Glasgow City Council Education Services Improvement Planning Establishment Session CONTENTS 1. Vision, Values and Aims 2. Summary of Self Evaluation Process 3. Overview of 3-year Planning Cycle 4. Priorities for Improvement in the current year 5. Action planning 6. Appendices: a. Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders b. Monitoring of Progress of Improvement Plan Signatures: Head of Establishment Irene Donaldson Quality Improvement Officer Area Education Manager Date June 2013 Date Morag Gunion Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Date 1a Our vision, values and aims Our Vision In Gowanbank Primary School we will provide a safe and healthy learning environment, where all pupils are encouraged to be actively involved in their learning. Pupils will be supported to aim high and success will be celebrated. Our Values Respect Responsibility Positive Attitudes Equality and Fairness Honesty Nurturing Our Aims In Gowanbank Primary School we aim to: Provide a learning environment that is nurturing, stimulating and challenging for all Actively promote health and wellbeing through all areas of school life Provide opportunities for all learners to be actively involved in their learning and reach their full potential Continue to develop strong partnerships with families and the local community to benefit children’s learning Maintain an ethos of high expectation and pride in the school. 1b How our vision, values and aims were developed and how our stakeholders were consulted Through the use of questionnaires, discussions and meetings, staff, children and parents were all asked to identify what they viewed as key issues for the school and a core group of representatives from staff pupils and parents discussed and agreed the content of our vision, values and aims. Aims were reviewed and revised in May 2012, following consultation with pupils, staff and parent council. Vision, values and aims were revisited again with a representative group drawn from all stakeholders and a consensus was reached that the majority of our aims remain valid and relevant to our current work and planned developments for the school. However an additional aim was included to reflect our work in health and wellbeing. Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning 2. Summary of self evaluation process How we carried out our self-evaluation and involved our stakeholders On going evaluation is a key feature of all collegiate meetings to ensure that we are keeping on task with current priorities, identify areas of strength and those for development Evaluation of progress made in current school improvement plan to identify areas for development. Involvement of wider community e.g. agencies involved with the school in evaluating our ethos Audit of children, parents/carers and staff re how good is our school meeting the needs of our pupils through a questionnaire based on the six core HGIOS indicators Staff and pupil evaluation of our progress towards the SHENARE agenda and our approach towards health promotion Consultation with Parent Council on a variety of matters relating to school life e.g. promoting positive behaviour, health promotion Audit of pupils and staff re focus groups to evaluate effectiveness and inform future direction Evaluation of ‘Topic Open Afternoons’ by parents/carers Evaluation of Focus weeks by pupils and staff to identify successes and areas for further development Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Quality Framework Successes and achievements Work and life of school/centre Vision and leadership Our key strengths Our areas for improvement Continued development of a positive school ethos Continued development of a nurturing approach across the school Opportunities for children to develop the four capacities in all aspects of school life. Children are more motivated and confident in their learning. Children are aware of their next steps in learning. Committed staff who contribute effectively to improving the quality of the learning experiences. Collaborative working across the Learning Community Increased opportunities for pupils to have personalisation and choice in their learning Sharing the standard Promoting positive behaviour The success of focus weeks where children have been given opportunities to apply and deepen their learning School approach to managing additional support needs The impact of Jolly Phonics on reading and writing at the infant stages of the school Effective team working by all members of staff Developing evaluative writing skills PSA support for pupils across the school, particularly in terms of behaviour. Developing remits for all members of staff Staff relationships and willingness to take on additional responsibilities Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Developing solution oriented approach 3. Priorities for improvement in the current year Priority No. To continue the development of sharing and moderating standards. 