Syllabus for specialization in Rural Business 3rd Semester 1. Agri Business Environment & Policy (ABE 301) 2. Natural Resource Management (NRM 301) 3. Ecology & Environment Management (EEM 301) 4. Development Administrative (DA 301) 5. Training & Development for Rural People (TD 301) 6. Social Structure in Rural Society (SSRS 301) 7. Human Resource Management (HRM 301) 8. Project Management (PM 301) 1. Agri Business Environment & Policy (ABE 301) ObjectiveTo expose learners to the environment in which the agri-business is conducted. Focus will be on understanding micro and macro environment forces and their impact on agri-business. Contentsa) Role of agriculture in Indian economy, problems and policy changes relating to farm supplies ,farm production, agro processing, agricultural marketing ,agricultural finance etc. in the country. b) Structure of agriculture –linkage among sub-sectors of the Agribusiness sector, economic reforms and Indian agriculture, impact of liberalization, privatization and globalization on Agri business sector. c) Emerging trends in production, processing, marketing and exports, policy controls and regulations relating to the industrial sector with specific reference to agro industries. d) Agri business policies –concept and formulation and new dimensions in Agri business environment and policy. e) Agricultural price and marketing policies ,public distribution system and other policies. f) Overview of agribusiness cooperative, credit –cooperatives, cooperatives in marketing, dairy cooperative, financing agribusiness cooperative. 1 2. NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (NRM 301)Objectives:To provide knowledge on the importance of forest conservation for resource development and operation methods or developing social forestry. The aim of The objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of the Ecosystem, forests and practices of forestry including their importance and conservation. Course Content: 1. Concept of Ecosystem and its relevance to development worker. Types of Ecosystems and their structural and functional components. 2. Food Chains, Food web and Ecological Pyramids. Tropic dynamic concept with special reference to Forest Ecosystem and Agro Eco System. 3. Bio geochemical cycling of nutrients Energy flow within the Ecosystems and Nature’s metabolism, Ecological succession. 4. Impact of human activities of development and non-ecofriendly technological on environment. Global concern for environment. 5. Forestry- Definition & classification; Definition of Forest- General, Ecological and Legal classification of forests based on method of regeneration, Age, composition, objects of management and Legal status. 6. Forest types of India (only groups). Extent, Role and importance of forests to rural/ tribal people. 7. Definition of forest, classification and importance of forest in our rural life, types of forests. 8. Social forestry- objective- scope. 9. Important species of trees found in India. 10. Road, railway and canal side plantation forest department its set up and functioning central and state level. 11. Forest Ecosystem. 12. Degradation of forest and its effects. 13. Agro- forestry, types, system and benefits. 14. Mass involvement in forestry programme. 15. Nursery- selection of site, importance and type of nursery. 16. Minor forest produce. 17. Forest policy & Indian Forest Act. 18. Environment crisis, Green House Effect. 19. Chipko Movement. 2 3. ECOLOGY & ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT (EEM 301)Objectives:The aim of the objective of the course is to provide basic knowledge of the structure and functioning of the Ecosystem, forests and practices of forestry including their importance and conservation Course Contents:1. Concept of Ecosystem and its relevance to development worker. Types of Ecosystems and their structural and functional components. 2. Food Chains, Food web and Ecological Pyramids. Tropic dynamic concept with special reference to forest Ecosystem and Agro Eco System. 3. Bio geochemical cycling of nutrients Energy flow within the Ecosystems and Nature’s metabolism, Ecological succession. 4. Impact of human activities of development and non-ecofriendly technological on environment. Global concern for environment. 5. Forestry- Definition & Classification; Definition of Forest- General, Ecological and Legal classification of forests based on method regeneration, Age, composition, objects of management and Legal status. Forest types of India (only groups). Extent, Role and importance of forests to rural/ tribal people. 6. Environment laws,rules & regulations. Suggested reading:1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ambashta, R.S.- A Text Book of Plant Ecology. Mishra, K.C.- Text Book of Ecology Kumar, H.D.- Ecology Odum, E.P. - Elements of Ecosystem. Tiwari, K,M.- Social Forestry. 4. DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATIVE(DA 301)3 Objectives:This paper aims at familiarizing students to the political and administrative structures of rural development in India, also the operational problems and difficulties of these structures with special reference to tribal area development efforts. It also familiarizes students with the outlines of polity and governance pertaining to socio-economic development. Course Contents :1. Administration in India: The Historical perspective of the Emergence of the concepts of the State, Government and Administration. Theory of Public Administration and Evolution of development administration. 2. Concepts and objectives. Administrative structure at village Panchayat. Block and District levels. 3. Linkage with development structure at center and state levels. Linkage with co-operative and Panchayati Raj Institution. Power and function of important development functionaries at various levels. 4. Role of co-coordinating agencies including DRDA. Planning and rural development administration. Linkage with Centre and State planning, district and block planning. 5. A critical evaluation of delivery mechanism at district and blocks levels. 6. Bureaucracy and rural change. Tribal development administration, Constitutional provisions- traditional administrative set up in tribal region. Sub-plan and organizational change for tribal development. Critical evaluation. Visit to Govt. rural development Agencies. 8. The Objectives of Development Administration as enshrined in the Indian Constitution and Statutes. Implications of the Fundamental Rights and the Directive Principles of the State Policy. Separation of Powers. 9. Key elements of Development Administration; 10. Participation, Devolution, Decentralization, Process of empowerment and consensus orientation. 11. Responsiveness- Orienting Institutions and Processes to serve all stakeholders. 12. Efficiency & Effectiveness – Poverty Reduction, Employment generation, accelerating production and sustainability based development programmesplanning, implementation. Monitoring and evaluation. 13. Accountability of decision-makers and organizations to people as also to institution stakeholders. 14. Strategic vision- Long Term perspectives on good governance and human development, Eco-political vision to manage diversity, simultaneity complexity and change. 15. Thrust to disadvantaged- deprived groups and areas- S.T., S.C., B.C.,- Women Child and Disabled Sections of Society. 16. Composition, Functions and powers of (a) State Election Commission (b) State Finance Commission (c) District Planning Committee and (d) Accounts and Audit Authorities. 4 Suggested reading:1. Federalization without a center- Lawrence Saez. 2. The Multicultural Path- Gurpreet Mahajan. 3. Development Economics- Syed Nawale Hyder Nagvi. 4. Globalization and Development Studies- Ed. Frans J Schunman. 5. Five Year Plans- Approach Paper and Documents. 6. Planning, Politics, Administration- G. Hyden. 7. The constitutions of India. 8. Managing Rural Development- R. Chambars. 9. Health care Administration : policy making and planning by S.L. Goel362/ GOE Health Care Administration : Levels and aspects by S.L.362/ GOE 5 5. Training & Development for Rural People Entrepreneurship (TD 301):Objective:Introducing students about the basic knowledge and practical skill of Training and Development. It also enhances familiarities with concept and principles of participatory Training methodology in social change. Course Contents:1. Understanding of Training: Concept, meaning and objectives. 2. Approaches to training: Concept and principle of Conventional & Participatory training, Role of Training in Social Change. 3. Training in participatory training: role and competencies. 4. Training in small groups: concept, relevance and its development. 5. Training Design: assessing and understanding of training needs, establishing objectives, developing contents. 6. Learning- Training Methods: concepts, types, features, advantages and limitations. 7. Concept and theories of entrepreneurship- Factors promoting entrepreneurship opportunities in development. 8. Entrepreneurship development in rural and tribal areas –Types and Traits of rural entrepreneurs-Functional disintegration in initiating rural entrepreneurship. 9. Entrepreneurship Training-How it differs from teaching-training objective – Course model. 10. Entrepreneurial motivation Vs. Identity-Achievement Motivation. 11. Search for opportunities and develop an idea into a viable business proposalRole of Technology in the success of business. 12. Business Environment-Development and present status of small, tiny and micro enterprises-Export opportunities. Suggested Reading:6 1. Om Srivastava and Rajesh Tondon, Participatory training for rural development, PRIR, New Delhi. 2. Rolf P. Lynton and Udai Parik, Training for Dvelopment, Vistaar publications. 3. Devendra Agochiya, Every Trainer’s handbook, Freelance consultant, new Delhi. 4. S. Kapur, Handbook of facilitating, Infinity books, New Delhi. 5. Rolf Lyton and Udai Parik, Trining for organizational Transformation, IIHMR, Jaipur. 