Naujos knygos VU TVM bibliotekoje (papildyta 2006 rugsėjo 13 d.) EKONOMIKA Household Consumption and the Environment Publisher: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities A renewed policy focus on sustainable consumption and production (SCP) can be observed, both at the global level and in Europe. With an aim to provide input for European policy-making, this report analyses the environmental effects of household consumption in Europe. We have identified four consumption categories that form a major part of our total consumption expenditure and for which the environmental effects are either large or increasing rapidly. These are consumption of food and drink; housing; personal travel and mobility; and tourism. The negative environmental effects of our consumption do not only occur in Europe, but also in other regions of the world, mainly as a result of resource extraction, production, processing and transportation of the goods we consume in Europe, and as a result of our personal travel and tourist activities. Attaining more sustainable consumption and production patterns is a common challenge that involves all actors, including public authorities at all levels, business and consumers. Regions: Statistical yearbook 2005 Publisher: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities This yearbook highlights many aspects of regional data and the analyses which can be made with them. Some fundamental chapters, such as regional GDP, regional household accounts, the labour market, demographic statistics and agriculture, are a recognised backbone of the book. One chapter is new this year: education, giving interesting insights into topics such as lifelong learning participation in the various regions. Promoting Health and Safety in European Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) by European Agency for Safety & Health at Work Synopsis This publication contains information on the SME (small and medium-sized enterprises) funding scheme organised by the European Agency for Safety and Health at Work for 2003-2004. The scheme provided funding for initiatives that encourages SMEs throughout Europe to adopt good occupational safety and health practices, focusing on training for accident prevention and avoidance of health risks; information provision and communication issues; and identifying good practices to reduce dangers to health and safety. Details are given for 14 transnational projects and 26 national projects. European Union Foreign Direct Investment Yearbook 2005: Data 1998-2003 Publisher: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The direct investment pocketbook provides users with analytical aspects of foreign direct investment stocks, flows and income for the EU. The pocketbook has a simple objective: to provide political and corporate decision makers with high quality statistical information on direct investment. European Energy and Transport - Scenarios on Key Drivers Publisher: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The European Energy and Transport Scenarios in this publication follow last year’s publication on “Trends to 2030” and provide alternative projections to 2030 of the EU-25 energy system depending on the development of key drivers. This publication examines a wide range of quite different energy policy options over the next three decades. Europe in Figures - Eurostat Yearbook 2005 Publisher: Office for Official Publication Date: 2005 Publications of the European Communities The Eurostat yearbook is Eurostat's Statistical Compendium: It reports figures on the European Union and its Member States, the Euro-zone, the European Economic Area and other global key players. Most time series cover the last decade. It provides a good understanding of all topics on which Eurostat has statistical data available. The data are presented together with help for interpretation (explanatory texts, graphs, a glossary, an abbreviation list); they are structured in a logical and user-friendly way. The Eurostat yearbook contains all structural indicators the European Commission and national governments have agreed to use to evaluate progress in the European Union. They are visibly marked. All of its data are harmonized to be a reference to compare Europe. Consumers in Europe: Facts and Figures : Data 1999-2004 Publisher: Office for Official Publication Date: 2005 Publications of the European Communities Presenting figures primarily on consumer attitudes, expenditure and prices, and quality indicators, it focuses on the consumer rather than on consumption in itself. The book provides data on all 25 EU Member States as well as some key indicators on candidate countries. It is aimed at anybody interested in EU spending patterns, in particular consumer organisations and other policy-makers in the consumer protection area, as well as businesses. XXXIIIrd Report on Competition Policy 2003 Publisher: Office for Official Publication Date: 2005 Publications of the European Communities The 2003 annual competition report makes a reckoning of what has been accomplished in term of competition policy, a policy which forms an essential building block in establishing a well-functioning single market in the EU. This year’s report not only reflects significant changes to the internal organisation and working methods of the Commission in the field of EU competition policy, but also provides evidence of the way the Commission ensures coherence in the European economic governance fabric by balancing continuity and the need for new approaches. Treaty Establishing the Constitution for Europe Office for Official Publications of the European Communities The signing of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe in Rome on 29 October 2004 was a decisive step for the European Union. The Constitution represents the completion of a long process marked by ever closer integration and by the successive enlargements of the Union. European Business: Facts and Figures Data 1995-2004 - 2006 Eurostat This is Eurostat's main reference publication on European Business. It offers a comprehensive picture of the structure, development, and characteristics of European business and its