TUGAS-1 ENTREPENEURSHIP Disusun oleh : Linda Setyawati 21107744 Ak-3 AKUNTANSI FAKULTAS EKONOMI UNIVERSITAS KOMPUTER INDONESIA BANDUNG 2012 Google Buys a Major Stake in the Online Display Ad Business By the beginning of 2007, Google was making billions as the leading supplier of search-related advertising. However, the company had made little progress in the other important part of online advertising: graphical and multimedia display ads. The display ad business was heating up as major advertisers grew more interested in reaching consumers online. In addition to the option of using display ads, these advertisers wanted to be able to run entire ad campaigns across carefully selected websites while targeting viewers based on their online behavior. To compete in this booming market, Google CEO Eric Schmidt knew his firm needed to boost its resources and capabilities, and fast. With more money than time on its hands, Google opted to buy rather than build. In April 2007, the company purchased DoubleClick, a pioneer in online advertising. For $3.1 billion in cash, Google acquired an experienced engineering and sales team and DoubleClick’s extensive ad serving and tracking technologies. These systems allow advertisers to target ads to specific types of web surfers, controlling where, when-and to an increasing degree-who sees their ads. The systems also let advertisers monitor the effectiveness of their ads by tallying click-through rates and other key data. The acquisition brought more than just talent and technology, however. In the words of one industry executive, DoubleClick had “relationships with virtually every major online publisher and more than half of the online ad agencies.” With advertising at the core of its business model and major advertising capabilities, Google helped secure its future with one swift move. Speaking of swift moves, competitive urgency also played a significant role in the purchase decision. The online advertising industry was quickly consolidating during that time frame, with the three major companies-Google, Yahoo!, and Microsoft-each trying to assemble the most compelling one-stop solution to entice big-name advertisers. A few months earlier, Yahoo! had purchased a minority stake in Right Media, a company with capabilities similar to DoubleClick’s, and Microsoft was competing with Google to buy DoubleClick. Then soon after Google snagged DoubleClick, Yahoo! bought the rest of Right Media, and Microsoft turned around and shelled out $6 billion in cash for aQuantive, another major player in display advertising. Within the course of a few months, the entire industry was reshaped. Of course, as with all mergers and acquisitions, the deal is only the beginning, not the end. Google still needs to integrate DoubleClick’s people, technologies, and business relationships into its existing operations. The company also faces some criticism and government review of the deal. Privacy advocates weren’t happy that Google could now analyze the search, browsing, and even buying habits of online consumers (although DoubleClick stressed at the time of the acquisition that data on web-surfing habits belongs to its clients and was therefore off-limits to Google). The federal Trade Commission (FTC) also stepped in to review the deal. Although few people expect the FTC to prohibit Google from finalizing the acquisition, it could eventually require the company to sell off some parts of its newly combined operations to avoid giving it too much competitive dominance in the market. Critical Thinking Questions 1. Why wouldn’t Google take the simpler and cheaper route of creating a strategic alliance with DoubleClick, rather than purchasing the company outright? 2. The FTC doesn’t have the authority to stop the Google acquisition on the basis of privacy concerns, but should it? Why or why not? 3. What are the risks of buying a company simply to keep it out of a competitor’s hands? What is likely to happen to the acquired firm when this happens? Jawaban : 1. Karena Google ingin bersaing dipasar khususnya dunia periklanan online dengan meningkatkan meningkatkan sumber daya dan kemampuan dengan cepat. Google juga melihat dua perusahaan pesaingnya Yahoo dan Microsoft yang berusaha menarik nama besar peingklan. Dalam hal ini Google tidak ingin kalah saing dengan menciptakan aliansi strategis dengan DoubleClick. DoubleClick merupakan peusahaan pelopor iklan online. Namun Google masih perlu mengintegrasikan orang DoubleClik, teknologi dan hubungan bisnis ke dalam operasi yang ada. Google membeli perusahaan DoubleClick hanya untuk menjaganya dari tangan pesaing yang menjadi perusahaan besar. 