Government Final Exam Review Sheet

Govt – Dunn
Final Exam Review Sheet – Spring 2012
Your final exam will include questions on topics, concepts, individuals and concepts listed below.
The exam will be a mixture of short answer, matching and multiple choices and at least one
This study guide is your ticket to your final exam. No Study Guide, No Final Exam, No Final
Exam, No Grade, No Grade = Zero on the final. Completion of this study guide is optional;
however it will help if you complete it.
Know the following:
1. Divine Right
2. Anarchy
3. Confederacy
4. Social Contract
5. Hobbes
6. Locke
7. Rousseau
8. Articles of Confederation
9. Federalists
10. Anti-Federalists
11. Separation of Powers
12. Judicial Review
13. Necessary and Proper Clause
14. Full Faith and Credit
15. Jurisdiction
16. District Court
17. Federal Courts/Organization of the US Court System
Govt – Dunn
18. Bicameral Legislature
19. Republic
20. Habeas Corpus
21. Gerrymandering
22. Electorate
23. Poll Tax
24. Suffrage
25. Literacy Test
26. Bench Trial
27. Exclusionary Rule
28. Grand Jury
29. Double Jeopardy
30. Miranda Rule
31. Procedural and Substantive Due Process
32. Judges
33. Speaker of the House
34. President Pro Tempore
35. Select Committee
36. Rules Committee
37. Sovereignty
38. Dictatorship
39. Apportioned
40. Continuous Body
Final Exam Review Sheet – Spring 2012
Govt – Dunn
Final Exam Review Sheet – Spring 2012
Know the following concepts in detail:
1. Powers of Congress – Expressed, Implied, Inherent
2. Bills – How they are passed, presidential options (veto)
3. Congress – Details about both houses, the mechanics and profiles of each
4. Checks and Balances
5. Civil Rights Violations – How did the south try to keep Blacks from voting?
6. Parties – Why they are needed, what do they do, makeup and power, goals
7. Democrats vs Republicans – philosophies and profiles
8. Different forms of media
9. Powers of Congress
10. Liberals vs. Conservatives (specific demographics)
11. Political Spectrum
12. Social Contract
13. Due Process – Rights of the Accused
14. Purpose of Government
15. Principles of the Constitution
Govt – Dunn
16. Electoral College
17. Major Constitutional Amendments
 1,4,5,6,8,14,17,18,19
18. Presidential roles and power
19. Court Cases
 Furman v Georgia
 Wesberry v Sanders
 Escabedo v Illinois
 Marbury v Madison
 Miranda v Arizona
 Pierce v Society of Sisters
 Rochen v California
 Mapp v Ohio
Final Exam Review Sheet – Spring 2012