Study Guide - Warren Wilson Inside Page

Study Guide. Test II.
Multiple choice questions (2 pts each) – 50% of your grade
Short answer and essay questions –50% of your grade
You should review:
 Your notes
 PowerPoint slides online (my notes AND classmates’ presentations – there were three
of them for this section of the course. Know these studies well.)
 Website associated with the textbook:
Remember, there is much material in the chapters that we were unable to cover in class. Unless I
specifically eliminate something below, please be familiar with the major concepts in the
Ch. 6 -- Self
Be especially familiar with:
 Self-esteem and self-perception research (especially Harter’s work on Self-Perception)
o also, recall student presentation on “multiple roles”
 ESM and emotional lives of adolescents
 Culture and identity (e.g., ethnic identity – biculturalism, separation, assimilation, etc.)
 the research focus box entitled "The Daily Rhythms of Adolescent's Family Lives"
Don’t worry about the research on identity by Erikson or Marcia
Ch. 7 Family
Be especially familiar with:
 Family systems approach
 Parenting styles (know well)
 Changes in parent-adolescent relationship (recall student presentation)
 Effects of Divorce, Remarriage, etc.
Don’t worry about the sections on historical change, physical/sexual abuse/runaways
Ch. 8 Friends and Peers
Be especially familiar with:
 Peers and friends and how they influence each other
 A’s emotional states with friends
 Youth culture (demeanor, argot, etc.); Crowds and Cliques -- how they form, use
aggression and bullying
 Popularity and unpopularity (recall student presentation and other methods of assessing
Don’t worry about “support and nurturance” research
Ch. 9 Dating, Love, and Sex
Be especially familiar with:
 How dating in adolescence is best understood, including purposes of dating in A and
emerging adulthood; commonalities across all cultures re: adol relationships
 Sternberg’s theory of Love (know well)
 Reasons for breaking up for A’s and college students
 Adolescent sexuality (some statistics and cultural beliefs)
 Sexual scripts including contraceptive use
 Pregnancy and abortion
Don’t worry about section on choosing a marriage partner, arranged marriages, or cohabitation