Campus Services purchasing manual

Page No.
Procurement process
Placing an Order
New Suppliers
Completing an Order
Receiving Goods
Delivery Notes
Recycling/Reducing Packaging
Faulty Goods
Warranty Periods
Payment of Goods
Stocktaking & Stock Levels
Responsibility for Stock
Stock Records and Checks
Obsolescent Stock/’Write Offs’
Internal Audit
Gifts and Hospitality
Staff Purchases/Personal Use of CaS Materials and Equipment
Staff Purchases
Personal Use of CaS Materials and Equipment
Retention of Records and Disposal of Goods
Retention of Records
Disposal of Goods
Supplier Feedback Form
This purchasing manual is designed to assist purchasers within Campus Services (CaS) to
manage procurement, supplier payments and insurance matters.
This document is to be used in conjunction with the University’s Financial Regulations and
the Procurement Services Procurement Manual.
The main objectives of the procedures that follow this introduction are :to confirm the procedures set out in the Financial Regulations and the Procurement
to confirm the procedures for ‘anomolies’ unique to Campus Services, including the
use of Concept (FM system)
Each supplier will be assessed so that CaS achieve best value and value for money, which
are both part of the underlying principles within the University’s procurement policy when
purchasing goods and services. By concentrating on key suppliers, instead of using an
adhoc supply base, we will receive a more standardised product range and achieve greater
discounts on the prices we pay.
Standards of service & product quality are of utmost importance within our sector and without
them the business as a whole will not achieve its overall objective of continual improvement.
Supplier reviews will be conducted to ensure that CaS receives the best attention from its
supply chain. Supplier Feedback Forms can be used to obtain user feedback. This
information will then be discussed in detail with the supplier in question to make them aware
of the situation and to make improvements to the goods/services we receive.
All budget holders are reminded of the need to ensure that there must be a segregation of
duties in making financial commitments. In particular:
that there must be segregation of duties between the ordering and invoice approval
that all orders raised must be approved;
that authorisation limits must be adhered to; and
that telephone orders should be avoided or, if utilised, such orders must be confirmed
in writing, or by fax, and the documentation retained
If at any time you, as the user of this manual, have any concerns about the agreements in
place and whether they are offering our business value please do not hesitate to contact
Procurement Services by email ( or complete the Supplier
Feedback Form.
Please refer to the Procurement Manual and the Procurement Services website for full details
on the purchasing process, this includes flowcharts and tender documents.
You need to consider the following financial threshold limits for quotations :Spot purchases (less than £5,000) flowchart
Request for quotation (£5,000-£25,000) flowchart
*Property Services only: £5,000-£25,000 purchases are subject to JTC agreements please
refer to reactive vendor questionnaire (link to document required)
Invitation to tender (£25,000-£156,000) flowchart
EU Tender (£156,000 plus) flowchart
The above thresholds apply to the whole scope of supply. For example, if a service has been
requested that has a value of £60,000 pa. and the requirement is for 3 years then this
purchase will fall into the EU Tender Procedure (£180,000) and not the Official Tender
Procedure. Please be aware of this when requesting quotations for work and supply.
The procurement process is also governed by the University’s Financial Regulations.
'In-Tend' is a web-based eSourcing Management System used by University departments to
manage invitations to tender (ITT), requests for quotation (RFQ), e-auctions and contracts in
a clearer and simpler way. ‘In-Tend’ was developed by the University of Sheffield and is
owned by its members who each have a stake in the ‘In-Tend’ brand. The system consists of
3 distinct modules:
eTendering; Contract Management; & Active Bidding (eAuction)
‘In-Tend’ standardises the tendering process through a hosted web-based system. The
major benefits include transparency of the tender process and electronic storage of contract
documents. eTendering is linked with the Contract Management module, and provides a
greater visibility of contracts, including renewal dates and the ability to review supplier
performance regularly.
‘In-Tend’ allows University departments to manage tenders / RFQ's electronically and greatly
assists in controlling the tendering process, which has previously been carried out using
various systems. The new system frees considerable time so that each department can
spend more time managing other work and projects.
Link to further In-Tend information
All purchases, where possible, shall be entered into the University of Exeter’s Finance
Systems (APTOS/Parabilis eProcurement or Concept). The only permitted exceptions are
internal business transfers e.g., utilities, periodic payments of rent/rates, purchase card &
petty cash purchases, other exceptions at the discretion of Procurement Services.
Please refer to the Procurement Services website and/or the Procurement Manual for full
New suppliers
All of our main supply arrangements shall be provided from the APTOS ledger suppliers list
on the Procurement Services website.