6. Tom Boydell, Management Self- Development, Oxford and IBH publishing Co. 7. Biswajeet Pattnayak, Human Resource Management, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi. 6. SOCIAL STRUCTURE IN RURAL SOCIETY (SSRS 301) Objective To provide students a better understanding of rural society. The paper also attempts to give a basic understanding of the dynamic of social and cultural change. Course Content:1. RURAL SOCIETY:- Rural Community and social structures. Characteristics of rural society. Social stratification, norms and values, status and roles, social interaction. 2. CULTURAL CHANGE:- Analyzing social change, direction of change, transaction between culture and assimilation process (with special reference to the culture of Chotanagpur). 3. FAMILY, SOCIALIZATION AND CHANGE:- nuclear and joint family, transition from joint to nuclear family. The role of family in socialization and social change. Learning norms and values. 4. Social Structure and Systems in types of society. 5. Two schools of thought: Marrism and functionalism. 6. Mode of Production –Forces of Production, Deletion of production. 7. Gender patriardy and state. 8. Culture and cultural change. 9. Functionalist’s school. 10. Indian Scenario: A. Caste Class Approach B. Caste system C. Class formation D. Conflict and change Suggested readings: - 7 1. Holland, Joc and Henriot, Peter S. J.; 1984 : Social analysis, Satprakashan sanchar Kendra, Indore. 2. Desrochers, Jhon; Methods of Social Analysis 3. Kelkar G. & Nathan, D., Gender and Tribe. 4. Johson, Harry M. (1966); Sociology: a systematic Introduction. 5. Fletcher, Ronald (1971). The Making of Sociology. Vol. I & II. Nelson, London 6. Wiel enga, Bostian (1984). Introduction to Marsism. Centre for Social Action, Bangalore 7. Beteelle, Andre (1972). Inequality and social change Oxford, Delhi. 8. Sharma K.C. (1977); Rural Sociology in India, rural Publication, New Delhi. 9. Shrinivas, M.N. (1977); Dimension of social change in India. Alloed publishing Bombay. 10. Oomen, T.K. (1984), Social Transformation in Rural India Vikas Delhi. 7. Human Resource Management (HRM 301) Objectives To create an understanding of the various aspects of the management of human resources and their interaction in the execution of managerial functions. To facilitate learning of various concepts and skills required for utilization and development of human resources for organizational functions. Contents o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Personnel and HRM Philosophy - Peace, Happiness and Prosperity only through HRM Strategic Purpose and Business Objectives Its Position in the Organization Line and Staff Linkages and Responsibilities Factors influencing HRM Manpower Planning for Organizational Development Challenges MPP and Its Organizational Linkage - Macro and Micro Levels Process of Planning Procedures and Steps for an Effective Planning through Acquisition and Analysis of Data and Information Designing and Implementing Plans and Actions Controlling and Evaluating Employment Function Challenges Recruitment ñ Internal vs. External Selection Placement Induction (Employees Awareness) Program Evaluation and Career and Succession Planning 8 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Performance Appraisal System (PA) Performance Appraisal Process Career Management Training and Development (T and D) Need for T and D Individual vs. Organizational needs Training Objectives and Strategies Training Methods and Techniques Design and Organization of Training Evaluation of Training Compensation System (Pay and Benefits) Some Thumb Rules about Compensation System Implementation and Administration of Compensation Industrial Relations System Its Structure, the Actors, their Interrelationships State, Trade Unions and Employers’ Organizations Grievance Management Nature and Causes of Grievance Practice and Procedure of Handling Grievance 8. PROJECT MANAGEMENT. Objective:The paper aims at developing the skill of students for formulation appraisal of different Rural Projects. This course intends to introduce to the students the concept, understanding and practices of Project Management in the context of Rural Business. Course Contents:Conceptual understanding of rural projects- basic differences between rural an industrial or other projects- relations among policy, goals- programme & project life-cycle, basic elements in rural projects.Rural Project Management, Functional Dimensions. Project Management cycle-Planning and the first tasks of Management, support Studies, Project Environment, Identification, Feasibility Studies. Project Designing, Logical Frame Work, Plan of Work, work Analysis, scheduling, Tentative plan of work- Monitoring and control. Pre-implementation planning:- Identification of specific & general problems, identification of need & resources, goal & objective fixation & putting them in logical frame work. 9 Appraisal:- Conceptual understanding of project appraisal: need for