CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future Creating Healthy and Sustainable Systems in Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change - Growing a Healthy Future A road map towards healthy and sustainable communities. This outline specific to Calaveras Unified School District (CUSD) Mission Develop networks of schools, community organizations, businesses and individuals that educate our children and community members for a sustainable and healthy future. Support and promote healthy and sustainable lifestyles in schools and communities by building and maintaining school and community gardens, implementing garden-based nutrition education, developing farm to school programs, promoting physical activity and teaching children and adults how to grow and prepare healthy food. Incorporate renewable energy, conservation of resources, participation, community service and positive life skills into the fabric of the school environment. Elements of a Healthy and Sustainable School Academics, Arts and Agriculture Buildings and Behavior Community, Climate and Computers Democracy (Leadership and Citizenship) Energy and Environment Fundamentals (Vocational Education) and Finances Gardens and Grounds CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. “Gardens to Grow in” project - A CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future Human Health - Nutrition and Physical Activity 1. School Gardens/Agriculture Programs 1. 2. School Based Community Gardens at each School Site i. Opportunity to include community members is a school based project 1. Parents who may not get involved other aspects of their child’s education may want to help on this type of project. ii. Designate space on campus for school and community gardens iii. Community members and school work together to maintain and use garden for food and a learning lab. iv. Existing Sites (Goal is to have gardens at all sites 6 ES, 1 MS, 1 HS) 1. Valley Springs Elementary School (5 years) a. Training site and demonstration Garden for all programs b. Yearly “Creating and Sustaining Your School Garden” workshop c. Autumn Hesser/Odile Morrison 2. West Point Elementary (8 years) a. Jim Casey, Katie Hood 3. Rail Road Flat Elementary a. Bev Eckland 4. Toyon Middle School a. Gardening and Landscaping Class b. Growing food for food service, home-ec cooking classes and students to take home. c. Potential Site for Community Farm and Farmers Market 5. Calaveras High School Master Garden in Every School (Autumn Hesser, Odile Morrison, Debbie Powell) i. Parent Master Gardeners (to support existing and future gardens) 1. School Parent Clubs Sponsor Parent Master Gardeners a. Pay for Master Garden Class ($180) b. Volunteer time done in school that sponsors ii. Help design and implement garden programs at each school site iii. Use Jr. Master Gardeners Program at sites iv. High School/ Middle School Master Gardener Apprentice Program 1. Work at Master Garden in San Andreas 2. Work with Ag Program at High School 3. Work with Middle School and Elementary Students 4. Students earn their master gardener status v. Promotes Master Garden program and brings more volunteers into the program to work in the community and in the schools. vi. Food used on campus and in community 1. Student Cooking/ food preparation programs 2. School Cafeteria (Salad Bars, Lunch Menu) 3. Students take home to families 4. Donations to Food Bank/ Local Pantries CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. A “Gardens to Grow in” project - CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. vii. Composting Programs Cross School Curriculum (Middle School teaching elementary etc.) i. Have students help teach younger students 1. High School – Middle School and Elementary 2. Middle Scho0l – Elementary -6th graders -younger High School Ag Program working with local producers (Jason Weatherby) i. Students work at local farms for school credit ii. Apprenticeships to train next generation of producers 1. Turn into potential jobs after graduating iii. Student time in exchange for reduced price farm/ranch product 1. Food used as part of the Farm to School Lunch Program District/County Farm (Full Circle Farm – Sunnyvale model) i. Develop a 5-15 acre farm that can produce food for 1. School lunch program 2. Farmers market/ Food bank/ Senior homes/ hospitals etc 3. CSA ii. Farmer works with FFA/High School Ag students and local volunteers to run the farm iii. Find ideal locations 1. Below Toyon a. Highly visible/connected to school b. Ties into football and soccer families c. Has water - (300 gpm well) d. Low Valley – Soil 2. Others locations open for discussion. 3. Purchase or donated land - possible long term use arrangement. Farmers Market – Soccer Saturdays (Built in clientele) i. Provide venue for school gardens/farm local producers to sell and promote their products ii. Saturday during soccer season at middle field (Old portable location) 1. 