = .007). The sixteen predictor variables in the regression analysis accounted for 14.2% of the variance in satisfaction. The number of times respondents run out of hot water was the only predictor to have a significant beta weight. Age (positive), number of people in home (positive), and perceived percent of last bill spent on water heating (negative) all had beta weights approaching significance. The results of this regression analysis are presented in Table 5.8. 59 Analyses were performed for solar owners only, relating satisfaction with system to a number of characteristics of their system. Almost three quarters of the sample of solar owners owned one of two particular brands. Fourteen percent said their system had one collector plate, 80% had two, and just one person had three plates. Forty one percent did not know the tank capacity of their system. For those who did know, the average tank capacity was 257 litres (mode = 300 litres). Two people had a tank capacity less than 100 litres, 8 had a capacity between 100 and 200 litres, ten between 200 and 300 litres, and 32 greater than 300 litres. Over 20% did not know what sort of collector type they had. Of the rest, almost all reported having a black chrome collector. All but one respondent said their panels faced north, northeast, or northwest. Only one respondent reported having a gas booster attached to the system, 67% had a continuous electric booster fitted, 29% had a time clock controlled electric booster, and 2 respondents said they had a wood booster. TABLE 5.8 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM(NON-SOLAR OWNERS) Dependent variable: satisfaction with current water heating system (1 = very dissatisfied through 5 = very satisfied) Predictor variable Sex (males = 1; females = 2) Age Buy/rent (buy/own = 2; other = 1) Age of home (years) Type of home (house = 2; other = 1) Income Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood will be in home in 5 yrs Size of last bill % last bill on water heating Age of system System installed (1 = no; 2 = yes) Run out of hot water (1 = never; 3 = often) Number of services Number of breakdowns beta weight -.015 .152 -.042 -.078 -.026 -.009 .160 -.005 .103 .068 -.129 -.030 .121 -.199 .094 -.021 prob. .826 .058 .575 .296 .747 .903 .055 .955 .151 .396 .062 .703 .130 .004 .170 .747 R square = .142 (F = 2.212, p = .007) Nearly 90% of the boosters were manually operated. Of those with a manually operated booster, 49% said they operated it only when they ran out of hot water, and 29% said they operated it so they never ran out of hot water (the remainder failed to answer the 60 question). When asked if they thought their system saved them money, 17% said "no" and 83% said "yes". When those who thought their system saved them money were asked to estimate their annual dollar savings, the average was just over $190, with estimates ranging from $50 to $500. For solar owners, satisfaction with their system was not correlated with the number of plates, the tank capacity, or the number of people in the house. It was significantly correlated with belief that the solar system saved them money (r = .35, p = .001), with the judged dollar value of that saving (r = .34, p = .01), with the judged percent of their last energy bill devoted to water heating (r = -.64, p < .001), and with the number of times they report running out of hot water (r = -.50, p < .001). 5.2.4 Intention to buy new water heating system. Respondents were asked what sort of system they thought they would purchase if they needed to buy a new water heating system. Across all respondents, 38.6% indicated solar with a gas booster, 16.5% solar with an electric booster, 4.7% solar with a wood booster, TABLE 5.9 CORRELATES OF INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM ALL RESPONDENTS n Sex prop. (= males/total) Mean age of respondent (yrs) Mdn income ($'000s pa) Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood of staying (1 - 5) Socioeconomic status But/rent (= own or buy/total) Mean home age (years) Home type (= house/total) Installed (= installed/total) Street gas (= yes/total) Home gas (= yes/total) INSTALLERS ONLY solar gas 124 .52 41.50 30-40 3.00 6.20 3.73 54.33 .85 18.38 .85 .41 .85 .72 solar electric 53 .72 49.72 30-40 2.71 11.55 3.72 52.44 .87 19.35 .89 .45 .75 .34 solar gas solar electric solar wood 15 .67 40.60 30-40 4.36 11.80 3.73 53.70 .87 17.07 1.00 .60 .60 .40 solar wood gas 91 .60 50.30 20-30 2.57 9.80 3.84 53.78 .89 21.90 .80 .43 .99 .84 electric 23 .61 57.55 30-40 2.27 11.70 3.70 54.38 .96 20.13 .74 .39 .74 .22 gas electric 61 n Sex prop (= males/total) Mean age of respondent (yrs) Mdn income ($'000s pa) Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood of staying (1 - 5) Socioeconomic status Buy/rent (= own or buy/total) Mean home age (years) Home type (= house/total) Street gas (= yes/total) Home gas (= yes/total) 50 .55 44.10 30-40 3.02 10.22 4.13 54.67 .88 20.02 .94 .96 .84 24 .88 50.96 30-40 3.00 16.50 4.10 50.82 .96 21.92 1.00 .79 .38 9 .78 42.56 30-40 4.38 15.44 3.55 51.67 1.00 21.33 1.00 .44 .33 39 .61 51.79 30-40 2.62 14.46 4.08 54.32 1.00 29.03 .97 1.00 .85 9 .56 60.78 30-40 2.38 19.11 4.33 52.99 1.00 27.56 1.00 .78 .22 28.3% a gas system, and 7.2% an electric system. Other types of systems were nominated by 2.8%; 0.6% did not know what sort of system they would buy; and 1.2% of respondents failed to answer this question. Table 5.9 presents a breakdown of new system preferences with a number of other variables. Significant differences across intended systems were obtained for age of respondent (F = 10.12, p < .001), number of people living in the home (F = 7.81, p < .001), number of years lived in the home (F = 4.41, p = .002), and for availability of gas to the street (chi square = 27.57, p < .001) and to the home (chi square = 60.15, p < .001). Those who preferred a solar system with a gas booster were significantly younger than those who preferred any other system except for a solar system with a wood booster. Those who preferred solar with wood were significantly younger than only those who preferred an electric system. These people also had significantly more people living in the home than those indicating any other system. Those opting for solar with gas had stayed in their present home significantly less time than those opting for either solar with electric or straight gas. Finally, all but one of those who preferred a gas system already had gas available in the street, and 84% had gas available in their home. 62 TABLE 5.10 CORRELATES OF INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM (COLLAPSED ANALYSIS) ALL RESPONDENTS solar gas electric n Sex prop. (= males/total) Mean age of respondent (yrs) Mdn income ($1,000 pa) Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood of staying (1 - 5) Socioeconomic status Own/buy (= own or buy/total) Mean home age (years) Home type (= house/total) Installed (= yes/total) Street gas (= yes/total) Home gas (= yes/total) 192 .59 43.71 30-40 3.02 8.12 3.73 53.75 .86 18.55 .87 .43 .80 .59 91 .60 50.30 20-30 2.57 9.89 3.84 53.78 .89 21.90 .80 .42 .99 .84 23 .61 57.55 30-40 2.27 11.70 3.70 54.38 .96 20.13 .74 .39 .74 .22 INSTALLERS ONLY solar gas electric n Sex prop (= males/total) Mean age of respondent (yrs) Mdn income ($1,000 pa) Number of people in home Years lived in home Likelihood of staying (1 - 5) Socioeconomic status Own/buy (= own or buy/total) Mean home age (years) Home type (= house/total) Street gas (= yes/total) Home gas (= yes/total) 83 .67 45.94 30-40 3.15 12.60 4.01 53.23 .92 20.73 .96 .86 .65 39 .61 51.79 30-40 2.62 14.46 4.08 54.32 1.00 29.03 .97 1.00 .85 9 .56 60.78 30-40 2.38 19.11 4.33 52.99 1.00 27.56 1.00 .78 .22 When these analyses were repeated for installers only, significant effects were obtained only for age of respondent (F = 3.14, p = .018) and number of people in the home (F = 3.01, p = .034). Those who indicated solar with wood were significantly younger than those who indicated gas, and people who indicated solar with gas had significantly smaller households than those who indicated solar with wood. These differences must be 63 carefully considered, though, since the number of people indicating solar with wood, straight gas, and straight electric are small. Installers did not significantly differ from non-installers in their stated new system preferences (chi square = 2.30). These analyses were performed again comparing those who prefer any form of solar, those who prefer gas, and those who prefer electric (see Table 5.10). For the total sample, significant differences were found for respondents' age (F = 13.12, p < .001 : those preferring solar were significantly younger than those preferring gas and those preferring electric), number of people in the home (F = 5.78, p = .004 : solar preferrers have significantly larger households than the other groups), and for availability of gas in the street (chi square = 19.77, p < .001) and in the home (chi square = 34.78, p < .001). Of those who have gas available in the street, 34% prefer gas for a new system, compared to 2% of those who do not; 39% of those with gas in the home prefer a new gas system, compared to 14% of those who do not. For the group of installers, there were significant differences for age (F = 6.02, p = .003 : solar preferrers were significantly younger than electric preferrers), and for availability of gas in the street (chi square = 7.16, p = .03) and in the home (chi square = 13.93, p < .001). Differences were almost significant for number of people in the home (F = 3.06, p = .062). An important association exists between current water heating system and intended system (chi square = 124.9, p < .001). The cross-tabulation is in Table 5.11 and is presented graphically in Figure 5.10. Only 5.6% of current solar owners say they would buy a non-solar system. Just over half (51.9%) of current gas owners would change systems - 69 (51.1%) would buy a solar system, and only 1 (0.7%) would switch to an electric system. Most of those who would switch from gas to solar would buy a solar model with a gas booster. Only 21 (29.6%) of those who currently have an electric system would buy another electric system. About half (34, or 47.8%) would switch to solar; and 16 (22.5%) would change to a gas system. This pattern of association between current system and intended system holds also for installers only. 5.2.5 Reasons for not having a SWHS. Those respondents who did not have a SWHS and who installed their current system were asked if they had considered buying a SWHS and, if so, what were their reasons for deciding not to buy one. Nearly 40% (39.4%) of those who had installed their current system had installed solar, 48.0% had installed gas, and 12.6% electric. Table 5.12 and Figure 5.11 show the percentages of respondents indicating the various possible reasons for their decision. The cost of purchase was by far the most commonly mentioned reason. Perceived life span of solar systems, expected savings, and expected maintenance and repair costs were the next most commonly cited reasons. Thus, three of the four most commonly cited reasons for deciding not to purchase solar involved cost, and it is perhaps likely that the fourth (expected life span) is also a cost-related concern. 64 FIGURE 5.10 INTENDED NEXT PURCHASE RELATIVE TO EXISTING SYSTEMS 100 gas solar wood 80 solar electric solar gas 60 40 elec. stor. elec.inst. solar 0 gas stor. 20 gas inst. Frequency (total sample) electric FIGURE 5.11 100 87.93 REASONS FOR NOT PURCHASING A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM (INSTALLERS OF NON-SOLAR SYSTEMS ONLY). 8.62 8.62 8.62 inefficient adverse comments 17.24 no value to home expensive maintenance no savings 0 short life span 20 ugly 22.41 40 25.86 31.03 60 capital cost % (Yes) 80 65 TABLE 5.11 CROSS-TABULATION OF CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEM AND INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM TOTAL SAMPLE current system solar gas Intended water heating system solar solar elect wood gas elect TOTAL Solar 45 29 11 4 1 90 Gas instantaneous Gas storage Electric instantaneous Electric storage 36 27 4 10 2 2 12 7 2 0 1 0 39 26 10 6 1 0 7 14 80 55 34 37 TOTAL 122 52 14 85 23 296 INSTALLERS ONLY Current system solar gas Intended water heating system solar solar elect wood gas elect TOTAL Solar Gas instantaneous Gas storage Electric instantaneous Electric storage 25 24 11 4 9 9 2 0 11 6 4 1 0 1 0 1 23 12 8 4 0 1 0 3 10 39 51 23 27 29 TOTAL 73 28 6 48 14 169 Those respondents who had a non-solar system, and who did not install their current system, were asked if they had ever considered buying a SWHS, and, if so, what were their reasons for doing so. Up to three reasons were coded for each respondent. Less than half (43%, n = 63) said they had considered purchasing a SWHS. Table 5.13 lists the percentages of respondents providing various reasons for that consideration. 66 TABLE 5.12 REASONS FOR NOT PURCHASING A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM (INSTALLERS OF NON-SOLAR SYSTEMS ONLY). Reason Cost of purchase Number 51 Percent 87.93 Life span no better than other systems 18 31.03 Would not save much money 15 25.86 Costs too much to maintain/repair 13 22.41 Makes the house look ugly 10 17.24 Would not increase resale value of home 5 8.62 Would not give an efficient service 5 8.62 Comments from other people 5 8.62 TABLE 5.13 REASONS FOR CONSIDERING, BUT NOT BUYING, A SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM (NON-SOLAR OWNERS, NON-INSTALLERS) Reason Response number 1 2 3 Cost savings Environmental reasons Solar is practical/convenient 33 9 2 7 4 4 1 4 1 Solar needs less maintenance Other (misc.) 0 14 2 0 1 0 Non-solar owners were asked what changes they would expect in their annual energy bill if they were to install a SWHS tomorrow. Twenty respondents (8.9%) indicated they thought their energy bill over the next year would increase, 49 (21.8%) said it would remain the same, 141 (62.7%) said it would decrease, and 15 (6.7%) did not answer. For those who thought their energy bill would increase, the average expected increase was $180.77; for those who expected a decrease, the average expected decrease was $106.28. Eighty percent of non-solar owners reported having a friend, relative, or acquaintance with a SWHS. When asked to rate the satisfaction of those people with their solar system 67 (1 = very dissatisfied, 5 = very satisfied), the average was 3.95. This contrasts with the mean reported satisfaction of actual solar owners of 4.43. 5.2.6 Perceived reasons why more people do not install SWHS. All respondents were asked in an open-ended question to list what they thought were the major reasons why more people do not install SWHS. Up to three reasons from each respondent were coded. Fifty different reasons were provided. These were collapsed into eight different categories: cost (including initial outlay and expected paybacks); concerns about the supply of hot water; concerns about the aesthetic value of solar units; public ignorance of, or lack of confidence in, solar energy; concerns about the efficiency and convenience of SWHS; public conservatism or apathy; "conspiracies" by SECWA or the state government against solar energy; and other reasons not able to be fitted into the first seven categories. Table 5.14 provides a breakdown of the percentages of respondents giving each reason category as their first, second, or third response. The table presents percentages for the total sample, for males and females separately, for solar owners and non-owners separately, and for installers and non-installers separately. Across all respondents, 78.3% indicated cost as their first reason, 5.4% public conservatism or apathy, and 4.7% public ignorance or lack of confidence. Of those who provided a second reason (n = 114), 51.8% stated cost, 14.0% concern about efficiency or convenience, and 12.3% public ignorance or lack of confidence. Of those who provided a third reason (n = 46), 41.3% indicated cost, 17.4% public ignorance or lack of confidence, and 13.0% indicated concerns about aesthetic values. This pattern of responses does not vary much depending on the sex of the respondent, whether the respondent is a solar owner or not, or whether the respondent installed the current water heating system or not. 5.2.7 Expenditure on water heating Respondents were asked what the dollar amount of their last SECWA bill was, and what percentage of their energy bill they thought was used in heating water. Across all respondents, the average bill was $124.70 (mode = $120.00, standard deviation = 59.77, minimum = $4, maximum = $432). When this was expressed in per capita terms (= last bill/number of people in household), the average per capita bill was $49.79 (mode = $40, standard deviation = 24.53, minimum = $4, maximum = $167). Figure 5.12 presents the frequency distribution of energy bills. The average percentage of energy bill thought to be spent on heating water was 29.15% (non-zero mode = 50%, standard deviation = 22.67, minimum = 0%, maximum = 90%) see Figure 5.13 The dollar value of the energy bill varied significantly across water heating systems (F = 3.58, p = .007): those with a gas storage system had a significantly higher bill than all other groups save those with an electric storage system. The pattern for the per capita energy bill was somewhat different. There was a significant overall difference across the five groups (F = 4.30, p = .002). This time, though, those with a solar system had a 68 significantly lower per capita bill than either those with an instantaneous gas system or those with an electric storage system. There was a clear association between system type and percent of energy bill believed to be spent on water heating (F = 13.50, p < .001): those with a solar system believed a smaller proportion of their bill was devoted to water heating than did any other group. The respective means for the five system types, solar, instantaneous gas, storage gas, instantaneous electric, and storage electric were 15.35, 34.00, 34.61, 43.18, and 47.00. 