different activities: from energy and the extractive industries to communications, information services and media. It presents the latest available statistics from a wide selection of statistical sources describing for each activity: production and employment; country specialisation and regional distribution; productivity and profitability; the importance of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs); work-force characteristics; external trade etc. The accompanying CD-ROM presents the paper publication in an easily accessible electronic format, including all the data, graphs and tables in excel-format. It also contains more complete, detailed datasets on which the publication is based, a means of easily accessing the most up-to-date live data, as well as a large amount of background information. Labor Economics Cahuc, Pierre and Zylberberg, Andre Table of Contents Introduction xxiii Acknowledgments xxxv Part One: Supply and Demand Behaviors 1 1 Labor Supply 3 2 Education and Human Capital 59 3 Job Search 107 4 Labor Demand 171 Part Two: Wage Formation 243 5 Compensating Wage Differentials and Discrimination 245 6 Contracts, Risk-Sharing, and Incentive 305 7 Collective Bargaining 369 Part Three: Unemployment and Inequality 441 8 Unemployment and Inflation 443 9 Job Reallocation and Unemployment 503 10 Technological Progress, Globalization and Inequalities 563 Part Four: Institutions and Economic Policy 633 11 Labor Market Policies 635 12 Institutions and Labor Market Performance 713 Economics of the Welfare State N. Barr Table of Contents Part One: Concepts 1 Introduction 2 The Historical Background 3 Political Theory: Social Justice 4 Economic Theory 1: Social Justice and the State 5 Economic Theory 2: Insurance 6 Problems of Definition and Measurement Part 2: Cash Benefits 7 Financing the Welfare State 8 Insurance: Unemployment, Sickness and Disability 9 Consumption Smoothing: Old Age Pensions 10 Poverty Relief and Family Support 11 Strategies for Reform Part 3: Benefits in Kind 12 Health and Health Care 13 Education 1: Primary and Secondary Education 14 Education 2: Tertiary Education Part 4: Epilogue 15 Conclusion. Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism Esping-Anderson, Gosta Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Part 1: The Three Welfare State Regimes1. The Three Political Economies of the Welfare State 2. DeCommodification in Social Policy 3. The Welfare State as a System of Stratification 4. State and Market in the Formation of Pension Regimes 5. Distribution Regimes in the Power Structure Part 2: The Three Employment Structures 6. Welfare State and Labor Market Regimes 7. Institutional Accommodation to Full Employment 8. Three Post-Industrial Employment Trajectories Conclusion Bibliography Index Governing the Modern Corporation: Capital Markets, Corporate Control, and Economic Performance by Roy C. Smith Table of Contents Preface; Part I: Corporations and Capital Markets in Perspective; Preface; Irrational Exuberance; New Financial Markets; Part II: Corporations and their Governances; Preface; Legacies of the Corporation; The Role and Duties of Corporate Directors; Evolution and Powers of the CEO; Part III: Corporate Governance and the Capital Market Institutions; Preface; Institutional Investors; The Auditors; The Bankers; Part IV. Governance, Restraints and Conflicts of Interest; Preface; Government Regulation and Corporate Governance; Conflicts of Interest; The Future of Governance Monetary Union B. Moss Table of Contents PART I: HISTORY OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY The Neo-Liberal Constitution: EC Law and History; B.H.Moss Raisons d'?tre: The Failure of Constructive Integration; B.H.Moss The Theories of Integration: American Political Paradigms; B.H.Moss National Labor Regimes: The European Community in Class Context; B.H.Moss Socialist Challenge: Class Politics in France; B.H.Moss From ERM to EMU: Monetary Union and its Discontents; B.H.Moss PART II: MONETARIST FETTERS: THE QUANTIFIABLE FAILURE OF THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY The Economic Failure of European Integration; G.Friedman PART III: THE MONETARIST TURN IN MEMBER STATES: NEO-LIBERAL, SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC, COMMUNIST 'Ordo-Liberalism' Trumps Keynesianism in German Political Economy; C.Allen The Political Economy of the UK, 1979-2002; J.Michie The 'Monetarist' Turn in Belgium and the Netherlands; E.Jones Italian Communism and the Long Road to Austerity; T.Abse Transnational Neo-Liberalism and the Demise of the Swedish Model; A.Bieler Negotiating European Union Paul W. Meerts and Franz Cede Contents The EU as the Epitome of a Negotiating Process; F.Cede The EU as a Negotiations Arena. Diplomats, Experts and PAM Professionals; R.van Schendelen What Happens at Home - Negotiating EU Policy at the Domestic Level; M.van Keulen The Role of the Member States in the European Union; P.J. Langenberg EU Institutions and IGC Negotiations: How the EU Negotiation Process Affects Institutions' Ability to Gain Influence in IGCs; D.Beach What Kind of Negotiation does 'Consensus Decision-Making' Involve?; D.Heisenberg Negotiation and Mediation in the EU Council of Ministers; O.Elgström Member States Operating in the EU Council of Ministers, Inside Impressions; L.J.Bal The European Council under Construction: EU Top Level Decision Making at the beginning of a New Century; P.C.J. van Grinsven Cookbook of the Presidency of the European Union; A.Guggenbühl Negotiating the Enlargement; A.Landau European Union Negotiation; P.Meerts Multinational Business Finance International Edition 11th Edition David Eiteman, Arthur Stonehill, Michael Moffett Contents Part I Global Financial Management 1 Financial Goals & Corporate Governance 2 History of the International Monetary System Appendix: Eurodollar Creation 3 Balance of Payment Part II Foreign Exchange Theory 4 International Parity Conditions Appendix: Algebraic Primer to International Parity Conditions 5 Foreign Exchange Rate Determination & Forecasting Part III The Foreign Exchange Market & Derivatives 6 The Foreign Exchange Market 7 Foreign Currency Derivatives Appendix: Foreign Currency