If a new supplier is needed then a full assessment of their abilities to supply Campus
Services needs to take place. Any request should be sent in writing to Procurement Services
by using the New Supplier Form.
There will be times when Property Services need to make emergency purchases due
to H&S issues eg gas leak, roof blown off, wall fallen down. The emergency purchase
will be to assess and make the area safe (this will not include the repair of). They must
be authorised by the Head of Property Services, Deputy Director of Campus Services
or the Director of Campus. Due to the nature of these works it may be necessary to
use suppliers that are not on our approved supplier lists.
All orders shall be input into the University Finance Systems (APTOS/Parabilis eProcurement
or Concept), staff who are authorised to purchase goods and services are required to
undertake full training before using these systems. All new members of staff/or staff who
have not previously purchased goods and services should complete the APTOS registration
form APTOS registration form and/or the Concept registration form.
At present the system of proforma ordering by Kitchen Chef’s is the most appropriate way to
place orders with our suppliers. There will be a time when each kitchen will make their
purchases using APTOS/Parabilis to enter the product lines they order. When the delivery is
received it will be booked in against the purchase order lines, to allow invoice payment by
Finance & Systems.
The process above will only be implemented when APTOS/Parabilis has been fully evaluated
and can be established as the best way to provide a more efficient way of entering orders.
Delivery Notes
All goods received by CaS must be accompanied by a delivery note or priced invoice.
Goods supplied must be checked upon arrival against any Purchase Order/Requisition and
should comply with set standards agreed between the Supplier and University of Exeter.
The checking of goods is not a job that can be done after taking the delivery and must be
completed while delivery driver is present. Any discrepancies must be noted on the delivery
note and agreed with the driver before he/she leaves the premises. Failure to comply with
this will incur charges as CaS will have to pay for non-delivered goods. The excuse from the
delivery driver that they are busy is not acceptable and should be discussed with the
suppliers Account Manager.
*Stores only: if the checking of goods is not possible eg large piece of machinery/ boiler/
lamps. Then it should be makred clearly on the delivery note that the items have not been
Damaged/unacceptable goods should be pointed out to the driver with an explanation for
refusing to accept the goods. The driver should uplift them for return to his company. A
credit note for these goods should be issued by the driver. If the driver doesn’t give a credit
note then a note of the damaged goods must be recorded on the delivery note and reported
to the supplier for the goods to be picked up and credit note raised.
Delivered goods are to be stored as soon as practical, with empty packaging being disposed
of in the correct manner, recycling where possible.
Out of hours delivery must not happen unless specifically requested. Suppliers must be
informed of delivery schedules when a contract is awarded.
Recycling/Reducing Packaging
The University has various recycling routes and most packaging can be recycled. If there are
items of packaging which cannot be recycled then these should be identified to the supplier.
A discussion on how they can be minimised/disposed of should take place ie. return to the
supplier for them to dispose/identify other packaging which can be recycled at the University.
Procurement Services can assist in reducing the amount of packaging which is disposed as
general waste (sent to landfill) with a supplier if required. Please contact the Waste and
Recycling Assistant for further assistance.
Faulty Goods
Inform the supplier of any problem by phone and confirm in writing, detailing the fault with the
product/equipment. Ensure to make a note of all dealings with the supplier, so there is a trail
of evidence of who said what, this will help when a follow up call is made, if needed. Keep a
record of the person spoken to, date/time and brief conversation.
Please use the Supplier Feedback Form to report the problem if necessary.
Warranty Periods
A minimum warranty of 12 months from date of purchase is normally given for most
consumer goods i.e., large equipment, electrical goods. Full advantage must be taken of any
warranty and a note should be made when the warranty expires, so that an assessment can
be made of any repairs near the end of the agreement, which can be claimed on the
warranty. Extended Warranties are available for most consumer goods, before taking such a
policy out a full assessment of whole life costs should be carried out to ensure that such a
warranty is justified. While a warranty can extend the life of the goods a balance of how
much this costs is in proportion to the market value of the goods needs to be considered.
When a purchase order is raised for goods and services in APTOS/Parabilis/Concept, the
supplier will send an invoice requesting payment. This invoice is sent direct to the
department where the order was created.
The delivery note and purchase order shall be matched against this invoice. If the invoice
does not match, the supplier will need to be contacted to inform them of the discrepancy.
When all discrepancies have been agreed the invoice then needs to be registered in APTOS.
