4th GP

Reading Curriculum Guide Overview: Grade 3 Spanish Reading
Fourth Grading Period
Selecciones de lectura
Dos hormigas traviesas,
pp. 174-190
Género: Fantasía
Poemas sobre los insectos,
pp. 192-194
Género: Poesía
Selecciones de lectura
El viaje: Relatos de
pp. 204-220
Género: Texto informativo
El saltamontes y la hormiga,
pp. 222-224
Género: Fábula
Selecciones de lectura
El viaje de Oliver K.
pp. 234-256
Género: Fantasía
El transporte del correo de
EE.UU, pp. 258-260
Género: Texto informativo
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Texas Senderos – Unidad 5
Estrategia de
Estrategia clave
Palabras base
Estructura del
y prefijos
re-, pro3.2B
Vocabulario clave
 explorador
 angosto
 rodeado
 subterráneo
 extraño
 cristalino
 violentamente
 líquido
 empapado
 ignorar
Destreza clave
Estrategia clave
Comparar y
3.2B, 3.2C
Vocabulario clave
 migrar
 sobrevivir
 suficiente
 atemorizante
 accidente
Destreza clave
 sólido
 gélido
 paisaje
 atronador
 dramático
Estrategia clave
Secuencia de
3.8A, RC-3CE
Vocabulario clave
 sincero
 inspirar
 lograr
 encuentro
 montar
 actualmente
 encantador
 placer
 conversación
 terror
Diéresis güe, güi
Palabras con güe, güi
Palabras académicas
 ambiente
 personajes
 argumento
 verificar/aclarar
 palabra base
 prefijo
Estrategia de
Prefijos in-, im3.4A
Palabras ortográficas
 agüita
 bilingüe
 cigüeña
 desagüe
 güiro
 lengüeta
 pingüino
 trilingüe
 vergüenza
 yegüita
 antigüidad
 argüir
Palabras académicas
 comparar
 contrastar
 prefijo
Estrategia de
Claves de
Palabras académicas
 secuencia de sucesos
 resumir
 inferir
 claves del contexto
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
 paragüero
 pingüe
 agüero
 lingüista
 nicaragüense
 ungüento
Palabras ortográficas
 siento
 ciento
 hecho
 echo
 caza
 casa
 ola
 hola
 vaya
 valla
 hay
 ¡ay!
 alar
 halar
 masa
 maza
 hasta
 asta
 cima
 sima
Palabras con k
Palabras con k
 kilo
 karate
 kindergarten
 kiwi
 kosher
 Kenia
Palabras ortográficas
 kit
 kermés
 koala
 karaoke
 kilómetro
 kril
 pakistani
 kilovatio
 Kremlin
 kilométrico
 kéfir
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Selecciones de lectura
Perro de las olas,
pp. 270-286
Género: Ficción realista
La tierra que construyeron los
volcanes, pp. 288-290
Género: Texto informativo
Selecciones de lectura
Destreza clave
Estrategia clave
Propósito del autor
Vocabulario clave
 travesía
 lava
 ondear
 arribo
 guiaban
 trenzó
 a bordo
 ancla
 divisó
 bahía
Destreza clave
Infinitvos: Verbos que
terminan en -ar, -er, -ir
Infinitvos: Verbos que
terminan en -ar, -er, -ir
Palabras académicas
 propósito del autor
 origen de las palabras
Estrategia de
Palabras ortográficas
 pintar
 respirar
 brincar
 madrugar
 golpear
 hacer
 salir
 llover
 meter
 desparacer
 digerir
 imprimar
 sacar
 volver
 hablar
 trabajar
 aventurarse
 almohadillar
TAKS Test / Review & reteach skills from HMH
Selecciones de lectura
Montañas: Sobrevivir en el
monte Everest,
pp. 300-316
Género: Texto informativo
Limpieza a gran altura,
pp. 318-320
Género: Obra de teatro
Estrategia de
Palabras de
otros idiomas
Selecciones de lectura
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Destreza clave
Estrategia clave
Estrategia de
Características del
texto y de los
elementos gráficos
Palabras con ñ
Palabras con ñ
Vocabulario clave
 aproximarse
 sección
 avalancha
 incremento
 equipo
Destreza clave
 tanque
 ladera
 altitud
 éxito
 detenerse
Estrategia clave
Palabras académicas
 características del texto
 características de los
elementos gráficos
 analogía
Estrategia de
Palabras ortográficas
 compañero
 leñador
 montaña
 cariño
 enseñar
 extraño
 pequeña
 bañar
 caña
 castaño
 sueño
 señalar
 dañino
 otoño
 cumpleaños
 año
 ñame
 albañil
Weeks 7-9 and 11: Review & reteach skills from HMH / Literature Circles
Week 10: Administer the Flynt-Cooter IRI to determine students’ reading levels
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Spanish Reading – Grade 3
Unit of Study: Literature Circles
Fourth Grading Period
Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas)
Unit Rationale
Literature Circles involve a small group of students exploring a piece of literature in depth.
The goal of literature circles is enthusiastic, natural, informal conversation that encourages a
life-long love of reading.
This learner-centered approach focuses on students' responses to the literature
they read. In Literature Circles, students are actively engaged in reading through
making choices, discussing, and constructing meaning. This strategy engages
students in higher-level thinking and reflection by encouraging collaboration and
constructing meaning with other readers. These literary discussions are guided by
student insights, observations, and questions. Learners often take on a variety of
roles in their group and learn to facilitate their own discussions and projects.
Essential Questions
Guiding Questions
¿Cuál es el problema que se presenta en el cuento? (Week 1)
¿En qué se parecen y se diferencian (dos cosas)? (Week 2)
¿Qué sucede si relatas los eventos de un cuento en desorden? (Week 3)
¿Cuál es el propósito del autor? (Week 4)
¿De qué manera ayudan al lector los títulos, los mapas y los diagramas? (Week 6)
¿Cuáles son los papeles de cada miembro en el círculo literario? (Weeks 7-10)
¿Qué estrategias debo usar mientras leo para mejor comprender el texto? (Weeks 7-10)
***Note: The end of the week expectation is that students answer the weekly essential
question in their reading journals.
¿Cómo me ayudarán las reglas ortográficas para descifrar las palabras en
¿Qué estrategias me ayudarán a comprender el texto?
¿Qué hago para mejorar la fluidez en la lectura?
¿Cómo descifro el significado de una palabra desconocida en el texto?
¿Cómo me ayudan las fuentes gráficas a entender el texto informativo?
¿Por qué es importante entender las relaciones de causa y efecto mientras
¿Por qué es importante analizar los personajes del cuento?
¿Qué estrategias debo usar mientras escucho para mejorar la comprensión?
¿Qué es la ventaja de trabajar en grupos cooperativos?
TEKS Standards
TEKS Specificity - Intended Outcome
***The specific TEKS taught each week are listed in the section titled “The Teaching Plan”.***
Reading/Beginning Reading Skills
 3.1 Phonics: Students use the relationships between letters and sounds and spelling
based on orthographic rules to decode written Spanish. Students will continue to
apply earlier standards with greater depth in increasingly complex texts.
 3.2 Strategies: Students comprehend a variety of texts drawing on useful strategies
as needed. (ELA CCRS Reading A1)
 3.3 Fluency: Students read grade-level text with fluency and comprehension.
Reading/Vocabulary Development:
 3.4 Vocabulary: Students understand new vocabulary and use it when reading &
writing. (ELA CCRS Reading A1)
Reading/Comprehension of Literary Text:
 3.5 Theme and Genre: Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions
about theme and genre in different cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts
and provide evidence from the text to support their understanding. (ELA CCRS
Reading C2, C4)
 3.6 Poetry: Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the
structure and elements of poetry and provide evidence from text to support their
understanding.(ELA CCRS Reading A6, A7, A10, C4)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Yo puedo...
 descifrar palabras utilizando las reglas ortográficos en español (TEKS 3.1D,
 comprender el texto utilizando varias estrategias (TEKS 3.2A, 3.2B, 3.2C)
 leer con fluidez (TEKS 3.3A)
 utilizar el vocabulario nuevo en la lectura y la escritura (TEKS 3.4A, 3.4B,
o Semana 1:
 identificar el ambiente, los personajes y el argumento de un cuento
(TEKS 3.8A)
 verificar la comprensión y aclarar detalles para entender el texto
(TEKS 3.2B, RC-3C)
o Semana 2:
 comparar y contrastar dos temas (TEKS 3.2B, 3.2C)
 visualizar para imaginar detalles en la selección (TEKS 3.10A)
o Semana 3:
 identificar secuencia de sucesos (TEKS 3.8A, RC-3E)
 resumir sucesos importantes en orden (TEKS 3.2B)
o Semana 4:
 identificar el propósito del autor (TEKS 3.12A, RC-3D)
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
3.8 Fiction: Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about the structure
and elements of fiction and provide evidence from text to support their understanding.