2. Karena FTC tidak ada hubungan bisnis dengan Google sehingga tak dapat menghentikan akuisisi Google. Tapi pada saat akuisisi data di web-surfing biasanya dimiliki klien bukan kekuasaan Google, maka pendukung privasi tidak senang dengan Google dapat menganalisis pencarian browsing. 3. Perusahaan yang diakuisisi harus menjual beberapa operasi yang baru dikombinasikan untuk menghindari memberikan terlalu banyak dominasi kompetitif di pasar yang akan di canangkan oleh Federal Trade Commision (FTC). ONLINE Visit Google’s website at www.google.com and click on “Advertising Programs”. If you were a sole proprietor, how could you use these services to promote your business? If you were the advertising manager of a major corporation, how might you use Google’s advertising services? (For the latest information on Google’s acquisition of DoubleClick and other strategic mergers, visit www.prenhall.com/bovee and click on “Real-Time Updates.”) Jawaban : Jika saya menjadi pemilik tunggal, saya hanya cukup memberi perintah kepada bagian periklanan untuk mempromosikan barang-barang di program periklanan Google. Namun, jika saya menjadi manajer iklan, saya akan menggunakan layanan itu dengan cara menciptakan iklan dengan nuansa yang menarik , memilih kata-kata kunci, anggaran dan menentukan dibagian mana (strategis) iklan akan ditampilkan, Memaksimalkan potensi pendapatan situs web Anda dengan iklan bertarget kontekstual Questions for Review 1. What are the three basic forms of business ownership? 2. What is the difference between a general and a limited partnership? 3. What is a closely held corporation, and why do some companies choose this form of ownership? 4. What is the role of a company’s board of directors? 5. What is culture clash? Jawaban : 1. Bentuk kepemilikan bisnis berbeda-beda pada setiap Negara, namun ada beberapa bentuk yang dianggap umum, yaitu : Perusahaan perseorangan Perusahaan perseorangan adalah bisnis yang kepemilikannya dipegang oleh satu orang. Pemilik perusahaan perseorangan memiliki tanggung jawab tak terbatas atas harta perusahaan. Artinya, apabila bisnis mengalami kerugian, pemilik lah yang harus menanggung seluruh kerugian itu. Persekeutuan Persekutuan adalah bentuk bisnis dimana dua orang atau lebih bekerja sama mengoperasikan perusahaan untuk mendapatkan profit. Sama seperti perusahaan perseorangan, setiap sekutu (anggota persekutuan) memiliki tanggung jawab tak terbatas atas harta perusahaan. Persekutuan dapat dikelompokkan menjadi persekutuan komanditer dan firma Perseroan Perseroan adalah bisnis yang kepemilikannya dipegang oleh beberapa orang dan diawasi oleh dewan direktur. Setiap pemilik memiliki tanggung jawab yang terbatas atas hartaperusahaan Koperasi Koperasi adalah bisnis yang beranggotakan orang-orang atau badan hukum koperasi dengan melandaskan kegiatannya berdasarkan prinsip koperasi sekaligus sebagai gerakan ekonomi rakyat yang berdasarkan asas kekeluargaan. Koperasi bertujuan untuk menyejahterakan anggotanya. Karateristik utama koperasi yang membedakan dengan badan usaha lain adalah anggota koperasi memiliki identitas ganda. Identitas ganda maksudnya anggota koperasi merupakan pemilik sekaligus pengguna jasa koperasi. 2. Perbedaan umum dan kemitraan terbatas? Rekanan umum adalah pemilik yang mempunyai kewajiban tidak terbatas dan aktif dalam mengelola perusahaan Rekanan terbatas adalah pemilik yang mempunyai kewajiban terbatas dan tidak akrif dalam mengelola perusahaan. 3. Role of a company’s board of directors berisi tugas-tugas / deadline-deadline yang ditugaskan oleh direktur kepada karyawan / bawahannya, sebagai suatu target / acuan perusahaan dalam jangka waktu yang ditentukan dan semua karyawan bisa melaksanakan tugas sesuai dengan fungsinya. 4. Di Indonesia pengaturan terhadap direktur terdapat dalam UU No. 40 Tahun 2007 Tentang Perseroan Terbatas dijabarkan fungsi, wewenang, dan tanggung jawab direksi. Seorang direktur atau dewan direksi dalam jumlah direktur dalam suatu perusahaan (minimal satu), yang dapat dicalonkan sebagai direktur, dan cara pemilihan direktur ditetapkan dalam anggaran dasar perusahaan. Pada umumnya direktur memiliki tugas antara lain: a. memimpin perusahaan dengan menerbitkan kebijakan-kebijakan perusahaan b. memilih, menetapkan, mengawasi tugas dari karyawan dan kepala bagian (manajer) c. menyetujui anggaran tahunan perusahaan d. menyampaikan laporan kepada pemegang saham atas kinerja perusahaan Tanggung jawab dari direktur kepada pihak ketiga dan hukum ditentukan dari jenis perusahaan yang didirikan (Firma, Persekutuan Komanditer (CV), atau Perseroan Terbatas (PT)) 5. Ada beberapa benturan budaya dalam kewirausahaan, yaitu : Menurut James A.F.Stoner dan Charles Wankel menjelaskan bahwa konflik dapat digolongkan sebagai berikut : 1. konflik intrapersonal adalah konflik yang terdapat dalam diri seseorang, konflik ini terjadi ketika jika pada suatu waktu yang sama seseorang memiliki dua keinginan yang tidak mungkin dipenuhi sekaligus. 