appraisal studies, different kinds of appraisal studies, methods of project appraisal, undiscounted and discounted method. Project formulation & Report. Implementation planning: job elements & specific activity sequencing, time cost trade off, scheduling, analyzing & controlling of project work through bar & PERT/ CMP charts. Project Appraisal- Methods and their merits. Participatory Project Planning. Plan of Work, Work Analysis, Scheduling, Network Analysis, Tentative plan of work with contrivance for monitoring and control.Managing rural development and its inherent challenges .Organization, organizational structure, Supervision and Delegation, Internal and External Communication. Personnel Management, Human relations, Induction to the project. Wages and Salaries, incentives, Project Monitoring .Evaluation, Types design for conducting Evaluation. Suggested Reading:1. Clean David I : System analysis and Project Management, Mcgraw- Hill Publisher. New Delhi, 1988 2. Rao. P.C.K.- Project management & Control, Sultan Chand and sons Publisher. 3. Srivastava U.K.- Project Planning, Financing Implementation and Evaluation, IIM, Ahmedabad. 4. Kapoor V.K.- Operation Research, Sultan Chand and sons Publishers. 5. Wiest, J.D.and Levy F.K. – a Management Guide to PERT/ CPM, Prentice, Hall of India Pvt. Limited 1976. 6. Goel B.B. Project Management- A Development Perspective, Deep & Deep, New Delhi 1987. 7. Nair B.M.- Project Management- scheduling and Monitoring PERT/CPM. Van Sahibabad 1985 8. Austin Vincent: Rural Project Management: Batsford academic and Educational Ltd., London. 9. Maylor Harvey: Project Management Pitman Publishing 2000. 10 Syllabus for specialization in Rural Business 4th Semester 1. Role of Corporation Houses in Development(CSR) & Managerial ethics 2. Agrarian Relation, Rehabilitation & Resettlement (AR 301) 3. Management of NGO 4. Globalization & WTO 5. Rural Marketing 1. Role of Corporation Houses in Development(CSR) & Managerial ethics Objective:This course aims at helping students think about some of the important ethical implications of the day-to-day happenings and practices of Indian Industry and business. It is designed to stimulate discussion and debate rather than to formulate principles, and to raise further questions rather than to dictate answers. To improve ethical reasoning by correlating moral concepts to business practices- clarification of the values that determines managerial behaviour. To sensitize the fundamental human values in analyzing social problems and appraising global issues. To recognize the variables in most ethically complex business situations through an understanding of the more subtle criteria for making sound decisions. Course Contents:- 1. Introduction: - Two Learning Models. 2. Individual Ethics: - Ethical Dilemmas in Management-Discussion: Head & Heart Traits in Decision-making. 3. Value Clarification for future Managers- Two Models:- Discussion: Ethical attitudes of Management Students. 11 4. Group Ethics: - Ethical attitudes of Indian managers, Managers Facing Unethical Management:- Discussion: Group-think and Unethical Behaviour. 5. Corporate Ethics: - Ethics and Company Philosophies, Discussions:Corporations and the game theory approach. 6. Corporate social responsibility: Meaning and History. 7. Application: Marketing ethics:- Discussion: Bluffing in Indian marketing Practices. Ethical Issues in Advertisements, Discussion: Subliminal Advertisements: The Indian Way. 8. Ethics in finance: Ethics in Tax Planning and Financial Statements. Discussion: Speculation and Insider trading. 9. Marketing Research Ethics:- Commercial Intelligence-Gathering and Espionage. 10. Global Social Issues:- Environmental Ethics:- Environmental Activism in India. 11. Economic Justice and Business Ethics:- Distributive Justice and India. 12. Corporation and National Problems:- Ethics in International technology Transfer. 13. Ethics of Multinational Business. 14. Social and Ethical Issues in Genetic Engineering:- Intellectual Property Rights. 15. The need of discussion on Ethics and morality in Organizational context. 16. Self and consciousness. 17. Organizational Consciousness and social consciousness. 18. Social consciousness and self-consciousness completing the ethico moral feedback loop. 19. Ingraining ethical process in life and work. 20. The philosophy of decision-making and profit in business. 21. Profit as a vehicle of organic growth. 22. Leadership character with leadership behaviour. Attributes and character flows of a leader, Profile of a charismatic leader. 23. Character and centered leadership style: Indian insights. 24. Ethical response to market reality, Passion for service to customers Vs organizational excellence Suggested Reading:1. Business Ethics – David Stewart. 2. Ethics in Management – S.K.Chakraborty. 