(ELA CCRS Reading A3, A4, A7, A10, A11)
 3.9 Literary Nonfiction: Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions about
the varied structural patterns and features of literary nonfiction and respond by providing
evidence from text to support their understanding. (ELA CCRS Reading A3, A4, A9)
 3.10 Sensory Language: Students understand, make inferences and draw conclusions
about how an author’s sensory language creates imagery in literary text and provide
evidence from text to support their understanding. (ELA CCRS Reading A6, A10)
 3.11 Independent Reading: Students read independently for sustained periods of time and
produce evidence of their learning. (ELA CCRS Reading C1)
Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text:
 3.12 Culture and History: Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about
the author’s purpose in cultural, historical, and contemporary contexts and provide
evidence from the text to support their understanding. (ELA CCRS Reading C1, C2, C3)
 3.13 Expository Text: Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about
expository text, and provide evidence from text to support their understanding. (ELA
CCRS Reading A2, A3)
 3.14 Persuasive Text: Students analyze, make inferences and draw conclusions about
persuasive text and provide evidence from text to support their analysis. (ELA CCRS
Reading A5, A9)
 3.16 Media Literacy: Students use comprehension skills to analyze how words, images,
graphics, and sounds work together in various forms to impact meaning. (ELA CCRS
Oral and Written Conventions:
 3.24 Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling: Students spell correctly. (ELA CCRS Reading
A2, A3, A9)
Listening and Speaking:
 3.29 Listening: Students use comprehension skills to listen attentively to others in formal
and informal settings. Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater
complexity. (ELA CCRS Listening A3, B1, B2, B3)
 3.30 Speaking: Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language.
Students continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity. (ELA CCRS
Speaking A1, B1, B2)
 3.31 Teamwork: Students work productively with others in teams. Students continue to apply
earlier standards with greater complexity. (ELA CCRS Speaking A2, Listening B3)
 hacer y contestar preguntas mientras leen (TEKS 3.2B)
o Semana 5:
 revisar las destrezas de comprensión anteriores
o Semana 6:
 identificar y explicar los propósitos de las características del
texto (TEKS 3.13D)
 usar características del texto de los elementos gráficos para
inferir y predecir mientras se lee (TEKS 3.2A)
o Semanas 7-11:
 participar en los círculos literarios
 revisar las destrezas de comprensión anteriores
Evidence of Learning (Summative Assessment)
85% of students will score 80% or above on the weekly spelling tests.
85% of students will score 80% or above on the weekly assessments (vocabulary, phonics/decoding, and comprehension).
85% of the students will be able to read on grade level (based on running records or Flynt-Cooter).
Passing the 3rd grade Spanish Reading TAKS test.
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Guiding Questions
Essential Pre-requisite Skills
¿Cómo me ayudarán las reglas ortográficas para descifrar las palabras en
¿Qué estrategias me ayudarán a comprender el texto?
¿Qué hago para mejorar la fluidez en la lectura?
¿Cómo utilizo el vocabulario nuevo en la lectura y la escritura?
¿Cómo apoyo la comprensión con evidencia del texto?
¿Por qué es importante producir evidencia de aprendizaje después de leer
¿Cómo aprendo a deletrear mejor?
¿Por qué es importante hablar claramente y al grano?
¿Cuál es la ventaja de trabajar en grupos cooperativos?
Monitor accuracy of decoding. (2)
Decode words with common spelling patterns. (1)
Ask relevant questions, seek clarification and locate fats and details about stories and other
texts and support answers with evidence from text (K, 1, 2)
Establish purpose for reading selected texts and monitor comprehension, making
corrections and adjustments when that understanding breaks down. (1, 2)
Read aloud grade-level text with fluency and comprehension. (1,2)
Use context o determine the relevant meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple-meaning
words. (1, 2)
Describe main characters including their traits, motivations, and feelings. (1, 2)
Spell words with common orthographic patterns. (1, 2)
Listen attentively to speakers and ask relevant questions to clarify information. (K, 1, 2)
Monitor and adjust comprehension. (1, 2)
Overview of the Whole Group Teaching Plan – WEEKS 1-6 (~40-45 Minutes)
The following is the new framework for the reading block. Scroll down to see what each lesson entails. The activities and page numbers listed below are from Texas Senderos. The
textbook is designed for a 90 minute reading block. Since the bilingual reading block is only 60 minutes, pacing of the lessons is imperative in order to cover all of the content and
TEKS. More than likely, teachers will not be able to cover everything listed during the 40- 45 minute whole group time. Therefore, the most important activities must be selected
from the list below based on the needs of the students. Careful planning is essential to make certain students’ needs are addressed and that all of the TEKS are taught by the end
of the year as well. Some activities may have to be saved until the next day or combined with another lesson due to reteaching and corrective feedback lessons. Material that is
skipped can also be covered during the review/reteach week (week 9).Week nine is designated for literature circles, but 10-20 minutes can be spent on reviewing and reteaching
lessons before the students read their novels.
Destreza de lectura
Rutinas iniciales
Lectura en voz alta
Presentar el vocabulario
Fonética y Repaso de fonética
Desarrollar el contexto
Presentar el tema de comprensión
Presentar la selección y Desarrollar la comprensión
Profundizar la comprensión
Conectar con…/Hacer conexiones
Estrategias de vocabulario
Pruebas semanales
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
The Teaching Plan for MONDAY: WEEKS 1-6
Focus on the comprehension lessons from the TAKS Reading Blitz and include any of the skills listed below based on the
needs of the class. There is additional information on websites with comprehension focus lessons in the Teacher Toolkit.
******Note: Weeks 10 & 11 are review/reteach weeks so the Flynt-Cooter IRI may be administered.***
Presentar el
Lectura en voz alta
Rutinas Iniciales
Rutinas iniciales:
 Fonética diaria
 Refuerzo diario del
Page Numbers
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T12-T13
o Week 2: pp. T100-T101
o Week 3: pp. T188-T189
o Week 4: pp. T278-T279
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T366-T367
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Lectura en voz alta:
 Demostrar la fluidez
 Comprensión auditiva
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T14-T15
o Week 2: pp. T102-T103
o Week 3: pp. T190-T191
o Week 4: pp. T280-T281
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T368-T369
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Presentar el
 Enseñar
 Aplicar
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T16-T17
o Week 2: pp. T104-T105
o Week 3: pp. T192-T193
o Week 4: pp. T282-T283
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T370-T371
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
The teacher will...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Model the phonics activity for students to
o Provide corrective feedback as needed.
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Call out the vocabulary words from the Tarjetas
de vocabulario en contexto distribute the cards.
o Ask for volunteers to interact with the words.
o Guide responses as necessary.
 Model fluent reading including:
o intonation
o phrasing: attention to punctuation
o rate
o accuracy: words in connected text
o expression
 Explain the comprehension skill.
 Review the target vocabulary.
 Display and discuss the Tarjetas de vocabulario
en contexto.
 Read and pronounce the words.
 Explain the words.
 Discuss the vocabulary in context.
 Engage with the words
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
So students can...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Practice phonics activities by:
 contrasting syllables que, gue, and qui,
 reading words with dieresis
 determining meaning of homophones
 dividing words into syllables
 using words with letter k in sentences
 categorizing verbs that end in –ar, -er, -ir
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Based on the context from the vocabulary
cards, give the meaning, an example, or a
sentence using the words.
 Listen to fluent reading.
 Learn the target vocabulary.
 Listen to:
o story structure
o compare and contrast details from a
o sequence of events
o infer author’s purpose
o identify text features in a selection
 Answer comprehension questions.
 Understand and use target vocabulary.
 Do the Piénsalo and Coméntalo activities and
discuss the word with a partner or group.
Page 6 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Fonética:
 Enseñar demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
 Acción correctiva
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T18-T19
o Week 2: pp. T106-T107
o Week 3: pp. T194-T195
o Week 4: pp. T284-T285
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T372-T373
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Guide students to blend, read, and spell words.
 Display the Tarjeta de sonidos y ortografía and
teach the phonics pattern.
 Write the words.
 Model how to blend syllables to form words
 Model how to decode words.
