Press Release 27th October 2015 Embargoed until 1000 In brands we trust? The largest study of its kind reveals why we do and why trust is a must. New research launched today in the UK sheds new light on trust and brands, how trust is built, why trust is valuable to us all and the impact trust has on the success of products. The research looks at trust in nine European countries and 30 product categories per country, making it the largest study of its kind. Trust is a powerful force in inspiring our confidence in products, guiding our preferences and inspiring our loyalty but it is not necessarily well understood. Branded goods associations across Europe commissioned a major three-part study to help fill this gap. It assesses how trust is built, its impact on the working of markets and company performance, and the wider economic implications. John Noble, Director of the British Brands Group, said, “Trust matters, and not just to each of us as individuals. Win trust and the brand grows. Products will be recommended more, attract more buyers and be more successful. There is a powerful mutual benefit. What matters is not only how products perform but how they are produced and the values of the companies behind them.” The research comprised (1) desk research, (2) original consumer research and (3) economic analysis, with key findings from each being: (1) To inspire trust, companies need to demonstrate they are competent (always meeting expectations and delivering against promises) and benevolent (behaving in our best interests, being consistent and aligned in values and motives). Trust is expected and required; (2) Amongst the top-selling branded products, the most trusted attract twice as many buyers as those less trusted. They are recommended more (in fact twice as much) and are more successful, growing share. Being seen as an innovator and contemporary, being of consistently good quality and being admired are effective ways to earn trust; (3) Consumer trust in brands creates social value in a number of important ways. It reduces shoppers’ search costs, helps markets work well, encourages product variety, enables consumer activism, supports innovation, creates jobs and helps exports. The desk research and original consumer research supports and reinforces the economic theory on brands. In summary, the trust we have in brands is valuable to us as individuals, important to companies and enhances social value. ENDS Telephone 01730 821212 Email NOTES TO EDITORS 1. The British Brands Group has published a summary of the three reports. A list of national brand associations and AIM (the European Brands Association) is given at the end of the document. 2. The desk research was undertaken by More Gain Solutions and IIHD|Institute, Worms. 3. The original consumer research was undertaken by Europanel. The nine markets in the research were Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden and the UK. The top 10 most trusted UK brands in the research (in alphabetical order) are: Cadbury Coca-Cola Comfort Domestos Fairy Galaxy Kit Kat Nivea Nutella Vaseline 4. The economic analysis was undertaken by Europe Economics. 5. The British Brands Group was founded in 1994 as a non-profit-making membership organisation. It speaks on behalf of brand manufacturers and seeks to deepen understanding of how brands benefit consumers, society and the economy through the provision of choice, value for money and innovation. It represents its members collectively when commercial and regulatory issues threaten the ability of brands to deliver value and to be a positive force in society. It also provides the prime forum for its members on brand-related issues. The British Brands Group is part of a global network of similar brand associations, and is the UK representative of AIM, the European Brands Association, based in Brussels. The British Brands Group is happy and available to discuss this research. Please contact: John Noble on 01730 821212 / 07711 202292 /