2. Konflik interpersonal adalah suatu pertentangan yang terjadi antara seseorang dengan orang lain karena adanya perbedaan kepentingan atau keinginan, konflik ini biasa terjadi antara dua orang yang berbeda status, jabatan, bidang kerja dan lain-lain. 3. Konflik Antar Individu dan Kelompok. Questions for Analysis 6. Why is it advisable for partners to enter into a formal partnership agreement? 7. To what extend do shareholders control the activities of a corporation? 8. How might a company benefit from having a diverse board of directors that includes representatives of several industries, countries, and cultures? 9. Why do so many mergers fail? 10. Ethical Considerations. Your father sits on the board of directors of a large, well-admired public company. Yesterday, while looking for an envelope in his home office, you stumbled on a confidential memorandum. Unable to resist the temptation to read the memo, you discovered that your father’s company about the possibility of a merger, with Dad’s company being the survivor. Dollar signs flashed in your mind. Should the merger occur, the value of the other company’s stock is likely to soar. You’re tempted to log onto your E*TRADE account in the morning and place an order for 1,000 shares of that company’s stock. Better still, maybe you’ll give a hot tip to your best friend in exchange for the four Cherrybelle tickets your friend has been flashing in your face all week. Would either of those actions be unethical? Explain your answer. Jawaban : 6. Dalam kewirausahaan harus mengikuti perjanjian kemitraan formal agar mitra yang mengikuti kerjasama dengan perusahaan dapat mengikuti aturan-aturan yang diberlakukan. Ada beberapa hal meskipun bahwa setiap perjanjian dibuat dengan baik harus memiliki. Pertama, itu akan berisi semua rincian utama tentang manajemen dan persentase masing-masing pasangan kepemilikan. Kedua, itu akan mengandung persentase masing-masing pasangan dari keuntungan. Ketiga, akan berisi bagaimana perselisihan atau konflik akan diselesaikan dan jika salah satu keinginan, bahkan dapat mengandung saat pertemuan akan diadakan. 7. Pemegang saham diberikan hak khusus tergantung dari jenis saham, termasuk hak untuk memberikan suara dalam hal seperti pemilihan dewan direksi, hak untuk pembagian dari pendapatan perusahaan, hak untuk membeli saham baru yang dikeluarkan oleh perusahaan, dan hak terhadap asset perusahaan pada saat likuidasi perusahaan. Namun, hak pemegang saham terhadap asset perusahaan berada di bawah hak kreditor perusahaan. Ini berarti bahwa pemegang saham biasanya tidak menerima apa pun bila suatu perusahaan yang dilikuidasi setelah kebangkrutan, meskipun sebuath saham dapat memiliki harga setelah kebangkrutan bila ada kemungkinan bahwa hutang perusahaan akan direstrukturisasi. 8. from having a diverse board of directors, kita dapat mengklasifikasikan mereka ke berbagai spesific yang berbeda dan dari perbandingan yang beragam tentunya akan memberikan gambaran secara gamblang kelemahan dan kekurangan dari masing-masing dewan direksi. 9. 1. kurangnya pemikiran strategis yang menarik / tepat 2. kegagalan untuk mempertahankan performa 3. kegagalan dalam perencanaan postmerger 4. permasalahan finansial / hutang yang berlebihan 5. perbedaan budaya antar-organisasi yang terlibat merger 10. Itu merupakan tindakan yang tidak etis, karena berawal dari memorandum yang ditemukan adalah rahasia. Selain itu, ada pertimbangan yang harus dihindari untuk mengambil keputusan ikut masuk menanam saham. Perusahaan yang di pegang bapak akan menjadi korban, dimana akan merugikan perusahaan bapak. Questions for Application 11. Suppose you and some friends want to start a business to take tourist on wilderness backpacking expeditions. None of you has much extra money, so your plan is to start small. However, if you are successful, you would like to expand into other types of outdoor tours and perhaps even open up branches in other locations. What form of ownership should your new enterprise take, and why? 12. How This Affect You. Do you own or have you ever considered owning stock? If so, what steps have you taken to ensure that company management has shareholder interest in mind/ 13. Integrated. You’ve developed considerable expertise in setting up new manufacturing plants, and now you’d like to strike out on your own as a consultant who advises other companies. However, you recognized that manufacturing activity tends to expand and contract at various times during the business cycle. Do you think a single-consultant sole proprietorship or a small corporation with a half dozen or more consultants would be better able to ride out tough times at the bottom of a business cycle? Jawaban : 11. Bentuk kepemilikan perkumpulan umum / Persekutuan , karena awal ide ini muncul bersamasama teman dan dalam kepemilikan persekutuan modalpun mudah jika ditanggung bersama-sama, melihat kasus diatas tak satupun memiliki banyak uang tambahan dan dimulai bersama-sama dari kecil. selain itu, mungkin akan lebih membantu karena adanya teman bertukar pikiran dan tentu setiap pemilik saham pasti memiliki relasi walaupun tidak seperti yang diharapkan. 