Chemistry Semester 1 Final Exam Topics

Semester 1
Final Exam Topics
You will be able to use one 3x5 note card during the exam. A Periodic Table and Nomenclature
Data Sheet will be supplied during the exam.
Materials to bring:
 #2 pencils and eraser
 calculator
 Chapter 1: Introduction to Chemistry
o Key Terms: chemistry, scientific method, hypothesis, theory, natural law
Chapter 2: Matter and Change
o Key Terms: matter, atom, element, compound, mixture (homogeneous and
heterogeneous), filtration, distillation
o Be able to classify matter as an element, compound, mixture, etc.
o Know and understand the three states of matter (s,l,g)
o Be able to identify a chemical and a physical property and change
Chapter 3: Scientific Measurement
o Be able to write numbers in scientific notation and standard form
o Know the major units of measurement
o Be able to identify the number of significant figures in a measurement
o Be able to perform calculations using scientific notation and significant figures
o Be able to correctly round a number
o Be able to convert between units (dimensional analysis)
o Be able to convert between the Celsius and Kelvin temperature scales
o Understand and be able to solve density problems
Chapter 4: Atomic Structure
o Be able to identify elements on the periodic table
o Know the basic structure of an atom
o Be able to find the number of protons, electrons, neutrons, atomic number and
mass number for a neutral atom, ion, and isotope
o Know the diatomic gases
Chapter 5: Electrons in Atoms
o Key Terms: wavelength, frequency, electromagnetic radiation, ground state,
excited state, quantized
o Be able to calculate wavelength, frequency, and energy of electromagnetic
o Know how to determine the number of valence electrons
o Know how to recognize the correct electron configuration for an element
Chapter 6: The Periodic Table
o Be able to identify an element as a metal, nonmetal or metalloid
o Be able to identify an element as an alkali metal, alkaline earth metal, transition
metal, halogen, or noble gas
o Know trends of the periodic table for atomic size, ionization energy and
Chapter 7: Ionic Bonding and Chapter 8: Covalent Bonding
o Know how to determine the number of valence electrons for an element
o Know how cations and anions are formed
o Know the difference between an ionic, covalent and polar covalent bond
o Be able to determine bond type
o Be able to predict the formula for a compound
o Be able to draw Lewis Structures
o Be able to determine molecular geometry
Chapter 9: Chemical Names and Formulas
o Be able to name or write formulas for compounds (ionic, covalent, acids, hydrates
Chapter 10: Chemical Quantities
o Be able to calculate molar mass
o Know and understand what a mole is (Avogadro’s Number)
o Be able to convert between grams, moles, or atoms/molecules of a substance
Chapter 11: Chemical Reactions
o Be able to identify the reactants and products in a chemical equation
o Be able to balance a chemical equation
o Understand the difference between a coefficient and a subscript
o Be able to determine reaction type (Synthesis, Decomposition, Single Replacement,
Double Replacement, Acid Base, Oxidation-Reduction, Combustion)