This list provides links to employment opportunities in the field of Criminal Justice. Job hunting from
home or the office via online job listings can be a powerful resource for finding the perfect opportunity
anywhere in the US or abroad.
Job And Employment Websites
Occupational Outlook Handbook – http://www.bls.gov/oco/
US Department of Housing and Urban Development - http://www.hud.gov
Florida Jobs and Benefits - http://www.floridajobs.org
Florida’s Attorney General - http://legal.firn.edu
USA Jobs - http://www.usajobs.opm.gov/a1.htm
Federal Jobs Digest - http://www.jobsfed.com
Jobs Direct - http://jobsdirect.state.fl.us
Seminole County Employment - http://www.onetgov.net/jobline
Volusia County Employment - http://volusia.org/personnel/jobslist.htm
Osceola County Employment - http://www.osceola.org/jobpage/jobpage.htm
Brevard County Employment - http://www.brevardjoblink.org
State University System of Florida - http://www.fsu.edu/jobs.html
USDA Forest Service - http://www.fs.fed.us
US Patent and Trade Office - http://www.uspto.gov
US Environmental Protection Agency - http://www.epa.gov
National Archives and Records Administration - http://www.nara.gov
Non-profit Job Listing – http://www.nonprofit.miningoc.com
Govt. Jobs - http://www.govjobs.com
US Department of Justice - http://www.usdoj.gov/careers.html
US Department of Treasury - http://www.UStres.gov/jobs
Fed World - http://www.fedworld.gov
America’s Job Bank - http://www.ajb.dni.us
National Association of Colleges and Employers - http://www.jobweb.org
IRS - http://www.irs.ustres.gov/prod/hot/employment/index.htm
US Department of Interior - http://www.oig.doi.gov
US Department of State - http://www.state.gov
Social Security Administration - http://www.ssa.gov/jobssa/recruit/jobvac.htm
US Department of Labor - http://www.dol.gov
US Department of Defense - http://www.defenselink.mil
FCC - http://www.ftls.com/EmploymentOpportunities.thm
US Census Bureau - http://www.census.gov/main/www/employop.html
US Sentencing Commission - http://www.ussc.gov/jobs.htm
Police and Corrections
LAW ENFORCEMENT JOB.COM http://www.lawenforcementjob.com/
Employment information on over 3,500 municipal police, state police and patrol, sheriff, federal,
international, corrections, university and college departments.
THE CHRONICLE OF HIGHER EDUCATION http://chronicle.com/jobs/
Academic positions in criminal justice and sociology can be found here.
The ACJS listing of academic job openings can be found at their site.
Federal Related Resources
Information on hiring, recruitment, salaries, and employment statistics.
FEDWORLD JOBS http://www.fedworld.gov/jobs/jobsearch.html
The web site contains a series of database files using input from hundreds of human resources people in
the federal government.
FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT CAREERS http://www.policeemployment.com/
A listing of law enforcement career opportunities nationwide.
Non-Profit Resources
VERA INSTITUTE OF JUSTICE http://www.vera.org/ Job opportunities at Vera Institute of Justice.
General Internet Resources
COPCAREER.COM http://www.copcareer.com/
Our goal is to provide law enforcement candidates with the tools they need to make it to the top. The
resources available on this site, will give you the needed edge over the competition.
GUIDE TO CAREERS IN FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT http://www.federalcareers.com/
Guide to Careers in Federal Law Enforcement
LAWENFORCEMENTJOB.COM (JOBS) http://www.lawenforcementjob.com/
Website listing information on over 2,500 law enforcement jobs.
DR. CARLIE'S ADVISENET http://courses.smsu.edu/mkc096f/advisenet/
A new concept in on-line advising for criminal justice students. Provides users with advice on where the
field is going, where to find jobs (includes many job search engines) and much more useful information
for students at ANY university.
POLICEONE.COM http://www.policeone.com/policeone/frontend/parser.cfm?object=homepage
PoliceOne.com is dedicated to serving the professional and personal needs of law enforcement officers.
It offers a variety of valuable Web-based content and services in a secure environment, including:
auctions, online catalogs, daily law enforcement news, free e-mail, chat and message boards,
investigative tools, online training, job and product listings, counseling and support resources, and
The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention is a valuable site where
students can research online job opportunities and locate state officials’ names and job
positions. The latest news about funding and various events are also available.
