Minutes of the meeting held Tuesday 13th June 2006 at the

Dunc Gray Velodrome, Tuesday 13th November 2007
Meeting Opened at 7.30pm
1.0 Roll Call
Management Committee:
Kerry Ruffels (Chairman) - Central Coast CC, Joe Jones – Port Macquarie CC,
Bruce Mills – St George CC, Kevin Young, (CEO) – Parramatta CC
Delegates: 10
Rod Wagner – Caravello
Damon Scarfe – Central Coast CC
Arthur Donnelly – Dulwich Hill BC
Matthew Jones – Illawarra CC
Norman Sargent – Lidcombe Auburn CC
Brian Sprouster – Lidcombe Auburn CC
Ian Pettit – Parramatta CC
Margaret Mills – St George CC
Jeffrey Barrett – St George CC
Alec Lazich – Waratah Vets CC
1.1 Apologies:
Alfred Vella – Eastern Suburbs CC, Helen Vella – Eastern Suburbs CC,
William Clinch – Manning Valley CC, Colin Makinson – Macksville CC
Ron Peek – Parramatta CC, Peter Melville – Peloton Sports CC, Glenn Vigar – St
George CC
1.2 Bereavement – President spoke about the passing of long time St George Cycling Club
and Cycling Australia member John Hardaker. Invited Jeffrey Barrett, Secretary of the
St George CC to say a few words in recognition of John’s times with St George Cycling
Club and with cycling in general. John was a life member of the St George CC, a top
athlete in his era and a mentor for many younger athletes who have gone on to achieve
great results during their careers. John held coaching stints in a number of third world
countries at the request of the UCI. Many friends attended his funeral with Jeff Barrett,
Bruce Mills and Ron Peek representing Cycling NSW
2.0 Previous Minutes
Moved by Brian Sprouster, Lidcombe Auburn CC, seconded by Alec Lazich, Waratah
Veterans CC that the minutes of the previous meeting held the 9th October 2007 be
accepted as a true and correct record.
3.0 Business Arising
Item 5.0.1 World Cup update to be moved to Committee of Management reports.
All agreed
Item 7.1 NS queried if a Non Competitor license is to be issued in 2008. CEO advised
the Non Competitor license has now been replaced by the Ride It license. This had
been explained in the Secretarial packs sent to Club secretaries.
Item 7.5 Constitution to be moved to General Business item 7.1
All agreed
4.0 Finance Report
Cash at Bank: @ 13/11/2007
Race Entry Account $ 45,708
General Account
$ 58,610
Total Credit Funds $ 103,818
Total IBD's
Major payments pending:
CA Capitations (07) $ 19,000
Reg Academies
$ 12,000
Rentry Reimb
$ 5,000
$ 10,000
$ 46,000
General Comment:
Surplus funds remain positive for this time of year. This trend to continue now that we
have 2008 Club and membership affiliation payments flowing in.
Attached to your reports is a copy of the September 07 Income & Expenditure
statement. The financial position of the Federation remains very sound.
All bank accounts and term deposits have been reconciled and the September BAS
statement prepared and lodged before the due date.
President invited questions from the floor in relation to the financials:
JB raised issue now that the Federation is producing surplus profits should we consider
investing some of this in additional staff to ease the pressure on those currently
working long hours. CEO provided a broad explanation on staffing, explaining how
funds have been accumulated through grant funds and partnership agreements
entered into to assist with certain costs. We need to be careful that we do not commit
to long term expenditure where long term funding may not be sustainable.
President spoke to matter stating the matter of additional staffing had been discussed
earlier today and would remain an option.
Given there were no further questions the President asked that the Finance report be
adopted. Moved by Jeff Barrett, St George CC, seconded by Damon Scarfe, Central
Coast CC that the finance report as submitted be accepted.
5.0 Committee of Management Report
for noting
5.0.0 SOPA Criteriums - President advised meeting the event was very well organized and
managed by Peloton Sports. Sponsor appeared to be extremely happy with the event.
Winners were happy with big dollars on offer as prizemoney. Excellent riding by
Cameron Meyer and NSW’s Robert Lyte. President went on to say that the weekend
was indeed hectic with the overlap of this event with the World Masters Track
Championships and Victoria’s Herald Tour. All in all a super weekend of racing.
5.0.1 Spoke about Cadel Evans attending the World Cup Track Cycling event with a table be
auctioned on Ebay. Citi Bank and Macquarie Bank are sponsoring a ride with Cadel.
The event starting at North Sydney, proceeding across the Harbour bridge, through the
city up to Centennial Park. The organizers of which Simon Poidevan and Paul Hillbrick
are two of the key persons are hopeful of attracting hundreds of riders with the entry
fee of $100 being donated to the David Peachley Foundation. President urged all Clubs
and riders to get behind this great initiative. Ray Godkin, Snr Vice President of the UCI
will take part in the ride.
