July 2011 (Approved Minutes)




July 19, 2011 9:00 A.M.

Marshall County Boardroom

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Board Chairman Gary Kiesow called the meeting to order with Commissioners Ken

Borowicz, Sharon Bring, LeRoy Vonasek, Gary Kiesow, Curtis Carlson, Auditor-Treasurer

Scott Peters, and Recording Secretary Domita Taus present.

The July 19, 2011 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Bring,


The Board approved the July 5, 2011 meeting minutes with one correction. M/S/C –

Borowicz, Carlson

Water Plan/Zoning Administrator Jan Kaspari addressed the Board to review the 2012

Budget for her department.

Social Service Director Chris Kujava and Consultant Jennifer Anderson addressed the

Board and received approval and acceptance on the following items:

General Business

The Board approved Mr. Kujava to obtain County Car Quotes. M/S/C – Borowicz,


The Quarterly ITV Report was accepted by the Board. M/S/C – Bring, Vonasek


1) Successfully Completed Probation for Social Worker Nicholas Safranski, effective7/1/11.

2) State Shutdown – Marc Cardinal, Welfare Fraud Specialist, reduction if warranted.

3) Resignation & Retirement – Jennifer Anderson, Human Services Director II, effective 8/31/11. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring


The Board approved the Director Sharing/Operational & Financial Review. M/S/C –

Bring, Vonasek

Approval was given to the Emergency Situation Flow Chart. M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

Licensing and Contracts

Approval was given to the Norman/Marshall Director Sharing Agreement, changing from 30% to 50% time effective 9/1/11. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

Director’s Administrative Report

The Board accepted the State Shutdown Update. M/S/C – Vonasek, Carlson

The 2011 Quarterly Budget Report was accepted. M/S/C – Carlson, Bring

Acceptance was given to the Social Services 2012 proposed budget. M/S/C –

Vonasek, Borowicz


Case Activity, Bills, and Director Actions received Board approval. M/S/C – Bring,



BE IT RESOLVED, that after review of the following bills, authorization for payment of the same in the following total amounts, are hereby approved, with a detailed listing kept on file at the Auditor’s office.

Auditor bills:

June 24, 2011 $277,537.56

July 1, 2011

July 8, 2011

July 15, 2011




Total $643,682.40

Commissioner bills: $199,386.85

M/S/C – Carlson, Vonasek

RESOLUTION 07-19-02 Per Diems

Kenneth Borowicz

Sharon Bring




Curtis Carlson

Gary Kiesow

LeRoy Vonasek






M/S/C – Bring, Borowicz

County Attorney Mike Williams discussed legal issues regarding the TRF Airport

Authority proposal. Mr. Williams stated that Marshall County has the ability to join as stated under Statute 360.0426.

Auditor-Treasurer Peters provided the following for his report:


2012 Budget Review


5-Year Financial


Tri-Valley Board Appointment


State Shutdown Information


2010 Census Breakdown


WHEREAS, the County of Marshall is planning to implement County State Aid Street

Project(s) in 2011 which will require State Aid funds in excess of those available in its State

Aid Regular Construction Account, and

WHEREAS, said County is prepared to proceed with the construction of said project(s) through the use of an advance from the County State Aid Construction Fund to supplement the available funds in their State Aid Regular Construction Account, and

WHEREAS, the advance is based on the following determination of estimated expenditures:

Account Balance as of date 7-01-2011 $ 2,430,135.53

Less estimated disbursements:

Project # 045-620-005 $ 3,346,621.66

Project # 045-653-004

Project #_______________

$ 150,000.00


Project #_______________

Bond Principal (if any)

Project Finals (overruns-if any)




Other_________________ $_________________

Total Estimated Disbursements $ 3,496,621.66

Advance Amount (amount in excess of acct balance) $ 1,066,486.13

WHEREAS, repayment of the funds so advanced will be made in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 162.08, Subd. 5 & 7 and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 8820, and

WHEREAS, the County acknowledges advance funds are released on a first-come-first-serve basis and this resolution does not guarantee the availability of funds.