69 TABLE 5.14 PERCEIVED REASONS WHY MORE PEOPLE DO NOT INSTALL SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 1 2 3 78.3 51.8 41.3 2.0 5.3 6.5 2.0 3.5 13.0 4.7 12.3 17.4 2.0 14.0 6.5 (169) ( 69) ( 31) 80.5 53.6 48.4 1.2 4.3 3.2 2.4 1.4 12.9 3.0 14.5 19.4 (118) ( 43) ( 12) 75.4 51.2 26.7 3.4 7.0 13.3 0.8 7.0 13.3 80.9 57.1 41.7 3.4 7.1 0.0 77.2 50.0 41.2 All respondents reason 1 (295) reason 2 (114) reason 3 ( 46) By sex Males reason 1 reason 2 reason 3 Females reason 1 reason 2 reason 3 Reason Category 4 5 6 By system ownership Solar reason 1 ( 89) reason 2 ( 28) reason 3 ( 12) Non-solar reason 1 (206) reason 2 ( 86) reason 3 ( 34) By install or not Installers reason 1 (125) reason 2 ( 52) reason 3 ( 25) Non-installers reason 1 (169) reason 2 ( 61) reason 3 ( 20) 7 8 5.4 5.3 6.5 0.3 1.8 4.3 4.7 5.3 2.2 3.0 14.5 6.5 4.7 4.3 3.2 0.6 2.9 6.5 4.1 4.3 0.0 7.6 9.3 13.3 0.8 11.6 6.7 5.9 7.0 13.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 4.7 6.7 0.0 3.6 16.7 4.5 17.9 25.0 3.4 10.7 8.3 1.1 0.0 8.3 1.1 3.6 0.0 5.6 0.0 0.0 1.5 4.7 8.8 2.9 3.5 11.8 4.9 10.5 14.7 1.5 15.1 5.9 7.3 7.0 5.9 0.0 1.2 5.9 4.4 7.0 2.9 84.8 42.3 52.0 1.6 5.8 4.0 0.8 3.3 16.0 4.0 15.4 8.0 0.8 19.2 4.0 3.2 3.8 8.0 0.8 3.8 8.0 3.2 3.8 0.0 73.4 60.7 30.0 2.4 4.9 10.0 3.0 3.3 10.0 5.3 8.2 25.0 3.0 9.8 10.0 7.1 6.6 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.9 6.6 5.0 Note: Figures in the table are percentages of the number in brackets at the left of each row indicating the given reason. The reason categories are: 1 = cost (including capital outlay and payback) 2 = concerns about supply of hot water 3 = concerns about aesthetic values 70 4 = public ignorance, lack of confidence 5 = concerns about efficiency and convenience 6 = public conservatism or apathy 7 = "conspiracy" by the government or SECWA 8 = other reasons FIGURE 5.12 108 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF ENERGY BILLS 91 120 52 80 60 40 14 20 20 1 1 2 6 Frequency 100 0 0-50 51-100 101-150 151-200 201-250 251-300 301-350 351-400 401-450 SEC Bill ($) 71 FIGURE 5.13 FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION OF % OF ENERGY BILL BELIEVED TO BE SPENT ON WATER HEATING 100 9 4 2 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 7 12 23 19 21 41 53 Frequency 130 200 0 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 dk missing % of SEC Bill Size of last bill was correlated with both income and suburb's SES rating (r = .39, p < .001, and r = .18, p = .002, respectively), thus lending some support to the commonly expressed view that energy consumption increases as income and status increase. However, these two correlations shrink to zero when we use the per capita energy bill (r = -.01 and .09, respectively), indicating that the larger energy bills associated with the wealthier and those in higher SES suburbs are due to their larger households. Size of last bill was not significantly correlated with sex, age of system, whether the system was installed by the respondent or not, how often the respondent runs out of hot water, how often the respondent washes clothes in hot water, or respondents' satisfaction with their water heater. Per capita bill was correlated, though, with how often the respondent runs out of hot water (r = -.18, p = .003) and how often they wash clothes in hot water (r = .12, p = .04). Perception of how much of the energy bill was due to water heating was significantly correlated with sex (r = .23, p = .002), with age of system (r = -.31, p < .001), and with satisfaction with system (r = -.33, p < .001). Finally, respondents were asked if they believed there should be some form of government assistance to enable more householders to install solar water heating systems, and if they would be prepared to pay more (and how much more, expressed as a 72 percentage of their energy bill) for their power to be able to have more renewable energy systems connected into the SECWA's grid. A majority favoured some form of government assistance (69.4% in favour, 29.7% against, 0.9% undecided). The average percentage increase was just under 3%, and the majority of respondents said they would not be prepared to pay any increase: 56% said no increase, 10.4% said they would be prepared to pay a 1% increase, 9.4% said 3%, 9% said 3%, 12.3% said a 5% increase, 0.3% a 7% increase, 9.4% a 10% increase, less than one percent favoured increases of 15%, 20% and 30%, and 1.0% favoured a 50% increase in energy rates. For those who supported some increase, the average was 6%. 5.3 Discussion The primary objective of these two surveys of manufacturers and suppliers and of householders was to uncover the major barriers to the greater use of solar water heaters, through examination of the perceived cost of solar heaters over other heaters, the characteristics of current owners of solar heaters, and the characteristics of those who intend to replace their current system with a solar heater. From both surveys, the major barrier is cost. In this respect, manufacturers and suppliers have an accurate understanding of consumers' beliefs. The importance of cost as a barrier is most clearly seen in Tables 5.12 and 5.14. In Table 5.12, 88% of those who installed their current system, but who installed a non-solar system, cited cost as the main reason why they did not purchase solar. The next most common reason was cited by just 31%, and three of the top four reasons all involved cost. Table 5.14 presents what people think are the reasons other people do not buy solar. Again, the majority (78%) cites cost as the most important reason. The importance of the cost factor in these two surveys echoes findings from previous studies (e.g., Foster, 1990; Solar Energy Research Institute, 1981). Other barriers mentioned as important by the manufacturers and suppliers - namely "lack of knowledge" and "unattractive addition for house" - were not seen as being as important by the respondents in the householders' survey. The above mentioned barriers are perceptions and characteristics of individual consumers. Manufacturers and suppliers also saw barriers in institutional and trade practices and prejudices. Architects and builders were seen as almost actively obstructive to the more widespread adoption of solar heaters. Manufacturers and suppliers also believed the state government could promote solar much more, especially by providing financial assistance and by installing solar heaters in government buildings. Although cost was seen as the major barrier - by manufacturers and suppliers, by nonsolar owners, and even by solar owners (Table 5.14) - saving money was seen by manufacturers and suppliers as the most important reason in people's decision to install solar, and solar owners themselves agreed that saving money was the most important factor in their decision to install solar. This apparent paradox has been noted before (e.g., Foster, 1990; Kinsman, 1984; Solar Energy Research Institute, 1981;). Other factors sometimes claimed to be important reasons for people's decision to install 73 solar (e.g., a concern to use renewable resources to preserve the environment, a desire to be independent from the grid - Berrill and Fries, 1983) were not found to be exceptionally important in the present survey. Environment-related reasons were moderately important; independence from the grid was negligibly important. The most important sources of information to people deciding to purchase solar were a solar company, friends and television. This finding, especially of the importance of friends, resembles earlier findings, both in Australia (Kinsman, 1984) and in the United States (Archer, Pettigrew, Costanzo, Iritani, Walker and White, 1986). Analyses of differences between owners of solar heaters and other heaters revealed that solar owners were more likely to be men, to live in a house, be likely to remain in that home for five years, and less likely to have gas available in the street or their home. Interestingly, solar owners did not differ in age or income from non-solar owners. The sex difference is something of an enigma. It is possible to argue, in principle, for a sex difference in either direction: either women will be more favourably inclined to solar because they value conservation and "soft" energy paths more highly than men do; or women will be less favourably inclined to solar because they have less faith or interest in the technology than men do. Other studies (see section 4.3.2) provide weak evidence for the first argument. Table 5.14 provides reasons for why more people do not install solar water heating systems. Sex differences are not apparent on any of the reasons, thus leaving the sex difference in system ownership unexplained. In the regression analyses predicting current system, sex of respondent had a significant unique association with current system, but only for the total sample analysis. Sex was not a significant predictor in the analysis for installers only; nor was it a predictor for the intended system or satisfaction with current system. For the total sample, current system was predicted from sex, age of home, type of home, likelihood of staying in the home for five years, and whether gas is available in the home. There were only two significant predictors in the installers sample - income and likelihood of staying in the home five years. This is the only analysis in which income was a significant predictor. The relative unimportance of income across all the analyses was surprising, and implies, as does Figure 5.8, that disposable income is not a major determinant of purchase or intended purchase of a solar water heater. Those people who currently owned solar heaters were very satisfied with them. There were two important predictors of satisfaction, both in the analysis for the total sample and in that for solar owners only - the number of times the respondent reports running out of hot water, and the percentage of the last SECWA bill the respondent believes had been used to heat water. These two variables predicted more of the variance in the solar only sample than they did in the total sample. Since the beta weight for "percent of last bill" was much smaller in the non-solar owners sample (it just failed to reach significance) than it was in the solar owners sample, this implies that it is, psychologically, a more important variable for solar owners. Perhaps some people who purchase a solar heater expect it to have a much bigger effect on their SECWA bills than it actually does, and so become less satisfied with its performance. Responses to the question about intended water heating system portray an auspicious 74 future for the solar industry in Perth, with almost 60% of the entire sample saying they would buy a solar system when they need to replace their current system. Undoubtedly this is an overestimation of the actual number of people who will end up buying a solar heater over the next few years. The association between current water heating system and intended system is important. Of those who currently own a solar heater, there is very little "leakage" away to other systems. Just over half of the people who currently own a gas system say they intend switching to a solar system, and just under half of the people who currently own an electric system say they intend switching to solar. Also, those who intend switching to solar tend to be younger and to have larger families than those who intend to purchase a non-solar heater. The larger family size of those who intend to purchase solar is an important factor when considering the cost of using solar to heat water rather than gas or electricity. In the present sample, the dollar value of the last SECWA bill for solar owners was no different from that of owners of any other water heating system except gas storage, which was higher. However, when the bill is expressed as a per capita bill, solar owners are better off by between $5 and $18 per head per billing period than owners of other systems. In addition, solar owners believe their water heating system uses about 15% of the SECWA bill, as compared to about 30% for owners of gas water heaters, and about 45% for owners of electric water heaters. To conclude, in the literature a common approach to the analysis of the adoption of solar water heaters has been the "diffusion of innovation" approach (Foster, 1990a, 1990b; Rogers, 1983). Diffusion models typically stress that information about an innovation spreads through extant communication networks, and the acceptability of that innovation depends upon a number of factors related to that innovation such as its economic feasibility, and the degree of risk associated with it. The data in the present surveys indicate that solar water heating systems are perhaps no longer seen as an "innovation" by the residents of Perth. The "newness" and the "risk" associated with this "alternative" technology have faded. Solar heaters are common in Perth now. Almost everyone knows someone who has a solar heater. They are no longer "alternative". Few people in the householders' survey express concerns about the feasibility of solar water heating technology. Rather, there is only one major barrier to the more widespread adoption of solar heaters - cost. Respondents were concerned about both capital outlay and expected payback periods. Manufacturers and suppliers are well aware of this concern, and attempt to allay the concern by stressing the long term as a focus in economic calculations. In addition to cost, communication networks remain important. Solar owners nominated a solar company and friends as the two most important sources of information to them in making their decision to purchase solar. Presumably "solar company" refers to sales representatives providing information in response to enquiries and during visits to homes to provide quotes. If so, then these two sources refer to direct, personal contact with people considering the purchase of a solar heater. Social psychology has documented that information presented in this way, rather than, say, through advertising on television or in a newspaper or magazine, is more vivid, salient, memorable, easily understood, and influential (Nisbett and Ross, 1980). Costanzo, Archer, Aronson and Pettigrew (1986) and Gonzales, Aronson and Costanzo (1988) make the argument more pertinent to energy 75 conservation. The householders' survey also revealed that non-solar owners rated the satisfaction of their friends and acquaintances who do own solar much lower than solar owners rated their own satisfaction. This implies either that non-solar owners know people who genuinely are less satisfied (but still satisfied) with their solar system than is the population of solar owners, or that non-solar owners systematically underestimate their friends' satisfaction with solar. Either way, the importance of social influence is highlighted. 76 CHAPTER 6 PASTORAL LEASE SURVEY: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Two hundred and fifty eight usable returns were received from a possible 525 questionnaires originally mailed out, giving a response rate of 49.1%. Due to missing data on some questions, the statistics reported below will not always be based on the entire sample of 258. 