1000 + community members there for soccer each Saturday iii. Work with CalaverasGROWN (Sean Kriletich) , Mother Lode Harvest and (Michele Grondin) and UCCE (Dorothy Smith)) iv. Sell produce grown on campuses to raise money for gardens. v. High School Senior project (FFA?) to be market managers vi. Site based markets at each school site on Fridays to generate $ for gardens vii. Use school sites as a CSA distribution system - send food home with kids Food Bank Donations (Jeannie Hayward – Resource Connection) i. Work with students to take home food to families of our schools that are in need. ii. Donate extra produce to the food bank iii. Work with food bank to provide “energy bags” for students to take home 1. Schools are pick up points (CHS Model) iv. Educate students on the resources that are available for families in need. v. Encourage students to get their families to donate if they are able to help vi. CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. “Gardens to Grow in” project - A CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future 2. Nutrition Education 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Garden to plate cooking lessons – Teachers/parent volunteers (Kristi Hyllen) i. Lessons using the food grown in school garden. 1. Students prepare and eat the food they have grown 2. Learn Nutritional values of food 3. Develop taste and knowledge base to use the food they grow 4. Carry this knowledge back to families and community UC Cooperative Extension Lessons – Farm to Fork Curriculum (Dorothy Smith) i. Continue to utilize these resources at the elementary schools ii. Incorporate lessons and curriculum district wide Project EAT model - Alameda COE - Christine Boynton i. K-12 credentialed nutrition educators - filling the void Home Ec/Cooking Classes i. Bring back Home Economics and Cooking Electives 1. Focus on nutrition and cooking from locally grown products ii. Middle School 1. Food prep class (prepare food for salad bar and school lunches) 2. Cooking classes iii. High School 1. More involved classes preparing students for jobs in the nutrition and or food industry. Community Transformation Grant – Joan Mazzetti i. Address Sugary Beverage Policy/Habits Wellness Policy/Committee Development i. Mike Merrill (District Admin), Valerie Vasile (UCCE), Trish Baugus (DO Food Service Manger), Judy Mossa (Food Service), Kevin Hesser, (Teacher) Zerrall McDaniel (School Board), Dan Klement (Site Admin), Sabrina Gillette (Parent) ii. Revise Policy and Set district priorities for 2012/2013 1. Consistent and sequential nutrition education lessons K-6 2. Meeting 200 min in 10 days of Physical Education a priority for K-6 3. Educate community about Wellness Policy and create site committees Adult Nutrition/Cooking Education Classes – i. Kitchen Facility Grant (By football fields? MPR? Home Ec Room?) 1. Build a kitchen/classroom facility to be used for student and adult Education (Or use existing Home Ec facility at Toyon) a. Toyon – Parents are there for football/soccer i. Take class while child practices ii. Cook meal for the evening 2. Classes offered by different agencies - Utilize Toyon’s Existing Home Ec Facility (Demo Kitchen and 4 full kitchen stations) a. Jr. College (Delta/Columbia) i. Offer satellite courses to local adults and students ii. Day or evening classes b. UC Cooperative Education CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. A “Gardens to Grow in” project - CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future c. d. e. f. 3. Farm to School Program/Food Service 1. 2. 3. 4. 4. i. Extension Classes and Opportunities CUSD Community Groups Resource Connection Master Preservers Farm to school food program i. Food Service works with Local Farmers 1. Find local producers that can provide products to the district a. Availability b. Prices ii. Local products used for school lunch program. 1. Use these products as part of the school lunch program Student involvement in food preparation for district i. ROP-Food service program at high school? 1. Centralized kitchen that utilizes students to help prepare food for the school. (Possible multiple schools) 2. Program trains students to work in school food service or restaurant industry ii. Food Preparation course at middle School? 1. Students work with food service to help prepare meals a. Elective course b. Work with food service with teacher advisor? c. Help with basic food preparation for the day i. Chop food for salad bar/ meals ii. Make pasta etc. iii. One prep class (2nd period) one cooking class (3rd) Jr. College Program to train Food Service Directors/ Personnel on how to run a Farm to School Program i. Work directly with CUSD as part of their program 1. College students use CUSD as their training grounds a. Training to be food service directors or run restaurants that utilize the farm to school model. Schools with similar programs in place - good models a. Manteca Unified - Patty Page/Chef Bryan b. Santa Cruz Unified c. Friday Harbor (Washington State) d. School Food (Santa Barbara - Orfalea Foundation/SBCC) i. “Culinary Bootcamp” for food service workers Physical Education/Mental Well Being 1. 2. 