Option Pricing Part IV Foreign Exchange Exposure 8 Transaction Exposure Appendix: Complex Options 9 Operating Exposure 10 Translation Exposure Appendix A: Basics of FX Accounting Appendix B: Bank of America FX Exposure Survey Part V Financing the Global Firm 11 The Global Cost and Availability of Capital 12 Sourcing Equity Globally 13 Sourcing Debt Globally 14 Interest Rate and Cross Currency Swaps Appendix: Advanced Topics in I/R Risk Management 15 International Portfolio Theory & Investment Part VI Foreign Investment Decisions 16 Foreign Direct Investment Theory & Strategy 17 Political Risk Assessment and Management 18 Multinational Capital Budgeting Appendix: Adjusting for Risk 19 Cross-Border Mergers, Acquisitions, and Valuation Part VII Managing Multinational Operations 20 International Trade Finance 21 Multinational Tax Management 22 Working Capital Management The WTO, Developing Countries and the Doha Development Agenda Prospects and Challenges for Trade-led Growth Basudeb Guha-Khasnobis Contents PART I: OVERVIEW The WTO, Trade and Development: An Introduction; B.Guha-Khasnobis Developing Countries and the WTO Doha Round: Market Access, Rules and Differential Treatment; B.Hoekman PART II: AGRICULTURE Trade Liberalization, Agriculture, and Poverty in Low-income Countries; K.Anderson OECD Domestic Support and Developing Countries; B.Dimaranan, T.Hertel & R.Keeney Impact of Trade Liberalization on Returns from Land: A Regional Study of Indian Agriculture; N.Ghosh The Value of Agricultural Tariff Rate Quotas to Developing Countries; C.Laroche Dupraz & A.Matthews PART III: MANUFACTURING Industrial Tariffs, LDCs and the Doha Development Agenda; M.Bacchetta & Bijit Bora Developed Country Trade Barriers and the Least Developed Countries: The Economic Results of Freeing Trade; J.D.Haveman & H.J.Shatz The EU's Everything But Arms Initiative and the Least-developed Countries; L.Cernat, S.Laird, L.Monge-Roffarello & A.Turrini Export Subsidies: Theory, Evidence, and the WTO Agreement on Subsidies; R.Ahuja Handbook of Transport Modelling v.1 Button, Kenneth Hensher, David A. Hensher, David A., Button, Kenneth J Contents Chapter headings: Introduction to the series. Introduction (D.A. Hensher, K.J. Button). History of demand modelling (J. Bates). The four-step model (M.G. McNally). The activity-based approach (M.G. McNally). Flexible model structures for discrete choice analysis (C.R. Bhat). Duration modeling (C.R. Bhat). Longitudinal methods (R. Kitamura). Stated-preference methods (J. Louviere, D. Street). Towards a land-use and transport interaction framework (F. Martínez). Travel networks (L.G. Willumsen). Analytical dynamic traffic assignment models (T.L. Friesz, D. Bernstein). Transport demand elasticities (Tae Hoon Oum, W.G. Waters II). Closed-form discrete-choice models (F.S. Koppelman, V. Sethi). Survey and sampling strategies (P.R. Stopher). Geographical information systems for transport (K.J. Dueker, Tu Ton). Definition of movement and activity for transport modelling (K.W. Axhausen). Environmental valuation (R. Daniels, V. Adamowicz). Allocation and valuation of travel-time savings (S.R. Jara-Diáz). Cost functions in transport (E. Pels, P. Rietveld). Productivity measurement (W.G. Waters II). Congestion modeling (R. Lindsey, E. Verhoef). Modeling signalized and unsignalized junctions (R. Troutbeck). Trip timing (H.S. Mahmassani). Modeling parking (W. Young). National models (A. Daly). An introduction to the valuation of travel-time savings and losses (H.F. Gunn). Can telecommunications help solve transportation problems? (I. Salomon). Automobile demand and type choice (D.S. Bunch). Information systems and other intelligent transport system innovations (P. Bonsall). Transit-assignment models (J. de Cea, E. Fernandez). Models for public transport demand and benefit assessments (K. Jansson, R. Mortazavi). Strategic freight network planning models (T.L. Friesz). Urban freight movement modeling (G. D'Este). Value of freight travel-time savings (G. de Jong). Modelling performance: rail (C. Nash). The performance of bus-transit operators (B. de Borger, K. Kerstens). Models of airport perfomance (P. Forsyth). Modeling performance: measuring and comparing unit cost competitiveness of airlines (Tae Hoon Oum et al.). Highway performance (P. Rouse, M. Putterill). Modeling performance in liner shipping (H.E. Haralambides, A.W. Veenstra). Author index. Subject index. Handbook of Logistics and Supply-Chain Management Brewer, Ann M. (EDT) /Button, Kenneth John (EDT) /Hensher, David A. Table of Contents Introduction. (A.M. Brewer et al.). Globalisation and International Perspectives. Perspectives on global performance issues (T. Heaver). European transport: insights and challenges (C. Ruijgrok). North America: insights and challenges (T. Corsi). International logistics: a continuous search for competitiveness (H. Meersman, E. Van de Voorde). Supply Chain Management. The development of thinking in supply chain and logistics management (A. Braithwaite, D. Hall). The supply chain management and logistics controversy (D. Lambert). The concept of value: symbolic artefact or useful tool (A. Brewer). Intermodal transportation (B. Slack). Logistics Management. Integrated logistics strategies (A. McKinnon). Lean logistics (P. Hines et al.). Inventory management (D. Waters). Just-in-time (S. Taylor). Warehousing: a key link in the supply chain (K. Ackerman). Consolidation and transhipment (M. Beuthe, E. Kreutzberger). Logistics outsourcing (M. Browne, J. Allen). Customer Services. Services marketing (R. Verma). Understanding and predicting customer choices (H. Oppewal, H. Timmermans). Logistics Performance Management. Costing theory and processes (W. Talley). Benchmarking and performance management: the role in quality management (D. Gillen). Green logistics (J-P. Rodrigue et al.). Organisational Logistics. Organisational logistics: definition, components and approaches (A. Brewer). Public policy and logistics (C. Grimm, M. Dresner). Comparative Industry Approaches. Retail logistics (J. Fernie). City logistics and freight transport (R. Thompson, E. Taniguchi). Manufacturing logistics (T. Whiteing). Maritime logistics (M. Brooks, G. Fraser). Air-freight logistics (A. Reynolds-Feighan). Bulk commodity logistics: overview and case study (K. Trace). Express delivery (D. Sage). Hazardous goods (K. Hancock). Research and Development. Dynamics and spatial patterns of intermodal freight transport networks (H. Priemus, R. Konings). Supply chain statistics (M. Bronzini). New technologies in logistics management (R. Stough). Freight and logistics modelling (G. D'Este). Handbook of Transport Systems & Traffic Control Edited By Kenneth J Button, David A Hensher Contents Introduction. (K.J. Button, D.A. Hensher). Transport planning. (D. Banister). Traffic reduction (P.B. Goodwin). Equity versus efficiency in transport systems (C. Nash). The concept of optimal transport systems (R. Vickerman). The economics of transport networks (K.J. Button). Traffic congestion and congestion pricing (R. Lindsey, E. Verhoef). Modal diversion (D.A. Hensher). Induced travel and user benefits: clarifying definitions and measurement for urban road infrastructure (P.W. Abelson, D.A. Hensher). Cost-benefit analysis in transport (P. Mackie, J. Nellthorp). Transport subsidies (W. Rothengatter). Transportation demand management (J.L. Gifford, O.J. Stalebrink). Infrastructure capacity (T.R. Lakshmanan, W.P. Anderson). Transport safety (I. Savage). Environmental protection (E. Quinet, D. Sperling). Transportation and economic development (K. Haynes, K.J. Button). Bus services: deregulation and privatisation (lessons for third world cities) (A. Armstrong-Wright). Transportation in sparsely populated regions (Å.E. Andersson). Biking and walking: the position of non-motorized transport modes in transport systems (P. Rietveld). Traffic calming (R. Brindle). Specialized transport (D. Gillingwater, N. Tyler). Women and travel (L.A. Schintler). Cross-border traffic (K.J. Button). Parking and traffic control (W. Young). Road vehicle design standards (M.C. Case, M.G. Lay). Junction design (R.N. Bird). High-occupancy routes and truck lanes (D. Pitfield, R. Watson). Urban traffic flow (A.D. May). Traffic flow control (L.A. Schintler). Traffic control devices and management (K.J. Button). Intelligent transport systems (M.A.P. Taylor). Transportation information systems (B. Benson). Route guidance systems (D. Nelson, P.J. Tarnoff). Modeling traffic signal control (M. Smith et al.). Railway scheduling (R. Watson). Public transport scheduling (A. Ceder). Seaport terminal management (B. Thomas). Air traffic control systems (G.L. Donohue). Airport slot controls (A.M. Khan). Handbook of Transport and the Environment David A Hensher, Kenneth J Button, K.J. Button, D.A. Hensher Contents Introduction (D.A. Hensher, K.J. Button). Environmental concepts - physical and economic (W. Rothengatter). Climate change (M. Lenzenet al.). Air quality (B.A. Holmen, D.A. Niemeier). The economics of noise (D. Gillen). Safety (I. Savage). Amenity and severance (S. Handy). Transportation fuels - a system perspective (B. Johansson). Fuel options (M. Khare, P. Sharma). Cleaner vehicles (D. Sperling). Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation: trends, driving factors, and forces for change (L.J. Schipper, L. Fulton). Transport energy and emissions: buses (J. Stanley, P. Watkiss). Transport energy and emissions: urban public transport (S. Potter). Transport energy and emissions: aviation (H. Somerville). Environmental impacts of shipping (W.K. Talley). Transport energy and emissions: rail (A. Bonnafous, C. Raux). Environmental impact assessment for sustainable transport (S.L. Dhingra et al.). Transport investment appraisal and the environment (P. Nijkamp). Evaluation of environmental impacts (E. Quinet). Valuation of environmental externalities (W. Adamowicz). Valuation case studies (J. de Dios Ortuzar, L.I. Rizzi). The health effects of motor vehicle-related air pollution (D.R. McCubbin, M.A. Delucchi). Environmental externalities of motor vehicle use (M.A. Delucchi). Valuation of safety (M. Jones-Lee, G. Loomes). Location externalities: effects on modeling, infrastructure provision and optimal planning (F. Martinez). Macroeconomic policies and the environment (S. Hansen). History of environmental legislation (P.R. Stopher). International coordination of environmental policies and multilateral environmental agreements (J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, N. Castells). Environmental pricing in transport (E. Calthrop, S. Proost). Planning for sustainable environmental futures (D. Gillingwater, S. Ison). Environmental justice applications in transport: the international perspective (R. Alsnih, P.R. Stopher). Winners and losers in transport policy: on efficiency, equity, and compensation (P. Rietveld). Unintended effects of polices (P. Goodwin). Global warming and emission trading (T.P. Truong). Travel, tourism, and the environment (K.J. Button). Gender, transportation, and the environment (A. Root, L. Schintler). Logistics and the environment (A.C. Mckinnon). Reverse logistics: an overview and a causal model (S. Rahman). Transportation of hazardous goods and materials (W.G. Waters II). Public attitudes (T. Garling et al.). Travel behavior change through individual engagement (G. Rose, E. Ampt). Packaging policies to address environmental concerns (E. Feitelson). The street: integrating transport and urban environment (S. Marshall). Integrated transport models for environmental assessment (D.A. Hensher). Transportation demand management and "win-win" transportation solutions (T.A. Litman). References. Author index. Subject index. Handbook of Transport Geography Edited By David A Hensher, Kenneth J Button Contents Introduction (D.A. Hensher). Environmental concepts - physical and economic (W. Rothengatter). Climate change (M. Lenzenet al.). Air quality (B.A. Holmen, D.A. Niemeier). The economics of noise (D. Gillen). Safety (I. Savage). Amenity and severance (S. Handy). Transportation fuels - a system perspective (B. Johansson). Fuel options (M. Khare, P. Sharma). Cleaner vehicles (D. Sperling). Carbon dioxide emissions from transportation: trends, driving factors, and forces for change (L.J. Schipper, L. Fulton). Transport energy and emissions: buses (J. Stanley, P. Watkiss). Transport energy and emissions: urban public transport (S. Potter). Transport energy and emissions: aviation (H. Somerville). Environmental impacts of shipping (W.K. Talley). Transport energy and emissions: rail (A. Bonnafous). Environmental impact assessment for sustainable transport (S.L. Dhingra et al.). Transport investment appraisal and the environment (P. Nijkamp). Evaluation of environmental impacts (E. Quinet). Valuation of environmental externalities (W. Adamowicz). Valuation case studies (J. de Dios Ortuzar,). The health effects of motor vehicle-related air pollution (D.R. McCubbin). Environmental externalities of motor vehicle use (M.A. Delucchi). Valuation of safety (M. Jones-Lee, G. Loomes). Location externalities: effects on modeling, infrastructure provision and optimal planning (F. Martinez). Macroeconomic policies and the environment (S. Hansen). History of environmental legislation (P.R. Stopher). International coordination of environmental policies and multilateral environmental agreements (J.C.J.M. van den Bergh, N. Castells). Environmental pricing in transport (E. Calthrop, S. Proost). Planning for sustainable environmental futures (D. Gillingwater, S. Ison). Environmental justice applications in transport: the international perspective (R. Alsnih, P.R. Stopher). Winners and losers in transport policy: on efficiency, equity, and compensation (P. Rietveld). Unintended effects of polices (P. Goodwin). Global warming and emission trading (T.P. Truong). Travel, tourism, and the environment (K.J. Button). Gender, transportation, and the environment (A. Root, L. Schintler). Logistics and the environment (A.C. Mckinnon). Reverse logistics: an overview and a causal model (S. Rahman). Transportation of hazardous goods and materials (W.G. Waters II). Public attitudes (T. Garling et al.). Travel behavior change through individual engagement (G. Rose). Packaging policies to address environmental concerns (E. Feitelson). The street: integrating transport and urban environment (S. Marshall). Integrated transport models for environmental assessment (D.A. Hensher). Transportation demand management and "win-win" transportation solutions (T.A. Litman). Handbook of Transport Strategy Policy & Institutions Edited By Kenneth J Button, David A Hensher Contents Introduction. (K.J. Button, D.A. Hensher). Market and Government Failures in Transportation. (K.J. Button). Regulatory Transitions. (W.B. Tye). Economic Deregulation in the USA. (R.J. Windle). Tendering of Services. (J. Preston). Performance Evaluation Frameworks. (D.A. Hensher). Privatization in Transport. (C. Nash). Coordination, Integration, and Transport Regulation. (D.M. Van de Velde). Integrated Transport Systems: Public-Private Interfaces. (J.M. Viegas). The History of Transport Planning. (M.G. Lay). The Evolution of Transport Networks. (D. Levinson). Transport and Regional Growth. (C. Jensen-Butler). Infrastructure Policy. (R. Vickerman). Integrated Transport Strategies. (A.D. May, C. Kelly, S. Shepherd). Long-term Planning. (E. Weiner). Transportation Asset Management. (O.J. Stalebrink, J.L. Gifford). Financing Transport Infrastructure. (R. Maggi). A Banking Perspective on Transport. (N. Hann, T. Mack). Financial Analysis: Applications to Australian Toll Road Entities. (S. Jones). Financing Transport Infrastructure: Public Finance Issues. (P. Abelson). The World Bank and Transport. (K. Gwilliam). Asset Management and Funding: Transport and Non-profit Institutions. (J.H. Miller, J. Hough). Deregulation of US Air Transportation. (S.A. Morrison). Regulatory Issues: The Role of International Maritime Institutions. (W.K. Talley). Fostering Inland Waterways. (J.B. Polak). Making Pricing Work in Public Transport Provision. (S.R. Jara-Diaz, A. Gschwender). Transportation Mergers: The Case of the US Railroads. (W.B. Tye, J. Horn). Protecting the Captive Railroad Shipper. (K. Vachal, J. Bitzan). Cost-benefit Analysis. (K.G. Willis). Multicriteria Evaluation of Transport Policies. (R. Vreeker). Negotiated and Competitively Tendered Performance Based Contracts. (E. Houghton, D.A. Hensher). Discriminant, Logit, and Neural Network Models for Measuring Financial Fitness: Application to the US Airline Industry. (R.D. Gritta). Voluntary Travel Behavior Change. (P.R. Stopher). Non-motorized Transportation Policy. (M. Page). Flexible Transport Systems. (J.L. Gifford). Stimulating Modal Shift. (P. Bonsall). Marketing Public Transport. (G. Giuliano). Implementing Intelligent Transportation Systems. (B. Bensen). Optimization of Transport Strategies. (A.D. May) Transport Policy within APEC. (C. Findlay, C. Kissling). Transport Policy in the European Union. (P. Van Reeven). Transport Policy in Post-Communist Europe. (J. Pucher, Ralph Buehler). Transport Policies in ASEAN Countries. (A.T.H. Chin). Transportation Policy in the USA. (E. Weiner). Transportation Policy in Canada. (T. Heaver). Transportation Policy in New Zealand and Australia. (D. Scrafton). Bishop & Walker Economics EC Competition Law Author: Simon Bishop, Mike Walker CONTENTS Introduction Part I – Concepts Effective Competition and Market Power --- The Relevant Market Part II – Application Article 85 ---- Article 86 ----- Merger Control Part III – Measurement Introduction to Empirical Analysis ----- Multiple Regression Analysis as a Tool in Antitrust Policy ----Estimating Elasticities ----Price Correlation Analysis ----Shipment and Transport Costs Tests Price Concentration Studies ---- Bidding Studies ---- Granger Causality and Cointegration Tests----Summary ----Appendices ----Definition of a Barrier to Entry ----Phase II Merger Decisions ----New Commission telecoms regulations -----UK Competition Act 1998 Accounting & Financial Analysis in the Hospitality Industry by Hales, Jon Table of Contents Preface Chapter 1 Introduction to Numbers, Accounting, and Financial Analysis Chapter 2 Foundations of Financial Analysis Chapter 3 Accounting Office Organization and Operations Chapter 4 The Profit and Loss Statement Chapter 5 The Balance Sheet and Statement of Cash Flows Chapter 6 Hotel Management Reports Chapter 7 Revenue Management Chapter 8 Comparison Reports and Financial Analysis Chapter 9 Forecasting