ASIAEP RESOURCES BERHAD (FORMERLY KNOWN AS ASIAEP BERHAD) (“ASIAEP” OR THE “COMPANY”) PROPOSED SUBSCRIPTION OF 20 MILLION NEW ORDINARY SHARES OF RM1.00 EACH IN LESTARI PASIFIK BERHAD (“LESTARI”) (“SUBSCRIPTION SHARES”) AT AN ISSUE PRICE OF RM1.00 PER SUBSCRIPTION SHARE REPRESENTING APPROXIMATELY 3.23% OF THE ENLARGED ISSUED AND PAID-UP SHARE CAPITAL OF LESTARI (“PROPOSED SUBSCRIPTION”) 1. INTRODUCTION The Board of Directors of AsiaEP (“Board”) wishes to announce that the Company has on even date entered into a conditional share subscription agreement (“SSA”) with Lestari for the Proposed Subscription, the details of which are set out in Section 2 below. 2. DETAILS OF THE PROPOSED SUBSCRIPTION 2.1 Particular of the Proposed Subscription The Proposed Subscription entails the acquisition of 20 million Subscription Shares at an issue price of RM1.00 per Subscription Share representing 3.23% of the enlarged issued and paid-up share capital of Lestari for a total cash consideration of RM20.0 million (“Subscription Amount”). The Subscription Shares shall be free from any security interest (including mortgage, deposit, charge, pledge, lien, assignment or other form of encumbrances) and with all rights attaching to them on and after the completion of the Proposed Subscription. The Company will not assume any liabilities (including contingent liabilities and guarantees) arising from the Proposed Subscription. There are no additional financial commitments required by AsiaEP in putting the assets/ businesses subscribed on-stream. 2.2 Salient terms of the SSA (a) Payment terms The Subscription Amount of Ringgit Malaysia Twenty Million (RM20,000,000.00) only shall be paid as follows: i. Deposit Ringgit Malaysia Two Million (RM2,000,000) only (the “Deposit”) as refundable deposit and part-payment towards the Subscription Shares. Upon payment of the Deposit and within three (3) business days upon receipt of the approvals from the board of directors and shareholders of both parties, Lestari shall issue and allot the Subscription Shares to AsiaEP. Lestari shall endorse (“Endorsement”) on the Subscription Shares that such shares are partially paid-up and shall be recognised in accordance with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of Lestari. ii. Balance Subscription Amount on Conditional Date Balance of Ringgit Malaysia Eighteen Million (RM18,000,000.00) only to be paid within twenty (21) days upon the completion of the last conditions precedent as specified under paragraph 2.2(b) below, or any other extended date to be mutually agreed in writing between AsiaEP and Lestari . Upon fulfilment of the payment of the Balance Subscription Amount, Lestari shall immediately remove the Endorsement followed by a notice of allotment stating that the Subscription Shares have been credited into a Central Depository System’s Account held by or on behalf of AsiaEP which shall be furnished to AsiaEP. (b) Conditional Share Subscription The rights and obligations of the Company and Lestari under the SSA is conditional upon the following conditions precedent (“Conditions”) being satisfied within twelve (12) months period from the execution of the SSA or other extension period as may be mutually agreed by the Company and Lestari: i. the approval of the board of directors and shareholders of AsiaEP having been obtained for the subscription of the Subscription Shares under the SSA; ii. the approval of the board of directors and shareholders of Lestari been obtained for the issuance and subscription of the Subscription Shares on the terms set out in the SSA; iii. approvals from the relevant authorities for the listing of Lestari on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and/ or any other stock exchanges deemed appropriate; and iv. approvals from any other relevant authorities and/or any other parties, if required . (c) Salient representations and warranties by Lestari i. Prior to subscription, there will be no pledge, lien or other encumbrance on, over or affecting the Subscription Shares and there is prior to subscription will be no agreement or arrangement to give or create any such encumbrance and no claim has been or will be made by any person to be entitled to any of the foregoing save and except for any encumbrance created by AsiaEP over the Subscription Shares in order for AsiaEP to facilitate the subscription of the Subscription Shares; ii. Upon satisfaction of the Conditions, Lestari will be entitled to issue and allot the Subscription Shares on the terms of the SSA without consent of any third party; and iii. All facts as stated and contained in the SSA and documents including the information memorandum dated 23 September 2011 relating to Lestari disclosed or supplied by Lestari to AsiaEP, its solicitors, accountants or financial advisers