 Model how to connect sounds to spelling and
 Dictate sentences for students to write.
 Provide corrective feedback as needed.
 Listen to teacher say the syllables in a word
and then blend them together to form the word.
 Repeat syllables and words after the teacher.
 Blend words to read sentences.
 Write sentences dictatated by the teacher.
 Practice reading the words repeatedly to
develop automaticity and accuracy.
 Ortografía:
 Enseñar el principio
 Instead of the pretest,
teachers will introduce
the weekly spelling words
using spelling
cheerleading or spelling
chants (available on the
Teacher Toolkit). The
weekly spelling words
can be found on the
pages listed to the right.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T20
o Week 2: p. T108
o Week 3: p. T196
o Week 4: p. T286
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T374
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Introduce the weekly spelling words using the
Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía by displaying the
card and pointing to the picture.
 Explain the spelling pattern.
 Model the spelling cheerleading activity or
spelling chant for students to practice spelling the
words using movement. (See the Teacher
 Practice spelling the words using the spelling
cheerleading activity or spelling chants.
 Orally spell each word and use body
movements as well to practice.
Grupos pequeños y Centros
de tra bajo
Small Group Instruction
 Pull one to two groups daily for small
group instruction.
 Refer to the following pages in the
Senderos T.E. for the Suggested
Small Group Plan.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T70-T71
o Week 2: pp. T158-T159
o Week 3: pp. T248-T249
o Week 4: pp. T336-T337
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T428-T429
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Work Stations
 Follow the day 1 small group focus
lesson from the pages listed below:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T72-T75
o Week 2: pp. T160-T163
o Week 3: pp. T250-T253
o Week 4: pp. T338-T341
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T430-T443
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Create teacher-made work stations
based on the skills learned during the
week or the previous week(s).
 The work stations should reinforce
what was taught during whole group
 The HMH Ready-Made Work Stations
may be used to supplement the
teacher-made stations. They include
the following:
o Comprehension and Fluency
o Word Study
o Think and Write
 Include differentiated activities to
meet the needs of all learners.
 See the following pages for a preview
of the weekly work stations:
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
 See the online Teacher Toolkit for
ideas on what to include at the
different literacy stations.
 If supplementing with the HMH
Ready-Made Work Stations, each
station contains three activities.
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Small group instruction must be
tailored to the needs of the students.
Look at the Suggested Small Group
Plan in the Senderos T.E. to determine
what materials each group will use.
 All of the activities in Senderos are
differentiated and are based on the
gradual release of responsibility model.
 For students that need additional
assistance on specific skills, refer to
the differentiation tab in the Teacher
Toolkit and click on Instructional
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T10-T11
o Week 2: pp. T98-T99
o Week 3: pp. T186-T187
o Week 4: pp. T276-T277
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T364-T365
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
Children who complete the ¡A
comenzar! activity may move on to the
¡Logra más! and/or ¡Reto! activity.
 In lieu of work stations, two days per
week, students can complete an
independent reading assignment or
reader response activity while the
teacher meets with small groups.
How do I differentiate during reading?
 Since you only have 60 minutes for the reading block,
it is very important that you maximize instruction to
the fullest. The Curriculum Framework has
suggested times for the breakdown of the reading
block. Specific times for each component are not
give because the amount of time spent on each
component depends on the needs of the class.
 If a 50+% of the class scores below 70% on the
weekly assessment (comprehension, vocabulary,
phonics), do a whole class reteach of the skills
students had the most difficulty with. If only a small
percentage of students scored below 70% on the
 weekly assessment, reteach the lesson(s) during
small group instruction.
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for small group
guided reading instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 If students are struggling with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece to select student expectations from the
previous grade level to fill in the gaps.
 Select the appropriate Senderos Libro graduable for
the reading groups based on the students’ reading
level. Books should be at the instructional or
 independent level in order for the students to be
 See the Teacher Toolkit for additional ideas on how
to differentiate the components of literacy.
(Differentiation Strategies)
 Work stations must be differentiated to meet the
needs of the learner. Students will have additional
practice to help them master the skills learned
during whole group instruction.
What do you do for students who master the
learning quickly?
 Activities/materials offered during small group guided
reading instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
Advanced learners should be provided with
challenging activities and books.
 If students are having an easy time with on-grade
level activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical
Alignment piece (pink pages) to select student
expectations from the next grade level to challenge
students more.
Textbook & Supplemental Materials:
 Texas Senderos – Unidad 5 y 6
 Mural de enfoque (Display new poster each week)
 Running Records (Available in the Grab and Go
 Libros graduables
 Libros decodificables
 Librito de vocabulario
 Tarjetas de vocabulario en contexto
 Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Teacher Toolkit:
 Back to School Information
 Assessments
o Dictado
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
o Spanish letter cards and activities
o Alphabet strips and activities
 Spelling
o Spelling Chants
o Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
 Work Stations
o Activities
o Posters & Icons
o Accountability forms
 Literature Response Activities
 Word Wall Games
 Vocabulary Lessons and Activities
 Visualization Activities
 Literature Response Activities
 Every Student Response Cards
 Comprehension
Page 8 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Tarjetas para el recuento oral
 Organizadores gráficos
 Centros de trabajo organizados (Comprensión y
fluidez, Estudio de palabras, Piensa y escribe)
 Spanish High-frequency Words
 Differentiation
o Interventions for Struggling Readers and Writers
o Dr. Virginia Rojas Strategies
o Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Strategies
o Websites with Differentiation Strategies
 Websites to teach comprehension
o Five finger retelling poster
o Comprehension posters in Spanish
o Graphic organizers
 Administering the Flynt-Cooter IRI
 Literature Circles
 TAKS Reading Blitz
Web Resources
Essential reading strategies for the struggling reader: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/downloads/primary/booklets/Essential_Strategies.pdf
Reading strategies and activities resource book: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/materials/primary_dyslexia.asp
List of websites for teaching different comprehension strategies:
Ideas for small group focus lessons: https://www.saisd.net/admin/curric/curricms/documents/tchrtlktdocs/span/differentiation/instructional_interventions.pdf
Strategies to differentiate instruction: http://www.literacyleader.com/sites/litlead.essdack.org/files/StrategiesThatDifferentiateInstructionK_4-080808.pdf
Dr. Virginia Rojas strategies: http://www.earcos.org/etc2009/download/ELL_precon.pdf
Kagan´s Cooperative Learning Structures: http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/OEI/Rojas%20Kagan%2056%20coop%20structures.pdf
Bilingual site for educators and families: http://www.colorincolorado.org/
TumbleBooks (Read/hear stories in Spanish): http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/kids (From the menu bar, click on TumbleBook Library  Story Books Language Learning)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
Page 9 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
The Teaching Plan for TUESDAY: WEEKS 1-6
Focus on the comprehension lessons from the TAKS Reading Blitz and include any of the skills listed below based on the
needs of the class. There is additional information on websites with comprehension focus lessons in the Teacher Toolkit.
******Note: Weeks 10 & 11 are review/reteach weeks so the Flynt-Cooter IRI may be administered.***
Presentar el tema de
Desarrollar el contexto
Rutinas Iniciales
Rutinas iniciales:
 Fonética diaria
 Refuerzo diario del
Page Numbers
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T22-T23
o Week 2: pp. T110-T111
o Week 3: pp. T198-T199
o Week 4: pp. T288-T289
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T336-T337
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
The teacher will...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Model the phonics activity.
o Provide corrective feedback as needed.
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Review the target vocabulary words and their
definitions using the Tarjetas de vocabulario
en contexto.
o Guide children to interact with oral vocabulary
words by asking specific questions.
 Desarrollar el contexto:
 Enseñar/Demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T24-T25
o Week 2: pp. T112-T113
o Week 3: pp. T200-T201
o Week 4: pp. T290-T291
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T378-T379
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Present background for the story.
 Use the Tarjetas de vocabulario en contexto to
review the weekly vocabulary words.
 Ask questions using the vocabulary words.
 Presentar el tema de
 Enseñar/Demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T26-T27
o Week 2: pp. T114-T115
o Week 3: pp. T202-T203
o Week 4: pp. T292-T293
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T380-T381
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Explain the weekly comprehension skill.
 Read and discuss the Libro del estudiante.
 Display the Página para proyectar and have
students read the story.
 Use a graphic organizer to demonstrate how to
map out the comprehension skill presented in the
 Model think aloud strategies on how to fill out the
graphic organizer.
