Detailed Resume - Page 1 Patrick D. McMonagle Selected Projects: Within the following table, the symbol indicates the first time I was ever exposed to a particular technology. Client Time 11/99 Hardware NT G3 Mac Boeing Renton, WA 4 months 6/99 to 10/99 IBM OS/390 Mainframes Windows NT Client Server Boeing Renton, WA Wichita, KS Philadelphia, PA 9 months 6/98 to 3/99 Series 1 NT RJE Client Server Premera Edmonds, WA Boeing Renton, WA 3/98 Wang VS RJE IBM OS/390 Mainframes Food Services of America Seattle, WA Skandia Music Foundation 3/98 to 3/99 Wang VS Client Server 10/97 to 1/98 PC Audio Panorama City Lacey, WA 6/97 to 6/99 Wang VS 8 months 1/98 to 9/99 Software GoLive SuperCatalog Photoshop Java Web DNA COBOL II Endevor DB2 SQL OMSP Visio FTP Excel S1DES Viking DE NT Command grep FTP Serengeti RJE MVS ISPF P Plus COBOL II POST File Transfer Novell NT Easy Edit Sonic Forge LANtastic Lightspeed COBOL NT Situation Frame of my commercial web site sat inactive since 1/97. Action Converted hand coded HTML to Adobe GoLive & Cybermill SuperCatalog. Patch Java and Web DNA modules. Result under construction Prototype Leave of Absence tracking & pay system needed “minor” enhancement to handle Short Term Disability paid externally by Ætna Insurance. Designed, estimated & rewrote mainframe programs to; generate pay transactions, distribute reports via web and post Ætna’s Excel status into DB2. Assisted in debugging Endevor and web entry environment. Convert 130 transactions to Viking on Windows NT. Document. Train WA, NE & PA users. Design & create configuration management system. Replace RJE. Assisted project estimation, sales and staffing. Psuedocoded, reviewed, coded and tested COBOL changes to about 30 modules in Releases 6, 7 & 8. Production quality Leave of Absence system with no reported bugs in first month. Functioning test system to support it. Assisted computer move, net admin & operator training, data conversion & wiring Produced audio & digital text CD of Gunnar Hahn’s Folkdance Orchestra. Estimated conversion costs, at least $¼M. Conducted preliminary software searches. Converted files. Client choice of NT software failed. This business function is now contracted. It sells. Series 1 data entry machine, OS and S1DES software not Y2K compliant. Prospect with non-Y2K compliant software. ‘60’s era MSA based payroll not Y2K compliant Transfer of Benefits Trust from Eagle to FSA changed operational situation. Shortage of good folkdance music, good contacts in business. Client difficulty recognizing extent of coming year 2000 problems especially in AR and Payroll. Y2K compliance, reduced maintenance & floor usage. More users have access. Superior debugging tools. Only NT CM software meeting Boeing standards. Client bought services. Satisfied. Payroll Y2K compliant Client purchased new software. Ready in 1999. Detailed Resume - Page 2 Patrick D. McMonagle Markham Const Phoenix, AZ 1 week 9/97 486 PC International Air Academy Vancouver, WA Parker Paint Tacoma, WA 4/97 Wang VS5460 6/96 1/97 Win 3.1 PC Client Server Dr. Gary Bell Seattle, WA mid 96 Win PC Panorama City Lacey, WA 3 months 4/96 9/96 Wang VS COBOL Everett Pad Everett, WA 4/95 to 6/97 Wang VS Misc PCs Client Server Win 95 COBOL Approach Hillcrest Evergreens Pierson, FL Eagle Insurance Seattle, WA 8/95 PC network R-Base LANtastic 4/95 to 10/98 Wang VS PC Client Server Eagle Insurance Seattle, WA 6/95 to 9/95 Eagle Insurance Seattle, WA 4/95 to 6/95 Wang VS LAN Client Server Wang VS LAN PHS Claims ProVantage Medicode: UCR & Claim Edit PHS Claims ACCESS Excel Novell IPX Lightspeed Panorama City Lacey, WA 2/95 to 6/99 Wang VS LAN Client Server Win 95 SCO UNIX COBOL ACS emulators Client became suspicious of primary vendor excuses on software performance. Hardware upgrade resulted in functionality loss. Reviewed systems: finding improper versions, test files used by production jobs. Afternoon trip wonderful, but rarely visited client. Primary vendor forced to take overdue corrective action. Most functionality restored. Fileflo Approach Integrator AS400 Hardin EBilling AR searchs for details of ‘on account’ charges involved 7 pallets of paper/year Sold & implemented imaging OCR system showing signatures and notes on charges. Referred then to Hardin & Associates. Search now involves 8 CDs. Quicker response freed 2 temporary positions. Designed, estimated & wrote AP system from scraps of the old code. Fixed price of less than $5,500. Install many minor hardware and software upgrades. Guided client PC staff