1 2 3 To employ a range of strategies which promote positive relationships, behaviour and wellbeing. To raise attainment in science and technology. Main driver of priority: SelfAuthority evaluation Quality Review Year HMI report Alignment with: 1 2 QI GCC Priorities 3 Education Services’ Priorities √ 1.1 5 1&2 √ 5.5 4&5 3&6 √ 5.1 5 1&2 Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning 4 GIRFEC Achieving Included Safe Achieving Responsible Healthy Nurtured Respected Included Achieving Included 1 5 LC Priorities 4. Action Planning Priority QI No. 1 Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable Priority 1.1 To continue the development of sharing and moderating standards. Tasks to achieve priority Timescale Person responsible Sharing and moderating standards has a positive impact on children’s progress Resources and staff development Continue to evaluate approaches to planning to ensure strong progression in children’s learning. August 2013 All staff led by – May 2014 I Donaldson HT S McCredie DHT IS DAY 2 a.m. Staff meetings x 2 04/11/13 17/02/14 CAT X1 12/05/14 Further develop staff expertise in the moderation process through peer observation, moderation of forward plans and assessment samples. October 2013 All staff led by – April 2014 I Donaldson HT S McCredie DHT CAT X 4 07/10/13 18/11/13 03/03/14 24/03/14 IS Day 3 p.m. Further develop staff understanding of applying and October 2013 sharing standards through LC training with a focus on – April 2014 science. Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning LC level groups CAT X 4 02/10/13 27/11/13 05/02/14 30/04/14 IS DAY 4 A.M. Monitoring progress and evaluating impact Professional dialogue Forward Planning evaluations Feedback from peer observations Professional dialogue SMT sampling Staff evaluations Minutes of meetings Classroom monitoring Sampling of children’s work Professional dialogue Tasks to achieve priority Timescale Further develop our tracking system to include health and wellbeing / GIRFEC HWB team H Kerr NT L Rigmand CT E Morgan CT Led by S McCredie DHT science Evaluate the effectiveness of the personal learning plans Person responsible May 2014 Science development team S Morrison CT J Murray CT Vacancy CT Led by A Clubley PT All staff led by I Donaldson HT S McCredie DHT Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Resources and staff development Monitoring progress and evaluating impact CAT X3 28/10/13 24/02/14 10/03/14 CAT X1 19/05/14 Pupil progress is tracked at planning meetings SMT monitor pupil progress Evaluations from staff/children and parents/carers 5. Action Planning Priority QI No. 2 Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable Priority 5.5 To employ a range of strategies which encourage positive relationships and behaviour and promote wellbeing. Tasks to achieve priority Revisit the principles of the GIRFEC agenda and the nurturing school with emphasis on principles 2 & 5. Develop a key statement of nurturing principles and approaches for the school. Revisit the principles of Bounce Back and implement the programme at all stages of the school. Timescale Person responsible August 2013 All staff led by S. McCredie DHT H. Kerr NT August 2013 S. McCredie DHT H. Kerr NT L Leckie Nurture PSA August 2013 – June 2014 Provide staff training on the impact of neglect on child September – development December 2013 Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning I. Donaldson HT L. Rigmand CT L Conn Educational Psychologist All children feel respected, safe, supported and valued. Resources and staff development I.S Day 1 a.m. Rota of staff visits to nurture class. Management time Monitoring progress and evaluating impact Classroom monitoring Pupil conversations Professional dialogue I.S Day 2 a.m. Statement developed/ shared with all stakeholders Pupil learning conversations Classroom monitoring Observations in all areas of the school e.g. playground/lunch room Forward plans Classroom monitoring Pupil conversations CAT X 2 16/09/13 09/12/13 Staff evaluations Professional dialogue Pupil plans Tasks to achieve priority Review current behaviour code of practice / reward system with all stakeholders. Develop staff expertise in using solution oriented approaches. Devise guidance for staff on the use of solution oriented approaches across the school. Implement