RESIDENCE LIFE Your guide to Residence Life in Mary Newman

Your guide to Residence Life in Mary Newman Hall of Residence at
Plymouth University
Welcome to your Residence Life
Arrival Day – its finally here
Making the most of your time in halls
Sticking to the rules
If you have problems
Moving on from halls
Get in touch
Dear student,
At Plymouth University we understand the importance of finding a
comfortable, friendly, and safe environment to live while you are studying
with us. That is why we have worked hard to create a positive atmosphere
within halls that facilitates your holistic growth and personal development.
We believe this is not only of the highest quality but is also unique in terms
of the level of support, engagement and year-round fun activities. As a
result, our residences are a dynamic and exciting place for you to live and
Living away from home for the first time can be daunting for you, but at
Plymouth we make it our business to ensure that no-one feels ‘alone’. You
often want to connect with other students who share common interests
and/or academic pursuits. Our Residence Life communities offer a variety
of theme-based social and team building activities to support you living in
University managed halls. These range from silent discos to running clubs,
and ensure a family-feeling and home environment where each student
feels included. Such activities are geared toward enhancing the student’s
university experience by engaging them with staff and others both inside
and outside of the classroom.
Our Residence Life team of Hall Co-ordinators and Resident Assistants are
carefully selected to provide a network of support, peer advising,
friendship and the wellbeing of all students in their care. Having this
network means, if you do have a problem, someone is on hand in each
residence halls 24/7 to help, and can make referrals to appropriate
resources within the university where needed.
When we say welcome to Plymouth University we really mean it!
Dr Maureen H Powers
Dean of Student Services
Your Halls Team
Sofia Konstantakopoulou - HC
Jack Warren – RA
Hanaa Alrammah - RA
Adam Youen - RA
Marios Spyrou - RA
Jessica Case – RA
The Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services at Plymouth
University is committed to providing you with a quality service and to
support you whilst you live and study with us.
Each hall has its own Hall Team who will live with you in halls. Your Hall
Coordinator (HC) will generally be a post graduate student and your
Resident Assistants (RA) are current students. The Hall Team is here to
support you and to enhance your student experience. The Hall Teams work
together to create a thriving student community in our Halls of Residence.
The Hall Teams will work with you to create a variety of opportunities to
help you grow as a person and to settle into University life.
It is important that you understand the aims of our Residence Life
Communities. They are to create:
a positive community where you can live, learn and build
an open and inclusive community where all that values, respects
and promotes the rights, responsibilities and dignity of individuals;
a community that is based on respect where members can expect
to live an environment that is safe and considerate;
a community that takes responsibility for creating a positive and
happy living environment.
You can read more about our philosophy and the roles of your hall teams
by clicking on the links below.
Residence Life and Student
Accommodation Service
Hall Coordinator (HC):
Manages the team of RAs and is available to give
you additional support
Residence Assistant (RA):
A supervisory student who will be living in your
flat or a flat next to yours, who will provide first
hand support for you. RA job description.doc
 Sort out your budget
How much is your accommodation?
When are your rent installments due? Have you put these into your
Have you budgeted for living expenses e.g. food, cleaning items?
You have paid your deposit of £250 to confirm your room. This becomes
your damage deposit when you move in.
Rooms are paid for in 3 instalments: October 3rd; January 16th; April 24th.
You will automatically be emailed on the due date and asked to pay by
credit or debit card using the accommodation portal. Full details of
payment amounts can be found on the accommodation website.
If you need to talk to anyone about your finances contact
 Student job
Do you need a job whilst you are in Plymouth to supplement your loan?
Contact for help and advice.
 Get ready to move into your new home
What do you need to bring?
Follow the link for suggestions from The Res Life team and the hall team on
what to bring
 Electrical items
Items such as kettles, toasters and microwaves come as standard in your
kitchens, but if you want to bring your own electrical goods, then only
those purchased in the UK are allowed. Please bring receipts with you so
that we able to check the compatibility of any electrical items that you
want to use in hall.
 Accommodation Mattress Sizes
In Mary Newman Hall of Residence the mattress size(s) is/are:
Single - 6’9 x 4
Double – 7’ x 3
Mary Newman
 Car parking
If you want to bring your car, you can apply for a parking permit from
Plymouth City Council, please follow the link below for further details:
If you are a blue badge holder, you can contact the University’s Disability
Assist Service about parking requirements. You can find further details on
how to do this at the link below.
