Microsoft Word 97

David Stanton White
619 Hunters Run
Mebane, NC 27302
(919) 563-6065
To obtain a career position with a company that will benefit from my web design, development, and programming
Languages: HTML/DHTML, Perl, JavaScript, TCL, PHP3, Unix shell scripting, SQL, ASP.
Web Servers/Environments: Apache/Stronghold, Microsoft IIS, Netscape Enterprise Server, Microsoft PWS, Vignette
StoryServer 4.2/5.0.
Databases: MySQL, mSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, Microsoft Access, ndbm.
Operating Systems: Redhat Linux, Digital UNIX, Windows NT, DOS, Windows 95/98/NT/3.x, Macintosh OS, VMS.
Hardware: PC (x86 architecture), Macintosh.
Graphic Applications: Macromedia Fireworks, Adobe Photoshop, Gimp.
Other Applications: X Windows, Microsoft FrontPage 98, Microsoft Visual InterDev, Verity,
RealPlayer/RealEncoder/RealServer, Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Office.
Highly proficient in the use of the Internet and World Wide Web. Skilled in developing creative solutions to problems
using a variety of programming languages. Able to solve problems with little or no guidance. Able to work well
individually or within a team. Skilled at writing robust, well-documented and customizable, easily-maintainable
Senior Developer, E-commerce division, Interpath Communications, Raleigh, NC. March, 2000 – present.
Performed requirement analysis, prototyping, development, and maintenance of applications written in Perl and MySQL,
and TCL using Vignette StoryServer 5 and SQL Server on the back end.
 One application, written in Perl, processes the website changes a customer sends to us 2-5 times a day. The script
receives a file in ZIP, tar, or tar-gzip format (uploaded via the Web), extracts the files, installs the files where they
belong (based on their directory names), and emails the sender a summary of the processing. All information is
logged and errors are caught and handled gracefully. This has eliminated the need for Interpath to manually process
these files, which generally took 30-90 minutes each day.
Webmaster and System Administrator, Grace Reformed Baptist Church, Mebane, NC. March, 1997 - present.
Volunteered to design and create a website for our church. Created new graphics and edited photos for use on the site
using Adobe PhotoShop and Macromedia Fireworks. Designed and implemented the site layout. Below is a summary of
my other projects for this site:
 Each week I encode audio sermons into RealAudio format for downloading or streaming.
 I wrote Perl scripts to track how often the RealAudio sermons are accessed.
 I administered the website’s Windows NT IIS server. I have since migrated the website to a Linux machine, on
which I have compiled and installed an Apache webserver, a logfile analysis tool (Analog), and a RealNetworks
server for RealAudio file streaming.
 I have also created several UNIX and FTP accounts for administrators of other websites, which are served off the
same Linux machine.
 Previously, the Linux server had a DSL connection to the Internet while the seven Windows 95 PCs in the church
offices relied on a dial-up connection to access the Internet. Over this summer, I configured the Linux webserver into
a file server and Internet gateway for the PCs in the church office. This involved connecting the Linux machine to the
internal church network (using a second NIC), recompiling the Linux kernel, installing IPCHAINS on the server for
IP masquerading, and assigning a private class-C TCP/IP address to each Windows 95 machine. I also installed
Samba for file sharing, and configured the Linux box to also serve as a mail gateway. As a result, each pastor now
has their own email address and can access the Internet directly through the Linux gateway machine (and
its DSL connection), removing the need to pay for a slower dial-up connection.
 I have installed a modem and configured mgetty on the Linux server to perform two tasks. First, it receives incoming
faxes to the church and prints them out on a printer shared by a Windows 95 machine, via Samba. Also, it allows
people to establish a dial-up connection with the server and access the Internet using the server as a gateway. This
allows the server to function as a mini-ISP and has eliminated the need for our pastors to pay for ISP connections.
GRBC Website:
Web Manager, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Chapel Hill, NC. July, 1999 – March, 2000.
Responsible for the development and daily maintenance of the corporate intranet. Wrote custom Perl CGI applications
and UNIX tools for multiple departments within the company.
Senior Information Technology Analyst, Persimmon IT, Inc., Durham, NC. June, 1996 – May, 1999.
Responsible for the design, building, content creation, and maintenance of many clients' websites. Wrote CGI
applications and a number of custom tools (both Internet- and non-Internet-related) using TCL, Perl, JavaScript, UNIX
shell scripts, PHP3, and C. Installed and customized Apache, Microsoft IIS, Netscape, and proprietary web servers.
