Kurt Phillips 2008 – 2009 Social Studies 10 UNIT ONE: To what extent should globalization shape identity? KEY OUTCOME: Students will explore the impacts of globalization on their lives. Time Frame Key Concepts 1 Week (Prologue & Chapter 1) Context Role Model Collective 1 Week (Chapter 2) Transnational Corporation Media Concentration Economies of Scale Media Convergence Stereotyping Overgeneralization Homogenization Acculturation Accommodation Assimilation Cultural Revitalization Digital Divide Propaganda Pop Culture Universalization Hybridization Cultural Content Laws Cultural Diversity 1 Week (Chapter 3) 1 Week (Chapter 4) Total: 4 – 5 Weeks Specific Outcomes Values and Attitudes 1.1 Acknowledge and appreciate the existence of alternative viewpoints in a globalized world. 1.2 Appreciate why peoples in Canada and other locations strive to promote their cultures, languages and identities in a globalized world. 1.3 Appreciate how the forces of globalization shape, and are shaped by, identities and cultures Knowledge and Understanding 1.4 Explore ways in which individuals and collectives express identities. 1.5 Explore understandings and dimensions of globalization. 1.6 Examine the impact of media and communications technology on diversity. 1.7 Analyze opportunities presented by globalization to identities and culture. 1.8 Examine challenges presented by globalization to identities and cultures. 1.9 Evaluate efforts to promote languages and cultures in a globalized world. Strategies / Assessment Resources Journal Assigned Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Exploring Globalization “Fast Forward” Notes Quiz (Chapter 1 – 2) Essay 1 (2 pages) assigned Film study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Exploring Globalization Video: “Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Prices” Notes Film Study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Journal Due (Check) Quiz (Chapter 3 – 4) Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Test Exploring Globalization Notes Video: “Asia Rising” (Maybe) Exploring Globalization Notes UNIT TWO: To what extent should contemporary society respond to the legacies of historic globalization? KEY OUTCOME: Students will assess impacts of historical globalization on indigenous peoples. Time Frame 1 Week (Chapter 5) 1 Week (Chapter 6) 1 Week (Chapter 7) 1 Week (Chapter 8) Total: 4 – 5 Weeks Key Concepts Imperialism Historical Globalization Mercantilism Capitalism Grand Exchange Industrial Revolution Legacy Ethnocentrism Eurocentrism Depopulation Deindustrialization Gross Domestic Product Indian Act Status Indian Residential Schools Cultural Mosaic Multiculturalism Cultural Pluralism Quiet Revolution Genocide Gacaca Courts Apartheid Enemy Aliens NGOs Gross National Income Specific Outcomes Values and Attitudes 2.1 Recognize and appreciate historical and contemporary consequences of European contact, historical globalization and imperialism on Aboriginal societies. 2.2 Exhibit a global consciousness with respect to the human condition. 2.3 Accept social responsibilities associated with global citizenship. 2.4 Recognize and appreciate the validity of oral histories. 2.5 Recognize and appreciate various perspectives regarding the prevalence and impacts of Eurocentrism. Knowledge and Understanding 2.6 Examine impacts of cultural contact between indigenous and nonindigenous peoples. 2.7 Explore the foundations of historic globalization. 2.8 Explore the relationship between historic globalization and imperialism. 2.9 Examine multiple perspectives on the political, economic and social impacts of historical globalization and imperialism. 2.10 Examine imperialist policies and practices that affected indigenous peoples. 2.11Analyze contemporary global issues that have origins in policies and practices of post-colonial governments in Canada and other locations 2.12 Evaluate various attempts to address consequences of imperialist policies and practices on indigenous peoples in Canada and other locations. 