A Very Important Management Tool Chapter 10 Budgets Chapter 11 Corporate Annual Reports Chapter 12 Personal Financial Literacy Glossary Index Nations & Firms in the Global Economy S. Brakman Contents Tables; Figures; Boxes; Preface; Course structure; Part I. Introduction: 1. The global economy; 2. International accounting practices; Part II. Firms, Trade, and Location: 3. Trade and comparative advantage; 4. Trade and competitive advantage; 5. Firms, location, and agglomeration; Part III. Capital, Currency, and Crises: 6. International capital mobility; 7. Gains from capital market integration; 8. Investors, exchange rates, and currency crises; 9. Financial crises, firms, and the open economy; Part IV. Policy, Dynamics, and Organization: 10. Trade and capital restrictions; 11. Globalization and economic growth; 12. Nations, and organization; Part V. Conclusion: 13. Globalization: is it really happening?; 14. Towards an international economics and business? References; Index. VADYBA Diagnosing & Changing Organizational Culture K. Cameron Contents 1. An Introduction to Changing Organizational Culture. The Need to Manage Organizational Culture. -The Need for Culture Change. ---The Power of Culture Change. ---The Meaning of Organizational Culture. ----Caveats. 2. The Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument. Instructions for Diagnosing Organizational Culture. ---Scoring the OCAI. 3. The Competing Values Framework. The Value of Frameworks. ---Development of the Competing Values Framework. ---The Four Major Culture Types. ---Applicability of the Competing Values Model. --- Total Quality Management. --Human Resource Management Roles. --- Culture Change over Time. ----Culture Change in a Mature Organization. 4. Constructing an Organizational Culture Profile. Plotting a Profile. ----Interpreting the Culture Profiles. 5. Using the Framework to Diagnose and Change Organizational Culture. Planning for Culture Change: An Example. ---Steps for Designing an Organizational Culture Change Process. ---Supplementing the OCAI Methodology. 6. Individual Change as a Key to Culture Change. Critical Management Skills. ---- Personal Management Skills Profile. -- Personal Improvement Agendas. 7. A Condensed Formula for Organizational Culture Change. Complex Knowledge H. Tsoukas Table of Contents Introduction Part I: Explorations into Organizational Knowledge 1. The Firm as a Distributed Knowledge System 2. Forms of Knowledge and Forms of Life in Organized Contexts 3. What is Organizational Knowledge? , (with E. Valdimirou) 4. The Tyranny of Light: The Temptations and the Paradoxes of the Information Society 5. Where Does New Organizational Knowledge Come From? Part II: Coping with Organizational Complexity 6. Understanding Social Reforms: A Conceptual Analysis , (with D. Papoulias) 7. Chaos, Compelxity, and Organiztion Theory 8. Complex Thinking, Complex Practice: The Case for a Narrative Approach to Organizational Complexity , (with Mary Jo Hatch) 9. Reading Organizations: Uncertainty, Complexity, Narrativity Part III: Meta-Knowledge: The Epistemology of Management Research 10. Refining Common Sense: Types of Knowledge in Management Studies 11. The Word and the World: A Critique of Representationalism in Management Research 12. What is Good Theory? Arguments for a Discursive Organization Science 13. The Conduct of Strategy Research , (with Christian Knudsen) The New Era of Management by Richard Daft The Seventh Edition of this market leading text continues to raise the standard through its cutting-edge presentation of managerial thought, carefully developed applications, and innovative technology components. Richard Daft seamlessly integrates the topic of this edition, managing in turbulent times, with traditional management concepts to show what influences and guides managerial action in today's organizations. To illustrate the conceptual material and engage the learner, Daft includes diverse examples, exercises, and applications in every chapter. Through each edition, Management has continued to build an outstanding reputation with instructors for its quality, topic selection, applications, and authorship. The number one text on the market, it is renowned for its strong content, the quality of its examples, its readability and its numerous applications that reinforce concepts and involve users. Some hallmark features include Management in Practice exercises, Concept Connection photo essays, and Manager's Shoptalk boxes. The Market for Virtue: The Potential and Limits of Corporate Social Responsibility by David Vogel Table of Contents 1.The revival of corporate social responsibility 2.Is there a business case for virtue? 3.What is the demand for virtue? 4.Corporate responsibility for working conditions in developing countries 5.Corporate responsibility for the environment. 6.Corporate responsibility for human rights and global corporate citizenship 7.Beyond the market for virtue Successful Event Management A Practical Handbook Anton Shore Table of Contents The events business 1.An introduction to events 2. The market demand for events 3. The events business : supply and suppliers. 4. Social, economic, political and developmental implications II. Managing events 5.Making a start 6. Events planning 7. Financial management and the budget 8. The event : venuefinding, logistics and ambience 9. Marketing and public relations for events 10. Managing the event as a project 11. The organization manager and the team : during the event 12.Close-down, evaluation and legacies I. Organization Theory & Design by Richard Daft Contents Introduction to organizations o Organizations and Organization Theory Organizational purpose and structural design o Strategy, Organization Design, and Effectiveness ◦ Fundamentals of Organization Structure Open system design elements o The External Environment ◦ Interorganizational Relationships ◦Designing Organizations for the International Environment Internal design elements o Manufacturing and Service Technologies ◦ Information Technology and Control o Organization Size, Life Cycle, and Decline Managing dynamic processes o Organizational Culture and Ethical Values ◦ Innovation and Change ◦ Decision-Making Processes ◦ Conflict, Power, and Politics Integrative cases MARKETINGAS. PASLAUGŲ VADYBA Understanding and Managing Customers Lancaster, Peter;Lowe, Robin ;Doole, Isabel Contents: PART ONE: IDENTIFYING THE CUSTOMER 1Customers, quality and exchange 2Who is the customer? 