The National Criminal Justice Reference Service site provides the same information as
above, but with a variety of different departments, such as drugs and crime or corrections.
Florida State University has set up this web page and invites students from other
universities to add their own section of links. Collectively, over 1000 links are tied to this
webpage, including information on Federal Criminal Justice Agencies.
This is the Illinois Department of Corrections site. Information about Illinois facilities,
the administration and recent news affecting this department are disclosed. Also included
are available state jobs, including police and non-police positions.
At the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives site, students can apply for
government positions and learn about upcoming job fairs and salary tables.
This is the official United States Department of Justice homepage. One can gather
valuable information about areas such as civil rights and liberties. Employment
opportunities are also accessible as well as other main governmental sites from this
Another important website for those interested in Criminal Justice is the Federal Bureau
of Investigations site or the F.B.I. Valuable information about the federal services offered
is included, as well as employment opportunities.
With the events of 9/11, this website provides information about opportunities for careers
in criminal justice, working for the department of homeland security.
360 Degrees: Perspectives On The Criminal Justice System
A collection of stories from inmates, correctional officers, lawyers, judges, parole officers, parents,
victims, and others whose lives have been affected by the criminal justice system.
Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS)
The Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences is an international organization established in 1963 to foster
professional and scholarly activities in the field of criminal justice. ACJS currently has over 3,800 active
Access to Justice Network
A site for Canadian law and justice resource materials.
American Bar Association (ABA)
Homepage of the largest and most influential national association of attorneys. Information about the
positions taken by the association and model ethics rules are available at this site.
American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section
With its unique interdisciplinary membership, the criminal justice section takes primary responsibility for
the ABA's work on solutions to issues involving crime, criminal law, and the administration of criminal and
juvenile justice.
American Board of Criminalistics
The American Board of Criminalistics provides a peer-developed and peer-reviewed certification
program, based on assessment of competency using written examinations and proficiency testing.
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
The American Civil Liberties Union is the nation's foremost advocate of individual rights -- litigating,
legislating, and educating the public on a broad array of issues affecting individual freedom in the United
American Judicature Society
Primary areas of focus are judicial independence, ethics in the courts, judicial selection, the jury, court
administration, and public understanding of the justice system.
American Probation & Parole Association (APPA)
APPA is an international association composed of individuals from the United States and Canada
actively involved with probation, parole and community-based corrections, in both adult and juvenile
American Society for Industrial Security (ASIS)
ASIS is an international organization for professionals responsible for security, such as corporate
managers and directors of security. In addition, corporate executives and other management personnel,
as well as consultants, architects, attorneys, and federal, state, and local law enforcement are active
members of ASIS.
American Society of Criminology (ASC)
World Wide Web site of the American Society of Criminology. The A.S.C. is the pre-eminent organization
of academic, theoretical, and applied criminology in the United States. The site has many links of
criminological interest.
American Sociological Association (ASA)
World Wide Web site of the American Sociological Association. The A.S.A. has many members who
focus upon criminology and the sociological impact of crime and the criminal justice system.
Amnesty International
The home page of Amnesty International -- an organization dedicated to the international fight against
the death penalty, and to the abolition of torture worldwide.
Australian Institute of Criminology
Substantial on-line collection of research and reports.
Boston University
Offering a Master of Science in Criminal Justice through a 36 credit hour program that can be completed
in one-and-a-half-years. The program is designed for the working criminal justice professional, and does
not have a thesis requirement. Be sure to have a flash plug-in installed when you visit this site.
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)
The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S.
Department of Justice, supports innovative programs that strengthen the Nation's criminal justice system
by assisting State and local governments in combating violence.
Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS)
This site is the Office of Justice Programs in the U.S. Department of Justice, it is the United States'
primary source for criminal justice statistics.
Center for Law and Social Policy
This site serves a non-profit organization with expertise in both law and policy affecting the poor. The site
has publications and an audio conferencing capability.
Computer and Internet Security Resources
Collection of links to WWW sites focusing on internet security and privacy.