2. AGRARIAN Relation, Rehabilitation & Resettlement (AR 301):Objective:This paper aims to acquaint the students to the prevailing pattern of agrarian relations and practices, land reform measures and impact on agrarian relations in India to provide a working knowledge of the legal provisions relating to the transfer of land and the scope for legal aid in agrarian relation. 12 Course Contents:1. Land, agriculture and society. 2. Conceptual understanding of agrarian relation, communal, feudal and capitalistic. 3. Custom, law and jurisprudence. 4. Regulating agrarian relations through the law of tenancy. 5. Pre British Agrarian relations in India. 6. Agrarian Relationships during British colonial Administration and the emergence of peasant struggles upto the year 1900 in Jharkhand. 7. The Law of Tenancy, Survey, Settlement and the Record of Rights. 8. Communication Agrarian Relations and the Scheduled Areas under the Constitution of India. 9. Land, Forest and Human Rights in India. 10. Land Reforms, Wasteland Development and the law. 11. Rehabilitation & Resettlement policies and practices of India. Suggested Reading :1. The Land systems of British India by: B.H. Bedan Powell, 1992, Atlantic Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi. 2. The District Gazetters and the survey and Settlement reports of the Districts in Jharkhand. 3. The Constitution of India and Other relevant agrarian laws. 4. Struggle for Swaraj- A History of Adivasi Movements in Jharkhand by : Mathew Areeparampil, S. J. 2002, Tribal Research and Training Centre, Chaibasa. 3. MANAGEMENT OF NGOs & HUMAN RESOURCE :Objective:The objective of this paper is to develop- the ability of students to understand and analyze the non-government organizations and it’s environment, the ability to develop human resources of NGOs. Course Contents:1. NGOs- Concept, characteristics, classifications, strengths and weaknesses. 2. History:- Retrospect and prospect, emergence of voluntary organizations, contemporary development. NGO and voluntarism. 3. Role of NGOs in Rural Development: advocacy, networking. 4. Legal Framework: Societies Registration Act. Co-Operatives Societies Act, FCRA Act, Income tax Act for NGOs. 13 5. HRM Planning and procedures. 6. Recruitment: Job and position description, sources for recruitment legal consideration selection process. Assessment. 7. Performance Appraisal: Informal, formal Demotion, Promotion. Suggested Readings:1. Darlene, Russ Eft, HRD Review, Sage Pub, New Delhi. 2. Rao, T.B, HRD Missionary, Oxford Uni. Press, New Delhi. 3. Stoner, James A.F, Freeman, R Eduward, Management, Prentice Hall India, New Delhi. 4. Clark, John, Democratizing Development 5. Journal: EPW, Social Action 4. Globalization & WTO 5. RURAL MARKETING & RESEARCH. Objective:This has resulted in the expansion of rural demand of agricultural inputs, capital goods, transportation goods as well as consumer and consumer durable goods in villages. On the output side, the enlarged rural Production base has led to value addition, marketing networking and thrust on export trade. This paper aims at equipping the students to enable them to serve in the inflow and outflow marketing areas. Course Contents:1. Rural Marketing:- Definition, Objectives, Functions. Accelerated growth and importance of Rural Market. Factors accelerating growth. Classification of inflow marketing and outflow marketing in rural sector. Principles of sequensation of rural Markets. 2. Modern and Traditional system of Rural Marketing. Historical perspective of Haats, Bazaars and Melas. Their dole as the hubs of rural economy. Laws regulating the conduct of business there in and also facilitating their modernization and expansion, spatial issues and Management practices. 3. Principles, Procedures and processes of Rural marketing Management and Applications of systems approach. Rural Marketing strategy and implementation of the principles of Marketing Mix. 14 4. Rural Market demands- (1) Consumer Goods, (2) Consumer durables, (3) Agricultural Inputs, (4) Capital Goods, and (5) Transportation good of Distribution Strategies and Channel Management. 5. Regulated Market System and the state Legislation. Grading standardization and legal metrology- Provisions of the relevant laws. 6. Rural Market Intelligence and Marketing Information system. Market research, Survey Techniques, report Writing. 7. State Market Intervention Operations, State Procurement, Minimum Support Price. Statutory Minimum Price, State Advised price and price management by the Union and State Governments. 8. Logistics Management in Rural Marketing. Corporate strategies and State Facilitation Programmers. Suggested Readings:1. Rural Marketing : Sonal Kumar Velay Udhan 2. Handbook of Relationship Marketing:- El. Jagdish Sheth L Atul Parvatiyar 3. The Growing Rural market in India: ganguly A.S. 4. Strategic Market Management- Aakar, David A. 5. Emerging Trends In Indian Marketing : Ed. Sahoo S.C., P.K. Sinha 6. Marketing in India: C.B. Manoria. 7. Marketing Techniques for Analysis and Control: Allen, Peter. 8. Marketing : david L. Kurtz 9. Marketing Management : P. Kotler 10. Fundamentals of Marketing- Stanton, W.J. 15