Morgan County School District Re-3 Chemistry Month August Content and Essential Questions What is Chemistry? Why is Chemistry a Physical Science? What are the branches of Chemistry? Skills Communicating- what are physical sciences manipulating lab equipment Chapter 1 "Matter and Change" S 2.1,2.2,5.3,6 identify lab safety rules. Assessment Lab A1 Section reviews 1-1Pg 5,1-2,Pg 14-3 Pg 20 Study Guides 1-1,1-2,1-3 Test Chapter 1 Quiz 1 Resources Student text Student lab book Study guide section reviews Room 112 Lab materials- room 113 Chem File transparencies 1,2,3,4,5,1A,2A,6 September October What is the Scientific Method? What are units of measurement? How do we convert units of measurement? How do we use scientific measurements? S 1.4,1.8 communicating scientific method measuring in metric system interpreting data calculating unit conversions using a scientific calculator solving problems using significant figures What is the structure of the atom? What is the atomic theory? What discoveries have lead to the modern atomic theory? How do we count atoms? Chapter 3 Atoms: The Building Blocks of Matter Chapter 4 Arrangement of electrons in atoms. Questions: How are electrons arranged in atoms? What is the Bohr model of the atom? What is the Quantum model of atom? What are atomic orbitals? How does electron configuration influence chemical and physical properties? What are quantum numbers? S 1.2,1.4,1.6,2.3,6 Calculating between grams, moles, and atoms correct use of significant figures safe and proper use of lab equipment care, and proper use of Bunsen burner Lab A2 Chapter 1 outline. (chemistry office) Student text- Chapter 2 Section Reviews Pages,31, 42, 57, Student lab book Problems page 60-61 Study guides 2-1,2-2,m2-3 Significant figures quiz Test 2 Experiment 3-1 Conservation of Mass Pg 798 Study guides pages 69,74,85, Chapter 3 Review Pages 87-88 Study guides 3-1,3-2,3-3 Test 3 Study guides Pg 97,104,116 Review problems page 119-120 Lab 4-1 Flame tests Pg 801 Study guides 4-1,4-2,4-3 Test 4 Lab material (113) Student text Study guide book (112) Lab materials (113C) digital balances (113) Spectrum tubes (112) lab materials (113C) Morgan County School District Re-3 Month November Content and Essential Questions How can Periodic Law be used to predict the physical and chemical properties of elements? How do elements belonging to a group of the periodic table are interrelated in terms of atomic number? What is the relationship between electrons in sub-levels and the length of each period of the periodic table? S 2.1 What are the names and properties of alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, the halogens and noble gases? How are these related to electron configuration? S 2.1 What are atomic and ionic radii, ionization energy, electron affinity and electronegativity? S 2.1,2.2 Define valence electrons, and the state how many are present in each main group? What is a chemical bond? Explain why atoms form bonds. Classify bonding type according to electronegativity What is a molecule and molecular formula? S 2.3 What is the octet rule? What are and how to write Lewis structures What is latice energy? List and compare properties of ionic Chemistry Skills safe and correct use of laboratory equipment drawing electron configuration notation drawing electron orbital notation drawing electron dot notation using the periodic table to draw the above notations. determine shape of molecules Assessment Section reviews pages 127,139,154 Electron configuration quizzes Chapter 5 review pages 155-156 Test 5 Section review pages 163,175,182,193 Problems Page 196-197 Section Reviews 6-1,6-2,6-3,6-4 Test 6 Resources Morgan County School District Re-3 Month Content and Essential Questions Chemistry Skills Assessment and molecular compounds. S 2.1,2.2,2.3 What is bond length and bond energy? VESPR theory and molecular shape. December What is the significance of a chemical formula? Determine the formula of ionic compounds. How do you name chemical compounds? How to use the stock and common nomenclature. How are oxidation numbers assigned? Determine the oxidation numbers of each element in a formula. Name binary molecular compounds using oxidation numbers and the Stock system. How do you determine the formula or molar mass of any given compound? How do you use molar mass to convert between mass in grams and amount in moles of a chemical compound? How to calculate percentage composition from formula? Distinguish between atoms, molecules, formula units and ions. How to write chemical formulas from writing chemical formulas naming chemical compounds using the periodic table to assign oxidation numbers calculating empirical formulas determining % composition using chemical formulas using oxidation numbers Section reviews pages 215,219,228,233 Chapter review Page 235-237 Section review 7-1, 7-2, 7-3, 7-4 Nomenclature worksheets Lab A-4 Test 7 Semester 1 exam Resources Morgan County School District Re-3 Month Content and Essential Questions Chemistry Skills Assessment Resources % composition? Standards 1.1,2.1,2.33,6.3 January Chemical Equations and Reactions What is a Chemical Reaction? What are indications of chemical reactions? What are the characteristics of Chemical reactions? What does a chemical equation signify? How do you balance Chemical equations? What are the types of