Integrated websites and databases to build customer login and problem tracking applications. Below is a summary of
some of my projects:
Designed, developed, and implemented a web-based timecard program, written in TCL and JavaScript, to allow
employees to record the number of hours worked on each project. Includes tools to simplify the client billing process
for project coordinators. Also includes a tool to determine, based on the timesheet database, how much vacation,
holiday, and sick time an employee has earned and used. This replaced a paper timesheet system in which employees
manually added up the number of hours worked on a project and personally kept count of the number of time-off days
User Interface:
Administration Interface:
Rewrote a third-party helpdesk program for Persimmon’s Technical Support group to provide a centralized webbased system for assigning, modifying, and closing out trouble tickets submitted by employees and customers. This
has made the process of requesting and receiving technical assistance much easier and faster for both employees and
clients, and has greatly reduced the number of forgotten or overlooked requests.
Consulted with Persimmon’s Validation Manager to create a web-based document review system, written in PHP3 (a
server-side scripting language similar to ASP) and using a MySQL database. The system allows a project leader to
submit a document for review to any number of other employees, then track which employees have and have not yet
reviewed the document. The project leader can then optionally send a follow-up reminder to any or all of the nonrespondents. This replaced the informal method of emailing and manually tracking any documents that needed to be
Developed a service request tool, written in TCL, to allow any department to request web, print, or user-interface
designs service from our department. This system replaced a disorganized email, paper, and word-of-mouth request
system and put an end to requests being lost or overlooked.
User Interface:
Administration Interface:
Engineered a user-authentication system, written in PHP3, that allows users to be authenticated when they login using
a MySQL or mSQL database. Includes support for authentication based on group membership, and administrative
tools to easily add, modify, or delete users. This system was used on several websites where access needed to be
restricted to certain people or groups, and where hundreds of user and group accounts needed to be easily managed.
User Interface:
(Username: demouser
password: demo)
Administration Interface:
(Username: administrator
password: demo)
User database - registration:
User database - administration:
(Username: administrator
password: demo)
Built a logfile analysis tool, written in a series of UNIX shell scripts, to analyze and generate a number of real-time
reports on proprietary Persimmon logfiles. The reports allowed website managers to easily see statistics based on
their site hits, including which users were currently logged in, what web browsers were most popular, where visitors
were coming from, and several other reports.
Independent Consultant.
Established a business to perform a number of services at UNC and Covenant College including disk repair, hardware
installation, and training. Served as webmaster and application builder for several companies, including the design and
construction of Time Warner’s Digital Cable website for the Raleigh service area.
Software Engineering Team Leader, Covenant College, Georgia. January, 1996 - May, 1996.
Led a team responsible for setting up the official website for Covenant College. Wrote many HTML pages and CGI
scripts. Administered a RedHat Linux system. Created a database of faculty/student names and phone numbers using
MySQL. Wrote a web interface to the directory database. Compiled, patched, and installed several software packages
including an Apache web server and X Windows.
Computer Lab Manager, Covenant College, Georgia. August, 1994 - May 1996.
Responsible for the daily operation of an IBM computer lab as well as scheduling work hours for lab assistants. Solved
problems related to a wide variety of software packages. Taught students and faculty how to use Microsoft Office. Wrote
tutorials on subjects including disk formatting and special Microsoft Word functions. Installed a variety of software
packages and operating systems.
Consultant, Technical Assistance Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. May, 1992 - August, 1994.
Provided technical support for laptop and desktop computers and UNC-administered central systems. Diagnosed and
repaired damaged Macintosh and IBM computers, floppy disks and hard disks. Initiated virus-prevention methods in
campus computer laboratories. Advised clients with computer purchasing questions. Wrote documentation for anti-virus
and terminal emulation software. Wrote web pages and tutorials on obtaining and using Internet accounts. Installed
hardware, including motherboards, hard drives, memory, and expansion cards.
Bachelor of Arts Degree - May 7, 1996
Covenant College, Lookout Mountain, GA
August, 1994 - May, 1996
Major: Information and Computer Science
Graduated Magna Cum Laude
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC
August, 1991 - May, 1994
Major: Mathematical Sciences
National Merit Scholarship recipient.
Covenant College Merit Scholarship recipient.
Dean's List - Fall 1991 (UNC), 1994-1995 (Covenant College).
Computers, theology, literature, singing, drama, tennis, volleyball.
References are available upon request.
A website demonstrating some of my past projects can be seen at