NOW, THEREFORE, Be It Resolved: That the Commissioner of Transportation be and is hereby requested to approve this advance for financing approved County State Aid Highway

Project(s) of the County of Marshall in an amount up to $ 1,066,486.13 in accordance with

Minnesota Rules 8820.1500, Subp. 9. I hereby authorize repayments from subsequent accruals to the Regular Construction Account of said County from future year allocations until fully repaid. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring


WHEREAS, due to the Minnesota State shut down, quality control during the fabrication of R.C. Pipe at the Fargo Cretex plant, cannot be performed by a Mn/DOT representative of the Mn/DOT Materials Engineer during the week of July 20, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Davidson Construction, the Contractor for SAP 054-620-005, wants to start the project the week of July 25, 2011; and

WHEREAS, Cretex Concrete can form a pipe on July 20, 2011, which would comply with the original Contractors schedule and not create further delays; and

WHEREAS, Erickson Engineering will furnish a Certified Representative of the

Materials Engineer to perform the necessary inspections during fabrication of the R.C. pipe necessary for SAP 045-620-005;

NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of the County of Marshall to authorize Erickson Engineering to furnish a representative of the Materials Engineer, for inspection of the R.C. pipe for SAP 045-620-005, during fabrication at the Cretex plant in

Fargo, ND. M/S/C – Carlson, Bring

Jim Stengrim addressed the Board to discuss MST Watershed activities/board appointments. Also present for this discussion were John Bodell, Wally Deidrich and Larry


The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared:

Commissioner Meeting/Report




County Park

County Park, Land of Dancing Sky Area on Aging, MarKit

MarKit, Northwest Mental Health Center, Northwest Mental



Health Transition Team

Regional Radio Board


The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.

The Board interviewed Alvin Nybladh, Ben Kleinwachter, Loren Zutz, and Elden Elseth for the two open MST Watershed Board positions. The Board questioned the four gentlemen on various issues regarding leadership, MST issues, water issues and problem solving. Also present for this discussion and providing comments on the appointments were Jim Stengrim,

Wally Deidrich, Davis Woinarowicz, Tim Osowski, Pat Osowski, and Phillip Olson.

The Board re-appointed Alvin Nybladh and Ben Kleinwachter to the MST Watershed

Board for a three year term. M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

The Board appropriated $500 to the 9-11 Remember America in the City of Newfolden.

M/S/C Borowicz, Vonasek Commissioner Bring abstained from voting.


BE IT RESOLVED, that Scott Peters, Auditor-Treasurer, is authorized to sign on behalf

of Marshall County (TIN 41-1277612) in regards to ownership change of the Jackson

National Life Insurance Company’s policy #0036828700. M/S/C- Bring, Carlson


BE IT RESOLVED, that the County Auditor-Treasurer is directed to distribute

$ 28,658.00 received in Revenue sharing from the Lake Agassiz National Wildlife


Road & Bridge 15% $ 4,298.70

Twp. & City 25% 7,164.50

School Districts 60% 17,194.80


Greenbush/Middle River School Dist. # 2683 $ 5,743.42

Grygla School Dist. # 447 7,994.53

Goodridge School Dist. # 561 3,456.85


Townships 45 Sections @ 159.21111

Whiteford (13 sections) $ 2,069.74

East Valley (13 sections) 2,069.74

Cedar (6 sections) 955.27

Agdar (5 sections) 796.06

Eckvoll (5 sections) 796.06

Rollis (3 sections) 477.63


M/S/C – Borowicz, Bring

The Board reviewed the 2012 Budget.

The meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m.




ATTEST: ___________________________________________________




July 5, 2011 9:00 A.M.

Marshall County Boardroom

The Pledge of Allegiance was given.