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
So students can...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Practice phonics activities by:
 correctly placing the dieresis on words with
güe and güi
 using homophones correctly in sentences
 using words with k in sentences
 correctly reading infinitve verbs ending in –ar,
-er, -ir
 dividing words into syllables
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Interact with vocabulary words.
o Turn and talk to a partner to discuss the
Coméntalo activity on the back of the card.
 Skim the pages of the story.
 Participate in discussions to build context for the
 Answer questions using target vocabulary
 Silently read from the Libro del estudiante and
then read the passage aloud.
 Take turns reading sentences with a partner.
 Pause and explain each highlighted target
vocabulary word as they read.
 Discuss the Libro del estudiante.
 Use academic language to participate in
 Listen to teacher model think aloud strategies to
learn the comprehension strategy of the week.
 Help the teacher fill out the graphic organizer
using information from the story.
o Complete a story map with the problem and
solution (Week 1)
Page 10 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Presentar la selección y Desarrollar la
Presentar el tema de
 Explain your reasoning and use the information
from the story for support.
 Record student responses on the graphic
 Presentar la selección y
Desarrollar la
 Destreza clave
 Estrategia clave
 Género
 Pregunta esencial
 Establecer un propósito
 Desarrollar la
 Es tu turno
 Summarize the comprehension strategy.
 Model how to apply the comprehension skill to
the story or graphic organizer on the Página para
 Identify the genre of the story.
 Model think-aloud strategies.
 Set the purpose for the story.
 Pause at stopping points to ask students
comprehension questions.
 Score students retellings with the Retelling
 Ortografía:
 Enseñar/Clasificación de
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T28-T39
o Week 2: pp. T116-T127
o Week 3: pp. T204-T217
o Week 4: pp. T294-T305
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T382-T393
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T40
o Week 2: p. T128
o Week 3: p. T218
o Week 4: p. T306
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T394
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
 Review the Tarjeta de sonidos y ortografía.
 Draw a graphic organizer on the board for a word
sort activity.
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
o Compare and contrast two people or things
and record ideas on a Venn diagram (Week
o Complete a Flow Chart showing the
sequence of events for a simple activity
(Week 3)
o Use an Inference Map to determine the
author’s purpose (Week 4)
o Review skills (Week 5)
o Use a Column Chart to list the text features
and purpose of each (Week 6)
Look at photos/illustrations in the story and
Page through the story and tell purpose for
reading it.
Write the purpose in their reading notebook.
Infer story details and predict future events.
Read the story and check to see if their
predictions are correct.
Apply the comprehension strategy to the text.
Help the teacher to complete the Página para
proyectar using information from the story.
Apply the phonics/decoding strategy to the
Build oral language skills by retelling the story
using the Tarjetas para el recuento oral.
Sort words according to phonics pattern.
Write words into the appropriate column/circle
by spelling pattern.
Page 11 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Small Group Instruction
 Pull one to two groups daily for small
group instruction.
Grupos pequeños
 Refer to the following pages in the
Senderos T.E. for the Suggested
Small Group Plan.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T70-T71
o Week 2: pp. T158-T159
o Week 3: pp. T248-T249
o Week 4: pp. T336-T337
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T428-T429
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Small group instruction must be
tailored to the needs of the students.
Look at the Suggested Small Group
Plan in the Senderos T.E. to determine
what materials each group will use.
Work Stations
 Follow the day 2 small group focus
lesson from the pages listed below:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T76-T77
o Week 2: pp. T164-T165
o Week 3: pp. T254-T255
o Week 4: pp. T342-T343
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T434-T435
Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 All of the activities in Senderos are
differentiated and are based on the
gradual release of responsibility model.
 For students that need additional
assistance on specific skills, refer to
the differentiation tab in the Teacher
Toolkit and click on Instructional
 Create teacher-made work stations
based on the skills learned during the
week or the previous week(s).
 The work stations should reinforce
what was taught during whole group
 The HMH Ready-Made Work Stations
may be used to supplement the
teacher-made stations. They include
the following:
o Comprehension and Fluency
o Word Study
o Think and Write
 Include differentiated activities to meet
the needs of all learners.
 See the following pages for a preview
of the weekly work stations:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T10-T11
o Week 2: pp. T98-T99
o Week 3: pp. T186-T187
o Week 4: pp. T276-T277
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T364-T365
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 See the online Teacher Toolkit for
ideas on what to include at the
different literacy stations.
 If supplementing with the HMH
Ready-Made Work Stations, each
station contains three activities.
Children who complete the ¡A
comenzar! activity may move on to
the ¡Logra más! and/or ¡Reto! activity.
 In lieu of work stations, two days per
week, students can complete an
independent reading assignment or
reader response activity while the
teacher meets with small groups.
How do I differentiate during reading?
 Since you only have 60 minutes for the reading block,
it is very important that you maximize instruction to
the fullest. The Curriculum Framework has
suggested times for the breakdown of the reading
block. Specific times for each component are not
give because the amount of time spent on each
component depends on the needs of the class.
 If a 50+% of the class scores below 70% on the
weekly assessment (comprehension, vocabulary,
phonics), do a whole class reteach of the skills
students had the most difficulty with. If only a small
percentage of students scored below 70% on the
weekly assessment, reteach the lesson(s) during
small group instruction.
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for small group
guided reading instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 If students are struggling with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece to select student expectations from the
previous grade level to fill in the gaps.
 Select the appropriate Senderos Libro graduable for
the reading groups based on the students’ reading
level. Books should be at the instructional or
independent level in order for the students to be
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
What do you do for students who master the learning
 Activities/materials offered during small group guided
reading instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
Advanced learners should be provided with
challenging activities and books.
 If students are having an easy time with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece (pink pages) to select student expectations
from the next grade level to challenge students
Page 12 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 See the Teacher Toolkit for additional ideas on how
to differentiate the components of literacy.
(Differentiation Strategies)
 Work stations must be differentiated to meet the
needs of the learner. Students will have additional
practice to help them master the skills learned
during whole group instruction.
Textbook & Supplemental Materials:
 Texas Senderos – Unidad 5 y 6
 Mural de enfoque (Display new poster each week)
 Running Records (Available in the Grab and Go
 Libros graduables
 Libros decodificables
 Librito de vocabulario
 Tarjetas de vocabulario en contexto
 Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía
 Tarjetas para el recuento oral
 Organizadores gráficos
 Centros de trabajo organizados (Comprensión y
fluidez, Estudio de palabras, Piensa y escribe)
Teacher Toolkit:
 Back to School Information
 Assessments
o Dictado
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
o Spanish letter cards and activities
o Alphabet strips and activities
 Spelling
o Spelling Chants
o Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling
 Spanish High-frequency Words
 Differentiation
o Interventions for Struggling Readers and Writers
o Dr. Virginia Rojas Strategies
o Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Strategies
o Websites with Differentiation Strategies
 Work Stations
o Activities
o Posters & Icons
o Accountability forms
 Literature Response Activities
 Word Wall Games
 Vocabulary Lessons and Activities
 Visualization Activities
 Literature Response Activities
 Every Student Response Cards
 Comprehension
o Websites to teach comprehension
o Five finger retelling poster
o Comprehension posters in Spanish
o Graphic organizers
 Administering the Flynt-Cooter IRI
 Literature Circles
 TAKS Reading Blitz
Web Resources
Essential reading strategies for the struggling reader: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/downloads/primary/booklets/Essential_Strategies.pdf
Reading strategies and activities resource book: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/materials/primary_dyslexia.asp
List of websites for teaching different comprehension strategies:
Ideas for small group focus lessons: https://www.saisd.net/admin/curric/curricms/documents/tchrtlktdocs/span/differentiation/instructional_interventions.pdf
Strategies to differentiate instruction: http://www.literacyleader.com/sites/litlead.essdack.org/files/StrategiesThatDifferentiateInstructionK_4-080808.pdf
Dr. Virginia Rojas strategies: http://www.earcos.org/etc2009/download/ELL_precon.pdf
Kagan´s Cooperative Learning Structures: http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/OEI/Rojas%20Kagan%2056%20coop%20structures.pdf
Bilingual site for educators and families: http://www.colorincolorado.org/
TumbleBooks (Read/hear stories in Spanish): http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/kids (From the menu bar, click on TumbleBook Library  Story Books Language Learning)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
Page 13 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
The Teaching Plan for WEDNESDAY: WEEKS 1-6
Focus on the comprehension lessons from the TAKS Reading Blitz and include any of the skills listed below based on the
needs of the class. There is additional information on websites with comprehension focus lessons in the Teacher Toolkit.