2.13 Examine legacies of historical globalization and imperialism that continue to influence globalization. Strategies / Assessment Resources Journal Assigned Essay 1 (2 pages) due Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Quiz (Chapter 5 – 6) Essay 2 (2 pages) assigned Film study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Film Study(ies) Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Exploring Globalization Movie: “Gandhi” Notes Journal Due (Check) Quiz (Chapter 7 – 8) Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Test Exploring Globalization Video: “The Ghosts of Rwanda” Notes Exploring Globalization Notes Exploring Globalization Video: “Canada: A Peoples’ History, Vol. 1 and 2) Notes UNIT THREE: To what extent does globalization contribute to sustainable prosperity for all people? KEY OUTCOME: Students will assess economic, environmental and other contemporary impacts of globalization. Time Frame Key Concepts 1 Week (Chapter 9) Economic Globalization Reparations Communism Economic Depression Market Economy 1 Week (Chapter 10) Outsourcing Containerization Trade Liberalization Free Trade Consensus Sanctions Ecological Footprint Sustain Sustainability Stewardship Flag of Convenience Sustainable Prosperity Sustainable Development Knowledge Economy Privatization Global Climate Change 1 Week (Chapter 11) 1 Week (Chapter 12) Total: 4 – 5 Weeks Specific Outcomes Values and Attitudes 3.1 Recognize and appreciate alternative viewpoints that exist with respect to the relationships among politics, economics, the environment and globalization. 3.2 Recognize and appreciate impacts of globalization on the independent relationships among people, the economy and the environment. Knowledge and Understanding 3.3 Explore understandings of contemporary economic globalization. 3.4 Examine the foundations of contemporary globalization. 3.5 Analyze factors contributing to the expansion of globalization since WWII. 3.6 Analyze political and economic challenges and opportunities of globalization. 3.7 Explore multiple perspectives regarding the relationship among people, the land and globalization. 3.8 Evaluate actions and policies associated with globalization that impact the environment. 3.9 Analyze multiple perspectives on sustainability and prosperity in a globalizing world. Strategies / Assessment Resources Journal Assigned Essay 2 (2 pages) due Film Study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Quiz (Chapter 9 – 10) Essay 3 (2 pages) assigned Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Film Study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Journal Due (Check) Quiz (Chapter 11 – 12) Film Study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Test Exploring Globalization Video: “Life and Debt” Notes Exploring Globalization Notes Exploring Globalization Video: “Endangered Planet” Notes Exploring Globalization Video: “An Inconvenient Truth” Notes UNIT FOUR: To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization? KEY OUTCOME: Students will assess their role and responsibilities in a globalizing world. Time Frame Key Concepts 1 Week (Chapter 13) Basic Needs Inalienable Human Trafficking 1 Week (Chapter 14) Ingenuity Gap Gender Gap Labour Standards 1 Week (Chapter 15) Virtual Communities Boreal Forest Sovereignty Pandemic Civil Society Corporate Citizen Cross-cultural Communication Global Village Specific Outcomes Values and Attitudes 4.1 Recognize and appreciate the impact of globalization on the quality of life of individuals and communities. 4.2 Recognize and appreciate the importance of human rights in determining quality of life. 4.3 Accept political, social and environmental responsibilities associated with global citizenship. Knowledge and Understanding 1 Week (Chapter 16) 4.4 Explore various understandings of quality of life. 4.5 Analyze impacts of globalization on children and youth. 4.6 Analyze impacts of globalization on women. 4.7 Evaluate relationships between globalization and democratic human rights. 4.8 Analyze how globalization affects individuals and communities. Strategies / Assessment Resources Journal Assigned Essay 3 (2 pages) due Human Rights Project Film Study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Quiz (Chapter 13 – 14) Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Film Study Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Exploring Globalization Movie: “The Killing Fields” or Video: “No Human Rights” Notes Journal Due (Final Mark) Quiz (Chapter 15 – 16) Assignments: Assigned questions Art Work Packages Test Exploring Globalization Notes Exploring Globalization Notes Exploring Globalization Notes Total: 4 – 5 Weeks * Time frames are estimates. There are some units, particularly the unit containing the section on human rights, that may take two weeks.