training. Reviewed existing sytems functionality and staff talents. On time delivery. Better performance. Vendor history and on line inquiry. Lightspeed LANtastic My dentist needed electronic billing and practice management software Client staff turnover, AP system not functioning. Client refused to look at stand alone PC based systems. Ongoing support. Client having dificulties supporting international business. System with 3 year expected life span but management & user dissatisfaction lost technical support staff. Management reporting complex and unreliable. Wang operating system version, Lightspeed version and Novell transport missmatch limited system growth. Different software & coding in medical care & A/R causing billing errors. Reviewed user needs. Trained users. Enhanced software, especially software connected to external data sources and databases. Changed process to a Wang COBOL program, results downloaded to Excel. Upgraded to IPX. Upgraded Network & Wang O/S. Standardized & documented client installation. Set up automated file transfer with Wang based code conversion. Satisfied dentist, my only Hardin sale. Increased client independence. Improved system integration, recovered PC disk failures. Per my recommendation client retained staff and purchased Platinum. Improved system functionality, happier users, more reliable data. Balanced figures, on quicker ad-hoc basis, huge parallel Access database eliminated. Able to upgrade hardware, add users and improve client performance and print reliability. Project exceeded budget. Medical Care s/w replaced, project cancelled. Detailed Resume - Page 3 Patrick D. McMonagle ISOMEDIA Redmond, WA 2 months 12/94 2/95 6 weeks CD-ROM Panorama City Lacey, WA 1 dy/wk 1990-97 Everett Pad Everett, WA 2 months 1994 Wang VS MacIntosh PC Clones Wang VS PC Clone Panorama City Lacey, WA Seigel, P.S. Seattle, WA Eagle Insurance Seattle, WA 1 year part time 1993 3 hours 1993 4 months 1993 Magna Term. HP Wands Tektronix Prtr Twinhead Lap Top PC Wang VS Ethernet Clone PC TextPro San Raphel, CA 1 hr/mo 1993-95 Panorama City Lacey, WA 6 month 1992 Wang VS Misc. PCs anything else PC Clones Client Server Network Health Plan Mercer Island, WA 1 month 1992 Wang VS HP9000-847 TCP-IP Panorama City Lacey, WA 1 year 1991 Wang VS MacIntosh Falron cards WLOC cards Synergy Direct La Jolla, CA UNIX, DOS, Windows & Macintosh Prodigy COBOL LANtastic PC/LIIS VS COBOL Approach DBase files SBA file xfer .BAT files COBOL HP PCL Code 39 CP Backup Word Perfect Netware VS COBOL Lightspeed HP PCL VS OS, etc MS/DOS, etc Misc Network Lightspeed LANtastic FileMaker Windows VS COBOL AccuCOBOL LAN Manager IDSI WISP HP-UX Lightspeed AppleTalk DataViz translators Customers sought assistance producing CDs. Represented 2 software packaging lines and 2 CD Replicators. Company emerged from bankruptcy with aging accounting software. Largest customer of manufacturer demanded shipping labels of specific format. Impractical to produce on VS. Processing of Invoice payments time consuming and error prone. 4 years un-backed up data on failing laptop. Company purchased source code to detect duplicate billings, needed edit reports for Wang based system. Client provides hardware and software support without fully trained staff. Company needed PCs to share printers and MacIntosh files. About 200 VS COBOL report programs needed minor revision before they could be converted to UNIX. (client estimate 2 months) Company emerged from bankruptcy with central systems on Wang VS and isolated marketing functions on MacIntoshes. Sold CDR writers, cutting software, design services and replication. Located customers from among local software houses. Designed, estimated, and enhanced multiple accounting systems. COBOL program to make VS write a dBase file. Transfer file via PCVS928. Imported to Approach. Satisfied multimedia customers. Client lacked resources to keep a Pacific NW office open. Enhanced features Improved reliability Improved users trust. Client able to print labels from Approach on PC Laser and support future changes without consulting services. Redesigned invoice to reduce payment errors. Bar coded account number & amount. Backup, uncross linked COMMAND.COM & train. Designed and programmed reports explaining these complex edits with heavy user involvement. On call for phone support. Customer complaints, data entry time and balancing effort reduced. 