Board Chairman Gary Kiesow called the meeting to order with Commissioners Sharon

Bring, LeRoy Vonasek, Gary Kiesow, Curtis Carlson, Auditor-Treasurer Scott Peters, and

Recording Secretary Domita Taus present.

The July 5, 2011 meeting agenda was approved with additions. M/S/C – Carlson,


Assessor Russ Steer addressed the Board and received approval for vacation. M/S/C

– Bring, Carlson

County Recorder Bev Lydeen addressed the Board to review the 2012 Budget for her department. Ms. Lydeen stated that her office is well within the limits of document compliance.

Extension Educator Howard Person addressed the Board to review the 2012 budget for his department, reviewed extension changes, and presented an amended feed lot grant for the Board to consider.

The Board approved to send a letter to the University of Minnesota Extension expressing concerns over being too sparse with regional agronomists. M/S/C – Bring,


The Board approved an agreement to the 2010 Feed Lot Performance Grant. M/S/C –

Bring, Carlson

Solid Waste/West Marshall County Veteran Service Officer Don Matz addressed the

Board to discuss the 2012 budget for his departments. East Marshall County Veteran

Service Officer Wayne Kilen also provided information on the 2012 budget and gave an update on the services provided to veterans in the County. Mr. Kilen has procured a trailer with grant funds that will be used to go to city celebrations and fair events this summer to promote veteran services.

County Sheriff John Novacek addressed the Board to review the 2012 Budget for his department.

County Highway Engineer Lon Aune addressed the Board.

Mr. Aune opened the following bids for SAP 045-620-005:

Davidson Construction

MINN-DAK Asphalt

Mark Sand & Gravel Co.




Central Specialties

Knife River Materials



Assistant County Engineer Rod Teigen was also present for this bid letting.

Mr. Aune discussed a request from the City of Argyle regarding helping with the cost of sewer repair. Mr. Aune is going to do further research on this project and then return to the

Board for further discussion.

Mr. Aune discussed a ditch cleaning request for County Ditch #24, located in part of

Section 10, and north sides of Sections 11 and 12 in the Excel Township Strip. Approval is being held until Mr. Aune can do further study on this request.

Mr. Aune reviewed the 2012 Budget for the Highway Department with the Board.

RESOLUTION 07-05-01 SAP 045-620-005

BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to advertisement for bids for SAP 045-620-005,

CSAH #20, Grading, Culverts, Aggregate Base & Bituminous Surfacing the following bids were received:

Davidson Construction $3,346,621.66

MINN-DAK Asphalt

Knife River Materials



Mark Sand & Gravel Co.

Central Specialties



NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the bid of Davidson Construction, Inc. in the amount of $3,346,621.66 be accepted. M/S/C – Carlson, Vonasek

The Board recessed for lunch at 12:00 p.m. and reconvened at 1:00 p.m.

County Park Manager Al Kuck addressed the Board to review the County Park Budget.

Myron Jesme and LeRoy Ose from the Red Lake Watershed addressed the Board to provide a 2010 Annual Report. Mr. Jesme and Mr. Ose discussed various projects the watershed is currently working on and has planned for the future.

Dan Thorstad addressed the Board to discuss the Marshall County Soil and Water

Conservation District 2012 Budget and to provide an update of the various activities they are involved in. Janelle Kollin and Lisa Newton were also present for this discussion.

The Board approved the June 21, 2011 meeting minutes with corrections. M/S/C –

Carlson, Vonasek

The Board approved the Board of Equalization meeting minutes with corrections.

M/S/C – Bring, Carlson

The Board approved the Special Session Meeting minutes of June 29 th , in Newfolden with corrections. M/S/C – Carlson, Kiesow

Leanne Novacek reviewed the Data Processing 2012 budget with the Board.

