Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B Review Introduction to Management

Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
Review Introduction to Management
Part I
1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a mechanistic organizational
a. They have centralized authority
b. They are appropriate in changing environments
c. They have vertical communication flows
d. They have strict rules and procedures
e. They are hierarchical
2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristics of a organic organizational structure
a. They have decentralized authority
b. They have cross-departmental cooperation
c. They have horizontal communication flows
d. They are appropriate in stable environments
e. They are appropriate in changing environments
3. A differentiation strategy that focuses on increasing the value that customers perceive
in an organization’s foods and services succeeds best in which type of structure?
a. Formal
b. Hierarchical
c. Flexible
d. Stable
e. Mechanistic
4. A formal structure is more appropriate when the technology used is:
a. Cutting edge
b. Routine
c. Complicated
d. Developed
e. Uncertain
5. A strategic among two or more companies that agree to establish jointly and share the
ownership of a new business is a known as a:
a. Network structure
b. Boundaryless organization
c. Joint venture
d. Strategic alliance
e. Permanent venture
6. When the night shift manager at a convenience store allows the employees to schedule
their own hours of work, the workers have been
a. Coerced
b. Rewarded
c. Legitimized
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
d. Empowered
e. Transformed
7. The following model of leadership focuses on identifying the personal characteristics
of the effective leaders:
a. Contingency model
b. Relationship-oriented model
c. Task-oriented model
d. Path-goal model
e. Trait model
8. The following personal characteristics are NOT characteristics of a manager, which are
included in the trait model of leadership:
a. Intelligence
b. Self-confidence
c. Maturity
d. Honesty
e. All of these choices are correct
9. When a leaders shows a high concern for people and a high concern for production,
they fall into which leadership style on the managerial grid?
a. Country club
b. Team leader
c. Produce or perish
d. Impoverished
e. None of these choices are correct
10. When a leader shows a low concern for people and a low concern for production ,they
fall into which leadership style on the manager grid?
a. Country club
b. Team leader
c. Produce or perish
d. Impoverished
e. None of these choices are correct
11. Leadership theories which propise that the effectiveness of a leader depends on the
situation in which the leader find himself or herself are known as:
a. Trait models
b. Contingency models
c. Empowerment models
d. Path-goal models
e. Leadership substitute models
12. According to the Fiedler, the extent to which subordinates trust and are loyal to their
leader is known as:
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
Empowerment relations
Task-oriented relations
Leader-member relations
Initiating structure relations
Postion power relations
13. Condi and George both work for the same employer. Condi just started and isn’t
quite sure how she should complete the tasks are being asked or her, but she is very
motivated to do a good job. George, on the other hand, knows the ropes but is
unenthusiastic about doing the work. According to Hersey and Blacbard’s situational
leadership theory, the follower readiness of Condi is:
a. Able and willing
b. Able and unwilling
c. Unable and willing
d. Unable and unwilling
e. None of the Above
14. A Path- goal theory is a contingency model of leadership proposing that leaders can
motivate subordinates by:
a. Identifying their desired outcomes
b. Rewarding them for high performance
c. Clarifying for them the path leading to the attainment of work goals
d. None of these choices are correct
e. All of these choices are correct
15. According to the path-goal theory, the following is NOT one of the behaviours that
leaders can engage in to motivate subordinates:
a. Achievement-oriented behaviours
b. Participative behaviours
c. Directive behaviours
d. Supportive behaviours
e. Task-oriented behaviours
16._________Behaviours’s may be beneficial when subordinated are having difficulty
completing assigned tasks.
a. Task-Oriented
b. Supportive
c. Participative
d. Achievement-oriented
e. Directive
17. __________ behaviours are often advisable when subordinates are experiencing high
levels of stress:
a. Task-Oriented
b. Supportive
c. Participative
d. Achievement-oriented
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
e. Directive
18. Characteristics of subordinates or characteristics of a satiation or context which acts
in plave of a leader so that leadership is unnecessary is known as:
a. Empowerment
b. Initiating structure
c. Consideration
d. A leadership substitute
e. Referent power
19. Some typical stereotypes about gender and management include all but one of the
a. Women are more nurturing than men
b. Women are more concerned with interpersonal relations
c. Men are more directive managers
d. Men engage in more initiating structure
e. Women are more relationship oriented than male managers
20. Control system are intended to make organizations more successful by helping
managers with all but one of the following:
a. Adapt to change and uncertainty
b. Reduce costs
c. Increase routine decision making
d. Del with complexity
e. Facilitate homework
21. An effective control system:
a. Is flexible enough to allow managers to deal with unexpected events
b. Provides accurate information
c. Fives manager a true picture of organizational performance
d. Provides managers with timely information
e. All of the choices are correct
22. In general, the ______ non-routine the organization’s activities, the ___________ it is
for managers to measure the outputs or behaviours.
