LSS 09-01 COM 446 Advertising Management exl-curr

Curriculum Proposal
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Department: Communication & Creative Arts
School Document Number: LSS 09-01
Author (Contact): Mary Beth O'Connor
School Approval Date: 09/14/09
Date: 2/3/09
CEP Review Date:
Effective Term: Fall 2009
Senate Approval Date:
Type of Proposal
(place an X in the proper box)
Course: COM 446
addition x
Learning x
Proposal Subject: (One sentence overview of the proposal. Examples: change in title, prerequisite and description of NUR XYZ. Create
new plan of study in XYZ department, etc.)
Add an experiential learning designation to COM 446-Advertising Management.
Justification: (Explain the rationale for the proposed change.)
To give students the opportunity to fulfill an experiential learning course requirement in the C/CA Advertising option. This
course is the same as MGMT 428, Advertising Management, which has been certified in the EXL program.
Current: (If proposal is for a course change, enter current
Proposed: (If proposal is a for a course change or new course,
course information here. Include title, credits, pattern, etc. If
proposal is for a change in plan of study, enter name here, and
include current bingo sheet as an attached document, labeled
enter new course information here. Include title, credits,
pattern, etc. If proposal is for a change in plan of study, or new
plan, enter name here and include proposed bingo sheet as an
attached document, labeled PROPOSED.)
COM 446, Class 3, Cr. 3
Same as current, with an experiential learning
designation added.
Impact on Students: (Explain how students will be affected by the proposal. Benefits to students should be listed.)
Impact On Other Departments: (Explain how other academic departments may be affected by the proposal, and summarize any
discussions with other departments about the proposal. If adding or deleting a course, explain how other departments may be affected.)
Impact on University Resources: (Curriculum changes affect university resources. Explain here how instructional, lab, computer or
library resources may be affected by the proposal. It is especially important to address the possible need for additional faculty.)
Impact on General Education Requirements: (If the proposal fulfills or changes general education requirements in your department,
explain this here.)
Experiential Course Proposal 1
CEP Curriculum Document Form For Experiential Learning Courses
Standards of Practice of the National Society for Experiential Education
Course COM 446, Advertising Management
Department Communication
Standards of Practice. Please provide
the information requested below for
each of the eight standards of practice.
1. Intention – Intention represents the
purposefulness that enables experience to
become knowledge and is deeper than the
goals, objectives, and activities that define
the experience.
Example: Content of course overview,
purpose of the course, etc.
2. Preparedness & Planning –Identified
intentions are set as goals and specific
objectives and activities are defined for
the course.
Example: Forms and syllabus standards
3. Authenticity – The experience must
have a real world context and/or be useful
and meaningful in reference to an applied
setting or situation.
Example: Standard site proposal
agreement with goals, tasks, application.
Learning goals, tasks, application would
be as determined by the course.
4. Reflection – The learner must test
assumptions and hypotheses about the
outcome of decisions and actions taken,
then weigh the outcomes against past
learning and future implications.
Example: Dialogic group events,
journals, surveys, etc.
5. Orientation & Training – Students,
community partner(s), and faculty are
prepared with important background
information about each other and about
the context and environment in which the
experience will operate. Additionally,
ongoing structural development should be
addressed in an effort to increase the
appreciation of the context and skill
requirements of her/his work.
Evidence (Type responses in grey boxes.)
Use Only
Please describe the INTENTION of the course.
Students will take this course towards the end of their degree
program. It is an interdisciplinary course also taken by the
Management/Marketing Department’s students. The project
will require students to utilize the knowledge from their
coursework to solve a real business problem, working with a
local business.
Please demonstrate how students will be academically PREPARED to
participate in experiential learning.
Course work in the degree program will provide students with
skills in basic communication and business functions. Their
upper level major courses required in the program will give
students specific industry knowledge. The specific objective is
to analyze, recommend, and implement an advertising
campaign for a business.
Please demonstrate how this course has specific real world context and/or is
an out-of-class experience which is AUTHENTIC.
Students will receive the guidance of faculty and local company
representatives, while developing an advertising campaign,
implementing the campaign, and tracking the results of the plan.
Please demonstrate in specific ways how assignments provide students the
opportunities to meaningfully REFLECT on their experience.
Students will analyze the advertising problem and write a report of their
analysis, they will submit written recommendations to address problems
identified in the analysis, work with appropriate company representatives
to implement recommendations, and track the results. At the end of the
course, students will present their plan to company representatives and
supervising faculty member, outlining the project and results.
Please demonstrate how students will be prepared for the experience through
an ORIENTATION which is appropriate to the context.
To prepare for the course assignment, students will have prior projects
to review. A history of the local company they will be working with will
be provided, and a meeting will be held with the faculty member,
students, and business representatives to discuss status of business
web advertising.
Example: Checklist form with skills,
Experiential Course Proposal 2
tasks, preparation acquired
CEP Curriculum Document Form For Experiential Learning Courses
Standards of Practice of the National Society for Experiential Education
Course COM 446, Advertising Management
Department Communication
Experiential Course Proposal 3
Standards of Practice. Please provide the
information requested below for each of the
eight standards of practice.
6. Monitoring – A student-teachercommunity partner feedback loop related to
learning intentions and quality objectives.
The structure of the experience permits
change in response to the implications of the
Example: Checklist form with dates, review,
consults, meetings, weekly student /instructor
meetings, mid semester contact with site
supervisor, etc.
7. Assessment & Evaluation – Assessment
is a means to refine the specific learning
goals and quality objectives identified during
the planning stages of the experience.
Evaluation provides comprehensive data
about the experiential process as a whole
and whether it has met the intentions.
Example: Grades, reports, community
partner or site evaluations, faculty
evaluations, self-evaluations, performance
reviews, student evaluations, etc.
8. Acknowledgment – All parties and
individuals involved in the experience should
be included in the recognition of progress and
Example: Faculty summary reports, students
ratings, site surveys, presentation of project
to site, poster sessions, recognition of
student on website, informal or formal
gathering, Ex L Expo, transcript notation of
experience, etc.
Type of Experience
__ Cooperative Education
__ Design Project
__ Internship
__ Cultural Immersion
__ Practicum
__ Undergraduate Research
__ Service Learning
Evidence (Type responses in grey boxes.)
Please demonstrate how students will receive feedback and
opportunities to improve their performance through effective
Students will meet either in person, or by phone conference, to
discuss project progress and recommend the next step in the
process. The supervising faculty member will monitor the
various reports, as they are produced, and provide appropriate
Please demonstrate how students will be ASSESSED and
Throughout the semester, the project reports will be evaluated
by the faculty member and company representatives for
viability and appropriateness for that particular business.
Please show how students will be ACKNOWLEDGED for the learning
they have experienced in this course.
At the end of the semester, all students undertaking design
projects will have an opportunity to present their projects to the
other students, faculty, and business representatives.
For CEP Use
(Circle One)
Please indicate the type of Experiential Learning this course involves.
If more than one type applies, please indicate which is the PRIMARY
(P) category and which is the SECONDARY (S).
P-Design Project
Experiential Course Proposal 4