Comparing Animal and Plant Cell Lab

Lab: Compare and Contrast Animal and Plant Cells
Question: Are the structures present in animal cells and plant cells the same?
Key Vocabulary:
Cell Membrane:
Cell Wall:
Conclusion: Restate hypothesis; accept/ reject; cite your evidence.
Analysis: Name two structures which you could see in the Green Onion cells, but which you could not see
in the Liver cells.
Title: Green Onion Cells
Title: Liver Cells
Procedures for Green Onion wet mount (plant cells)
Make a hypothesis that addresses the question of whether animal and plant cells are the same and write it in
the space provided.
Prepare a wet mount slide of a green onion using tap water. Wait a few minutes before viewing under the
Observe the onion under low and high power.
Decide which level of magnification best represents the cellular structures which you will be asked to label.
Diagram the cells you observe in the space provided.
Record the level of magnification in the space provided.
Label the cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole, cytoplasm, nucleus, and chloroplasts.
Procedures for cheek cell wet mount (animal cells)
Obtain a piece of liver and a new clean toothpick from your instructor.
Take a toothpick and aggressively scrape the surface of the liver to gather some cells.
Rub the toothpick on a clean slide.
Add a few drops of methylene blue solution to the slide.
Gently lower a cover slip over the stained cells, trying not to trap any air bubbles.
Decide which level of magnification best represents the cellular structures which you will be asked to label.
Diagram the cells you observe in the space provided.
Record the level of magnification in the space provided. Label the cell membrane, cytoplasm, vacuole, and
Compare and Contrast Animal and Plant Cells
1. Based on your observations above, create a table comparing and contrasting the structures of animal cells and
plant cells.
Mark Scheme: - Comparing Animal and Plant Cells
C1- Using and Organizing Techniques, Apparatus and Materials
2- Follows written instructions to make a wet mount with Elodea and cheek cells with some
assistance preparing the wet mount. Focus microscope correctly under low and high power.
4- Follows written step-by-step instructions to position Elodea and cheek cell wet mounts. Focus
microscope correctly under both low and high power with minor reminders on procedures.
6- Follows written step-by-step instructions to prepare Elodea and cheek cell wet mount slides.
Focus microscope correctly under both low and high power. Make adjustments to microscope in
order to choose the best view of the cells present under the best level of magnification.
C2- Observing, Measuring, and Recording
2- Uses microscopes to draw and label the structures of Elodea cells and cheek cells. Records total
magnification of each wet mount accurately when reminded.
4- Uses microscope to draw and label the structures of Elodea cells and cheek cells without help.
Records total magnification of each wet mount accurately without being reminded.
6- Uses microscope to draw and label the structures; chloroplasts, cell wall, cell membrane, vacuole,
cytoplasm, and nucleus correctly, of Elodea and cheek cells. Records total magnification of each wet
mount accurately. Methodically observes the Elodea cells and cheek cells making adjustments to the
field of view and magnification in order to obtain the best view of the structures given for
Teacher’s Notes-Comparing Animal and Plant Cells
1. Onion cells can be used instead of or in addition to the Elodea cells. If onion cells are used then
iodine should be used as a stain. Also, draw attention to the fact, in the case of the onion cells,
that chloroplasts are not present and why.
2. Further information and questions related to this lab can be found on page 16 and 17, Chapter 2,
of the “Fish Book”.
3. Visit this page for an online cell tutorial: