Newsletter - Chinese Economic Association in North America

November 2014
This issue includes:
1. 2015 CEANA Program in Boston
2. Call for Papers
3. Election Ballots
4. Membership Application/Update Form
2015 CEANA Program in Boston
AEA-CEANA Joint Session
Jan 03, 2015 10:15 am, Boston Marriott Copley, Harvard
Exchange Rates, Trade and the Chinese Economy (F1, F3)
Presiding: Larry Qiu (University of Hong Kong)
A Structural Estimation and Decomposition of Welfare Effects of China's Entry to WTO
Wen-Tai Hsu (Singapore Management University), Yi Lu (National University of Singapore),
Guiying Laura Wu (Nanyang Technological University)
The Rise of the “Redback” and China’s Capital Account Liberalization: An Empirical
Analysis on the Determinants of Invoicing Currencies
Hiro Ito (Portland State University), Menzie Chinn (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
A Model of Real Exchange Rate for Transition Economies
Jiandong Ju (University of Oklahoma and Tsinghua University), Justin Yifu Lin (Peking
University), Qing Liu (Tsinghua University), Kang Shi (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
What Affect Trade Disputes
Tan Li (University of Hong Kong), Larry Qiu (University of Hong Kong)
Liugang Sheng (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Qing Liu (TsingHua University)
Kanda Naknoi (University of Connecticut)
Tsz-Nga Wong (Bank of Canada)
Jan 04, 2015 10:15 am, Boston Marriott Copley, Maine
Firms, Insurance, and Market Frictions (E2, G3)
Presiding: Yi Wen (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Investment Shocks, Durable Goods and the Comovement
Been-Lon Chen (Academia Sinica), Shian-Yu Liao (National Taiwan University)
Uterus at a Price: Disability Insurance and Hysterectomy
Elliott Fan (National Taiwan University), Hsien-Ming Lien (National Chengchi University),
Ching-to Albert Ma (Boston University)
Do Treasure Islands Create Firm Value?
Siu-Kai Choy (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics), Tat-kei Lai (Copenhagen
Business School), Travis Ng (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Credit Search and the Credit Cycle
Feng Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Pengfei Wang (Hong Kong University of Science
and Technology), Yi Wen (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Feng Dong (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
Min-Chung Hsu (National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies)
Silvio Contessi (Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis)
Yi-Chan Tasi (National Taiwan University)
CEANA Session 1
January 3, Saturday, 2015
4:45 PM to 6:30PM, CEANA Session 1, Boston Marriott Copley — Hyannis
Labor Economics
Presiding: Tin-Chun Lin (Indiana University)
Labor Supply in a Search Model with Endogenous Labor Force Participation
PRESENTER: CHIH-FANG LAI (National Taiwan University)
When Social Norms Influence the Employment of Women: The Case of Japan
A Measurement of Discrimination under the Second-degree Stochastic Dominance
PRESENTER: RACHEL J. HUANG (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
The Economic Relationship between In-classroom and Out-of classroom Effective Efforts:
An Empirical Analysis
PRESENTER: TIN-CHUN LIN (Indiana University)
CEANA Session 2
January 4, Sunday, 2015
10:00AM to 11:45AM, CEANA Session 2, Midtown Hotel, North Beacon Room
Financial Market
Presiding: Chu-Ping C. Vijverberg (College of Staten Island –CUNY)
What Drives Variation in the International Diversification Benefits? A Cross-country
PRESENTER: WAN-JIUN PAUL CHIOU (Northeastern University)
Volatility Spillovers between Spot and Futures Markets: Investigating China’s Entry
PRESENTER: PIERRE L. SIKLOS (Wilfrid Laurier University)
Firm Dynamics in Retail Trade: The Response of Canadian Retailers to Exchange Rate
PRESENTER: LORETTA FUNG (National TsingHua University)
Generalized Turkey Lambda Distribution and Option Volatility Forecasts
CEANA Session 3
January 4, Sunday, 2015
10:00AM to 11:45AM, CEANA Session 2, Midtown Hotel, North Beacon Room
4:45 PM to 6:30PM, CEANA Session 3, Boston Marriott Copley — Hyannis
Presiding: Hui-Kuan Tseng (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
What’s Driving Potential Output Growth in China? Accounting for Overinvestment,
Housing and Human Capital
Strategic Continuity of Production and Consumption as a General Framework of
Economic Advancement
PRESENTER: VICTOR LUX TONN (Salve Regina University)
Tax stabilization in a Two-sector Model under Social Constant Returns
PRESENTER: YU-SHAN HSU (National Chung-Cheng University)
The U.S. Health Care Expenditure: Evidence from 2001 to 2009
PRESENTER: HUI-KUAN TSENG (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Chinese Economic Association in North America (CEANA) is organizing several sessions
at the conferences of the Western Economic Association, Southern Economic Association, Taiwan
Economic association, and Allied Social Science Associations. Members and nonmembers are
invited to submit papers for presentation and/or serve as discussants and chairs in these sessions. In
presentation, please observe the following conditions:
1. Each submission of the paper must be accompanied by a submission fee of US$20 unless at
least one of the authors is a member of the association. In the latter case, please indicate
which author is a member.