12. Ya, saya punya. Saya akan mendiskusikan dengan seluruh dewan direksi bahwa pentingnya peranan pemegang saham dalam mengendalikan keseimbangan keuangan perusahaan. Pengaturan perjanjian-perjanjian yang disepakati seperti pembagian keuntungan, kerugian, harga aset, juga harta perusahaan. 13. Setiap konsultan memiliki funsinya masing-masing perbidang. Ketika suatu perusahaan berada dimasa-masa sulitnya disaat itulah fungsi dari berbagai konsultan memberikan pendapat-pendapat sebagai pertimbangan pengambilan keputusan. Selain itu, mencoba memeriksa apa yang menjadi titik kelemahan maupun titik kelebihan dari perusahaan tersebut. apabila itu merugikan akan diperbaiki kembali dan apabila menguntungkan akan lebih ditingkatkan . Sharpening Your Communication Skill You have just been informed that your employer is going to merge with a firm in Thailand. Because you know very little about Thailand culture and business practices, you think it might be a good idea to do some preliminary research-just in case you have to make a quick trip overseas. Using the Internet or library sources, find information on Thailand culture and customs and prepare a short report discussing such cultural differences as social values, decision-making customs, concepts of time, use of body language, social behavior and manners, and legal and ethical behavior. Jawaban : Seringkali bahasa merupakan pembatas untuk saling berkomunikasi dengan antar warga negara. Dengan beragam perbedaan budaya, perilaku, hukum dan etika yang berlaku masing-masing. Namun hal ini bisa dipersempit jika kita mempelajari cara berkomunikasi dengan mereka khususnya bahasanya, juga bahasa internasional. Mestinya ketika perekrutan karyawan terdapat spesialisasi ahli bahasa ditiap perusahaan besar. Intinya jangan takut mengeksplore kemampuan kita dan jangan jadikan keterbatasan komunikasi sebagai hambatan. Discovering Career Opportunities Are you best suited to working as a sole proprietor, as a partner in a business, or in a different role within a corporation? For this exercise, select three businesses with which you are familiar: one run by a single person, such as a dentist’s practice or a local landscaping firm; and one that operates as a corporation, such as Target or Wal-Mart. 1. Write down what you think you would like about being the sole proprietor, one of the partners, and the corporate manager or an employee in the businesses you have selected. For example, would you like having full responsibility for the sole proprietorship? Would you like being able to consult with other partners in the partnership before making decisions? Would you like having limited responsibility when you work for other people in the corporation? 2. Now write down what you might dislike about each form of business. For example, would you dislike the risk of bearing all legal responsibility in a sole proprietorship? Would you dislike having to talk with your partners before spending the partnership’s money? Would you dislike having to write reports for top managers and shareholders of the corporation? 3. Weight the pluses and minuses you have identified in this exercise. In comparison, which form of business most appeals to you? Jawaban : 1. Jika berada di perusahaan tunggal, jelas saya lebih memilih menjadi pengusaha pemilik tunggal, karena kontrol usaha sepenuhnya berada dipemilik tersebut. Dan saya cenderung lebih ingin memiliki tanggung jawab sepenuhnya dan mengatur semuanya sendiri namun mengelola bersama bawahan tentunya 2. Semua bentuk kepemilikan bisnis punya kelebihan dan kelemahan tersendiri. dari ketiga bentuk kepemilikan bisnis saya lebih memilih persekutuan. karena semua berawal secara bersama-sama, mulai dari modal, manajemen perusahaan, membagi keuntungan & kerugian juga setiap permasalahan yang ada di perusahaan akan ditanggung bersama oleh pemilik saham. setiap pemilik saham akan memiliki tanggung jawab yang merata sesuai dengan kesepatan yang telah disepakati. 