4 years data saved, exactly 1 reBoot from loss. Done ahead of schedule. Lightspeed install & Print checks on network Laser MICR filled out contract. Mark at TextPro said "You have saved us thousands." Connected PCs to Macs via LANtastic & File Maker. Integrated with operations database. Determined the 200 programs were really variations on a dozen. Added job input parameters, converted to UNIX & tested. Connected AppleTalk to VS via Lightspeed server, moved marketing files onto Apple Talk. Created print services back to Wang. Simplified user effort & allowed users to regain data control. Completed project in 4 weeks, documented and simplified run instructions and future programming efforts at the same time. Improved marketing systems availability and features. Allowed marketing department to control own systems. Detailed Resume - Page 4 Patrick D. McMonagle NutraSource Seattle, WA NutraSource Seattle, WA 1 year 1991 1 year 1990-91 Wang VS NutraSource Seattle, WA 1 month 1990 Wang VS NutraSource 20 mos 19891991 Computer room & phone NutraSource 3 months Panorama City Lacey, WA 10 mos 1998-90 NutraSource 2 months 1989 NutraSource Seattle, WA 18 mos 1989-90 Wang VS Procedure TriNet/Contacts Influential Seattle, WA 8 months 1988-89 Wang VS TelaNova Phone Switch PACE STEP COBOL Wang Labs, Seattle, WA 23 mos 6/875/89 All Wang products 8 computer lines 4 networks. 3270 SNA Wang VS PC Clone VS COBOL SBA file xfer FrEDI KIOSK Excel Former employer selected permanent manager, twice. Customer of food distributor demanded electronic ordering. Staff with communication problems, especially between shifts. Building expansion doubling warehouse and replacing office section completely New warehouse required correction to programs, especially picking priority and pick label design. Major A/R delays caused by high error rates, especially in billing residents for medical services. Yourdon Data Flow Diagrams Huge error rates in Credit Memo system. Customer pickup requests missing, products lost, credits unapplied and misfiled. Distributor; posting failure 70%, dusty backup tapes unlabeled on floor, weekly hardware crashes. Telephone list provider desired database driven outbound calling with predictive dial. Trained both my successors. I became unnecessary. Purchased and installed EDI software, connected to existing systems. Ordered KIOSK E-Mail, installed and trained everyone. Order cycle dropped from 48 to 16 hours. Sales up. A/R down. E-Mail effective within month at installed cost of below $3K. IS movement completed in small fraction of move window. I was on call but never called. Building completion delay forced picking from freezer trailers in delivery bays. Flexibility paid off early. Client entered Chapter 11 & deferredmany tasks. Project successes; reduced staff overtime & cancelled headcount increases. Each person saw their tasks on paper, quickly enhanced. After 3 draft cycles, project became 3 minor program change requests, only 1 hot. Company doubled sales & staff while keeping DP expenses under budget. Changed network to standard wiring. Scheduled computer phone and other moves. Executed systems move. Led change team. Directed contract programmer and staff to make picking table driven. Designed high level, estimated and sold system rewrite. Supervised contract programmer and assisted in debugging. Lead 10 person user & manager team through diagramming workshop, documented torturous Credit Memo processing. Trained and hired staff. Upgraded and repaired hardware. Established policies & procedures. Developed protype system which performed well at up to seven calls active at a time. Promised 50 calls failed. Sales support, hardware configuration & estimation, consulting estimation & sales, backup trainer. 10% travel. Wang decided not to upgrade STEP to meet promised performance. Order cancelled & refunded. Employee of month 3/89 for highest customer satisfaction & highest consulting revenue nation wide. Detailed Resume - Page 5 Patrick D. McMonagle Perkins Coie Seattle, WA 2 months 1988 Wang VS Pick PACE PACE HLI NutraSource Seattle, WA 3 months 1987 Wang VS MSI 88 units International Air Academy Vancouver, WA Data Design Tukwila, WA 6 months 11/86 4/87 3 months 1986 Wang VS VS COBOL MSI parms Plessy bar codes VS COBOL Office Computer Works Seattle WA 20 mos 10/85 6/87 Pacific Contract Services Seattle, WA 12/83 9/85 Wang VS Thousand Trails Tukwila, WA 3 months 1-3/84 Wang VS VS COBOL Autodoc International Air Academy Vancouver, WA Purple Cross Seattle, WA 9 months 1984 Wang VS 4 months Wang VS Weyerhaeuser Tacoma, WA 5 weeks 1984 IBM 3080 Wang & Wang Users Group Seattle, WA