Please note: If you park on campus OR any of our halls without a valid
permit then you are liable to be fined and issued with a warning, which we
are sure you will want to avoid. So please make sure that you park only
where you are permitted to do so.
 TV
If you have a TV that you are using to watch TV then you need a licence!
Usually, they cost £145 a year.
Information on how to purchase a TV license is available at
If you are caught and fined we cannot stop the penalty fine.
Alternatively, you may want to look at online services such as iplayer
 Internet
Internet provision is available free of charge in all halls.
Our internet usage policy
Plymouth University reserves the right to amend or substitute the terms of
this policy at any time. Any such amendment or substitution will be posted
on the student portal and is automatically effective to all users of the
service. As with all hall regulations, this agreement is personal to
you. Thus, you are liable for any misuse of the Internet connection
provided, and therefore subsequent misuse of the University's computer
network whether done by you or any of your guests. Your login details are
allocated solely to you and must not be shared with anyone; you are
strongly advised to password protect your device and turn it off when not
in use.
Why Plymouth University has this Policy
This policy is designed to ensure that the service provided is fast and
reliable and to limit legal risk to you and to Plymouth University arising
from your use of the service. Please be aware that when you sign your
halls licence agreement, you are consenting to abide by all conditions
outlined within this policy.
Device Security
You are responsible for the security of your computer whilst connected to
the service. You must not knowingly or through negligence download any
electronic material containing a computer program known or likely to limit
the functionality of any software or hardware owned by Plymouth
University or other parties. Plymouth University accepts no responsibility
for the potential consequences of you failing to employ adequate security
measures on your computer while connected to the service.
Downloading Software
The downloading and installation of software and other resources from the
Internet is done entirely at your own risk. Plymouth University is not
responsible for any unwanted effect on your computer that may result
from doing so. It is your responsibility to comply with the laws of copyright
and to abide by any software license agreements that may apply.
You may not use the service for the following:
Any unlawful, criminal, fraudulent or otherwise illegal purposes or
Installing additional wireless access points/hubs/routers/switches
and or anything which bypasses the security or integrity of the
service provision
Consciously acting to harass, cause annoyance, anxiety or
inconvenience to or invade the privacy of another individual
Consciously disrupting the activities of other users of the service or
users of any other computer system in any manner
Activities which breach the rights of any third party, such as the
downloading, streaming or distribution of any copyrighted material
Collecting, streaming, distributing or accessing any material that
you know, or reasonably should know, cannot be legally collected,
streamed, distributed or accessed
Commercial use for financial gain, either self-employed or on behalf
of an employer unless sanctioned by the University
Sending or uploading non-university bulk emails, advertising or
promotional materials
Forwarding of chain letters or contests
Attempting to access or accessing any computer system, network or
account without consent or otherwise where such access is not
intended for you
Viewing or modifying any data or system without the owner’s
consent or where it is otherwise not intended you should do so
Probing the security of any computer system, network or account
Impairing the function of, or interfering with the proper operation
of, the service or any other computer system or network in any
What about Excessive Network Usage?
The bandwidth provided to your room will be up to 10Mbps. Plymouth
University monitor the data usage across the network and reserve the right
to investigate any usage that we deem to be excessive. Excessive usage
will not be permitted.
Your service is monitored for compliancy, you will be held accountable for
your actions regarding any breach of this AUP. Plymouth University
reserve the right to investigate any suspected violation(s). The actions that
may be taken include:
An investigative meeting;
A formal written warning
Suspension, restriction or termination of your access to university
computing services (with or without notice)
Separation from Halls of Residence for gross misconduct
Plymouth University will cooperate fully with any requests by external
companies or law enforcement agencies regarding any breach of the AUP.
Internet enforcement process
 Insurance
All halls, including Mary Newman Hall of Residence offer basic contents
insurance as part of your weekly rent - Endsleigh block insurance scheme
for personal possessions. However, if you need to top up the insurance to
cover additional items ask on arrival at your hall reception who will be able
to help you.
A copy of the insurance can be found on the accommodation pages
of the website under FAQs.
If you need to make a claim please visit the Endsleigh website.
Read the insurance certificate for your building and double check if
there is anything you need to insure.
Insure high value items such as laptops and bicycles with an
insurance provider.
