Pre Workshop Introduction Prospective Participant’s Information Understanding the scope and requirements of the Supporting Students’ Literacy Learning; oral language, reading and writing series of workshops. Purpose: provide information about the rationale behind the course, assessment requirements, levels of participation and a course overview enable prospective participants to understand the level of commitment the course will require. Please Note If you are participating in the workshops you will need to bring this Pre Workshop Introduction Workbook with you for the first session. 1. Rationale/Purpose This series of workshops is designed to: Provide professional learning for paraprofessionals who work with children in schools to: support students’ oral language development support students to develop reading skills support students to develop writing skills. “value-add” to the following units of the Certificate III and IV in Education Support (CHC30808 and CHC41708) and support recognition of prior learning: CHCEDS409A Support students’ literacy learning CHCED308A Support the development of oral language skills CHCEDS305A Support the development of reading skills CHCEDS306A Support the development of writing skills. It is envisaged that this professional learning program will also be of value to paraprofessionals who wish to do further study in the future. 2. Target Participants Participants will include paraprofessional staff working in urban and rural primary schools. The training could also be adapted for use by staff in other contexts. 3. Expected Facilitators Senior teachers, curriculum coordinators, and accomplished teachers committed to increasing the understandings of paraprofessional staff involved in literacy support in schools will be able to use this resource as facilitators. The workshops are also designed to be used by Vocational and Education Training lecturers of the literacy units for Certificates III and IV in Education Support. (CHC30808 and CHC41708) 4. Methods Of Assessment There are four levels of involvement in these workshops. Levels one and two are focussed on the provision of professional learning while levels three and four include assessment tasks that have been developed to meet the requirements for recognised prior learning when undertaking Certificate III or IV in Education Support (CHC30808 and CHC41708). Level 1: Professional Learning only Attendance + workshop participation Level 2: Professional Learning and follow-up Attendance + workshop participation + follow-up /between session activities → sharing / feedback. This work (evidence) could be saved for assessment at a later date. Level 3: Certificate III Level At Certificate III level, learners must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills. Certificate III units may be assessed either on the job or off the job through an appropriate workplace simulation for: a range of age groups a range of conditions over a number of situations. Assessment methods will usually include: observation of processes and procedures oral and/or written questioning on Essential Knowledge and Skills consideration of required attitudes. 2|Pre Workshop Introduction: Prospective Participant’s Booklet Where performance is not directly observed and/or is required to be demonstrated over a ‘period of time’ and/or in a number of locations, any evidence should be authenticated by colleagues, supervisors, clients or other appropriate persons. Level 4: Certificate IV Level (including diploma) At Certificate IV level, learners must provide evidence of specified essential knowledge as well as skills. Certificate IV units may be assessed either on the job or off the job through an appropriate workplace simulation. Assessment should ensure the candidate addresses the elements and criteria on at least three occasions over a period of time. Methods of assessment may include, but are not limited to, a combination of two or more of: case studies demonstration observation questioning – oral and written scenarios, simulations or role plays workplace projects authenticated evidence from the workplace and/or courses. Certificate III, IV and Diploma units can be assessed independently by a Registered Training Organisation (RTO). Participants are encouraged to keep their homework tasks as evidence for assessment if they plan to enrol in certificate level training. Assessment methods should reflect work demands (e.g. literacy) and needs of particular groups such as people in remote locations, people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, women, young people, older people. 3|Pre Workshop Introduction: Prospective Participant’s Booklet Outline of Workshops Pre Workshop Introduction Understanding the scope and requirements of the Supporting Students’ Literacy Learning; Oral language, reading and writing series of workshops Workshop Focus Sessions Assessment Tasks Workshop 1 Understanding Our Learners and Supporting Their Learning 1. Reflection on pre workshop introduction 2. Overview, Big ideas 3. Planning For Purposeful Talk and Knowing our Learners 4. Scaffolding Complete a student Profile Workshop 2 Understanding How We Use Language for Different Purposes 1. Reflection on homework tasks 2. How do we use language for different purposes? Workshop 3 Supporting Students’ Oral Language Development 1. Reflection on homework task. 2. Small group activities for developing and practising oral language Read and be prepared to comment at the next workshop on a professional reading. OR Observe the use of register in the classroom Prepare an oral language lesson for a small group using a scaffolded learning model Workshop 4 Supporting Students’ Literacy Development (Reading) 1. Reflection on homework task 2. What is reading 3. Planning for reading: Activities for before, during and after reading 4. Assessing reading 1. Reflection on Workshop 4 homework tasks 2. Writing for different purposes 3. Stages of Writing Development 4. The writing process 5. Supporting students with writing 6. Summing up and evaluation Workshop 5 Supporting Students’ Literacy Development (Writing) Observe questioning/ scaffolding techniques Develop a resource Small group reading activity Complete a running record assessment Work with a small group of students for one week using the Scaffolded Writing program. OR Plan and implement three writing lessons. If you are participating in the professional learning outlined above keep this booklet and bring it to the first session. It will form the first part of your workshop documentation and provide a quick reference guide to the workshops ahead. 4|Pre Workshop Introduction: Prospective Participant’s Booklet