solution oriented approaches. Review promoting positive behaviour policy with all stakeholders. Amend promoting positive behaviour policy/procedures in light of developments. Timescale Person responsible August 2013 HWB team H Kerr NT L Rigmand CT E Morgan CT Led by S McCredie DHT September – S McCredie November DHT 2013 LC SOA trainers October 2013 S. McCredie DHT October 2013 All staff – June 2014 November 2013 HWB team H Kerr NT L Rigmand CT E Morgan CT Led by S McCredie DHT November HWB team 2013 H Kerr NT January 2014 L Rigmand CT E Morgan CT Led by S McCredie DHT Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Resources and staff development Monitoring progress and evaluating impact CAT X 2 19/08/13 26/08/13 Audit results I.S Day 3 a.m. Staff evaluations Professional dialogue Management time SOA policy developed SOA resources Classroom monitoring Pupil conversations CAT X1 11/11/13 Audit results Curriculum development time x 2 hours Amendments made to current procedures and policy CAT x2 13/01/14 20/1/14 Tasks to achieve priority Evaluate effectiveness of SOA approaches /promoting positive behaviour procedures with staff and children Timescale Person responsible June 2014 All staff led by HWB team H Kerr NT L Rigmand CT E Morgan CT Led by S McCredie DHT Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Resources and staff development CAT X 1 02/06/13 I.S. DAY 5 a.m. Monitoring progress and evaluating impact Feedback from staff and pupils Number of children recorded as cause for concern Behaviour referrals to SMT 5. Action Planning Priority QI No. 3 Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable Priority 5.1 Raise attainment in science and technology Tasks to achieve priority Consider experiences and outcomes to plan a whole school approach to science and technology Devise science and technology planners Audit resources in light of science and technology programme. Timescale Children will develop scientific knowledge, understanding and skills. Attainment will be raised. Person responsible August – September 2013 Resources and staff development Sc/tech CfE sciences & technology development principles and practice papers team Go Glasgow S Morrison CT Education Scotland CAT X 2 J Murray CT Vacancy CT 19/08/13 Led by A 26/08/13 Clubley PT. August – Sc/tech Curriculum development time September development X 2 hours 2013 team S Morrison CT J Murray CT Vacancy CT Led by A Clubley PT. September Sc/tech Curriculum development time 2013 development X 2 hours team School budget S Morrison CT Science base J Murray CT Vacancy CT Led by A Clubley PT Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Monitoring progress and evaluating impact Whole school science programme devised. Whole school technology programme devised Planners devised and in use Monitoring of forward plans Classroom monitoring visits Learning conversations Required resources identified and secured Resource list produced Tasks to achieve priority Timescale Person responsible Resources and staff development Identify science and technology CPD opportunities for staff. September 2013 – May 2014 S McCredie DHT A Clubley PT Peer observations External courses Visits to other establishments Professional reading CPD evaluations Professional dialogue Identify external expertise to enhance the teaching and learning opportunities in science and technology September 2013 – May 2014 Record of visits / visitors Learning conversations Professional dialogue Evaluations from science and technology week Evaluate effectiveness of science and technology programmes June 2014 Sc/tech Hillpark Secondary School development St Pauls Secondary School team Strathclyde University S Morrison CT Glasgow Science Centre J Murray CT Health professionals Vacancy CT Science and technology week Led by A Clubley PT CAT X 1 All staff led by Sc/tech 02/06/13 development I.S. DAY 5 a.m. team A Clubley PT S Morrison CT J Murray CT Vacancy CT Classroom monitoring Learning conversations Feedback from children and staff Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Monitoring progress and evaluating impact 6. Appendices Appendix a Action Plan Summary for Stakeholders Priority No. Expected outcomes for learners which are measurable or observable 1 2 3 Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Lead responsibility Timescales 6. Appendices Appendix b Monitoring of Progress and Evaluating the Impact of the Improvement Plan Priority No. Task Timescale Glasgow City Council Education Services: Improvement Planning Progress check 1 Date: Progress check 2 Date: Progress check 3 Date: Comment on progress Comment on progress Comment on progress