3 The marketing environment 4Building information on the customer PART TWO: UNDERSTANDING THE CUSTOMER 5Why organisations need to understand customer behaviour 6How customers are segmented and organised 7What the customer is looking for 8Customers' perceptions of quality PART THREE: INFLUENCING THE CUSTOMER 9Organising internally to serve external customers 10Customer-led communications 11Developing and managing customer relationships 12 The emergence of the 'new' consumer: coming to terms with the future INDEX Tourism Change, Impacts and Opportunities Wall Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Frameworks 3. Rethinking Tourism Impacts 4. Economic Impacts 5. Physical Impacts 6. Social Impacts 7. Planning and Managing Change in Tourism Customer Service P. Timm Contents: 1. Foster Positive Attitudes. 2. Recognize and Deal with Customer Turnoffs. Deal with Dissatisfied Customers. 4. Exceed Customer Expectations. 5. Use Behaviors That Win Customer Loyalty. 6. Apply Winning Telephone Techniques. 7. Use Web Sites to Build Customer Loyalty. 8. Use Written Messages to Boost Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty. 9. Get Others to Give Great Service. 10. Understand the Future of Customer Loyalty. Appendix: How to Lead or Participate in an A-Plus Idea-Generating Meeting. Index. Strategic Marketing Management : A Means-End Approach Parry, Mark E. Table of Contents Preface and Acknowledgments Chapter 1 Means-End Theory and Strategic Marketing Chapter 2 Identifying and Analyzing Customer Benefits Chapter 3 Making Benefits Credible Chapter 4 Kinds of Attributes Chapter 5 Personal Values Chapter 6 Customer Decision Maps Chapter 7 The Evolution of Brand Meaning Chapter 8 Prioritizing Means-End Elements Chapter 9 Evaluating a Customer Decision Map: A Case Study Chapter 10 External Influencers and Undesirable Product Associations: A Case Study Suggested Readings ---- Endnotes ---- Index Hotel & Lodging Management An Introduction Stutts Table of Contents Preface. Introduction. Chapter 1: Growth and Development of the Lodging Industry. Chapter 2: Organizational Structure. Chapter 3: The Front Office. Chapter 4: Housekeeping. Chapter 5: The Marketing and Sales Department. Chapter 6: Human Resource Management. Chapter 7: Hotel Food and Beverage. Chapter 8: Loss Prevention and Security. Chapter 9: The General Manager. Chapter 10: Yield Management. Chapter 11: Management Contracts and Franchise Agreements. Chapter 12: Time-Share and Vacation Ownership. Chapter 13: Resorts, Themed Lodging, and Special Lodging Environments. Glossary. Index. Perfect Phrases for Customer Service: 101 Customer Service Training Scripts for Handling Any Situation Human resource management in the hospitality industry : an introductory guide. Boella, Michael. Goss-Turner, Steven. Contents: Preface. The Hospitality Industry HRM Context: Background to the industry's workforce. Human resource management. Effectively Resourcing the Hospitality Organisation: Job design. Recruitment. Selection. Appointment and induction. Developing the Human Resource: Performance management. Training. Management development. Rewards and Remuneration: Job evaluation. Administration of wages and salaries. Incentives. Fringe benefits. The Employment Relationship: Labour turnover and termination of employment. Employee relations. Law of employment. Human resource planning, records and statistics. Labour costs and productivity. HRM & Hospitality: Contemporary Issues: Organizing human resources. Managing people. Managing in an international context. HRM and Multi-Site Hospitality Operations. Customer care and quality. Business ethics. Appendix. Marketing Hospitality T. Powers Table of Contents Marketing—Everybody's Job. -- Hospitality Services. --- The Macro and Micro Environments of Hospitality Marketing. ---Market Segmentation and Targeting Marketing. ---Marketing Information and Research. --Marketing Strategy. --- The Marketing Plan. ---The Hospitality Product. ---Place in Hospitality Marketing: Distribution. --Place in Hospitality Marketing: Location. --- The Price of Hospitality. --- Marketing Communication: Advertising. --Marketing Communication: Sales Promotion, Public Relations/Publicity, and Personal Selling. ----Marketing at the Unit Level. --- Index. Tourism Goeldner Table of Contents Part One: Tourism Overview. Chapter 1: Tourism in Perspective. Chapter 2: Tourism through the Ages. Chapter 3: Career Opportunities. Part Two: How Tourism Is Organized. Chapter 4: World, National, Regional, and Other Organizations. Chapter 5: Passenger Transportation. Chapter 6: Hospitality and Related Services. Chapter 7: Organizations in the Distribution Process. Chapter 8: Attractions, Entertainment, Recreation, and Other. Part Three: Understanding Travel Behavior. Chapter 9: Motivation for Pleasure Travel. Chapter 10: Cultural and International Tourism for Life’s Enrichment. Chapter 11: Sociology of Tourism. Part Four: Tourism Supply, Demand, Policy, Planning, and Development. Chapter 12: Tourism Components and Supply. Chapter 13: Measuring and Forecasting Demand. Chapter 14: Tourism’s Economic Impact. Chapter 15: Tourism Policy: Structure, Content, and Process. Chapter 16: Tourism Planning, Development, and Social Considerations. Chapter 17: Tourism and the Environment. Chapter 18: Travel and Tourism Research. Chapter 19: Tourism Marketing. Part Six: Tourism Prospects. Chapter 20: Tourism’s Future. . Glossary. Index Research Methods for Leisure & Tourism A j Veal Table of Contents 1. Introduction: what, why and who? 2. Approaches to leisure and tourism research 3. Starting out research plans and proposals 4. The range of research methods 5. Reviewing the literature 6. Secondary data: sources and analysis 7. Observation 8. Qualitative methods 9. Questionnaire surveys and questionnaire design 10. Sampling 11.Survey analysis 12. Statistical analysis 13. Preparing a research