Special Senses: Olfaction, Taste, Hearing, and Vision Name ________________________ Know the difference between photoreceptors receptors, mechanoreceptors, and chemoreceptors. Be able to classify the sense(s) associated with each receptor type Olfaction and Taste Ex. 26 Activities 3 – 6 (3 – 5 & handout new) Understand the results of each smell and taste experiment Know the following taste structures (Fig 26.2): papillae taste pore taste bud taste cell (gustatory receptor cell) Hearing and Equilibrium Ex. 25 Know the following structures (Fig 25.1): incus middle ear cochlea stapes outer ear auditory canal malleus inner ear auricle (pinna) semicircular canals tympanic membrane external acoustic meatus Understand the basic mechanism of hearing and the results of each experiment Be familiar with the following condition: ear infection (otitis media) Vision Ex. 24 Activities 5, 9 (8 new) ,10 Know the following human eye structures (Fig. 24.3): iris retina choroids fovea centralis lens sclera optic nerve optic disk (blind spot) pupil cornea ciliary body anterior chamber (contains aqueous humor) posterior segment (contains vitreous humor) Know the function of the rods and cones Understand the basic results of each vision experiment Understand why humans have a blind spot in each eye Be familiar with the following conditions: Astigmatism Glaucoma Cataracts Nearsightedness Farsightedness color blindness Cow Eye Dissection Know the following structures (Fig. 24.6): Cornea optic nerve retina Sclera lens pigmented choroid (tapetum lucidum) What is the function of the tapetum lucidum? Do you know of any other animals that have this structure in their eye? Recommended Homework: Vision: Pg. 622-626 (377-382 new) #6, 7, 9, 17, 22, 25, 30 Hearing: Pg. 629-632 (393-396 new) #1, 2; Lab Tests as appropriate Olfaction and Taste: Pg. 633-644 (403-404 new) #5, 11