6.1 Respondents The majority of responses (77.8%) came from leaseholders themselves, with 19.0% coming from the property manager, and 1.2% from a managing partner. Two responses were from a part-lease holder, and one each from an overseer, a station mechanic, and an ex-manager. Respondents typically lived on the property (92.6%). Of the 7.4% who did not, exactly half had a separate manager. On average, there were just over four adults (mean = 4.10, sd = 3.81), and less than two children (mean = 1.59, sd = 1.82) resident on the property. Figures 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3 summarize this information graphically. FIGURE 6.1 80 72.1 DISTRIBUTION OF RESPONDENTS' STATUS live on property don't live 0.2 0.2 missing 0.4 0.8 other 0 1.2 managing partner 0.4 part leaseholder manager 0 1.2 5.4 20 0.4 17.8 40 leaseholder % Total Sample 60 77 FIGURE 6.2 77.9 NUMBER OF ADULTS ON PROPERTIES 80 40 0.8 0.8 1.6 1.2 20 1.6 16.3 % Total Sample 60 11-15 16-20 >21 missing 0 0 1-5 6-10 Number of adults FIGURE 6.3 NUMBER OF CHILDREN ON PROPERTIES 42.6 40 30 10 1.6 20 3.2 % Total Sample 50 52.6 60 0 0 1-5 Number of children 6-10 missing 78 6.2 Electricity Generation Of all the properties, 58.8% had a stand alone diesel generator; 25.1% a diesel/battery bank; 3.1% a wind/diesel/battery bank; and 4.3% a photovoltaic/diesel/battery bank. Fifteen properties (5.9%) were connected to the grid, three (1.2%) properties had no-one living on them; three (1.2%) drew power from a nearby mine; and one (0.4%) used a petrol back-up (see Figure 6.4). FIGURE 6.4 TYPES OF ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEMS 150 100 15 15 SECWA 3 6 4 mine power petrol backup absent lease holder wind/diesel/battery bank diesel/battery bank 0 diesel stand alone 9 pv/diesel/battery bank 71 Frequency (Total Sample) 200 Eighteen properties (7%) reported having a second main generator. Seven of these have a diesel/battery bank; one a wind/diesel/battery bank; four a photovoltaic/diesel/battery bank; one has an absent leaseholder; and five have a petrol back-up. Just over half (53.5%) of all the properties have a portable generator for peak load and other purposes. More than half of these (59.4%) are diesel, 39.1% are petrol, and only one has another (unspecified) fuel source. Forty seven properties have two portable generators: four are diesel powered, and the rest are petrol powered. Respondents were asked a number of questions about the operation of their electricity generation systems. The typical system voltage was 240V (94.9% of respondents). Two 79 respondents reported having a 12V system, three a 32V system, three a 415V system, four a 440V system, and 22 respondents did not answer this question (see Figure 6.5). The average total rated capacity of homestead generators, excluding portable generators, was 193.5 kVA (mode = 120 kVA, sd = 203.7, minimum = 12 kVA, maximum = 1450 kVA). The average total rated capacity of portable generators was 79 kVA (mode = 50 kVA, sd = 82.56, minimum = 6 kVA, maximum = 500 kVA). Figures 6.6 and 6.7 present the distributions of total rated capacities for homestead generators and portable generators. FIGURE 6.5 HOMESTEAD GENERATOR SYSTEM VOLTAGE The mean average load of non-portable generators was reported to be 84.1 kVA (mode = 50 kVA, sd = 91.4, minimum = 3 kVA, maximum = 955 kVA). The mean peak load was 128.3 kVA (mode = 120 kVA, sd = 102.4, minimum = 10 kVA, maximum = 755 kVA). The distributions of average and peak loads are presented in Figures 6.8 and 6.9. These data are somewhat surprising as they represent a substantial use of electricty and appear high when set alongside the reported fuel use figures (below). The average load per capita (= average load / number of people over the age of 18) was 2.38 kVA (mode = 2.00, sd = 2.59, minimum = 0.15, maximum = 25.00). When asked to indicate the annual fuel cost of electricity generation, the mean was $6,741.60 (mode = $5,000, sd = 8,389.60, minimum = $0, maximum = $80,000). On top of this, the average annual operational and maintenance cost of electricity generation systems was $2,298.15 (mode = $1,000, sd = 4.853.88, minimum = $0, maximum = $42,500). Figures 6.10 and 6.11 summarize these costs. When annual cost of fuel is expressed as a percentage of total operating cost (fuel cost / fuel cost plus operational and maintenance costs), the average is 76.2%. 0 2 2 2 3 201-250kVA 251-300kVA 301-350kVA >351kVA missing n/a 4 38 98 missing >751 kVA 1 0 651-700kVA 701-750kVA 2 601-650kVA 5 5 4 501-550kVA 551-600kVA 2 4 401-450kVA 451-500kVA 5 6 301-350kVA 351-400kVA 8 251-300kVA 201-250kVA 13 20 151-200kVA 8 151-200kVA 101-150kVA 25 32 31 40 101-150kVA 29 40 51-100kVA 1-50kVA Frequency 55 60 51-100kVA 80 72 0 1-50kVA Frequency 60 80 FIGURE 6.6 TOTAL RATED CAPACITY OF HOMESTEAD GENERATORS 80 FIGURE 6.7 TOTAL RATED CAPACITY OF PORTABLE GENERATORS 100 60 20 81 FIGURE 6.8 AVERAGE LOADS OF NON-PORTABLE HOMESTEAD GENERATORS 100 80 74 80 72 Fre que 60 ncy 40 14 20 7 0 150 kV 5110 0k 10 115 15 120 2 20 125 3 25 130 2 30 135 4 >3 51 kV mi ssi ng FIGURE 6.9 PEAK LOADS OF NON-PORTABLE HOMESTEAD GENERATORS 85 100 16 missing 4 301-350kVA 7 3 251-300kVA 201-250kVA 151-200kVA 101-150kVA 0 51-100kVA 9 20 >351kVA 40 32 41 60 1-50kVA Frequency 61 80 82 00 M 00 1 IS SI NG >3 0 00 $1 00 120 00 $2 00 130 00 $3 00 140 00 $4 00 150 00 $5 00 160 00 $6 00 170 00 $7 00 180 00 $8 00 190 00 $9 00 110 00 $1 0 0 00 115 $1 00 5 0 00 120 $2 00 0 0 00 130 00 0 -1 0 $5 01 $1 -5 $0 Frequency FIGURE 6.10 83 ANNUAL FUEL COST OF ELECRICITY GENERATION 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 85 FIGURE 6.11 ANNUAL OPERATIONAL AND MAINTENANCE COST 70 60 FREQUENCY 50 40 30 20 10 0 $0 $1-200 $201400 $401600 $601800 $8011000 $10012000 $20014000 $40016000 $60018000 $800110 000 $10 $15001001-15 20 000 000 >$20 001 missing 86 87 Diesel generators typically ran for 8-10 hours each day (average = 9.98 hours in summer, 8.95 hours in autumn, 8.06 hours in winter, and 8.79 hours in spring). Figures 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, and 6.15 present the distributions of these seasonal usage patterns. On average, battery bank storage systems stored 1297.6 kWh, and on average banks had 16.39 batteries. Forty nine respondents (21.4%) reported having an inverter linked to their system, and the average rated capacity of these was 54.5 kVA. Fourteen were square wave inverters, seven were sine wave inverters, and 28 respondents did not know what sort of inverter they had. Wood, kerosene, and bottled gas were commonly used on the pastoral properties: 45.3% had a wood stove, 29.8% a kerosene fridge, 92.6% a large-bottled gas stove, 7.8% a gas fridge, and 0.8% a kerosene stove (see Figure 6.16). FIGURE 6.12 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: SUMMER 36 40 25 14 12 15 12 14 21 23 12 8 missing 24hrs 19hrs 1 3 18hrs 1 17hrs 16hrs 15hrs 14hrs 13hrs 12hrs 11hrs 10hrs 9hrs 8hrs 7hrs 6hrs 5hrs 4hrs 3hrs 2hrs 0 0-1hr 2 3 4 7 10 8 9 12 16 20 n/a Frequency 30 0 missing 24hrs 1 19hrs 6 16hrs 1 7 15hrs 17hrs 7 1 14hrs 13hrs 12hrs 10hrs 9hrs 10 10 10 14 23 23 33 missing 24hrs 19hrs 18hrs 16hrs 15hrs 14hrs 13hrs 12hrs 11hrs 10hrs 9hrs 8hrs 7hrs 1 2 3 6 9 10 13 1 10 11 25 24 23 17 6hrs 7 23 5 5hrs 4hrs 3hrs 4 27 29 30 8hrs 7hrs 38 40 6hrs 26 24 30 5hrs 6 2hrs 0-1hr 8 Frequency 20 4hrs 4 10 3hrs 2hrs 5 n/a 0 0-1hr 9 10 n/a Frequency 88 FIGURE 6.13 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: AUTUMN FIGURE 6.14 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: WINTER 20 89 FIGURE 6.15 DIESEL POWER GENERATION: SPRING. 35 40 21 9 10 12 8 9 11 12 16 20 25 24 22 21 Frequency 30 missing 1 20hrs 24hrs 1 19hrs 16hrs 15hrs 2 4 14hrs 18hrs 3 12hrs 11hrs 10hrs 9hrs 8hrs 7hrs 6hrs 5hrs 4hrs 3hrs 2hrs 0-1hrs 0 n/a 1 13hrs 5 6 10 6.3 Electricity Consumption Respondents were asked to indicate which of a list of appliances and tools were supplied by the homestead electricity generating system. This list, along with the percentage of respondents indicating that each is supplied, is presented in Figure 6.17. 6.4 Separate Renewable Equipment Respondents were asked to indicate if, apart from the homestead electricity system, they use separate solar or wind equipment for any of a number of purposes. Table 6.1 and Figure 6.18 list the purposes, and give the percentage of respondents who said they do use solar or wind equipment in that way. Of those for whom the question was relevant, the majority (79.6%) indicated they were satisfied with the performance of their solar or wind equipment used in electricity generation. 90 FIGURE 6.16 FUEL SOURCES AND USES OTHER THAN THE MAIN POWER GENERATION SYSTEM 239 300 117 100 Future Renewable Electricity Generation none gas fridge kerosene fridge kerosene stove 6.5 gas bottle stove 0 wood stove 2 3 20 77 Frequency 200 Relatively few (19.8%) of the respondents knew that the Isolated Systems Subsidy offered by SECWA now covers electricity generation that incorporates renewable energy equipment. Almost two thirds (64.3%) indicated that the ISS would make it more likely that they would consider installing an electricity generation system that incorporates renewable energy equipment when they come to replace their present generation system. Respondents were also asked how much fuel prices would have to increase before they decided to change to a generation system that incorporates renewable energy equipment. The average reported rise was 58.8% (sd = 52.06). Of those who answered the question, 6.7% said no rise would be enough, 13.3% said a 10% increase, 20.0% said 25%, 27.9% said 50%, 6.1% said 75%, 18.2% said 100%, and 7.9% said 200% (see Figure 6.19). Thus, although the average was 58.76%, two thirds of all respondents indicated an increase in fuel prices of 50% or less would be sufficient. Respondents were asked to list the factors which made them, or would make them, consider installing an electricity generation system that incorporates renewable energy equipment, and, for those who do not already have renewable equipment, to rank the three most important reasons for not including renewable equipment. Tables 6.1 and 6.2 summarise the responses to these two questions. Table 6.3 presents the rankings of the three most important economic pressures faced in managing the property. hi ng fr e to r er a oo m ra w ve sa st o ea t m m te he r ot di le o vi si on st w e at er reo h sp ea t a re ce ing fri dg he at e. er a ev ir c oo ap le ai rc r oo le w o rk r el ec to tri ol c s fe w nc at er in g pu ba m tte pi ry ng ch a de rgi sa ng lin at io n sh ea rin g va c ez er ac uu hi ne m cl ea di s h ne r m w ic as ro fo he w o pr ave r ep o ap ve n pl ia nc es lig ht bu lb s as w lr fig re co o Frequency 91 FIGURE 6.17 APPLIANCES AND TOOLS POWERED BY THE HOMESTEAD ELECTRICITY GENERATION SYSTEM 250 200 150 100 50 0 92 FIGURE 6.18 USE OF SEPARATE SOLAR AND WIND EQUIPMENT 140 120 Frequency 100 80 60 40 20 0 solar/electric fencing water pumping with windmill waterpumping with PV workshops remote lighting battery charging shearing other 93 94 FIGURE 6.19 RISE IN FUEL PRICES NECESSARY BEFORE RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUIPMENT MIGHT BE INSTALLED 72 80 46 30 33 40 13 10 11 20 21 22 Frequency 60 0 0% 10% 25% 50% 75% 100% 200% have REE missing Price Increase 6.6 Water Heating Nearly one half of all respondents reported they had a wood water heating system, and nearly one quarter had a solar water heating system. The most commonly used booster was an electric one. Nearly one quarter of the sample had a second water heating system, the most common one being wood. Figure 6.20 summarizes the distribution of owners of different water heating systems, counting all systems they each own. Respondents were also asked what sort of water heating system they thought they would buy if they needed to replace their current one. More than half indicated they would opt for a solar system. The next most commonly preferred system was wood, and then gas. Most of the people who preferred a solar system indicated they would probably attach an electric booster. Figure 6.21 presents the percentages of respondents indicating preference for various water heating systems. 95 TABLE 6.1 FACTORS INVOLVED IN CONSIDERING RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUIPMENT IN AN ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEM Percent indicating as : Reason (Number giving each reason) Reduced cost Reliability 24 hour supply Environment Income Better efficiency Need of replacement Better batteries SECWA subsidy/tax incentive Increase in SECWA charges Low quality kero fridges Increase in life quality Other reason 1 reason 2 196 76 25.0 15.8 13.3 27.6 15.8 7.9 9.2 19.7 9.2 7.9 6.6 10.5 10.2 1.3 2.6 2.6 1.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.5 1.3 0.0 0.0 4.6 5.3 reason 3 16 12.5 18.8 6.3 6.3 12.5 12.5 0.0 18.8 6.3 0.0 0.0 6.3 0.0 total 288 21.95 17.43 13.24 11.85 9.06 8.01 7.32 8.48 1.39 0.70 0.70 0.35 4.53 TABLE 6.2 THE THREE MOST IMPORTANT REASONS FOR NOT INCLUDING RENEWABLE ENERGY EQUIPMENT IN AN ELECTRICITY GENERATING SYSTEM. % giving reason as Reason Capital cost Lack of confidence in performance Lack of service for maintenance Lack of familiarity with equipment Lack of service for breakdowns Other total rank 1 rank 2 rank 3 % 51.9 4.7 1.9 0.4 0.4 2.3 3.1 15.1 12.8 10.1 8.5 2.7 1.9 10.5 15.1 15.9 4.7 3.9 56.9 30.3 29.8 26.4 13.6 8.9 Note: Examples of responses included in the category other are: lack of readily understood literature, poor winds, poor battery quality, decline in income, happy with existing system. 96 TABLE 6.3 THE MOST IMPORTANT ECONOMIC PRESSURES FACED IN MANAGING THE PROPERTY Pressure rank 1 rank 2 rank 3 Total Commodity prices 44.6 9.3 6.2 60.1 Interest rates Transport costs Price of farm labour Taxation Access to working capital Government regulations Power generation Availability of farm labour Land degradation 8.9 6.2 3.1 7.0 4.7 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.0 18.6 13.6 10.5 7.0 3.5 3.5 3.1 4.3 2.7 6.2 13.2 10.1 6.2 7.8 9.7 5.0 3.5 5.4 33.7 33.0 23.7 20.2 16.0 14.8 9.3 8.6 8.1 Livestock replacement Veterinary costs Other 0.4 0.0 3.5 1.9 0.0 2.3 2.3 0.4 4.3 4.6 0.4 10.1 Note: Examples of responses included in "other" are: shearing costs, cost of fuel, education costs, lack of rain. 0 missing other 7 9 20 32 36 46 50 wood electric gas 22 40 solar/unspecified solar/none 5 10 solar/gas solar/elect. 31 50 missing other none wood electric gas solar 0 solar/wood Frequency 9 4 1 39 49 62 Frequency 155 97 FIGURE 6.20 CURRENT WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 200 100 FIGURE 6.21 PREDICTED WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 60 30 20 98 Those respondents who currently own a solar water heating system were asked further questions about their system. Most (66%) had two collector plates; 20% had one; 12% had three; and 2% had four. The average tank capacity was 234 litres (mode = 300 litres, sd = 90.8, minimum = 60, maximum = 480). The average system age was 7.6 years, (mode = 3 years; sd = 6.6; minimum = 1 year; maximum = 40 years). Respondents were asked to indicate which of a range of problems they had experienced with their solar system. The most commonly reported problem was calcium deposition, followed by lack of access to maintenance services, leaks, and corrosion. Nearly one quarter of all respondents (22.4%) said they had had no problems at all. The percentages of respondents indicating each problem are presented in Table 6.4. TABLE 6.4 PROBLEMS EXPERIENCED WITH SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEMS Problem Percent Calcium deposition 24.1 Lack of access to maintenance services Leaks Corrosion Difficulties with self maintenance Poor quality of installation System undersized for needs Overheating Freezing High costs of maintenance and repairs 20.7 19.0 17.2 10.3 10.3 10.3 6.9 6.9 3.4 Malfunction due to electric controls or valves Other No problems 1.9 20.7 22.4 Note: Included in "other" are: not well enough insulated for the winter; dust on reflector between glass and copper panel; plate cracks with extreme heat; water cold or just warm in winter; boils in summer but does not even give warm water in winter; electric elements have a very short life; occasional blockage due to installation of improper filtration unit. Satisfaction with their system was very high among solar owners. On a scale from 1 = very dissatisfied to 5 = very satisfied, the mean was 4.23. More than half of the solar owners (51.7%) indicated they were "very satisfied" with their system. Only 11.6% were at all dissatisfied; 1.7% were "indifferent"; and 35% were "satisfied". 99 Satisfaction with solar system was predicted in a regression equation from number of people in the homestead, age of respondent, tank capacity, number of collector plates, and experience of the problems listed in Table 6.4. A mean substitution procedure was used to avoid problems with missing data. Sixty six percent of the variance in satisfaction was predictable from these variables. The only predictors with significant beta weights were problems with the system - number of people, age, tank capacity, and number of plates had insignificant unique associations with satisfaction. Experience of leaks and with freezing and difficulties with self maintenance both had significant negative beta weights (p < .05), and experience of calcium deposition and high cost of maintenance had almost significant negative beta weights (p < .1). These results suggest that as respondents experience these various problems with their solar water heating systems, their satisfaction with their system decreases. The regression results are presented in Table 6.5. The same variables that were used to predict satisfaction with solar system, along with satisfaction with current system, were used to predict whether current owners of solar systems intended to purchase a new solar system or some other sort of system. Sixty seven percent of the variance in intended system choice was accounted for. Satisfaction with current solar system, experience of high maintenance costs, and experience of "other" problems all had significant beta weights. Experience of freezing and belief that the system is too small had almost significant beta weights. Thus, those who have experienced water freezing and "other" problems, and those who believe their system is too small, are less likely to intend buying another SWHS, and those who are satisfied with their current SWHS are more likely to intend buying another SWHS. The regression results are summarized in Table 6.6. 