Wroclaw School of Banking Faculty of Finance and Management Academic year: 2015/2016 SYLLABUS Degree type: Bachelor (BA) Semester: 3 Code: ACC Subject status: business core Form of study: full-time Language: English Management Form of / number of hours Form of credit Name of subject / module: ACCOUNTING Full-time 30 hours Class - note [Eg] ECTS points Total points for subject 5 Points for lectures Points gained during ECTS points for classes with an exercises, projects, academic teacher or workshops present (labs) 0 ECTS points for student's own work (homework, etc) 3 2 Subject coordinator: mgr Martyna Gagat Subject tutor: mgr Martyna Gagat 1. Preliminary requirements: 1.1. regarding knowledge, skills and social competences: basic knowledge of economy and accounting purpose 2. Foundations and teaching objectives: The subject objectives are to ensure the understanding of accounting rules and principles, its role in the company, identify user groups and characteristics of financial statements. After completing the course students will be able to explain the need for accounting records, explain the principles of double entry bookkeeping, prepare the bookkeeping entries for costs and revenue, recognize balance sheet elements. 3. Detailed teaching objective of the module/subject: Effect code Name of education effect Reference to the teaching objectives of the general study program KNOWLEDGE ACC_K1 Students understand the nature and functions of accounting K_W01 ACC_K2 Students understand the rules of measuring and recording economic transactions K_W02 ACC_K3 Students can record profit and loss statement transactions K_W05, K_W06 ACC_K4 Students understand the objectives of financial reporting K_W10, K_W11 SKILLS ACC_S1 Students identify particular assets and liabilities categories K_U07 ACC_S2 Students can record economic transactions K_U07 ACC_S3 Students can classify costs and revenues K_U07 ACC_S4 Students can calculate profit and loss K_U07 ACC_S5 Students develop their analytical skills K_U07 SOCIAL COMPETENCES ACC_C1 Students actively participate in classes K_K01 ACC_C2 Students are engaged in team work K_K01 ACC_C3 Students are able to participate in the discussion, provide arguments and draw conclusions K_K01 4. Detailed curriculum No Contents Teaching objective of the module or subject 1 The purpose of accounting ACC_K1,ACC_C1 2 Accounting principles ACC_K1, ACC_K2 3 Financial statements: elements and use 4 Accounting systems ACC_K2, ACC_S2 5 Characteristics of balance sheet accounts ACC_K2, ACC_S2 6 Characteristics of profit and loss accounts ACC_K2, ACC_K3, ACC_S2 7 Types of costs ACC_C2, ACC_K3, ACC_S2, ACC_S3 8 Revenue ACC_C2, ACC_K3, ACC_S2, ACC_S3 9 Profit and loss calculation ACC_C1, ACC_C2, ACC_S2, ACC_S4, ACC_S5 ACC_K4, ACC_C1, ACC_C3 ACC_K4,, ACC_S4, ACC_S5, ACC_C3 10 Profit and loss statement 11 Assets ACC_S1,ACC_C2 12 Liabilities ACC_S1,ACC C2 13 Balance sheet ACC_K4, ACC_S1, ACC_S5, ACC_C1, ACC_C2 14 Profit and loss statement and balance sheet in the financial statement ACC_K4, ACC_S5, ACC_C1, ACC_C3 5. Teaching methods lntroduction to class- theory part, practical exercises, team work, case study 6. Individual work of student required Preparation to classes, practical exercises completing 7. Fundamental / obligatory literature 1. Fess P.E., Warren C.S., Accounting Principles, South-Western Publishing CO., 1987, 15th edition or later 2. Flamholtz E.G., Flamholtz D. T., Diamond M. A., Financial Accounting, Macmillan Publishing Company, 1986 8. Supplementary literature (including other teaching aids like legal acts, jurisdictions, scientific articles, etc.) 3. Meigs W.B., Meigs R.F., Accounting: the basis for business decisions, McGraw-Hill 1987, 7 th edition 4. Alfredson K., Leo K., Picker R., Pacter P., Radford J., Wise V., Applying International Financial Reporting Standards, John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd., 2007 5. International Federation of Accountants, www.ifac.org 9. Conditions of credit During the course students will have the opportunity to collect points for different kind of activities. The final note will consist of the sum of points granted for: 1. Activity during the class 2. The results of 2 tests during the semester: individual, single choice, approximately 15-20 questions each, 4 answers 3. Practical exercises 10. Methods of verification of reaching the desired teaching objectives (effects) Verification method Teaching objective Class activity Test Practical exercise ACC_K1 x x x ACC_K2 x x x ACC_K3 x x x ACC_K4 x x x x x ACC_S1 ACC_S2 x x ACC_S3 x x ACC_S4 x x ACC_S5 x x ACC_C1 x ACC_C2 x x ACC_C3 x x