5.0.2 President spoke about communication across all levels of the Federation. Of concern is
the increased number of telephone calls the Federation is receiving from Members
about membership and general administrative queries which should be directed to
Clubs. Clubs need to undertake a review of their internal communication procedures
similarly to that undertaken by the Federation to ensure all their members are being
kept informed regularly on pertinent matters. This will save the office (which has a very
limited staff) an enormous amount of time.
5.0.3 World Cup – Ray Vingilis will provide first aid services during the World Cup and at
future Cycling NSW events. He will do this under Cycling Australia’s Volunteer
insurance cover. Under World Cup (UCI) guidelines it is a requirement that we have a
Paramedics team and Doctor in attendance during competition..
5.0.4 President spoke about the commitment of our staff volunteers and officials during the
past month or so. Each has played a pivotal role in organizing the World Masters Track
Championships, the World Track Cycling Cup as well as maintaining their day to day
workloads which are immense at this time of year. Asked that it be noted in the minutes
our sincere congratulations to all for their valued contribution. One wonders if the
workload undertaken by Ron Peek in recent times may have been part cause of his
recent health scare and visit to hospital for tests.
5.0.6 Damon Scarfe addressed the meeting advising he had two Club Commissaires to
assist him run a category 1 race carnival over two days. Said this was not good enough
and didn’t meet the standards we are aspiring too. Stated the organization of the SOPA
Criterium events was excellent however disappointed the Commissaires were not
looked after. CEO responded stating he had discussed this matter with the promoters
to which they apologized not realizing it was their responsibility to do so. Comment
was passed in relation to payment made to the commentator to which the President
responded such payments should not be compared to officials or volunteers payments
as this cost is assessed as being warranted to create public interest in the events.
NS advised one of the reasons behind the lack of Commissaires making themselves
available to assist at SOP may have been attributed to many of our officials assisting at
the World Masters Track Championships. It may also have had something to do with
the events at SOPA being split over two days as opposed to being held over one day.
General discussion ensued.
There being no further discussion or questions the President asked that somebody
move to accept the Committee of Management Report.
Moved by Alec Lazich, Waratah Veterans CC, seconded by Norm Sargent the report
be accepted.
CEO Report – as tabled
For noting
Staffing: All staff are on deck. Gearing up for World Track Cycling Cup event with
teams arriving from 12th November 2007.
CycleSkill Accreditation Courses:
Cycling NSW has now run 7 CycleSkill coaching courses over the past 16 months. This
has resulted in 79 new coaches becoming accredited
Work in Progress:
 SOPA strategy : License agreement signed off for SOPA Criteriums held
October 07.
 World Track Cycling Classic – Planning well underway. Internal ticket sales
slightly up on last year. Are Clubs getting behind this promotion. How many
delegates went back to their Clubs requesting the event be promoted to their
individual members?. Delegates are again asked to promote ticket sales
within their own Clubs. Will be the biggest field yet for a World Cup with
possibly four Australian Teams contesting inclusive of riders, O’Grady,
 Mark Renshaw and possibly Graham Brown plus many of our up and coming
young stars will be competing in the Sydney World Track Cycling Cup.
 Australian Open Track Cycling Champs (Feb 08)
 Australian Junior Track Champs (Mar 08)
 Australian Masters Road & Track Champs (April 08)
 2007/08 Summer Race program up on website with office working with
Clubs/Promoters to finalize listings on the Cycling NSW website.
 Category 4 race calendar now listed on the Cycling NSW website. Still a
number of race sanction letters to go out to Clubs. Many Clubs have yet to
apply for race sanctioning for the coming summer season.
Track event cancellations:- The Federation found it necessary to postpone
two Masters track championship promotions as well as cancel the President
Cup Open for 2007 due to a lack of support from riders. From feedback
received many of our Master riders have opted to take a well earned break
following the recently run World Masters Track Championships. If anything
these decisions have made it very clear the impact such championships can
have on a season and the reliance we have on Master riders propping up
open carnivals. A learning experience which will prove useful when framing
next summers race calendar.
6.0 Correspondence
VP Technical spoke about a letter received from solicitors in relation to a member who
has been suspended and fined. JJ outlined details that led to the penalty being
imposed. Matter has been raised at the Board of Management Committee who have
endorsed the penalty. JJ to reply to correspondence received.
7.0 General Business
Constitution and By Laws review – President called on VP Technical to discuss where
we are at with regards to the review of the Federation’s Constitution and By Laws.
Major headway has been made with redrafting of these documents.
Discussed uncertainty as to how to change the Constitution.