2. Multiple submissions by the same authors to the same conference are not encouraged.
3. Please send an abstract or a paper to the organizer no later than the deadline noted below:
(1) 2015 Western Economic Association International Conference in Denver
Date and Place: June 28-July 2, 2015, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Waikiki
Organizer: Professor Shin-Yi Chou, Department of Economics, Lehigh University, 621 Taylor Street,
Bethlehem, PA 18015
Phone: 610-758-3444 (O), fax: 610-758-4677, email: syc2@Lehigh.EDU
Sessions: Several sessions. Fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.
Deadline for submission: February 1, 2015.
(2) 2015 Southern Economic Association Conference in Atlanta
Date and Place: November 21-23, 2015, New Orleans Marriott, LA
Organizer: Professor Yu Hsing, Department of Economics, Southeastern Louisiana University,
Hammond, LA 70402.
Phone: (504) 549-2086, fax: (504) 549-2881, email:
Sessions: Several joint sessions with SEA. Fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are
Deadline for submission: March 15, 2015.
(3) 2015 Joint Conference of CEANA and Taiwan Economic Association in Taipei
Date and Place: late December, 2015 in Taiwan
Organizer: Professor Been-Lon Chen, Academia Sinica, Taiwan
Email: or
Sessions: Several sessions and fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.
Deadline for submission: September 15, 2015.
(4) 2016 Allied Social Science Association Meetings in San Francisco
Date and Place: January 3-5, 2016, Hilton San Francisco, CA
 1 Joint AEA-CEANA session:
Organizer: Professor Shin-Kun Peng, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, Email:
Session: Please contact Professor Peng for the theme of the session.
Deadline for submission: January 1, 2015.
 1 ASSA-CEANA sessions and several CEANA sessions:
Organizer: Professor Richard M. H. Suen, Department of Economics, University of Connecticut, Email:
Sessions: Fields are open. Both theoretical and empirical papers are welcome.
Deadline for submission: May 1, 2015.
(ballots in a separate file)****
President-elect: Professor Shin-kun Peng, Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica
Shin-Kun Peng is a research fellow in the Institute of Economics at Academia Sinica (Taiwan)
since 1996, and a joint professor in the Department of Economics at National Taiwan University
since 2002. He is currently an editor of “Academic Economic Papers”, and on the editorial board
of the International Journal of Economic Theory, Economics Bulletin, Annual of Regional
Science, and Pacific Economic Review. His research areas are in new trade theory, regional
economics, and applied microeconomic theory. He is currently working on the topics of “Social
comparisons in consumption, international capital flows and tax competition,” “Between types of
innovation,” and “Imitation, agglomeration and growth.” Professor Peng was a visiting scholar at
Washington University at St. Louis during 1997-1998, and a visiting professor in Kyoto
University in spring term of 2004. He received a Ph.D. in 1989 from University of Pennsylvania.
Vice President-elect: Professor Richard M. H. Suen, University of Connecticut
Richard M. H. Suen is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Economics at the
University of Connecticut. Richard’s main research area is macroeconomic theory. He is
currently working on topics related to R&D policies and the patent system, in particular their
effects on long-term economic growth. Before he joined the University of Connecticut in 2011,
Richard was an assistant professor of economics at the University of California, Riverside. He
received an M.Phil. degree from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2001 and a Ph.D.
degree from the University of Rochester in 2006.
Secretary-Treasurer: Professor Jen-Chi Cheng, Wichita State University
Jen-Chi Cheng has served the CEANA for years. He received his Ph.D. from Vanderbilt
University and is currently the chairperson of the Economics Department at Wichita State
University. His research interests include international financial markets and applied
Chinese Economic Association in North America
Box 78, Wichita State University
Wichita, KS 67260-0078, U.S.A. Tel: (316) 978-7084
Fax: (316) 978-3308 E-mail:
Membership Application/Update Form
Name:__________________________(Chinese) Mr/Mrs/Ms._________________________(English)
Job Title:_______________________________________________________________
Mailing Address:
Phone: Office(
Fax: (
)_____________________ Home(
)____________________ E-mail:______________________________________________
Research Interests: __________________________________________________________
Recent Publications/Activities/News (Optional)
Signature: _______________________ Date: ___________________
3-year Membership due $50.00 (is)(is not) attached. Student Membership due $10.00 (is)(is not) attached. Life
Membership fee is $200.00. Make check payable in U.S. dollars to Chinese Economic Association in North America
Professor Jen-Chi Cheng
Box 78
Wichita State University
Wichita, KS 67260-0078, U.S.A.