The Coming People's Republic of America

On the Coming People’s Republic of Amerika
-By Michael Benjamin
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
*John F. Kennedy
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the
existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to
dismember it or overthrow it."
*Abraham Lincoln
“Love your country, but never trust its government.”
*Robert A. Heinlein
Here it is. The gun-grab is on. The Second Amendment is one of the last items of the Bill of
Rights that has not been ravaged by the feds, and now it’s the only one keeping the United States
from plunging into outright tyranny.
The First Amendment – gone. Freedom of speech and assembly has been obliterated as
evidenced by the Police State’s homogenous handling of the OWS movement last year. Under
our government, corporations are people, and money is speech, but free speech peacefully
exercised by individuals isn’t. Remember last year when peaceful protests were met by protomilitarized cop thugs with batons and pepper spray for literally doing nothing more than
assembling to express their grievances against the government? – a right guaranteed by our
founders, and so fundamental to a free state, it was placed first in the Bill of Rights. Now?
The Fourth Amendment – gone. Every e-mail sent by every American is now stored for
possible future use against us in the new Utah NSA data facility. The Patriot Act likewise allows
for communications to be intercepted and seized without warrant or probable cause. All web
surfing, all search engine use, all telecommunications are being saved by the providers of these
services and can be seized and studied by the government without warrant or your knowledge.
Even the list of books you check out at the library can be examined by the feds, and the librarian
cannot tell you such under penalty of law! Even your house can be searched and bugged for
surveillance without your knowledge and without a warrant. Don’t believe it? Better read the
Patriot Act and its extensions my friends.
The Fifth Amendment – gone. Its last sentence alone has been utterly shattered: “No person
shall be. . .deprived life, liberty, or property without due process of law. . .” The NDAA
completely destroys this right allowing the president the power to seize citizens off the street
(“extraordinary rendition” – i.e. kidnapping) without warrant or due process and also allows the
president the authority to declare anyone a terrorist and inflict capital punishment (i.e.
assassination) upon them. It’s already happened. The Muslim cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki and his
16-year old son, were examples of this power. Both were U.S. citizens denied their Fifth
Amendment rights. Both were simply declared “terrorists” (a term without legal definition) by
the president, denied due process, and assassinated by drone strikes in Yemen. Most of us don’t
even care, because after all, they were just dirty brown-skinned Muslims in a foreign country, so
they must have been guilty, right? And who cares, anyway? Why waste time and money on
actual due process guaranteed under the Bill of Rights? The president absolutely knows what he
is doing and is always acting in our best interests, right? I mean, look at how great we’re all
doing right now under his glorious rule.
The Sixth Amendment – gone. As evidenced by the NDAA passed by President Obamination
(and illustrated above), court trials, being informed of the legal accusations against you, and the
right to confront witnesses in court is a phenomenon of the past. If the Prez says you are a threat,
the black van is coming and two rounds in the head can ensue; no warrant, no trial, no legal
defense, no appeals, no court. Fucking Orwellian, no? Or perhaps Hitlerian/Stalinist is a better
Now, for the “safety of the children,” we will face the final attack on our freedom in the form of
violating the second amendment; the last freedom that keeps what little liberty we still possess in
place. Like Governor Jesse Ventura warned, look out whenever the government says it wants to
keep you safe, as there goes some more of your freedom. And if an ex-wrestler isn’t a good
enough source, let us look at our Founding Fathers’ wisdom instead.
Thomas Jefferson wrote, "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest
reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect
themselves against tyranny in government."
George Washington likewise echoed, "The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and
everywhere restrains evil interference - they deserve a place of honor with all that's good."
Or how about Alexander Hamilton? "The best we can hope for concerning the people at large is
that they be properly armed."
Patrick Henry: “Are we at last brought to such a humiliating and debasing degradation, that we
cannot be trusted with arms for our own defence? Where is the difference between having our
arms in our own possession and under our own direction, and having them under the
management of Congress? If our defence be the ‘real’ object of having those arms, in whose
hands can they be trusted with more propriety, or equal safety to us, as in our own hands?”
Samuel Adams: “That the said Constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to
infringe the just liberty of the press or the rights of conscience; or to prevent the people of the
United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms...”