during or with a view to the negotiations leading up to the SSA, to the best knowledge and belief of Lestari, true and accurate in all material respects and there is no fact not disclosed which would render any such information or document materially and adversely inaccurate or misleading or which, if disclosed, might reasonably have been expected to affect the decision of AsiaEP to enter into the SSA. (d) Rights on default Without limiting any right or remedy available to AsiaEP at law or in equity, if there is any default on any rights and obligations to be performed under the SSA, AsiaEP shall be entitled for the refund of the Deposit within seven (7) days upon termination of the SSA and each party shall within seven (7) days return all relevant documents which have been forwarded to the other party. 2.3 Information on Lestari Lestari was incorporated under the name of Lestari Pasifik Sdn Bhd in Malaysia on 8 February 2010 as a private limited company under the Companies Act, 1965. It subsequently changed its status to a public limited company and assumed its present name on 21 April 2011. As at 10 October 2011, Lestari does not have any subsidiary or associate company. The Directors of Lestari as at 10 October 2011 are as follows:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) Dato’ Abdul Latiff bin Hussain Mr Mohamed Jawad Khan Dato’ Dr Clement Tan Wei Loon Mr Andrey Chuguevskiy Ms Natalia Silich Ms Irina Dyukova Dr Anatoly Politov The shareholders of Lestari and their respective shareholdings in Lestari as at 10 October 2011 are as follow: Name Arter Biofuel Products Limited Richnion Sdn Bhd Mohamed Jawad Khan Dato’ Dr Clement Tai Wei Loon Total (%) 50.0 16.7 25.0 8.3 100.0 Lestari is in the business of producing second generation bioethanol from biomass mainly oil palm empty fruit bunches (“EFB”). This is in support of the Malaysian Government’s Economic Transformation Program (“ETP”) under Chapter 9 – Deepening Malaysia’s Palm Oil Advantage, Entry Point Projects 7: Commercialising Second Generation Biofuels (“EPP 7”). Lestari has secured an exclusive licence to commercialise the Mechano-enzymatic system for bioethanol production by forming a joint venture collaboration with the Arter Biofuel Products Limited. Lestari has also developed strategic collaboration partnership with Sirim (a wholly owned Government corporation for research and development, Kilang Minyak Sawit Meru Sdn Bhd and PT. Inkud Exchange (a joint venture company with Koperasi Unit Desa INDUK, Indonesia) and currently in the midst of finalising the collaboration with Felda Palm Industries Sdn Bhd, a subsidiary of Lembaga Kemajuan Tanah Persekutuan. It is envisaged that Lestari will be completing more than 600 bio-refinery modules lines in Malaysia and Indonesia within the next 5 years, which will have the capacity of producing up to 3.7 billion litres of bioethanol per annum. In view of the high capital expenditure involved in the production of the second generation bioethanol, Lestari is currently preparing the necessary documentation for an initial public offering (“IPO”) to raise additional funding requirements. The financial information of Lestari is set out in Appendix I. 2.4 Subscription Amount The Subscription Amount for the Proposed Subscription is RM20.0 million which shall be satisfied via internally generated fund and/ or bank borrowings. 2.5 Basis and justification for the Subscription Amount The Subscription Amount for the Proposed Subscription was arrived at on a willing buyer willing seller basis after taking into consideration the following:- 2.6 (a) the audited net assets (“NA”) of the Lestari of approximately RM599.9 million as at 30 November 2010; (b) the earnings potential of Lestari; (c) the potential capital gain arising from the IPO of Lestari; and (d) the par value of Lestari shares of RM1.00. Highest applicable percentage ratio The highest percentage ratio applicable to the Proposed Subscription, as prescribed under Rule 10.02 (g) of the ACE Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad is 50.1%. 3. RATIONALE FOR THE PROPOSED SUBSCRIPTION The Proposed Subscription is part of AsiaEP’s plan to mitigate the over-dependence on its existing core business of providing e-commerce solutions and developing e-market place for both local and international enterprises. The Board believes that renewable energy related business has long term prospects, as there is an increased demand for renewable energy products and more environmental-friendly energy sources. The Board expects the bioethanol industry to be a growth industry in the future and seeks to tap on the expertise as well as the research and development capabilities of Lestari in relation to the bioethanol industry. In addition, the Board believes that the Proposed Subscription would provide the opportunity to participate in a potentially high yielding asset, before its value is realised via the impending IPO of Lestari. 