Mark your belongings with a security marker. Just ask your RA to
loan one from the HC, it is easy to security mark your possessions.
Plymouth University doesn’t pay compensation for loss or damage
to personal belongings in study/bedrooms or communal areas
including laundries, bicycle and wet storage. Please make sure you
look after your belongings!
 Mail
You might want to have your mail sent to your halls for the next year. This
can be done online as a redirection for a small cost. Please see the link for
further details
Mail Address
The correct postal address for Mary Newman Hall of Residence is;
Mary Newman: Mary Newman Hall of Residence, Portland Square,
Plymouth PL4 6DH.
 Bicycles and wet storage
Bicycles must be stored in the outdoor bicycle racks or in a bicycle storage
room within designated buildings. Bicycles must not be secured to trees,
benches or other University property.
Bicycle and wet storage areas are located in Astor House,
Francis Drake, Frobisher House, Gilwell,
Mary Newman, Radnor, Pilgrim and Robbins.
Bike Storage only at Alexandra Works,
St Teresa House, St Thomas Court.
More information on bike and wet storage can be found at:
 Health and well-being
Before you arrive you can register with a Doctor’s service here in Plymouth.
There are several options available including a confidential Doctors surgery
located here on campus.
If you choose the on-campus surgery - you can register by following this
link and filling in the details online.
Other surgeries can be found at
It is vital that register with a doctor! Do it now before you arrive as it only
takes a few minutes. You were given a form to complete at check-in so
please contact the hall team for a replacement.
Here is your checklist to ensure a smooth and fast move in day.
 Travelling to university on arrivals day
You will be sent a colour coded route to follow. We urge you to follow this
to make your arrival is as smooth as possible. With over 3500 students
arriving in the city the roads are very busy and therefore it is important
that you follow the route that we send you.
We will send you an arrival slot, and these have been worked out precisely
to ensure that you meet your fellow flat mates as soon as possible with the
minimum of hassle. Please try to keep to these times to help us help you
to move in minus any unnecessary stress!
 Arriving at your destination
On arrival you will be asked to unload and then move your car to a nearby
car park as soon as possible, so that others can come and unload. Your
Halls Team and Ambassadors with trolleys will be on hand to help you.
 Checking your room
After you arrive at your hall and unload you will check in and sign for your
key and fob. Your RA will then take you to your room. You will have an
inventory of your room and it is essential that you check this out
immediately to avoid any unnecessary charges when you leave hall at the
end of the year. Hand this in to the reception at the Francis Drake
Reception – not a member of your Hall Team please. Please make sure it is
signed and dated. If you do not submit your inventory you will be charged
for any damages or marks found in your room following your departure.
 Meet your flat mates!
Your flat-mates will all be given similar arrival times as yourself, so that you
can meet, greet and get to know each other.
Remember, everyone is in the same position so don’t hide in your room,
come out and make friends. This is when the fun begins!
Community Living
Your hall will be your home for the length of your contract (41 weeks) and
we are sure that you will enjoy living with us.
You will be living with new people in your flat and we expect you to treat
each other with kindness and respect. Be aware of your flatmates and
neighbours in the surrounding area when socialising and taking part in
recreational activities within the hall or returning home from a night out!
Consideration, tolerance and compromise all go a long way to creating a
happy community.
You will be sharing a flat with other students and it is important to
remember that you will all have had different life experiences before you
arrived as new to students to the University. We must all be aware of the
different cultural, political and social views that we hold and to be
respectful of this. Overleaf you will find some tips to help you live in
harmony in your flat!
Top Tips for being the best flatmate
Always respect your flatmates. Your privacy
and belongings should be respected
Make sure that you talk to each other or
your RA if something is bothering you
You won’t always agree with your flatmate
but reaching a compromise will benefit
Is one of the main sources of arguments
between flatmates. Shared areas should be
kept clean and by ensuring that everyone
takes responsibility for this, you can keep
your flat clean and harmonious!