******Note: Weeks 10 & 11 are review/reteach weeks so the Flynt-Cooter IRI may be administered.***
Repaso de fonética
Rutinas Iniciales
Rutinas iniciales:
 Fonética diaria
 Refuerzo diario del
Page Numbers
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T42-T43
o Week 2: pp. T130-T131
o Week 3: pp. T220-T221
o Week 4: pp. T308-T309
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T396-T397
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
The teacher will...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Model the phonics activity such as:
 Separating words into syllables
 Pointing out the weekly phonics pattern
 indicating how to divide words with
diphthongs into syllables
o Provide corrective feedback as needed.
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Guide children to interact with oral vocabulary
words by asking specific questions.
o Lead students in a discussion using the oral
vocabulary for the week.
 Remind students to speak clearly when
participating in discussions.
 Repaso de fonética:
 Enseñar/Demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
 Acción correctiva
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T44
o Week 2: p. T132
o Week 3: p. T222
o Week 4: p. T310
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T398
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Review the weekly phonics pattern using the
Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía.
 Draw a multi-column table for a sorting activity.
 Write words to practice on the board.
 Provide corrective feedback as needed.
 Fluidez:
 Enseñar/Demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T45
o Week 2: p. T133
o Week 3: p. T223
o Week 4: p. T311
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T399
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Explain that good readers:
o know when to make their voices rise and fall
o group words into phrases and pause at the
end of those phrases
o adjust their reading rate based on what
they’re reading
o read with accuracy by pronouncing wrods
o read with expression
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
So students can...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Practice phonics activities by:
 writing words with dieresis
 correctly writing homophones
 looking up words with k in the dictionary
 matching the conjugated and infinitive forms
of the same verb
 playing bingo with words with ñ
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Interact with vocabulary words
o Speak clearly when participating in discussions
o Work in groups to define the weekly
vocabulary in their own words.
o Follow appropriate rules for discussion such as
listening to speakers, taking turns, and staying
on topic.
 Write words with güe and güi with the dieresis in
the correct place
 Blend, read, spell and write words with
 Determining by listening to words which ones
contain the letter k.
 Categorize verbs by their endings.
 Create a story using words with ñ.
 Do repeated readings with a partner to practice:
o Intonation (Week 1)
o Reading words accurately in connected text
(Week 2)
o Rate (Week 3)
o Accuracy in connected text (Week 4)
o Review skills (Week 5)
o Expression
Page 14 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Profundizar la
 Profundizar la
 Enseñar/Demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T46-T47
o Week 2: pp. T134-T135
o Week 3: pp. T224-T225
o Week 4: pp. T312-T313
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T400-T401
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Ortografía:
 Segmentar sonidos
 Formar palabras abiertas
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T48
o Week 2: p. T136
o Week 3: p. T226
o Week 4: p. T314
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T402
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Model the following:
o appropriate intonation
o how to pause at commas and periods
o appropriate rate
o using context clues, sounding out, spelling or
syllable segmentation to figure out words
o how to use word choice and punctuation
marks to determine what kind of expression to
 Review the weekly comprehension skill.
 Model how to apply the comprehension strategy
by thinking aloud.
 Guide students in a discussion of the story.
 Model strategies to help write words, such as:
o saying sounds in words slowly
o stressing specific syllables on words to write
 Review the Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía.
 Model how to form words with the letter cards.
 Use academic language in discussions.
 Reread parts of the story in the Libro del
 Apply the comprehension skill to the text.
 Help complete the graphic organizer.
 Turn and talk to a partner about the story while
apply the comprehension skill.
 Write responses to the Deepen Comprehension
 Take turns with a partner reading and writing
spelling words.
 Use the Tarjetas de letras to spell words.
 Spell words with accent marks.
Grupos pequeños
y Centros de
tra bajo
Small Group Instruction
 Pull one to two groups daily for small
group instruction.
 Refer to the following pages in the
Senderos T.E. for the Suggested
Small Group Plan.
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Work Stations
 Follow the day 3 small group focus
lesson from the pages listed below:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T78-T82
o Week 2: pp. T166-T170
o Week 3: pp. T256-T260
o Week 4: pp. T344-T348
 Create teacher-made work stations
based on the skills learned during the
week or the previous week(s).
 The work stations should reinforce
what was taught during whole group
 The HMH Ready-Made Work Stations
may be used to supplement the
 Include differentiated activities to meet
the needs of all learners.
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
Page 15 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T70-T71
o Week 2: pp. T158-T159
o Week 3: pp. T248-T249
o Week 4: pp. T336-T337
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T428-T429
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Small group instruction must be
tailored to the needs of the students.
Look at the Suggested Small Group
Plan in the Senderos T.E. to determine
what materials each group will use.
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T436-T440
Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 All of the activities in Senderos are
differentiated and are based on the
gradual release of responsibility model.
 For students that need additional
assistance on specific skills, refer to
the differentiation tab in the Teacher
Toolkit and click on Instructional
teacher-made stations. They include the
o Comprehension and Fluency
o Word Study
o Think and Write
 See the following pages for a preview
of the weekly work stations:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T10-T11
o Week 2: pp. T98-T99
o Week 3: pp. T186-T187
o Week 4: pp. T276-T277
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T364-T365
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 See the online Teacher Toolkit for
ideas on what to include at the different
literacy stations.
 If supplementing with the HMH ReadyMade Work Stations, each station
contains three activities. Children who
complete the ¡A comenzar! activity may
move on to the ¡Logra más! and/or
¡Reto! activity.
 In lieu of work stations, two days per
week, students can complete an
independent reading assignment or
reader response activity while the
teacher meets with small groups.
How do I differentiate during reading?
 Since you only have 60 minutes for the reading block,
it is very important that you maximize instruction to
the fullest. The Curriculum Framework has
suggested times for the breakdown of the reading
block. Specific times for each component are not
give because the amount of time spent on each
component depends on the needs of the class.
 If a 50+% of the class scores below 70% on the
weekly assessment (comprehension, vocabulary,
phonics), do a whole class reteach of the skills
students had the most difficulty with. If only a small
percentage of students scored below 70% on the
weekly assessment, reteach the lesson(s) during
small group instruction.
 See the Teacher Toolkit for additional ideas on how
to differentiate the components of literacy.
(Differentiation Strategies)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for small group
guided reading instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 If students are struggling with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece to select student expectations from the
previous grade level to fill in the gaps.
 Select the appropriate Senderos Libro graduable for
the reading groups based on the students’ reading
level. Books should be at the instructional or
independent level in order for the students to be
 Work stations must be differentiated to meet the
needs of the learner. Students will have additional
practice to help them master the skills learned
during whole group instruction.
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
What do you do for students who master the learning
 Activities/materials offered during small group guided
reading instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
Advanced learners should be provided with
challenging activities and books.
 If students are having an easy time with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece (pink pages) to select student expectations
from the next grade level to challenge students more.
Page 16 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Textbook & Supplemental Materials:
 Texas Senderos – Unidad 5 y 6
 Mural de enfoque (Display new poster each week)
 Running Records (Available in the Grab and Go
 Libros graduables
 Libros decodificables
 Librito de vocabulario
 Tarjetas de vocabulario en contexto
 Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía
 Tarjetas para el recuento oral
 Organizadores gráficos
 Centros de trabajo organizados (Comprensión y
fluidez, Estudio de palabras, Piensa y escribe)
Teacher Toolkit:
 Back to School Information
 Assessments
o Dictado
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
o Spanish letter cards and activities
o Alphabet strips and activities
 Spelling
o Spelling Chants
o Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling
 Spanish High-frequency Words
 Differentiation
o Interventions for Struggling Readers and Writers
o Dr. Virginia Rojas Strategies
o Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Strategies
o Websites with Differentiation Strategies
 Work Stations
o Activities
o Posters & Icons
o Accountability forms
 Literature Response Activities
 Word Wall Games
 Vocabulary Lessons and Activities
 Visualization Activities
 Literature Response Activities
 Every Student Response Cards
 Comprehension
o Websites to teach comprehension
o Five finger retelling poster
o Comprehension posters in Spanish
o Graphic organizers
 Administering the Flynt-Cooter IRI
 Literature Circles
 TAKS Reading Blitz
Web Resources
Essential reading strategies for the struggling reader: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/downloads/primary/booklets/Essential_Strategies.pdf
Reading strategies and activities resource book: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/materials/primary_dyslexia.asp
List of websites for teaching different comprehension strategies:
Ideas for small group focus lessons: https://www.saisd.net/admin/curric/curricms/documents/tchrtlktdocs/span/differentiation/instructional_interventions.pdf
Strategies to differentiate instruction: http://www.literacyleader.com/sites/litlead.essdack.org/files/StrategiesThatDifferentiateInstructionK_4-080808.pdf
Dr. Virginia Rojas strategies: http://www.earcos.org/etc2009/download/ELL_precon.pdf
Kagan´s Cooperative Learning Structures: http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/OEI/Rojas%20Kagan%2056%20coop%20structures.pdf
Bilingual site for educators and families: http://www.colorincolorado.org/
TumbleBooks (Read/hear stories in Spanish): http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/kids (From the menu bar, click on TumbleBook Library  Story Books Language Learning)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
Page 17 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
The Teaching Plan for THURSDAY: WEEKS 1-6
Focus on the comprehension lessons from the TAKS Reading Blitz and include any of the skills listed below based on the
needs of the class. There is additional information on websites with comprehension focus lessons in the Teacher Toolkit.