Computer Security Institute
Computer Security Institute (CSI) is a leading membership organization specifically dedicated to serving
and training information, computer and network security professionals.
Many links to law enforcement sites with a good search feature. Another excellent list of law enforcement
agencies can be found at: Just4Cops
Cornell University's Legal Information Institute
A starting point for Cornell University's Legal Information Institute.
Corrections Connection
Voted a Microsoft "Outstanding Criminal Justice Site," the Corrections Connections provides links to
almost any correctional organization in the country, and to all kinds of corrections information. The
Corrections Connection contains over 10,000 links to corrections-related sites and literature.
Counterterrorist Organization Profiles
Information about those who combat terrorism world-wide.
Court TV
Website of the cable TV station. Information about their coverage, some with full text concerning the
trials they cover.
Court TV On-Line
Court TV is a 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week, cable legal news network and cable programmer dedicated
to reporting on the U.S. legal and judicial systems. Court TV began operations on July 1, 1991.
Site has links to courts in all 50 states as well as federal courts.
Crime Spider -- a crime and justice search engine
A crime and justice Internet search engine offering information on a wide range of sites, including
cybercrime, industrial espionage, detectives, domestic violence, private investigations, and criminalistics.
Crime Theory.Com
An Educational Resource for the Learning and Teaching of Theoretical Criminology
CrimeLynx -- The Criminal Defense Practitioner's Guide through the Internet
Contains a legal resource center with research links, links to experts, investigation links, and crime policy
links. A criminal justice center with media links, shopping, and chat is also available onsite.
Criminal Law Links
Criminal Defense and Criminal Justice section of this leading legal portal site.
Critical Criminal Justice Issues: Task Force Reports from the American Society of Criminology
Report and recommendations to Attorney General Janet Reno by a respected organization of scholars
and practitioners (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).
Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC)
This site contains a wealth of information on the death penalty.
Department of Justice (Canada)
Many links to Canadian legislative initiatives.
Department of Justice Home Page (DOJ)
The Department of Justice goal is to enforce the law and defend the interests of the U.S. according to the
law, provide Federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime, seek just punishment for those guilty
of unlawful behavior.
Dr. Frank Schmalleger's Criminal Justice Cybrary
The World Wide Web criminal justice site directory -- with listings for over 12,000 criminal justice and
justice-related sites. Sites are categorized into many different areas, and are fully searchable. The
Cybrary Top 100 provides a list of the 100 most useful criminal justice sites on the Web today. The
Cybrary bills itself as "The World's Criminal Justice Directory."
Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
The D.E.A.'s official home page. Lots of publications available, along with a history of the D.E.A.
Dumb Laws
Dumb laws from all states and a wide variety of foreign jurisdictions are included. The full text of many
laws cited is available.
Evidence: The True Witness
An award-winning student-created site about forensics.
Family Research Council (FRC)
The Family Research Council exists to reaffirm and promote nationally, and particularly in Washington,
DC, the traditional family unit and the Judeo-Christian value system upon which it is built.
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
The home page of the FBI. The FBI uphold the law through the investigation of violations of federal
criminal law; protects the United States from foreign intelligence and terrorist activities; provides
leadership and law enforcement assistance to international, federal, state and local law enforcement
Find Law
One of the leading law reference sites online.
Florida State University's Criminal Justice Resource Site
One of the oldest criminal justice resources on the web, this site consists mostly of links to other sites.
Global Bibliography of Prison Systems
The primary goal for this bibliography is to provide practitioners, scholars, and students with a
comprehensive source for identifying information written about the prison system in as many countries of
the world as possible.
HandsNet -- Building The Human Services Community Online
Dedicated to bringing human services information on-line.
Ira Wilsker's Law Enforcement Sites
Extensive collection of links to law enforcement sites. Particular focus on South East Texas, but the
collection incorporates many sites in the U.S.
JUSTINFO: The Newsletter of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service
Stay informed about new publications, grants and funding opportunities, and other news and
announcements by subscribing to JUSTINFO. This free service will be e-mailed to you on the 1st and
15th of every month.
Juvenile Justice Magazine on-line
Current issues of this bi-monthly magazine are available.