Be Involved
You will meet people throughout your hall,
so do get involved in social activities
organised by the RAs. The more you’re
involved the more you will get out of your
halls experience
In our communities, tolerance and
understanding of others is essential. Not
everyone has the same background or
culture as you with everyone coming from
different walks of life
If something is bothering you or your
flatmates then identify what the problem is
and talk things through with each other
and/or your RA
Be friendly, get out and meet people and
socialise! Remember living in a community
is about respect and compromise
Contact your RA
Speak to your RA! They are there to ensure
that you are supported so you shouldn’t
hesitate in contacting them, even if it may
seem like a small issue to you
Ground Rules
Sitting down with your flatmates to
establish some basic ground rules is a good
idea., This will increase the mutual
understanding between all of you. Set clear
boundaries that you all agree to
Keep Mary Newman Hall of Residence clean
It is your home and will be much nicer to live in if you keep it clean. Even if
you like your bedroom to be messy it is important to remember that not
everyone thinks the same way so ensure you tidy up and think of others in
communal areas and corridors.
Keep your flat clean!
Flats with Kitchens
Cleanliness of shared kitchens is the biggest cause of problems between
flatmates. We understand that everyone has different standards, which is
why there are guidelines for you all to follow. You and your flatmates have
responsibility for maintaining a clean flat. If it is too dirty then our cleaners
cannot clean.
Clean and wash down surfaces after every meal.
Bring a laundry bag with you when you move in. It
makes your life much easier!
Keep your laundrette clean.
Vacuum the corridor and dust the skirting boards.
In shared bathroom flats, clean the toilet, wash hand basin and
shower cubicles weekly as well as providing toilet paper.
Do your dishes!
Leave kitchen lights on when you are not using the kitchen
Leave your clothes in the washing machine when
Leave televisions, stereos or computers on ‘standby’
Leave your tap running, help us save water
Leave old food in the fridge!
Tip: use a kitchen rota for clearing up and share the load
between you!
What do your cleaners clean?
Your kitchen
Empty rubbish (except glass). Make sure that you recycle as much
as possible in bins provided.
All surfaces that can be accessed will be wiped including: sinks, taps
and draining boards. They will not move items to clean!
Ovens, hobs and microwaves inside and out
Outside of fridge and freezers
The floor
Learn to do your washing
Mary Newman Hall of Residence has a launderette with large washers and
tumble dryers, and these can be found at the ground floor of Francis Drake
Hall of Residence, next to the Reception
Opening times are 7am - 11pm with the machines taking £2, £1, 50p, 20p
and 10p coins.
Washing and drying costs at Mary Newman Hall of Residence are as
Standard wash (40 minutes) cycle is £2.20*
Dry cycle (55 minutes) is £1.10
*Washing powder and fabric softener is not provided.
When you join us, you need to help with recycling.
This helps us to increase sustainability. Details of
recycling can be found in each hall.
Regularly empty the glass recycle bins that are provided in
your kitchen.
Recycle paper, plastic and aluminium cans in local recycling bins. The
nearest recycling bin is behind Francis Drake Hall of Residence
Stay green and feel good about it as this helps our environment.
Saving energy
Here are some measures to help save energy:
Avoid overheating
Put on an extra layer
Turn off heating in unoccupied rooms
Shut doors and windows to keep heat in and reduce draughts
Switch off extractor fans after cooking (they extract heat as well as
Avoid blocking radiators with furniture
Avoid using supplementary heaters. They should not be needed if
the temperature is at a comfortable level. If you are not
comfortable, then report this to your hall manager. Use of
supplementary heaters is also a fire hazard
Turn off electrical appliances such as computer screens, TVs,
videos/DVDs and stereos when not in use
Avoid leaving the door of your fridge open for longer than
necessary as cold air escapes
Keep yourself and your possessions safe
Safety Top Tips
Use provided bike storage facilities and suitable
locks for bicycles (such as D locks)
Insure your bike or wet equipment
Make sure doors are locked when entering and
leaving a hall to stop strangers getting in to halls.
Keep your room door closed at all times
Keep windows closed on ground floor rooms and kitchens
Tell security and an RA if you have called the emergency services
Come to your HC or RA if you are concerned about any safety issues
Let someone into halls if you don’t know them
Bring people back into halls unless you are
certain it is safe to do so
Leave your window open if you are on the
ground floor
Leave your valuables in the open
Worry about anything!
Your personal property
You are solely responsible for the safe keeping of your personal property in
your room and building. Residence Life assumes no responsibility or
liability whatsoever for any loss, destruction, or damage to personal
property unless such loss is due to the sole negligence of University.
Fire procedure
Fire safety is an important factor in communities with large populations
and shared living space. The following policies are in place to ensure the
safety of individuals and the persistence of your living environment.