Auditor-Treasurer Peters provided the following for his report:


Budget Review




NW MN Foundation Endowment


Feedlot Grant


Tri-Valley Appointment


MST Watershed Applicant Review


Kittson/Marshall Water Bond Resolution


Proposed Appointment Resolution


Redistricting Information


New Law Update


Oslo tax-forfeiture update


TRF Airport Authority Update


County Park Discussion


Gravel Tax


Johnson Controls







WHEREAS, Marshall County and Kittson County have entered into a Joint Powers

Agreement dated March 25, 1994, as amended on April 26, 2004 (collectively, the “Joint

Powers Agreement”), relating to Marshall County’s payment to Kittson County of a portion of the debt service on Kittson County’s $1,475,000 General Obligation Water System Revenue

Refunding Bonds, Series 2004 (the “Prior Bonds”); and


WHEREAS, to achieve debt service savings Kittson County is refunding the Prior

Bonds with its $945,000 General Obligation Water revenue Crossover Refunding Bonds,

Series 2011A (the “Bonds”); and


WHEREAS, by this amendment Kittson County is passing along to Marshall County its share of the debt service savings accomplished by the refunding:

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledge, the parties hereto do hereby agree as follows:


Amendment. Section 2 of the Joint Powers Agreement is hereby amended to read as follows: a.

Payments. Marshall County, in accordance with its July 5, 2011, resolution

shall, unless it redeems its obligation hereunder early, pay or cause to be paid from special assessments or net revenues of the Kittson and Marshall

Water System, or if need be from tax levies or other available moneys, the following debt service on the Bonds at the rates of interest on the unpaid principal amount of the original of the Bonds at the rates of interest per annum set forth in the table below for the installments set forth below, payable each January 1 and July 1 commencing July 1, 2012, and the mounts of principal due on January 1 in the years and installments as follows: (see attached)


REFERENCES. References in the Joint Powers Agreement to the Prior Bonds shall, after the effective date of this Amendment, be references to the Bonds.


Effective Date. This Amendment is effective upon its execution.

M/S/C – Carlson, Vonasek






WHEREAS, the County of Kittson, Minnesota (“Kittson County”) has heretofore issued its $2,302,000 General Obligation Rural Water System Revenue Bond of

1994 (the “Original Bond”); and


WHEREAS, the County has heretofore issues if $1,475,000 General Obligation

Water System Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 2004 (the “Prior Bonds”), which were issued to refund the Original Bond; and


WHEREAS, the County Board of Kittson County has determined that is necessary and expedient to issue $945,000 General Obligation Water Revenue Crossover

Refunding Bonds, Series 2011A (the “Bonds”), pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,

Chapter 116A and Section 475.67 to provide funds to refund the Prior Bonds; and


WHEREAS, in 1994, as amended in 2004, in joint powers agreements with Kittson

County, the City of Stephen, City of Kennedy, and the County of Marshall

(“Marshall County”, “the County”, or the “County of Marshall”) each pledged their full faith, credit, resources and taxing powers to a share of the debt service on the

Prior Bonds (collectively, the “Joint Powers Agreements”); and


WHEREAS, the amendments to the Joint Powers Agreements have been prepared in which the City of Stephen, City of Kennedy, and County of Marshall each pledge their full faith, credit, resources and taxing powers to a share of the debt service on the Bonds, each entitled “Amendment to Joint Powers Agreement Relating to a

Bond of Kittson County” (collectively, the “2011 Joint Powers Agreements”); and the

2011 Joint Powers Agreement for Marshall County (the “2011 Joint Powers

Agreement”) is attached hereto as Exhibit A; and


WHEREAS, the 2011 Joint Powers Agreement will pass along to Marshall County its share of the savings from Kittson County’s refunding of the Prior Bonds with the


NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Board of the County of

Marshall, Minnesota, as follows:


Payment Services; Portions of Debt Service; 2011 Joint Powers Agreements.

