OUTLINE OF A DEBATE Use this as a guideline in planning your speeches. For two-person teams, each person will give one constructive speech, and you may either have one person do the rebuttal or share it. For three-person teams, each person gets one speech. FIRST AFFIRMATIVE CONSTRUCTIVE SPEECH (1AC) 4 minutes Establishes affirmative’s advocacy of resolution.—STATE RESOLUTION “Resolved, that capital punishment should be abolished…,” etc. There is a problem that could be solved The status quo isn’t going to solve this problem without change Here is our specific proposal of what ought to be done Our plan will solve the problem/harm SECOND NEGATIVE SPEAKER CROSS EXAMINES 1AC 2 minutes (time for one, maybe two questions) Ask question to help you understand their arguments. GET INFORMATION Ask question to set up your arguments to come. USE ANSWERS AGAINST THEM LATER Show the judge what a wonderful person you are. ACT LIKE A POLITE, FRIENDLY PERSON. FIRST NEGATIVE CONSTRUCTIVE SPEECH (1NC) 4 minutes Attacks affirmative and begins laying out additional issues Make arguments against the specifics of the affirmative case. Argue that if the plan is adopted bad things will happen. DISADVANTAGES. Argue that the fundamental assumptions of the affirmative are flawed/incorrect. Argue that the plan is not a representation of the topic. Argue that there could be a better alternative to the plan. COUNTERPLAN OPTION FIRST AFFIRMATIVE SPEAKER CROSS EXAMINES 1NC 2 minutes SECOND AFFIRMATIVE CONSTRUCTIVE SPEECH (2AC) 4 minutes Defend affirmative positions, attack negative positions, last chance to introduce new issues for affirmative. Argue that the disadvantages are really reasons to vote affirmative. Argue that the counterplan and the affirmative plan can co-exist. FIRST NEGATIVE SPEAKER CROSS EXAMINES 2AC 2 minutes SECOND NEGATIVE CONSTRUCTIVE SPEECH (2NC) 4 minutes Attack affirmative positions, defend negative positions, last chance to introduce new issues for the negative. 2NC and NR should cover different issues. DIVISION OF LABOR. SECOND AFFIRMATIVE SPEAKER CROSS EXAMINES 2NC 2 minutes INTERMISSION 6 minutes Teams confer and strategize; help rebuttal speakers add to speeches NEGATIVE REBUTTAL (NR) 4 minutes Attack affirmative positions, defend negative positions. Sum up your team’s main points; respond to points raised by other team AFFIRMATIVE REBUTTAL (AR) 4 minutes Answer all negative issues, defend affirmative positions. Sum up your team’s main points; respond to points raised by other team In moving from essay to speech, the constructive speeches should include material primarily from the confirmation and statement of the case. You may also use material from the refutation in the constructive speeches. For the rebuttal speech, you will use material mostly from the refutation, you will respond to points your opponents have made, and you will review and remind the audience of your main points—the reasons to vote for your team.