Open Flames: Any items that produce or utilises an open flame (e.g.
candles, kerosene lamps, lighters, incense, etc.) are prohibited.
Decorations: Decorative items must be flame retardant and must
not interfere with fire safety equipment (i.e. fire extinguisher,
smoke detectors, etc.).
Appliances: Neglecting appliances while in use is extremely
dangerous and therefore prohibited. Additionally, overloading
electrical cords/power strips can cause fires and is considered a
policy violation.
Fire Safety Equipment: It is against the University's Student Code to
intentionally set off a fire alarm, report fire, and tamper with a fire
extinguisher or other emergency equipment, except when done
with the reasonable belief in the existence of a need. It is unlawful
to interfere with any fire equipment apparatus or to use a fire
extinguisher or other fire protection equipment for anything other
than its intended purpose. Smoke detectors located in Halls
facilities should not be tampered with or covered.
Hallways: The storing of personal items in hallways is strictly
prohibited due to fire safety regulations. This includes rubbish and
recycling items.
Evacuate straight away if you hear the fire alarm
Evacuate the building within four minutes, leaving all
personal belongings
Look for RAs and HCs wearing orange high Vis
Follow their instructions
Read the fire notices in your hall
The evacuation meeting point is at The Fitzroy car park
Keep hallways and fire exits clear of objects
Never wedge open fire doors including the kitchen door
Don’t leave food unattended when cooking as it might burn
cause a fire and set the alarm off
Do not use fire safety equipment unless trained to do so.
Leave it to the security team!
Never block smoke and heat detectors
Don’t Spray aerosols and deodorant near the smoke
In case of fire do not use elevators, use the emergency
staircase instead
On arrival you will be given a key fob and a key.
This will get you into your room, flat and hall.
You are responsible for the security of your room
keys. You are not allowed to loan your keys to
anyone at any time. If you are locked out of your
room at any time please call your RA or Duty RA.
You are not allowed to transfer keys between individuals, or have duplicate
keys made. If caught this may lead to immediate termination of residence.
If you lose your key you will have to pay the cost of replacement.
Please note: Keys and Key fobs are very expensive and are a security risk so
look after them. A replacement key for Mary Newman Hall of Residence
will cost £75 to replace, so please keep the keys safe.
You will need to give the keys back to us at the end of your student
accommodation experience!
Hassle free way of handing back keys:
Book a checkout
Hand key back
during appointment
If you don’t had the
key back you will
be charged
Will be refunded if the
key is handed into Res
Life office within 7 days
Join the Gym
Exercise is good for you, not only physically but it is also another way of
making new friends.
The Student Union has a gym on campus which is used by many of our
students. It is opposite Mary Newman Hall and prices start from £150 for
the whole year! There is also a wide range of sports classes and social
activates offered throughout the academic year.
Check out extra information on your website
Receiving your mail
Letters or small packages will be delivered to your mailbox or
kitchen by a member of the halls team
Postal packages and recorded delivery items are received by the
Halls team
Recorded parcels which are delivered for you will be signed by the
Francis Drake reception and a message will be sent to you asking
you to come and collect it at the Francis Drake resption from 9am
to 5pm
Delivered for
Notice will be left
for you in the
Bring notice plus ID
(student card) to
the Francis Drake
Collect your
Please collect your parcels as soon as possible as there is little storage in
Reception for such items.
The Student Accommodation Code
Plymouth University is signed up to the Student Accommodation Code. This
means that we have gone an extra mile to ensure that you get the best
quality accommodation. The Code is managed by an external group which
inspects our halls to ensure they are in tip top condition.
The Code protects your rights to have:
 A healthy and safe environment to live in
 Swift repairs and quality maintenance
 A clean and pleasant living environment
 A formal and contractual agreement with us at the Student
Accommodation and Residence life service
 Access to our quality health and wellbeing services
 Living space free from anti-social behaviour.