Kittson County’s resolution authorizing the issuance of the Bonds has provided for the uses and portions and components of debt service on the Bonds set forth in this paragraph. For purposes of the utilization of pledged services of funds for the payment of debt service on the Bonds, the following principal amounts of the Bonds, and interest thereon, shall be treated as relating to the following uses:

Amount of Bonds



North Kittson Water System

Kittson-Marshall Water System

-Marshall County Component $76,000

-Kittson County Component $65,000


City of Stephen



City of Kennedy




The Payment of principal of the Bonds in the amounts allocated to the use above, as further allocated to maturities in the 2011 Joint Powers Agreements, and interest thereon, shall be the “North Kittson Portion of debt service”, the “Kittson-Marshall Portion of debt service” (with a “Marshall County Component” and a “Kittson County Component” thereof),

“City of Stephen Portion of debt service” and “City of Kennedy Portion of debt service”, respectively.

Net revenues and special assessments from the North Kittson Water System shall be limited to the payment of the North Kittson Portion of debt service, City of Stephen Portion of debt service and the City of Kennedy portion of debt service. Revenues and payments from the City of Stephen and City of Kennedy shall be treated as net revenues from the North

Kittson Water System. Net revenues and special assessments from the Kittson-Marshall

Water System and payments by the County of Marshall shall be limited to payment of the

Kittson-Marshall Portion of debt service.

The City of Stephen will enter into a Joint Powers Agreement with the County pledging its full faith, credit and taxing powers to the payment of the City of Stephen Portion of debt service in the Bonds. The City of Kennedy will enter into a joint powers agreement with the

County pledging its full faith, credit and taxing powers to the payment of the City of Kennedy

Portion of debt service on the Bonds. The County of Marshall will enter into a joint powers agreement with the County pledging its full faith, credit, resources and taxing powers to the payment of the Marshall County Component of the Kittson-Marshall Portion of debt service on the Bonds. Such joint powers agreements are the 2011 Joint Powers Agreements, and they set forth amount for specific maturities of the Bonds, and the interest rates for such

Bonds, for which the City of Stephen, City of Kennedy and County of Marshall are responsible.


General Obligation Pledge. For the prompt full payment of the principal of and interest on the Marshall County Component of debt service on the Bonds as the respectively become due, the full faith, credit, resources and taxing powers of the County shall be and are hereby irrevocable pledged. If the net revenues of the Kittson-Marshall Water System appropriated and pledged to the payment of principal and interest on the Marshall County Component of debt service on the

Bonds, together with other funds irrevocably appropriated to Kittson County’s

Long Term Bond Debt Service Account referred to in paragraph 6 of the

County’s March 1, 1994, resolution relating to the Original Bonds (the “1994

Resolution”) and pursuant to the resolution of the County, dated April 6, 2004 relating to the Prior Bonds (the “2004 Bonds Resolution”, and together with the

1994 Resolution the “Prior Bonds Resolution”), which account has been retained for the use in the payment of the Bonds, shall at anytime be insufficient to pay such principal and interest when due, the County covenants and agrees to levy, without limitation as to rate or amount, and ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the County sufficient to pay such principal and interest as the same become due. If the balance in the Long Term Debt Service

Account is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the

Marshall County Component of debt service on the Bonds, the deficiency shall be promptly paid out of any available funds in the County treasury, and such other funds shall be replenished with interest for the time actually needed at the rate of eight percent (8%) per annum (or such other rate as shall be provided by law) from assessments levied for the Project by the County (or in the County by the District Court) or for the Kittson-Marshall Water System, or from net revenues of said system, as appropriate, or from taxes, in any, levied for the payment of principal and interest on the Marshall County Component of debt service on the Bonds, all as provided in Minnesota Statutes, Section

116A.20, Subdivision 5.


Certificate of Registration. The County Auditor is hereby directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution with the bond registration records of the

County’s obligation with the respect to the Marshall County Component of debt

service in the bonds has been entered in the County Auditor’s Bond Register.