******Note: Weeks 10 & 11 are review/reteach weeks so the Flynt-Cooter IRI may be administered.***
Conectar con…
Rutinas Iniciales
Rutinas iniciales:
 Fonética diaria
 Refuerzo diario del
Conectar con…:
 Siga las instrucciones en
la página a la izquierda.
No haga la actividad
Hacer conexiones con
el grupo entero.
 Se puede usar una de
las actividades de
Hacer conexiones en
los centros de trabajo.
Page Numbers
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T50-T51
o Week 2: pp. T138-T139
o Week 3: pp. T228-T229
o Week 4: pp. T316-T317
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T404-T405
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T52-T53
o Week 2: pp. T140-T141
o Week 3: pp. T230-T231
o Week 4: pp. T318-T319
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T406-T407
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
The teacher will...
Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
Model phonics activity.
Make word cards for activities.
Provide corrective feedback as needed.
So students can...
 Daily Phonics/Fonética diaria
o Practice phonics activities by:
 sorting words by sounds
 completing sentences with the correct
 using words with k in sentences
 matching conjugated and infinitve verbs
 working in a group to create a story with ñ
Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
 Guide children to interact with oral vocabulary
words by asking specific questions.
 Lead students in a discussion using the oral
vocabulary for the week.
 Remind students to speak clearly when
participating in discussions.
 Provide corrective feedback as needed.
Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
 Interact with vocabulary words.
 Speak clearly when participating in discussions.
 Work in small groups to discuss the Coméntalo
activity on the back of the Tarjetas de
vocabulario en contexto.
 Explain the word meanings in their own words.
 Follow appropriate rules for discussion.
 Use graphic features.
 Read the story passage or poem.
 Review vocabulary words to prepare for the
 Respond to the story.
 Make text to self, text to text, and text to world
 Connect to:
o Poetry (Week 1)
o Traditional Tales/Fables (Week 2)
o Informational Text/Social Studies (Week 3)
o Informational Text/Science (Week 4)
o Review/Reteach Skills (Week 5)
o Plays (Week 6)
Introduce story selections.
Explain features of particular text to be read.
Reinforce target vocabulary.
Guide children to set a purpose for reading.
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
Page 18 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Estrategias de
Estrategias de vocabulario
 Enseñar/Demostrar
 Práctica guiada
 Aplicar
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T54-T55
o Week 2: pp. T142-T143
o Week 3: pp. T232-T233
o Week 4: pp. T320-T321
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T408-T409
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Lead a discussion on the vocabulary strategy.
 Model how to use the weekly vocabulary strategy
by thinking aloud in order to determine the
meaning of an unknown word.
 Model how to complete graphic organizers.
 Participate in a discussion on the vocabulary
 Use vocabulary words in sentences.
 Apply the Estrategia de vocabulario to each
 Look up unknown words in the dictionary.
 Ortografía:
 In place of the spelling
lessons in Senderos,
select a spelling game
or spelling chant from
the online Teacher
Toolkit. The weekly
spelling words can be
found on the pages
listed to the right.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T56
o Week 2: p. T144
o Week 3: p. T234
o Week 4: p. T322
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T410
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Teach spellling game to review the weekly
spelling words.
 Practice the weekly spelling words using a
spelling game such as ¡Chispa! or La rueda de la
fortuna, or do spelling chants with body
Small Group Instruction
Grupos pequeños y Centros de trabajo
 Pull one to two groups daily for small
group instruction.
 Refer to the following pages in the
Senderos T.E. for the Suggested
Small Group Plan.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T70-T71
o Week 2: pp. T158-T159
o Week 3: pp. T248-T249
o Week 4: pp. T336-T337
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T428-T429
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Work Stations
 Follow the day 4 small group focus
lesson from the pages listed below:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T84-T85
o Week 2: pp. T172-T173
o Week 3: pp. T262-T263
o Week 4: pp. T350-T351
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T442-T443
Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 All of the activities in Senderos are
differentiated and are based on the
gradual release of responsibility model.
 Create teacher-made work stations
based on the skills learned during the
week or the previous week(s).
 The work stations should reinforce
what was taught during whole group
 The HMH Ready-Made Work Stations
may be used to supplement the
teacher-made stations. They include
the following:
o Comprehension and Fluency
o Word Study
o Think and Write
 Include differentiated activities to meet
the needs of all learners.
 See the following pages for a preview
of the weekly work stations:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T10-T11
o Week 2: pp. T98-T99
o Week 3: pp. T186-T187
o Week 4: pp. T276-T277
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T364-T365
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
 See the online Teacher Toolkit for
ideas on what to include at the different
literacy stations.
 If supplementing with the HMH ReadyMade Work Stations, each station
contains three activities. Children who
complete the ¡A comenzar! activity may
move on to the ¡Logra más! and/or
¡Reto! activity.
Page 19 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
 Small group instruction must be
tailored to the needs of the students.
Look at the Suggested Small Group
Plan in the Senderos T.E. to determine
what materials each group will use.
 For students that need additional
assistance on specific skills, refer to
the differentiation tab in the Teacher
Toolkit and click on Instructional
 In lieu of work stations, two days per
week, students can complete an
independent reading assignment or
reader response activity while the
teacher meets with small groups.
How do I differentiate during reading?
 Since you only have 60 minutes for the reading block,
it is very important that you maximize instruction to
the fullest. The Curriculum Framework has
suggested times for the breakdown of the reading
block. Specific times for each component are not
give because the amount of time spent on each
component depends on the needs of the class.
 If a 50+% of the class scores below 70% on the
weekly assessment (comprehension, vocabulary,
phonics), do a whole class reteach of the skills
students had the most difficulty with. If only a small
percentage of students scored below 70% on the
weekly assessment, reteach the lesson(s) during
small group instruction.
 See the Teacher Toolkit for additional ideas on how
to differentiate the components of literacy.
(Differentiation Strategies)
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for small group
guided reading instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 If students are struggling with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece to select student expectations from the
previous grade level to fill in the gaps.
 Select the appropriate Senderos Libro graduable for
the reading groups based on the students’ reading
level. Books should be at the instructional or
independent level in order for the students to be
 Work stations must be differentiated to meet the
needs of the learner. Students will have additional
practice to help them master the skills learned
during whole group instruction.
What do you do for students who master the learning
 Activities/materials offered during small group guided
reading instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
Advanced learners should be provided with
challenging activities and books.
 If students are having an easy time with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece (pink pages) to select student expectations from
the next grade level to challenge students more.