Alaska National Anchorage, AK 4 courses 10/82 Wang VS COBOL WangNet WLOC card COBOL IFS Life VS Utilities Procedure Adabas NATURAL CICS Procedure 1 month 1981 Wang VS VS COBOL Wang VS Philips Elpho Westercorp Wang VS Wang WP & DP spoolers Philips PDL VS OS VS Utilities COBOL Wang WP VS OS VS Utilities Law firm wanted to move systems from Pick based service bureau to Wang PACE relational database. Distributor wanted to improve reliability of customer hand held inventory units with bar code wands. Client desired financial system to track student loans. Distributor wanted software interface between VS & LED driven Philips page printer. Demand for courses on Wang software existed after employer ceased business. Employer needed to train customers who purchased Wang VS hardware and software. Client needed to track premiums inducing prospect site tours. Client desired custom grading & transcript system. Client sought replacement for obsolete S/34 and service bureau software, wanted IFS PC software on larger scale. Client behind on maintenance 2 month critical & 6 months lower priority. Wang wanted to promote Procedure features which PacMar had just Beta tested. Pacific Marine sold a copy of their insurance software. Designed database, parsed tape dumps of Pick files, using PACE HLI COBOL, loaded database. Debugged MSI and VS programming, added batch controls, located better bar code printer vendor. Designed system, hired and supervised contract programmers. Enhanced and tested interface using Philips Page Definition Language. Continued to market courses. Designed new ones. Largest customers; State of OR, Fort Lewis & State of WA. Designed courses. Increased courses into a regularly scheduled series. Started training department. Designed and programmed system which tracked ads to inventory with P/O interface. Designed, coded, tested and maintained this system. Trained users & staff. Configured VS 85, trained IFS on PC to VS conversion, Added reporting, trained client staff. Maintained NATURAL system. Designed and marketed a two evening seminar through Wang and the users group. Traveled to AK, installed system and trained users. Completed under budget. Order volume increased. Turnaround time, lost orders and errors decreased. System up within scheduled time. Exactly on budget. Still in use. Plant which made Elpho burned. Philips chose Postscript over Philips PDL. Wang employees referred to me as their strongest competitor on the West Coast. Training department was profitable at time of company failure. Client long considered this one of their best automated management aids. This client has always been pleased and still calls for occasional support. Project done on time within budget. Satisfied customer. Completed all 8 months of work in 5 weeks, corrected other reliability problems. Course demand resulted in four sections. Acclaimed written materials used 6/93. Satisfied customer, this system was still used in '96. Detailed Resume - Page 6 Patrick D. McMonagle Pacific Marine Seattle, WA 6 months 1982 Wang VS Computron Pacific Marine Seattle, WA 1981-83 Wang VS VS COBOL AUTODOC Pacific Marine Seattle, WA 3 years 1980-83 Wang VS VS COBOL VS Utilities Procedure Pacific Marine Seattle, WA 6 months 1980 Wang VS VS COBOL VS Utilities Procedure North Seattle CC Seattle, WA Fall Qtr 79 IBM 370 Prime State of WA Boeing (BCS) Renton, WA 6 months 1979-80 IBM 4331 University of Washington Seattle, WA 3 months 4/799/79 Burroughs 6700 University of Washington Seattle, WA 4 months 1/797/79 Burroughs 6700 John Fluke Lynnwood, WA 6 months 1978 IBM 370-155 and 360-50 OS DOS PRIMOS COBOL TSO Adabas Librarian COBOL DMS/II MCP CANDE COBOL DMS/II DFTS CANDE COBOL Panvalet Taskmaster IDMS Pacific Marine needed more features than offered by custom developed financials All systems operating at over double their designed loads, rapid user staff increase & high turnover. Pacific Marine grew rapidlly. In 6 months their new system had exceeded it's 3 year design load. New insurance company wanted custom applications Claims, Premiums & General Ledger. Instructor of Operating Systems course quit 6 days before class started. State government required new system to manage investments. Specs inaccurate, project underbid. University contracted to AiC to automate Housing & Food Services department. University contracted to BCS for development of new Central Stores Inventory. Contracted as lone COBOL coder to assist client programmers to code a predesigned manufacturing order processing system. Conducted