Approval of 2011 Joint Powers Agreement. The 2011 Joint Powers Agreement, substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved. The

2011 Joint Powers Agreement shall be executed on behalf of the County with such changes and additions hereto, and modifications thereof, as shall be necessary and appropriate and approved by the attorneys approving the legality of the issuance of the Bonds or by County Attorney.


Execution. The 2011 Joint Powers Agreement shall be executed on behalf of the

County by the signatures of its Chair of the County Board of its County Auditor as the Clerk of the County Board, and be sealed with the seal of the County

Auditor. In the event of disability or resignation or other absence of either such officer who may act on behalf of such absent or disabled officer.


Continuing Force of Prior Bonds Resolutions. Except as modified in this resolution, all provisions and covenants in the Prior Bonds Resolution made respect to the Marshall

County Component of debt service on the Original Bond and the Prior Bond and the

Prior Bonds shall from and after the issuance of the Bonds apply with the same force and effect to the Marshall County Component of service on the Bonds. M/S/C –

Bring, Carlson


WHEREAS; Chapter 99, House File 954 of the 2011 Minnesota Session Laws, provides an option for the Kittson County and Marshall County Board of Commissioners for the appointment of the respective offices of County Recorder and County Auditor/Treasurer, rather than elected by the voters, and;

WHEREAS; It is the intent of the Kittson County and Marshall County Board of

Commissioners to consider this option.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Board of County Commissioners of

Marshall County will consider this option provided to Kittson and Marshall Counties in

Chapter 99, House File 954 of the 2011 Minnesota Session Laws and provide an opportunity for public comment relating to this issue at its regularly scheduled meeting on August 2,

2011 at 10:00 a.m.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, By the Board of County Commissioners of

Marshall County that the Clerk of the Board is hereby instructed to cause this resolution to be published once each week for two consecutive weeks in the official publication of the

County. M/S/C – Carlson, Vonasek

RESOLUTION 07-05-05 Sale of Tax-forfeited land


The South Eight Hundred Fifty-eight (858) feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest

Quarter of Section Thirteen (13) in Township One Hundred Fifty-five (155) North, of Range

Forty-nine (49) West of the Fifth Principal Meridian Marshall County, Minnesota


A part of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SW4SW4) of Section Thirteen (13) in Township One Hundred Fifty-five (155) North, of Range Forty-nine (49) West of the Fifth

Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginning at point on the Southerly line of Section

Thirteen (13) in Township One Hundred Fifty-five (155) North, of Range Forty-nine (49) West, a distance of Four Hundred Sixty-two feet (462’) easterly of the southwest corner thereof; thence in a northerly direction, parallel with the westerly line of said Section 13 for a distance of Eight Hundred Fifty-eight feet (858’); thence in an easterly direction parallel with the southerly line of Section 13 for a distance of Five Hundred ninety-four feet (594’); thence in a southerly direction parallel with the westerly line of said Section 13 for a distance of eight hundred fifty-eight feet (858’), to the southerly line of said Section 13, thence in a westerly direction along the said southerly line of said Section 13 to the point of beginning


The West Ten Feet of Lot Four (W. 10’ of Lot 4), all of Lot Five (5) in Block 27 in the Original

Townsite of the City of Oslo

Lot Six (6) in Block 27, in the Original Townsite of the City of Oslo

THEREFORE BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, The County Board of Commissioners hereby certifies that that the Soil and Water Conservation Board of the district in which the land is located will review the attached land sale list and identify any and all non-forested marginal land and wetland.

THEREFORE BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, That the basic sale price be $100.00.

M/S/C – Carlson, Vonasek

The Board accepted the request from the City of Oslo to purchase 2 tax-forfeited properties at the basic sale price or $100 per lot. M/S/C – Vonasek, Carlson

The following Commissioner/Committee Reports were shared:

Commissioner Meeting/Report




Extension, Walkable Communities

NW Mental Health Center

NW Regional Development

The meeting adjourned at 4:30 p.m. M/S/C – Vonasek, Kiesow




ATTEST: ___________________________________________________