3. Let’s Move/PE Classes/Physical/Recess Mile Club etc. Counseling/Intervention This section is under development CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. “Gardens to Grow in” project - A CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future 5. Energy and Environment - Resource Conservation Solar – Wind Power Partnership with PG&E - CPPA 1. Provide educational opportunities for students and community i. Kiosks, information boards around campus 1. Students research and create information boards a. Detailed information on each type of power source b. Environmental benefits (and drawbacks) of each source ii. Visible Panel Locations – Allows for educational and public relations opportunities 1. Parking Lots/Building Roofs 2. Provide shade for sports field bleachers iii. Computer programs monitoring production for science classes to use 1. Students can learn how the panels work under different conditions 2. Track Power output and chart information 3. Figure our costs of panels and power output a. Potential payback on investment iv. Demonstrations on wind, hydro and solar power productions. v. Installers, energy producers give presentations 1. Community classes and presentations to the students a. Producers/ Installers can have a venue to teach others about the trade and technology b. Students can have the opportunity to learn about the trade as a possible career choice 2. Key Partners and Individuals to work on Project i. PG&E (Chevron?) 1. Buy power from 3rd party funder 2. School District leases space to 3rd party ii. CPPA (Dennis Dickman) 1. Currently provides power to CUSD and other public agencies 2. Offers grants and money to customers for energy efficiency iii. Sierra Business Council (Timothy Dondero, Emily Williams) 1. Works with local businesses in the Sierra Foothills 2. Working towards energy efficiency and sustainability goals iv. Jep Peckler, Jim Pesout, Cynthia Przybyla, Autumn Hesser, Kevin Hesser 1. Have met to discuss above ideas Waste and Recycling Programs - Composting etc Water and Natural Resource Conservation Programs - EBMUD-Forestry etc Environmental Education/Energy Conservation Programs Stewardship Through Education Programs (Mary Ann Garamendi) LOGIC model - Manteca Unified - Green Summits SJRCC - Resource for recycling and other conservation More detailed ways to address these issues under development CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. A “Gardens to Grow in” project - CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future 6. Leadership and Community Involvement Opportunities for Students 1. 2. 3. 4. Student Leadership Teams i. Student Council ii. Safe School Ambassadors iii. School Activities/Clubs 1. Recycling 2. Gardening 3. Beautification 4. Peer Tutoring 5. Relay for Life 6. Club Live 7. Service Learning Peer teaching Opportunities i. Missing Links ii. Middle School – Elementary Opportunities 1. Garden/Nutrition 2. School work parties 3. Plays, band, science presentations etc. Collaborate with other Schools on-line Forums i. ii. Other garden based schools iii. Share ideas and bring back to their own Bring the students to the community i. Community Service/ Service Learning 1. Local Organizations 2. Nursing Homes 3. Volunteer for businesses 4. Volunteer - Community Service(CS) Corps a. Students can keep track of volunteers/ CS hours b. Raise awareness of volunteer/ CS i. What does it look like ii. What are the opportunities iii. How can the student help ii. Cooperative Education - Vocational internships in Community 1. Collaborate with local businesses/organizations to provide educational and training opportunities for high school and middle school students to work with specific educational goals. 2. Students get work/life experience and high school credit and businesses get to train the next generation to fill the needs in our community CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. “Gardens to Grow in” project - A CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future 7. Community Involvement in the Schools 1. 2. 3. Community/ parent Volunteers i. Community, State, National Partners 1. Parent Clubs 2. Calaveras Master Gardeners 3. UC Cooperative Education – Ag and Nutrition (Dorothy Smith) 4. Resource Connection – Food Bank (Jeannie Hayward) 5. Delta or Columbia Jr. College 6. 4-H, FFA, Youth Sports Leagues 7. Rotary/Lions Club 8. FoodCorps 9. Calaveras County Farm Bureau 10. UC Davis Children’s Garden ii. Bring in community leaders and businesses 1. Guest Speakers in Classrooms iii. Volunteer time, materials, money to school project Park/recreation area near sports fields. (Possible $100,000 LOWES grant?) i. Facility for community use (CYSL, Football etc) 1. Snack bar/bathrooms 2. Native plants garden 3. Picnic/gathering areas 4. Trees ii. Environmental/ Nature Center (Carmel Middle School) *Partnership with EBMUD? 1. Coordinate with Stewardship Through Education 2. Utilize drainage behind campus for science, local ecology lessons a. Work with rancher to use for educational purposes i. Hikes, nature studies/observations ii. Data collection etc. iii. Kitchen Facility Grant (By football fields? MPR? Home Ec Room?) 1. Build a kitchen/classroom facility to be used for student and adult Education a. Toyon – Parents are there for football/soccer i. Take class while child practices ii. Cook meal for the evening Farmers Market – Soccer Saturdays (Built in clientele) (Michele Grondin) i. Provide venue for local producers/school to sell and promote their products ii. Saturday during soccer season at middle field (Old portable location) 1. 1000 + community members there for soccer each Saturday iii. Work with CalaverasGROWN and UC Cooperative Extension etc CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. A “Gardens to Grow in” project - CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future 8. Buildings and Grounds 1. 