3. Hal yang tidak disukai dalam bentuk kepemilikan tunggal : - jika terdapat permasalahan hanya diselesaikan oleh pemilik tunggal, - modal awal harus dari kepemilikan pribadi perseorangan - utang menjadi tanggung jawa pemilik - kelanjutan usaha dapat berakhir bila pemilik nya meninggal, pailit / gagal Hal yang tidak disukai dalam bentuk kepemilikan persekutuan / partnership - jika setiap pengambilan keputusan harus dirundingkan bersama-sama (butuh waktu) dan jika ada salah satu yang tidak setuju maka rencana batal. - sulit untuk cepat maju dalam pengambilan keputusan - jika terdapat perselisihan sulit untuk perundingan (rentan konflik pribadi) Hal yang tidak disukai dalam bentuk kepemilikan hubungan terbatas (corporation) - pemegang asset tidak mendapat alih dalam pengendalian perusahaan (terpisah) - sulit dan mahal untuk dibentuk dan dibubarkan - pajak ganda, yakni dikenakan ke perusahaan dan ke pemegang saham - pembatasan legal akibat jumlah undang-undang yang banyak Follow the Fortunes of the Fortune 500 Quick! Name the largest corporation in the United States, as measured by annual revenues. Give up? Just check Fortune magazine’s yearly ranking of the 500 largest U.S. companies. The Fortune 500 not only ranks corporations by size but also offers brief company descriptions along with industry statistics and additional measures or corporate performance. You can search the list by ranking, by industry, by company name, or by CEO. And to help you identify the largest international corporations, there’s a special Global 500 list as well. www.fortune.com Jawaban : Perusahaan - perusahaan terbesar di Amerika versi majalah fortune 500 Current view : 1-100 Rank ▾ Company 1 Current view : 301-400 Revenues ($ millions) Profits ($ millions) Royal Dutch Shell 484,489 30,918 2 Exxon Mobil 452,926 41,060 3 Wal-Mart Stores 446,950 15,699 4 BP 386,463 25,700 5 Sinopec Group 375,214 6 Rank ▾ Company Revenues ($ millions) Profits ($ millions) 301 Kansai Electric Power 35,607 -3,068 302 J. Sainsbury 35,567 954 303 Ecopetrol 35,520 8,348 9,453 304 Sberbank 35,502 10,756 305 International Petroleum Investment 35,495 -140 306 NKSJ Holdings 35,343 -1,169 307 Royal Philips Electronics 35,152 -1,801 308 Delta Air Lines 35,115 854 309 L.M. Ericsson 34,958 1,879 310 Medipal Holdings 34,832 148 311 Itaúsa-Investimentos Itaú 34,701 2,890 312 Liberty Mutual Insurance Group 34,671 365 China National Petroleum 352,338 16,317 7 State Grid 259,142 5,678 8 Chevron 245,621 26,895 9 ConocoPhillips 237,272 12,436 10 Toyota Motor 235,364 3,591 11 Total 231,580 17,069 12 Volkswagen 221,551 21,426 13 Japan Post Holdings 211,019 5,939 14 Glencore International 186,152 4,048 15 Gazprom 157,831 44,460 16 E.ON 157,057 -3,085 17 ENI 153,676 9,539 18 ING Group 150,571 6,591 313 World Fuel Services 34,623 194 19 General Motors 150,276 9,190 314 Tata Motors 34,575 2,821 20 Samsung Electronics 148,944 12,059 315 Sistema 34,517 218 21 Daimler 148,139 7,880 22 General Electric 147,616 14,151 316 Mizuho Financial Group 34,394 6,137 23 Petrobras 145,915 20,121 317 New York Life Insurance 34,394 557 24 Berkshire Hathaway 143,688 10,254 318 171 AXA 142,712 6,012 China National Aviation Fuel Group 34,352 25 26 Fannie Mae 137,451 -16,855 319 Plains All American Pipeline 34,275 966 27 Ford Motor 136,264 20,213 320 La Poste 34,268 665 28 Allianz 134,168 3,539 321 Wuhan Iron & Steel 34,260 664 29 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone 133,077 5,924 322 Christian Dior 34,244 1,778 30 BNP Paribas 127,460 8,412 323 TIAA-CREF 34,079 2,388 31 Hewlett-Packard 127,245 7,074 324 Air France-KLM Group 34,001 -1,114 32 AT&T 126,723 3,944 325 Xstrata 33,877 5,713 33 GDF Suez 126,077 5,566 34 Pemex 125,344 -7,358 326 Bank of Communications 33,872 7,848 35 Valero Energy 125,095 2,090 327 Aetna 33,780 1,986 36 PDVSA 124,754 2,640 328 Sprint Nextel 33,679 -2,890 37 McKesson 122,734 1,403 329 Cosmo Oil 33,672 -115 38 Hitachi 122,419 4,397 39 Carrefour 121,734 516 330 Jizhong Energy Group 33,661 132 40 Statoil 119,561 14,055 331 AstraZeneca 33,591 9,983 41 JX Holdings 119,258 2,161 332 News Corp. 33,405 2,739 42 Nissan Motor 119,166 4,324 43 117,514 2,777 333 China United Network Communications 33,336 218 Hon Hai Precision Industry 44 Banco Santander 117,408 7,440 45 EXOR Group 117,297 701 334 DZ Bank 33,279 535 46 Bank of America Corp. 115,074 1,446 335 Power Corp. of Canada 33,277 1,128 47 Siemens 113,349 8,562 336 Ineos Group Holdings 33,160 523 48 Assicurazioni Generali 112,628 1,190 337 CPC 32,769 -1,105 49 Lukoil 111,433 10,357 50 Verizon Communications 110,875 2,404 338 George Weston 32,735 642 51 J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. 