6.7 Discussion On the whole, electricity was generated in traditional ways on the homesteads we surveyed. Only 7.4% of all properties had either a wind/diesel/battery bank or a photovoltaic/diesel/battery bank. A futher 5 properties had one of these banks as a second generating system. The electricity generated was used consistently for 8 - 10 hours each day, year round. The most common uses of the electricity were for domestic appliances and activities. The average annual fuel cost for generating electricity was $6,741, and the average annual operational and maintenance costs of electricity generation was $2,298. This gives an average annual total cost of approximately $9,000. The use of renewable components or renewable equipment was limited mainly to four purposes: water pumping with a mechanical windmill, solar powered electric fencing, water pumping with photovoltaic or solar cells, and battery charging. Nearly 80% of respondents were satisfied with the performance of their renewable equipment. Only about one-fifth of all respondents claimed they knew the ISS now covers equipment incorporating renewable components. The ISS can hardly act as an incentive for the greater use of renewable components if 80% of the population do not know about it. However, about two-thirds said the ISS would make it more likely they would consider 100 installing renewable components. Fuel prices would have to rise about 50% before a majority of respondents would decide to change electricity generating systems to one that incorporates renewable energy equipment. Other factors which would make them consider use of renewable equipment were reduced cost of renewables, increased reliability, the possibility of 24 hour supply, and increased concern for the environment. The major factor against considering renewable energy equipment was capital costs. Other factors concerned lack of confidence in the performance of the equipment and the unavailability of technical or mechanical support for unfamiliar equipment. Related to capital cost being the major factor against considering renewable equipment is the fact that the six most commonly cited pressures facing the property concerned finance. TABLE 6.5 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING SATISFACTION WITH CURRENT SOLAR WATER HEATING SYSTEM Dependent variable: current water heating system (solar = 2; non-solar = 1) Predictor variable beta weight prob. Age of respondent Number of people Tank capacity -.079 .137 -.131 .517 .206 .222 Number of collector plates Lack of maintenance services Hard to self maintain Corrosion Calcium deposition Leaks Malfunctions Poor installation High cost of maintenance .105 -.108 -.344 .146 -.218 -.232 -.127 -.101 -.214 .333 .459 .013 .223 .066 .039 .283 .350 .084 System too small Overheating Freezing Other problems No problems -.068 -.006 -.607 -.016 -.025 .546 .959 .000 .891 .872 R square = .659 (F = 4.90, p > .001) Note: Each of the problems was scored so that if a respondent indicated the problem applied they received a 1, otherwise they received a 0. 101 TABLE 6.6 MULTIPLE REGRESSION PREDICTING INTENDED WATER HEATING SYSTEM FOR SOLAR OWNERS ONLY Dependent variable: intended water heating system (solar = 2; non-solar = 1) Predictor variable beta weight prob. Age of respondent .011 .930 Number of people Satisfaction with current solar Tank capacity Number of plates Lack of maintenance services Hard to self maintain Corrosion Calcium deposition Leaks -.162 .481 .005 -.109 .052 .176 -.003 .026 -.072 .144 .003 .962 .319 .721 .224 .981 .827 .532 Malfunctions Poor installation High cost of maintenance System too small Overheating Freezing Other problems No problems .019 .031 -.319 -.202 -.114 -.275 -.255 -.180 .874 .776 .014 .077 .309 .057 .038 .241 R square = .669 (F = 4.716, p < .001) Nearly half of the respondents reported having a wood fuelled water heating system, and nearly one quarter had a solar heater. If they had to replace their present system, more than half indicated they would install a solar heater. Only about one quarter of solar owners reported having no problems with the system. Commonly reported problems concerned problems related to water quality and problems with maintenance. However, despite widespread experience of problems, satisfaction with solar heaters was high. Sixty six percent of the variance in satisfaction with solar system was predictable in a regression equation, mostly from experience with various 102 problems. Sixty six percent of the variance in intended new system was predictable, mostly from satisfaction with current solar system, experience with high maintenance costs and with other problems. It appears, then, that the use of renewable energy technology is limited to a few areas including solar water heating. Satisfaction with the performance of these is high, and, with solar water heaters at least, this leads to intended use of renewables. As with the householders' survey, capital cost is the biggest barrier to greater use of renewables. Lack of confidence in the technology is higher in the pastoralists' survey than in the householders' survey. Few pastoralists knew of the ISS, but most said that now they know of it they are more likely to consider using renewable equipment in the future. The ISS is perhaps a good example of risks associated with policies using financial incentives to promote greater adoption of renewable technologies. One easy policy implication from the householders' survey and the pastoralists' survey is that the cost barrier be overcome with the use of financial incentive such as tax rebates and subsidies. The danger lies in the fact that the use of financial incentives relies on an underlying rational model of human behaviour. For incentives to work, people must first know of them, and second, they must "rationally" integrate those incentives into their decision making. The first step has not been met in the case of the ISS; consequently, the ISS as a policy is unlikely to succeed. 103 CHAPTER 7 RENEWABLE ENERGY USE IN REMOTE ABORIGINAL COMMUNITIES 7.1 Remote Aboriginal Communities The number of remote Aboriginal communities is increasing rapidly. This trend has occurred as Aborigines have moved away from towns and cities and have established homeland settlements in the outback. These settlements may be considerable distances from established towns and are composed of extended family units of around 40 members leading an often nomadic lifestyle. There are approximately 900 such settlements in Australia, of which about 350 are in Western Australia. The requirements of the Aboriginal people living in these settlements are quite different from their requirements when they were living in or close to towns. 7.2 Use of Renewable Energy Remote Aboriginal communities were originally serviced by SECWA to meet their electricity needs. However several factors contributed to the withdrawal of SECWA from the provision of power to these communities. Firstly, as mentioned above, the number of communities was growing rapidly. Secondly, the energy use in a family unit of around 40 is very minor and, thirdly, these units are often quite nomadic. This combination of factors made it difficult for SECWA to supply and service diesel generators that had originally been provided to these communities. The diesel generators, furthermore, needed regular fuel deliveries which were often difficult to effect. A further problem arose because the diesel generators were often either overloaded with a large number of appliances, or were underloaded. Where they were overloaded they tended to stop functioning. Where they were underloaded, maintenance difficulties arose because of running at too low a temperature resulting in incomplete combustion and a glazing of the cylinder walls. Dummy loads were not generally employed as a technique to cope with this problem. SECWA approached the then Solar Energy Research Institute of Western Australia (SERIWA) to enquire whether photovoltaic systems might be a useful alternative to diesel generators. After subsequent meetings with the Federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs, SECWA and Aboriginal community representatives, SERIWA sponsored the development of what is now known as a solar pack. Discussions with Aboriginal community representatives revealed that the most important requirements in a homeland settlement were: • radio communications for access to the Royal Flying Doctor Service and other facilities; • water; • lighting; 104 • refrigeration; • television and video; and • transportability. The water requirement could usually be met through an independent pumping device and solar pumping equipment has proved to be cost effective for this purpose. Lighting, refrigeration, and television/video requirements were incorporated into the solar pack design. The solar pack is essentially a shipping container with typically: • a 100 watt VHF receiver; • two chest-type refrigeration units with a total capacity of up to 460 litres for food, medicines and vaccines; • fluorescent lighting in the form of standard 20 watt fittings; • a small inverter to convert low voltage DC power to mains voltage AC power for use with television, video recorder, small power tools and a mains powered battery charger for 12 volt automotive batteries. A high degree of transportability is required to accommodate the nomadic patterns of some of the family groups. The solar pack meets this requirement as it weighs approximately 6 tons and can be carried on the back of a truck. Most communities using a solar pack would have a truck at their disposal. The solar packs appear to be robust during transport and equipment is rarely damaged in transit. A complete solar pack costs around $47,000. This can be compared to a diesel engine which costs around $10,000 capital outlay together with an on-going cost of $10,000 per annum for fuel and maintenance. At the low power levels required by remote Aboriginal communities, photovoltaics are cost effective. Photovoltaics cost around 90 c per kilowatt hour whereas a diesel generator costs around $1.10 per kilowatt hour. On top of this the advantages of reliability and energy efficiency, together with transportability, make it a highly desirable option and this technology has been accepted widely throughout Australia. There are approximately 51 solar packs in place in Australia and most of these are in Western Australia. The delivery of solar packs to remote Aboriginal communities is being outstripped by the rapid growth of these homeland communities. Solar packs employ a staged management technique whereby if power cannot be obtained as a result of insufficient solar radiation, then non-essential loads are switched off in the following order: TV first, then lights, then refrigeration, with the radio the last to cut out. There are no reports to date of the refrigeration being turned off. This staged management is in contrast to a situation with a diesel generator whereby if the generator breaks down or runs out of fuel there is a catastrophic and immediate loss of power to both non-essential and essential loads. Additionally it might be several weeks before repairs can be carried out. 105 Water pumping in remote communities can be achieved either through a windmill/diesel combination or through photovoltaic cell usage. The whole water supply process including drilling, pumping, storage and reticulation with a ringmains and one outlet per shelter, would cost in the order of $70 000 - 100 000. The pumping portion of this process would normally cost 20 - 25% of the total cost. A windmill/diesel system is considerably more expensive than a photovoltaic system and photovoltaic systems have been accepted by the authorities for use in aboriginal communities. 7.3 Provision of Energy Services Until recently Commonwealth administration of Aboriginal affairs was the responsibility of the Department of Aboriginal Affairs (DAA). A given community would receive general funding from the DAA, and would pay for capital equipment for energy generation and, in the case of diesel generators, the diesel fuel. Whereas it had been the responsibility of SECWA to install and maintain the diesel generators, there is now no single agency whose responsibility it is to service electricity generation systems for aboriginal communities. Recently the Department of Aboriginal Affairs was restructured to form a new body, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Commission. The structure of ATSIC is now a decentralised one in which responsibility for advice and decision making has been devolved to regional councils. These councils do not necessarily contain within them members who are conversant with the issues and technicalities relating to power generation in the remote homeland settlements. 7.4 Barriers to the Use of Renewable Energy There have been a number of non-technical and quasi-technical barriers associated with the acceptance and use of the solar pack systems in remote communities. At first the DAA was reluctant to pay the high capital outlay associated with the solar pack systems when they had previously had to pay less up-front for a diesel generator with an annual allocation for fuel. This policy has now changed in relation to the solar packs and their economies have been accepted. The DAA was required to service diesel generators after SECWA pulled away from this responsibility. Now, with the use of solar packs, maintenance requirements have been very much lower and the DAA has recognised this advantage. An unresolved problem that is partly a technical problem but partly a problem associated with poor communication with outback communities, is the upcoming need for maintenance of the solar packs installed some seven to eight years ago. Whilst the photovoltaic cells themselves are very reliable and probably have a lifespan of well over 30 years, batteries need replacement every 5 years. The appliances themselves in the solar packs are also subject to extreme conditions for which they are not designed. For example, the refrigerators were designed for low ambient temperatures not those around 45 to 50o C. Improved refrigerator design is one of the technical improvements that is currently being worked on by the manufacturers of the solar packs (Advanced Energy Systems in conjunction with the Murdoch University Energy Research Institute (MUERI)). With the current design of refrigerators, however, 106 maintenance is probably needed around every three years. Batteries have already been replaced in two solar packs but there are now a number of solar packs which are probably in need of maintenance. There is a concern by MUERI that if these solar packs are not serviced they may start becoming unreliable and the technology will develop a bad reputation. There is an additional technical problem for the solar packs associated with the use of lead acid batteries. These require regular topping up and maintenance otherwise they run dry and break down. New batteries which employ a gell rather than water do not need topping up. Alternatively, some lead acid batteries which use water can have an automatic filling system so that the topping up of water is automatic. These advances have improved the reliability of the battery photovoltaic system considerably. Other battery types which could potentially eliminate these problems have yet to be commercialised. The issue of the maintenance of the solar packs highlights a second barrier to their continued use. With no central agency responsible for the distribution and maintenance of solar packs, in the increasing number of homeland communities there may be a lack of awareness about what a solar pack is or how to go about obtaining one. The Pitjinjarra Council in Alice Springs is an independent organisation of Aboriginal people who have taken responsibility for their own maintenance of photovoltaics and for the installation of solar water pumping and solar packs. They have trained their own people to carry out the maintenance of solar packs. This arrangement is a useful model to emulate in other parts of Australia and particularly Western Australia with its vast area. There is a need for an arm of ATSIC, or an independent organisation of Aboriginal people, to be responsible for the analysis, recommendation, evaluation and installation of renewable systems. In short there is a policy and an administrative vacuum associated with renewable energy use in remote Aboriginal communities. Policy to date has been ad hoc rather than strategic particularly in relation to power supply (James, personal communication). A further administrative problem has stemmed from the high rotation rates of personnel within the Federal Department of Aboriginal Affairs. Regional advisers have historically been non-Aboriginal people with an interest in remote area communities, but who do not remain long in their job. This lack of continuity means that the suppliers of solar packs are obliged to keep re-educating ATSIC personnel and there is also a hiatus in the supply of information from Federal personnel to the remote area communities. 