Photo Essay - Essentials Guides

Cultural Comparison Photo Essay
2nd Quarter Significant Task
Students will research the culture of a region and /or country and will create a
digital presentation using any of the following formats: PowerPoint, Photo Story 3,
VoiceThread etc. as a means to showcase how the eight culture traits apply to a
country or region and their own personal life.
Directions: You must create a digital presentation that highlights your own personal
culture and a culture from another part of the world. Chapter 3 Section 2, pg. 82-89
1. What country are you going to compare against your own? Select one from the
list on CultureGrams. _________________________
2. Use CultureGrams to help you gather information on the cultures themselves and
record it on the charts provided.
3. Then use PowerPoint, Photo Story 3, or VoiceThread to present the information
that you gathered along with pictures. Each slide needs at least 2 pictures and text
describing them.
4. Write a Poem for Two Voices that compares the way you live to the other culture
that you have chosen (see Poem for Two Voices direction sheet).
Rubric: The project will be graded based on the following criteria.
completion of each culture trait on My Culture sheet
completion of each culture trait on Other Culture sheet
slide with pictures and text for each element of My Culture
(one point for pictures and one for text)
slide with pictures and text for each element of Other Culture
(one point for pictures and one for text *must have slide showing country on a map)
a Poem for Two Voices
(one point for each cultural element from each culture)
Class effort and cooperation during work time
Class presentation *Due ____/____/____
Work completed on time *Due ____/____/____