software search, located software, installed and trained. Rewrote most processing for higher volumes, improved features & increased efficiency. Upgraded H/W. Used AUTODOC for full on line documentation. Hired as DP Manager. Recruited staff, strengthened systems. As project lead developed these under budget in 3 months. Taught night course. As project lead of 2nd tier contractors, developed system in only twice estimate, positioning follow on work. Wrote numerous report programs, completed much of the batch MCP, participated in testing. Coded the on-line entry half of the system. This was a two person project, did much of the detailed design. Became DBA & TC admin. System failed integrated test. Redocumented control and data flow, revealing system design to be an infinite loop. System up ahead of schedule and under budget. All changes completed within budgets, on time. Won all the "If you find a bug we'll buy lunch" bets. Low staff turnover. Never exceeded budget. Occasionally operated as profit center. Company handled business volumes in 3 months projected 3 years away. Hired me as DP manager. Marginal success. I found two jobs & getting married overwhelming. Primary contractor was able to make a profit on follow on work. My bit parts went well. The project was otherwise a huge overrun. Lots of unmanaged design changes. System completed within budget, in spite of major last minute scope increase. BCS manager earned award. Removed from project and blamed for failure. Client post mortum caught client manager. My employer awarded 4 person contract to develop system that worked. Detailed Resume - Page 7 Patrick D. McMonagle Peoples Bank Seattle, WA 5 months 1978 IBM 370-155 COBOL Librarian VSAM CULPRIT COBOL GCOS Hired to fill long vacant position; maintenance for Savings system. Eddie Bauer Redmond, WA 1 year 1977 Honeywell 6040 Eddie Bauer Redmond, WA DuPont Wilmington, DE 1 year 1976 3 months 1975 Honeywell 6040 IBM 370-155s COBOL GCOS COBOL Adabas 9 months 1975 4 days 1975 IBM 370155 Burroughs 3500 National State Bank Elizabeth, NJ National State Bank Elizabeth, NJ 2 hours 1974 StudebakerWorthington Harrison, NJ Roosevelt HS Seattle, WA 3 months 7/749/74 Spring 65 Conversion; GE 415 to B5500 Conversion; GE 415 to Burroughs 5500 IBM 360-40 COBOL ISAM COBOL "Shorty" Punch Cards Operations GE Assembler Hired to reduce 1 year maintenance backlog. Major international payroll over due since '69, covered by hiring freeze. Contracted to code half of international pay calculation. Client wanted quick 3 program system to win huge processing contract. (Client DP estimate: 6 months.) Burroughs subcontracted conversion of GE Assembler to Burroughs COBOL. Burroughs subcontracted conversion of GE COBOL banking applications to Burroughs. Client contracted to Arthur Anderson for manufacturing inventory system. Student in first Seattle HS programming course on old Boeing H/W donation. ALCOA Pittsburgh, PA Chase Manhattan New York, NY 5 months 1974-75 COBOL MCP COBOL DOS RPG (absolutely none) Burroughs 1800 Pin boards means this was my first exposure to this technology. Manufacturer required raw materials inventory system. Quickly recognized as first person who understood the system in 2 years. On call 24 hours a day. Developed system, using Yourdon design techniques. System completed on time, under budget. Fixed a lot of COBOL. After 3 hour Adabas tutoring: Wrote 55 subroutines, tested 20. Coded as designed. Learned to program & operate Burroughs 3500 using Spanish language manuals. Wrote 2 programs. Moved into 4 mo. Assembler conversion, noticed it had all been dummied out. Programmed in two new COBOL dialects. Coded batch entry programs for this card based system. Wrote program to handicap bowling scores as term project. As a reward for my success, I was assigned 2 additional systems of similar condition. System so robust that multiple rewrites were canceled as insufficient. Honeywell CPU used extra 4 years. Completed backlog & more in 3 months. 18 months with no home was enough. This is my only midproject resignation. Payroll system implemented on time, on budget. Finished on time. Client won contract. (Later 2 yr. conversion off Burroughs made national press!) 2 months late to ahead of schedule; in 2 hours work! COBOL conversion done ahead of schedule, assigned Project Manager role for project cleanup phases. My programs were accepted by client, who refused the rest of the system. 'A' grade. Teacher, also a bowling league secretary, used system in production.