Follow this link to view all the details
To live in halls and be part of our residence community you are required to
read and sign the Student Conduct Understanding Form, acknowledging
your responsibility to not only be aware of, but also to follow Plymouth
University’s Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services policies
The Housing and Residential Life Policies and Processes, and
acceptable student conduct to be followed includes being
respectful to students, staff and Halls Teams
Compliance with the rules and regulations of the University and
your hall of residence
Being aware of your conduct in both academic and recreational
activities while you are registered with the University
No bullying or harassment on sexual, ethnic, racial, disability or
other grounds
Please note: If your programme leads to a professional qualification you
must conduct yourself in a manner appropriate to your profession. Failure
to do this could affect your opportunity to continue your studies as you
may be referred to Fitness to Practice Panel for consideration under the
relevant procedures. Follow this link to read the detailed procedure:
The University takes its role as a good neighbour seriously. Your Hall is
located in the city centre and in a residential area. Our University strives to
be a good neighbour and to be a positive part of the community we live in.
We expect you to uphold the University’s values.
You have a responsibility to ensure that our neighbours are able to
enjoy their homes and conduct their lives without aggravation or
disruption from you
Don’t be noisy when returning to your Hall at night
Even if you are outside of Halls, you can be subject to our
disciplinary procedure if you act unreasonably towards other
residents or neighbours. Be thoughtful of others!
Parties and noise
It is important to have a balanced academic and social life. You may wind
down with friends from different floors or halls and that is a community we
encourage. However, it’s essential that you consider others.
You are expected not to make noise likely to disturb others’ work or
sleep at any time and to use stereo equipment with discretion and
No noise /loud music should be heard from outside your room/flat
at ANY TIME. Loud music can be extremely disturbing and annoying
and lack of sleep can affect academic performance, especially at
exam time
When returning late at night you should observe quiet both outside
and inside your hall
We do take noise complaints seriously. If someone’s noise is causing you
problems, we will endeavour to resolve the issue. If you simply raise your
concern to your RA/HC, they can take the appropriate action.
Remember that you are also responsible at all times for the behaviour of
your guests or anyone admitted to your residence. Any guest who disturbs
other residents will be asked to leave the hall.
University staff may enter your room at any time to remove your personal
property if it creates a nuisance, is hazardous or is otherwise prohibited by
this agreement or University policies.
If you leave any personal property after the last date of your contract
agreement this will be shall be deemed abandoned and may be disposed of
by University staff at the student's expense.
Room Access Policy
If we need to enter your room we will give you a minimum of 24 hours’
notice except in an emergency or for essential maintenance, which may
necessitate immediate entry. A calling card will be left to let you know we
have been in.
Guests are permitted but you must advise your RA to get approval for any
guests staying over.
After midnight, unauthorised guests are not allowed to be in your hall.
You are responsible for the actions and behaviour of your guest and must
be present at all times when the guest is in a University facility. Any guest
in university approved facilities must behave in accordance with Plymouth
University policies and it is up to you to ensure this. We hold you
responsible for any damage or problems that a guest may cause
If any of your guests are disruptive we may ask them to leave immediately,
and will call security to achieve this if necessary.
Procedures to have a guest to stay
You can have guests for up to 2 nights each term.
You are responsible for your behaviour and the behaviour of any
guest(s)/visitor(s) at all times!
Whilst they are staying they are occupants of the building and are
subject to the same rules as you!
As a student of Plymouth University you have agreed to follow our Code of
Conduct. This means that illegal substances are prohibited and should you
be found to be using illegal substances you will face disciplinary action in
line with the University’s Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedure.
You MUST NOT engage in any of the following;
Use, possession or distribution of any narcotic or other controlled
substance on University premises, at University activities, or on
premises over which the University has supervisory responsibility is
prohibited, except as permitted by law and University regulations.
Being in a room where any narcotic or other controlled substance is
being used is also a policy violation.
Association with the smell and/or other evidence of drugs, including
drug paraphernalia, is also a policy violation.
Possession or use on campus of items which are deemed to have been
used in the consumption of any narcotic, dangerous or unlawful drug as
defined by the laws of the United Kingdom, will be confiscated until a
conduct hearing can occur.
If you see or smell anyone using illegal substances in halls please tell your
HC or RA immediately.
Damage deposits
The reservation fee you pay prior to moving into your room becomes your
damage deposit when you check in. The reservation fee is non-refundable
prior to check in but after check it becomes a damage deposit and is held
securely for the term of your tenancy in halls in a Tenancy Deposit Scheme.
This will be used to pay for any damages that you are deemed to have
Any damages caused by accident or maliciously will be charged using the
charges set by each of the hall owners. Copies of 2013/14 charges can be
obtained through the Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services
office in Mary Newman.