107 CHAPTER 8 PRIVATE COST COMPARISONS OF WATER HEATING SYSTEMS 8.1 Methodology Earlier in this report the survey results indicated that consumers believed cost was a major barrier to the use of renewable energy in the form of solar water heating. A large part of that perception of the cost comes from the fact that solar water heaters have a considerable upfront cost in the form of the unit cost and the installation cost. This, in many cases, requires a financing agreement with a source of credit, so that there are additional costs in the form of interest associated with the purchase of a renewable energy appliance. By contrast, electric and gas units have considerably lower capital costs and may be financed without resort to credit or the use of much lower levels of credit. This perception by consumers is, of course rational because, although solar water heaters provide savings in the form of lower electricity bills which off-set the initial capital outlays, it is well known that consumers are typically myopic about benefits and costs, that is, in the trade-off between present costs and long-run benefits, consumers typically apply a substantial discount rate to that long-term flow of benefits. In part this reflects uncertainties about the future, for example, where a solar water heater is installed on the roof of a house it is not certain that the outlays will in fact be recovered if the house was sold after only a couple of years; the cost of the solar appliance may not be included in the price received for the sale of the house. This myopic tendency on the part of consumers then is an obstacle to renewable energy in general, because the feature of renewable energy is the substantial up-front capital cost. Where consumers act rationally, however, in the sense of taking full account of present costs and future benefits and applying an appropriate discount rate to those future benefits, then it is possible for consumers to capture accurately the benefits of renewable equipment, and solar water heaters in particular. To do this, however, requires information on the capital and installation costs of the range of competitive appliances, as well as the charges for electricity and gas that consumers face. To carry out this exercise SECWA, in the late 1970's, conducted a number of tests over a range of typical appliances with a variety of fuel sources. The objective of the tests was to enable consumers to have access to accurate information so that they could make a rational choice on the basis of benefits and costs. The SECWA test data are shown in Table 8.1. A number of water requirements are indicated in the Table and the SECWA tests indicate the electricity or gas requirements for each of the water requirements. SECWA also estimates that the solar contribution to water heating in a solar water heater is approximately 80% of the total requirement. On that basis SECWA was able to calculate the annual energy costs associated with the range of appliances. The SECWA information, however, is not sufficient to reduce these competing costs to an equivalent level. No attempt has been made to add together the annual energy costs, and some measure of the annual capital cost that would be associated with each of the appliances, to give a measure of the total annual cost of using one appliance relative to another. For this report, as shown in Table 8.2, the SECWA information was updated by the most recent estimates of capital and installation costs for the same range of appliances, and the 108 1990/91 tariffs applicable for these appliances were utilised. For a 10% interest rate the appropriate charge rate for the calculation of annual costs using the levelised cost approach, was taken from the relevant tables. Levelised costs are a common indicator within the energy industry of the annual cost associated with an initial capital outlay. It represents an attempt to put, what is in reality an upfront single charge into a stream of equivalent annual payments. To calculate levelised costs requires information on appliance life-times and on an estimate of the real rate of interest faced by consumers who purchase such appliances. TABLE 8.1 SECWA TEST DATA 1989 Solar Standard Tariff Storage Electric 300 litres 125 litres Off Peak Electric Storage External Gas Energy 315 litres Efficiency Model 134-145 litres Instantaneou s Electric External Instantaneous Gas 2602kWh 3374kWh 3280kWh 4611kWh 3732kWh 5440kWh 1750kWh 2800kWh 3500kWh 3475kWh 4828kWh 5730kWh 9.0 L/m 4.5 L/m Annual Energy Requirement 100 litres/day at 60o C 160 litres/day at 60o C 200 litres/day at 60o C 506kWh 692kWh 817kWh 2533kWh 3465kWh 4086kWh Solar Contribution 70 - 80% - - - - - Tariff A1 Tariff A1 Tariff B1 Tariff A3 Tariff A1 Tariff A3 $57.00 $77.00 $91.00 $283.00 $387.00 $456.00 $192.00 $232.00 $258.00 $161.00 $220.00 $260.00 $195.00 $313.00 $391.00 $166.00 $231.00 $274.00 $1,350 $ 350 $1,700 $ 370 $ 120 $ 490 $ 575 $ 450 $1,025 $ 560 $ 220 $ 780 $ 180 $ 90* $ 270 $ 399 $ 200 $ 599 Annual Energy Costs Tariff 100 litres/day at 60o C 160 litres/day at 60o C 200 litres/day at 60o C Capital Cost Cost of Unit Installation Total Installed Cost SOURCE: SECWA NOTES: 1. Costs are based on replacing existing HWS. 2. 100% fixed charge applied to off--peak electric water heating. 3. 50% of first tariff step applied to gas water heaters. 4. 0% fixed charge applied to continuous electric water heating. 5. Allowance for sensible heat loss in instantaneous water heaters based on 1 operation per 10 litres. 6. Solar contribution refers to % solar compared with energy required for standard 135 litre electric unit. 7. * $204 for new three-phase domestic connection not applied. 109 TABLE 8.2 SIMULATION DATA TARIFF in cents/kWh 100 litres/day @ 60oC 160 litres/day @ 60oC 200 litres/day @ 60oC CAPITAL COST Cost of unit Installation Total Installed cost (TIC) EQUIPMENT LIFE (YEARS) CHARGE RATE AT 10% 1 Solar Electric Boosted 300 litres Storage Electric Off peak Electric Storage Gas Instant Electric Instant Gas 125 litres 315 litres 135-145 litres 4.5 L/m 9.0 L/m Tariff A1 12.05 Tariff A1 12.05 Tariff B1 6.37 $1,700 $ 450 $2,150 $ 450 $ 120 $ 570 $ 575 $ 450 $1,025 $ 660 $ 220 $ 880 $ 180 $ 90 $ 270 $ 420 $ 200 $ 620 10.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 7.5 20.0 16.50% 16.50% 16.50% 16.50% 19.50% 11.75% 1 Tariff A3(Av) 5.27 4.86 4.69 Tariff A1 12.05 1 Tariff A3(Av) 5.23 4.81 4.64 Because of the declining block structure of the gas tariff for domestic consumption SECWA assumed that half the units in the first block were used for water heating, with the balance coming from the second block. See Appendix 4 for tariff details. 110 TABLE 8.3 COST COMPARISONS: BASE CASE1 ANNUAL ENERGY REQUIREMENT 100 litres/day @ 60oC 160 litres/day @ 60oC 200 litres/day @ 60oC Solar Electric Boosted 300 litres Storage Electric Offpeak Electric Storage Gas Instant Electric Instant Gas 125 litres 315 litres 135-145 litres 4.5 L/m 9.0 L/m kWh 506 692 817 kWh 2533 3465 4086 kWh 2602 3280 3732 kWh 3374 4611 5440 kWh 1750 2800 3500 kWh 3475 4828 5730 SOLAR CONTRIBUTION 70 - 80% TARIFF in cents/kWh 100 litres/day @ 60oC 160 litres/day @ 60oC 200 litres/day @ 60oC Tariff A1 12.05 Tariff A1 12.05 Tariff B1 6.37 Tariff A3 (Av) 5.27 4.86 4.69 Tariff A1 12.05 $61 $83 $98 $305 $418 $492 $166 $209 $238 $178 $224 $255 $211 $337 $422 $182 $232 $266 $1,700 $450 $2,150 10.0 16.50% $354.75 $450 $120 $570 10.0 16.50% $94.05 $575 $450 $1,025 10.0 16.50% $169.13 $660 $220 $880 10.0 16.50% $145.20 $180 $90 $270 7.5 19.50% $52.65 $420 $200 $620 20.0 11.75% $72.85 TOTAL ANNUAL COST 100 litres/day @ 60oC 160 litres/day @ 60oC 200 litres/day @ 60oC $415.72 $438.14 $453.20 $399.28 $511.58 $586.41 $334.87 $378.06 $406.85 $323.01 $369.29 $400.34 $263.53 $390.05 $474.40 $254.59 $305.08 $338.72 TOTAL COST (Cents/L) 100 litres/day @ 60oC 160 litres/day @ 60oC 200 litres/day @ 60oC 1.14 0.75 0.62 1.09 0.88 0.80 0.92 0.65 0.56 0.88 0.63 0.55 0.72 0.67 0.65 0.70 0.52 0.46 ANNUAL ENERGY COSTS 100 litres/day @ 60oC 160 litres/day @ 60oC 200 litres/day @ 60oC CAPITAL COST Cost of Unit Installation Total Installed cost (TIC) Equipment life Charge rate Annualised cost @ % of TIC 1 Assumes a 10% rate of interest. Tariff A3 (Av) 5.23 4.81 4.64 111 FIGURE 8.1 COST OF HOT WATER BY APPLIANCE TYPE: BASE CASE c e n t s / l i t r e 1.20 1.00 0.80 100 litres/day @ 60C 160 litres/day @ 60C 0.60 200 litres/day @ 60C 0.40 0.20 0.00 Solar Electric Storage Electric Off Peak Electric Storage Gas Type of water heating system Instant Electric Instant Gas 112 Table 8.3 shows estimates for annual energy costs based on the 1990/91 electricity and gas tariffs and the levelised costs of appliances based on the 1990/91 capital costs provided to us and a 10% interest rate. The life-time for appliances was taken to be ten years, except in the case of instantaneous electric which was allocated a seven and a half year life-time and external instantaneous gas which was given a 20 year life-time. 8.2 Results The base case calculated from the data made available from SECWA together with the updated capital cost estimates for a range of appliances shows that at low volumes of delivery solar is the most expensive in terms of cents/litre of water delivered at 60oC. Electricity is the next most expensive followed by gas. However what Table 8.3 and the associated figure 8.1 illustrate strongly is that as drawoff rises from 100 litres a day then the capital costs associated with the more capital intensive solar and electric storage decline as these costs are spread over more and more units of hot water. The fall in costs is not as dramatic with gas because of the initial lower capital outlay associated with gas appliances. At the same time the cost of the solar supplied hot water moves close to the external instantaneous gas and the external gas storage. In Figures 8.2 and 8.3 we have attempted to assess the sensitivity or robustness of the results shown in the base case to a change in the interest rate. It is well known that capital intensive technologies are highly sensitive to interest rate changes and given the range of the capital intensiveness of each of the methods of delivering hot water under review, then it is important to see whether the order and size differences for the cost of delivery of hot water will change with a change in the rate of interest. Figure 8.2 recalculates the base case data with an interest rate of 12% and what is observed is that the basic rankings demonstrated in the base case remain unchanged but the gap between solar and gas widens reflecting the capital intensiveness of the solar appliances. By contrast in Figure 8.3, when an interest rate of 7% is used with the base case data the ranking is again unchanged but the gap is closed between solar and gas, though even at the 7% interest rate solar is still slightly more expensive than the external instantaneous gas though slightly cheaper than external gas storage. With the base case data it is also possible to undertake some simulations to assess the requirements to bring about an equality in terms of costs of water delivered amongst the different alternatives available. Table 8.4 demonstrates the changes necessary in the gas tariff to achieve a cost of water equivalent to that which would be supplied by a solar water heater. At 200 litres a day an increase of some 30% would be necessary in the gas tariff to bring the cost of water from external instantaneous gas to equality with the cost of water from a solar heater. 113 FIGURE 8.2 COST OF HOT WATER BY APPLIANCE TYPE: 12% INTEREST RATE 160 litres/day @ 60C 200 litres/day @ 60C Instant e 100 litres/day @ 60C 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 Off / l i t r Solar c e n t s Type of water heating system 115 FIGURE 8.3 COST OF HOT WATER BY APPLIANCE TYPE: 7% INTEREST RATE 100 litres/day @ 60C 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 160 litres/day @ 60C Instant 200 litres/day @ 60C Off l i t r e Solar c e n t s / Type of water heating system 116 TABLE 8.4 GAS TARIFF CHANGES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE SOLAR EQUIVALENCE1 DRAWOFF EXISTING GAS TARIFF REQUIRED GAS TARIFF cents/kWh CHANGE % 6.64 30.1 cents/kWh 200 litres/day 4.64 1 Based on the gas tariff and capital costs associated with external instantaneous gas. Table 8.5 shows the capital cost changes which would be necessary for a solar appliance to achieve the same level of cost for water heating as external gas appliances with tariffs held at their 1991 levels. With a drawoff of 200 litres a day a reduction of some 32% in the capital cost of a solar appliance would be necessary to bring about this equality. As it has been assumed that the installation cost is not subject to technological progress then most of this reduction in capital cost would have to be achieved in a reduction of the cost of the unit itself. It has come to our attention that very recently a manufacturer (Swan - Sun Tech) has been able, with new materials, to make a substantial reduction in the capital cost of solar water heaters so that it does seem possible for reductions of the order shown here to be possible with technological changes. In addition, the technology referred to is claimed to have a longer life than the ten years that has been assumed in this study because of the material used in the construction of the unit and its ability to withstand the corrosive effects of the water supply, because no metal comes in contact with the water and instead plastics are used. TABLE 8.5 SOLAR STANDARD CAPITAL COST CHANGES REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE GAS COST2 EQUIVALENCE DRAWOFF 200 litres/day EXISTING CAPITAL COST1 $ REQUIRED CAPITAL COST1 $ CHANGE 2,150 1,456 32.33 % 1 Total installed cost. 2 The cost/litre of external instantaneous gas. 3 If installation costs were held constant the cost of the unit only would have to fall by 40.8%. 117 Table 8.6 demonstrates the impact of extending the lifetimes of solar appliances. An extension to 25 years would bring about a reduction in the cost of water from solar water heating to that equivalent with gas for a drawoff of 200 litres/day. TABLE 8.6 SOLAR STANDARD EFFECTIVE LIFETIME CHANGES TO ACHIEVE GAS EQUIVALENCE1 DRAWOFF 200 litres/day EXISTING EFFECTIVE LIFETIME-YEARS 10 REQUIRED LIFETIME-YEARS CHANGE % 25 150 1 The cost/litre of external instantaneous gas. Table 8.7 seeks to assess the complex situation involving the use of offpeak electricity tariffs for water heating. In the base case examined earlier it was shown that where offpeak electricity was available then the cost of water from offpeak systems, particularly at high volumes, was comparable with instantaneous gas. A concern has always been felt that the availability of offpeak electricity tariffs would militate against solar water heating systems. And indeed, if the offpeak tariff shown in Table 8.2 was widely applicable that would be the case. In Western Australia, however, very few households have installed offpeak water heating and this mode has not been encouraged by SECWA particularly in the context of SECWA's excess supply of gas and its promotion of natural gas for water heating. Nevertheless, it is important to assess the tariff which would be required in terms of an offpeak tariff which would eliminate the advantage of offpeak water heating over solar heating where the solar booster is in fact boosted not at the offpeak rate but at the standard domestic tariff. In Table 8.7 for a drawoff of 200 litres a day an increase in the offpeak tariff from 6.37 cents/kilowatt hour to 7.62 cents/kilowatt hour would have the effect of eliminating the advantage of offpeak water heating over solar appliances. TABLE 8.7 OFF PEAK ELECTRICITY TARIFF REQUIRED TO ACHIEVE EQUIVALENCE WITH ELECTRICALLY BOOSTED SOLAR ON THE DOMESTIC TARIFF DRAWOFF 200 litres/day CURRENT OFF-PEAK TARIFF cents/Kwh REQUIRED OFF-PEAK TARIFF cents/Kwh CHANGE 6.37 7.62 19.6 % Table 8.8 demonstrates the tariff changes which would be required for an electrically boosted solar water heating system to achieve an equivalent cost of water with gas external instantaneous appliances. For a low drawoff of 200 litres a day the electricity tariff would 118 have to be less than zero to make a solar water heating system equivalent in cost to external instantaneous gas. TABLE 8.8 DOMESTIC ELECTRICITY TARIFF REQUIRED FOR ELECTRICALLY BOOSTED SOLAR TO ACHIEVE GAS EQUIVALENCE DRAWOFF CURRENT DOMESTIC TARIFF cents/Kwh REQUIRED DOMESTIC TARIFF cents/Kwh CHANGE 200 litres/day 12.05 less than zero N/A % 119 CHAPTER 9 POLICY ANALYSIS 9.1 Social Costs A recent review of the literature by Stocker, Harman and Topham (1990) indicates that decisions made about electricity generation based only on the costs and benefits accruing to the generating entity (be it a public or private company) do not reflect the costs and benefits accruing to the society as a whole. This perspective is, however, only a special application of the general principle that where an industry creates costs, only part of which are borne by the consumers of that industry's product, then a misallocation of society's economic resources occurs. In this circumstance the interests of the industry do not correspond with the public interest, taking into account both the short term and the long term. The first systematic treatment in economic theory of the failure of consumers to pay the full cost of production was given by Pigou (1920). External costs occurred according to Pigou when total costs (sometimes referred to as social costs) are paid only in part by consumers, so that private costs (the amounts paid by consumers) are below social costs. The difference between private costs and total costs is the external cost paid by some other section of the community. The payment of these external costs is, of course, unrequested because there is no corresponding benefit as occurs when a consumer purchases goods. Furthermore the payment of these costs is not directly in a monetary form. For example pollution imposes costs through health