Textbook & Supplemental Materials:
 Texas Senderos – Unidad 5 y 6
 Mural de enfoque (Display new poster each week)
 Running Records (Available in the Grab and Go
 Libros graduables
 Libros decodificables
 Librito de vocabulario
 Tarjetas de vocabulario en contexto
 Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía
 Tarjetas para el recuento oral
 Organizadores gráficos
 Centros de trabajo organizados (Comprensión y
fluidez, Estudio de palabras, Piensa y escribe)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Teacher Toolkit:
 Back to School Information
 Assessments
o Dictado
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
o Spanish letter cards and activities
o Alphabet strips and activities
 Spelling
o Spelling Chants
o Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling
 Spanish High-frequency Words
 Differentiation
o Interventions for Struggling Readers and Writers
o Dr. Virginia Rojas Strategies
o Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Strategies
o Websites with Differentiation Strategies
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
 Work Stations
o Activities
o Posters & Icons
o Accountability forms
 Literature Response Activities
 Word Wall Games
 Vocabulary Lessons and Activities
 Visualization Activities
 Literature Response Activities
 Every Student Response Cards
 Comprehension
o Websites to teach comprehension
o Five finger retelling poster
o Comprehension posters in Spanish
o Graphic organizers
 Administering the Flynt-Cooter IRI
 Literature Circles
 TAKS Reading Blitz
Page 20 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Web Resources
Essential reading strategies for the struggling reader: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/downloads/primary/booklets/Essential_Strategies.pdf
Reading strategies and activities resource book: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/materials/primary_dyslexia.asp
List of websites for teaching different comprehension strategies:
Ideas for small group focus lessons: https://www.saisd.net/admin/curric/curricms/documents/tchrtlktdocs/span/differentiation/instructional_interventions.pdf
Strategies to differentiate instruction: http://www.literacyleader.com/sites/litlead.essdack.org/files/StrategiesThatDifferentiateInstructionK_4-080808.pdf
Dr. Virginia Rojas strategies: http://www.earcos.org/etc2009/download/ELL_precon.pdf
Kagan´s Cooperative Learning Structures: http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/OEI/Rojas%20Kagan%2056%20coop%20structures.pdf
Bilingual site for educators and families: http://www.colorincolorado.org/
TumbleBooks (Read/hear stories in Spanish): http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/kids (From the menu bar, click on TumbleBook Library  Story Books Language Learning)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
Page 21 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
The Teaching Plan for FRIDAY: WEEKS 1-6
Focus on the comprehension lessons from the TAKS Reading Blitz and include any of the skills listed below based on the
needs of the class. There is additional information on websites with comprehension focus lessons in the Teacher Toolkit.
******Note: Weeks 10 & 11 are review/reteach weeks so the Flynt-Cooter IRI may be administered.***
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T58-T59
o Week 2: pp. T146-T147
o Week 3: pp. T236-T237
o Week 4: pp. T324-T325
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T412-T413
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
Rutinas Iniciales
Rutinas iniciales:
 Fonética diaria
 Refuerzo diario del
Page Numbers
The teacher will...
Daily Phonemic Awareness/Fonética diaria
Model the phonics activity.
Make word cards for activities.
Give clues to students for them to guess the
o Provide corrective feedback as needed.
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Reread the read aloud selection from Monday
to the students.
o Guide children to interact with oral vocabulary
words by asking specific questions.
o Lead students in a discussion using the oral
vocabulary for the week.
o Challenge students to use the words in their
everyday speech.
o Remind students to speak clearly when
participating in discussions.
 Ortografía:
 Evaular (Add two
dictation sentences to
the weekly spelling
 Acción correctiva
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: p. T62
o Week 2: p. T150
o Week 3: p. T240
o Week 4: p. T328
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: p. T416
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
 Administer the posttest:
o Say each spelling word, and then say it in a
sentence and repeat the word.
o Dictate two sentences for students to write.
o Review any words that the students misspell.
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
So students can...
 Daily Phonemic Awareness/Fonética diaria
o Practice phonics activities by:
 forming pairs of rhyming words
 use homophones in the correct context
 sorting words with k
 matching conjugated verbs with the infinitives
 act out the words for the class to guess
 Daily Vocabulary Boost/Refuerzo diario del
o Interact with vocabulary words.
o Speak clearly when participating in
o Explain or describe the meanings of the target
vocabulary words.
o Follow appropriate rules for discussion such
as listening to speakers, taking turns, and
staying on topic.
o Illustrate vocabulary words, if time allows.
 Write the spelling words the teacher dictates.
 Write the dictation sentences.
Page 22 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Pruebas semanales
 Pruebas semanales:
o Vocabulario
o Fonética
o Comprensión
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T66-T67
o Week 2: pp. T154-T155
o Week 3: pp. T244-T245
o Week 4: pp. T332-T333
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T420-T421
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Administer the weekly assessments.
 Score the assessments and reteach lessons
based on the results.
 Take the weekly assessments on:
o Vocabulary
o Phonics/Decoding
o Comprehension
Small Group Instruction
Grupos pequeños y Centros de trabajo
 Pull one to two groups daily for small
group instruction.
 Refer to the following pages in the
Senderos T.E. for the Suggested
Small Group Plan.
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T70-T71
o Week 2: pp. T158-T159
o Week 3: pp. T248-T249
o Week 4: pp. T336-T337
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T428-T429
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 Small group instruction must be
tailored to the needs of the students.
Look at the Suggested Small Group
Plan in the Senderos T.E. to determine
what materials each group will use. |
Work Stations
 Follow the day 5 small group focus
lesson from the pages listed below:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T86-T88
o Week 2: pp. T174-T176
o Week 3: pp. T264-T266
o Week 4: pp. T352-T353
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T444-T446
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 All of the activities in Senderos are
differentiated and are based on the
gradual release of responsibility model.
 For students that need additional
assistance on specific skills, refer to
the differentiation tab in the Teacher
Toolkit and click on Instructional
 Create teacher-made work stations
based on the skills learned during the
week or the previous week(s).
 The work stations should reinforce
what was taught during whole group
 The HMH Ready-Made Work Stations
may be used to supplement the
teacher-made stations. They include
the following:
o Comprehension and Fluency
o Word Study
o Think and Write
 Include differentiated activities to meet
the needs of all learners.
 See the following pages for a preview
of the weekly work stations:
(Unidad 5)
o Week 1: pp. T10-T11
o Week 2: pp. T98-T99
o Week 3: pp. T186-T187
o Week 4: pp. T276-T277
o Week 5: Review Skills
o Week 6: pp. T364-T365
o Weeks 7-11: Review Skills
 See the online Teacher Toolkit for
ideas on what to include at the
different literacy stations.
 If supplementing with the HMH
Ready-Made Work Stations, each
station contains three activities.
Children who complete the ¡A
comenzar! activity may move on to
the ¡Logra más! and/or ¡Reto! activity.
 In lieu of work stations, two days per
week, students can complete an
independent reading assignment or
reader response activity while the
teacher meets with small groups.
How do I differentiate during reading?
 Since you only have 60 minutes for the reading block,
it is very important that you maximize instruction to
the fullest. The Curriculum Framework has
suggested times for the breakdown of the reading
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
What do you do for students who need additional
 Students will meet with the teacher for small group
guided reading instruction. The teacher will do a
skills lesson to address the needs of students and
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
What do you do for students who master the learning
 Activities/materials offered during small group guided
reading instruction and work stations are
differentiated to meet the needs of the learner.
Page 23 of 26
Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
block. Specific times for each component are not
give because the amount of time spent on each
component depends on the needs of the class.
 If a 50+% of the class scores below 70% on the
weekly assessment (comprehension, vocabulary,
phonics), do a whole class reteach of the skills
students had the most difficulty with. If only a small
percentage of students scored below 70% on the
weekly assessment, reteach the lesson(s) during
small group instruction.
 See the Teacher Toolkit for additional ideas on how
to differentiate the components of literacy.
(Differentiation Strategies)
 the students will apply that skill to their reading.
 If students are struggling with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece to select student expectations from the
previous grade level to fill in the gaps.
 Select the appropriate Senderos Libro graduable for
the reading groups based on the students’ reading
level. Books should be at the instructional or
independent level in order for the students to be
 Work stations must be differentiated to meet the
needs of the learner. Students will have additional
practice to help them master the skills learned
during whole group instruction.
 Advanced learners should be provided with
challenging activities and books.