chemical reactions? S 2.1,2.3 Stoichiometry What is Stoichiometry? What is the importance of the mole ratio in stoimetric calculations? What are ideal Stoichiometric calculations? What is a limiting reactant? How do you calculate percent yield? What are the relationships between theoretical, actual and percent yield? S 2.1,2.3 February What is the kinetic theory of matter and how does it decriber properties of matter? What are the properties of ideal gases? How do real gases deviate from ideal gas behavior? How are gases described in terms of pressure, volume and temperature? Identify whether a chemical reaction has taken place Predict whether a chemical reaction will occur? Write and balance a chemical, ionic and net ionic equation. Calculate molar mass. Balance chemical equations Convert between moles of one reactant to moles of another reactant or product. Calculate limiting reactants and determine amounts of product. Measure conditions that define a gas Manipulate and solve gas law problems. Predict ideal and real gas behavior Convert between Celsius and Kelvin temperature. Use the ideal gas law. Chapter 8 section reviews pages 254,264,267 Student lab book Chemicals for lab 113C Student text. Daily quizes Lab A5 Study guide worksheets 8-1,8-2,8-3 Mixed review pg 272 Test Chapter 8 Section reviews pages 279,287,294 Lab 9-1 Chapter end problems pages 296-297 Study guides 9-1,9-2,9-3 Chapter 9 test Student text Lab supplies 113C Section revies pages. 307,312,325 Student text Student lab book Lab materials 113C Lab A8, Section reviews 10-1,10-2,10-3 Chapter end problems pages 327-328 Chapter 9 Test Morgan County School District Re-3 Month Content and Essential Questions Chemistry Skills Assessment Resources What are gas laws? S 2.1,2.2 Chapter 11 Why are common gases diatomic? What is the relationship between moles and volume? What is the standard molar volume? What is the ideal gas law? How do you do stoichiometric calculations with gases? 2.1,2.3 March April Chapter 12 How does the motion of particles in liquids and solids correspond to the kinetic-molecular theory? S 2.1 How and why do liquids and solids go into gaseous phase. S 2.1 How do particles of matter differ in structure in crystalline and amorphous solids? S 2.1 What is the process of phase change? S 2.1 What is equilibrium? S 2.1 What are phase diagrams? S 2.1 Solutions What are solutions, suspensions, colloids, electrolytes, and nonelectrolytes? S 2.1 How do changes in conditions affect solubility? S 2.1 Ions in Aqueous Solutions How do ionic solutions differ from molecular solutions? S 2.1 Chapter 11 section reviews pages 337, 346, 350, 355 Student text Student lab book Lab A9 Chapter end problems pages357-359 Lab materials 113C Compare and contrast phases of matter crystalline and amorphous solids List crystalline systems explain phase diagrams phase changes crystal formation Use data to explain results Section Reviews Pages 371,382,386 Student test " Modern Chemistry" Metcalfe and Williams 1999 Compare and Contrast different types of mixtures. list factors that influence solubility Section Reviews pages 400, 410, 418 LabsA17 Perform stoichiometic calculations with gases Measure different quantities of gas at different conditions. Explain- how changes in concentration influence melting and boiling point. Calculate melting and boiling point of ionic and molecular solutions Explain- why ionic solutions have different properties Chapter Review problems Page388-389 Labs A10, A15 Section Review Worksheets 12-1,12-2,12-3,12-4 Test 12 Student lab manual "Modern Chemistry" Metcalfe and Williams 1999 Section Review Worksheets Lab drawers and assorted materials Pen ink separation Page 810 Chapter Review Problems pg 421 Chapter Review worksheets 13-1,132,13-3 Test 13 Section Reviews on pages 433,446 Modern Chemistry Metcalf & Williams 1999 Modern Chemistry Lab Manuel 1999 Modern Chemistry Section Reviews Wks 1999 Assorted Chemicals and supplies Morgan County School District Re-3 Month Content and Essential Questions Why do ionic solutions have a greater affect upon colligative properties? S 2.1 Chemistry Skills Identify which substances will produce an ionic solution. Assessment Resources Lab A7 Chapter 14 Review Problems page 449 Chapter Review worksheets 14-1,14-2 Chapter 14 Test May Acids and Bases What are acids and bases? S 2.1 What are the common mineral acids in Chemistry and industry? S 2.1 What are the different definitions of acids? S 2.1 How is strength of an acid determined? S 2.1 What is acid rain? Acid base Titration What is an acid-base titration? S 2.1 How do we measure and calculate pH? S 2.1 How does concentration of acid and bases influence titration end point? S 2.1 Identify formulas of common acids and bases determine strength of acids by concentration and composition write chemical and ionic equations form acids and bases Section Reviews pages 462, 471,475, Chapter Review Problems 478 Chapter Review worksheets 15-1,152,15-3 Chapter 15 Test Titrate an unknown acid with a known base. Titrate an unknown base with a known acid. Section Reviews pages 491, 503, Lab A12 Lab A13 Chapter Review problems pages 505506 Chapter Review worksheets 16-1,16-2 Chapter 16 Test. Modern Chemistry Text Modern Chemistry Study Guide Worksheets Modern Chemistry Laboratory Experiments Assorted chemicals and equipment.