impacts, and the payment of these costs is in the form of medical expenses, shortened life expectancy, and relocation expenses. If, however, some technique was used to make an industry, and hence the consumers of that industry's output, pay to eliminate pollution, then those costs previously external would become internalised. Pigou suggested a system of taxation to internalise external costs. More recent proposals involve setting acceptable pollution standards and issuing marketable pollution rights. Although the existence of external costs has been universally recognised, there has not yet developed a perception or consensus that their pervasiveness and size is of such a scale that a market economy in general is not able to give rise to an acceptable degree of efficiency. The area in which there is agreement is that external costs associated with environmental factors particularly those arising from waste disposal - do need particular treatment if the external costs are not to impact severely on the quality of life. Not unexpectedly, external costs associated with energy supplies have been the subject of substantial debate. Initially this debate involved the relative external effects of coal versus nuclear power generation. In the debate over fossil fuel versus renewable sources of electricity, the existence of external costs has been indicated as a reason for the relatively slow market penetration of renewable sources (Hohmeyer, 1988). Failure to include these costs means that fossil fuel sources of electricity appear to be lower cost than renewable sources. Unlike the nuclear versus coal debate in which the supply cycle is comparable - mining of fuel, construction of plant, large scale generation and extensive transmission systems and eventual decommissioning - with 120 renewable sources the process is different, and so problems of an analytical nature become important. Nevertheless, a number of studies have been undertaken, with mixed results. On the basis of studies undertaken so far, no conclusive view has emerged to bring about a redirection of decision making in favour of renewable sources simply on the basis of external costs. The most comprehensive discussion of external costs in electricity generation to date is found in Hohmeyer (1988). The analysis covers wind and solar sources as well as fossil and nuclear fuels. His work is not original, however, in that it draws on earlier attempts to provide monetary values for external costs, largely on the basis of those experienced in the Federal Republic of Germany. While comprehensive, Hohmeyer's work is also contentious in a number of areas. In particular his concept of external costs is broader than that found in the Anglo-American literature on external costs. For him, external costs include the political cost associated with imports for electricity generation, and amongst benefits the employment gains from local production of generation technologies. Other criticisms by Jones (1990) include: • no consideration is given to providing reliable back-up capacity in the form of fuel-based generation plant for variable sources such as solar or wind. Renewable sources should carry the external costs associated with the back-up plant; • no allowance is made for the impacts of pollutants where they are subject to different dispersion patterns; • depletion premia for fuel resources have been overstated because, especially with uranium, the resources are abundant; • socio-economic benefits of renewable sources have been seriously overstated; • the per/kWh measures of external costs arrived at by Hohmeyer can have little confidence attached to them because of the associated estimation methods. Other studies which have attempted to measure the value of external costs in electricity generation include Ramsay (1979), Meade and Denning (1986), New York Public Service Commission (1989), and Pearce et al.(1989). A number of government and intergovernmental agencies have documented the environmental and health impacts and costs associated with electricity supply, in particular the OECD. 121 TABLE 9.1 APPLICATION OF DAMAGE/AVOIDED DAMAGE COSTS TO WESTERN AUSTRALIA Source of Damage/Avoided Damage Mining CO2 NOx and SO2 Resource Depletion Total Cost (c/kWh) 0.2 1.2 - 10.0 0.5 - 4.0 1.3 - 13.8 3.8 - 28 SOURCE: Stocker et al. (1990). Further studies attempt to pull together data from a variety of sources on external costs in electricity supply and attempt to aggregate the data to derive some overall estimate. Examples are Schulze et al. (1982), Nicklas (in ASES, 1989) and Viziroglu (1987). Authors who have attempted to improve the conceptual framework for assessing external costs include Pearce (1989b) and Freeman (1982). On the basis of the above studies Stocker et al. (1990) estimated the possible range of external costs in Western Australia from the use of coal for electricity generation as shown below in Table 9.1. These figures are largely based on overseas experience with coal as a fuel source. If gas were being considered, the CO2 component would be reduced by 50%, the NOx/SO2 component would be reduced by at least 50%, and the mining component would also be reduced significantly. A resource depletion surcharge would still apply. Thus, taking the lower limits of the estimates, it appears that the external costs for gas would be around 2.1 c/kWh compared to coal at around 3.8 c/kWh. In round terms these figures are respectively 2 and 4 c/kWh. By contrast the estimates provided by Hohmeyer for the external costs of electricity from renewable energy resources are negligible, at least at the generation stage. Stocker et al. (1990) indicate that there may be more significant external costs at the manufacturing stage of renewable energy equipment because of its capital intensive nature. Nevertheless, on the basis of the best estimates to date when total costs are considered renewable sources do become more competitive with conventional energy sources. The practical problem, however, is that in the market place, the relative prices for alternative energy sources faced by the consumer reflect only the private costs. Until a range of policy 122 measures are implemented which internalise external costs, the market will offer a systematic bias against renewable energy sources in favour of high external cost sources. External costs may be internalised by a variety of mechanisms including taxes and regulations. The effect would be to remove the systematic bias against renewable energy which the existence of external costs generates. 9.2 Subsidies Just as the failure to take account of external costs leads to a barrier against renewable energy, so too does the provision of subsidies to conventional energy sources militate against renewable energy sources where they are not the recipient of equivalent subsidies. A comprehensive analysis of subsidies and their impact is given in Stocker et al. (1990). For the purposes of this study the relevant subsidies in the Western Australian contexts which form barriers to renewable energy are: • the uniform tariff policy; • the Contributory Extension Scheme; • subsidies to SECWA. The uniform tariff policy is a policy whereby all consumers in the same customer class pay the same charge for electricity regardless of their location in Western Australia. Although the geographical cross subsidy is paid for by other electricity consumers and hence internalised in SECWA, a cross subsidy is undesirable because consumers of high cost electricity do not confront the real cost of electricity. Hence, they make a choice of electricity supply technology in the face of market distortion. It is this distorted choice which works against renewable energy sources. Where SECWA supply is available on a subsidised basis, consumers would be reluctant to pay the full cost for their own renewable source such as wind or photovoltaics. The uniform tariff policy constitutes a serious disincentive for consumers to use non-SECWA supply sources. SECWA's Contributory Extension Scheme has operated primarily to enable rural consumers who required extensions to the distribution system to connect into the electricity supply system. A consumer paid the basic capital cost of the extension determined by a fixed charge per metre. Depending on whether the customer was part of the interconnected system or not, amounts paid in excess of $3000 (interconnected system) or $1500 (non-interconnected system) are refunded after 30 years. The non-refundable portion may be returned in stages as any new customers join the extension line. The subsidy element to new consumers was in the fact that charges for the extension are determined on the basis of average costs, not the individual costs associated with each particular extension. In addition the charges actually levied did not cover the full costs including a contribution to SECWA overheads. Finally, the average costs of extension have generally not escalated with inflation. As well, SECWA incurs administrative costs 123 in the maintenance of records for 30 year periods with each extension scheme. The fact that the consumer did not pay the full cost for the extension means the provision of a cross subsidy from other SECWA customers. SECWA has recently announced that because electrification of rural areas for primary production purposes is now considered to be completed, the charge for future extensions is proposed to be on a full cost basis. The Rural Contributory Extension Scheme, and the uniform tariff policy, constitute the main sources of bias against stand alone energy systems, including renewable systems, in favour of conventional generation and supply by SECWA in remote locations. An isolated systems subsidy of a $1000 contribution every eight years to assist in the purchase of generating plant for own use provides some offset to this bias, and the contribution is available for either renewable or conventional plant. As well as the cross subsidies discussed above, there are a number of other policies which give rise to direct or indirect cost reductions for SECWA's customers. 9.2.1 Payments under the Agreed Statement of Principles In 1985 the State Government achieved a renegotiation of the North West Shelf Gas Sales Agreement. The objective was to reduce the debt liabilities of SECWA that would be incurred under the take or pay provisions of the Sales Agreements. Under the so-called "Agreed Statement of Principles" (or ASOP) changes to the gas pricing arrangement were made and additional funding for SECWA to meet its obligations under the amended agreements was provided for. In particular: • The State Government agreed to forego royalties to the value of $145 million, in net present value terms, and assign the money to SECWA to enable it to meet its commitments; • SECWA would also receive a return of the 3% levy on gas sales normally taken by the State Government to the extent of $100 million in net present value terms; • SECWA would receive a return of royalties from the Commonwealth Government to the extent of $70 million in net present value terms. Payments actually received by SECWA to date amount to $6.9 million in 1987/88 and $8.9 million in 1988/89. In 1989/90 the State Government ended its contribution to SECWA. These payments from the State and Commonwealth Governments may be best thought of as an alternative to the negotiation of gas price reductions. The political realities of the time would not allow gas prices to be reduced directly, and so they were reduced at the expense of governments rather than the North West Shelf Joint Venture Participants. 124 9.2.2 Preferential Interest Rate Because SECWA is a State government instrumentality, borrowing by SECWA is effectively borrowing by the State government. Lending agencies view governments as low risk borrowers also and so the interest rate paid by SECWA through the State government is lower than if the utility were a private sector operation. The effect of the relatively lower rate of interest is for the utility to borrow more than it would if it faced commercial interest rates. Governments have become aware of the impact that the preferential interest rate has on borrowing decisions by utilities and have taken policy steps to remove the bias. The government guarantee cannot be withdrawn, but the utility can be charged for its borrowings below market values. In South Australia the government puts a charge of 0.75% on all borrowings by the Electricity Trust of South Australia (ETSA). 9.2.3 Absence of a Rate of Return Requirement The financial obligations of utilities such as SECWA have largely been to break even on operating expenses. Tariffs are set to achieve the revenue requirement for such an objective. This break even requirement sets no obligation on the utility to ensure that the capital stock within the utility earns a rate of return consistent with that on capital elsewhere in the economy. Studies by the Australian Bureau of Statistics have shown that the estimated rate of return on capital in public enterprises in Australia is very low. The absence of a rate of return requirement means that there is no explicit measure of the efficiency with which capital is used in the utility. In that situation there may be a tendency to over capitalise the operation. The State Energy Commission of Victoria (SECV) sets a required real rate of return of 4%. In Western Australia port authorities are required to operate so as to generate a real rate of return on their capital. The Commonwealth is also introducing a real rate of return requirement for its government business enterprise (GBE's). It is anticipated that a real rate of return requirement for SECWA will be instituted in the near future. 9.2.4 Special Coal Royalties Until recently coal mined for sale to SECWA attracted only a 5 cents/tonne royalty. By contrast coal sold to private consumers attracted a royalty of around $2 a tonne in recent years. This two tier royalty system clearly should have favoured SECWA in the form of lower than otherwise coal prices. With the possibility of a private coal fired power station being part of the interconnected electricity supply system, it was impossible to maintain those arrangements and it was announced in 1990 that the royalty on SECWA coal would be raised to the same basis as coal to private consumers over a three year transition period. 125 This decision to put both SECWA and private sales on the same royalty basis still neglects the question as to whether the existing royalty is appropriate. The private sales royalty is set at approximately 10 per cent of the mine head value of the coal. In a competitive context a royalty system would not influence the price of coal. Ideally the price of coal determines the royalty, where the royalty is a part of the net value of the coal, that is, the difference between market price and extraction cost. A net value approach to royalty determination was suggested in the Bradley Report (Bradley, 1986) to the Western Australian government, but subsequently rejected. If a Bradley style approach were adopted the impact on coal prices would be difficult to assess as the coal producers' response to the royalty system would be determined by conditions in energy markets and the ability of coal producers to pass on royalty increases in the form of higher prices rather than accept a reduced rate of return. 9.2.5 Reservation of Coal Reserves for SECWA Use Under the development agreements with each of the Collie coal producers (Griffin Coal and Western Collieries) one half of the coal reserves available to the coal producers under those agreements must be reserved for SECWA use. The actual terms and conditions on which the coal is made available to SECWA are settled in long term supply contracts between SECWA and the producers. The reservation of coal for SECWA use is no doubt motivated by concerns over the long term supply of coal. The economic effect, however, ought to be that SECWA obtains its coal at a lower price than it would if it operated without statutory controls over coal reserves. To what extent the price may be lower is difficult to determine because SECWA is in any case the major purchaser of coal from the Collie coal producers. The market for coal is not a broad one and non SECWA sales only account for 20% of total coal sales from the Collie producers. If the reservation policy were eliminated the bargaining power of the producers would be strengthened, but in the face of SECWA dominance on the demand side the impact might well be small. Nevertheless, the situation clearly does indicate a bias towards coal and SECWA in the supply of coal. 9.2.6 Exemption from Wholesale Sales Tax The Commonwealth wholesale sales tax is a tax on certain goods at the wholesale level. The coverage is fairly arbitrary and the tax as a tax has many failings. What is important for this study is that State government departments and instrumentalities are specifically exempted from the tax. The value of this exemption to SECWA would be difficult to quantify without a detailed classification of SECWA's purchases. Relative to renewable sources, the effect of the tax varies with the type of equipment involved. A solar water heater, for example, is exempt from the tax on the solar collector plate, but the tank is taxed at the rate of 10%. 