110,838 18,976 339 General Dynamics 32,677 2,526 52 Enel 110,560 5,768 340 Allstate 32,654 788 53 HSBC Holdings 110,141 16,797 341 China Guodian 32,580 -92 54 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China 109,040 32,214 342 Edeka Zentrale 32,531 196 55 Apple 108,249 25,922 343 HCA Holdings 32,506 2,465 56 CVS Caremark 107,750 3,461 57 International Business Machines 106,916 15,855 344 American Express 32,282 4,935 345 Tyson Foods 32,266 750 58 Crédit Agricole 105,156 -2,044 59 Tesco 103,839 4,484 346 Jiangsu Shagang Group 32,097 484 60 Citigroup 102,939 11,067 347 East Japan Railway 32,070 1,377 61 Cardinal Health 102,644 959 348 Deere 32,013 2,800 62 BASF 102,194 8,604 349 China Railway Materials 31,991 156 63 UnitedHealth Group 101,862 5,142 64 Honda Motor 100,664 2,678 350 Suzuki Motor 31,817 683 65 SK Holdings 100,394 1,510 351 Huawei Investment & Holding 31,543 1,815 66 Panasonic 99,373 -9,780 352 Murphy Oil 31,446 873 67 Société Générale 98,464 3,316 353 Schneider Electric 31,128 2,531 68 Petronas 97,355 21,915 69 BMW 95,692 6,787 354 Sharp 31,104 -4,763 70 ArcelorMittal 94,444 2,263 355 Philip Morris International 31,097 8,591 71 Nestlé 94,405 10,692 356 Chubu Electric Power 31,020 -1,168 72 Metro 92,746 877 73 Électricité de France 90,806 4,185 74 Nippon Life Insurance 90,783 2,848 75 Kroger 90,374 76 Munich Re Group 77 357 Oil & Natural Gas 30,746 5,874 358 BT Group 30,734 3,194 602 359 Nationwide 30,698 -793 90,137 976 360 Anglo American 30,580 6,169 China Construction Bank 89,648 26,181 361 Poste Italiane 30,164 1,177 78 Costco Wholesale 88,915 1,462 362 Hutchison Whampoa 30,023 7,197 79 Freddie Mac 88,262 -5,266 363 Phoenix Pharmahandel 30,023 307 80 Wells Fargo 87,597 15,869 364 Coop Group 30,022 487 81 China Mobile Communications 87,544 11,703 365 China National Building Materials Group 30,022 657 82 Telefónica 87,372 7,513 366 Tesoro 29,927 546 83 Indian Oil 86,016 882 367 Sinomach 29,846 631 84 Agricultural Bank of China 84,803 18,860 368 3M 29,611 4,283 85 Peugeot 83,305 818 369 China Datang 29,603 -133 86 Procter & Gamble 82,559 11,797 370 Lenovo Group 29,574 473 87 Sony 82,237 -5,784 371 Alfresa Holdings 29,551 84 88 Banco do Brasil 81,887 7,577 89 Deutsche Telekom 81,554 775 372 Flextronics International 29,470 489 90 Repsol YPF 81,122 3,049 373 Legal & General Group 29,366 1,164 91 Noble Group 80,732 431 374 Delhaize Group 29,365 661 92 Archer Daniels Midland 80,676 2,036 375 GasTerra 29,332 50 93 Bank of China 80,230 19,208 376 Gas Natural Fenosa 29,305 1,842 94 AmerisourceBergen 80,218 707 377 Commerzbank 29,236 887 95 PTT 79,690 3,456 378 Mapfre Group 29,224 1,339 96 Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance 77,463 2,188 379 Aisin Seiki 29,183 703 97 Toshiba 77,261 934 380 Ultrapar Holdings 29,073 507 98 Deutsche Post 76,307 1,617 381 Time Warner 28,974 2,886 99 Reliance Industries 76,119 4,117 382 Michelin 28,809 2,033 100 China State Construction Engineering 76,024 1,108 383 S-Oil 28,808 1,075 384 China Ocean Shipping 28,797 -652 385 Magna International 28,748 1,018 386 BAE Systems 28,624 1,988 387 Adecco Group 28,567 722 388 Dexia Group 28,540 -16,184 389 Showa Shell Sekiyu 28,497 290 390 Power China 28,289 354 391 L'Oréal 28,286 3,391 Current view : 1-100 392 Wm. Morrison Supermarkets 28,276 1,105 393 COFCO 28,190 729 394 Swiss Re 28,083 2,626 395 Northrop Grumman 28,058 2,118 396 Migros Group 28,015 745 397 Henan Coal & Chemical 27,919 223 398 Vattenfall 27,890 1,707 399 Brazilian Distribution 27,839 429 400 Fujifilm Holdings 27,804 554 Revenues ($ millions) Profits ($ millions) Current view : 301-400 Rank ▾ Company Revenues ($ millions) Profits ($ millions) 201 Sanofi 48,747 7,916 202 Veolia Environnement 48,486 -681 203 Hyundai Heavy Industries 48,485 2,310 204 Credit Suisse Group 48,227 2,201 205 China North Industries Group 48,154 598 206 Amazon.com 48,077 631 207 Merck 48,047 6,272 208 Volvo 47,814 209 MS&AD Insurance Group Holdings 47,684 210 OMV Group 47,349 211 Lockheed Martin 212 Current view : 401-500 Rank ▾ Company 401 Tata Steel 27,739 1,125 402 ChemChina 27,707 100 403 Toronto-Dominion Bank 27,590 5,969 404 Alstom 27,417 1,007 405 Accenture 27,353 2,278 406 DirecTV 27,226 2,609 407 Publix Super Markets 27,179 1,492 2,735 408 Formosa Petrochemical 27,179 766 -2,146 409 Bank of Nova Scotia 27,091 5,245 410 McDonald's 27,006 5,503 1,479 411 Danone 26,861 2,323 46,692 2,655 412 Mol Hungarian Oil & Gas 26,698 764 Coca-Cola 46,542 8,572 413 T&D Holdings 26,649 339 1,276 26,534 669 Express Scripts Holding 46,128 414 Avnet 213 415 Tech Data 26,488 206 214 Mitsubishi Electric 46,094 1,419 416 Tewoo Group 26,411 25 215 UBS 45,978 4,687 417 Macy's 26,405 1,256 216 China Communications Construction 45,959 1,221 418 Maruhan 26,333 315 419 Onex 26,168 1,327 217 Sunoco 