Damage costs will be added to your account as and when they occur.
Communal damages will be divided amongst the relevant residents
Flat damages will be divided between the relevant residents
Personal damages will be allocated to you
Damages committed by your visitors will be attributed to you.
For example: if a fire extinguisher is set off without a valid reason, and no
one admits to it, all residents who had access to the area with the fire
extinguishers will be charged. The cost will be spread equally across all
We will advise you regularly of any charges attributed to your room with
the reasons why.
Disciplinary Procedure
Code of Conduct
All Plymouth University students are expected to behave appropriately.
The major principles that form the basis of acceptable student conduct are:
1. Students are expected to respect and observe the rules and
regulations of the University.
2. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an orderly manner
in their academic and recreational activities while they are
registered with the University. For the avoidance of doubt, this
attendance at the University;
engagement in any University activity;
occupancy of University owned or managed accommodation;
conduct within the wider community.
3. Students are expected to behave in a considerate manner towards
staff, fellow students, visitors and members of the public in the
wider community. In particular, rights to freedom of expression
must be respected and there shall be no harassment on sexual,
ethnic, racial, disability or other grounds.
4. Students undertaking programmes leading to a professional
qualification are required to conduct themselves in a manner
appropriate to that profession. Any breaches of the student Code of
Conduct by a student on a professional programme may be referred
to a Fitness to Practise Panel for consideration under the relevant
Fitness to Practise procedures.
The University Disciplinary Procedure at a Glance
You should also familiarise yourself with the full regulations relating to the student
code of conduct and disciplinary procedure
If it is suspected that you have committed a disciplinary offence or
breached the Student Code of Conduct, this will be investigated
under one or more of the following procedures:
Stage 1 disciplinary procedure:
Informal stage, used for minor infringements
Paper-based exercise conducted by the Dean of Students (if
related to infringements in accommodation or the wider city
community) or the Head of School (all other infringements).
The student is not required to attend.
Stage 2 disciplinary procedure:
Formal investigation if Stage 1 cannot reach resolution or if
a student reoffends following a Stage 1 caution on a
previous occasion.
Formal investigation conducted by the Dean of Students (if
related to infringements in accommodation or the wider city
community) or the Head of School (all other infringements).
Following investigation, the student may request an
interview with the Dean of Students or the Head of School
as appropriate.
Stage 3 disciplinary procedure:
Formal investigation, used for serious infringements.
Formal investigation conducted by a properly constituted
Disciplinary Panel, chaired by the Pro Vice Chancellor,
Student Experience.
The student will be invited to attend.
Students on professional programmes should be aware that
additional Fitness to Practise proceedings may also be initiated.
Students may appeal against a decision or penalty imposed at any
stage of the disciplinary procedure within 10 working days of any
decision or penalty being imposed.
Students who are the subject of an investigation into a suspected
criminal offence must report this to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor.
The following action will be taken:
If the alleged misconduct is not considered to be a serious
criminal offence (as defined in the regulations), the Head of
School / Dean of Students will deal with it under the
appropriate stage of the disciplinary procedure.
If the alleged misconduct is considered to be a serious
criminal offence (as defined in the regulations), the student
will be suspended (or access to the University restricted)
until the outcome of the Police investigation is known.
The University managed disciplinary procedure can be found at and it is important that you are familiar with it.
If you are concerned about your studies or your time at University tell your
Resident Assistant. They will assist you and give you support.
HC on duty
RA Mary Newman on duty
07815 535894
07815 535698
Radnor, Pilgrim, Robbins, Gilwell, Francis Drake, Mary Newman
For on campus halls (we have 24 hour security all year round. Our Security
staff make regular visits to on campus halls and areas surrounding halls to
ensure your safety. All of our Security staff are first aid qualified and
respond to all emergencies. They are very friendly and can be easily
reached on this number:
01752588400 (for University Campus Halls)
01752 583333 (in an emergency)
The University’s Counselling Service is a place that you can visit in order to
receive extra support with things that may be troubling you.
We have a number of services that are available to support you. If you feel
that you need to speak to someone contact your RA and they can advise
you on whom you can speak to. Here is a detailed list of all the contacts in
the counselling services available to you:
Booking an appointment with the Counselling service is easy.