126 9.2.7 Exemption from Company Income Tax As a State authority, SECWA is exempt from company income tax. In a formal sense exemption from company income tax makes it easier to achieve an acceptable after-tax rate of return on capital, and lends a bias towards being capital intensive. As SECWA does not base its accounting procedures on those required by the Income Tax Act, it is not possible to estimate the implicit subsidy provided to SECWA through this exemption. It should be noted that another State authority, the R & I Bank, although also exempt from company income tax, is required to construct its accounts as though it were a taxable entity. It has been claimed that the State government levy on SECWA acts in effect as a substitute for company income tax. SECWA pays 3% (rising to 4% 1991-1992) of its sales of electricity and gas to the State government. In 1988/89 the proceeds amounted to $33 million. A sales levy of this nature does not have the same meaning and management implications as a company income tax which is in principle a tax on the income of capital, and hence reflects the efficiency with which capital is used. 9.2.8 Exemption from Rates and Taxes The legislation governing SECWA quite explicitly exempts it from rates or taxes on property or land used to carry out its functions. This exemption would not apply if the property or land were in private hands for the same purposes, and so it acts as a further indirect subsidy for electricity supplied by SECWA. 9.2.9 Crown Rights A further implicit subsidy to a State agency such as SECWA is the possession of Crown rights. In particular, powers of land resumption and a special position relative to land use planning authorities gives rise to a lower level of costs than would be the case if the supply authority were privately owned. While there is an intuitively appealing case that the removal of subsidies from SECWA would increase the cost of electricity generation by conventional fossil fuel sources, it would also increase the cost of renewable energy from SECWA sources of supply. What would change, however, is the cost of energy from SECWA supplied sources, be they fossil or renewable sources, relative to the cost of energy from private renewable sources. These changes in relative costs as a result of the removal of subsidies (and the internalisation of SECWA's external costs as well) would not however necessarily lead to a switch to renewable sources for electricity supply. Indeed the substitution possibilities may lead to a switch out of SECWA supplied electricity as an energy source and into fuels such as coal and natural gas for private own-use generation. This substitution possibility is an example of the second best problem in that the correction of external costs and the removal of subsidies in the electricity generation stage will not lead to an efficient outcome if the external costs and subsidies in all other stages associated with the supply of all energy sources are not also corrected and removed. 127 A further consideration is that while the removal of subsidies (and the valuation of external costs) for SECWA operations may be expected to increase the private cost of electricity, it is possible for this effect to be offset. This offset could occur through improvements in the efficiency of SECWA's own operations. The Industries Assistance Commission recent inquiry into Government (Non-Tax) Charges (IAC, 1989) pointed to substantial inefficiencies in the electricity supply industry in Australia. This IAC Report has lead to a further inquiry being established by the IAC's successor, the Industries Commission (IC). The IC inquiry is to examine specifically the scope for improving efficiency in the electricity supply industry. The IAC study estimated that electricity production costs in Australia could be reduced by some $820 million annually. The savings identified largely came from reductions in capital requirements and work force levels. 128 9.3 Other SECWA Policies In 1984, with the first delivery of North West Shelf Gas to the south west of the State, SECWA embarked upon a large scale promotion programme for the use of gas to heat water. The circumstance giving rise to this promotion campaign was the fact that, under the take or pay contracts with the Joint Venture participants on the North West Shelf project, SECWA had undertaken to take far more gas than market conditions prevailing in the early 80's could sustain. Although domestic consumption of gas was still only a relatively small proportion (approximately 5%) of total gas sales by SECWA, it was necessary to explore every possible avenue to expand sales of gas to avoid the financial difficulties faced by SECWA associated with the excess supply of gas under the take-orpay contracts. For this reason the sustained campaign by SECWA is the source of the dramatic falling away in the installation of solar water heating in the metropolitan area. The outcome of the policy has been that, while solar water heating installation peaked in 1983/84, there has been a substantial decline thereafter, with the expansion in gas storage and gas instantaneous water heating units. Not only was there a promotion campaign in the sense of advertising directed towards the public to install gas water heating, but SECWA very deliberately set the gas tariff structure for domestic consumers, to make it an extremely attractive option for water heating. As discussed in Chapter 8 when we come to look at the comparative costs of alternative types of water heating units, the sensitivity of gas water heating to changes in the gas tariff is important. From the perspective of the 1990's it is clear that alternative sources of demand for gas are becoming available, particularly in the electricity generation context. In these circumstances it may well be that SECWA will change its policy on the domestic tariff for gas in a way which reduces the unfair competition between gas and solar water heating, and allows a more competitive gas tariff, so as to remove this particular barrier to the use of renewable energy for water heating. The current gas tariff is in the nature of a declining block which has very low cost units on the last step of the block. It is anticipated that tariff restructuring will give rise to a flat rate tariff for gas supplied by SECWA and a change of this nature will have, as shown in Chapter 8, a significant impact on the competitive cost of gas versus solar water heating. Another policy of SECWA which has acted to hinder the use of renewable energy, has been the lack of a buy-back policy for electricity supplies from non-SECWA renewable sources. It is feasible to consider that private sector firms may be interested in generating electricity from renewable sources in part for their own use, and supplying any surplus into the SECWA system, either in the interconnected system or the remote areas. To date, however, SECWA's approach has been to offer any buy-in supplies of electricity from renewable and co-generation sources, at only the cost of SECWA's avoided fuel cost based on coal prices into Muja Power Station. The logic behind the SECWA position is that renewable energy appliances only act as fuel savers to SECWA, they do not constitute an addition to firm generating capacity available to SECWA. This perception comes about because of the inability of individual renewable sources to supply electricity on demand. Hence SECWA is unwilling in its buy-in prices to make any contribution to the capital cost of renewable energy appliances in the belief that the capital cost does not in any way represent a gain, or avoid an expense, to SECWA. This policy of basing buy-in prices at 129 avoided fuel costs has, in effect, meant that renewable energy is not a feasible option for supply into the South West Interconnected Grid. Beyond the Interconnected Grid, however, the prices paid by SECWA for fuel in diesel generators are at such a level that a buy-in price based on avoided fuel cost of liquid fuels does give rise to a more competitive position for renewable supplies. Despite SECWA's perception, it has been demonstrated for some time that for small penetrations of wind power into the grid, the capacity credit is approximately equal to the average wind power output, while for large penetrations the credit tends to a limit which is determined by the probabiity of zero wind power and the conventional plant characteristics (Haslett and Diesendorf, 1981). A further policy of SECWA which militates against the use of renewable energy is the calculation of the worthwhile subsidy for remote area stand-alone systems purchased by consumers. The logic behind the subsidy for stand-alone systems is that if SECWA were actually required to arrange distribution to isolated customers then it would incur substantial distribution costs. In this circumstance it is clearly preferable to provide a subsidy to a stand-alone system and in this way reduce the cost of providing power to a remote area customer. It is reasonable, however, to conclude that the present $1000 every eight years, does not accurately capture the costs avoided by SECWA through the provision of stand-alone systems. In other States the amount provided for equivalent stand-alone systems has been increased to levels like $3000, as a reflection of the value of a stand-alone system to the supply authority. A more realistic subsidy for stand-alone systems would then reduce the barrier to renewable energy in remote area applications. 9.4 State Government Housing Policies Homeswest is the state agency in Western Australia responsible for building houses associated with welfare purposes. It is also responsible for building houses for the Government Employees Housing Authority (GEHA). Homeswest has two major building schemes, the first is by public tender and the second is called Select and Construct. In the Public Tender Scheme, Homeswest supplies builders with full specifications for the design and building of the house. Under the Select and Construct Scheme, Homewest supplies builders with a design brief and builders provide their own specifications and plans. The Select and Construct Scheme is used mostly for rental accommodation and also for Government employees housing. Two new schemes are underway presently, the Key Start Scheme and the One Thousand Homes Scheme. In these, Homewest provides subsidised land but people build their own homes according to their own specifications and plans. These schemes are not used for rental accommodation purposes. In the first two schemes, the Public Tender and the Select and Construct Schemes, the builders are obliged to conform to Homewest requirements in relation to passive solar design. Specifically, the builders must include: • wide eaves (600 - 800 mm); • ceiling insulation in southern parts of the State; 130 • insulation in framed walls (reflective foil insulation); and • insulation in steel roofs (Anticon: bonded fibreglass and reflective foil). Homeswest, however, does not require the installation of solar water heating systems in any of its houses. Homeswest policy is to provide instantaneous gas hot water systems of the external balance flue design. These are used in the metropolitan area or where natural gas is reticulated. In areas where natural gas is not available, Homeswest supplies (in bottled form) liquid petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking and water heating. In Albany, tempered natural gas is used. The majority of Homeswest houses do not include solar water heating systems because of the high maintenance and capital cost requirements. Clearly, the capital cost outlay for solar water heating systems is more expensive than for instantaneous gas systems but Homeswest also believes that ,over a five year period, maintenance costs are lower for instantaneous gas systems than for solar water heating systems. GEHA requests that solar water heating systems be installed in their houses in the North and North East of Western Australia. GEHA housing in the South West of Western Australia use LPG or natural gas where it is available. GEHA used solar water heating systems in their houses in the north of the State until 1986 when they converted to instant gas on a trial basis. The reason for this change was the high capital cost of solar systems, together with high maintenance costs for solar water heating systems. In 1988, however, a reassessment was made and it was found that tenants were being disadvantaged by $16 $30 per month if they had to heat by gas rather than solar. It was also shown that the capital cost of solar water heating systems had risen only marginally in that two year period, whereas the gas heaters were substantially more costly, resulting in only a marginal advantage to GEHA's costs. The decision to revert to solar was made by the Minister for Housing, although the initial impetus came from the Civil Service Association. In the North of the State, GEHA tenants with gas are subsidised $16 per month until gas units become unserviceable and replaced by solar. The difference in the economics of solar water heating systems between the north of the State and the metropolitan area where they are not considered by Homeswest to be economic, appears to be a function of the level of solar insolation and hence the need for an electric booster to be used some of the time in the metropolitan area, but probably little of the time in the north of the State. In June of 1990 Homeswest began a pilot scheme which involved the retrofitting of 39 solar hot water units to Homeswest houses in South Hedland. The trial was begun under the State Government Scheme of Energy Efficiency. Homeswest believes that a trial period of five years is an appropriate time over which to make a comparison of maintenance costs with an LPG water heater. ( Homeswest, personal communication). 131 9.5 State Government Industrial Development Policies In Western Australia there is now a heightened perception that energy prices and in particular electricity prices, are substantially higher than those applying in the rest of Australia. This outcome reflects a number of conditions that are in part unavoidable, for example, the low density of the electricity distribution system, but the avoidable elements include the high cost of coal and the inefficient operation of power stations. The effect of relatively high costs in Western Australia means that for industrial development policies Western Australia is at a disadvantage relative to the eastern states for the location of electricity intensive resource processing industries. This perception of higher electricity costs is having a substantial impact on the choice of the future generation technology and the current coal cost and power station operations. A recent review of future generation options came down firmly in favour of using natural gas in combined-cycle gas turbines as the best way of reducing electricity costs. Subsequently the State Government entered into agreements with coal mining companies and coal mining and power station unions to reduce costs in existing electricity generation facilities. This context of heightened sensitivity to the cost of electricity has meant that renewable energy appliances, for example, wind power, are not receiving support from SECWA or the Government where the costs of renewable energy are believed higher than could be provided by conventional generation techniques. The State Government is unwilling to see any actions taken by SECWA which would further disadvantage Western Australia in terms of electricity costs. For this reason SECWA has decided as part of its immediate generation plans not to install wind turbines for supply into the interconnected system. At the same time, however, the Government and SECWA realised that there are substantially higher costs associated with electricity generation in the remote areas of Western Australia and that, furthermore these remote areas, as discussed in Section 9.2 receive a cross-subsidy through the Uniform Tariff Policy. The State Government has to fund this Uniform Tariff Policy through, in effect, a tax on consumers within the interconnection system which adds to the costs of electricity in the major industrial areas of the State. Hence in the remote areas of Western Australia renewable energy equipment will be consistent with cost reductions, not only because it reduces the cost of local area generation but also because it eases the burden of the cross-subsidies between the interconnected system and remote areas. Any modification to the Uniform Tariff policy which increased the price to consumers in remote areas will give rise to a renewed interest in renewable electricity generation in remote ares of Western Australia. 