a. More, easier
b. Less, harder
c. More, harder
d. Less, simple
e. All of these choices are incorrect
23. The components of an effective output control system are:
a. Objective financial measures, performance standards derived from goals,
and appropriate operating budgets
b. Subjective financial measures, performance standards derived from goals, and
appropriate operating budgets
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
c. Cost budget analytics, divisional goals and performance standards
d. Capital budget planning, evaluation of results and corrective action taken when
e. None of these choices are correct
24. Direct supervision can do the following
a. Teach employees
b. Promote desirable behaviours which increase efficiency
c. Be very expensive
d. Demotivate employees
e. All of these choices are correct
25. A goal-setting process in which a manager and his or her subordinates negotiate
specific goals and objectives for the subordinate to achieve and then periodically
evaluate the extent to which th subordinate is achieving is achieving these goals is
known as
a. MBO
b. Direct supervision
c. Rules
d. Standard operating procedures
e. Output control
Part 2
1. Top managers in an organizational culture that is innovative are likely to do all
but one of the following:
a. Encourage participation of lower level managers in planning and decision
b. Use extensive bureaucratic system of control
c. Create a flexible structure
d. Lead by example
e. Encourage risk-taking
2. __________ are the stable, long-lasting beliefs about what is important.
a. Values
b. Norms
c. Organizational culture
d. Bureaucratic culture
e. Beliefs
3. Unwritten rules or guidelines that prescribe appropriate behaviours in particular
situation are known as:
a. Values
b. Norms
c. Beliefs
d. Culture
e. Organizational socialization
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
4. Culture is seen through its
a. Values
b. Mbo
c. Norms
d. Artifacts
e. None of these choices are correct
5. The understanding of how object ideas relate to each other is known as
a. Artifacts
b. Assumptions
c. Beliefs
d. Norms
e. Values
6. Culture is created and sustained in which of the following ways
a. The founders or managers only hire and keep employees who think and
feel the way they do
b. The management indoctrinates and socializes these employees to the way
of thinking and seeing
c. Top managers server as role models
d. None of these choices are correct
e. All of these choices are correct
7. Companies with a strong culture experience all of the following, except
a. Easy adaptation to change
b. Better return on investment
c. Higher net income gtowth
d. Large increases in share price
e. Difficult adapting to change
8. Organizational culture is transmitted to organizational members through all but
one of the following:
a. Values of the founder
b. The process of socialization
c. Ceremonies and rites
d. Use of benchmaking
e. Story and language
9. The process by which new employees learn the values and norms of the
organization and acquire the types of work behaviours which are necessary to
preform jobs effectively is known as:
a. Bureauratic control
b. Feedforward control
c. Concurrent control
d. Mbo
e. Organizational socialization
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
10. activities that determine how workers enter the organization, how they are
promoted withing the organization, or how they leave the organization are known
a. Rites of passage
b. Rites of intergration
c. Rites of enhancement
d. Ceremonies
e. Rites of basic training
11. A “company cookout” is an example of
a. A rite of passage
b. A ceremony
c. A rite of intergration
d. A rite of enhancement
e. None of these choices are correct
12. A newspaper release that announces the promotion of a senior management of the
organization is an example of
a. A rite of enhancement
b. A ceremony
c. A rite of passage
d. A rite of intergration
e. None of these choices are correct
13. Employees learn and internalize norms and values through
a. Rites of intergration
b. Rites of passage
c. Rites of enhancement
d. Stories and langue
e. None of these choices are correct
14. which of the following are ozganizational factors that can be changed?
a. People
b. Strategy
c. Technology
d. Structure
e. All these resources can undergo change
15. Induced change comes from within the organization and may result in:
a. New organizational structure
b. New strategy
c. New technology
d. New human resources
e. All of the choices are correct
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
16. When McDonald’s Corporation made a basic decision as to how to device the
tasks of the jobs of chefs and food servers in its restaurant, this was an example of
a. Job simplification
b. Job enlargement
c. Job design
d. Job enrichment
e. Job reduction
17. The outcome of the process of job design is
a. Job simplification
b. Job enlagrement
c. A division of labor among employees
d. Job reduction
18. Which of the following is NOT a factor affecting the decision on how to best
group jobs together to best match the needs of the organization?
a. The organization’s environment
b. The organization’s strategy
c. The organization’s technology
d. The organization’s human resources
e. The organization’s span of control
19. An organization structure composed of all the departments that an organization
requires to produce its goods or sercives is known as a
a. Product structure
b. Geographic structure
c. Divisional structure
d. Funtional structure
e. Market structure
20. Managers tand to move to what type of structure to overcome the problems or a
funtional structure?
a. Product structure
b. Geographic structure
c. Divisional structure
d. Funtional structure
e. Market structure
21. An organization structure composed of separate business units within are the
functions that together produce a specfific product for a specific customers is
known as a
a. Matric structure
b. Geographic structure
c. Divisional structure
d. Funtional structure
e. Team structure
Cao Dinh Hong Viet – Siast 5B
22. A group of managers from different departments brought together to perform
organizational tasks is known as a
a. Cross-funtional team
b. Hybrid structure
c. Product team structure
d. Market team structure
e. All of these choices are incorrect
23. Which of the following is NOT something managers must decide on when
coordinating functions and divisions?
a. How to enlarge the jobs of first-line managers
b. How to determine the optimal span of control
c. Whether the organization should be tall of flat
d. What the minimum chain of command should be
e. To what degree authority should be decentralized
24. Which is true of mechanistic organizational structures?
a. They have decentralized authority
b. They have cross-departmental cooperation
c. They have horozontal communication flows
d. They are appreciate instable environments
e. They are appropriate in changing environment
25. Which is true of an organic organizational structure?
a. They have centralized authority
b. They are appropriate in changing environments
c. They have vertical communication flows
d. They have strict rules and procedures
e. They are hierarchical