Law Enforcement Jobs (lawenforcementjobs.com) employment
Arguably the best site on the Web for anyone looking for employment in the law enforcement field. The
site lists jobs with local departments, state departments, federal agencies, the U.S. military, private
security, associations, and schools. A training calendar adds a nice touch. The site is free to job seekers,
and allows you to post a resume and cover letter online and manage your search online with a Job
Seeker Account. Resumes, which can be easily edited, stay in the database until you delete them.
Law Guru
An excellent legal search engine
Law Links
Law News Network
Law News Network is the national daily newspaper for and about the legal profession. A service of
American Lawyer Media, Law News Network describes itself as the most current and comprehensive
legal news source anywhere.
An excellent site for lawyers, students, and business and government officials to learn more about the
law. Plenty of legal resources, a legal dictionary, a careers service, and state-specific databases are
Search for keywords or by relevant websites.
Lectric Law Library (The 'Lectric Law Library)
An excellent collection of on-line legal materials and resources.
Lexis ONE
An excellent free legal research site providing searchable case law, free legal forms, a statutory law
guide, a legal Internet guide and much more. The site is part of the Lexis-Nexis family of products.
Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD)
Official site of one of the world's largest police agencies. Lots of information and links about this agency.
MegaLinks in Criminal Justice
A very comprehensive site where you can find just about anything related to crime and law enforcement.
National Center for Missing & Exploited Children
Contains information about missing children and those who have been abused or exploited.
National Center for Policy Analysis
A site dedicated to probation, parole, sentencing, prison and court issues.
National Center for State Courts
Organization providing support and assistance to state courts and their operation.
National Center for Victims of Crime (formerly the National Victim Center)
Extensive on-line resource for victim information and advocacy. Contains many links and information
about the organization's advocacy efforts.
National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information
The NCAD acts as an information services facility (English, Spanish, TDD capability) equipped to
respond to the public's alcohol, tobacco, and drug (ATD) inquiries. They have publications and research
National Council on Crime and Delinquency (NCCD)
Website of this research and advocacy group with annotated links to related sites. Focus of the group is
on children as victims and perpetrator's of crime and needs of dependent children.
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
The U.S. Dept. of Justice's site that focuses on international, juvenile and drug crimes. There is a
database search engine and catalogs
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Sponsoring agency of the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. The National Institute of Justice
is a component of the Office of Justice Programs, which also includes the Bureau of Justice Assistance,
Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Science and Technology and Sentencing and Adjudication
National Institute of Justice International Center
Home page of NIJ's International Center. The Center was created in 1997 as a response to the
increasing globalization of crime. The Center provides communities and jurisdictions in the United States
and overseas with resources designed to assist practitioners, researchers, and policymakers meet new
challenges. The International Center seeks to stimulate, facilitate, evaluate and disseminate both
national and international criminal justice research and information. A key feature of the site is the
Center's fully searchable Virtual Library -- a repository of information related to comparative,
international, and transnational crime and justice issues.
National Rifle Association (NRA)
Home page of the National Rifle Association.
National Security Institute -- Computer Security Resources
Many links to resources for those interested in computer and internet security.
National Youth Gang Center (NYGC)
Information on youth gangs including statistics and probable solutions.
New York City Police Department (NYPD)
Official website of one of the largest police agencies in the world. Contains much information about the
organization and its efforts.
Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)
U.S. Department of Justice site with information about crime victims and resources for crime victims.
Contains an extensive collection of links to other relevant information.
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)
Provides information on grants, news, conferences, and publications.
Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
This agency serves as the central research and development organization in the United States
Government for counterdrug enforcement and drug abuse education, prevention and treatment.
Parents of Murdered Children (POMC)
The National Organization of Parents Of Murdered Children (POMC)® is the only national helping
organization which is specifically for the survivors of homicide victims and which follows up with
supportive family services after the murder of a family member or friend.
Partnerships Against Violence (PAVNET)
Partnerships Against Violence Network (PAVNET) is a "virtual library" of information about violence and
youth-at-risk, representing data from seven different federal agencies. Violence prevention professionals
can communicate and share resources through the Pavnet mailgroup. NCJRS says that PAVNET is "A
Model of Internet Use."
Patterns Of Global Terrorism
Annual reports since 1994 on the nature of terrorism and activities of the United States in response.