Process adopted by the Board of Management Committee todate has been:
 Set up a review committee consisting of Vice President Technical (Joe Jones)
and CEO (Kevin Young)
 Review and redraft Constitution and By Laws
 Submit to Board of Management for review
 Review Committee updated documents with BOM changes
 Consultative process undertaken with Constitution and By Laws tabled at the
October 07 Council meeting detailing proposed changes and seeking feedback
via the office from the broader membership.
 Next step was to come up with a final document before the November Council
meeting for discussion. Subject to broad agreement by Council the documents
would then go back to the November Board of Management meeting for
endorsement to a general meeting that would need to be convened,
alternatively wait till the next annual general meeting and submit for voting.
JJ went through the Constitution noting suggestions received from membership
including those that have since been adopted and incorporated into the document.
VP Technical then opened discussion and questions from the floor starting with the
General discussion from floor with the following items raised.
 Proxy votes process queried. JJ replied giving a broad overview as to the
process involved. Discussion followed.
 NS spoke about 56 Clubs that make up the Federation. It would have been
good to have a broader view of members wishes. President stated that in
reality many members appear to not be so interested in these types of matters.
The Federation has made the process transparent to all seeking input and
 Queries raised in relation to proxy votes such as how would we know who will
vote under an exhaustive voting system. JJ’s advised members would instruct
their proxy to vote one way or the other whatever the case may be. This is
normal practice for proxy voting.
 All proxy votes must be in written form and lodged with and recorded by the
CEO in the absence of a returning officer.
 JB asked what would happen if a member fronts up with 20 proxies on the
night. JJ’s advised the voting form would need to indicate the number of votes
the member is entitled to lodge.
 Proxies must be signed by the member. Electronic copies are inadmissible.
 JJ’s stated the reason behind the proposed introduction of proxies is to cater
for member participation across the whole of the State. It is simply
impracticable for all members to attend Annual General Meetings, proxies
therefore provide the opportunity for a wider vote.
 President spoke about changes introduced over the past couple of years to
accommodate a larger attendance and vote at annual general meetings. These
have included the AGM super weekend of events incorporating the AGM,
coaching & commissaire forums, criterium championships etc. These initiatives
have not worked out to our satisfaction. Next best thing is to provide
opportunities through proxy voting. Allows every eligible member the
opportunity to have a say (vote).
 The process involved would be somewhat onerous on the Office staff as they
would need to send out official forms to members within designated time
frames and validate and record responses
 JB queried scenario where a Board of Management member is appointed as a
proxy. To what part of the elections being held. JJ’s replied it depends on what
instructions are issued under the proxy. Completion of the form determines
how the vote is to be exercised.
 MJ’s raised issue about moving the power of the Council to the Board of
Management. General discussion ensued about power or authority to the
Board of Management over Council. President spoke about trust in those
elected. CEO spoke about Directors Roles and Responsibilities under the
relevant Acts. Explained that in the corporate world it is the Board who is
entrusted with the power to set policy, strategy, risk management etc whilst the
CEO is responsible for managing the organisation day to day within the
confines of set policy. The members have the choice of voting for Board
Members at Annual General meetings. Operations are subject to an annual
audit and regular reviews.
 Question was raised in relation to the use of Common Seals. JJ’s to look into
the matter and advise.
 By – Laws
 General discussion and several cosmetic changes need to be made.
 Any further suggested changes to be emailed direct to VP Technical for
MM asked what process is to be adopted for initiating the Family Membership
Discounts in 2008. CEO advised that a report will be extracted from the system in the
New Year once affiliations are processed by CA. Entries will be raised with amounts
credited to the Race Credits account. The office will be flexible and fair should queries
be raised in relation to this matter.
Team Time Trial Championships held in Calga. Good support from some Clubs. Still
have more to do. CEO suggested we may look at a social section to be introduced next
year to increase numbers.
A reunion of members held at Handle Bar tavern last Saturday. Mike Tomalaris was
Master of Ceremonies. Good roll up.
JB expressed concern over lack of Masters recognition by Cycling NSW and Cycling
Australia on their websites. There were many outstanding rides and world
championships won by NSW athletes. CEO spoke about resources available to do
stories whilst officiating and maintaining the day to day operations. Brian Crawford was
taking photographs for website. Our policy is to keep the website up to date with as
much new information as possible. If members have the capacity to file stories we
would be only too happy to accommodate them by placing these on our website. Noted
World Cup – President spoke about this being the biggest track cycling event ever held.
It deserves a packed house which, at this stage appears unlikely. Dollars are simply not
there to splurge on advertising. CEO spoke about Clubs role in promoting events to
their members. Delegates are the conduit to this process.
Date of next meeting
The Next Council meeting is to be held on Tuesday 11th December 2007 at Dunc Gray
Velodrome, Bass Hill commencing at 7.30pm
There being no further business the meeting was declared closed at 10.24pm
Kerry Ruffels
CNSW President
Date: 27th November 2007