Or again, constitutional scholar Joseph Story (1840), "One of the ordinary modes, by which
tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it
an offense to keep arms."
How about JFK? "Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to
take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their
daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom.”
If these great Americans don’t ring true enough, let us look to three other profound historical
examples, three of nefarious origin, and one saintly. As George Santayana warned, those who
do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
“The people of the various provinces are strictly forbidden to have in their possession any. . .
types of arms. The possession of unnecessary implements makes difficult the collection of taxes
and dues and tends to foment uprisings.”
-Japanese Shogun Toyotomi Hideyoshi, on the disarming of the Okinawan populace (1588).
“The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered. . .peoples
to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry
arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.”
-Adolph Hitler (1942).
“Every Communist must grasp the truth, 'Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.'”
-Mao Tse-Tung (1938).
“Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the act of
depriving a whole nation of arms, as the blackest.”
-Mahatma Gandhi.
Enough sourcing. Let us return to this issue of “protecting the children” invoked by our
president as a result of the tragic Sandy Hook atrocity. Never mind that our schools are still,
statistically speaking, a safer place for children to be than at home, on the road, or at a
playground. Never mind that, statistically speaking, there’s a better chance your kid will get hit
by lightning than die in a school shooting.
Most importantly, never mind that the Obamination was so concerned with school safety and
children that he cancelled $100 million in funding over the past few years that provided
increased security to schools. Yes, that’s right, $100 million cancelled for children’s safety all
the while Wall Street received how many billions for being “too big to fail?” As reported in the
Washington Guardian:
“Government officials told the Washington Guardian on Friday night (12/14/12) that two Justice
Department programs that had provided more than $200 million to schools for training, security
equipment and police resources over the last decade weren't renewed in 2011 and 2012, and that
a separate program that provided $800 million to put police officers inside the schools was
ended a few years earlier. . .Meanwhile, the administration eliminated funding in 2011-12 for a
separate Education Department program that gave money to schools to prepare for mass
tragedies, the officials said.”
Then, as Barack Hussein wiped a crocodile tear from his hypocrite eye he quipped, "Our hearts
are broken today. . .As a country we have been through this too many times. . .These
neighborhoods are our neighborhoods, and these children are our children. And we're going to
have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless
of the politics.” He even invoked Jesus’ words in his sandy Hook speech. Does this man have
any shame or conscience?
Good old Barry Soetoro cares so much about children, doesn’t he? Forget the fact that his
indiscriminate drone strikes in other countries have killed more innocent children than all of the
domestic school shootings committed in this and the last century combined! (Not to mention how
many unarmed, non-combatant women and elderly have been offed in this process). Forget the
fact that Barry cares so much about children, that tragically (other than veterans), children are the
largest growing demographic of homeless persons in the United States! Forget the fact that
Barry cares so much about children, that out of 35 industrialized countries, the U.S. ranks second
to the last in infant mortality, just in front of last place Romania! Forget the fact that 21.4% of
America’s children reside in poverty and that the last president to raise such an issue as a formal
part of his political platform was Lyndon Johnson. Forget the fact that our children grow
dumber every year as evidenced by standardized testing even though we are taxed beyond belief
to support a failing school system. Forget the fact that our children suffer from an epidemic of
obesity, autism, diabetes, broken homes, poverty, abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation, and
substance addiction.
Forget all those facts (which is easy to do since throughout all the previous presidential debates
this year not one of these issues was EVER raised). Our primary concern, rather, should be that
we really need to clamp down on guns. We need to suspend and/or uproot the Second
Amendment “for the children,” and not for some ulterior tyrannical political purpose. No. Not
at all. It’s really because the president is so concerned for the current condition of our youth.
Excuse me while I fucking puke.
So now, out of her spider web, comes that brick-faced senator-cunt Diane Feinstein, all ready to
pass new legislation banning “assault” weapons, even those that were previously grandfathered
in. That means, not only will sales of these weapons be banned, but if you own one previously
purchased you will have to turn it into the feds (another violation of private property rights
guaranteed under the Fifth Amendment).
Considering the shit we can all see coming down the pipe, does this not shed more light on all of
the military exercises being conducted last year on U.S. soil where troops were being drilled in
how to quell domestic disturbances and civil unrest; in how to run road stops and check points;
in how to round up people in case of a “pandemic;” in how to GO DOOR TO DOOR TO
CONFISCATE GUNS!? Just a coincidence? Wake the fuck up citizens!