45,765 -1,684 420 Energie Baden-Württemberg 26,126 -1,206 218 Bouygues 45,669 1,488 421 Rite Aid 26,121 -369 219 SNCF 45,587 174 422 Sumitomo Electric Industries 26,082 746 220 KDDI 45,241 3,022 423 KBC Group 26,057 18 221 China Telecommunications 45,170 557 424 International Paper 26,034 1,341 425 China Electronics 26,023 203 222 Koç Holding 45,098 1,265 426 Zhejiang Materials Industry Group 25,833 96 427 Japan Tobacco 25,759 4,064 163 428 Mazda Motor 25,749 -1,365 44,313 2,047 429 Korea Gas 25,721 158 Commonwealth Bank of Australia 44,306 6,309 430 Surgutneftegas 25,663 7,931 431 Travelers Cos. 25,446 1,426 228 Aegon 44,197 1,208 432 Compass Group 25,418 1,169 229 Westpac Banking 44,112 7,169 433 China Huadian 25,270 -22 230 Iberdrola 44,005 3,900 434 China Shipbuilding Industry 25,145 837 435 CRH 25,141 820 231 GlaxoSmithKline 43,907 8,435 436 Komatsu 25,099 2,116 232 Safeway 43,630 517 437 Staples 25,022 985 233 China Resources National 43,440 1,882 438 Telstra 24,968 3,188 234 Shenhua Group 43,356 5,672 439 Alcoa 24,951 611 235 GS Caltex 43,280 1,121 440 Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group 24,906 1,128 236 Tokio Marine Holdings 43,264 76 441 Northwestern Mutual 24,861 645 237 Cisco Systems 43,218 6,490 442 Raytheon 24,857 1,866 238 China South Industries Group 43,160 176 443 Finmeccanica 24,849 -3,261 444 Halliburton 24,829 2,839 239 Sumitomo Life Insurance 43,086 1,368 445 British American Tobacco 24,688 4,962 240 ACS 42,655 1,338 446 Sumitomo Chemical 24,670 71 241 Continental 42,416 1,727 447 Shanxi Coal Transportation & Sales Group 24,533 224 242 Ping An Insurance 42,110 3,012 448 Standard Chartered Group 24,488 4,849 243 Royal Ahold 42,090 1,414 449 Woori Finance Holdings 24,435 1,929 244 Telecom Italia 42,070 -6,571 450 China Pacific Insurance (Group) 24,429 1,286 245 Sears Holdings 41,567 -3,140 451 China Power Investment 24,400 -119 246 China Huaneng Group 41,481 26 452 Imperial Tobacco Group 24,379 2,883 247 Sumitomo 41,301 3,175 453 TUI 24,356 33 454 Eli Lilly 24,287 4,348 248 Lufthansa Group 41,220 -18 455 Marquard & Bahls 24,258 40 223 Wilmar International 44,710 1,601 224 Canon 44,631 3,119 225 Bharat Petroleum 44,582 226 Enterprise Products Partners 227 249 Walt Disney 40,893 4,807 456 Emerson Electric 24,234 2,480 250 Aviation Industry Corp. of China 40,835 930 457 Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance 24,226 877 251 Johnson Controls 40,833 1,624 458 Occidental Petroleum 24,216 6,771 252 Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings 40,632 449 459 SHV Holdings 24,141 1,088 460 Shandong Energy Group 24,131 1,559 253 Softbank 40,559 3,974 461 Ricoh 24,108 -564 254 National Australia Bank 40,521 5,352 462 Ansteel Group 24,089 247 255 Suncor Energy 40,231 4,352 463 AMR 23,979 -1,979 464 Heineken Holding 23,898 997 465 Hyundai Mobis 23,736 2,729 466 Husky Energy 23,623 2,249 467 Kobe Steel 23,617 -181 468 Compal Electronics 23,591 375 469 Suzuken 23,556 102 470 CFE 23,481 -1,381 1,152 471 Nomura Holdings 23,453 147 39,304 1,452 472 Daiwa House Industry 23,415 421 Korea Electric Power 39,296 -3,043 473 Fluor 23,381 594 474 Holcim 23,378 310 265 Anheuser-Busch InBev 39,046 5,855 475 Zhejiang Geely Holding Group 23,356 90 266 Kia Motors 38,988 3,083 476 Nordea Bank 23,258 3,653 267 Hindustan Petroleum 38,885 37 477 Yamada Denki 23,246 738 268 Abbott Laboratories 38,851 4,728 478 TJX 23,192 1,496 269 HeBei Iron & Steel Group 38,722 198 479 Fresenius 22,973 959 270 DuPont 38,719 3,474 480 Lafarge 22,970 825 271 NEC 38,462 -1,397 481 Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha 22,896 -922 482 Mitsubishi Motors 22,890 303 272 Franz Haniel 38,023 292 483 Greenland Holding Group 22,873 966 273 ABB 37,990 3,168 484 22,832 243 274 Alliance Boots 37,977 877 Xinxing Cathay International Group 275 Jardine Matheson 37,967 3,449 485 Sun Life Financial 22,831 -202 486 Caltex Australia 22,810 -736 276 Bridgestone 37,943 1,292 487 Goodyear Tire & Rubber 22,767 343 277 Google 37,905 9,737 488 Xerox 22,626 1,295 278 Hess 37,871 1,703 489 Randstad Holding 22,560 249 279 Quanta Computer 37,770 785 490 Kailuan Group 22,519 107 280 China Metallurgical Group 37,613 -400 491 KFW Bankengruppe 22,496 2,876 281 Rabobank Group 37,577 3,544 492 Bertelsmann 22,427 647 282 Royal Bank of Canada 37,233 4,918 493 Wistron 22,408 309 494 International Airlines Group 22,390 743 283 United Continental Holdings 37,110 840 495 Sodexo 22,262 626 284 Honeywell International 37,059 2,067 496 Tokyo Gas 22,218 583 285 State Bank of India 36,950 3,202 497 Aflac 22,171 1,964 286 JBS 36,921 -45 498 China Merchants Bank 22,094 5,588 287 CHS 36,916 961 499 National Grid 22,067 3,248 288 Centrica 36,860 