2. 3. 9. Looking at the Health and Sustainability aspects of school buildings and grounds. Based on Green Schools Initiative - Berkeley This section under development Academics 1. 2. 3. Common Core Standards development Educational opportunities and focuses This section under development 10. Vocational Education 1. 2. 11. School Climate and Culture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 12. 15. Looking at the technology needs of the school district. (Ric Stitt) This section under development Arts 1. 2. 14. Character Education Safe School Ambassadors - Address Mistreatment and the po Choose Civility (CCOE - Kathy Northington) Professional Learning Communities (PLC) This section under development Technology 1. 2. 13. ROP and other programs to prepare students for the workforce This section under development Visual and Performing arts programs at all levels This section under development Transportation Funding/Grant Opportunities 1. Research and find opportunities to fund the projects i. Lowe’s $2000 - $20,000 1. $100,000 LOWES Grant ii. Captain Planet Foundation $2500 iii. - California School Garden Network iv. $1200 v. Mantis Rototiller vi. State Farm Youth Development ($100,000) asp vii. CTA – - $20,000 viii. 1. $10,000 P.E. Healthy Diet CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. “Gardens to Grow in” project - A CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future ix. x. Western Growers Foundation - $1500 Individual and Corporate Donors. 1. Bill Gates Foundation 2. Large Agriculture Producers Etc xi. Research additional Large/ Multi-year Grant Opportunities 1. Kellogg Foundation 2. USDA – Federal Grants 3. California Dept. of Agriculture/state grants 4. Others……. xii. Local Fundraisers 1. Sell Vegetables and plant starts. 2. Dinner/ Auction Etc xiii. Create a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation or partner with an existing one 1. Resource Connection 2. FoCuS 3. CUSD Educational Foundation 4. Blue Mountain Coalition 5. Calaveras Community Foundation 2. Work with multiple agencies to find common objectives 1. Reach more community members 2. Increase funding options and opportunities for combined ventures. 3. UCCE, Calaveras Coutny Health Dept. Etc 3. Look for Funding source to hire part-time (future full time) Garden/ Nutrition Coordinator i. Coordinate garden/ nutrition programs at all sites. 1. Work with Calaveras Master Gardeners to coordinate volunteer program 2. Help on site to teach garden lessons 3. Work on site to establish or expand current garden programs ii. Work with food service and local farmers to establish and facilitate farm to school programs 1. Put together partnerships with local growers etc. iii. Research and write grants to continue funding projects at all schools Action For Healthy Kids USDA Farm to School Grants CVS $5,000 Target Grants Rural School and Community Trust Home Depot Wal-Mart Multiple Opportunities List of Many Grant Opportunities***** Websites and Resources being used in the development of the CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. A “Gardens to Grow in” project - CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future CHASSIS Framework Sustainable Schools Project – Vermont Healthy School Environment - CA MN Pollution Control Agency - Healthy and Sustainable Schools – A Guide for Change Green Schools Initiative – Berkeley, CA Minnesota Dept. of Health Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative or Charleston County School District – Sustainable Schools Initiative Schools.php Madison Metropolitan School District – Sustainable Schools Initiative Sustainable Schools Collaborative – Oregon Palo Alto Sustainable Schools Initiative ative UK’s National Framework for Sustainable Schools – Eight Doorways Model poster.pdf Sustainable Schools National Framework (UK) International Schools Association – A Curriculum Framework K-12 UK’s National Framework for Sustainable Schools - Leaflet Sierra Youth Coalition – BC – High School Sustainability Assessment Framework Additional Resources for School Gardens, Nutrition Education and Farm to School: CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. “Gardens to Grow in” project - A CHASSIS – A Framework for Creating Healthy And Sustainable Systems In Schools Planting Seeds to Create Change – Growing a Healthy Future Collective Roots – East Palo Alto, CA School Garden Network of Sonoma – Sonoma County, CA School Food Initiative – School Gardens Program - Santa Barbara County, CA A partnership between the Orfalea Foundation and Santa Barbara Community College Center for Sustainability GROWINGGARDENS – Portland, OR Full Circle Farm – Sunnyvale, CA Project EAT – Alameda County Office of Education Life Lab – UC Santa Cruz, CA California School Garden Network UC Davis Children’s Garden - Occidental Arts and Ecology Center - Occidental, CA Healthy School Environment FoodCorps – National Silicon Valley HealthCorps - Kids Growing Strong - CA - CAFF – The Community Alliance with Family Farmers - Shelbourne Farms – Shelbourne, Vermont - Sustainable Schools Project – Vermont National Gardening Association - USDA – Team Nutrition CHASSIS - DRAFT OUTLINE for CUSD (Calaveras). Ongoing work in progress. Suggestions and input are welcome and encouraged. A “Gardens to Grow in” project -