report Travel & Tourism Public Relations Deuschl Table of Contents FOREWORD CHAPTER 1: The Industry and PR's Role in It _CHAPTER 2: PR At Hotels & Lodging Establishments CHAPTER 3: Restaurant Public Relations __CHAPTER 4: Transportation Public Relations __CHAPTER 5: Destination/Tourist Attraction PR __CHAPTER 6:What Travel & Tourism Employers Should Understand About PR __ APPENDIX A: Selected Travel & Tourism Professional/Trade Associations__ APPENDIX B: The Industry's Response to 9/11. __ APPENDIX C: Key Travel & Tourism Print Media __ APPENDIX D: Selected U.S. Universities Offering Hospitality & Tourism & Tourism Education (and Their Concentrations) __ APPENDIX E: Selected Industry Research/Statistical Sources __ REKLAMA. VIEŠIEJI RYŠIAI. KOMUNIKACIJA Corporate Communication Argenti Table of Contents 1. The Changing Environment for Business Case: Arthur Andersen 2. Communicating Strategically Case: Fletcher Electronics 3. An Overview of the Corporate Communication Function Case: TBD 4. Identity, Image and Reputation Case: GE Identity Program 5. Corporate Advertising Exercise on Corporate Ad Samples 6. Media Relations Case: Adolph Coors Company 7. Internal Communication Case: Claremont Publishing 8. Investor Relations Case: Steelcase 9. Government Relations Case: AOL Time Warner 10. Crisis Communications Case: Dow Corning Public Relations Disasters Inside Stories And Lessons Learnt Author: Gerry MCCUSKER Gerry McCusker gives us an amusing yet shocking peek behind the scenes of 79 real-life public relations disasters from around the globe. Documenting both the infamous and the unreported PR disasters from the worlds of branding, business, media, music, politics and sport, he analyses the root cause of, and remedies for, all manner of PR disasters. Public Relations Disasters is a provocative and revealing exposé of modern PR and reputation management gaffes. Its message is deadly serious: malpractice, misjudgement and the media’s own agenda are the combustibles that combine to cause PR mayhem. Anyone working in the media-related industries will learn unforgettable lessons from these real-life PR horror stories. PR analyst and practitioner Gerry McCusker has over 20 years’ experience of working at a senior level in the PR and advertising industries. Based in Australia, he is a regular contributor to lifestyle and marketing publications, and a presenter at seminars and conferences in the Middle East, Asia Pacific and Australia. Future of Advertising Cappo Advertising Age is the world's most widely read resource for advertising industry news, information, and analysis. McGraw-Hill's new Advertising Age series represents an exciting partnership that will--like the magazine itself--provide professionals with vital and usable information that is lively, informative, and indispensable. A celebrated ad veteran talks about where advertising is, where it is going--and how to take advantage of its many changes In The Future of Advertising, international ad industry thought leader Joe Cappo analyzes the factors reshaping today's advertising industry. Advertising and marketing professionals will get thought-provoking and valuable guidance on how to position themselves, their work, and their clients to meet consumer needs in the coming years. In addition to Cappo's input, insight, and anecdotes, pieces from prominent agency heads, advertisers, brand managers, and creatives provide a 360-degree view of the state of advertising today. All readers will learn how to skillfully navigate fastchanging factors including: Changes in the long-entrenched commission system Consolidation of major agencies Internet and E-tailing initiatives Excellent Public Relations and Effective Organizations by Grunig, Larissa A. , Grunig, James E. , Dozier, David M. Table of Contents Preface. Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management: A Review of the Theory and Results. Methodology of the Excellence Study. Isolating the Excellence Factor. The Value of Public Relations. Empowerment of the Public Relations Function. Communicator Roles, Organization of the Communication Function, Relationship to Other Management Functions, and Use of Consulting Firms. Models of Public Relations. The Origins, Management, and Outcomes of Programs for Key Publics. Activism and the Environment. Inside the Organization: Culture, Structure, Systems of Internal Communication, Job Satisfaction, Gender, and Diversity. New Directions for Research Suggested by the Excellence Study. Appendices: Questionnaires for Heads of Public Relations Departments. Questionnaire for CEO or Other Member of the Dominant Coalition. Employee Questionnaire Communication @ Work: Ethical, Effective, and Expressive Communication in the Workplace by Marylin S. Kelly Table of Contents 1. Communication Elements, Principles, and Ethics. 2. Perception and Self-Concept. 3. From Apprehension to Confidence. 4. Powerful Listening.The Values of Listening. 5. Nonverbal Communication. 6. Topic Research. 7. Quick Start to Informative Speaking. 8. Profoundly Informative, Models, Applications, and Processes of Informative Communication. 9. Visual and Other Sensible Support. 10. Quick Start to Persuasive Speaking. 11. Designs for Persuasion in Organizations. 12. Teams at Work. 13. Communication in Leadership. 14. Consequential Conversations in Interpersonal Communication. 15. Conflict at Work. 16. The Communication Parallel in Business Movements. Building Buzz: How to Reach and Impress Your Target Audience by Susan RoAne Table of Contents Foreword Introduction Chapter 1 How to Develop Your News Hook and Become a Media Darling Chapter 2 How to Get Interviewed by the Print Media Chapter 3 How to Reach Your Target Audience Through Radio Interviews Chapter 4 How to Create Celebrity Status via Television Interviews Chapter 5 How to Media Train Yourself Chapter 6 Creative Networking and Marketing Techniques to Build Buzz Chapter 7 How Writing a Book can Build Buzz, Brand, and Business Chapter 8 How to Build Buzz With Public Speaking Chapter 9 Creating Buzz for Your Business Through Articles Chapter 10 Building Buzz, Brand, and Business Through Online Promotion Resources and Recommended Reading Index