And I realize my next points may completely invalidate my arguments above to those still
wanting to stay totally asleep, but here we go. Do you really think that the shootings in
Newtown, Connecticut and at the Batman movie in Aurora, Colorado were completely random,
unconnected, and un-orchestrated? If so, are you aware of these following facts?
1). Both shooters in these instances (James Holmes and Adam Lanza) were reported to be highly
intelligent, but seriously emotionally disturbed. Both were under the care of psychiatrists and on
heavy doses of psychotropic meds that possess the possible side-effects of aggression in the
forms of homicidal and/or suicidal behavior. Yet no aspect of the mainstream media is looking
into these correlations despite the fact that more and more of our youth are being placed on such
medications for everything from autism to ADHD to depression.
2). Another fact, and the most profoundly chilling, that is not being reported in the mainstream
media is that both shooters’ fathers were employed by major financial companies and both were
set to testify in the LIBOR scandal (the largest financial scandal in U.S. history that has been
described as the “Wall street scandal of all scandals” in which the world’s most prominent
banks illegally manipulated international interest rates for their own criminal and profitable
ends). Note that Holmes’ father Robert is a major executive with FICO, the credit rating score
company. Lanza’s father Peter is a major executive with GE Capital. Both of these institutions
were major recipients of the 2008 federal bail-out and both have been implicated in the LIBOR
scandal. Note that I said these fathers were set to testify; that is, until their sons went berserk in
public shootings. Now both of these men will not be required to do so as a result of the tragedies
they have suffered due to their sons’ actions. That’s one a hell of a coincidence. I suggest all
who fail to see the connection drawn between these parallels need to familiarize themselves with
the CIA’s MK Ultra project and the military’s extensive involvement in psy-ops (psychological
operations). If you know the movie “The Manchurian Candidate” or the story of Sirhan-Sirhan’s
assassination of Bobby Kennedy, you’re getting close. (Remember this other interesting
“coincidence.” The shooter in the Wisconsin Sikh temple massacre was a former soldier
assigned to Army psy-ops!).
A further point not missed by the mainstream media, however, is that Adam Lanza’s mother was
a prepper and a gun collector. Her common-sense American position of being self-reliant and
prepared is now being widely demonized throughout the mainstream press. The implication
being that American’s should not be prepared for disaster, that we shouldn’t stockpile guns,
food, and ammo, and that these perfectly legal (for now) actions lead to such tragedies as the one
committed by her son. No, parents. . .you can’t own guns in your home because little Jimmy or
Susie may go ape-shit on their meds, steal your firepower, murder you, and then go turn their
school or theater into the OK Corral.
The mainstream media has also widely reported (whether true or not) that Lanza was a vegan and
animal rights advocate who hated to see the suffering of animals. Thus, their implication being,
all those who believe in loving and protecting animals, all those we refuse to eat meat (myself
included as a strict vegetarian) must be fringe elements of society ready to go off. Right? Well,
maybe, but not like Lanza.
All the while every news channel, every infotainment program, every talk radio show is shoving
this story down everyone’s throats. Fear, fear, fear! And all the while the government follows
the Hegelian dialectic. Problem – Reaction – Response. Mass shooting – fear and despair –
revoke some more rights to instigate total tyranny.
Don’t buy it? Remember the vital point that political analyst Glenn Greenwald has recently
pointed out. The fundamental premise of a true democracy is that the rulers must fear the ruled.
The fundamental premise of a tyranny is that the ruled must fear the rulers. Which direction do
you really feel the fear travels today in the good old U.S. of A?
For the good of the children, you must abdicate the Second Amendment, right? Hell, why not?
The feds have already taken most of the Bill of Rights away from you, and from right under your
It’s OK. You could still get onto your Facebook account this morning and like or dislike your
friend’s new picture posting. You could still get a double quarter-pounder with cheese for lunch
at the McDonalds’ drive-through window. You could still get a news report about who won
“Dancing With The Stars” last night. And Lady Gaga is still twittering about what color
underwear she’s wearing today. I guess we all are still free, right?
Welcome to the People’s Republic of Amerika, sleepers. Enjoy your pillows and blankets.