Police Guide
One of the largest police sites on the Internet. The site consists of 238 separate web pages -- and is
Policy Action Network
A site dedicated to economic, political, domestic, health and education issues.
Preventing Crime, What Works, What Doesn't, What's Promising
On-line copy of a report sponsored by the National Institute of Justice dealing with a review of crime
prevention efforts in the U.S. A "must read" for those with an interest in crime prevention programs.
Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods
RAND Drug Policy Research Center
RAND's goal is to conduct the empirical research, policy analysis, and outreach needed to help
community leaders and public officials develop more effective strategies for dealing with drug problems.
Reintegrative Shaming Experiments
Reports examine and present evidence available from Reintegrative Shaming Experiments (RISE) about
the effects of diversionary restorative justice conferences on repeat offending.
Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
The website for the prominent Royal Canadian Mounted Police. Their extensive site provides information
on many of the facets of their organization.
Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics
Home of the on-line version of the Sourcebook of Criminal Justice Statistics -- the largest compilation of
criminal justice statistics available anywhere. The Sourcebook site is run by the State University of New
York at Albany, and is updated continuously.
Stop Prisoner Rape
Stop Prisoner Rape (SPR) is a small but growing national non-profit organization dedicated to
combatting the rape of male and female prisoners and to helping survivors of jailhouse rape.
Supreme Court Opinions from the Legal Information Institute
Since 1993, the Legal Information Institute of Cornell Law School has provided a free current awareness
service via E-mail, distributing the syllabi of U.S. Supreme Court decisions in bulletin format within hours
after their release. Known as the liibulletin, this service will continue with the Court's upcoming October
Talk Justice
Talk Justice is the nation's premier criminal justice discussion forum. Offering a number of message
boards, it is available for use by students, professors, professionals, and interested citizens.
Technology and Privacy (the Home Page of Gary T. Marx)
Professor Marx posts numerous articles on technology and privacy.
Terrorism Documents
Links to documents maintained by the Terrorism Research Center. (See above)
Terrorism Research Center
Many on-line resources dealing with terrorism, terrorist organizations, and anti-terrorism efforts.
Terrorist Group Profiles
Profiles of terrorist groups maintained by the Terrorism Research Center.
U.S. Department of Justice
Good starting point for research about federal law enforcement and crime data.
U.S. Department of State: Patterns of Global Terrorism Reports (1994 - 2000)
Text of the State Department's analysis of global terrorism. Brief discussion of terrorist acts and
organizations and discussion of anti-terrorist initiatives.
U.S. Supreme Court -- full text of cases:
U.S. Supreme Court online
Round the clock access to the U.S. Supreme Court! This site provides public access to the Court's
decisions, argument calendar, schedules, rules, visitors' guides, building photos and bar admission
forms. Although dockets have also been available by phone, this is the first venture onto the Internet for
the nation's highest court. It has decision texts available online by noon on the day they are announced
(which always occurs at 10 a.m. ET).
Uniform Crime Reports (UCR)
The most recent Crime Reports collected by the FBI and made available to the public.
United Nations Human Rights Website
This site focuses on the functioning of the United Nations system in the field of human rights.They have
publications and press releases.
University of Alaska, Anchorage
University of Phoenix
Offers a comprehensive and fully accredited distance learning Bachelor of Science degree in Criminal
Justice Administration. Designed for the working professional, courses can be designed to fit students'
schedules. From the home page, click on "Degree Programs", then "Bachelor of Science in Criminal
Justice Administration."
Vera Institute of Justice
Working in collaboration with government, the Vera Institute of Justice designs and implements
innovative programs that encourage just practices in public services and improve the quality of urban life.
Vera operates the programs it designs only during th
Versus Law
Subscription based service allowing search of federal and state case law.
Victims’ Information
Extensive collection of information about victims of crime.
Washburn University School of Law -- WashLaw Web
A great collection of criminal justice- and law-realted sites, with a search feature.
White House's Social Statistics Briefing Room On Crime Data
Collection of selected data concerning crime in the U.S.
World Wide Web Security FAQ
Very useful resource for anyone with, or considering, a World Wide Web site.
WWW Virtual Law Library (Indiana University School of Law)
Numerous law related links.