Grindrod Elementary School Code of Conduct 3

Grindrod Elementary School
Code of Conduct 2008 – 2009
Statement of Purpose:
At Grindrod Elementary School, we believe that every member of the school
community should feel welcomed, respected, and safe. We are committed to
fostering an optimal environment for learning, an environment where socially
responsible behaviour is expected, where problems are solved quickly and in a
peaceful manner, where all members of the school community feel comfortable
to communicate concerns knowing that these concerns will be heard and dealt
Acceptable Behaviours:
At Grindrod Elementary, we respect ourselves, others, property, learning, and
safety. These essential areas of respect extend to all school related activities,
whether on or off school property. We need always be mindful that we are
ambassadors of our school and our school district.
Respecting Ourselves: be prepared for school, (arrive on time, with all materials
needed), work hard (listen to instructions, complete assignments and tasks in an
orderly manner, ask for help when needed), make responsible decisions, and take
responsibility for decisions, become involved in school activities.
Respecting Others: treat others as I would expect to be treated (listen quietly
when others are speaking, keep my hands and feet to myself, allow others to
work without being disturbed, realize that every individual is different and has a
right to be treated kindly), practice good sportsmanship, encourage others.
Respecting Property: use materials for their intended purposes, return objects to
the spot they belong, keep work and play areas litter free and clean, report
damage to property or materials, recycle.
Respecting Learning: follow school and classroom rules, treat all class members
(teachers, guests, speakers, students, TOCs) with courtesy, focus on given tasks,
and, at all times, strive to do your personal best.
Respecting Safety: participate in all fire, earthquake, and lockdown drills, learn
and follow safety procedures for classrooms, buses, assemblies and school
outings, report unsafe conditions or actions. It is the expectation of all school
members that they will speak up on their own or someone else’s behalf in order
to keep the school environment safe and caring.
Unacceptable Behaviours:
At Grindrod Elementary, any behaviours or communications that discriminate
based on race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family
status, physical or mental disability, sex or sexual orientation will be treated
seriously. These grounds are set out in the BC Human Rights Code. In addition,
there are certain “bottom line” behaviours that will not be tolerated at Grindrod
Elementary School. These behaviours include, but are not limited to, physical
violence, bullying, drug or alcohol use, and direct defiance of an adult.
In instances where misbehaviour occurs, school expectations are reviewed either
at the classroom or office level. Grindrod Elementary School personnel believe in
the philosophy of restititution. Students are taught to identify both their
misbehaviour, and the underlying causes of the misbehaviour. Students are
expected to accept responsibility for their actions and actively seek a way to fix
the problem.
Where behaviours are chronic, Grindrod Elementary School implements a
progressive discipline model.
Review of school beliefs (classroom and/or office level).
Restitution – student attempts to fix the problem with an action plan.
Parent notification and involvement in action plan.
In-school suspension (parents phoned).
Out of school suspension (parents phoned, letter home, letter to
District Student Support Services).
 District referral.
Bottom line behaviours, as mentioned in the previous section, result in a student
automatically being sent home (out of school suspension).
Rising Expectations:
Grindrod Elementary School is sensitive to the fact that students have varying
levels of understanding. The statement that “fair is not necessarily equal” must,
therefore, be given consideration. For example, students’ levels of understanding
increase as they grow older and mature. Thus, behaviour expectations and
consequences for a student in kindergarten can be different than for a student in
grade seven. As well, some students with special needs may have difficulty
following the school’s code of conduct expectations. A student who has an
intellectual disability may not understand or remember school rules and routines.
Students affected by some syndromes may have uncontrollable behaviours. In
these cases, support that assists such students to master their behaviours will be
part of their Individual Education Plan. It is therefore important to be aware that
consequences administered by the school will always take into account the needs
of individual students.
At Grindrod Elementary School, we believe in open communication. Expectations
regarding acceptable conduct are regularly reviewed throughout the year, both in
school wide assemblies, and in the classroom. Students are involved in the
creation of classroom beliefs, and behaviour action plans. Parents should expect
to be notified if their child has been involved in an unacceptable behaviour.
Please note that school officials also have a responsibility to advise other parties
of serious breaches of the code of conduct. These parties may include school
district officials as dictated by School District #83 policy (example: drug and
alcohol offences), the RCMP and/or other agencies as required by law (example:
weapons offences, sexual and/or physical abuse).
School Contact Information:
Phone: 250-838-7579
Fax: 250-838-6946
Principal: Mrs. Joan Chafe