4. INDUSTRY OVERVIEW AND PROSPECTS 4.1 Overview and prospects of the bioethanol industry In 2009 alone, the palm-oil industry generated over 60 million tonnes of oil palm biomass in the form of EFB, tree fronds and trunks. The biomass potential especially for EFB is significantly underutilized and the industry norm of burning (to produce bunch ash fertilizer), composting and mulching is not the best use of these resources from either economic or an environmental perspective. The objective of the EPP 7 is to fast track the commercialization of second generation biofuels to leverage the biomass generated in the industry. Based on current technological progress, the production of bio oil using biomass-to-liquid technology is one of the best possible high-value utilization of biomass generated at mills and is ready for immediate commercialisation. With the available technology, the EFB will be treated and upgraded into uniform and useful fuels such as bioethanol. As Lestari is venturing into the business of bioethanol refinery, the government’s green initiatives as outlined in the EPP 7 augur well for the its growth prospect based on its strategic model of collaboration with the oil palm plantation companies where the latter will have the pre-emptive right to purchase the bioethanol produced from their supply of the empty fruit bunches. The use of bioethanol will bring about the eventual betterment of the environment in the future in terms of utilisation of waste generated from the palm oil industry and savings in the usage crude oil. 5. RISK FACTORS 5.1 Business risks Lestari was only incorporated in February 2010 and has not commenced any commercialization of its second generation bioethanol, thus has not generated any revenue to-date. In addition, Lestari is subject to certain risks inherent in the renewable energy industry. These may include changes in general economic conditions and political conditions, taxation, interest rates, foreign exchange and changes in business conditions such as, but not limited to, deterioration in prevailing market conditions, labour shortages, increase in costs of labour and materials. 5.2 Political, economic and regulatory risks Like all other business entities, changes in political, economic and regulatory conditions in Malaysia, could materially and adversely affect the financial and business prospects of Lestari. Amongst the political, economic and regulatory uncertainties are the changes in political leadership, expropriation, nationalisation, re-negotiation or nullification of existing contracts, interest rates and method of taxation. While Lestari will seek to limit the impact of such risks to its business by focusing on its core competencies, there is no assurance that any change in the above factors will not have a material adverse effect on the business and operations of Lestari. 5.3 Competition Lestari may face competition from both new entrants and established players in the renewable energy industry. The competitiveness of Lestari will depend on its technical expertise, production and process know-how, production management, marketing strategy and ability to provide the sustainable bioethanol products to meet the needs of the target market. Lestari will also emphasize on marketing and planning, constantly review its research and development and marketing strategy to respond to the changes of economic conditions and market demands in the renewable energy industry. Nonetheless, no assurance can be given that any change to these factors would not have any material adverse impact on the Lestari. 5.4 Dependence on the palm oil industry Lestari believes that the production activities and growth in the palm oil industry is supported by the importance and global growth in demand for palm oil products and various government initiatives to promote sustainable palm oil development and biomass energy. 5.5 Dependence on Executive Directors and key management team of Lestari Lestari believes that its continued success will depend, to a significant extent upon the abilities, capabilities and continued efforts of its Executive Directors and key management. The loss of Executive Directors or key management personnel of Lestari without suitable and timely replacement may adversely affect Lestari’s continued ability to compete effectively in the renewable energy industry. 5.6 Risks of investment Investment in unquoted company like Lestari, due to limited relevant past information on the management, product, market, financial and operating track record, is especially difficult to appraise and the proposed IPO of Lestari may or may not materialise. 