International Conference on Business Excellence 2007 69 THE ADOPTION OF INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING STANDARD IAS/IFRS, AMONG ACCOUNTING REVOLUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Antonio NETTI AILOG financial and economic expert, Italy Abstract: The introduction of International Accounting Standard marks an important step for the unification and the development of the financial markets and of the European State Company. The “globalization” of economy has determined the demand for a “common language” in order to write the balance, to allow the stakeholders (of any nationality) to understand the companies performances. The aim of this article is to illustrate the reasons which have induced the European Union to introduce this new rule, fundamental issues and opportunities that these important changes have produced. Keywords: IAS (International Accounting Standard), IFRS (International Financial Reporting Standard), IASB (International Accounting Standard Board), Fair value, Historical cost, Prudence With the regulations of 1606/2002 the European Parliament and the Union European Council have established that since 1 st January 2005 any company of the European Union, quoted in a regulation market, and those that prepare the admissions to the quotation of our securities, must adopt international accounting standard. This choice is very important for the Economy of the European States because the efficiency and the competitiveness of financial markets derive from quality, comparability and transparency of financial informative. Because of these reasons European Directives have not been adequate to obtain this purpose: the Directives have controlled contents, general postulates and forms of annual accounts, in order to avoid a strong impact on the national legislation, though not considering many important aspects. This situation has compromised the comparability of the balance but also the aim to provide shareholders and stakeholder with a complete homogenous and comprehensive informative. These are the reasons for the European Union to decide to introduce the accounting rules accepted in the economic and financial world, with the aim to exceed the issues emerged in the last years, to favour the financial market integration and to increase the comparability of the balance. 70 Review of Management and Economical Engineering, Vol. 6, No. 6 It is very important to underline that it is a very remarkable legislative revolution: the new rules aren’t technical interpretative or integrative dispositions of the national regulations but rules which are laws for any country of the European Union. Besides, the international accounting standards are issued from IASB a technical but not political organism: this enables a flexible accounting discipline adjustment to the change of economy (compared to the directives which very slowly absorb the transformation of the economical and financial context). As for the technical aspect , it is very important to underline that the passing from IAS to IFRS (see key words), has determined a new way of understanding the accountancy and the balance. Continental European countries (Germany, France, Italy) have an accounting system based on two important principles: “historical cost” and “prudence”. This model wants to grant a privilege informative needs to creditors and owners in relation to the feature of this economical system characterized by stable owners and a major utilization of capital credit. In this context the use of “historical cost” and “prudence”, as valuation’s standard, is considered an objective parameter to value the company’s situation; in the first case the valuation is made at a “purchase’s cost”, while, according to “prudence”, the positive component matured, though not realized, is excluded from income, while include losses even if these are potentials. The new accounting rules are based on the principle of “market value”. This way of valuation is utilized in Anglo-saxon countries where the economical system is based on the “public company so the management is divided by the owners, with a situation of asymmetry informative between governance and property. In this situation it is very important to have a reliable informative with uniformed and standardized rules to compare the performance of the company and to obtain many investments. With “fair value” the investor may have e better view of the company’s situation because the valuation of a market value provides an “immediate vision” of market fluctuations and period results. To understand the means of this important change we can make a simple example. “Tangible assets” According to “old accounting rules” the first valuation is at historical cost. The goods must be amortized in relation to “useful live” ex. Initial value 100.000 €, useful live 10 years, amortization 10.000 € for 10 years, the sinking fund is increasing until the end of amortization. According to “market accounting rules” the first valuation is at purchased cost (in the first purchased cost, historical cost and market cost are the same value, because it is the same value of a normal market transaction ) and then there is a “periodic analysis” to verify the current value and so to proceed to value or to devalue the goods. In this way the goods can increase value in useful live while, according to the historical cost method, this is impossible because of the prudence principle. As one may see “Anglo-saxon rules” and so new international standards are oriented to “market vision” that favour shareholder, stakeholder and global player to evaluate the results of the companies in a global economy. International Conference on Business Excellence 2007 71 This point is very important: a transparent, complete and comparable “information flow” provides the investor with an “exact framework” about economical, financial and estate situations of companies. So it is a mistake to think of the introduction of new accounting rules with the only aim to create a common language for the reading of the balance: the new rules are especially an important opportunity to the companies and economy development. If an international system of certified and accepted rules may exist in any country, this seems to mean a major protection for investors who can analyze and compare safe an reliable information, but also a major capability of the companies to attract international investment to hold a global (not only local)competition. In this way we may understand the great opportunity for an underdeveloped state to expand its own economical and financial system; the best companies may be attract investments for many investors in the world and have a great capital flow to continue to invest and increase their business. Concluding, it is necessary to underline the side effects we may derive from the application of this new accounting rule. As we have already said, “market value system” has destroyed “prudence system”, we may confirm it is also possible for a balance value revaluation to maintain the yield of investment aligned in the time. This means that with international accounting standard we may have a marked volatility of income statement with less reliability of results. Notwithstanding these effects, the new rules are an instrument of financial and economical communication that is able to analyze, in a real time, the value fluctuations. Moreover European legislator is succeeded to give a better representation of any operation that, in the last years, have demonstrated a very high complication level (see financial instruments, hedging operations, derivates) to satisfy the needs of a modern economy. So we can confirm that the new accounting standards represent an important change to project European companies to new challenges of modern economy. BIBLIOGRAPHY BELKAOUI A.R., International and multinational accounting, The Dryden Press 1994 ; BIRD P., “Standard accounting practice” in Debits, credits, finance and profits, Sweet & Maxvell, 1974; BRUNI G., I principi contabili: fondamenti e percorsi evolutivi, in Rivista dei Dottori Commercialisti, n. 1/2004; BRUNI G., Revisione Aziendale e di bilancio, ed. 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