The ordering of food and liquor for kitchens and bars together with Property Services
purchases made through Concept are not currently entered into APTOS/Parabilis. Invoices
for these goods should be signed by an authorised person at the appropriate level (refer to
F&S document) and sent with delivery notes attached to Finance & Systems for payment.
It is an audit requirement that duties shall be 'segregated' and not one person has the
authority to place an order, receive the goods and process the invoice for payment. This
process should be done by different people' as per the University’s Financial
Please refer to N:\HS DOCUMENTATION\HS Financial Services\
HSFINANCEAPTOSPR5.9.pdf for further information on APTOS
Responsibility for Stock
The Unit Manager is responsible for the custody and control of stocks and stores within their
unit, monitoring such records as appropriate.
The level of stockholding must not be in excess of normal requirements except in special
circumstances agreed with their Line Manager.
Stock Records and Checks
Unit Managers should arrange independent spot checks from time to time and a full check in
line with the N:\HS DOCUMENTATION\HS Financial Services\
Obsolescent Stock /’Write-off’s’
When stock becomes obsolescent or surplus to requirements, it should be disposed of in the
correct manner using the guidance stated in this manual. A written record should be kept of
all 'write-off's' for each unit and made available when stockchecks are completed.
The internal audit service is responsible for conducting an independent appraisal of all
Campus Services activities. This service provides assistance to management by evaluating
and reporting to them on the effectiveness of the controls for which they are responsible. It
remains the duty of management, not the internal auditor, to operate an adequate system of
internal control.
Please refer to the University’s Financial Handbook for further information
It is an offence under the Prevention of Corruption Act 1906 for members of staff to accept
corruptly any gift or consideration as an inducement or reward for doing, or refraining from
doing, anything in an official capacity or showing favour or disfavour to any person in an
official capacity.
For further information on ‘Gifts and Hospitality’ please refer to the University's Financial
Staff Purchases
Senior members of Staff should not authorise any:
* Purchase orders and/or contracts for private purchases by staff
* Invoice payments for private purchases
* Purchasing card payments for private purchases
* Expense claims
in respect of such purchases.
Staff wishing to obtain goods etc. from suppliers who offer 'staff affinity' discounts on goods
and services, must enter into such agreements direct with the supplier concerned.
Personal Use of CaS Materials & Equipment
CaS materials and/or equipment should not be used for private purposes during normal
working hours. Where such items are used outside normal hours, this must be with the prior
written approval of the member of staff's line manager and after agreement has been
reached on recompensing CaS.
Written approval must be given by a member of staff's line manager for CaS property to be
kept and used off campus, e.g. at an employee's home, or other address.
documentation must contain a full description, including quantities and serial numbers, of all
of the items removed from campus e.g. computer equipment. The line manager must hold a
copy of this record on file. The member of staff must ensure that the property is fully insured
by private insurance cover whilst it is in his/her possession. CaS retains the right to demand
sight of evidence of appropriate insurance being maintained.
All equipment loaned to an employee must be returned to his/her line manager upon
termination of his/her employment with CaS.
Retention of Records
Document Type
Quotations/tender documents, orders, 7
Years after
and order records
Invoices for Goods/Services
6 Years
Order records should be sufficient to justify the action taken in each case.
For further information, please refer to the Records Management Services website
Disposal of Goods
Departments are responsible for ensuring that all serviceable equipment no longer required is
disposed of in a controlled manner, having regard to its possible use by another department.
Departments should advertise their surplus goods internally before seeking any external
Disposal shall be executed in a manner that will accrue maximum financial or service
advantage to Campus Services and shall be conducted in such a way as to rebut any
possible allegations of waste of public funds or of showing undue preferences to any party.
Written competitive offers should be obtained wherever possible and should be retained for
audit check if required. All disposals must be authorised at the appropriate managerial level.
Please contact the Waste and Recycling Assistant for further assistance.
Link to Disposal of equipment form
Supplier Feedback Form
This form is to be used to formally record a serious complaint or provide feedback with one of
our suppliers. In the first instance any complaint should be directed to the supplier
concerned by the Unit Manager. If this is not possible, the matter will be taken further by
Procurement Services to resolve.
Please send this form with any supporting information to Campus Services, University of
Exeter, Streatham Farm, Prince of Wales Road, EX4 4PX.
Name of Supplier:
____________________________ Tel No:
Date of Complaint:
Details of Complaint: (please provide APTOS/Parabilis order number if applicable)
Action taken: (Please state dates and names of people involved)
By Unit Manager:
By Supplier:
Has the compliant been resolved ? Yes/No
Unit Name:
Manager’s Name:
Date: ____________