6. EFFECTS OF THE PROPOSED SUBSCRIPTION 6.1 Share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholdings The Proposed Subscription would not have any effect on the share capital and substantial shareholders’ shareholdings in AsiaEP as it does not involve any new issuance of shares in AsiaEP. 6.2 NA and NA per share and gearing The proforma effects of the Proposed Subscription on the NA, NA per share and gearing of AsiaEP and its subsidiaries (“AsiaEP Group”) are as follows:Proforma I Proforma II Audited as at 28 February 2011 (RM’000) After the Private Placement (1) Share capital Treasury shares Reserves Accumulated losses Shareholders’ Funds 73,411 (738) 12,925 (45,670) 39,928 80,111 (738) 12,925 (45,740) (2) 46,558 After Proforma I and the Proposed Subscription (RM’000) 80,111 (738) 12,925 (45,740) 46,558 Number of AsiaEP Shares in issue NA per share (RM) Total borrowings Gearing (times) 734,110 0.054 - 801,112 0.058 - 801,112 0.058 18,000 (3) 0.39 Notes:(1) (2) (3) After taking into account the private placement of [51.0 million] new AsiaEP shares at the issue price of [RM0.10] each which was deemed completed on 5 October 2011 (“Private Placement”). After taking into account expenses of RM70,000 for the Private Placement. Assuming the balance of the Proposed Subscription amounting to RM18,000,000 will be funded via borrowings 6.3 Earnings per share (“EPS”) The Proposed Subscription is expected to be completed by the second half of calendar year 2012 and is not expected to have material any effect on the consolidated earnings and EPS of the AsiaEP Group for the financial year ending 29 February 2012. 7. APPROVALS REQUIRED The Proposed Subscription is subject to the following approvals being obtained:(a) the approval of the board of directors and shareholders of AsiaEP having been obtained for the subscription of the Subscription Shares under the SSA; (b) the approval of the board of directors and shareholders of Lestari been obtained for the issuance and subscription of the Subscription Shares on the terms set out in the SSA; (c) approvals from the relevant authorities for the listing of Lestari on Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad and/ or any other stock exchanges deemed appropriate; and (d) approvals from any other relevant authorities and/or any other parties, if required. The Proposed Subscription is not conditional upon any other corporate proposals undertaken by AsiaEP. 8. DIRECTORS AND MAJOR SHAREHOLDERS’ INTERESTS None of the Directors and major shareholders of AsiaEP together with persons connected to them (if any) has any interest, directly or indirectly, in the Proposed Subscription. 9. DIRECTORS’ STATEMENT The Board, having considered all aspects of the Proposed Subscription (including, but not limited to the rationale, the salient terms of the SSA, the prospects of Lestari, and the risks of the Proposed Subscription), is of the opinion that the Proposed Subscription is fair and reasonable and is in the best interest of the AsiaEP Group. 10. ESTIMATED TIME FRAME FOR COMPLETION Barring unforeseen circumstances and subject to the fulfillment of all the Conditions Precedent as outlined in Section 2.2 above, the Proposed Subscription is expected to be completed by the second half of calendar year 2012. A circular to shareholders containing further information on the Proposed Subscription shall be issued to the shareholders of AsiaEP in due course. The application to the relevant authorities for the listing of Lestari as part of the Conditions under the Proposed Subscription shall be made in due course. 11. ADVISER The Company shall appoint an adviser for the Proposed Subscription in due course. 12. DOCUMENTS AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION The SSA will be made available for inspection during normal working hours (except for public holidays) from the date of this announcement for a period of three (3) months at the Registered Office of AsiaEP at No. 18 & 20, Jalan TK 2/1C, Taman Kinrara Seksyen 2, 47180 Puchong, Selangor. This announcement is dated 10 October 2011. APPENDIX I FINANCIAL INFORMATION ON LESTARI A summary of the key audited financial data of Lestari for the financial period from 8 February 2010 to 30 November 2010 are as follows:Financial period from 8 February 2010 to 30 November 2010 (RM’000) Revenue Loss before tax Loss for the financial period Shareholders’ funds* Total borrowing (75) (75) 599,925 - Note: * Comprises mainly the intellectual property rights for the technology and know-how in respect of production of bioethanol from oil palm EFB and mechano-enzymatic system. Commentary As Lestari was only incorporated on 8 February 2010, its first year audited financial statement, was at 30 November 2010. As to date, Lestari has yet to commence its production of bioethanol .