132 CHAPTER 10 CONCLUSIONS 10.1 What the Surveys Show The survey of manufacturers and suppliers of solar water heaters identified cost as the major factor influencing consumers' decisions against solar water heaters. Consumers share this view and the results in Chapter 8 confirm it. Compounding the cost factor, however, are a number of associated factors including: • people in rental dwellings have no control over the hot water system, and the landlord has no incentive to supply a system which confers only costs on the landlord and benefits to the occupants; • people are unwilling to change systems while an existing system is still functional. Thus important determinants of the penetration of solar water heaters are the proportion of dwellings that are owner occupied relative to rental dwellings, and the age profile of existing (installed) water heaters. The cost factor is also important in that suppliers indicated their belief that consumers would not want to incur the capital outlay for a solar system if they felt that they would not be residing in the house for a long enough period to capture the benefits of the outlay. Even if the house were sold during the effective lifetime of the heater, the value of the solar heater may not be incorporated into the sale price, and if it were financed under a separate financing arrangement from the house mortgage, part of the sale proceeds would have to be used to pay out any remaining debt for the solar water heater. Short term residence expectations then are believed to act as a barrier to solar systems. Other factors given substantial weight by suppliers were a lack of knowledge of the technology and the impact on the aesthetics of the residence. Given lesser weight was the need to obtain financing for the outlay of a solar water heater. Suppliers also felt that architects, builders and governments gave little encouragement or assistance for the use of solar water heaters. The survey of householders provided a considerable volume of information on the characteristics of people who have solar water heaters. In addition the strongest predictors that a solar system had been purchased emphasised home owners with larger families who expect to remain in their house for another five years. Other characteristics such as income and age did not appear as significant predictors. High satisfaction was recorded by owners of solar and gas systems, less satisfaction with electric systems. The determinants of satisfaction related to the perceived percentage of the energy bill devoted to water heating, and the number of times the hot water supply had 133 been exhausted. Breakdowns and service requirements did not feature as measures of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. With regard to any future system, a clear majority indicated a preference for a solar system, with the bulk of them preferring a gas booster. Only just over a quarter of the respondents opted for a gas system and 7% indicated they would purchase an electric system. Those opting for a future solar system were in general younger in age and living in a relatively young house with a relatively larger number of occupants than was the case for respondents expressing preferences for future gas and electric systems. Importantly, only a small proportion of current solar owners (5.6%) indicated they would buy a non solar system. Half of the current gas system owners would switch to a solar system, and only 30% of those who currently have an electric system would buy another, with 48% of them indicating a switch to solar. When respondents who had actually installed their current water heating system were asked why they did not install a solar system, their responses reflected the perceptions of the solar water suppliers. In particular the initial cost, and other aspects of cost (working life, expected savings and expected maintenance) were the dominant reasons. Other survey questions reinforced this perception of cost rather than ignorance or lack of confidence in the technology. The results of the two surveys relating to solar water heaters clearly indicate that the solar technology does have a wide degree of public acceptance. The technology as such does not appear as a barrier. The dominant barrier is the perception of cost. As shown in Chapter 8 this perception is realistic in the current market for water heating equipment, and consumers appear to be behaving with individual economic rationality in their choice of water heating equipment. Answers to an additional question about power generation suggest that the majority of people are not willing pay more for electricity generated from renewable sources. Nevertheless 44% indicated they would be willing to pay, on average, 6% more. The clear commercial and policy implications which flow from this are that: • manufacturers and suppliers must find ways to reduce the initial capital outlay on solar water heaters if they wish to expand sales; • appeals to concerns such as the environment and greenhouse effects are unlikely to be effective in influencing water heater choice without a significant educational campaign; • relatively young owner occupiers of houses in which they expect to stay for some time with a large family are the group most likely to purchase a solar water heater when their existing water heating system comes to the end of its useful life; • government policy with respect to electricity and gas tariffs could significantly influence the choice of water heating equipment by influencing the cost of the alternatives to solar water heaters. 134 The survey of pastoral leases also provided a large amount of descriptive information on how electricity is generated and used on pastoral leases. It also provided information on water heating, in particular the use of solar water heating, on pastoral leases. Only 24 properties reported the use of wind power or photovoltaic systems as part of their main generation plant. A high degree of satisfaction was reported from properties using wind or solar equipment. The capital cost of wind or solar equipment was the dominant reason for not using it in electricity generation, but other important reasons were a lack of confidence in the performance of renewable energy components, a perception that there would be inadequate maintenance and service facilities, and a lack of familiarity with the equipment. Thus the survey reveals that, unlike the situation with solar water heaters in the metropolitan area, electricity generation with the use of wind power or photovoltaics is not an accepted technology for pastoral properties in Western Australia. In addition, the perceived costs of renewable systems are such that respondents indicated that fuel prices would have to rise considerably (almost 60%) before leaseholders would consider switching to renewable components. Only some 20% of respondents were aware that the Isolated Systems Subsidy offered by SECWA would cover generation equipment that incorporated renewable energy equipment, though having been informed by the survey, two-thirds of the respondents indicated that this would make it more likely that they would consider incorporating renewable equipment. Photovoltaic cells are also used for other purposes on pastoral leases, with 24% of respondents using them for electric fencing and 18% for water pumping. Thus small scale application of renewables is more widely accepted than for electricity generation in the homestead. The commercial and policy implications flowing from the information relating to electricity generation are: • the use of wind and solar equipment is seen as costly, unfamiliar and lacking in aftersales support; • perceptions about the initial capital outlay factor may be offset by greater familiarity with the technology and with the savings which may be made through the use of renewable generation equipment; • information especially relating to performance and reliability is required to enable pastoral leaseholders the opportunity to assess the possibilities of using renewable energy components; 135 • demonstrations of renewable equipment in remote areas could be an effective means of disseminating information; • some system of providing service and maintenance on a reliable basis would be required to overcome the perception that these are unavailable; • the Isolated Systems Subsidy should be made more visible and more useful by accurately reflecting the costs SECWA (and hence all other consumers) would incur if a grid connection were made instead of a stand alone system. Nearly one quarter of pastoral lease respondents used a solar water heating system with an electric booster. When asked what they would buy in future, more than half indicated they would purchase a solar system. Calcium deposition, a reflection of the water quality on pastoral leases, was seen as the major problem associated with solar water heaters, followed by lack of access to maintenance services, then leaks, then corrosion. Nevertheless satisfaction with solar water heaters was high with 52% of owners indicating that they were "very satisfied" with their system. These results reflect levels of satisfaction with older technology which has been superseded equipment incorporating technical improvements such as heat exchange systems and new materials. 136 10.2 The Analysis of Private Costs Detailed analysis of the costs of hot water from a range of water heating appliances supports the perceptions of consumers that in the context of the prevailing appliance costs and current electricity and gas tariffs, solar water heating is an expensive option relative to gas. Data were only available for electrically boosted solar systems, and the relatively new gas boosted systems were not included in the analysis. Solar is less expensive than storage electric and instant electric systems for larger hot water requirements, where the consumer has the appliance for the full equipment life. Simulations carried out with the data show that solar could be made competitive with external instantaneous gas with gas tariff changes in the order of 20 - 30%, equivalent reductions in the capital cost of an installed solar unit or by an approximate doubling of the effective lifetime of a solar unit. The provision and widespread use of an off-peak electricity tariff would pose a severe competitive pressure on solar heaters boosted with electricity at the normal domestic tariff. This pressure could be removed by either regulation to exclude water heating from the benefits of an off-peak tariff, or by increases in the current off-peak tariff in the order of 20 - 30%. One option not feasible is the reduction in electricity tariff for electricity used to boost a solar water heater, as the tariff would have to fall to less than zero. The commercial and policy implications of the analysis are that: • changes to capital costs of solar water systems are required to achieve greater market penetration; • change is also required to the effective lifetime of solar units, though this would be less effective than a reduction in initial capital outlays because of the fact that people perceive that they change their residences without taking their solar heater with them either physically, or in the form of a higher sale price for the residence; • changes to electricity and gas tariffs would also have an impact on the perceived costs and benefits of a solar water heater. 10.3 What the Policy Analysis Shows The generation of electricity and the use of natural gas involve the creation of significant external costs. Failure to internalise these external costs means that the prices faced by consumers for water heating and electricity generation equipment and electricity and gas do not fully reflect the real costs imposed on society by those choices. Furthermore 137 because renewable energy use involves less external costs, the failure to internalise external costs constitutes a considerable bias against renewable technologies. A similar bias occurs through the provision of subsidies for electricity and gas consumption. These subsidies may be provided either directly to consumers or through the institutional framework in which electricity and gas are provided. The analysis of both forms of subsidy has shown them to be widespread, though it is difficult to be quantitative about the size of the subsidies. Once again the subsidy framework creates a bias against renewable energy systems because the institutional framework within which renewable energy equipment is supplied does not significantly benefit from current subsidies, especially those delivered through state owned, centralised energy utilities such as SECWA. State government housing policies for welfare housing reflect the same position as that taken by private landlords. Solar water heaters add to capital costs while the benefits are taken by rental occupants. Homeswest instead sees itself as providing housing and would prefer to use its limited capital for the provision of housing rather than energy. By contrast the agency responsible for housing government employees, GEHA, has adopted a policy of solar water heaters on GEHA homes. A major reason for the difference in policy is that GEHA operates almost completely in areas outside the natural gas reticulation system. Bottled gas for water heating then becomes an expensive option. Industrial development policies in Western Australia give no comfort to renewable energy because the State government sees its industrial future in the energy intensive value adding minerals processing arena. Faced with already high costs for electricity and natural gas, the competitive position of Western Australia in the resource processing field is not seen to be strong. There is thus a perception that the use of renewable sources of energy does not assist with the overall thrust of industrial policy because of the even higher costs which would be involved. One immediate use for electricity generation from renewable energy is in the remote areas of the State where generation costs with conventional diesel generators are already high, and where renewable energy is competitive. 10.4 Barriers And Their Removal This Report has identified a number of barriers to the diffusion of renewable energy in Western Australia. The comprehensive list of barriers uncovered is as follows: • the capital outlay required for equipment to make use of wind or solar power; • the inability to capture the full benefits of renewable energy by being unable to take advantage of the complete lifetime of the equipment because of changes in residences; 138 • the imbalance between costs to property owners and benefits to tenants in rental housing; • the reluctance of architects and builders to embrace renewable energy into home design and construction; • the age profile of the existing stock of conventional water heating or electricity generation equipment will determine the rate at which conventional equipment is replaced by renewable equipment; some progress has already been made towards integrating solar systems into existing non-solar systems for example through the use of storage tanks associated with gas and electric storage water heating; • the existence of external costs means that conventional energy sources are underpriced and will distort consumers choices in their favour; • conventional systems are also associated with significant subsidies which will also distort consumers' choices in their favour; • the nature of existing SECWA primary fuel supply contracts means that, faced with an oversupply of coal and gas, the dominant energy supplier in Western Australia has no financial incentive to promote renewable energy in the interconnected electricity grid and the gas distribution region; • the State government has other priorities for the use of scarce capital than the use of solar water heaters in welfare housing; • industrial development strategy in Western Australia is in general associated with a search for lower cost sources of energy than renewables and even the way in which conventional fossil fuels are used currently; • for remote areas, familiarity with renewable equipment and access to service and maintenance are perceived disadvantages; • an information gap exists with respect to wind and solar electricity generation performance, capability and reliability. Overcoming these barriers will require action by both the private and public sectors. The private sector manufacturers and suppliers will have to face the cost barrier. New materials, larger markets or new production techniques are required to bring the cost down and the effective lifetime up. In addition the clear preference indicated in the survey for gas boosting in the gas reticulation area may see a change away from the currently dominant electrically boosted systems. Manufacturers and suppliers of renewable electricity generation equipment need to overcome the information and other attitudinal barriers associated with what is perceived as an untried and untested technology. 139 For their part the agenda of the State government should be clear. First, internalise external costs for electricity and gas supply. Second, eliminate subsidies by placing SECWA operations on a completely commercial basis and scaling back the cross subsidies associated with the uniform tariff policy and the contributary extension scheme. At the same time, and without paradox, the Isolated Systems Subsidy should be enhanced. Homeswest policy constitutes a barrier until there is a change in the understanding of what constitutes a house. If a solar water heating system were seen as an integral part of a house rather than an add-on, the uptake of SWHS would increase significantly in homes and the over-all energy usage in these houses would decline, as would the occupants' energy bills. The State's overall industrial policy heavily emphasises value-added resource processing which is an energy intensive process. Maintaining this policy would require a reduction in energy costs relative to those in Eastern Australia. This policy stance leaves little room for renewable energy as a source for these industries. 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