 If students are having an easy time with on-grade level
activities, use the SLAR TEKS Vertical Alignment
piece (pink pages) to select student expectations
from the next grade level to challenge students
Textbook & Supplemental Materials:
 Texas Senderos – Unidad 5 y 6
 Mural de enfoque (Display new poster each week)
 Running Records (Available in the Grab and Go
 Libros graduables
 Libros decodificables
 Librito de vocabulario
 Tarjetas de vocabulario en contexto
 Tarjetas de sonidos y ortografía
 Tarjetas para el recuento oral
 Organizadores gráficos
 Centros de trabajo organizados (Comprensión y
fluidez, Estudio de palabras, Piensa y escribe)
Teacher Toolkit:
 Back to School Information
 Assessments
o Dictado
 Bilingual Phonemic Awareness/Phonics Activities
o Spanish letter cards and activities
o Alphabet strips and activities
 Spelling
o Spelling Chants
o Games/Activities to Practice Weekly Spelling
 Spanish High-frequency Words
 Differentiation
o Interventions for Struggling Readers and Writers
o Dr. Virginia Rojas Strategies
o Kagan’s Cooperative Learning Strategies
o Websites with Differentiation Strategies
 Work Stations
o Activities
o Posters & Icons
o Accountability forms
 Literature Response Activities
 Word Wall Games
 Vocabulary Lessons and Activities
 Visualization Activities
 Literature Response Activities
 Every Student Response Cards
 Comprehension
o Websites to teach comprehension
o Five finger retelling poster
o Comprehension posters in Spanish
o Graphic organizers
 Administering the Flynt-Cooter IRI
 Literature Circles
 TAKS Reading Blitz
Web Resources
Essential reading strategies for the struggling reader: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/downloads/primary/booklets/Essential_Strategies.pdf
Reading strategies and activities resource book: http://www.meadowscenter.org/vgc/materials/primary_dyslexia.asp
List of websites for teaching different comprehension strategies:
Ideas for small group focus lessons: https://www.saisd.net/admin/curric/curricms/documents/tchrtlktdocs/span/differentiation/instructional_interventions.pdf
Strategies to differentiate instruction: http://www.literacyleader.com/sites/litlead.essdack.org/files/StrategiesThatDifferentiateInstructionK_4-080808.pdf
Dr. Virginia Rojas strategies: http://www.earcos.org/etc2009/download/ELL_precon.pdf
Kagan´s Cooperative Learning Structures: http://www.sowashco.k12.mn.us/Departments/OEI/Rojas%20Kagan%2056%20coop%20structures.pdf
Bilingual site for educators and families: http://www.colorincolorado.org/
TumbleBooks (Read/hear stories in Spanish): http://www.hpl.lib.tx.us/kids (From the menu bar, click on TumbleBook Library  Story Books Language Learning)
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
The Teaching Plan for Literature Circles
WEEKS 7-11
Before daily literature circles, the first 10-15 minutes of weeks 7-11 are to be used for reviewing and reteaching skills covered during WEEKS 1-6.
If any lessons were skipped during previous weeks due to time constraints, these can be covered as well. After the daily lesson/review, the rest
of the reading block will be devoted to literature circles. The Flynt-Cooter will be administered during week 10. While the teacher is administering the IRI to individual
students, the rest of the class can do literature circles, an independent reading assignment or work station activities.
See the Teacher Toolkit and the websites listed below for information on literature circles. A sample lesson with roles is included in the Teacher Toolkit.
Gather multiple copies of chapter books (Teacher Toolkit: Spanish Titles for Literature Circles) or use the HMH Senderos leveled readers.
Do a “Book Pass” (Teacher Toolkit: Book Pass) so that students may sample each book before making choices.
Review the roles from the first nine weeks. (See below.)
Once the groups are divided, students will be assigned roles on a daily basis.
Give students their role sheets to fill out during/after reading (optional).
Groups will discuss their books.
The teacher visits each group to listen in on the discussion and offer ideas to spark additional conversation.
The whole class meets daily to debrief and share their books.
If the book cannot be completed in a week, literature circles may be continued the following week during small group time.
Basic Roles in Literature Circles
 Explique a los alumnos los roles de los círculos literarios. Role cards are available on the Teacher Toolkit.
o Conector: El rol es conectar y extender la comprensión de la novela al mundo fuera de los mismos. Relaciona lo leído con las propias experiencias en el mundo real, con
su propia vida, con lo que sucede en la escuela, la comunidad, con otros eventos similares en otros lugares o en otro tiempo, con situaciones que hayan vivido/sufrido
otras personas. Cualquier relación que se haga es válida y digna de ser compartida. El conector tiene que asegurarse que esas experiencias sean claras y tengan
significado para los miembros del grupo.
o Iluminador: El rol es hallar pasajes interesantes, divertidos, controvertidos, emocionantes y con un gran significado dentro de la historia. Hay que escoger pasajes
o Buscador de palabras: El rol es buscar palabras y/o términos importantes al estar leyendo. Van a copiar esas palabras/términos y definirlas. Hay que copiar la oración en
la que la palabra se emplea en el texto y escribir el número de la página. El buscador de palabras tiene que usar el contexto para determinar el significado de la palabra
primero y luego puede usar el diccionario para confirmarlo. Las palabras escogidas deben ser interesantes, nuevas, con gran significado o que pocas veces las lee. En
los apuntes, hay que explicar por qué escogió la palabra.
o Sintetizador: El rol es elaborar un resumen de la historia o capítulo, y obtener las ideas principales para discutirlas.
o Artista o Ilustrador: El rol es dibujar las escenas importantes, las ideas, los personajes, o los problemas que se presentan en la historia. Se puede utilizar diferentes
métodos para “ilustrar” lo que lees: collages, símbolos, mapas de organización, secuencias de dibujos animados, etc. En la hoja de notas, hay que explicar la ilustración y
cómo se relaciona con el texto.
Websites on Literature Circles
Refer to the following websites for information on literature circles. Select the activities that work best for your class.
http://www.readwritethink.org/classroom-resources/lesson-plans/literature-circles-getting-started-19.html?tab=4#tabs – This website gives a ten day lesson for
introducing literature circles using roles.
http://www.lauracandler.com/strategies/litcircles.php - This website contains instructions for:
 The Basic Literature Circle Model
 Talking Sticks Literature Circles
 Mini Literature Circles
 Modified Literature Circles
 Literature Circles with Roles
 Student Centered Classroom
 Nonfiction Literature Circles
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.
Structured Literature Circles
http://www.litcircles.org/- This website offers advice on literature circle planning, structure, book choice, written responses, book extension projects, etc. The approach
offered here is not role-centered. Instead students will formulate questions, respond to prompts, and use post-it notes to prepare for discussion.
http://www.heinemann.com/shared/onlineresources/E00702/minilessons.pdf. This site contains specific chapters from the book, Mini-lessons for Literature Circles by
Harvey Daniels, electronically. Look at page 113 for information on the ”Book Pass” activity. Visit the following websites for information on literature circles, including
background and preparation information, role sheets, etc. Spanish role sheets are also available on the Teacher Toolkit.
Additional information regarding literature circles can be found on the websites listed below.
 http://www.mrscowan.com/literaturecircle.htm
 http://www.dsusd.k12.ca.us/users/manuelh/CirculosLiterarios.htm
 http://www.edselect.com/Docs/Litcir.pdf
 http://www.busyteacherscafe.com/teacher_resources/literacy_pages/literature_circles.htm
 http://eduscapes.com/ladders/themes/circles.htm
 http://www.readinglady.com/mosaic/tools/Lit%20Circle%20Roles%20student%20booklet.pdf
 http://www.saskschools.ca/curr_content/bestpractice/litcircles/index.html
 http://www.mswinston.com/Literature%20Circles%20Cont.pdf
 http://olc.spsd.sk.ca/de/pd/instr/strats/literaturecircles/index.html
 http://www.literaturecircles.com/article1.htm
 http://www2.scholastic.com/browse/lessonplan.jsp?id=380
FMA/Question Stems
The FMA questions are from released TAKS tests. See
the column to the right for sample questions.
 Estructura del cuento: ¿Por qué es importante que el
cuento ocurra en ______? (Obj. 2, 3.11J)
 Comparar y contrastar En los dos cuentos, se habla
de... (Obj. 3, 4.1I)
Sample Stories and Questions
Third Grade: TAKS Released Test
Source: TEA Website – March 2009
Spanish Reading
(Anticipated Skills for SAT/ACT/College
Texas College and Career Readiness Standards for
English/Language Arts (CCRS):
 Formulate topic and questions.
 Select information from a variety of sources.
 Produce and design a document.
 Secuencia de sucesos: ¿Qué pasa inmediatamente
antes/después de que…? (Obj. 3, 3.9C)
Note: Each 9 weeks, a new college and career readiness
standard will be presented.
 Propósito del autor: ¿Cuál es el propósito del autor al
escribir este artículo? (Obj. 3, 3.11A)
 Características del texto y gráficas: Observael
siguiente diagrama con información del artículo.
¿Qué información va en el espacio vacío? (Obj. 3,
See the Teacher Toolkit for additional TAKS stems
(SAISD and Margaret Kilgo).
SAISD © 2010-2011 – Fourth Grading Period
Spanish Reading - Grade 3
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Power Standards represent the essential knowledge and skills students need for success in high school and beyond. Power Standards must be mastered to successfully pass the required
assessments at each grade level. All TAKS eligible knowledge and skills are identified as Power Standards.