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Product Name: Ph.I.L.S. (Physiology Interactive Lab Simulations)
Goal: This script will provide you with a complete understanding of how to work through the simulation
contained on this demo CD. The demo CD contains only 1 (Stimulus-Dependent Force Generation) of 11
simulations that will be included on the final product.
1. Insert the CD-ROM into your computer CD drive. Wait a few seconds- the product should
load automatically and you will see the main menu screen! Begin by clicking “View
Product Tour” to see a quick overview of the product.
2. Click on Stimulus-Dependent Force Generation (the first simulation). This is the only simulation
that is active on the demo CD.
3. This will bring up the simulation. The first section you will come to is called “The Aim.” This
section is designed to help students understand why they are performing the experiment. It
helps them review key concepts they are learning in class (like action potential) so they can apply
them to the experiment they are about to perform. Click the “continue” button to move to the
next screen.
4. As you proceed through “The Aim” screens, you will notice key terms in RED. Click on any of
these terms to view a nice illustration of this concept.
5. When you click “continue” again, you will see the first question pop up. You will have to
answer all 3 questions correctly before you can move on to the experiment. NOTE:
There is a secret way to skip past the intro questions and go directly to the simulation- Click on
the screen and then hit “Page Up” on your keyboard! Once you answer this question correctly,
click “continue” to bring up the next question.
*NOTE: There is a secret
way to skip past the intro
questions. Click on the
screen and then hit the
“Page Up” button on your
keyboard to skip the
questions and go directly
to the simulation!
6. Once you have answered the 3 multiple choice and 1 fill-in-the-blank question (you will need to
type in the correct answer which is “motor unit”), click “continue” to enter the laboratory to begin
the simulation.
7. When you enter the laboratory, you will notice an orange/yellow text box in the upper left corner
reminding you to go through the “Wet Lab” before you begin the simulation. Click on the red
“Wet Lab” tab at the top of the screen. Read through this section and view the movie clips to see
what this experiment would look like in an actual laboratory setting (CAUTION: This section
includes explicit video of a frog being pithed and cut to expose and remove the leg muscle. If you
have a weak stomach, you may want to skip this step!)
8. Notice at the bottom of the screen is a title that reads “Can you simulate motor units by varying
shock intensity?” This is the question you are trying to answer by performing this experiment.
Under this question are the instructions that will guide you step-by-step through the experiment.
As you read through the instructions, certain words or phrases appear in RED. Click on these and
a “pop up” menu will provide you with more direction to help clear up any confusion.
Follow the
instructions in
this area to step
through the
9. To proceed through the experiment simply follow the instructions on screen. As the instructions
indicate, you will begin by clicking the “power” button on the Data Acquisition Unit and clicking
and dragging the red, blue and black plugs to insert them into the appropriate “output” and
“input” locations.
10. Set the voltage to “1” by clicking the arrows on the monitor. Then, click “start” to display the
11. Continue following the instructions on screen. Click the RED “measure” link in the instructions to
see how to take a measurement (click and drag the “M” for marker to the lowest part of the
curve and release it. Then, point your mouse to the highest part of the curve and click once to
12. You will know you have successfully taken a measurement if data values appear in the data field
on the monitor.
13. Click the journal button in the control panel. This will automatically enter your value into the
journal (which includes a table and a graph). To repeat process, continue reading and following
on screen instructions.
(w/ table
14. Students should continue taking measurements for each voltage setting (0-1.6). However, you
can end the experiment at this point. Click FINISH in the journal/graph screen. An ALERT will
appear to let you know you have not taken a measurement for every voltage. You can still end
the experiment by answering “yes” to this prompt.
15. A QUESTIONS notepad will appear with several questions related to the experiment. Click
directly on the notepad and type your answers to the questions.
*NOTE: results can also be e-mailed to the instructor by using the “cut” and “paste” function.
16. Once you have finished answering the questions, click “Print Lab Results.” A prompt screen
will appear asking you to type your name. This will ensure that the printed lab report for
instructors will include the name of the student who completed the simulation (to reduce
17. A print screen will ask you to select a printer. At this point, you can elect to print a sample lab
report, or cancel to return to the simulation.
18. The printed lab report will include a visual image of the journal/graph with results in table
format. It will also include the student’s answers to the questions at the end of the simulation
and a simple “Y” or “N” indicating whether the student took the time to view the entire “Wet Lab”
portion of the experiment. Here is a sample of how the printed lab report will appear.