If it is urgent but not an emergency, call the out of hours counselling service
number for help from a local agency 0300 3305476
The university even offers e-counselling! If you would prefer to discuss
some issues with a counsellor online you can email them directly on:
Maintenance (emergencies and non-emergencies)
On campus halls (Francis Drake, Mary Newman, Pilgrim Radnor, Robbins,
and Gilwell)
The University Partnerships Programme (UPP) is responsible for
maintenance of halls on campus. There is a dedicated team which work
swiftly to solve any issues that may arise from your hall.
For emergencies: out of hours, report the fault as soon as possible
to security (88400 from your kitchen phone) who will contact your
RA to investigate the fault and if required, call security who will
then arrange for maintenance to be called out.
For non-emergencies: out of hours report faults via email:
or Report it to one of the two offices on campus:
Francis Drake Hall, PL4 6AP- next to Francis Drake and Mary
Newman Hall.
Gibbon Street, PL4 8BT- opposite Robbins and Gilwell Hall.
After the fault has been logged, a maintenance worker will come to your
room as soon as possible, accompanied by an RA. If you are not present
and give permission for them to access your room, a card detailing the
work will be left.
Once you have withdrawn from the University you will not be permitted to
stay in your hall.
You can leave the hall before your licence ends. To avoid charges you will
need to find a Plymouth University student to replace you and take on the
If you leave without an approved replacement, you will remain liable for all
payments for the licence.
When you are preparing to leave read this quick guide on a few of the
things which you should check and do before you move out:
Moving out of halls guide.doc
NOTE: parents/guardians/guests coming on site for collecting residents’
possessions will need to collect a temporary permit for a 30 minute stay
from Reception in Roland Levinsky Building (RLB).
See campus map:
Off campus housing
Once you start the academic year there may be pressure by friends, family
and letting agents for you to start looking for a house to stay in for the next
1. Remember that there is no shortage of housing in Plymouth! You can
shop around for the best deals.
2. If you follow this link there is some very useful information for finding off
campus housing:
Private accommodation\private accommodation leaflet.docx
3. When you are looking through properties, here is a useful checklist to
make sure that you are getting the best for your money:
Private accommodation\Property Viewing Checklist - for You[1].pdf
4. Finally, you can use your University email and password to log in to the
online booking system that we use called Student Pad:
5. The Residence Life and Student Accommodation Service has an offcampus assessor to inspect properties advertised on Student Pad. It is
advisable to only rent through this means to ensure the quality of your
6. Sessions will be run in your halls in the autumn offering you advice and
guidance on booking private accommodation for year 2, and alerting you to
the pitfalls to avoid. Try to attend these!
7. There will be a drop in session every Wednesday in The Commons (in
Roland Levinsky Building) from 12 – 2, where the assessor will be on hand
to give more detailed personal advice. Alternatively you can book an
appointment with her in Mary Newman.
Points to remember
Don’t book too early
There is an abundance of choice so wait till you have all the facts
Be certain you want to share together
Once you sign the contract you are committed
We cannot intervene and get you out of a contract.
Getting your damage deposit back when you vacate your room
1. When you know your move out date: return the bank detail form to
the Residence Life office in Mary Newman, and book a personal
check out appointment with the Hall owner
2. Attend your personal check out visit and discuss any issues to
ensure you are not charged for any additional damages
3. Return your key
4. If you don't book a check out appointment then the management
will conduct one after you have left, and you will be supplied with
photographic evidence of any damages you are charged for
Once the damage deposit form has been processed, your deposit
will be returned to the card details provided.
5. Appeals on charges made when you have not had a personal
checkout should be addressed to,
and mark your email ‘DEPOSIT REFUND QUERY’.
Meet the Residence Life team
Scott Walker, Head of Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services
Amanda Lance, Student Development and Support Manager
Jonny Dredge, Student Accommodation Operations Lead
Hayley McCarthy, Off-campus Housing Co-ordinator
Sarah Fuqua, Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services
Assistant (Operations)
Lucy Appleby, Accounting Administrator
Vacant, Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services Assistant
(Social Media)
Katy Redman, Student Support (Placement)
Residence Life and Student Accommodation Services, Mary Newman Hall,
Drake Circus, Plymouth. PL4 8AA
General enquiries
Finance queries
Call 01752588645
Disability Assist
01752 587 676
Library services
01752 587 676
SU: 01752 588388
01752 222341
01752 588510