675 500 Manpower 22,006 252 289 Humana 36,832 1,419 290 Goldman Sachs Group 36,793 4,442 256 JFE Holdings 40,104 -464 257 Vivendi 40,063 3,728 258 China Post Group 40,023 3,085 259 Denso 39,954 1,131 260 Schlumberger 39,540 4,997 261 Morgan Stanley 39,376 4,110 262 Sysco 39,324 263 FedEx 264 Current view : 401-500 291 Australia & New Zealand Banking Group 36,731 5,492 292 People's Insurance Co. of China 36,549 802 293 Heraeus Holding 36,406 429 294 Ingram Micro 36,329 244 295 Shougang Group 36,117 213 296 Supervalu 36,100 -1,040 297 PKN ORLEN Group 36,100 798 298 Aluminum Corp. of China 35,839 76 299 Mitsubishi Heavy Industries 35,727 311 300 Oracle 35,622 8,547 Current view : 201-300 Current view : 101-200 Rank ▾ Company Revenues ($ millions) Profits ($ millions) 101 China National Offshore Oil 75,514 8,836 102 INTL FCStone 75,498 37 103 Groupe BPCE 75,082 3,733 104 Deutsche Bank 74,425 5,745 105 Vodafone Group 74,051 11,099 106 Marathon Petroleum 73,645 2,389 107 Walgreen 72,184 2,714 108 BHP Billiton 71,739 23,648 109 American International Group 71,730 17,798 110 Robert Bosch 71,600 2,428 111 China Railway Construction 71,443 489 112 China Railway Group 71,263 1,035 113 Sinochem Group 70,990 1,178 114 MetLife 70,641 6,981 115 Mitsubishi 70,492 5,748 116 Home Depot 70,395 3,883 117 Hyundai Motor 70,227 6,911 118 Medco Health Solutions 70,063 1,456 119 Microsoft 69,943 23,150 120 Target 69,865 2,929 121 Barclays 68,950 4,821 122 ThyssenKrupp 68,791 -1,799 123 Boeing 68,735 4,018 124 RWE 68,345 2,511 125 EADS 68,310 1,436 126 Pfizer 67,932 10,009 127 Tokyo Electric Power 67,751 -9,900 128 Landesbank BadenWürttemberg 67,431 122 129 China Life Insurance 67,274 1,048 130 SAIC Motor 67,255 3,128 131 Lloyds Banking Group 67,048 -723 132 Mitsui 66,512 5,503 133 PepsiCo 66,504 6,443 134 AEON 65,989 846 135 U.S. Postal Service 65,711 -5,067 136 Banco Bradesco 65,137 6,547 137 Rosneft Oil 65,093 12,452 138 Johnson & Johnson 65,030 9,672 139 Unilever 64,610 5,912 140 State Farm Insurance Cos. 64,305 845 141 France Télécom 62,956 5,416 142 Dongfeng Motor Group 62,911 1,321 143 Royal Bank of Scotland Group 62,798 -3,202 144 Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group 62,706 12,429 145 Dai-ichi Life Insurance 62,462 258 146 POSCO 62,230 3,293 147 Dell 62,071 3,492 148 Aviva 61,754 361 149 Groupe Auchan 61,699 1,126 150 WellPoint 60,711 2,647 151 Seven & I Holdings 60,668 1,646 152 China Southern Power Grid 60,538 755 153 Rio Tinto Group 60,537 5,826 154 A.P. Møller-Mærsk Group 60,194 2,835 155 Caterpillar 60,138 4,928 156 Dow Chemical 59,985 2,742 157 Novartis 59,375 9,113 158 Renault 59,272 2,909 159 Vale 58,990 22,885 160 Bunge 58,743 942 161 Saint-Gobain 58,560 1,785 162 Prudential 58,527 2,389 163 United Technologies 58,190 4,979 164 UniCredit Group 57,213 -12,801 165 China FAW Group 57,003 2,297 166 Fujitsu 56,582 541 167 Comcast 55,842 4,160 168 Marubeni 55,604 2,180 169 China Minmetals 54,509 754 170 Kraft Foods 54,365 3,527 171 Wesfarmers 54,147 1,897 172 Itochu 54,093 3,806 173 Intel 53,999 12,942 174 Nokia 53,754 -1,619 175 Woolworths 53,559 2,096 176 América Móvil 53,510 6,664 177 United Parcel Service 53,105 3,804 178 Zurich Insurance Group 52,983 3,766 179 Deutsche Bahn 52,808 1,834 180 Nippon Steel 51,812 741 181 Manulife Financial 51,548 220 182 CNP Assurances 51,521 1,212 183 Vinci 51,385 2,648 184 Best Buy 51,116 -1,231 185 LyondellBasell Industries 51,035 N.A. 186 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria 51,021 4,177 187 Bayer 50,790 3,434 188 Sabic 50,639 7,798 189 SSE 50,611 316 190 Lowe's 50,208 1,839 191 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group 49,967 6,567 192 Roche Group 49,714 10,529 193 Intesa Sanpaolo 49,472 -11,388 194 CITIC Group 49,339 5,648 195 Prudential Financial 49,045 3,666 196 LG Electronics 48,977 -424 197 Baosteel Group 48,916 1,867 198 TNK-BP International 48,909 8,981 199 Idemitsu Kosan 48,828 815 200 Foncière Euris 48,748 -14 Current view : 101-200 ONLINE EXPLORATION Find out what is required to incorporate a business in your state. You might begin by searching the CCH Business Owner’s Toolkit site at www.toolkit.cch.com. If you were going to start a small business, would you choose to incorporate or choose a different form of legal organization? List the pros and cons that incorporation presents for the type of business you would consider. . Jawaban : Saya akan memilih menggabungkan bentuk bisnis karena dimulai dengan bisnis kecil dengan bergabung dengan pebisnis lain akan memperkuat financial usaha kita. Namun, perlu diperhatikan dalam pemilihan partner bisnis yang bisa diajak bekerjasama dengan baik, sehingga perselisihan antar partner terhindari.